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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-14, Page 6
Pa 4 The Times -Advocate, September 141,, '19M1 E.N SALL JUVENILE,CA,I Hensall interrnediates, CE bant rms gi.in din c * * * I' lee 1!fri! *�R©� ii iV ,,�' b e to fina ls ousts tdviy scampered .home with: the win- ning tally on iattr.aelide)).s drTivee victory was the twelfth An, :a row for the Centralia youngsters who have yet to taste defeat :in either the WOAA playoffs or the OBA ialaydowns. The CE boys swept aside all opposition :in their march to the WOAA bantam C title as timet' e disposedrton of Eacrd xeterKi,ncarMitcdineh. ell, Milv in that order in WOAA com- petition and then eliminated Chesley and Wardsville in straight sets in their quest for ail -Ontario honors, Marching all the way to the Ontario finals has proven to be quite a feat for the Centralia lads as it is only their first year in organizedbaseball ac- tion, The CE squad had only a m.edioere season during the regular schedule hut have shown that they are tough to beat, in the playoffs, Centralia will begin their final series Saturday afternoon in their home park when they meet :Hagersville in the first game of a best -of -three set that will determine the OBA's bantam "C" champions for 1961. CENTRALIA— Burton, lf, McLeod (5), Stolle (8); Haber, lb; Lock, ss; Burns, c; IvIc- Phee, 2b; Benning. 3b; For- tune, cf; Thompson, rf; Rat- tray, p. WARDSVILLE — Graham, c; Wilson, If; Brearly, 3b; Davenport, ss; Fisher, p; Ab- bitt, ef; Blain, rf, Kerr (6); Watson, ib; Willitts, 2b, Line score R H E Wardsville 002 010 050-8 9 5 Centralia 030 111 111-9 10 2 iA b.ut dame under protest A single by ;pitcher Jim Rat - tray in the bottom of the ninth inning drove in one unearned run which enabled Centralia bantams to edge Wardsville 9-8 in a tight thriller played at the station Saturday after- noon, The victory advanced the Huron Park bantam crew into. the Ontario finals pending the outcome of a Wardsville pro - lest over the pitching rubber which became loose during the game. Centralia haci earlier thump- ed the Wardsville nine 5.3 in the first game of the Ontario playdowns in Wardsville's home park and then came through in Saturday's game to dump. their opponents in two straight games and move into the OBA finals. Ccntralia's redheaded pitch- ing ace Jim Rattray was the hero of the game for the home fans as he cracked out two other hits In his fust four times at bat, knocking in three runs as well as providing the CE squad with their game -win- ning :tally in the ninth inning. The young Centralia hurler also turned in a masterful perform- ance on the mound allowing only eight hits and striking out 12, Three of the visitors' bingles came in the eighth inning when they staged a determined rally to. draw even with the Cen- tralia lads who had opened up a large four -run lead. The Centralia nine came up' with a total of 10 base hits during their series - clinching ., victory and they scattered their nine runs throughout sev- en innings by .counting .one run in each of the last six innings. Centrefieldei' Brian Fortune crashed out Centralia's longest bit of theafternoon, a triple in the sixth inning, and added an- other single in the seventh for two hits in three official times at bat. 13ob Borns smashed a dou- ble and a single for the CE squad while single -base hits for Centralia were collected by ;John Lock, Bob Benning and Brian Thompson. ; Shortstop Jin1 Davenport led - the Wardsville nine at the plate by whacking a triple and two singles. Bob Brearly pick- ed un a triple and a single for Wardsville for their only other •extra -base hit off the CE chucker. Take early lead Centralia jumped into an early lead in the contest by counting three runs in the sec- and inning on a single by catcher Bob Burns, a 'Wards - ' vine infield error, a walk ton Fortune and a two -run single i I by Rattray that provided Cen- tralia with an early 3-0 cushion over the visitors. Wardsville countered the CE , thrust with two runs of their own in the top of the third as they collected three base hits,I ly's two -run triple that pro - with one of them being Brear- vided the punch for the rally.; The local lads went ahead 4.2 in the fourth when singles by Benning and Thompson pushed one run, across the plate. Wardsville retaliated with one run their i Ifof the in half t o fifth when they loaded the bases before a man could. be retired but Rattray worked himself out of trouble and gave up only one run as he got two Wardsville :batters to lift high flies into the infield and then struck out the third man of the inning with three blazing, fast balls that caught the Wardsville batter looking, Centralia added single runs in each .of the next three in- nings to make the score read 7-3 going into the top of the eighth. However, the roof fell. in on the unwary Centralia crew and Wardsville collected five big runs on three hits and three walks when Rattray had trouble in finding the plate. Wardsville led 8-7 after 7l in- nings, But the Centralia team was not to be denied. They knotted the countwith one run in their half of the eighth ona walk to John Lock and a long dou- ble by Bob Burns, Rattray retired the Wards- ville side ie order in the top the ninth to set the stage for his game -winning •clout that provided the home team with their needed one -run margin and power them into the OBA finals. Wardsville helped the CE boys in the winning rally HENSALL INTERCOUNTY CHAMPIONS, 1934—This is the Hensall team which won the 1934 intercounty league I championship by defeating Hespeler in the finals. Mem-1 bers include Butch Drummond, Kitchener; Dr. Bill Joynt, London; Ed Gascho, Zurich; W. J. Ortwein (de- ceased), Hensall; E. L. Mickle, manager; F. C, Cantelon, Caoksville; Nelson Howe, Cromarty; Leroy Brownlee, Boyle's Banter St. Thomas; Carter Kerslake, Staffa; Butch Yungblut, Zurich; Jim Paterson, secretary -treasurer; Sam Rannie, Wilson Brintnell, Farquhar; Jim Nicol, Toronto; Mac. McAuley (deceased), Seaforth; Bert Horton, Boney Foster, Lloyd Passmore, Delhi; Russell Hedden, mascot, St. Catharines. by 'Derry' Boyle Championship revival in Hensaii SUCCESSFUL REVIVAL The word "revival" has a number of dif- ferent meanings such as reawakening of interest, awareness of past accomplishments, a rekindling of spirit. Any o1' all of those meanings could apply to the present baseballsuccess of two Hensall teams. The juvenile ball club has won the OBA "D" championship by default from Carlisle and the intermediate club is waiting word from the OBA as to their opponents in the semi-finals. The picture above shows the Intercounty Champions of 1934, the :Hensall team which was grouped with Stratford, New Hamburg and Inger- soll in the western division. After defeating these clubs, Hensall went onto beat Hespeler, the east- ern division champs. Now this is quite a feat since the other towns involved are quite a bit larger. This team was possibly the finest baseball club to be developed in our area. It consisted of players from Hensall, Zurich, Cromarty, Farquhar, Staffa and Seaforth. The backbone of the club, in my book, was tie more experienced players such as Bert Horton, who caught and played any other position when needed, and Sam Rannie, the thirdbaseman who, because of his throwing style, was dubbed "old Shovel shot" but rarely ever made a bad throw, was unerring in fielding bunts and could always hit in the clutch. Little Wilson Brintnell, the shortstop, play- ed as though he had springs for legs, covering ground like a jack rabbit—the best, At second base was Mac McAuley from Seaforth (now deceased) and Jiin Nicol who sparkled in the field, First base was looked after by big, iefthanded Leroy Brownlee from Seaforth. The outfield was patrolled by the long -ball hitter, Eddie Gascho, the best and most dangerous hitter this area has seen in a long time; big Butch Yungblut, the Zurich butcher who also hit the long balls plus Shawn Passmore, the excellent a. hockey player; Bonet' Foster and Bill J'tiynt, kids 01ui � n or age who were all ball hawks. dill Joynt later became an all.star catther•infxelder 6h the 1040 championship team, X erris Cantelon. was the kind of utility man: any manager likes to have around, since he could eatch5 pitch or play any infield position. The pitching staff was led by Carter Kers- lake from Staffa, who became one of the finest pitchers developed in these parts. Along with him was Nelson Howe from Cromarty, who had a wide variety- of pitches. Wilsy Brintnell was often used as a relief chucker. After this championship club came the 1940 team which won the OBA "C" • division. For some time after the war, baseball was dormant in. Hen- sail but with the efforts of fellows like Bert Horton, Sam Rannie, George Beer and others, the kids are on the way back to putting Hensall back once again on the baseball map. With the juvenile club proclaimed Ontario champs and the intermediate team standing a good chance of winning "D" honors, it would be in keeping with Hensall's past glories if not one but two pennants waved over the town hall this year, All sports fans in the area are pulling for the double win, "Give 'er a go, chaps". REAL SPORTS? The RCAF Huron Park Bantam "C" club really won a fine victory Saturday when they came from behind in the final inning to score a 9-8 triumph, . The Wardsville club has protested because the pitching rubber came loose about the fifth in- ning, The rubber was fixed but it worked loose again and was repaired for the second time, The Wardsviiie's protest is without a doubt the Height of poor sportsmanship and, what's worse, it's a prime example of the disgraceful kind of adult leadership which is defeating the whole purpose of minor sport. The people giving their time to minor sports should be mainly concerned with developing de- termination, character and good sportsmanship with these youngsters, rather than attempting to win at any Cost. To me, the leen connected with the Huron Park team are interested first in the example set for their players and spectators;, the championship is their second concern. Melt like Tonilily Burke and Cpl. Calberry are leaders and gentlemen and this is showing up in the way the kids are lwoducing, Keep the Roundel flying .high) fellows, The Whole community is proud of you, meet WaIsinghm llcnsatl begins the last round of their quest for an 013A in- termediate 0 championship this weekend when they take on Walsingham inthe first game of the .Ontario finals. The klensall club received a bye into the 0A13 finals since there were only three "1)" class teams in t r 1 ef la f P3a s. The other two played off to determine which would enter theinal against f s ga st the area team. Hensel). defeated Zurich Lumber Kings for the "0" championship of the local Hur- on -Perth loop to move directly into the Ontario finals. Coaches Bert Horton and Gerry Bell should be able to call on the juvenile members of their team since the Hen- salt juvenile nine will prob- ably get the OBA "0" cham- pionship by default. Opposition for the interme- diate team in the :finals will. Le provided by Walsingham which is situated near Hamilton. First Sunday while the t'etttrn match in Hensall is slated for Wed- , ecsday evening at 4:00 o'cloe.k. Future games for the series will be played on the Sunday - Wednesday schedule, 1 _ Junior n rloop ;loins n OHA The Shamrock hockey group's new junior league was official= ly affiliated with the OIiA at i the first meeting of the .execu- tive and team representatives on Sunday afternoon, The junior league, which was only .formed last year, has proven quite popular and it was decided to make the league a branch of the 01 -HA so that a 1 league representative c o u 1 d continue into OHAla offs aft- ' er a local champion has been declared. llensali has bee.n awarded the :ORA juvenile "1)" clang• pionship but the .club officials aren't AS happy as they might be about the feat. ;l'he title was awarded. to ',Hensall by default since :Car- lisle, the team Hensall was slated to meet in the finals, forfeited the series without playing a gani:e, "We don't like to win that way," said Manager Ed ,Cor- hett, "but there was nothing we •could .do about it. We would like to have played diem". The •013A awarded the title 'to klensall after Carlisle failed to appear twice for opening games scheduled in llensall. The opener was originally slat- ed for LaborDay and e Hensall •club expected alar e erowd but Carlisle cancelled the contest at 12:.30 p,in. the same day, The opener was re -scheduled for this past Saturday. Carlisle phoned at 9:30 a,m.. to cancel again. Corbett sand the Carlisle Strathroy, Lambeth and Wat- ford, Es(eter will probably, enter te.,ms in all classifications from pee wee up through the ranks as they did last year but a juvenile team remains a question mark until it can be determined how many players are available. Exeter's representative at: the game of the best -of five series Teams t p g n the Sunday meeting was Jim Glov- ar- ici atin i will he played in Walsingham , grouping will be from Exeter, er. TIT Manager both tinges complai'a- ed that harvesting prevent -d some members of his tetra from playing. He (the Carlisle official) told Corbett he was disgusted with the team and had severed ,eonnections with it. An ORA officiul this week indicated he had tried to force Carlisle to complete the series. without success. . the L' n This istl � second c ons ct. con l e I five championship won by ti e llensaticopped team, OnWdaitaeh lastbantam year • rio title. It's a feat not often dip. Heated in minor bell, "It's pretty nice to win two years in a row," conceded Corbett, even though he was displeased about this year's "The lige boys have a great club", Hensall eliminated Brlgden two games to one In a tight semi-final series to gain the title. After winning the first. game 5-4, Hensall lost the sec- ond in extra innings but came back.in the final contest to score a convincing 8.4 vic- tory, 'rhe restaurant owner waw sampling the soup made by the newly hired cook. "You say you served over, seas?" lie asked. "Yes sir," said the cook, "l was officers' mess cook for two years and 1 was wounded twice," "You're a lucky man," ob- served the owner. "It's ? wonder they didn't kill you," MALCOLM THE MILKMAN . THAT MILKMAN SURE ISA NOOK ON THE SUBJECT OF MILK( By EXETER DAIRY my Goomes.if MILK BUILDS MUSCLES, STRENGTH, BEAUTY—HELPS VISION, NERVES ...CREATES GLOWING HEALTH..., AND IT TASTES SO GOOD— WIN YNM»•OH MY/ 4• i/ e• G l These cool cats really got the big word an milk from Malcolm, and you can bet they'll be drinking Tots of it from now on. EXETER DAIRY PHONE 331 1O-Dci.y i'• nal TIREice:/'. �. Ry�,. p: S, `� 4t'" . } �,glt.:� h eAMA Royal Master Safety Safeway Air Ride Guard You'll amazed at how much you SAVE! At Snell Bros. Ltd. WE BOUGHT THE TIRES—NOW WE MUST SELL THEM. ALL THE SAVINGS we enjoyed by making this HUGE SPECIAL PURCHASE of DOMINION ROYALS ARE BEING PASSED ON TO YOU. EVERY TIRE, BARGAIN PRICED FOR QUICK SALE AND YOU WILL GET A WORTH WHILE TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR EACH OF YOUR PRESENT TiRES. NEED •A GOOD SPARE? TRADE-INS TOO GOOD TO RECAP— $3.95 UP REGULAR LUBRICATION'��STc JOB WITH4 ANY WOR MORE GAS PURCHASE DURING OUR TIRE•O•RAMA NAME • 1,4,.1„+0111,,44r1-101,,11rr,r, t4'4.i,,,.: t„r,..VI v •,t,rr.rrr,rrir.,r,.,r rr r'1.li .1%,,41,11,0 ADDRESS,.,,,,,,,..,.,r,4,t;..tqY,.,.,,7r..r„tr,.r....,rl arty ,.r,.,..lr,r,...,r.,..,.rrl ft tilts ¢4,.411.I41 TO OBTAIN THIS SPECIAL LUBRICATION PRICE YOU MUST 'PRE- I SENT THIS COUPON -- OFFER VALID ONLY DURING''TIRE•O•RAMA J Snell ;ros. Ltd. PHONE 100 foo .� EXETER