HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-12-16, Page 4• JAR) Ailitemor-•••-• •ro 1111.11.11.111,r11 cii4ht AMU"; yo. WA, :rai -.0„tA roft - scatiommko.sillklOPW4 nrinabir,Of 0 Inisolintia- : tekttfiroakaik( AOSIbet• 4C4Yr ' ttt Smetana lie P•trill Mai tO 127:24' mod row wee otos. .... ,,,.,, 1..111p, British liar 114k ' iiithr Usillitl blia"mmih'eny part rifta Stow- . --Pill/Mill •01010111114 fa. led 01;11 nigan ' easfif42 us - pan peals- rieNlioltgioso wale* emlial el: wawa ow sobjeolooss- . . flaratiorss beet Willer' eirrstkaratog lira, *WM Boadedloptaietly whoa f -MMS PO Os make, wid Waste fil pilaw OS•eisik ,., lie r/..44 A earefel Ji set airs flooraif dasestinsif /pooh ellimisa ilitZM ma remmergiref f earl* maw, diword boil tryroles; :Wooden pnitRite.v144A' of Aihnionfir ,410,91 .,. met leakriatfroka Mf.. thd Ora bothoressist Wu. - The' diastinostt WI bo inialtadkab reetralriallinika belt 4 wow wow 441.n="*. aicaz= m cas cavL'i. in IlOGOO, Ore 110/01111411111M114. Colgrigstarill,M4k•firile illetWOW WOW Oilis 12:11.12.11.*="ralMio v 4411:1101-.:Leeial he Wir ofiel• wet Ilwaslora bow Os worn INNOWIRS • ▪ te e ode sem*. oil Ibe Gorier -a If am. ••••••••• • poimol.•••• •collrassi 4114111fantAL 111111DILITT. - adept, dieterMaant *SLUM. SIX410.141104,4041.1 nom larval 111.4.411a Astursica LOMIII:41SX f erten rsrss. isinsrurartras Mat SAMPSON LOW118.641. itsiscalatIcik aISLAII- a SO te odor esotssee nor *Iwo gesserm re& Mei war dn. de woo toodlitt ••••••••••loosiewaa moor *WLIT soros sasours. gaseaserre of 401 Oa.* •NIMINIC asfrostressm 1141.Iis ATtom of ow "WIT PAINTSS•• Lietreffe • Soli& wellellel ~sow Of Oro sodowes roadot OlS ere ormheis bp Os wet Odom LA Mao Gonna 'Ma MelblobageOlealtilOWNIM- W ael:40yrdiotEnkeZreei 21...-.OMiatilIALLwort ow,6.'wows ivram, .11..-'irdjilliti.eta owimer ooseod Ore Williatio room Iwb So god werlowerersellootom eret ore.. el ...wad ROO Or Oros& SITITisair &so ma Wynne. es et a natistaaj and MA dam: ereek,111eW: Alt 16 1. gomospd to inakatablo Slorbiogily sideolititer all unastiew alas* the ammo Sorts's& •f ewe Colonise ria ma loteggettrereiere *Asia British Essamira. Answerer**, aueoral year* inwpply- Mg the reading public of Caserta with the wed follliosous of the (Jetted Stasi, wa- viness the prejector tine periadisold Wit ahem ars entirely needequate to dm elehols of %ha oialefltr. sted kale esisulatod f10.20u or envoys the literary tattoo( a pow* eim seetiatIviiiffere a le their feeling, sod pets. stoles from them for oboes Hine .Peolesti- ubtitro prepared; ond behoving that lb* witorease will Watt meth marreemgeemat Sas thou for Woos pilau tad lawsu- it W duigoods be 1110‘14 Wiltrvalble. his exputatisou,' • • Magma! may be made Oaf *Wow for Aulhortioisig yeit. the Colonial piddle; and the tering w bo glaciated is ouch • meow se too isdou. all to avail themselves of its pages,. THOMAS MACLEAR. nasso-trvontrr, Toreaste4 April, tut NOBERT SNODGIIA88.' * niallOHION A BIM SOOT b SHOE ISANURACTUMBR• (0.. thew Foul of C. Crates Shoes.) WOULD Worm the ishabiteets of Gorki - gr Wok mod meighbokood that he pre• wed to subs, to wise or otherwrea, anj WIWI ad Ladies sod Gutloweis rise or Four week, is the aseteet osil mut funkiest* style. Asir will also furnish Way. DWG ad Oboes, to suit Om se unwise a thou .lbet may taw him with aka istartem. Hie prow WI* widorste. • Odwieb, Jay 1111th, Hthit. • Wk719 HAMILTON TIODT AND SIIOE STORE. 'If neklutbor begs Naomi *ha Is. bolososse Gerhateh. sad Mra ow- wesdieg Conowy, 6146 be bee pet Wane Ilow Sou mod Mass Sums, re We. illwas Owl Una eardsrioo.- Ina be sonstalip lamp ors howl • IMP Pa WS woad stack a Was Osaisshodh Pew sed Short ko indk ale low Moms, Joe cosh Tn Lin PtLL8 1111 NOM Winn Miff 111.111111. Ad thin remove ali diens, Rem tte-wystese. a op, fuo on too ito LIFE PIUS owil lieN I X lei T S etow•Weftenew la Me «itemise of eon meow T14 gr.,. adios eitedielose sore od r: ollej •=" .14 kbs4s, 14.V e Geed fleweriesa• ••••=4Lmt..d.74,.. • Wati. le • amielso ilsonmy Mot Woli weer o tor tillareby obit* omen Oillbg *weft ems = Mst as. Tbs eropoes tod 1141mserma ••• ri.t."="ft.L.T. inet...thity ;est efr.or▪ a.res.•XtWiellehttet II R. W rir4,. • OM Irearham roma rif • memoseer meek tee am or QabinClio JO. *4/1-46118AVILLIAMS, Mmullad Mama Sago 1. '1141104 Collatties, on tho at ine Finn 400 beests, Sao TJR014' SIGNAL. tietZio t lactrerit arefte, t'uot. &ladies owl almilletteed i.3.. Preloyeem ICF Orders Asoires t et Coemigy Mmehstas. peo ad • liberal dissever t s" telidilm. Match it. sow ovirist, b oft, 14841. MMPSO N, /ERRE:1X 44 Cdhs) Wen*/ ts. rtstforore . 17 Dada. Strut, _ .. Of•I•1011 COURTS. CRIPPAWA FOUNDRY, Clawing et Howe. Penh sad Ines, lag b.i And Steam Engine Manufactory. mai .., the dimes sed phame foneve,sg z TIER meat Dieleise Corn for do VOW nom wrnewo IAlkert,11":166w: ifasalabsa Daa 'fan; .1 .bort 6.11 "Pamd 1.181neseaTtootuwasaymakrome. elm Deanateea eadThSawriMilleilT, :1158aUll.anirterEsgaridumsof stir Giefotit COIROVION ISO, Omerieh. hUrress kis& „i *vat os the Met smear gerielVe Tames. ereferkee kod, INIt Weeder's Terera, ntrafeed, 2lot Doom- which the *tissues eil tie public is Orelreoll. lag, Blpittiog, icc. for Guilt asd Saw Mille, opt. ima lied. Also, complete seta of see r - Clsvb brinuhnitii.m..741sect..:7;strigraseD.N. 11 A P.etitirP:stell:::13:71ugibusit:sireeghmi,iluswioiesivt";:lebt"ciii;g1:17:t.hallailitiloliwielitis.losartri:easti:Isoeceasio:Esitert:4,1soratyl:111158:11:::::. la want of such eactusery. These Fogises, bal. Roby WINieses. Clerk 6. 715ne 7117, jo et, Centel ai Looke.1.06.0. C. ATIONER, usiplos Sow :11411h.ettimilla Trete E.1 •• VORWARD A: cheat, 1 Ageet, for the Parsee, Ho ref every de• Office, mei* Nee Aaron, M sob 241* at* PAS, weemeed wawa onishodlot thenassia• ham Ps" awe asseobstu Nis weed pew ALINN.4row elailjaC este. J SMOISPIIDN. Oak& 14, 01.4.4-11m JOE, KALIL vrINI MID CONNOR emot new a* tho Veron0 tioset. West Strut. 411Weesk bite anoluaily so annol, a shout own Toliseen. Cosk•os wed Sea Stoora. gra, swan he era soll et maseassaily re - dud pew. Tim loghoi• pesos paid ha Dude fee .46 gymet. hews. poroor, ebeepardne. calf sod bier buillidows and rages All bob ad gmeekewinas prokage Won rineheagerse owe peas. carcaaa. taweael, Pub. ;44,1 3/INJ. PARSON* Sof. Aged. Odnirlob. JIM .:074 WANTRD lit III LATELY. ilon CORDS of good Henfloek Bark, 'Jim which the highest market price be pa by the Subscriber. W. G. SMITH. Otadoriek, May Oth, MK. v3-815, .ALli reit BALL oNg0 4,4 It • Met- a.'" ICRoPef, pi metal of Wild Lando Cleared waiters sod Produce North of the Kisco,- ef•-•9 Lands Office. EBY GIVEN CROWN LANDS WAWANO8H, are. All sesseury Weems- Idakiing7liabbssined by ,,opif CLARK. tiroirT TH" ' is ASH WOW epee ties r 111194i18. • • 'YARN FOR HALE. FlUelaskirstriber rakes for sate see hundred .15- seed, oillggoolleag. hid, 45 sere, eleary .&..d oat IRMO& -WY a good leg bets, so ward limatoefrott; Toe oboes land is *lied on dril Conesseion, lot 14, TOWS - W end toe half mile frosts Soho& 11. aremey will ho re- quired down. :Sur parties** apply to the proprietor 04 pesasste.' -- V.ilms110st 44k 186L 148 kc, leeetaie ell Me recast impresemests, lic" 61"eRIVIOION• oi Ord Delliallnbet.- sod are very complete. Boo .1f them are IRXT11 James Colenoes.F.m. Clot . Woad1. such that ISTOPTIII ornate,. • Hateche'e Towers, Village of Baytteld. lab Deitember. Dead Hood MOM*, Keel. Clerk. YIN Ma Mose of the emend Caws will mem semes peeeteselly st 11 oholleek. A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, A C. C. • GederiO, 4i1 Oat. 1616. ear THE **crib', begs to Worm du ha - tants of Ooderith and Its eiWitgetbst he liars racervaiks Largo Supply el *J31.- 1.41 Improved Ploterne ICOOXING:1 BOX, VA LUABLE FARM LOT, IN THE TOWIllat SHIP or GODERIC FOR BALE. VIE* • OT 27, tat concession, bootleg the -64 Lake, outteising 82 Acres, about 40 of whisk are cleated oil reseed, aad LOT 26, 2.4 concession, contaising 80 acres of wild land. Thus Lots are sitoated about inidway beterma the Tows or oodofies, owl Village of Bayfield. 'For portienlare apply to -JOHN CLARK. Crows Lasd4hoefat, Goderieb. dib June. 1851. VALIJABLI5 Feetsbaed Esteem Let 1P0. No. U. ..a14 IlsbCon. in 11. 'Dew. *Ma! Godaremb, ersotheseg Im soros. 46 44 Winn am Wised. 1364. MI stomp., it ma wooed. 'rob • wow foiltaig strew Wienagla ohs sewn' 31 the let. a good ger- dm. • Yew* Oreberd sow heave, fon, *..led woke 10 Wes el Ondomek sad go ;ha 16q. Of Baylle44. A geed Log • Ussam lathed asii plumped; a Bars 11 by . 1111, SWIM mod *sans. Fro pertmulam ap- ply to Aaiun Derbeesh is the Tows *I fialwiehoor art thri proprietor ..t8. pro ages. FOR BALE, PIETY Acres of Lad. Min Lot No. 6, • South Tows Plot, Lake Shoes, Ash. - kid. There ie thirty acres oishrod, and in the beet state of cullAvation, .oda. orchard esotateing50 fruit trees. There 1. • good Moll Site, sod over falloff springs of water a Log Homo, SO by 110, and .Baro 20 by 62. Terneo-.£11111 cob, or C180, by Psi' isg half done. and this Ulnae, in three stool testalimota, with interliel. N. 8. Farber leformation ears be ob- tained from John Morris, Colborne, or Chas. Car, • oe the peewee... Amble's', Nook Stith, 111116. ed...o9-111w • SAMUEL, &PLAN. P. S. Torso way 5011 1811. aLealle A All TMCIIIMEN1'. 3454 cAlettat • sat tor hot Ilvoitni -sod Phase, d, 'WV& reel -a. k Nana • ) II Jiwytt'a r virtue( Atteelowint. twou oot of I Om Coital ' of tsars* aSolult ponemat, of ' skreesdnig Int omit a 10/111 )M10 ',mitt thron pude. eled law al the Hole. reel pemidmer, of the seed Semoril .nof taw Oin madikromel Mud risto tbs IlleiodShott SI Oleo eas sir pers 10 Owl be the Dena. et lawmpter Ilis tRoateer4 'rubor., yaw ewaltorroo• "Auto "Si 8° 44041161 *Otto kW Reloul Doak. os Wig eseresery, 's tor tbo paymeret, besets, aMie mei& diMMolle Winn dr. PIORNSIVO 110 OIN110 "-IR ADM. asel reoplar ' -10.$ II weed Out. Ike Wisossig ibe Ir2081 A LA if P. lk eleaki• AND PARLOUR STOVES, which be offers for Sale at very resisted Prises for Cash. no subscriber alio lame on head se usual, at hie Old Stand, a large and very superior assortment of. XMOim WARE of every diettrigtion. Ths, sob* scriber taken *Ma opriortesity a rotate*5 his einunribilate to the Public for tary 1111041 'tastrolsgo 1. hu received eirlre latis hog is leasiosse is.floderich,,k bass by AAA 'Deafen to eigursoler- ate 'Hew, to costlaso to rosavinft share of peak patronage. N. B. -Graining, Pedalos, Olang. Pa- per ad nal Haogiog, aimed oft eig hereto- fore. WILLIAM STORY. Gatwick, ti'lf Sepl. 1849. 12031 sow tinished, • partse• desirous of punks/mg so be fitted op le a few weeks, With every thief woo - A Boiler Yard is also attached to the Er wry . tablishotest, where Olen ol the best qual- ity will at all tubes be mode to order, ell ressosable isms*, and of the best materiels STRAYED. and workmenship. Improved itatienary Fore Engines eon- - stoutly ee Med, ready for delivery. . 414"61 146166. 6' 'roe Plaiting, Termer, Screw Clotting, ;;;;:". a Brass Castiag,sed noughts', ke. doss in *wiry mutely. for I In CONIliCt10111 OM, 00 OWNS!, there is now in cotes taf erection do lorgest Stowe N 9, ry is the trentsso cover sowarda Sf ROM Gm sebecriber August a black. Mlle white sedge Prey person Wad to bid UMW ef0Gbilie Tookopensith, Sop. 185, 6 There will be coestantly on heed a Stock of the most approved Patterns of English IcAlrioris• ••fi Americas Cooking Raeges. 8 veto inform the ke. fitted with Ti. sod Copper Ware coo - District of Huron, elem. also, the hodsomest sod lowest Heti, that he has styles of Hall sod Parlour Stereo, a variety ' Stratford Specifics- of Plain sad Ornamental Patterns of Cast c., and will ta e' sold at lower prices thee have ever before fres Frees seri Gates, .11 of which will he the most reasosable• och greengts:dros- btherpotroede otof CiblteipPupaberiajc;allanred swebrdiesh'weraoteruir to any His thorough kowliedge ofbiampfession communication, eau be forwarded any uodertakieg is the line. Address poet ______ paccmc.rt a the Pomace, at • very ig OLIVER T. MAKLEM. PETER FERGUSON, ' ClelPIMMtiillea14, 1851. Spect.-22 sod big practicer as Builder, qualifies nio for paid, ---- ---- FRUITTREES! ISLAM! THE Su • [phaeton lied the noi Establi and ia prepard to ties@ of Public or ea, Mill Dom the. the superiatendesce R AT FO R D how FouptDa. --, eskseritor hinisg posbased the peter- ed,' ef Mr. C. J. *Videos in the above Es- toblielemost, 11afoot to notions the Beef - arse se has owe reepouribility. la mutinying thooks ta the reale for the wiry liberal es- oserageorret received by 0.s k b.10. to Helmets that be will eunitostly beep os bad se asoortmest of Soperier Comma, coesietteg COOA•INO. Parlour, and Bog Stoves; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs o f tho most Improved Mooklo,-.MALY Tersine Lathes. Smith's Rollers. t}t. THRASHING MACHINES a • sopostor description to any hitherto natrodosod.sod batter adapted 1. 114. cous- in from their 'lights's, of draught, ad strongth of coutruction. A call from in- torno/ perchaore le reqovitted before put, *basing elsewhere. TO oboe will be sold at [row Rates for Cosh or 'trade, or at cor- respoodiog rates eis approved Credit. A. B. ORR.. Stratford, 1011 Jane, 18110. 11•-•20 F. & C. IT. BUHL, MANUFACTURERS of Mau, Cape sed Filmy Fero,- Wholesale wood Retail Dealer* is Fen., Rotolo Itches, Deer Shine, ke. Isa. C..5 Poiet for Pees. The highest price pod, et all time. he Cob, for ell deortelooe of Shipping Fere by r. k,C. II. BUHL. Derek, Waits*, Ans. 1141. •8•211 SAW MILL & PAlkit LOT P01 SALL' THE skews MIII sod Lot are Dilute oft -• *1). North mkt of Kiecardine Street, i• the r..( togrociely Vinare t Pastaegore. For partioulars apply to W14. RASTA LL. Poseteogree, 11th Nev. loll. 144( POUND. ilty ow the titter. of Labe Hero, 114 P10110111, C10411114, florre• Bedirlag whew amebae. oil SWIleh Warn Nei da•mkg.d. Tim • onto Isrompseobe ed Ile demwtho one property, Moe erie Mew ▪ eliergree, whim Um shore Prorwill witl fee delmered ep, se "say be floorefed. The Eve ow denoted 1. 1Ies Withregfen, Els% Wont, 1.44 Qtrimery, Wereoryeur !tidal HAWKINS. Port Alen*. C. W., Nev 17, t1611. Mew. a pews RIOS* sod W woolen. will plssee ropy. 4,44 I101`;.4E AND LOT FiR SALE. T11E notreerthete Orono foe stele Ow e.g.- 1100e11 DW011,111 14010100. ors, pi'. the reeedessere ler Lew* Kat rho Let Oa two freelle. The ahem, orelsort esill be sod shoe* for ugh. Pio SISToesr p.1144.r. steely t• Amillrew Demean. ew to peemtwor JOHN PEJO- 4114 Alhret, Sept. ilth, 185t. Ow! \ IninngaiL Vailtin OS CHERRY A$ LII sem no was or CO•8111, tt SORINSIIIL SOWN of Ingsde MOT ilia, MAUI, U ver 04111011111211,aad CONSUMPTION. DEATH caa he and has bon pro - voted lo Noosed* of cows by *Ms names own remedy, Joiloo's Cbasi. eel !MIRO{ Of CREWS sad L11110 -001T. This mrdieise oinks mon ed the palest remidles of the arty ie the mi,!Lit 44 earefel atedy espy. times te el • aloe ti fie aid experieuced Physician. The two priseipal togretiltems of. lees \sows SRN celebrated_ Wets, Casa*" IS WIWI the etressib of Mi0 is properly est is the Wit wedisise boom fee nine; Coughs sad 'the, Pulmonary dims the phlegm aad *sables the astkom rate featly. sad slows will safe cosh. which if neglected semptites Lesswevers-ThO which ere hams to the moo leers has OANADA.kbig ASSURANCE COMPANY. Prins Subsriber having WWI appointed "a‘' Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," Is prepared to receive. proposals for Aero- nauts, asd will be happy to alknd to any woe tim soussury information, as to the piaci** of the Institeilos. JAMES WATSON' Gorisrlebi Ilth Joss, 1849. vin 6 NA TII7ANAL HOTEL BOUCEFIELD. 04.• 'r" SUBSCRIBER begs lave to 4.- lor. his friends and the, public fl,••• rally, that be has new get the National Hotel so far complained, e• to warrant hint in saying tbat he is it..pared to furnish ac- commodation fee man srsiallosse, loot, to anything that eao tartipiied lo- t woe L011111011 aid Godetick. TlefiNetegio • ai Hegel is etiolated is the beautiful and Omni% village of Brucofield, swab. from Goderielt asd 41.45.. fro* Leedom. and from the sligitsility of the situatioo, and strict attires iron to the comfort .4 14. guests and customers, be hopes for • share of pole, lio patronage. JOHN MoKENZIE. Tknosaadelat Jot. 1861. e1 -n18 NOTICE. A1.1. persona sedebted to THOMAS MACQUITEIS, late of the Hereto tied. Ire hereby notified, that uslees them sofa sod menuote •re paid a or before the tet day of May wit, tie will 1. 4. whataly boded to the Cloth of tho 5.1 Widow Court foe sollattion.. Penrose nodding is the Cooly of Perth who aro indebted to the Hume SigeoL wait lied theft notes with De. Joh. Hyde, of Stretford, who has bus authorized to ool. Met immediately. HORACE HORTON. Gorisriek 1114 April, 1 /5ft. 12 Header, Ade. it.c. Stratford, C. Stratford, March fith, 1849. 9 Alt FACTORY, HE Sebsenber begs to farmers and othim, to introduce *hie Fall, a large and well to:- United Counties, Ow Ise ltas just completed arraarafaaa46 and flaw PraPar- 10 lected steek, comprising eeery variety of """••b Au°, glikript•a• of a 66661"6" "a. I Nursery True, upon hie usual liberal terms. sand soiled to the cutups's:5- k I it would be auperflueui to enlarge epos 44 m , tba Assairl, a" I" quality of -49 1 the superior Merit' or the Nursery, aid • the qualities of Fruit brought from it -but 71 THE subscriber in retuning thanks to Ile -I- inhabitants of the County ot Moro. genendly for the very liberal encourages meut be .has met with in the Sale of Fruit te to the T toots of 115 riter, begs to announce to the Fanners of ' h United Counties that he 1. prepared 14. 51.5 irwitse all fanners to call ode: , the large geeetity of Tree. that hi" hosa *du his r.... speciosa 0(the l distributed over nearly all of Upper Canada, which bre Batters himself will b; found ,,, superior in atop respects to any- other ' nursery* ellper!Orlly ever toot others. pPirollices." ill als 11 It" 6664166 01 11. Ms nonce 04 111 those who sigh to get good The subscriber would beg to introduce to ell othees • HARVEY BRACE. On27 . Winter Fruit, the celebrated Northern Spy Godericb, Aug. 21, 1861. Apple, its qualttio are superior to of its Itied, teepiag until July, and preeery - tag alLits intehmess and floor, which is a great desideratum until that period. The enbecriber would als intimate that his Dwart Pear is in great demand as a Garden Fruit, bearing in two years after platting. Even variety of Fruit Trees. Ornamental • CANA AN SCOTCH notrull, 18 70411 bd. gamed for this C ID IL, 13 0 RETIE II II 13 TNE subscriber begs to inform nis nu, morons friends aed customers, •nd the public Morally, that ins LARGE BRICK BUILDING is now completed, and that and Evergreen Trees and Shrubs, Hardy from tire great Inc thus added to his Herbaceous Flowering Plants, Dahlias, former premises, lie is now treabled to offer Bulbous Flowering:Roots, k.c. Catalogues sesonentodation to the travelling public at can be had of any local or travelltng agent, least equal to that afferrded by any other riving a full de•cript ton. Terme. when 50 Honor to Town. And without being •nx- Treat are takn, $25 per hundred, or 1. 54 lea to ovenopoluo the entire novo hued- currency each. under 60 Trees. 11 64 cy. nose of Gaieties, he •t loot hopes for a Iwo years credit, notes payahle with inter - continuance of the palsonege which he has set. Orders wili be received, arid any hitherto enjoyed, aed will always endeavor to secure the eatiefeetion of hie guests and customers, by attend's( to their comforta- ble accommodation. • to. whim y• lends to Cos. Os Wilton of , It has bees said by eil timer, that " sasses mesh and every di.. discosiwies that ere daily mde, it. troth. 1eagwort i• doubtless 11.remedy moved by estate fer Comemplios. lie betties properties aro truly .0.4„61...4 the rapidity with which it mum We w Wet peeve Luso*, weetleing and selideiss all irritatiere, almost immediately, is • proof of its adaptation to this diaries. Them t•l• 51'1•41 eembiared wsth other Wife ly vegetable isrediestia, form • medicise that is minds te cure the WOO OMNI Of CeitallInpliela takes before the sufferer 0 entirely preetrated. - De sot be dscouraged, • trial mut do se harm. but will centrism the most sceptical of as oral wrath. Tbeeesede et Cossomptive per- ms. us. bee. decetveri repotted', io bares medicines wbich were mid te be intallible cares, bet which Mire posed iota allatives, too 11110 raidietee is sot ealy palliative bet • mare tor ul- cerated leer. It motels. ari deleterious Drup ankles Mee of law. Imit sed whoa Cessmork, DEA Fft FEB. -QM (hi. fee 14 'so dioameeeble voles Sontag of over, irb •yropionsa a am' iglus haat bees 4.1 object re tea ear ire battle, bees made or IIMEGNIATIS Bee• Liaises t. te Rheseratiem. Meacles, roar aid *sables *sate. C York. sad th• w re ROBERT ELLIS. N. Stabling at the Colborne lon is indecisive 60.4 04 the first quality. °Pariah, Juno II, 1861. v4e17 IMPORTANT To• Fanner, Farrier A Stage PTOPFIniel• GEO. W. MERCHANTS CELEBRATIIID GARGLING 011. tINPAIIIIALLSIZAININN IWO 118•10•T Or esetem• As Si ati sowaskslis Rana Applisallea OM dIsesesesi RICHARD MOORS. HAVING deride the poet twe 75115 Id* .1 fe the eapacity el GENERAL AGENT for the alloatimi abut dogrel, it is be generally vearstores that lie will seeopt tho *gooey for thit eetheettien ef aeli be any part of the Upper Preview Pewee l'edemerg tel II* Earn sOd Lalte Hero* *5 011* Watt. witaltiog Me * rector% he would beg tti outessianie 1. bee (roads for put fuser% sod a rie asamopect.fully reliffeite • mmitinemme the Aft thereeteeicatiouti *a hoelosse, address- ed forst mid, to Ayr P. O.. North Dal- letoo, C. W., weal be pereowely fieboded A pell 1. 111411l. .1110 IA RAI ASV SAW "MU. FOR SALL TIII A Owen's. La a Lad. Las No. 7,416 colowsooro, Ewes Derieteo. Swaim a aaas.ia, oar Ir• sold Ones *eC.31. The let iseireated 000 dor meat prommewas ereflor- meets i• Items Tones. esil lee tb• Met ter Oahe le ette lesertip A Se* Alin 51 414 bee' awe prim le i• fell eiterverla we Ms leit. •aersou" ?,. emit resisom *are I a awes ef Mop two *whit of Melik ago* Ow or de wad whieh so. eirreeed, sod bee I rota vo•ornmitol arettie- hawse ea H. Fee &War peerlooliwe applp to the Ran acicti=a &gee% or to Ile psesiso•ot, abet me the pros Astasid. Dee. u. too& 74.11 Loop new without it.' Itspenierece „it= yore *41*065.8.4 oho eser last eiargtiog Oti, sr nan venal Pawely owie tam Gwen esid 15 Om ad soh •• S pavies. itibpae. P°11 firth Callous, silents. it of ad kinds. Fresh W Bruises N- W', Mk" Sand ka. Strains. Lawienellt. Foundered Fest. neaarchea or Dow, MAR" flimumetiren, Bitas alltnimob, External Pot- ions. Painful Netwoos dineetions. Flaw Thom, Boil., Corn% 11111 Bursa and kaaide. liogs,arresimas • 4n. mostisso of tbetiTaidas. Chilllikins. et the Joints. Calla MEAT IMPOSITION A FRAUDI OMITIOlf le Mos 41 boo Moms es eteleareted le elt daimon and •• a sememesea do Orono dress oberedleme the country -Om ...mkt., /meow o ft SOTO 111,0010d *ern le peher..=,..., rosi.thes le ARA ,...,...1t.... -Mee de modern, of Wit way owe anklet, WV8 sow me. eare ea sorester superame, win* It Me itoollod mob, manor muse Iii tbe Raised Wpm og Ne wed wswolsrfol wow let the sal=lia554 lotilev• is rainwater, Woof L"*"as •toorre Mr imestiew le oriole ways, ....:....... Mere. ee ITO lirraasele T•Leo. iine WOO rieedwedes ewer, llnersessr, le preeriod by aerate mereseary Plee ser loran* •T•• IMO& Goo of WM riw• out trefoil lite Os woven OM ,wk„,, ggy ow fiii aserliese of Go Mt or promo ',,,-yZ moo I. • oteofterotwooseisto wita these may Miry sio be of We mow emlinty is oleo io o,gy so Me eNnielty 0 Weir rooms" I W.6.11111er, dree, sr be ma i ma goy 0 en •daor of awn imelatio I Woe esedidowe elle Ill•e•i• Ottwi To. wesO Inswillbwoondes lease wlis p. ow. so ow law el• sow •/. die proolow 4 le Ille OM basaterellever. OM ore, Nod OWN owe. ow Ms Ora • "411 W ; • "rtlfrigit, ' • :""=11`:)tt at be MO le deo dos Ms males iney ass issasiasir • • • • • s 4 la se moorhire sod einom, lbe ortleara ag mew earring Was proprirom wl I I a o rosorss• re, re IT perworteit itliet•lar••• ednir3. boy *saws. 6'81.5*5l AM*, ell these hussies of temt., meow which are Perwies •I y yea•. 11011 0/1.1• haul •fter eras eno stock', Nave sad teyi to est0 ary sow Ora o retied Carla, sod to, ettesigthess weak 1.111111•11, ho are crippled to wall Brother, Proprietr, New pasiu are *0,1104101 their wager ea E -Dr. Et..'. Drops, fee tits l'eseThabe. It is wills eoefidesee reermiteeed it as as totalities cies is withust any *Mary to Ms meth or Pii.•22 cis. 'rOCK'S VERMIFUGE. -T)'1' is oet ea traordieary remedy for Worsts ever it effectually medicates Weems from both slur end Chrildrea. It conga harm the lona elicatelefaat in roseeet Adult, sad 11,01 fells le completely rout out sod destroy MI kited' of Worms Th. cost, 65 cts per bottle, pats It withis dm mash of all. and all attests who me wittiest it are immunity man' the byes of their children to thta,e tell destroyer. of yeah, Worms," Leek ior Mg name of Cureeterk dc Brother, propti , on the Wrapper el each Bottle. EAST INDIA IIAIR DYE-Colers the Hair asd not the Bilo. Thio dye may be ap plied to the halr ever melt. the arc eight 1010- 0ag the lightest Red or Grey Hair to a dash brwn, and by repeating • geomi eight, to • Wight yet black. Those facts are rearrested by the geatlemen who manufactures it, who is the celebrated Chemist, Dr. Conagioek, author of nmetock's Chemistry, Phlosophy, and otber weeks, sad Scheel Basks, well known. Carnee.-All of the above eased initiator,' sold only by Comstock At Btotber, 2 St. Peter's Place, directly is tear of the Astor Huse, 10.- 14 Barclay sod Peery sts., oar door from Berets •eel ono Block from Broadway, New York. so whom all orders meet be directed. All a ob. aboveo woled mirk. • • add eel? In Goderieh , C. W.. by Robert Park. Marwood fittragrifelrriLbCv.Hi.7"Cbb. L'e•a:sdie M11. ila°ry"Ce "byaTar.: B. Guest: in Wimdeteck by T. Scott: is Leaden by Mitchell; is Egnioadville he J. Carter. in Her orhey by M. McDermid .111 C..: is Mitchell sad see trial will prove Its eeteesiabiag efficacy by . Ford dt co. and Babb & ts better than say asserties or certificates is mer- J. D. Dent: i• Detail...re by Tirol. Ermine. for Mg consumption esdall diseases the Lassa Consirsek rk Brother's Alumnae forift53, wh-eli toed Laver. march as Spheres of blood. Coughs, will be gi••• to all gnus, le itlyfirld by C. pai• in the side add chest, •ght-sweate. &c•• Crsbb nod Gardeer: •1 Bell's Comers by 51. Ce•tion-To protect our owe IS Well SS Ihe BrOwIll. Ilklareet ihe eessevep ti ye *offerer, iw• are eblig. ed 10 C11100 all to fiat the Divesture of CONI- COMSTOCK'S GREAT PAIN KILLER STOCK & BROTHER o• the annipper. with- iikTo mediciee bus bees dieeovered that is eri sms.thie it is worthless sereaterfelt. Re11111113- IN happily ad•pted to use internally as dram bor" • - , to be take., aed yet perform such warders whim CARLSSON! LINIMENT FOR THE • iesiatiffilisfolciThsasera 7h1lik.rt•haulhy. by friatel6% PILES, Aw* ie mar seed is Pli"i1141 that soo eon •o object to the proprietor. it SO61)1111'4 Pa ▪ ih• riudi 'omen" i° °to hoped that @loch • price can be ao obescl• to soy Loluilinteri,b6yrstaillorMen'Perce.r.terielbey, eiforiedthel'Clullregiefs atadhe rdraniciel,25a7od5rlirili•00900111 b907tree,"•cie(o5rdirliesjg te "the. Piles, sad also eateseivell sad effectual', se Is eke, will enable all to um h. If ye. doubt, be • mime deeddlisp weir ethers Jis Ilife:• lire Wit- gip with a 23 rest bottle, and that will remove seemed Esterealle it. the following complaints:- your doubts, and make you bey, sod use asd re - Drop., Bwolgoli°. Ar'te or C21"1- commend it to your (needs, more Mae handfed sae. toftrlito" ••••• Sir° Tbre". °nu- certificates would. Who will fall to try it then. ss.Whe8thPerwnlars'estia.arseof. athese's 8.11:rdietade., !.°PlaisioKiiilliesse"adonasuyabeerisuredg 1"wribarn• siliceitarenthail Pero 114 Marritto• •P°4 "61'6°6° en"Grea is Will sameish the beholder. in such eases es the rttrbeihtair..o1 albotow.b. r°67rirtisizsi 1ohl.erasidlteloi.rbdess,,lotirnaiirrebes. ciaLD..yictean1.- haaoaterebreasreiumiTirlreolf it=domeho gehePa'alsed: w'irtarhiea the Piles, ia ' • it eels hke • charr." reiseatedmatas• pales:eta:ye tryzeq.,41l. CARTVO.-N.'' buy it salmi yea fied the pee,,a, 81..der from Ber,., woke. nians.and:riztTaed,eFhet..t.. .81par Flash, Bites or Stingy. Cerithesie• hit a proprietors, oat Me wrapper. -- • volume might be gobliehd, ithowite the swan- •WrTSAsZio°1,15111sell13 'TP0,8101:1418.11,12,1A"Ltr-P1:7":::: are too enamels. and weed tor ett,cles oo met- tferfal effects of Comet, ek's Pain Killer, tiu • :hey, lalet"e0rt"iclea,gfortilebefalalitifli0es"a4adiktehpeielra AthitaTH:i-ir itt?ou.a4saistdheen25kaoZna,ostee'llioweinliordinesse5:6.1 soft, &say. and io a healthy coalition, it hi on- gewsre of worthless articles called Pain Killers. equalled. Its positive qualities ere vas follows: d d,,e1 bey y Cern, the roots, imparts beelth sad vigor te the circa. GEORGE'S HONItURAS SARSAPA- RILLA EXTRACT. for the cure of all diseese• arteisg irons impure state el- the blood. This Ssnoperilla *mind.. ten times ea mach pure Headuras Sarsaparilla as any other. la fact. sll other Sersarenllas ate minemolly composed of en eauset from the woethless common Saris patina, sod do sot ha., the desired effect emit • person has poured perhape domes sif betties into his system. Oe the crostrary. Creerete'• Heed. kis Sarsaparilla, from being conmseed best compoeed, •re airman --------osprereallsmatenals sad nnaufsetured with the greatest formation given be hi,. Itoiace liary,t,e and ;newest, the bait chetb.agile tierz Market Square, Guderich, and Mr. Peter ritilinMir".1i,..21.00111:"6.10t Woods, Union Hotel, Stratford, local hs.m. mi t Lode (ramthe oPrieleal receipt procured spots for the Nurrery. from the original Tartish Hakim (pleysterse) of SAMUEL MOULSON, Cosso•olioopir. where it is universally esed- Old Rochester Nemo], N. Y. Th. Turks have always beets eeleinstedfar their Goderioh, 1615* July, 1851. 22 wonderful' ektll is composedies the mare per - -- fumes and Ell ocher toilet aricles. To T.k, GOOD NEWS. tbe aromatic herbs, &c. of which this Balm is The Goods suit the fashion, the seed for the hair Reece a ease of baldness or W h b • I be node of CHEAP GOODS at Port Albert, care, (every posed a the sereaperffla beiag rieb. . who calls there will find ci ibin heed of hair is attire', eateries in that jected to the strietset Chemical tests, asd io• elrevineeees secertained before it is med.) sets F.6, Whocaellisahmes .toespurchase, will please , tow than all the rolefleelllitl• Mae cao be Prce°' '<X emiiPstl.rbillieeelhilleri:Yed.wil:1711,11:P:bmso.:Prilio:P0I-otinac°:Idnyeo'll"Betrie.. s bi 7:0; 51:::h:C." i I .0: :1 1' confidently assert it is the boa Sereeparilla ever before the public. i ed the mind, immediately and powerfully. This Mai Miser*" Nostrum, but • purely Vegetable Compacted His stock, well selected, will suit Cap- i..i V' ' prepared on ecientific priamplea, sod.o• ean THOMAS LOUGH EED. greoltIritirelett'5°Crnkbill7PeB:rrhol37therie'lleifileitteheassepleindb.idswigrapippstimin 04 are sofferieg with the many ille 'het ressetefie.,. - is heir to, no matter how desperate veer es., BOCa:PiAl;D STATIONLII.T.-DROGIN iton-cill."' Lev TISK LADDLI T•Kit NOTICIt.-i. wh., PNReVOTar. Port Albert, Sept. 1, 1852. NOTICE. .. c5n32 ailtroll' TMielirrrIt.ITA.'11*-RifrEatir.0tri'mo' 8:4 ytha°41:thg°Villid. MHeoeydll'stme 14rissdpeu'eregllan, r-sdsd'. 'yereenwiinitl,;i:': lee eimerfully obeyed by tie children of Mm.- delightful sad effectual remedy. DIL LA TTTTTT '• JUNO CORDIAL, Of Procre•tivIt You who desire • beaut4.1, clear skin, ,... "Cr' Go Mom owl ow lam eiwitaies ass the ee* imeartee Mem werany, is Me MOO Mee by, PA RSON Oriderie . Co., Peet Nara* : Closets sod (:eetnerat 18. A. 1111111114,11, Lee. s busby given that the partnership Sob- • ae Ae! se •• effective, 1414015110* I" from Pimples Blotches .sod all los iir,ter ' . mistier between Alex. McIntyre, and „di ir,,gui,,,,,iee.Impeof swore. it Olin the' it Pro- brieg this medieise before ihr public, court/len, ir;iliersztrOf.Debility racv, or Bernmor••• 504 rely Upollll athe be 's et Cos 'metic to ''Irse. S. ' alsarnte•of jrionnoaalrdys,on1 0, 5to2w. • 411(.4 Gsodu eperorcs110,15wisen. ospiermr:iinoiti.e.letivii,Nsatre's Greet Remittals', and ddelisibteditelelitbhirermbuytuNsol that the good cortunera sense of the people sr, 1 rimisate between • medico* prepared fm,,. Al.EX. McINTYRE. tc:opraeBoat.:011eclohu4109, 2.5dre remedy to Mane in the married mat, witheet ciii,c • - times or Whiles. As se isagoratiag medicine 'leies that Geore's Honduras tiantapisrilln Geisital Orgaias, Snow Affectons. LOW:Nr. which the country is filled, sod crisfidestly W- t is sereerweiled. Also. • eremite roma for °- OliCe tried will be &leapt seed W• have au, hereby requested to rinks im elite Pay eertsin care 4. Bern, sal •"- the pure !loaders, Sarsaparilla *d the thamind meat, aed save costs. . ork,„„,„) debility, Gleet. Weaklier* ol. lbo 'worthless ellreel• Of • Worthlees piglet With IA ME8_DONALDSON• ccuPilserillECrergsamPy. PIry;ricelnal Ige.Laissi"it'udi7 °FreiMim:19; „"irtudPo !gm olis:geol •tyuleesth..orgs°towlohk,llilaier'etri•01;17 QTRAYED from the eubscriber Oa or a- and is ef priceless vele, te Mom without off- ethi,mA6p1rhil,dallyttohf tug:. last,e61•11,4ar.ge popnagyikacceeha.acc,ccri.lity0,471kar. *1. lawig ..1",re.mriapLPdisia::. CAUTION EITKA -Tile repietsito• a shiy Mechciee hes become so great whre it has beer '''-"Gwlebourit me giant each informant:me as wit' Toad to aa 51 hie gist: Ca.ndthaaritelPi.nelle,dbewRanhoarertePirmsehd:Messrgie•forri, .rettrywYtiagrlhkihre.etpoivfoAti:hihrrre,0,41:661ehoeetra:ttr;h:greotpe:hbetblitib:hHisibtiewiarrieiyWtti:h;threhircotekdebrub,:"Rfoderosedaipo.ydsar011.:tatslwholtrirbedollyte.::: biesidit esne-lie':'itt:0-y.osi.ovuoilimifiimedi asiera:thtilie.6j4w..dbosicp.reCerlia..°01.9:78,e. A,,,,d 5&::1":ro:titte:ni:rni"sidd.iNdle8Wm11:12''Plih8Pe:11:80dPre1de7"9""libee0i:se.wiltijamibiCe:rmaeear0.7:::::61: . 04 Cern- the same of Cornetoek & Brother. Proprietor- ong wide horns, owl ...on 1 p madCkitrnewitd Bed . ...a D...., boy an the °Pie bor body, tree rear old -the other Brindled, A•tor Ilnu'se lifew.York . with a white fete, one year old . A ny per- Da midi 0 Hod. PArliteerifeills•P"abobitk;•InWedgilariris'eso11"afr• ulterit their reeeveryo,:rislltroakeive • Reward of 413. DUNCAN lieKENZIO. T. °WM"' iel: d:, Xplig Her tie IL ol., C. Creltb, sod ff. ft. O'Coseett i.. TOWRelsip • F. 1111 Cos. lot Re. am ..-Cmacroes FMreal OINTRINT . ... 1011 Nev. HMI H. C. Lee: us St. Maly• 171'. n tarikle."4"edie. • eftte Gakd tilmoode:ir.loeditbk hy T. Sow re Lemke by Ilatooliteli rBell's Corsets by M. BroWD: Ma. wi bows. Carleres I s Fog the OW of Ring -flow, Wood Sonia, Deo Speen, Whelp& aid Anti st--a ispetahr CARLTON'S COOTASTTON for Hennaed Care - NOTIC-r: : -- has established 'tinfoils. • Ai, THE Saba boa, RENTED, the a WARE and WHARF las ang ler to the M . Davenport, of DIM place Arne weaves •reo enewtestele linacle••71- lay enters or economies been the leer, chola of Goderielt, will mono prompt all mlio.e..r. suet: IJOHN. Ifc/IWAN. .21*ml REMO •• aim( JOHN RUSIIRLL. Boo T-11.41 irdliiiire rat Mee meta illehdrai,)- AN „ gratefully oneonaged *55 meow tollseee edle11111 Iled re prerntree, 7, Kiwp Street Wein, t MOM cheek DO/ bimer• his rieh Med Stork io Of Wimp' Dew, ill h eon Eellle% Newels' le Gml Imam m Beet, lere occlilathirricalogi „ea, ft.chaclairma Mg 11404671:-, eakirsee sod &wilt.. o! Coots Miedieorted, A. fligiebefiliMeir Gude write oft Wholeool. Agog* ele. rt. notpnit : Ruth is Nemo% Pore Sparittey ; T. Beekfe k Ses, Ilootos ; ' NIA Ss Pol, Wems. fko. k Co., T m, 44, Cuertned Mop WI, 1652. 41 SelArgehliOatik 411••••••• rt - THE Illigliggiggenagle will 0, at 4 T Ellt el Cornelis C •1.4 Ube • a. tevalt Calt;e. 11.• e4msp..04 weetlese sad wan, wi oho eisesso ges and Seed., haw." girl ran after upds die lilted a13s(5'°' aids of heresy. ft Sem `WPM Owners Nom m64* se usnarl* iss swim tertioneee. rsEMI desef• eir Ileid• of the body that may harm hem imbibed. .44.64.10, 61*44 triOesar4 to, wag ow* lo 0.00" Wp. beam Weems., Ari. Ail ree ei whist' will ____,_0 bf vie( me elf thew prielibmnial win • set efid 410* -1,1" OW lamming duos swag, iumed TheileuriTy me Maid, revere aff sairis.... rise Ihrelda. Wass Ike 01101`. vz otifeltt, 1111.10111WadbleN dbiOrt epos the :weft" °tart Cr ttrAll.rn *mom WWWW frOl" Rellieteitedus fa& t• a( dee bleed, am wady "Toe Sac ibe.-eftwormice eted ern 00111Affs, 11•4060% sod mho o 141Phe.,-..re. wee ' k,:,:,..i:. At Cinalle, ei SAM rd. bow ineleellet I • 1 1::: IV 1 g 1......biLemporsf al dhows ef salea de eamoserwerarii ad coral". week Ilmoge, sed le ellni IL WIWI% addle gill we sew kW' aa Wow Om'ettlerow ea Coa. s me • wreywdskre- heti% sell 9 rein, MOO 4104010, Inee WM& 1119 1801110:=417406 "OP oaktkit arill modald oniessenis griwswsok es ass . Ilemember Ws, ea la Egmoodsille ha 1. Caur: is iderporhey by M. McD-rmid & Co: is Mitchell to T. Ford & Co, aid %Mb & Co: la F.inben h. J. D gesa; is We wt. by TH01; Ill Heikki by C Cribb. arid Derdse. Eitgoire for Comstock & Brother's Almaase for 1853, which will he 16•• grain. Oct. 15, 1952. ir5s32 TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBURG, WA•ros&oo, 2815. February, 1849. • IE Snliseriber hereby istimatee tn hie •111 fete's& sod the Travailisg Poblin sear roe, that be has removed from New Aber does to th•Village of Strorebergh, and wili *ow lat found that **H. -known how for marl, oecopired by Mr. Jona.,-w1040 he will be reedy ad able to costleeet to tb• comfort 04 01)005 wife may honor him with their petrettag. ellfre he tetra,. Ware for peel feerme, he hopes, by tarp Attention to tb• weals sad wish,* nt h eaterners, still t• writ a untise...et 0. tkeir JOHN ABEL. N. B.-Go.4 STABLES awl surnitiv. tarter*. el -UM F ARM FOR SALE. 414 A FARM craw asoisgrol0 sores. rout mike sod a ball bun fedreesef-U wee eisaied es it, with a Rod yaw trellised. ?Waal form fp woe tempi/ -*IA geed w165s046e few* net I, good ovele. A pal Lag Wow • Non Ulm 44 AK Ind Moo ~nos with onsbosess, 154 Per owelewiers wend, to Illowego Paso. $wam Kemp«. laws komi, • eau. ono fireasedeh„ or es Has pewee& ClinESTA EN prgista. Colboroo, May St, 181118. vb.& WO oria ,L• frosted BY 1' nook at 54 Toros cy SHILLIN sawsoce, o the expirst. 14. Me Paid aP' "I adwand• Ahoy 110 resposaable rely, a get er AU mut be po of the Tdrvois rsoder, fro Esc\ sob Ten lion Each • Over leo Each • er A advertise tioes.'s 1 /it A r (fermi Gude tit Julie A N ' I