The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-21, Page 10.P,ag!i 10 The T nies.Adyocate, September 21, 1941. Observe dally Day at Centralia church Obeeree Rally Day "The Church Is There" was the thence of the worship ser- vice in the United Church Sun- day morning when. Rally Day was observed. Sam Skinner assisted Rev. Guest in, conducting the ser- vice. A Sunday School choir provided the music with Elaine ?owe as organist. Mr. Guest used for his text "No man lives unto himself." WA topic "The Horne" Mrs. Lawrence l-Iirtzel pre- sided for the devotional part of d ) t the program of the WApmeet- ing Wednesday afternoon. She was assisted by Mrs, A. 11lc- Falls, "Teaching a child to be a ci- tizen of the world" was the title of the reading given by Mrs. T, Kooy. A piano solo was played by Mrs. Alvin Essery. Mrs. Hoist gave a talk using for her topic "The Home'. Mrs. Hoist con- ducted the business when plans were madee for the bazaar on Oct. 18. The WMS are sponsoring an evening .of music by the Domi- nion Life Insurance Company of Waterloo in the church audi- torium on Monday evening, Sept. 25 at 8 p.m. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfiie of Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Greb of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Love of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hodgson .of Wa- terloo wereu guests to oo Sunday with wth Mr. and Mrs. Ken. re G b Mrs. James Hord of Ilderton was a Saturday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Antos Wright. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. Heaman and Mr. and Mrs. S. Eaton in Lon- don. George Baynham accompa- nied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baynham and family visited over the weekend in Detroit with the Fred Baynham family who will be leaving in the near future for their new home in Texas. !Miss Mabel Refoir of Lon- don is visiting with her cousin, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cunnington. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley in Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Copeland of Windsor are visiting for a week with Mrs. Andrew Hicks. On Sunday all spent the day in St. Thomas and on Monday evening Mrs. Kains and her daughter Edith of London were guests with them. Mr. and Mrs. George Deak of Windsor were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Molnar. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Molnar, Norton, of Ailsa Craig, Mr. and Mrs. R. Morton and son Stanley of Parkhill were Sunday visi- tors with Mr, and Mrs. Amos Wright, Mrs. K. Grebaccompanied by Mrs. Hugh Love of Exeter, 1►2rs, Wilfred Ravelle, Mrs. Pe- ter Ravelle and Lori of Grand Bend and Mrs. Lloyd. Hodgson sof Exeter were Tuesday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hodgson in Waterloo. Mrs. Hodgson remained for the week :in Waterloo with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunn of Exeter were Sunday evning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .George Dunn, : Rev. John Wareham, Wood- ham will preach in the United Church Sunday at 11:45 a.m.. while 'Rev. D. M. Guest will conduct anniversary service in West Zion church. Mr and Mrs. Melvin Squire. Watford, visited Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. D. M. Guest. Salesmen— Continued from page 2 President Diekieson told the meeting the directors of both the marketing board and the co-operative had asked assur- 1 ance from the Farm Products Marketing Board that some changes in the election of board. members would be made be- fore they agreed to recommend II this merging of functions. They I received such assurance so we can expect the addition of some directors -at -large to the mar- keting board, They will be elected by and from country committeemen. Also district directors will he elected by county committeemen at the annual meeting nominations for county committeemen will take place before the day of election and more polling booths will be provided, I Also visiting .at the parsonag !last week were Mrs. W. V. Pol dock, Mrs. Guest's sister, Kin I sardine, and her daughter, Mis Ruth Pollock, EN, Wingham. Rev. D. M. Guest conducted an anniversary service at .th West Williams United Church "on the Arltona pastoral char; where he was a former )minis ter. I Quite a few from here at tended anniversary service last Sunday at Crediton ''ed eliureb when the guest er !was Rev. IL.L. Snell, an a former minister of Janie ;Street church, Exeter, IM News budget from Clan. ebo e By MRS. J. .hl, PATON • s, e. e sow SCORES LING ST 4N I NGS EXETER LANES MEN'S 1.EACr111 ,"A" GROUP 5 Pepsis 43 Coughlin 6111 .. :. Spares (B. Nicol 478) .. 1 ) Rockets .... 4 1 11^ Hau„h .1. Fidler 7631 .Fait•)anes (.1. ('ares 596U .. t 11 indulins (T..latne 3147 ) L Supertest W. Tonle 1025) .. 1 Ringers ti) 11'rifiht 1,'4) . 5 "lig Six tall. Whittle!! 511:11 . 1 AR )1. Specials 7T. Wright 6274 .. 4 Milkmen t1' Stagg 617) .. n Russ' 134tltatds (S. Nagel 6081 4 Kippen Tigers 41 t'oleroxn 547) 11 R. Billiards ... 4 Rockets4 A&)1 Speciais , 4 Pepsis Windmills Ringers ........ Spares . ., .._... 1 1. Supertest 1 Big Six ...... • 1 Milkmen ... _... , n Fairlanes .. u Kippers Tigers ... ... 11 Church news M the United Church Sun- day, the service was taken ba George 'F. Bates of Curling ford United Church, near Mit chill. The pastor, the Rev. G W. Sach was the guest speaker for the anniversary service there. On Sunday, Sept. 24, the .Harvest Thanksgiving service will be at 11 a.m. at St. James Church with the rector, Rev. E. 0. Lancaster, conducting. For the evening service the guest speaker will be Rev. T. G. Lethbridge, BA,BD, BSW, of London, assistant commis- sioner sioner of the Diocese of Hur- on. Dies or- on. "'B" GROUP • C. Loggers 1 \14, 514 1"nyre 1411;1 4 tnnklin Lumber (Fl. Dobson 107,1 Kingpins (F7. Priess 5141 1 Sterling Fuels (1). Cooper 4721 . ,1 Ban klnonts (R. Sturrork 5471 4 Canadian Tire LG. Shipman 5631 u Canners 114, Simpson 0:12). TradesmenTradesmen lG, Campbell,. -r ,rl .. 1 Larks tI„ Heywood 7571 4 E, Supertest (8, Higgins 1126) U Crystal Loggers 4 Bankmnnta Kingpin's4 4 t. at le ) t r.. .. 4 La k 13o-Drd1P)C5 s 44 Toastmasters ., .... N. Enid Supertest .... el Tradesmen n Canadian Tire n Sterling Fuels 11 Conklin !,umber . ......,. 1) High single: I,. Heywood 11125) High triple 18. I'rtess (1114) Hidden score: 13. Sanders Meeting Mrs. Gordon Eaton entertain- ed the ladies of the United Church for their September meeting, Mrs, Rea Neil pre- sided. During the business session, plans for a fall bazaar were discussed. The .next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Aggie Northgrave. Personal items Mrs. Harry Murless had the misfortune to break her left wrist Wednesday of last week. She was taken to South Huron Hospital where Dr, R. W. Read put it in a cast. She returned home on Thursday. Miss. Marjorie Donaldson joined the staff of the Bell Tel- ephone Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stew- art (the former Vera Walker) of London visited. on , Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Car- ter. Sa y cattle Mrs. Stewart Cunningham re - LADIES' LEAGUE "A" GROUP • Happy Gals (1). Munroe 713) ..,. 7 .Pin Pmpp"ttes 4 A. Fairbaint) 0 Hight Hawks (R. Sangster 6111 7 rills (I'. Hunter-Duvar MO p h. Strikes O. Stephen 51n). ..... 7 IUI wetter (D, Prance 458).. 0 11Pr'v '""1" "ills i 1). )leaver 7151 .. 7 NnnQieatl)1ers t$1. .itthin 478) ..1 Ti tilers (.#. t ron�'n 595) .... 7 Ile -Bops (M. Flynn,461) ... 0 Hot Dogs (51. Holtzman 530.) 1 ;yap .lopes 4M, Fisher 461) (4 :harpy Gals 7 Night 1Iawlts 7 Liteky Strikes 7 Merry M1tids 7 Trailers 7 11nt clogs 7 Pin I'njl))ettes 0. Pins 14 Blow Pt l es .n 1landi, tippers 0 11e -flops - .. 'Wee .fop's n 4 "B" GROUP Alley Carts (A. "Westbrook 496) ,. 5 Busy Bees (G. Webster 512) 2 ]mita Six Ill. Skinner 5411) n Frisky Fix 413. ('onghlin 468) „ 5 lolly Ji'(s (.1. Burke. 568) • 7 )lroppette. ((1. Madel• 436.1 0 High Hopes (N. Routh 402) 4 Lollipops (51 Shrinl.plan 487) „ 3 mighty Mute (GI Morley 504) , 4 'Who ('Hies (1.. Reid 516) 3 Ronettes t 1. Senit 5114 Sputniks 11,, Slaght 583) lolly Jilts 7 "ley 17018 , 6 )'risk. Six 5 nonett/ High Hopes Mighty : it Mice 1.n111110ns ', n ('ars h s Busy ,t Bees 1 ( s roll} Six Sputniks i)roppettea 6 4 4 3 5 2 0 5 9 high singIA: A Croup, ]-1. Bea- ter (113), R Group, B. Slaght (257). High triplet A (,roup, 1•I. Be- 'aer (7411); 13 Group, E. Slaght (569). Bidden single: A Group, A. Lawson. Hidden score: E. G('oUp, L. Piaff, LUCAN LANES COLLEENS LEAGUE St. Pats (B. :McLaughlin 696) . 2 The. Blowettes (51. Kennedy 478) 5 Angels (E. Hodgins 612) ... 4 Night Hawks (C, Wissel 673) .... 3 The 'Blowettes 6 Angels. 9 Night Hawks St. Pats , ..... 2 High single: C, Wissel (287) High 'triple: C. Wissel (6117) turned home Friday. She spent a week with her sister, Mrs,. Sam Sharpe, in Blenheim fol- look strong lowing a week spent in the Chat- • ham General .Hospital. Mrs. Alvin Cunningham vis- ited her sister-in-law, Mrs. F l o r en ce Cunningham, last week in London. Austin Bice is still a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital where he underwent an operation three weeks ago. Mrs, Clarence Millson is in her fifth week at St. Joseph's Hospital, following her acci- dent. Nelson Ashbury of Orillia. a brother, visited with Mrs. Mill - son, also with his nephew Ralph Millson and family, London. Mrs. Jim Beckett of Kitche- ner, visited her mother Sunday. Mrs. Amy Allen, a niece of Tor- onto, was another visitor with Mrs. Millson, Tommy Abel of Brantford visited over the weekend with Mr, and. Mrs. Rea. Neil and other friends. Mrs. Alice McKernan, Wind- sor, and her son Fred and his wife and children Linda, Susan and Ricky, of Northville, N.S. Cattle are strong out west, reports Don H. MacGregor, owner and manager of Corbett Sales Arena, who recently re- turned from a buying trip. "The market is strong at the moment and it doesn't look like there will be any weakness in the fall," he said, During his trip, MacGregor attended. a • cattle sale in. Lee Park, northern Alberta, where he watched cowboys and their horses handle 1,000 head on the open prairie. "It's amazing the way they operate," he re- ported. Culling, he said, was done right on the open prairie with- out use of fences of any kind. The horses, trainedto the job, moved instantly to head off any steers attempting to break away. Cowpokes can cut out a steer from the crowd in a mat- ter of seconds, he said. While he was there, he wet- ehed an older man and his daughter d r i v e six cattle through the 1,0004ead herd without any difficulty. Golfer: I'd move heaven and "It makes you wonder why we spend so :much money around here for fences," Mac- Gregor commented. Fnnttnl/unlen/tmulnenim�nuu"uunmumna earth to be able to break 100. Caddy: Try heaven, you've moved enough earth already. High avrra>;P: C, Wissel (226) Team Captains St. Pats, Laureita Blake; The Rlowettes, Carol "Young; Angels, Thelma Hodgins; 'fight Hawks, Christens 1� 1FseL LADIES' LEAGUE Ares (11. Kennedy 224) ... 7 Shamrocks (A, Andersen 226) ., 0 Ramblers (:1. Lewis 207) 7 Legionettes (V. Smith 165) 0 High 'Hopes (1, Coughlin 206) „ 7 Diamonds (1), Taylor 197) 0 Satellites (13. Gibson 359) ...7 Sputniks (B. Wraith '193) 0 Dairymaids (E. Watson 900) 5 M)umhells (51. Carling 105) 2 C, Cubes (I.. Blake 197) ' 5 C, Clowns (F. M)lison 217) , 2 Ares 7 Ramblers . 7 High lopes 7 Satellites 7 Dairrnaids , 5 C. Cubes 5 Dumhells 2 C. Clowns 2 Sputniks 0 Shamrocks '0 Diamonds 0 Legionettes 0 High single: E. Gibson (259) High triple: E. Gibson (600) High average: E. Gibson (200) ituUllltl mill ll,ilit1111111111111111111II II III )III III11111/. Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open. this Sunday, Wed- nesday afternoon and dur- ing the evening through- out the week. Larry Snider Motors SHUR-GAIN FERTILIZER SERVICE ./sir-//�' •i t •,; It makes good sense to have your fertilizer spread on fall sown grains — on grasslands --- hay and pasture — on cash crops - for next spring accurately, easily and economically with the new SHUR-GAIN Bulk Per- tilizer. spreading Service Makes good dollars and cents too! it may cost you no more to have SHUR. GAIN delivered and spread than you are presently paying for bagged fertilizer. For details and FOR FAST FERTILIZER SERVICE ME YOUR LOCAL SHHCUR-GAM FERTILIZER, DEALER, NOW. a Exeter Earl Nell Warehouse TELEPHONE 158 ,0a Soldier back' f rQm Egypt By MRS, .KEN. McKELLAR CRQMARTy Sgt. Ray S'orsdahl of t he 1'I CLI airborne division of the ariny who has; recently re- turned from Egypt where he was. with United Nations, spent a few days leave with his bro- ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl and 'Con- nie, lie will later be stationed. at Saskatoon with the Canadian Light infantry. Shower bride -elect A )miscellaneous shower for Miss Wilma Harper, bride -elect of this vee. was held in the church basement on Thursday evening. Mrs. G. Carey conducted a program consisting of a sing, song led by Mrs. T. L. 'Scott' and Mrs. G. Lang, readings by Miss Olive Speare and Mrs. H. Dow, duet by MMiarlene and Joyce Dow and several con- test:. An address was read by Miss Sandra McLaren and an array of beautiful gifts was presented to the bride -elect, Misses Mar- lene Dow and Wanda McLaren assisted with unwrapping the parcels. Wilma expressed her appre- elation and invited all the la- dies to attend a trousseau tea at her home on Saturday, Rally Day• was observed at Cromarty Church Sunday with John Callender of Brantford conducting t he service. Sing- ing inging was led by the Junior choir who also rendered a special number, Awards were presented to several of the Sunday School children, for memorizing scrip- ture, by Superintendent Mks. T. L. Scott, WMS and WA WMS and WA of Roy's church met at the home 'of Mrs. Roy Dow, Mitchell. Mrs. Norman Dow presided, Mrs. Andrew Christie read the scripture and Mrs. M. Christie led in prayer. Readings were given` by Mrs. G. Dow and Mrs. Elmer Dow., 1958 CHEV DELUXE 4 -DOOR SEDAN Automatic Transmission Custom Radio Whitewall Tires Low Mileage Snell Bros. LTD. Chev ^ Olds - Corvair PHONE '100 EXETER Mrs, Andrew Christie Tread. a LeatninSton, ,and Mrs. W Vin - letter froin Rev. Satiiuel of ,Ili- ters, '1'ilbut`y, visited Weclnes di Elmer c 11 ' . v . e a i; )r wa ii a W. _e Mrs. k1 Do n.l s d a tilt 11 n Mrs. C 4)14 r f. a i df•. cliff, Dow were ,appointed to ar. Wallace, range for the ()etcher gleet' I Alvin Cornish .and. Lorne ing• Wassmenn of Exeter were Sun- I1rs. .Ross McPhail gave the clay visitors wi kt i . and Mrs, topic on "Stewardship." Otte Walker, I'ersanal 'item; Mr. and Mrs, W., E, 1'3rooks Mr. and Mr's. Robert Dodds and sons Brent and Owen of Brampton spent the weekend roglt with Mr..aud Mrs. Fred with her parents. Mr. and I1trs. Riley. nrggof Rost visitiHengy wiEth Itisert daughter ock antiis son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Alex ardiner. Frank Speare of Toronto spent a few .days with his aunt, Miss Olive Spears. Mrs. Donald. Wallace of Car. 1ingford, Mr. Earl Roadhouse, and children of Windsor, are no. spent the weekend .at Scarbo- John Hocking. Hugh Scott left Sunday to take a four-year degree course at the OAC, :Guelph. Miss Alice Sorsdahl, 'London,sen' cnls,t Mr. and a Mrs. Lloys with dSors- dab", Mr. and Mrs. harry Elliott tt111t11nin1111/MI ItAnlnfAiNIMMI.ftt1lff n"..1111It@}nmiftl.lttniPNlylilltlntlntln(y 1p11t1t9111nnf1ll. eeder Cattle Arriving Every Week PRIVATE SALES THROUGH THE WEEK REGULAR SALE EVERY TUESDAY ON FEEDER AND FAT CATTLE HOG ASSEMBLY EVERY WEDNESDAY CORBETT SALES ARENA PHONE AX 6.4203 D. H. MacGREGOR h1111 111 1111 )III 11111llllli. Illlln AtlAllll 111111 11 Illtlnn}Iillll l/11 III/lnlnlJm111t111111n111i111f II11}I limn 1, it 1 11 1 11 11111 11 tt 1111111111"1111 !ilii, eel 111111111 11111 11111 11 11111 ei1 ill,tlillllil 11 1 n 1 1 1 II 1 1 I 1 1 A 1 _! I f..1m IIIJLII .11111 1 ,.1 11. 1.l. _. , .. .. 1. 1 .!1 I. } Farmers anted to grow REGISTERED SEED WHEAT under Contract Riad Beans & Seeds Ltd. DASHWOOD 97 THEDFORD 61 ALVINSTON 103 `piggin inn" linin mminntunninteeeuelelminitinatiimin attumiiiimaIIIIIIt inti11 mitiii m1Ill P• ii laying with Mr. anti 11Irs, vol Elliott and Mr. and Mrs,. John Wallace. n 1y C. M. Wilson, Detroit, visite with .Mr. and Mrs. Z. L. ;Scott. on Sunday. itis, Another, Mrs, Jennie Wilson returned,, with, Trim to Detroit After spending a week )0111 relatives. berree. LARGE 15" CLOCK • ILLUMINATED • SWEEP SECOND HAND • IDEAL FOR BARN OR MILKHOUSE CONSTANT ADEQUATE �( VACUUM �a7s �ty 11 111 13111111 r II I I . I t I I 11 I1, .,l l . I I �rl 1 I,I I IF YOU HAVE INCREASED YOUR HERD IN RECENT YEARS, you meed a new UNIVERSAL PIMP to give you an adequate and more even vacuum supply for full volume milking. Your work•worn, under. powered pump may be steafneg your (milking profits. A new Ani• verse) Vacuum Pump will give your faster milking and, most important of all. more milk: HAVE YOUR UNIVERSAL SERVICE MAN CHECK YOUR VACUUM PUMP AND LINE NOW! EXETER DISTRICT PHONE 287 COLLECT yjjrjJ see them at Exeter At 3010 JOHN DEERE ROW CROP TRACTOR with F620 Plough MODEL 458 .GRAIN DRYER 400=bu. capacity LET •US DEMONSTRATE! Huron Tractor & Equipment 111