HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-12-16, Page 211ENf al be ac
ss,rd•r "1 1.,0.4 lati•.t .,
.nide d'► le•yeltte.o. -
,(•worm t with rt•i the
.aro boo lay at the d,eakar
Hoag dm Bialy .alesseeraaeb
eigaggierlumitivie fur Need.
to rs
>itt. UttUYKblf1!/11'ritl.' nleot
• • It wore better for awe to be air to the es utile nos
Nr `M•, thew w druokeanow ; fbr 011i toarteeutb \ Ictorya
ether.uIne• gad a:ieera tes•rv.rabher hal' tit.lyd, An Ail feat
.a �rookard writ babe *I )bet dektb'
and aawsratfnuA e
W Na•Iline.e :lair the ftiwpe► it o1*eeeell upper Qum lie et ll
• ma the note b. *viol Jeltght �a it, end ,_ use Ex
the elder M grewerth ; the mere M obeli y
b• a.bJeet ds 11, for et dune, b the a 4(N• earl silk tin 4411 Ka lad c
and le.troy•th the bud, ; w ley dello the giddies CO1tae11 O
. eN treat air see the wohr wigwamsli in Assembly of the ' ince of
she kernel of U».ut•-1Rnhigi. de, coastitut*d u4 see*bled.1of ri
tw of bad odor. � .diene .��,�+
Ad rr.J in ib .•.P.dirwit • N.� -tike
°l '1'oww►ipt obis cuoe•rued 61°V h°' BYTURN OF LADY FRANKLIN'S TILE CANADA OuriPAD1ir,
lig able to agree as tothethe sari. N t�Cn>L�W' D1SCOVA1tY VESSEL asoouocemest lately sander
nem to be paid to each . township, tot jHAg ,t
Natter sh.y be referred to the warden of — .ppoialmeut of throve. W'Jder aoA$Nbio-
Tbis little v.a•eI wkicL leftthe ibsrse.of sena. p brat and second commtssiooen re-
auy, Ina
al alt* have author's/ to appoint the theory urovege ntailtebArcticeregiowas r anrd *Pectirely, of the
trades:au it
`rd tee of a tial school sect oo excited public y
'�•, � by the a.d et! a shall atuituy *tram algae, C
tinted Kiegdoes of6'ifest•l ilmir sled ]rip-
Iieal.. Det. 9,1852. hail, sed imuttrled, An fins tmile.viMiA o�dwe
The fallowing is aN extract fns a letter 1'rtreswcu rf G jper a sol 1isi rC'rarriadrf,
in the Sakes Reinter, wraps by as is- arta 1'a too Coerrramewt'tl' (,'.maths, and
1e11i i,t American long residue is Itatsda, it Is hereby enacted by the authority of the
dated of Petcr.bsrl•,i, tet. 15, 18b2. mute, 'l lat tbe Board of School Trustets
••'t'hoWwperer W darted see 110p4e481400 in each city, town aad iacorl.orated riltagw
for 1.Isas, e')usi.tiall of Frigate Pall" and shall, iu addition to the powers will
a °crew eteamohil'r boaglit is Euglaad 10 which they are now legally invested.
be u*Jer the comun4d of rice Admiral possess and exercise, as far as they .ball
• 13oalabM, a very INTsuieoi "4 • "eerily judge expedient, iu eco rd to each
Inas. 'l34 frigate left Crvao,iadt a such city, town and incorporated tillage,
few weeks macs nod will stop at some roil all the powers with which the Tru*tees of
in the Eogiah channel, where the expedi- each school aecLiou are or may be inre.ted
tion will bsatly dart from. It 1* said to be; by Law io regard to each such school atm-
o for wrientihc purposes, but it rs pretty cer, otos.
toss- to watch the Autarkies expedition or I1. Aad be it eulcted, 'That loo rate
wttich they are [moat ridiculously 1e�-" shall be imposed upou the lablbioanta of
any school un dine, according to the wbok
Sena lbouwo4 .pereoae ►are emiCrated Surber of children, or of list number of
t to Alrtra6a from ticetlsad, witbIa • a+oatb. ebildreu of legal echool age rmsidiog in arch
Ecuons.—Oasies colts Echo ' the son of scetios: Provided Slat the trustees of ends
the rock,' Ti. il[g41404mm believed, scbovl eectiou dud' gee that each aehoet
aoJ do w to the prewar day. that the railer their charge is, at times,
repereese4.a• of a ruck were toads b, • duly provided with a register mad re -
*poet reaidiog iu its bosom. Nothing can yyir'ebouk, in the form prepared according
be more heaiii,lul them Uwlam's addrese to to law: Protided, secondly, lbet the trove
the who, a his poem of the batt:• el fang.. tees of each school auction a *1I bare a4'
Tbt'attiie on to big owe m,afurtuse w 4 gn
Iy mature' and affecting. 'Sou of the du- tbority 10 take such steps they may judge
last land, wbo d.'atleet in the •eet.t gait! exl.edient to units their school wa1 tine
de 1 bear the sound of the wise; or r it the public grammar school, which shall be situ-
vefee of nom el But I be. 11 a tuneful voice. ated withiu or adjacent to the limits of their
Tait thou praise the cb•efe of tby land; or school section; Provided, thirdly, that the
th • spirits of the windl But lonely dweller trustees of each school section shall be per -
.1 the rocks! look thou on that healthy tonally responsible for the amount - of any
Plain. 1'hou •.mai greas tomb., web Marr ai nail moneys which shall be forfeited and
rink wbittliog grave; with dbeir snipes lest to such school section duris the period
of mossy heads. Thou woo them, see of g
the rock, but Osuta's eyes bate faded!' of their continuance inofce,incoaacqueaee
Tho Sy Timm styled K'cbu 'the daughter of of their neglect of duly; aced the amount
-veins; Euripides 'Om cbdd of the moue- thus forfeited or lost shall be collected and
taloa' l.nctelin,, who beautifully describes applied in the manner prvided by tbe ninth
the antes abate Etbu lovas to dwell, call* section of the said act, thirteenth and four-
b.v •the Image of .punch:' S►ak.peare '11e teeneh Victoria, chapter forty-eight, for the
mien seg go•etp of toe .;r; via Mitten prom,- collection aid applicalioe of tbe fines un-
ee. ser, that .M nh.Im gave Mesouadi.g posed by di.. said section: Provided,(ourtb-
grace to all Heaven'. 'mummies.' ly, that the trustees of each .drool action
Revasasra.T Rooms ex Wont. Pao- shall each personally forfeit the sum of one
PLL—It s with sincere pleasure we tearo pound five shillings for each and every week
Thal commediou• refreshment room1 bare that they shall neglect, after the fifteenth
lately been opened to Edinburgh for the of January in each year, to prepare and for -
be bid -tot c lessee, where a cop of coffee can ward to their local su erinteodent of schools
a had for a peaoy, and a basin of broth or P
par •oup for Ike same trilling nem. They their school report, as required by law, for
are situated to a crowded neighbourhood, the year ending the thirty-first December
and as many a 120 cupe of coffee are pee- immediately preceding; and which sum or
rally sold between five and eight o'clock sums thus forfeited, shall be sued for by
in the moloiog. The. i• the true way to such local superioteudeot, and collected and
advent* the temperanr• cause ■r'leng*1 applied in the manner provided by the pro -
the working classed, aad we only wish vi•
se of iliis section immediately preceding ;
then were nee or two similar eetabllab- Provided, fifthly, that no agreement be -
teetotal society here, but its efyura have i tween trustee* and a teacher m any school
been Dearly altogether misdirected, and we section made between the first of October
do not think the working cI in the and the second Wednesday of'anuary,
city are a bit more Plotter mJ steady than shall be valid or binding ma either party
they Were a dozen years ago, i1 the sot • 7 after the second Wednesday io January,
Aad spent half tbe suin which they Lave unless such agreement shall have been sign-
hvuhed on leo urea, publications, btc., ,lo ed by the two trustees of such school sec -
the estabtishiont of cheap shops, limy tion, whose period of office shall extend a
would have effected infinitely more good.
1 tis all very will to point out the evils of one year beyond the second Wednesday
dtunkonnese to • working man: but on a of Jauuary, after the sighing of such agree-
• cold, frosty moruiog, when he fa on his way meat.
to hu dal:y labour between fire and six 111. And be it enacted, That the trns-
o'elock,hs reale a d he would like **mall In tees of each school section shall have the
to warm Mtn; and, whatever may be the same authority to wisest and Collect rates
. .timate off p,'ia of drinking whiskey, there for the purpose of purchasing school •sites
1. no th. lihttie of its aper, b imparting til wit induced
and the erection of school houses, with
at the time. 1f, then, b. 1e to a induced
to give up taking whiskey, In must ben which they are, or may be invested by law
• r•rbatiurte wblcb sent serve the purpose to assess and collect for other school pur-
se well, sed at as esnp a rate. We have poses: Provided always, that they shall
plenty of temperance c•,ffee bousw to Gia- take no steps for procuring a school site on
goo, up two or three lOght. of *lair*, and which to erect •i new school house, or
utterly msccaei )1• to the burrteJ operative or changing the site of a school house esti-
e t Ino .ally Lour In the moreiug. \1'bat we blished, o• that may be bereafter establish -
want is coffee chopr, just a handy and con-
reatent a1 the whiskey shop., and if a glass ed, without calling a special meeting of the
of whiskey can be bad t'r a poesy or three- freeholders and householders of their sec-
belfpence, coffee must be sold at an equally tion to colander to matter; and if a ma -
cheap rive. Then might be soots loss at- jority of such freeholders and householders
teed,ng s ,aeeelatinn o` this sort at the Present at such meeting differ from a ma-
commeecemeot, but w• are .at:•fied that betty of the trustees as to the site of a
rt would alumatelpbe remunerative, at all school -house, the question s1r11 be disposed
enters, wolf supporting. We throw out of is the mariner prescribed by the elevestb
the hint, bnpir'g not only that leelotsllers
Ina, lake is up, but 'Lai ober welt di.poa.d section of the said Act, tblirtee•lh and four-
asd philao'ropie pparmra may p14. 11 tbeti teealb Victoria, chapter tarty -eight. , .
consideratwo.—Cles`ow Reformer' G. 1V. And be it enacted, Tbat in tbe event
:eft. of any person residing is o.e scbool section
DtATtf roost TNM Bret OF • "CoaRA sending a child or children to the school of
DS CAP°LLO "—A curious case re related a neighbouring school cretins, such child or
t 411/1 time 144 10r u7 lawml boatmen cogged to penetrate be uud the should do; for the .nada Cumpaoy, m ib
deet. 11 expedieal'M du berthed peis1 of Italie and Bylut, bowleg relations to this Province, u.uwes 10 im-
1.d, sioble, that ea.b total ween regard through Saitb Sound (or Strait, as pomace, equal 10 that o(a Government
111161"1*.._47 ,ball have autlwnly, it row proves to be, 31i mike wrJe tutu a
6°74 after sa mento. fur ) Department. The announcement giros in-
ey R great open sea, the land oar either side the forwatioa at the same time, of the reworal
of teg�gti school trwttea ,fit leedia to the eastward amt north
ttNs 4s[ W ebargs, to nceire westward, will notion ()Jure than but a of the late Cbie( CoturMaIl 1 of tba C
.ill' "Vinton the boundless sea u lar as the aye coulJ ranee. de Compaq, Thomas Mercer Jones, Esq.,
aitaNM� tags► ekctoee, aid � esa;,t feature of tMi sews about tweNy-bre your' xrrice is
.Refit' Metlide, gad appoint lbs braught by Caplets ]eglefeld, It. N., in def
teat capacity. A more faithful, energetic,
files of a new tkctoos, . he oM •f the most important ducovertae yet
t �. rtihLsfsi ppsp.r: Provided, Ino- tsade w oboe. ie nes gad competent public servant ;baa M.
del each local erperiulesd- Tha Isabel, going ap the easel of Baf- Jolts sever entered the service of any pub-
ko .hag 1aNs aduMrk7, M doe slayi_ jus llsy, looked oto H'hak 6owd, sad Iic body; and, in performing with fidelity
•(ay.ediag a lM pragngaat au- rag some twsNy-6ce mites op, and there the duties derohng upon Lim, he bad the
thoekrd o� Mw Ise tb• ittssisatron of (ousel ..thug bot a open Ira, apes to the d fortune at all times to enjoy tbo
t�h�ile��,�t� ;eta say etuiuVites a cer- cut- $basooted the reported sceaea of gO°
tit�ttJsitllio0 te Mach a school (� isaa•aere of the crews of the Erebus and esteem, of oho
se anioag whom he resided.
"al" the 1 the tharge of sack all- Tenor, and found some harmless natives, It seems, that, by the cbange that has been
piersotendeat, w Mat meets P made 11r. Widder bas been rumored to
casein who had serer before see° Europeans. Atp
keg, and 0o db• , eta etmalty boird of we or two other apota, Moe also feund ea -
'II' *1 tires sot hitherto visited all inoffensive
ng the post of first commissioner, and Mr.
iulendaut is a ss.bsbe --- humoredpeople,rnbwl in health.
after gazing
of an opeu sea,
at any of the
gone through
rate of meoloi-
time, Or a
to t'„c &IUDS
tided, rig
lice, flit
couut.e, w
x6411 hart held
it be shall deem
fit and piste
cated tn
cooped .tomb
r, hitt, so ac► ttrfti8-
041 be giros a noel.
Hilldeires • seemed tiwfe
f is Os ewe toasty: Pro-
t is the dent of a local
schools resigning its of -
of the eouoty or union of
b such supenntendeot
shall have authority,
lotpedient, to appoint a
to the office thus ya-
ensuing meeting of the
y or un.ou of coun-
4 enacted, That in any vil-
lage to ,*perCanada, which shall become
iucorporated according to law, an election
of a board of school trustees for such village
shall take place as soon as coovenieot in
the manner provided and anthorked for 4o-
corporated villages in the twenty-fifth sec-
tiho of 11.e said set, thlrtenth and four-
teenth Vietettela chapter forty-cigb C Provi-
ded always, that the time of the first.lectios
of teal board of school treatises, shall N
filed by the Reese of such village, or in
case of his tae kctiog to do so for one
mouth, by *o7 two freehohters in such vil-
lage, ou giving as days' notice in at least
three public plates in such village; Provi-
ded also, that all elections of school trim -
tees that have takes AMA le. villages which
have beet. incorporated since one tbeusand
eight hundred and fifty, shall be and are
hereby confirmed, and the acts of boards of
school trustees so elected is such villages
are hereby made u valid as if such boards
had been elected for 'Singes incorporated
before one thousand eight hundred and fifty,
and in all cases the Chairman shall be elec-
ted by the trustees from their owe body, and
shall have a right to vote at all times, and al-
so, a second or casting rote in cases of an
equality of votes.
VII. And be it enacted, That in case
the nght of any person to rote at an elec-
tion of a trustee or trustees in 4o] city,
town, or incorporated village, be objected
to, the Retnrnmg Officer presiding at such
election shall require the person whose
right of voting is tbos objected to, to make
the following declaration. " 1 do declare and
affirm that I have been rated on tbe aaess-
'meet roll of this city (town or village, as the
case may be)ss a freeholder (or householder,
as the cam may be) asd that I have paid a
ax in this ward, (or eillage, cu the case
may be.) within the last twelve montb.,
and that I am legally qualified to vote at
this election." And the person making
.uih declaration shall be permitted to tote:
Provided always, that any person wbo shall,
on the complaint of any person, be convict-
ed of wilfully making a false declaration of
his rtght to vote, shall be deemed guilty of
misdemesnor, sod punishable by tine and
imprisonment, in the mauner provided for
similar eases in the seventh seeiioe of the
said Aet,t3th and 14th Vicboria, chap.j4l.
VII. A11d be it enacted, That such of
the provisiess of the Act of 136 and 14th
Victoria, chapter 48, as are contrary to tbe
provisions oldie Act, shbll be aad are here-
by repealed. •
IK. And be it enacted, That the pro-
visions of this Act *all take effeet from the
passing thereof.
Y. And be it &Acted, That this Act
shall be and costisw is 'tome until the fust
nay of April seat, and sot after.
There are in the present house of As-
sembly no lea than thirty-two gentlemen of
the law, besides five notaries from Lower
Cassels. The Lawyers are Mesas. Badg-
ley, Coulton, Cartier, Caucboe, Chabot,
Chauveau, Gbrimtie, Drummond, llwnouhn,
Fergusson, Goma, Lemieux, Lyon, Mor-
rison, Jlardosald of Gkngarry (Speaker,)
llacdowld of Kin uoa, Macnab, Morin,
Mery, Parses*, Paints, Prime, Itich-
arda, r.aabore, Short, Sicotte, Smith of
Dorton,. Smith of Feminine, Terrill, 'fes -
sur, 'f arc tette sad Viger. Several of thew
geodemes, although members of the legal
societies, do not practice; among these are
Movers. Morin,Paptoeau, Christie of Gaspe,
sod Viger.
1 Ire notaries are--\lessrs. Laurin, Le-
blanc, Lamest,. \ aria and Jobin.
'fk merchants are—Messrs. Cameron,
Chapatis, Clapham, Egan, Gamble. John -
see, Leeggt�o., Leltoultrllier, Matoeb, Iklet-
tite, Mrt)osgalMcLaddiw, Merritt, Moo-
gesais, Paige, Patrtek, Ridout, Seymour,
Shaw, Stengel', White, Wright of West
York aid Young. -23. Some of these
are, more Aridly .pe.kia , maoefacturen.
The (angers are --Messrs. Bentham,
Clrwlio of Wentworth. Hartman Mamba -
dos, itose, Street, \Wilson, lid Wright
of ('est fork—R. Some of these are en-
gaged to other occspetInns also, and others
•f them do sot engage is Agriculture as a
eowee of livelihood.
1lrvs are seven doctors—Mesar+. For-
tier, Isserriew, Mardoeeld of Cornwall,
Podia, HMOs. Tec..
1 here are fest jou. audios --Meson.
Brows, Ca.ehon, Iliaeks sad Macken -
There are, 114o, we ship Carpenter. Mr
Debora; one sarieyor, Mr. Fournier, aad
three gentle/wee; of, a1 present. vee profu-
sion of neespalime, Meows. Crawford,
Due* and Itobiesee.
Breen., AAD Oer'rtm'tw—ila ',habi-
lis,* of ll(rnhet.e a.• ree•memadpd the
Morw.mt Ceiaieif to,sM.teek 1e ea Def.
A* the Louden repent, of a mos named children shall not he retuned a attending
i;irling, wbo died from the effects of a bite any other tban the school of tbe section m
from the 'serpent known as the Cobra de which the parents or guardians of such child
('grille, kept on exhibition at the Zoob i- or children reside.
cal Gardens. It appears that the dee' geed V. And be it enacted, That anv person
w as employed is the Gardens, and one who has hero or lay be appoiated tenet
teeming, niter spending the previous might rintendent of schools shall continue ie
se ori ale-hnute, came es the Cerdees to o(6ce, (unless he resigns oris removed from
. ttewd to Ins meal duties, asd u pawing office for neglect of duty, improper rowdert,
lbesph the reptile room, rashly took the or Incompetency,) until the first day of
Berra snake frees its cage and put it in his April of the year following that of his ap-
bo+or. 'lbs reptile crawled roend his pointment,aud during the sure of the
l.ody from heft to right withoet isjurieg Council appy» sting bim: Provided, arrays
me, and wag replaced by (sifting in the that no local sopertntendent shntl he • teach -
cage. Ile then exclaimed, « Now for the er or trustee of any c' mmon erhool dung
(:oke!" tared took the yenet.oue reptile the period of being in office: Provided ae-
frees its , old did the same thieg milk eondly that no local •operintendent shall he
tt. liar to ing it again Tato his Mrd; how- rewired (unlet. be .ball judge it expedient.
ever, to reptile* It in its nag-, the sulk, sad except witb a view' to the adjustment of
nodes genet Isis face .4d bit bi■ on the disputes, or anima especially required by
r'sm i.dctieg en small iseiaioea with tie the County Dluniripahty,) to make tmere
taps, (.r M ewe tide of his Dose and cis than two official rivets to eaeb eche. see-
r on the other. Giving boomo shoed ins- lion nailer his cbnrge; one of whirh volts
'rwe,dsitely easems.ble, asd nnlwltbet.deng shat h• made *0144e limp between the first
every remedy our ren ri*d to, be died m a of A peel end the 6nt of ((rt., wad the other
verryy sleet spore rif ties,. 14 was °haws se aetiter betwei•e the first ofOctober led
dw4i,g the iwg.cel. tlwt decei.elhed is >i the first of A prat Prnvi (lordly, that
ghee lira 1* M►. die lora) seperialrndents adjoinmt town-
ships shall have authority to determine the
wits ee afros which shall be pleader from
the t: hoof apportionment end awsrment
of each toeasbip to •rapport of sebo.d. of
.woes wheel seetioa, twitting of poriions
of *mil townships; ted they %hall else de-
termine the sem , saws which shall be
payable from the erbeef apportu)aent asd
amassment ' r each towa.lip m support of
rebook of menu school Bemires, coediting
r,f portions of seek lowasbips; and they
shall also dptersest the ,usurer is which
ane Issem or IOWA shall he paid: Provided,
fnartbiy, that in the event of oe• person be-
ing lnr.ri ,,,o rint,ndewt of both of the
lowmMps concerned, he shell Oct ie be-
half of sueb • township•' and is the
event of the Longi fiwperi.lesieds
1 Via, wbchh�
t. bine:
sweet* tipsiest
Mi supposed, he did
the bite wagrv**.
Paaim i na —T'r s .ti,p Ree
At .r Ise pert thy Mestere Smith
ha• teed, the peseage fres
t• A..a grim a die ressrkehle
.f •w.•eey te.�a. brag by
'newt.d e.. reeved. '17ir a IMAM,
what hew Drea•w,ef befit amps
• • of performing. TOS Re.•r1,
s.di awe. by t bier e' Liverpo.l
M eiiilifj)BrYp�,de.
l',et. Asti/manil. Aae.--Ower shorty tee.
I4.ea•• 144e.,y,pe.gee 13•nda•by, IOW
% 4,•4 r. N.Mfield arid N•w
1'ir• lows r'r' 1nr14 that
11.4 , t!s , Hlssew .
Qittisg Sasilb
at tbm won
and see'
Capt. Iog
gine of 1
end c
'Hese by r
which time
of fee as far
formiug re
of the West
least of the
wholly out of
months, has this
more tbau the most
W oupb r
Capt. Pulleu at others may be some day liable. Tbe pub- pany's lands grow from comparative worth -
7t1 September at tic are aware of the discussion that has Itsanese, till they have been lormed into
taken place lately, respecting the Godericb
railroad, and its termination. Mr. Jooes
las been victimized in that matter. Ile
did not oppose the wishes of the inhabitants appearance of the laud; and, although the
of the iluron Tract, as expressed through time has bene in Gedench, when club late
the Comity Council; which wiales were was in force, gad the speeches of the To-
coucurred in by the Government, and em- routo delegates might hare had an effect
bodied into an act of parliament. For not such as was intended by those Goulette'.,
opposing the general voice, he las been re- - Mr. Jones knew well that the time alien
moved by the Canada Company, from an coercion could safely bet aged in lluroo, had
ins office which be filled with honor for the last j passed away for ever. The British Gov -
quarter of a century; and Mn. Widder, for
opposing such general wish, of people, Gov-
ernment and Parliament, hos been promoted
to be Gist commissioner; while to cooed -
mate the job, Mr. Robinson bas beeiktaten wined to be disposed of by the Goven-
iu as a mere cover; but, the matter is too - meat to actual seUlers, they might bare
flagrant to be passed over on that account.beeo located quite u expeditiously and far
We particularly regret that Mr. notifies I more advantageously to the Country and
should hart placed himself m so unenviable the Inhabitants. But u the Company have
a position. The proceeding of the Canada
Company is an ill-judged affair, displaying
a revengeful spirit. Such conduct in a
public body, is most reprehensible. Under
the pretext of favoring Godericb and- the
Huron Tract,- it has made a display is
favor of a particular course, in reference to
the Railroad; and -finding that the people and
tbe Parliament have adopted another, and,
it may be, a bettor course, the Company
at once resolves to take its revenge, by dis-
missing its first Commissioner, and abolish-
ing the Establishment at Godericb. This
latter is tbe most serious part of the busi-
neat', for the public. The Canada Com-
pany's Office at Godericb, has been the
place, where the bulk of the business of the
Company, has been transacted. It has
been a great public eonveaience. its re-
moval is uncalled for all unwarranted.—
( huunel was clear
,ou!d reach.
lie yougg ice rapidly
/her investigation
southward at
riper shoals)
stion. 'Thus in four
ittle vessel done
in Arctic mat-
ters could possibly bare andbipaked, and
heartily will the country rejoice at the suc-
cess which has attended Capt. Iogleficld
and his gallant asd adventurous bard of
THURSDAY, DEC. 38,,15 2.
The demised by the Canada Campany
of Thomas Mercer Jeoes, Esq., their late
Ceaasaisioser at Godericb, we are glad to
perceive has bees universally cooienueed
by thePrwas of Upper Canada. 1t is ap-
parent enough that the course pursued by
Mr. Jogai is relere•ce to the Godericb,
Brantford and Buffalo Railway, was
;win cause of his removal, sle4 the
fact of the case is—that he allowed Mst
Counties to take their own course tits
stetter, without dictating in terms
1b. lige of road they mist in thus
acting he exhibited a deciglitjoark of wis-
dom, and has proved t be poaseued a
of the people of
fie Canada Company
oner at Toronto can be
. From his long resideace at met he is et iatimately acquainted
with the views and wishes of the people
of the Huron Tract ; he has seen the Com-
Robinson appointed to the second cow- far superior ha
mi.sionerahip. Considet'tag tin cucuts- Huron, than el
stances of the case, the acceptance of the or their
office by Mr. Piobiasoo, N excited no lit-
tle surprise* for spitalts. -
harsh and unjust treat -
ahs, meat dealt out to ;11r. Jones, and to which
two inportaat Municipalities— during that
period teeny changes have taken place io
the miods of the people as well as in the
sed seamen—ainougst w num-
bered Albernetby, Dr. Sutherland' \lan-
soo, fie., all of whom were ea the last
voyage—the two latter ' h the gallant
Capt. Posey, wiles he de his discoveries
up the \Vellingten channel. Nothing but
a steamer could do anything up there, and
what a steamer has by this time done Sii
Edward Pletcher and CommauJer Sberrad
Osborn, of the Pioneer, will hereafter tell
W. publish below a letter inviting pion •
M. Cameron to a public dinner in Kent a°d
that gentleman's reply thereto.
PORT SARNIA, lel Dec., 1959.
Si..—) am ivatructed by a committee
coseuti0g of Menus. Froom. T•IJord,
James Fuitoft, Henry Glaee,Jacob BSwert•
George Dursud, Thoma. Forsyth. George
W. Thomas, Richard Leslie, Clark Curtis
David 'McCaul, Samuel Hitchcock, and W.
Stokes, appointed at a public meeting held
to Port Sarnia, to request the honor of
your company at a public dinner to be Mild
at 11,11'• Hotel, on Thursday the 9th ins.
rant, to testify our respect for your person-
al character and our gratitude for your
services on bebalf of our village and coun-
try By order of the enmrrittee,
Yours respectfttbly,
To the HOD. MALCOLni CAaaaos.
TORONTO Dec.9, 1352•
SIR,—Your kind invitation to • public
dinner at Port Sarni,. to which ycu were
instructed to invite me by a commrtte ap-
pointed at • public Meeting of the inhabt-
taote-1 duly received this day,anJ eineerely
regret that I cannot accept the invitation
as my official duties demaos my immediate
pre•encn al Quebec•
The occasion of • Public Meeting at
Port Sarnia as well
of your Commillga remind
of our early struggl
eroment committed a grievous error wbea
they sold the Reserves and Huron Tract
to ibe Canada Cowpawy, ash it is now
clearly obvious that hod these lands re-
q.d.i alt
Ono Odle,
sow lea •
Wein lose w
meetings will
the Couutie
tette that
from the sett
re ye labeled �imrodwiters
imamreimamto the
so doubt wsdigssatiors
4 is every To941, is
that Mr. Jones w4lr. re -
e.t.a .good ►jnapatby
, which jealousy a,iabort-
se withheld is the proper
MtaTsNG - AT Gou.un
t to a very b- rief notice Wooed by
the Mayor, in accordaace wit; a
thatrequisition signed by cerium Freeholders
and 1(ousebolden of ti'f•wsofGoderich,
a public meeting was held at the Briftsh
Exchange lIotel, oa Wednesday the 15th
December, 1952. The meeting was eery
numerously atieuded, and the greatest
enthusiasm and unity of heeling was mani-
fested throughout.
'I'be Mayor took the Chair, and Dixie
Watson, Esq., was appointed 1 ecr.Ory by
the meeting. • -
11'he Mayor then read the regoiaitioi and
the names affixed thereto; he also explained
tbe general objects of the medlar, aad re-
gretted that his positiva pre recited bin from
taking a more active part upon the lxe*4on.
It was pi°posed by Dr. llamilto., seconded
by 1. Rattenbury, Esq., 'That Jae Wat-
son, Eaq.,do take the chair—carried.
Mr. Watson) then took tie chair.
Moved by Thomas Kydd, Esq., se-
conded by Jacob Seeg!11i ler,Eaq.,and
Resolved, 'fiat this meeting has beard
with regret and astouisLmeot, that tleo Ca-
nada Company have dismissed their Cbief • •
('ommissioaer, Thos Mercer Jones, Esq.,
after a fait bful,'der°led and laborious servi-
ce of a quarter of a century; without even
luring assigned a reasonable excuse for so
doing. The regret felt is tbe stronger on
account of Dir. Jones' having ever proved
himself the true and considerate friend of
the settlers of these Counties, whilst sere-
ouously advocating the best interests of his
employers; and, this meeting now public-
ly declares, that the treatment received by
Mr. Jones at the 'sands of tbe Company,
is not only unjust Rod oppressive, but.un-
paralleled, and shameful in the extreme.
possession, we think the wisest plan would Mr. K]dd sddreised the meeting tot
be for them to pocket quietly the dollar be had tae length—be alluded to the part A
they wring from the hard liands of the set. be had taken m tie Railroad Agitation,
Uers,raking u little fug about the matter as i be had becD openly acct>.ed of being the
possible, and tf tbcre os not sufficient thank- principal cause of user. Jones' epredismam al,
fulness io their bearta to induce them to be had also been accused of mirepresent-
tng facts—be defed any person present to
eo-operate with the settlers io their .odea -
prove any tuck aurrtion. Dir. Kydd also
Toro to advance .their physical Condition,
it migbt at least have been expected that
they would sot have offered opposition to
any plans for such purpose that were adopt-
ed by ibe settlers themselves. The adver-
tisement put forth by the Toronto Com-
missioner, is an insult to the settlers upou the
Company's lands ; itannoaaces the grocest
injustice for the people of liuroa and ;;ode-
ricb is partic War, and more—it infri.ges the
just rights of the settkn, who wbee invei-
gled into the snare of ibe leasing system had
dtated that Mr. Jones had placed certain
papers in the hands of the Railroad Com-
mittee ; lie hoped to we those letters sow
published, and dwelt long upon the unusual,
uojustifiabk aad unwarrantable course pur-
sued by the Canada Company through
their Commissiooer, Mr. \Wilder, aad
challenged any person to gainsay hu state-
Moved by Dr. 1Tamilton, seconded be
Joseph Wilson Esq ., and Resolved,
That this sheeting from hon leant an
Advertisement in the public prints, that it
aright to .:pent that Ino office would beeon- is the intention of the Canada Company to
And, if ley ebtage of Ettablishwent were tinned within a reasowble dtsunce of their move their oice from Goderieb to To -
called for, m a psblie point of view, the rented homes, at which obey coaW ake roeto, thus not oily adding oppr.wiou to
oiee at Toro.to might be a at God with, their annual payments, without being opprwioa and causing the most erne) and
dn•aed all the way to Toronto, aad coo- uncalled for hardships and rnconrenateces to
far more ea.ily, tbaa the one at Gotkeieb.; c• their -.tiers, but giving thee -conduct to -
The Canada Company baebligatioaa to,fil- i Felled to expend is the lours.] a sum f*y wards `1r. Jones the appearance, of cou-
fill to the public. "fhe*e obligations areoot t equal to a ]ear's teat, wbeoever they wish- temptibk revenge because of hes inability
see man, of the name* to beevaded with impunity; nor i pow r, to I ed either to take up a lot or ogee a pay- to stem fare tide of public opemoa ie favor
Q in building pleasurably
Pa°y to be permitted to use its power, to I meat' 1t infringes the rights of the 'town 'oldie Buffalo and Branford Railroad u
of the erne, when we the injury of the 'fowhs and Townships, the of Goderch, which being ibe legitimate prelerence to the Toronto aad Guelph line.
ween by unanimity prospenty of whieb it Is hound (s 'ratite to off'Pong of Ibe C ompasy, ought ever to Dr. Hamilton in moving,, the Aregouog
beautiful ural. e, and
• worked in -once-,
temperance and charity towards each other promote. The remora' of the establish- have bees regarded by them will pride and sect.
upoke j warmly annot hditn'Iir misth understoole d --he
t ed to ,our neighbors on both none of she wear from t,oeencn Is* move in the wro ' pleasure --its .n....• energies "'lint ---
seg would not mince matters. lie had labored
of actinic, liberality of cbrtetun .en:tment J
water, we had acquired a high moral repo- direclio°, and displays a degree of short- ed to develop., its youth supported and en-
couraged,tattoo. Be enured that though tune has sightedness, oh the art of the Canada and the full manifestation of its
tried to wound
changed us all—though eircum.tance* have g ' p marl owes rejoiced in bythem. It vir-
tually/spirited us—though calumny may have Company, for an unworthy purpose, not is y P 1
become a town,randtn'thihinfere the fl i.agvams. keeping eyed with its usual avidity to profit tramples upon tbe rights of the whole
i P'
covered by a plank road, and the telrgragh by the advancement of the settlements un-
wire' unite us to Halifax; and though i may der its control: These occurrences may
at Umets have felt like Hagar in the wilder- nM be altogether. detrimental or disadcan-
leu, .0d it may h. a tittle Ishw.ulifirk, ret, ;avow.'Tbey will no doubt Dive rix to
(*hall aver remember as my beat mal hap parliame°lary inquuj; and the member wbo
plea: frays those cooaeeisd with the ugly will undertake this duty in ibe Le islalure
history of Port Sarnia. It shall be at the g ,
tents of tl,rabam, or the streams of Babel, on its reassembling in February, may rely
to remember that Episcopalians, Preabyte. nn laving a Just and popular rauseio hand,
nine. old KAk aad new, Congregationalists, in whieb he will be cn d IID pported, not
Methodists aid Baptiste once lived ad
....nipped is.mlnrty, and though the am*
passion which trent Mager to the wider•
n es* may drive Mary from the Churchee—
and though 0 may.s•Irang• ins from those
whom I one* loved sed respected, yet soon.
er shall " my right Wind forget its centime
than I forget the grliliude 1 owe to those
wbo in evil 1s well as good report bore with
my defects and short awnings, and now
speak thus kindly of my perste aid publrc
1 have '.ought pubka-tlinsere or
hopers of this kind, behoving re ,do that a
man should leave .on. better ma- . of bar.
patriotism than after dtneer .pent Stili
1 •6.11 M proud for many tea...., Au ms fin feet. TA• de.ipn of ib. dew-e.p 1.
opp'•rtuniry offers, to meet sib• i0 runts 10 ►.weal obteoratron by the eondeosvti..
of Port Sarno, one end all •ro.ed ll)dt a; •ff Inlet``•
, w►�► lake phN daring t►.
Huron Tract; it is here that the main body interests of the Canada Compaq. Elia
of the Company's lands lie, and here also,
ought the bead quarters of the Company to
indignation could know no bounds when
be located.
he considered the base and uawarraetable
amongst them as a Physician for twenty
years, and for the Canada Company --be-
cause in adeaneig the interests of the
settlers, Lie considered be advanced the
manner in which Mr. Jones had bees dis-
An Agency might be necessary in Toros -
missed. Upon his late journey to Toros,to
to, but •mere Agency is all that would be is company with Mr. Jones, on board she
required there, and the Commissioners Steamer at Hamilton men tame forward
r is su ought most certainly to reside within the
only by the inhabitants of the Iluroo'Tract,
who are the most iejared, but by the public Tract, which must ever furnish the great-
tt large.— Cok,iirt. est amount of their busioea. These
Counties can scarcely be expected to. sub-
('•AI9. Mon.Taa Tat,eora -The 11., mit quietly to a system which ee likely to
Mr, Crag, Vier of Leamington, has to b! more petsieaw to them flan ibe son-
procee. of construction a monster tel of Ireland to that
cope on lb• aebromatic princepml, oe \Vag- eeaideol landlordism
dewenA ('ommon• The central t ower country. Tie Camada Comply bar ever
made of brick a at fest u. hofphr, 6(1... Pia
the matt msaeeo.atabie 0410444 opposed
1set is dumetsr, tied wntht 4'20 I.ne —
Ay the nM of tbu tower hope the tele.- tb1 adwaeeroent of ib. Counties, 114,0 ibe
nope. TA• 0541 tel i, 76 leer long, with Combo', geared one object, the Company
the eta,- The 1.1.1 u.e q• puce at one ad. aidwiall a du.-c■p 41 distracted them with another, and the re -
nitwit of the office from Godencb is certain-
ly only of a piece with its former conduct.
11 Mr. Wielder advised this step he w
doubt is the jealousy of his ambition (beaks
to rrvejealousy p,swnel( opo° the Peop1e of ilurne
for the partiality with wb*b they ave ever
regarded Mr. Jo.. old the tserfect roe-
t...pt wkieb bit' *. 'Vt idler los latterly
to well nnerits�iwis Cmivcd frog tae m.
Tb. Co.ttlpuy.'a�.ai�•04 may go forward,
ori a seat ses.M.b1M�' say
their way to 80. Hobu..'i Plana witbs t ah
friendly feeh.g 'dadsg between t►e Coes
M"1 mad Ila w Ilia'► lash—hitt n
the Coilidreiolem Cu,osiNa1te4 t11 aetW
tune►M aitgasidodebtto ferstab Its
Motile iisrlf.T woffilitliidef 16°1 6°7 Car de
traaomeAsie of bieni lata, ord It has ne SO
*4t1e4r to,isterfern .0 the espresso.
of piddle *Moine. es M. ea M�ges/rt et
board, to call to mind the days .'f •' ( g
Byes" to void ease my own conduct and to
policy .ed conaidtw(yr of the Gincnoe.t,
6y en examination ef ferry act done, every
•ppoiniswot made. anJ of the semi's' pro-
ves* of the country and 't. credit at twine
ee'rument ie meet le
ors. Its extorter vee of bright meth ; t1•
iatertor i. misted Meek. Th. foebl die-
ted! tory fr.m'evaty-a.x t.lelgbty
to feet. The tube is mimed like a cigar
and a1 111 gre•t•et rercumferrnc.i wa•.ns
aad abroad. under lar admm:a:nne.. II'ir1 feet ■beat twenty.lour feet frees
Again allow me teth.nk you, and to ex the rt p1.... The tube rests epos •
prom, my hope that prosperity may ever M nel'1-ufdea frame week, wile iron wheels
.snag you,and that you may aid In muni aro ml 'India fitted le a elreoler loan
Ing peace c..ocurd, aad rehaiou. liberality rally MI (Imbibes 0! 6fty•,wo feet (rein
throughout tate laa4, •n►h.d,d by bigotry lb° estate:4 the tower, 7b. •ala ,_
rehouse er n.epicwe, engendered by ea- wbiel it, wmr.d i. "Bible of wataiet.
soppy win.i• for unholy purp.wrs t• Ike a weigt i*ib'rtwe toss, t b obs
enure of Tref4 ; Inst you will admit its wapht Of the tuba is only three, Tb.
(feel end fet.•rif•Irwal, of all el (tb• loco• .a not see raglan a 11 odl b., but is
cea,r*en.ty, sod guerd year 0111 a't 'telly ha. slr.edy •nese_ d the nebulie he the
end resaei.w.lr, es goo plea., bebe.img •ams way 0l'i'i 11,...',. 11 has al
that in me yN 'bell ever feel me a sae appareled ••n age the dank rets ia tie
lone for every thing the rosily a trot► Gent Bear •wj :67..r.rys1 etly • elegyaad for the tell sad perfect rights of mem d'.taae a Aft, .1 r r decree. etw
e e sen and beau*• h• t• orb,•. I ever 1e• them, will t•urai [pthen��i oeNr�
(s sr .et of Parliament. In . r out of Govern.. °h. unto'.°" rap 17.4.10, and ha .1.• d.e-
4Nat—er is or out of a wnmlwal .March .•..red the thi•d n rou44 osiers, w►ieh
ler I have L.r.•A le attach but little vale
10 mere acmes sed promos.
1 have the hamar t., be the gretitW
meed el yourself and Cemw.ttee.
fat,, fwd flimiseere Ratters, Coequ, to the MAI,COI.M CAMERO;f.
erseesl.f 44014- — Es twiner. 1 A. C,ow•. Fag , Pup %nil.
bye long bop.
=ra )rap
.. tr
with tears in tbeir eyes, and shaking that
gentleman by the band, aid—" This is •
poor reward, sir, for you, after speeding the
best part of your life in tbe faithful service
of the Canada Company." Mr. Jones
had gone through all the difficulties incidsot
to tbe first settlement of the tract. He was
in fact identified with the place. The
speaker thee alluded at leapt\ to tie re-
moval of the (Mice from Goderieh. If the
Canada Company did not give a justice
o this atter, tack God they could still
appeal to Parliament. Mr. Wiliagrem
also spoke to this reodalio* with eeetlailla!-
1141. elect.
Moved by Ira Lewin Esq., sed rpt
by George Brows 1':sq., and
Rrrolt'md, That the ('asads Company
laving tbm assumed a hostile attit11610-
words these 1Tnited Counties, this m#etiag
deems et but jest to themselves and fell
settlers to take math Mepa as may be within
their reseh, to ascertain whether moot the
said Company bare fulfilled their obli
tions towards their settlers sod tile
Vile* et large, ea tenths of tbir
Mr. L.wis bed woo obs Mva.t1gs it
may wbo lad preceded • OW iris
softy altlets. Ho eosannd�• try
hat Owe victimised. Hs h. iM�iAIM
tie charter of the CasadaeCompasy with
referees, tm the harbor. He emmidered
they had sot complied with Um terve bf
I.d t► • .geed inset of tStr eMrter. The fernery of the (:made
at not • - our
Maei►uprl poli
� anaee.ry.— C __..,._y�yo,,,,�ha(jede.. CmeMs1 m their treatment 0( Mr. Jaw
^a^as'e' +S' �
ter u•derslaed lb* easy".] u•
pa'fyut Power •f the tel rich, pettish', the hide N att. wag "1" tb . that of tb. &espwer
rel, lettse • .Yet em of (lT�rng
we iefeem thethat be (t • iiia-1ba Company treated We list a
er a as la sand a a
dYtwsPams n 1 ser e r s a i
esnhe iwll'/ba Gump./ r so oil. �
. } �v 4.. I IG a'
. s M`• 1• q-T••esre r ' jy .censi n1�t. ems
F 4*'
" )'
t r