HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-12-30, Page 1ire
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Is Printed 4. sew, Thum*,
Offios, Mor ' °satiric'''.
iY Book sod Jolt ezecuted with
seaters di.ystib.
Terme f''
SHILL'S Old pee d peed strictly is
**mace, or Twelve Sia Peace with,
the emrtrauow of the y I T
No paper discositan arrears are '
Old op, asks* the pubt it their
10 d• so -
As, lima wiamai mi. the conatebghecomiog '
______ for silt subricribers, tit re-
edise s wreath copy gratis• isdi
er All letters addressed to the - tor
Melt be past -paid. or they will out betakes
set of the pool axe.
Torus of Adoertiaing.-Blz lines ril4
wader, int isscrtios, 4:0 2 6
Each subsequent iesertioa, 0 0 7i
Tea bus and under, first Instr., 0
Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 10
Over tea liars, first in. per lief, 0 0 4
Each subsequent iosertios, 0 0 1
er A liberal discount made to those wbo
advertise by the year.
• 1
IN •10
ei A N b. consulted •t all. hearth 'at
11-1•Me Le'Tii•o's !hardily' iiintioe.
GroleVich. April !Silt. 1852. •5 Old am ( too, and grey -haired sow-dmort•
(formerly Ike Rritiak Hotel.)
.1 and Moor,
IRA LEWIS, 1 And all 01 those 1 once cook' call my friends
BaRRISTER, SOLICITOR, ii.e. Weil, 1 aloe! sie gone!
street, tioderich. Yet •11 •t nodights stilly hour, is solituric'•
Jump 11348.avn25 , r•trest,
._- - With Hell one in Mr silent tomb, 1 bold
DANIEL GORDON. cJanialUitioll att•Ilt•
r(SABINET MAKER. Three (loofa Fs" e ' OLE hatters! brirs is one -the hand is on its
1-' the Caoads Corapasy's oaks, West-
tatreat.(104eriCh. ! Ab! that ws• from a broths, yowl ha Haw
. 21,630 1 far foreign piece;
Aoatist 11'7th. 1849.
Sailor boy. heloved by all, frank, open-,
DANIEL 110111e. 1.17.A118, ATTORNEY AT 1. A W, and Conveyors- 1. Cold" icaurusj. li
ldsredr=orie is Ms met heseath
'CIL. cer, Solicitor in Chancery, Ise. hu boil the Atlantic wave.
office as formerly in Stratford. I
Strathard, 2nd Jae. )S5o. Insist) Author, "tensed with dark red imote, as
clasped or Moody Hada,
J. DENISON, Was foetid beneath a tatber's sorts on dread
Coroona's undo:
A strooger hand with kmdly care eeeee yed
tho «hedger.
014 lei tiir p! y • ar• pricelese! ye bate cost a
widow's tears!
NOTARY PUBLIC, Cereasureieeer Q.B.,
1 and Convelapeer. *Watford.
Ow lettere' oh, then spare thess-they aro
teeir.s for their age.
1 leven-ob, boy, 1 Io.$ to aim such y•lloes
t isirstaised peso!
They trill of joys that are now DO 1SOf6, Of
boors lea Meg bays fled!
Old lettere! obi Hem .p'• them -they Of,
sacred (biUSSi
They tell of times. of lie.ks. Same is yews
long, tong gone by,
Of doer ones who hove ceased
In the memory.
They picture many a bright, bright Intoott,
in many days of yore -
014 letters! oh then spare them. for they
•r• a pricelefs store!
ing thisby the nver. But I Aunt sot at-
tempt it with a sleigh.
Oa we speed! that fearful pack seek and
seek with es, sod every wow and thee their
jaws halting hie steel traps clooe to our
persons. °ace &mud that &.r, and 1
hoped. .
How stalk I shouted to the stable brute!
We seared the tars in that race for life.
Heaves I the isfroal duds had etomed
abead and s. A &moo
instioct does.
wolves seemed
, for they howl-
as ever bleened away from the insay
Aad se I watched the smoke, sod Li
u I winched the river, eatd the mere
threw dome its heiretifel pathway ti ari-
sing siker, aed fistula fee the used •
familiar footsteps.
Acres* the neer was the hems ef Carry
Nra. Before the mellow base of autumn
bad dropped has dreary ids es led earl
stream, Iklied earned to love her, mod to
tel her so the AA moostlight of that
swept through EV
little for that. The scow tell thick sod
fast, but our cabins were bright, and our
hearts were alive with happiness aad hove.
When the Spring opened, and the birds re-
turned we were to be married.
A winter cresting party in a new coos -
try. Did you ever attehd one, readerl-
There are hearts and ape
hearts tbere to
b. found. ,
Carry aod I were United to attend the
party; a nide jumper bad been built, anal is
this we stared. Ten miles were FOOff
passed, sad we loud ourselves in as merry
and happy a throe' as ever gathered os •
frostier. The bugs fire crackled os the
wide hearth, and oid fashiosed fee sad
frolic rang out until a late boar.
The 1110041 had gone down when we star-
ted for borne, sod the scow Imps to fan ;
but we heeded it not for we talked fast as
the horse aped coo the forest path.
Carry grasped my arm asd whispered,
hist! 'The winds shrieked over the tops of
the dark pines, and 1 laughed at her fears.
But she nestled closer to my aide aad talk-
ed with less glee. In apile of all my ef-
forts, a shadow would creep over nay ono
he rood wound among a dense growth
01. pines, which shot upwards and veiled even
the sky from our path. 'Dm old pines
swayed sad moaned in the iscreasiag
storm, and the snow fen hist aad thickly. I
touched the horse with the whip awl be
moved briskly through the woods. Again
Carry grasped my arm. I beard 'wilting
save the storm, and yet I win startled as
the horse gave a quick soort aod struck in-
to a gallop. With a heart full of happi-
ness, I had sot yet dreamed of daager.
Agent the horse soorted to alarm. There
was a owed above tbe storm. I felt my
cheek grow white and cnkl,and the blood
no quick back to toy heart.
Clear, wild, terrible, it buret out in an
uaearthly bowl, like a wail from the world
of incarnate fieads. I beard it. Its dis-
mal, heart chilling echoes had not died
away on the dorm when it was answered
by a score of throats.
Merciful God' a pack of wolves were
around us. Is those dark woods at sight,
and the storm bowing overhead, a score of
boogry throats were yelling each other os
to tbe feast.
For a moment my seams reeled. Bst 1
felt Carry leaning heavily oa my shoulder
aad I aroused.
But what hope was there! I hod so
'amino°, and the maddened devils were us
tbe path before and behind us. There was
but ooe chance, sod that was to posh
This was a dim chalice, sod I grew sick
u I thought of Carry. Tik quiet cabin
and tbe happy hearth of bogie flashed sWift-
ly through nay brain.
At that rowel a dark shadow glided ap
by the side of our sleigh mid so wild sad
devilish a"yell I sever beard. My flesh
crept oe my bones. A. cold shedder ran
to my heart aol crept over my bead as
Omagh the hairs were stand:mg' en 61111. -
Two min glared out like &saga_ lights,
i*d I could hear the pasting of the eager
Finally grasping the rents sad sheeted
sharply to the horse, we shot away.
'The horse nutted so scrag. At the
set that infernal chorus again hare( mit le
carseat aad their dark forms leaped lab
sagthened atridose• eitiser wok of us. y
speed wart fearful and yet the !el
kept pace. Tursiog to speak; to Garry, I
saw a dark form leap isto the'beth, mid as
we sped aibeed, bis teeth sabistillritli a *ice
Ince sup, tonna( Carry a *tripping her
thud to her shoddors. she
elan to Mo, sad with mles I saved her
frees Ming dragged oseddlisr nut.
I brass istadhseed -reckless; I slamst-
fol to thie bores, raw residua; with foam. --
W• west on at a fitirlblesta. The stomps
and roots tad sortri. places is Um rood
threalosed everyeamftst te wrack oeir
CIVIL EN ILI I N E F.114. arc.
Aug. 15rb, 1£52. M1•31
more develi*
With a mir
of me. The
roots of a pine,heid
like a dash, burying us '
Away sped. lao
as 1 hes
wards home.
Ti. mmlileared rick bad followed the
Isorsjsadd shot by us es we were throws ou
logs tbe bank, for a number of rods. -
A shriek from Carry arrested them in their
eateet ; ia aa isstast they were upon tbs.-
( gave are long desperate shout to arouse
that folks in the cabins. I bad no time to
sheet app. Their hot breath bursted ep-
os me, aelt•eheir dark masses gathered
amoeba like shadows of doom. With •
limb I wildly' kept them at bay for a mo-
ment, but fiercer and closer surged time
gushing teeth. Carry lay insensthle es
the ground before init. 'There was no
more chance. A stoat ed pine grew upon
the Ottter edge of the bank, and shot out
'early borrisontally over the riser below
NB a buisdred leet from the irurface.
Dashieg madly is their teeth with my
cudgel, I yelled with the winniag esergy
of despair, grasped Carry with tole arm,
aad dashed recklessly out upon the piss. -
I thought not of the danger, I cared sot.
I brayed oar: danger to escape a greater
I readied the brauchea ; I breathed freer u
heard the growl of the baffled party.
I Sartori my lice& mid God of mercy!
a lag simelow was gliding aloog oo the
trunk of our last refuge. Carry was help-
less, and it required all the streagth is -
tense despair to bold her aad remain upon
the slippery truok. I turned to face the
wolf -be was within reach of my arm -I
struck with my fist and again thou fearful
jaws dint with a soap, as my laud brushed
Isis bead. With a dentootac growl he fas-
weed upos the abouider of Carry, !
for help--fot a weapons -for a foothold os
earth where I could kava grappled the
I heard the long fangs enamel' into the
Gest, and tbe smothered breatbiug as th
wolf continued to make sure of bis bold !
Ota it was horrible 1 I beat bum over the
bead, but be only deigned a mooching
growl, I yelled, wept, cirsed, prayed, but
the hoogry devil eared uot for curses or
prayers. companions were stil! whisk-
ing and bowliag, adventuring out upon the
rat. I almost wished the tree would give
Anothsr-know I not that band/ Olt! she
was bright and fair;
Too pure, too gentle, sod too good, for am
gels long to spare
. • 'Y ILLIA111- REED. Hof In 11410 earth of grief and woew
;«.111101.1SE AND SIGN PAINTER, WI. Death thou roight'st ba •ain:
2.-+ I..goltheves-sireet,Gerleesdb. . ; Thou bast not 'rich souther flower is all
-tie rosor-66, 1649. .11oBB ,by dark dme«.
HURON HOTEL., OM ye ars sow tho only links that brad us
Ity .1 AMES .G EN TLE, Goderirb.--- ; 1. the Pall'
‘1,C9.1,0 14,IIl1efe aloe,. un bard. i Seirel. sweet menionsts of the lays too
' 4 ,..l( tni Mope. 11. 1 LSO. so-noo l happy fo, to lard;
..1 - -"----- - -- - I Th. year -drop MIs igloo dee eye which tears
Old lotion! ye are precious! ye an sacred so
Ii.rrister .01 Anorak", at LAW, tfro \ the dead!
0. esaicu C. W.
I WIN STINACil AN Bernal., and Atter-
"' ne• at Law, Notary tPublic and Convey-
I.ERANDER WOOD STK ACH AN, ' se l• Ii• lt• lialLOT.
4At1oreay at Law, SOIICItuf IS Chaos --
cery. Coeveyeeeer. k Beant,fol Mowers, your bloom is bright,
Giekrieti, 17th Nomsiabor, MAI. When vet y• 3.1( 15 your own pure OgItt;
..., ! le rob, the (oriel ye dock the Ostler
WILLIAM. ITO DGIINrc,„ - 1 Ye .,it, se the imabisam, and purple Gm
k 41V111. ENGIN LER'
Y. ' il • tie; I
Y phrase the Hinge, attract he eager
°ffire "t Ihneda° Strtelt, ' tilted tutor streets o'er ruts, arid your
LONDON. C. Ir.. • t charms o`er age;
*eves sach lima.%btu i Ya .a1"
od 37 5)1, yet yo will not stay:
- - - ---- ----------- I Wherefore so pees dr, y• perish away,'
[Aforect-sqsare, Gddericti.1 Beautiful 3osoirs.••11, tell roe now,
AGENT for that Primiaci•I DI wool sod Under 13.loaves of the mulberry Mow;
Creeersl lemarance Offielf• 1w'mat0,-- Or, if sot there, let an asevimr come
Alas Agent foc the Ht. Lawrence Coast! with, tuo Outdating He, aa be hasteth
l, Oirdeseborg, New York. Local
Agent for Samuel Id ontroon's OM Rochoratta. Or ----------- to *3. rr•grent pie,
Imo the clearisg iiad argued the peers •
home. Ta, empty sad bream ling\
a brief story. The hoot% • the
arose oe the Mast, ma «Mb goso omi(
old boom dog they noshed te the Wee.
They feud me imaseleer epee the treat
covered with hived, sad the wolf feeling
tis way os the icy bream& towards me- lo
thrums al the asesti aiktheir aporoach, he
dipped doss the kw.
Our people looked Im for Cary Ma-
soa but did so* fired berletal seat moraisg.
They dos weal dove ea tin ice and fraud
her corpse- 'flut wolves hod not picked
ber crushed bones. I Omsk God for that.
The fall had partially broken the ice, arid
the oozing water hail hours and fastened
her long black Imo as it had fluted eat.
The wolf had not released ins death grasp,
and his teeetb were buried in her white
turned is spite
rock high oat tie
gh swung
the new slow. -
ad my heart auk
toteps dying rat to -
a moo us Teo rasa. -
Bee 111•TC441111•••-•alr.
inst a bad pato ta simemeb the taboo
Digit sod 101 .01 id bed to hulk for Ma
Mat /rope. From Oa isseal plate be Wok
up what he supposed 1. bit ruw of mat,
He, and, map after soother, bto saapowi
it we withoot effect. and so be thew does
the last Mt ¶s.• vest to Ma vexation by
eaetaisomE. Daag it, tlesam amieties
wo dt go. 114 wife null C•00 to lie SS
sis• mace, sod epos the other earl of Oa
inautal piece formal wane ouitekeo, sod
hating obt•iaird a light, the On« object
that mei the •arithi•lied eyes of both orso
the bead M her best toritiossrantli
with Hwy tooth boohoo out lad thrown
opus the floor As His Bos dead looking
.shaet at the destruction 'weld by lito
owe misguided heels. Mr B. cast a ftl
I), ...Mario eases at Mtn sod retired to ear
161.1 Without uttoring a ay table.-Poirt.
et Orel* t=e=t4 irm
was mititt pereeme *he OM ,
dad et e te thgo moomp14 o
.or rotrilloom rowdies' Mal au* ea
woo woke Stor Ina at the I. Illeftch
proud tete6y esseerim.
Moho she pest Ms ye, Die bey 31,
.riest so a made egrets bee reterreed 3
ilts• pt000 (1 oloodono Orem bus eletteesea
Use he wee males hem hes hams tic pa.
trot the Chippewa indians who were
then hunting re tht• put el okt• IWO sod
d ims seam days easenalsions, plume MS
at sight is hollow k•gs, took bass Waal.
boa teadiegiblolo ether a pony with oftwitett
w istootly he woo eras geld tho Baca. r.
fon* fiadaso Noose googol .1114 has melded
to Ow prooloa tows. boa to two «&if
to • daegter este .113. .8.,4l.
Domed' the knortima ease that be haa
rmeteee smug the ladmas lo• boo bow
1.15117 igesteat sof p:see .1 his liallrh.
ty, 004 ho• testy sacertstood it durtsg she
toot year- Al wows 11 be ded itiorwon• it,
MS come es hero 51 mice to He Ms pares«
ems sof whoa- snotaer-bs 11•4• to b•
do••••••1, sail his know to lars limn near
Dairen. waa Swoosh hose, it emu«,
• year mace, sod "topped its our •ill•go,
Mar wars at tbat toms wholly ignorant ot
th• tart raf the roust'', ir,ne which 14 was
melee. A &Ste woo, • phyrocian among
the Star IOW, eettles to hams Halo nos
OM a ON Woot•r• WNW, trams. Bob- r•,
Boa 11 AAAAA c-roas.-Tne quantity ef
.13 aeoriall nearonsoll reitomo and bal.
tool« 15 ou groat. that It tonally am•sitelis
iag bow «mos and mulberry tresse .hep up
lib. supply. Asc./ding to the Pori' Re -
•j thom are, i• am loos Siam
*30,000 looms for srik, "rhos\ the
duct...p..01 •aloe i• %Moo hoos.red
em. pot Th. fabrics of L,uos yield
.boot or swirly tws thirds of Sias DOS
moiety of tho oboe •apocied, three..
hitt« of the export@ from Lyme"; %a. United
:.-liatori mason« ob. greater part Competi
ion la formidable abroad, sercially is Onset
Brit- to •od thruway; but it was oclosow-
lodged at the Dram Eahilititos that Lyons
rosiosiod pormioirsee demos sail toisamo.
Tits oossory thousand looms rif Lyrae H-
oop, 115 thousand tashvolealet sod half of
them ars diaperooll over a radios of from
21) to IA leagcos; the others are is the H-
iroo .1 13. city. Team aro three ban -
41.d maaufacturiag firms, earibramag from
our huedred tiny to Oro hashed assamr.
The average estemg of the operative ie
thirty cams per day .--Scissi(Bc doseries*.
'rbe spring sunshine aod birds, sad groes
leaves had come again, as I tottered out.
My sisters led me to a grave os the river's
bank -the grave of all my youthful hopes
and all that 1 loved. Tbc Bowen
were already starting oa the mould. I
blessed them for they were biomes' over
the grave of Carry.
"Saint Agatha I eat Hen out of the silty
tie« streamer 1"
"No ; Joao& said ha eould'et ogre/ it."
"My dear ianoceat Abigail ! Mr.
Janos smokes bra forty -mai cigars a day
a• Donal, don't hio t"
"Well : he rides horseback every mor -
nine 1"
"Well ; be plays Milliards, and taken
his sherry and bock, and all that sort o'
thing lows town, don't ha r
tWell; pat that and togetker! jest to
Smith told me-conldn't afford it.' 1 ddn't
dispute one point. It was too mach
trouble. I smiled joss as sweetly at him
as if I did'ot know it was .11 a humbug ;
tint 1 very mom ly went to my boudoir
rind despatched a ont• to that jewel of a
doetor.----, saying 0.11 shoold he tak-
en violently ill shout the ton•Stntth came
Mona to dinner, and should's% probably
vireo' my till after a trip to Saratoga ar.
Nisfara or reale of the*i quiet places.
Will, ho is as Mao as a Brier ; and
whea Smith sent for hire, ha earns in sail
found me to • . ate off preordained enfants
led in the hands of my maid Liiiby. He
felt my pulse, looked wild and oracrilar. and
paid 1 'Inst hare instant change of air"
Of cou•ore 1 ohketad ; declared 1 never
could boy. 1. 3. mover, ; wart Tots orittre-
ly run down, kt. Doctor said -h• lirout401
be answerable for th• couirevencso."--
and jInolly to oblige .Vr. Sneak 1 gave
in ! Uodarstead ! Nothing lik• a Otte
diplomacy. Also Always moo Ike cheek
rein ! my dear, ifjou want 10 star Joists
off in a sew dtree•ina• Mon are a halo
contrary, that's all. They'd la perfect
treasures every mother'• son of them. if
it wasu't for AM-- New York Maen-
Nursery. July 1850. vapor :spa for a balmy tale;-
ed of the secret, sad haa but recently •or
parted it to boo.
Chubb now resided near Ste source of
the 114t6110111r1, 1.114 has be. owe so "'starlit 1
to ter Indian mode of life aat h.a no
idea of reaseintag arodog his whits kinsmen •
He say• there •ow anioag tbra same
tries Iwo whit* girls, mid two or taros
mho, boys. Il• l45 ritessmilly bus en-
g aged to ts• Iodise fighiwas4 tho "norm
▪ Ms eremitism' hos Homo, what •equain-
sal with Om Morn -mos «born he describ-
e d as a rascally set, wahs Moral (ruin other
whim seol, aod chats it the ladiaa••
Titers is sonosibiag remarkable to white
verarsos berconileg those satn11141 to
/*stoma et the 'oda*" by living among
them, but be it is alsrays•-sddriara
'nay -Mower.
--------- i Houk! hark! I hear Irmo the roseate bower",
TFil.A. NAm
ARI110,6ABTAILOR. one debt 1
Weet ei W. K. Grove's Stem West
Strut Gontoeli. 1
PA, 14, 16611. vb-ed
The hoed voice of ID. "Queen of Flow-
__ -
Agent Air Oindatio Morisse 4- Fere in-
"Mine is the realms of II« fair sod free.
Fragreace and beauty worm rnad• for me;
But light -heeled nymphs hare usurped my
in my Sowers of light;
sAO fairies rifle an510 Hoireiiist Bosom
INSItlitANCE effected on Ilmorm, Ship -
1 sod Goode.
Mikado of Deeds correctly drown, and
leaks mad Acitorma •djasted. 1 -
01Bea over the Treasury, Gwearich.
Ail busy themirelyee
Of their mellewsst hue* and their ripest
And tis., through the emotion wreck
they've ii ads,
the brifht•st of hiciseoras that Hoarse
'sly 22, 1662. 'bole
viimroxik IE/07,2,3 of the countries of central New York.-
WIEST STREET, flODERICH, 2 All that Was wilderuss, wild, grand, heart -
Ourrie• Too incr.-A green, good nee
tared, gooney -making, up-couotry Joostbse
who said everything drily, got Otago fixed,
aed "truck op bargain fur isiatronuay.-
Having so parr icislar regard fur spourasces,
the parties agreed to employ • greens SOO1.
try ittatiee to put up the tockhng. Ile
commenced the ceremony by reioarking,
tbat "'twig customary, OD DUCA *CVOs! one,
to comoses wit" prayer, but he behoved
*list he would omit tat." After tong
tbe toot, he said tot was costomary to giv•
tis mimed WOO* some adcee, but 8. N-
imrod be would omit t tat: it was cuatowary
tu kiwi the Moto, bet be believed be- would
ot0s. that also." The coranooy Wong sad.
sid, Jonathan took th• squint by the Mattes -
hole, and claming hum tipper to woos,
r•Sqntre, it's customary t• 0.. the Magill.
trate five dollars -35 kliegs rti omit
ss As it Moms
CORING BA4:06.--A11110011 Se this moat if
salted for your testa which will generally
3. is about Gee weeks take It Out,04
•sy of IMO Weis coveted with hrtaa
let it dram a little. Theo tate good al3)111.peeper fligily grouted, a•J dust oir lb. limit
ode sad ow_tiarbock end, as mods so
will Mick; teas Ming it up os a goad, emsJry.
Jry, airy pace •11 1311 is dose SO it
111t0t11.1 . you will have no farther trouble
with it, for by th fie time to the opting
MK boccie 111 BO 1••11 cured or dried th•
outside, list aim or bugs viol not disturb
TH above is taken from the Naskoillo
Irma, and we speak confidently of its mer-
its Oath fur bacon and beef hose. The
remiss m sot sew, however, sad if some
vowel cloves sod carouse poo!! 3.psad-
dad, so much the better.
Some western villain has concocted the
following ••con:"
Why 11I11 certain yotingt labels of the
present day like the fort:ire hope uf a be-
sieging army%
Because tney are about to throw them,
selves unto this breaches.
CrOVCriftlilltNT EXPC115611.--,Ite4Ordiag
to the statement of a Waskagtos ktter
writer, the estimates of the 'Treasury De-
partment of tbe eipeases of the nest fiscal
year were to lava been seat to Coogress
ma Monday, and the Animal Report 01 13.
Secretary is espected to be finished this
week. The actual expense of carryiag ott
the Government is about thirty-five mil-
lions anoually, 01 which more than tee mil-
lions are required for the new acquisitions.
Strike Oregon, Conforms, mid New Meat -
co front the Budget, and less than twenty.
five millions per anemia would over the
cost. Our opponent* have /litigate stooges
for the last four years,on the aggregate es-
pendttures, taking care to conceal the eo-
Various and indisputable facts, tit.t tHir leo
gacies of debt and delicieney swelled oat
the demands upon the 'Treasury annuany.
'They will go into power after the fourth of
March, and then the country still be better
able to estimate the siacenty of professions
which were made under a different coadi-
tion of things. We shall see «beater they
will fall below or go beyond thrty-five mils
hops a y ear .-Palnot and Journal.
-- --- Forty year age my father settled is owe
(Near *he Mafiosi Sesare,) tif'al. We located 15 miles from the far-
BY "r"R". JOHN & ROBT. DONOGH• lists% pioneer. 'Ilte woods were arcniod as,
N.71 es isticsri•• Heider at all times, to take the "'II trees sed tile PactureKlue ts"."
17_000 Aesmasseisomm fel Tesmatera, mid
chart" frf Thy«. •
WASHINGTON • cabin of that good old time affor&d us
Fliritleri killtdal Insurance Co.,'. shelter. It looked new and comfortable,
CAPITAL $1,000,000. .1 mai its chimney smote curled gracefully op
10._ZILA IlLITKINS, Hamilton, Arlo. (6!' sad vanished with the slutdows of the forest.
inanAstrepeteorraeisavid. Waterloo sad Boron. , The blackeried heaps smoked sad crackled,
11'16 ! and deep io the wild woods solitodes the
MIL. JOHN MACARA. - \ wilderness smiled is the presence of yellow
llidift&ISTEL, Solienor to Cosseer7,1 harvests. A happy home was there. The
Alt. rimy -et -Lew, oe.,,,,„,,,.. ke. birds !sag at early mont, hod the deep river
jowls*. 04•See,a.:0.roffeterto Buidisin, Ring -fit. nem the door marooned sweetly at night -
Book. owl the B••k of aai I. tl irk rie is the
Scrub Iderth Ameries. 11a1111.706. 4 10 i '"'"• 'here "re gen e sPe 111
. 1, old toms as they bowed their IWO& 10 tint
OlVd11161::.e44:71.1i:10441;11BILRAI":3.8.4. wPreiltkinCTII•11 1.464 WYnntil"Lteril b°0:7::::tear:abrwated this" ffr":"11 "lithe
Ard 110, Mt . .4.11 pore fruit tile bud of God. 'The mid
flowers bloomed eves t• the very door sill,
• to the forge to pee
Oodevieb. Deo. 3. 18410.
43 -If
We bad opeoed a space is the forest, and
The wolf still kept his hold os Carry.
Nose can dream how the blood hissed and
swept through my knotted veins. At last
the brute, hungry for his prey, gave a
wresch and neatly threw me from the roe.
Carry was helpless and iseelasible. Even
the crousebiag teeth of the molester did
not awakes her from Da deatk "woos lot°
which she had fallen.
Burrito. -Irish Batter 3.. 5155 imported
into Nevi Torii. Is cost -queue of the premet
esteeasivo We* of ahs article in that ma
ket; namely, from 31 to 31 coots ter la. -
Th. Irish butter to Hid (0 35 retrial to Ow
best Ateerie..11, and can be Hid rat re cants
per lb. The coming of New York viol
hardly butter bothi tidos of their bread this
Losomarr.--In 1491. a carp of prodr-
mot size wro caught to • fishpond of sum
but woh a rag of copper stied t• it, oo
which were sup Hod these «wham Latin:
I via tbs first Mri that alas pet IS this posed
by the hands of Frederick, 2•1, Governor
ar tho world, 5th Oct., 11311. The fish
must bare Wed eV years.
The Snell:ilk Antrim% says ; -"All
the new- Moises which have hero Ith't
New Y••rk «weedy, 3••• what are termed
fiat roofs The root is nesrly level, and all
nitspeaked roofs ars fast d.sappoariug,
'fowler how they mrsr came iota um. The
inventor of then* must have been a men
1011of comical Seas. The flat roofs aro
covered «oh tin. and well psated• If •
fire tales DI.e• in a Middles it is easy to
walk and work ort the fiat roof, so as to
command the firs if it bra 15 leo adjacent
builibiig this cannot ta dorm on prinked
roofs- Flat roof" are cheaper, and niers
convenient io Harr rupee,. W• advise
ill that intend to build Dew houses to bays
fiat tomfa upon theta. 11 1. far better to
nays • fimh story al the top of ter toddies
than a peaked cramped up g eeeee "'Mob is
only comforiahlo for traveling os the
hands and keen.
A.otber wreath was and. by the won
aad Carry's waist slipped from my aching
grasp, trivia; WS bat the hold upon for
skirt of her dress. 'The incarnate der,'
Ind not released his bold, bet as if aware
.1 13. auger beseatb, retained his 3n44 00
Use shoulder of Carry. The end bad come!
Mr. brain ,.4.d ! -T3. long body of the
hung down like a dark shadow into the
fast wearing oat toy rein:ageing
Ii'gth. The blood gashed windy from
cry noatrdla, and lights flashed across my
eye balls. The over lased muscles of the
band wo,ld relas, and ao instantly dose
convulsion upon the eluding sktrt. I hoard
a teanng of stitches. 'Phe black wolf
writhed and wroricited as if to deepen the
bold. A sharp crackling mingled with the
honsivring noises in my Hadand the dress
parted at the waist. 1 shrieked an 1 beard
the sweeping wand of the fall Of the Meek
devil arid victim. As they Jost doles is
the darkness 1 heard something like bay of
the old house dog aad the firing of
bid loosed oo more.
Weeks mod unrolls passed away before
the karts! Salamis lush me. 1 retread
to ecreaciososom la my father's eabin, as
emaciated creator.. ,u helpless es a ebild.
My fossils liael pared away, Hit 1 was pre-
maturly old. raves Mack locks of
▪ limey years had dotard to the silvery
seas of KC Look at this arm that elm;
1101FAIrry ! b" withered, I have never
earn. II since that sight. In my chrome
is that fearful ogle, and awake
with the cold clammy sweat that
rilarol ore rnr srlite on that pore.
treteeng of the bores as lie Moiled
%war S TAVERN, lueslee Reed.
May Mit. *MS
JAMBS ‘60060S•
AUCTIONSIM4 le revived is Mei
allopre Man is soy pin ef the petted
A effNietwo UMW
villaslISS, se.mid
-esTlIVVIS 110E111AMAN. TAO'ILOS•thu
S. Gara/roes Stem
otealrea. eiotheo so&
he toot. I watehed the emelre frets the epee
refit** Com es the
sties- ,f 30.5
VIM wait &We mei feed,
‘4•41 to30.501fer the out weelrieg. Net It wee
SWAN aim therel cur
sot the Weak, I flifffs4 On lerlirS Shoot, 1 ma -
"I* y bops Ebel it 1.514wriertle Rem the
sod the beer o
leo the smoke of the .350.7top,
Voss • besetifid 1.osay is the wildterups,
ligvieg brew& es eeid
ledreere. 'Twee
vast day white a settler egad owl
porelsood lea users the nein..
Wary -Ho re-
ceived • wens weieeme fru. et
Iteerm,ot ley tool,
el pitoosor
toad., r000forMIA. log oolgo pooped ea
woollosa of oppoito
A runaway slave from a Georgia plant-
er, recently returned to his master • weal-
thy man! The master was )orerty strict -
es and fdt very nice when the negro's un-
bounded gratitude presented hint $10,000
tor his freedom papers.
SowIlo Macs, IL -The &tontines A-
merican states, that since it• first notice of
Ole sewing macho« of E. B. Bows, of
Mau., that piper has direr:rose ore** d,1
titrent sewing machines. Among diens
,i the machine of A. B. Wilson, whtels larr
naa since brought to great perfection sod
bas two American patents and nee made ar.
raogements to get it patented la th• prim
rip« kingdom. of Europe The So...tits
America.' rays, "Wiloors's Mschine 15, 111
•10, opusion, • great trititoph el mericH
pious It m ao larger Ho a Ho% strisll
work-Iiii, very portable sad consiinteat
vro has • ones fins shirthoromo 554
collars stitched br 11, is • more perfoot
mimeo, thee we Hire 11111ef dn.* 3*
nand work. Thera are now we bellowa.
alsoui 500 machines in aperitif's, •nd or -
Miro •searol the SUpply. • • •
TRNNICNIXitIS Loss. -The total loss of
property by fires to California during the
past three years, Is estimated at silty -sit •
minions of dollars. 'Ibis at should be oloi
served, is tbe California estiatste; and to
arrive at the actual loss, s large dedoction
must be made. Probably thirty millions
woad cover tbe destruction of property.
But this is more that) bas b destroyed by
fire io all the relit of the Crated Stilts &r-
ing the lad ten yesis.-Patriot arid Jay -
A new aid simple method of protecting
sub -marine electiical conductors has past
been Madded lay Mr. T. Allan, of Edits -
burgh. Tad el terior protectiag iron wires
are placed loagitudinally, instead ot !Orally
as is dose is the Dover and Celia rope, and
yot are quite Beside. By Oats meana, about
tom half the quality ol protecting wires
will give • greater %runty arieort • loop-
todioal dram tr,ot Die copper cordoctore
C55 be attatoed when the wines pass
spirally resod then). The r,114,t00, ie
leas costly than the former ose•
IT'S ILL WIRD Vila? stows Nosou
G000 --Mr. natio Murrill states, in the
Bangsr (Mile) Wkig, that a Miriam sop -
p004 to 3i attired to toot which bus intim-
ted the 'Weirs crop has attested the thistle
and the mulles (bo(h sersous pests to the
farmer) to tuna 115 Oaten% as to such ito
Wont H to 'unseats th• tanner is that
porton uf the Slaw. So far as he has oir-
*erred, rase has Heaped tbis year..
Dasutons moo Ttill Lola or • Hosa•oo.-
At the Elinborgh Jon, Couit. seemed divi-
sion. 011 WO41.8,117 •11i Mrs Janet Intsmile
of gui,s, (wanted a verdict of 4100 fier
hermit1 and of £200 for Mar children, as
irompimastion of Ilie death of ear bueband
wits heal boos kills4 in in • rt oi the Bars
torr'• trill C •topsay , • t Dykenlieed.
owing to the uses« coroiitio• rrf orico pat
in wii•ch the erscessed mos engaged as
erbium, or mom er drawer.
Hews was thile melee Must. (*1 3.
a wear! te give lee Woe.
Aa the road stay the neer lost, tt
toroo4 shortly almost .114101 brisk ef
fearful preeipiro. litre .11t deer*
It was a &Guilt piece, aad dog" was est
arty deer? td wriasidag, bet Mimi hulled
late the riser.
nerve was a pith atoms t
the tied whore Wogs hod levee
It wee a ado were, timis woe to OA Aar-
°. 110.014O *loot dorolt as
• • • • •
T3. *ow leg
noachisre is hot el the threeknld nf Ito 'arrow:
rt io but portially known sod •ppited in rive
toiletry. P•isat• families know Hitting
about 05 use, sod •noeinak•rs sad 111.1.'141r•
have em yet tossed Oa Hewitt*. Mr. Wil
son Inform. us that h• shout le make
one tnat w;11 maw r shoos w th riiredi-
t• that will astonish l's imam ot Bt. enema.
And taveotron iha shall msridso therm %-
ow,. ',bore, will .011miosily prame of great
Heat to ell parte« conemmed....doo **w-
rist tom ros she aggregate Is•Ett pot
•• 5 • hole comessueite. orme ropowit• is the
rolvaetag• or s•rity ne•mtier of that eon,.
issue'''. Ora of Worms." maehmest
amebae a Welt, to wake • flow Mort some
all to warns, is use boar.
hes Tate -Ws 5.0. todend, says to
Amerieee, a happy. felons, rateral trees-
mredeet enple. We have so masters,
they aro eit prinripahr, no shore., they are
611 assodants; PO IhOfVOIN1•, they are all
r laelps;" no alters. they ore all governors;
An ed la hnd•wrIl. he surd,
Oa tee mottos of Sor W. Moletworth
the Orem eif Comemes ertiersd sores
01 correopoodmies lorowitais the Buse sod
5. Canalise Ouvrarommit, on Dm ambinet
et the Clergy IL , and returns
ihe payment few* the C41,f, Room*
fond, stove the year 1810,--Glola.
'rite" I gsrvornox."-A Georgia coo.
railroader of tea Jams, • Crertea• ref
i. New York, lays tkot he was at Coil&
towo,lately, whim a negro was hung. awl
thin relates tire causes The muter of the
*egress told her that lam had sold her (nor
dottrel' to • ON to Whoa Ilvey were to be
&livered nest tisy. The porchwer ww•
known throng% the asigbbiorbood as a ty
rant, and miser, «Imo sot only half marred
his slates but Seat teem tootally at every
epporteutty. The mother, who tenderly
Icifirri her children, isms avoch overcoat
aritti grief at the thoogin of biers' these
sold to web a asuessr, See hogged her
tauter ea her knee, to keep ths chnires,
et dingy t be sold, to let thus go to a
mere starter. fat all efforts
revved emd Wits drives to=
PIONIVICATIOBI of "Eatsr“--Tho mindios
• mien adroit, "Why Ito masy Herm' and
d'ssstee upon Lake Er« 1 Wary the do-
Ifirrevoe,1,11toreee that mod the sober «haw
OvonDeveng the ',oat 5.15510 the
111101eS Wares and British Ateretcar It
is mei to bo Humid by the estimate Male
moriass of os w AAAAA . which are more
moo' v disturbed than the /Woo stators or its
Bete1110111, 11•11CO 1110 6aN ..80111." an
baler. ',snot Veiling ••••••1.* 'ath• mod
isk•." Tits n•rne, nIto .11 ledies mere«
lionatt• •ert 61eit.e•et of the betake-
ous eiroroatm ot Lai« Foos,
• •
lr•ffeetirri se VI. I' -By • Ibilltle•
ills :Corona Sh..141--.•••,"•••Imt tow fors
of • Coeit pohlum ate iisfnewid
Iasi ••Mr Le°5 will •111111 at Jetta Wolk
dors H'.w •• the Lovidos *milt as
"mist Tiorrishie." T smite* is Wads
od **BEEOR111 LIINNER," sod f'
q4.4001 goo+, thing* at J • W editors...
It the 0•11 Reread it la •ao orarrod that
at a polstre
the elaildroo.
tires, she ea tbit
she was tasisg.-Bmdmia emu kr abash
The univalve of a dreeMed
la Chime, ea the 2413 May Ude, in
bees rerwiud. Tee *Helm 400mo
tloo city of eboos-wo. sod eta
Wed, owl mot ensued *au
• apace .1 15 days from that der
devestatina Ned lama waa frit'
1 pararcla 300 peruse mire hiltt
this 400 seri/Duty hart, end arm*
herpes 4retroyeel ttblmi`:
receives the correctible of ler bonnet nobody 11"1 1"4"'" ...s- 1.44 sa......1. 11, 30
re ever Hats« to pay bore debt*. kr s.01y imive:14712. ci:..,T. 9....0,.....„.; a Kipa
"the WM oetnlyme:rivhilees:1:1115;_,mairedyntal 7:14Yrilettbi, (,441,..5 P.se.bebmi 15.1:5;71."1 stta-4 1:11:04tini 17,01 fib:
the eery utmost you cam smut is that 113. spai.e3= that by Ow tat, rowdy, the
sagry, by is oats *stank toolrody is erase, 0,..10 .5 3.„ .4..... .4 „,,,,,,,i„ r",...
Wm takes his wise."
"11.a eV, be trl rat,
Igramorists Owes, sad aim ter
the try were Scum isms. -
Tle Elites Geed& stater
ktoll of jos motodarlowsiol
perl ad sea so.sties item
3.8 lanes
antl. a 640*, 114406.
0•011015•10. -
Wel It ifs
1.410' ifoldk