The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-21, Page 14Page 14 September 21, 1961
Lucan.°!' _.:,.s..---—..,,Ir.r.rr.... ,.,',.........
and, district news
Phone IA 7.4255 correspondent: Miss Line Abbott
" •
Governmen approves
site for new post off -ice
W. II. A. Thonies, :Middlesex'
Pigeon race
West MP, reports that a site E
• A .1.
for the construction of a new venin uxiiery meet ng
Luean .pigeon fanciers are 'post office building for Lucan ()Penni; fall meeting of the
still winning prizes, In the 240 has been approved by the (1e- UC Evening Auxiliary was held
ination ace from het-
adar, Sept, 11, Clarence Hardy
came second, fifth and eighth;
Frank Hardy third and tenth
and Norman Hardy eleventh,
but 12 -year-old Tem Hardy
only nominated one bird and it yr wo LOOK art
pertinent of public works. last Tuesday evening with
Vice-president Mrs, J. 13. An -
The proposed site, °t1' the dersen in the chair and Mrs.
south side of Main St, in- Ivan Hearn's group in charge
eludes the OHEPC and Denno of program and was assisted
empty •store and an upstairs
properties (comprised of an by Mrs. Howard Kew and 'Airs.
r -
brought him 110 honors.
Pyramid winner
apartment now neenPled 1))' ofthe study book on "Soul
and part of the Irving Masonic .Park read an article from the
Observer on the work of Mrs.
Coffee Club held a daily pyra-
mid draw of $5.00 of those who Already stakes mark the lo-, D, Hutchison of Toronto.
cation of the proposed building
sex IP said no
new members. held on money raising schemes
Mr. Harry Bond and family) Searching Sixties", Mrs, Dave
For several wceks, the CKSL Lodge property.
sent in the names of three The Middle A , A lengthy discussion was
M R '
The draws closed on Friday. decision had as yet been made
The last winner was Airs.
Thomas Weller of Lucan, who
held a Coffee Club party at
her home some time ago,
To erect more towers
After less than a week's va-
cation M. O. Smith was unex-
pettedly called to his job of
erecting micro -wave towers,
last Tuesday. This time he will
be stationed at Hauterieve,
. Que.
He returned as far as Water-
, too with Mrs, Les Franey and
Mrs. Neil Leckie who happen-
ed to be Tuesday guests and
took a plane from there.
Thirty-four members of the
Irving Masonic Lodge attended
the 11 o'clock service. Wor-
shipful Master Cecil Robb
read the lesson.
Owing to Harvest Home
services in St. James Church,
. Clandeboye, Sunday, there will
be no Lucan Sunday School,
no junior congregation nor 11
• o'clock church service but
there will be a 9 a.m, family
• Holy Trinity will hold its
Harvest Home services the fol-
. lowing Sunday, Oct. 1, when
• Archdeacon Foreman of Lon-
- don (a former Lueanite) will
.be the guest speaker at the
`'evening service.
• Cceifirmation classes this
week will he held Wednesday
and Thursday evenings at 7,45
- p.m.
Couples' Club social
Ten couples of the 'United
• Chirch Couples' Club held an
Yible wiener and corn
• roast .at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alden Walker. A sing-
song and dancing were the
highlights of the evening, with
--music provided by Don Petti-
grew, Charles Grose and Stu-
art McLellan with Ernest Ross
_ doing the calling',
Hear student minister
- George F. Bates of the Fuller-
ton charge, who is continuing
his studies at Western, prior
to his ordination, was the guest
speaker at the 11 o'clock serv-
ice and spoke on "The Carpen-
ter of Nazareth" as well as
telling the children's story,
"Steering Clear of the Rocks".
The pastor, Rev, G, W. Sach
-conducted anniversary services
at Carlingford.
YPU elects officers
• At 8 p.m. Sunday, the open-
ing meeting of the'Lucan-Clan-
deboye YPU was held and of-
ficers were elected.
President is Margaret R.
Sach; vice-president, Dana Cul-
bert; secretary, Judy Scott;
treasurer, Wayne Culber t;
counsellors, Mr, and Mrs, Al-
den Walker.
The new counsellors were in,
charge of the devotions. The
lesson was read by Judy Thom-
son. Rev. G. W. Sach spoke
During the business session
it was decided to change the k
night of meeting from Sunday
to Saturday. The next meeting!
will be held in Clandeboye
church Sept, 30.
SS Rally and promotion exer. •
cises will be Sunday, Sept, 24
at 10.30, a.m.
Open fall meeting
Paul Graham, the new presi-
dent, was in charge of the
opening fall meeting of the
Young People and gave a talk
on Job as well singing a
duetwith Vicky tizenga,
On Saturday, 30 members at- i
tended a corn roast at the!
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton ;
Abbott and held a singsong 1
around the camp fire.
It was Rally Sunday and 1
Promotion Sunday fbr the Sun-
day School with Ed. Butler in
The new pastor, the Ilev.t
Everett Gagnon. was in charge
of both, church services, In the
evening Rev, Gagnon, 'leek
Eizenga, Vicky Eizenga and qU
Paul Graham as a arette,
provided special Music.
Prepare fo pack. bale
Pentecostal Women's Atodl-
fary met at the home of Mrs.
Maine Eizenga Tuesday eve-
nitig with the pastor, the Rev,
Everett Gagnon speaking on
the work of the WA -
Clothing "WAS brought in hy
the members, .for the bale to I
be sent tO South America.
as to the actual start of con -in charge of the program ler
struetion but it was hoped that the next meeting Oct. 12.
it wonld be included in the
winter works prograMembers were asked to bring
m thi
year, --$ , in their dime plates containing
a dime for each holiday,
The new structure will be a
one -storey building co stin g'
Cucumber vine
about $25,000,
The Denno property and the
hydro commission building, henear top of tree
said would have to be demo!.
ing would not be affected. The 13" dangling Alice St,
cucumber (reported last week),
with no winner last Tliurs-, Not to be outdone, a eucum-
day evening at the Legion] ber vine in the garden next
Auxiliary bingo, the jack pot I door is heading for the "pearly
next Thursday goes up to $160 oates" b f 1
in 54 calls.
The $5.00 consolation prize
went to Mrs. Russell Schroe-
der of Centralia, who also won
the second bingo,
Legion Auxiliary bingo
• is still dangling but is now 15'
Mrs. Robert Downey of Lu -
can won the first part of Share
the Wealth, Mrs. Ken Simpson
of Ailsa Craig, who shared the
first bingo with. Mrs. Wade
Ziegler, Mrs. Pat Crudge and
Mrs. W. R. McFalls of Lucan,
won the second part and the
full card prize was split among
Mrs. Cecil Hodgins, Mrs. P'at
Crudge, Mrs. Harry Bond and
Mrs. Jack Lankin all of Lucan.
Mrs. R. Hodgins of Ailsa
Craig, Miss Shirley Taylor of
Exeter shared the first part of
the consecutive bingo, Miss
Carole Davis of Lucan, the sec-
ond part and also shared the
full card with Mrs, William
Mathers of Lucan.
Mrs. E. Glenn of Ailsa Craig
shared the eleventh bingo with
Mrs. Roy Pepper of Exeter.
Solo winners included Mrs.
Collins of Ailsa Craig (two),
Mrs. Omar Cunningham of
Clandeboye, Clarence Taylor of
Exeter, Mrs. Richard Davis of
Lucan and Mrs. H. Bieber of
Never has its owner had such
a prolific crop. Already she
has given away baskets and
baskets of cucumbers, with
this heaven -bound vine pro-
viding its share.
At present it is loaded with
small gherkins, many of which
will require a ladder to har-
vest as the vine has now al-
most reached the top of the
plum tree.
Bowling news
Though the men's league
played last week, it was de-
cided not to report scores ow-
ing to a number of new rules.
New officers are president,
Earl Carling; vice-president,
Ted Wright; secretary, Keith
Dickson; committee, Les
Woodward and Dr. T. A, Wat-
At a meeting held in Strat-
ford, Lucan will again be rep-
resented in the Inter -town
League with Clinton, Seaforth,
Listewej, MarysA
Stratford and New Hamburg.
Last Saturday, the Lucan
team played Seaforth, with
Lucan winning 7-4. Earl Car-
ling rolled the high five -game
total of 1184 and the .high sin-
gle, 305.
NEW KINDERGARTEN CLASS—Youngsters who began their student careers in
the kindergarten class at Lucan Public School this fall are shown here with their
teacher, Mrs. Charles Corbett, The children Bre Scott Anderson, Dianne Corbett,
Linda Coughtry, Lauren Cox, Jeffrey Culbert, Jeanne Drennan, Davis Evans, John
Fritz, Billy Goddard, Jimmie nodgins, Karen Hodgson, Nancy Lewis, Joan Lack-
yer, Debra Kennedy, Valerie Leitch, Dwayne Montgomery, Stephen O'Brien, Marilyn
Riley, Anne Stanley, Nancy Stretton, Sharon 'Young. —Jenkins photo
Donor lauds
blood bank
Are you a blood donor? Do
, you realize the blood you do-
nate today may help save a
, life tomorrow and that life
could be a member of your
own family or even your own?
For years, Will Haskett of
the C. Haskett and Son Funeral
Home, and his family, have
been donating blood at the
various blood clinics, sponsored
by the Lucan Lions Club, of
which both he and his son have
served as president, and of
which he himself is chair
Little did he dream that one
day he would be most grate-
ful for the donors who pro-
vided 25 free donations for
him, while a recent patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital.
Reckoning up what these
transfusions would ordinarily
have cost him, Mr. Haskett is
doubly thankful for the Red
Cross Blood Bank.
Now from his own personal
experience he feels he can
more greatly stress the im-
portance of being a blood do-
nor and of urging all, to not
wait for the next local clinic,
but to donate blood as often
as possible, wherever and
whenever convenient
Bon Voyage fetes
Prior to sailing for Europe
Sept. 21 for a two-month vaca-
tion, Miss Marilyn Brownlee,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Brownlee, and employee
of the Synod Office, London,
was thrice honored last week,
On Thursday night Miss Pa-
tricia Philott held a dinner
party .in„ London; On Friday
night Miss Dorothy Gleason, a
fellow employee, entertained
her and the other members of
the Synod Office and on Satur-
day night Misses Rose and
Anne Revington of Lucan, had
a dinner party for her.
Ari award for electrical excellence, This
is the Medallion symbol you will see on
many new homes all over Ontario.
Medallion Electric Homes give you
Power Conditioning—a 100 ampere main
service entrance and a "full houscpower"
distribution pancl—plenty of capacity for
your electrical needs—now and in the
future, Appliance Conditioning provides
ample circuits and outlets. Light Condi-
tioning, another important feature in
Medallion Homes, adds beauty and safety
both indoors and out. A Modern, fast -
recovery, two-eletnent electric water
heater is installed in every Medallion
Electric Home, ready to supply all the
hot water you need -the low-cost;
fiameless way. A "Gold edallion" Home
is all -electric, including heating.
Before you buror build a new home
find out more about Medallion Home,,,
call your electrical contractor or your
local Hydro office,
is yours
Will make home Wiiis vital,
in Quebec town
Lions learn
St. George's Anglican Church
wasthesetting Saturday, Sept.
2, when Helen Ann Liddell and
Keith' Lawrence Jeffrey ex-
changed wedding vows in a
ceremony conducted by the
Rev, Charles Black.
The bride is the daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Liddell,
RR 2 Denfield and the groom
• is the son of Mrs. William Jef.
late Mr. Jeffrey.
fery, RR 1 Thorndale, and the
The bride wore a floor -length
gown of white Swiss brocaded
peau de soi. The bodice fea-
tured a shallow scoop neck-
line, elbow -length sleeves and
a slightly dropped waistline.
Her Victorian, bell-shaped skirt
swept to a court train, below
a large bustle back. A pearl
crown held her finger-tip veil
of pure ,silk illusion and she
carried a cascade of white
roses, stephanotis and myrtle.
Miss Marie Liddell of Den-
field as maid of honor for her
sister and Miss Kae Little, 11.
derton, and Miss Carol Gard,
London, as bridesmaids, wore
sheath gowns of imperial green
crystal charm with tulip over•
Rena Weatherheld of Pinck-
ney, Mich., as flower girl wore
a white nylon dress.
Barry Hobbs of London was
groomsman and ushers were
Hugh Jeffrey, London, and Ken
Little, Denfield.
For travellling to the east
coast, the bride chose a brown
Ed Unger, Lucan's lawyer,
was guest speaker at the din-
ner 'fleeting of the Lions Club
in the Anglican Church Monday
evening. •
Mr, Unger spoke on wills and
estates and stressed the im-
portance of everyone making
a will.
The date of the rummage sale
was set for Sat„ Oct, 21, and
the co-operation of all house-
wives is again solicited,
It was decided to subscribe
for the International Maga-
zine to be sent to the Lucan
Members of the Lucan Volun-
teer firemen will be guests at
the Civil Defence meeting, Oct,
I3ud Cook was enrolled as a
new member,
Represents cancer society
Mrs. Murray Hodgins and
Mrs. Mel Culbert represented
the Lucan branch of the Can-
adian Cancer Society, • Wednes-
day night at the cancer booth
at the Western Fair.
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs. Keith Dickson
and family spent last weekend
at Grand Bend.
silk and wool shantung en-
semble, with green accessories
and a corsage of yellow or-
The couple will make their
home in Sherbrooke, Quebec.
ucan personal items
and Mrs. Cecil A.TattagO
4114 family 01 Lucan 414 F.1-,
mar And Morris. Paring of
Louden visited Mrs. Levi Dar-
ling at the 'Green •Gables Nurs-
ing Home, Parkhill Sunday,
rugDarjuig v
' Iseans-s..afbetra atQLerne:
don visit,
Mrs, ,Ceell Robb, ,whe bad
the misfortune, to break her
foot at Grand Bend some weeks
ago, had the vast removed last
Mrs. Warner McRoberts of
the Dresden high s,cliool staff
spent the .weekend at her home
by:144V.:a'$Iteofr-90 his age f1w from
home in West Vancouver to.
visit MODtreat, 'Ottawa, Toronto.
and Herniae!' before visiting
Mr, and Mrs. CccU Robb. of
14F-craend'. Sadlier and Mrs. Arps
of London and Mr, and Mrs,
Ken Brock and 1 a in 11 y of
Thorndale were Sunday guests
of Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Abbott,
Mrs, 0, W. Sach arrived
home by plane from a 10 -week
visit in England, where . she
made headquarters with her
sister, Mrs, Florence Mein,
Mrs, Viola Jenkin, Fred, Bob
and Keith attended the wedding
of Mrs. Jenkin's nephew, Terry
Hodgins, in Holy Trinity Church
Saturday, Mrs, Jenkin and
Keith remained overnight with
Mr, and Mrs. Erwin Scott,
Family fetes
90 -year old
Mrs, John Smibert of Frank
51,, held a family turkey din-
ner recently in honor of her
mother, Mrs, Michael Holden,
who was celebrating her 90th
Mrs.% Holden, the former
Jemima 'Near, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. George
Near, with the exception of the
last two years in Lucan, spent
her entire life in West Nis-
In 1889 she was united in
marriage to Michael Holden,
at the hom.e of her sister by
the Rev. D. Perrie. Fifty years
later they celebrated their
golden wedding, but shortly
after Mr. Holden died.
Mrs, Holden has four sons
and one daughter: Gordon of
Thorndale, Roy of Prospect
Hill, Mervin of London, Ed-
ward of Wallacetown and Mary
(Mrs. John Smibert) of Lucan.
Mrs. Hold -en looks and acts
like a woman of 60 and is still
able' to assist her daughter
with the housework and can-
ning. To see her sprighty step
and her sparkling eyes and to
'hear her witty remarks you
would never dream she has
reached her four score and ten
Mrs, Fred Dickins and si;,,cr
of Coldwater and Mrs. Viosslo
11:11:11kLins of Exeter, were Fri
ClaByil:UeC4ciwatso: Aolfrs.0 r13:n4g e ole.v°11 le
who succeeds Grant Brooke as
.Lucan's policeman, has arrived
in Lucan. lie and his son are
staying with mr. and Mrs. Joe
lia3' until they can secure 44
rs, lItary%selplh
Mrs. Sodsiipginsorse-ietn
Tuesday for her third opera-
tion in 10 months.
buli'lldleingfroinmtsofreUceivV, edStaanley's
of white and green paint to
taurant. ltthe Koffee Kup Res -
Mrs, John Blair, Calgary,
who made headquarters with
Menitsesrtaiiionead AbybbooltatoywiolfileherbeLly.
d doirstrict friends, left
London to visit
her daughter-in-law and sister,
After visiting Toronto relatives
she plans to be back home bY
Sept. 23, Unfortunately MT,
Blair was not well enough to
accornpanY her on her trip,
Mrs. Eva Henson spent a
few days last week in London
with Mr, and Mrs, Jim Taylor
and family, who brought her
home on Sunday.
Mrs, Lily O'Neil, Detroit,
after a week's visit with her
sister, Mrs. Harold Hodgins
and family, accompanied Mr.
and Mrs, Don Ankers and Miss
Joan Hodgins to Kitchener
where her sister Edna (Mrs,
Mann) and family will ,meet
her and take,her on to Toro IF
for a visit with them,
Mrs, Murray Hodgins spend
last Monday at her old home
town of Crampton where she
visited members of her family
and former friends.
Jack Young, who won a
scholarship last June, spent the
weekend here with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Alex Young, be-
fore returning to take a post-
graduate course at the techni-
cal college in Nova Scotia. He
has been working in Toronto
all summer.
Presentation &
(nee Donna Blake)
Fri., Sept. 29
9:00 p.m.
Ladies please bring lunch
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