HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-12-16, Page 1• • • r • , • On re PM , 1 r 1 1 0: F,1NUR per or Twelve, 'slimiest:ea of the Pie Moor paid op, imbues the advealage Wee se. A.y meriting te the e iy becoming reepoasthie for stn sub.( re, shall re- ceive a serestb copy glb. All letters adrt meet be put -paid, or they will out of tlie poet °Rte. Terires 4 Aden-, tising.-Shi soder, best nwertioa, LO Each subsequent tasertioa, 0 Tea lime mad seder, first laser., 0 S Each sabeequal issertion, 0 0 Over tee hes, first la. pee lute, 0 0 4 Each witiariqueat mmertion0 0 1 irr A liberal diarouot made to tbaseslee advertme by the year. am- - -mike iimerdch. *seated with teh brows' -TEN if pagd sericaly Sea Peace with uren wool arrears are tk.k it their Editor taken and 7i turbo. D. P. A. BIcDOITGALL, re A N Ise lied et ell hours, st ••••' Jar . Le' Tarre hoarding Boum former:, 11.. Beitioh Hiatt.) Goderice. April t911, 1152. eS IRA LEWIS, MIA &RIOTER, SOLICITOR, Lc. WM& A.' street, Goderich. Jose ISMS. 2vs25 T N SHILLINGS/ iFt •DV411111111• DA le I RL GORDON, ABIN LT MAKER. Three doors Emil • 'kJ the Canada Company's °Rot, West - eines, itimiervek Argue S7th, 1149. 2,.30 VOLI J!•11t V. lea et „ " TOIL Gate:MST POSSUMS GOOD TO Tif GREATEST POSSIBLE NUMBIIMI• - •-r s GODERICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, DBCEMBER 16• *fa SIX ?ENOE im,111111 moth UMBER DANIIIL 140M0 LIZARK A TTOlt "4 EY AT LAW, sad Coevetyin- '''' eise. Sehettor to Chieseery, kc. has Ins elbce as formerly in Stratford. Stratford. Sad Jaa. 1180. 2vn49 J. DENISON, CIVIL EN ta INEE R, Ate. CODE RICH, C. W. Aug. Nth, 111filli 'Sail JOHN Z LINTON, . . NOTARY P17111.1C,Coeninakieer Q.B-i adoption. ° • as/ Ceeseepsemer, tnrstford. 45 Petition of James Ilodgiot and others relating to a ,‘, u.LiAm Bzw. .. Bridge over the Sauble .River, with regard to which we would FIOLSII AND SIGN PAINTER, ke. recommend that Messrs. Ryan and Corbett get. the said IL Ligetheimeeotreet, Godencb, Bridge put in a passable state of repair, and that it their se- Oetehertle, 11149. • 2.n38 count should orerrun the mount authorized to be expended for - - sudden breaches, it be allowed to the extent of ten pounds. HURON HOTEL, • I All which is respectfully submitted by ny POIES GENTLES, Goderieb.- I JAS. HILL, Chairman. A° Attest», Neetlens away' on hand. , Getericti, Sept. IL IWO. eS-airs I I rITRACHAN AND BROTHER. - 1 REPORT Barrister awl .Attersifor, al Late, +c,. JOHN STRACHAN Banister and Atter- i q the Committee appointed to report on the proposals for 6 opium:it C . W . my at Law, Notary Public eel Cowry. 4 settleenent between the County iy. Perth and the COWS- tirs of !heron and Bruce, preparatio y to a separa- ALEXANDER WOOD IISTRACHAN. , tion of the County ci l'erth, frons said 41-.41r. Altotney at Law, Solicitor in Chi.',4 Cownties of Huron and Bruce. Goderieb, I7th Noireasher, 1151. . ce.7. Coeveyescer. _ ____________._ timbers of Committee :-YI ems. Hays, Wallace, Holmes, 1 -Lamb and Cole. Dr. Cole in the Chair. WILI.IA)4 HODGINS, Your Committee baying carefully esamined the papers sub - A RCHITECT & CIVIL ENG/NEER witted to them, btg to report u follows: op, 27, Menden Street, icor tbfinnittee feeling equally desirous. as tbe Council of LONDOX, C. W. PIT& lb tome to to sinkable arrangement, without having Agree teth.-180e. ,5.2O recourse to what might prove a tedious and expentive arbitra- tion, would recommend that the following settlement be agreed • to now, and adopted when the separation of the County of HORACE HORTON, I [Atioektt•nre re, Goderich,) Perth from the Counties of Huron and Bruce, does take place. el GENT for the Provincial Mutual eadi sw i;eseest lesurance Office, l'oronto,-1 1st. That the first resolution of the Finance Committee of At.. Agent for the St. Lawrence County , the Provisional Muakipal Council of the County of Perth, be Metall, Ogdeseborg, New York. Local , agreed te. Agent for Samuel Monlson's Old Rochester 1 2nd. 'flat the proposition that the Trea-surer of these Nursery. Isly 1850. 22 1 Enited Counties shall pay the Clerk of the Peace for the fur- - ComMealmal fratm Me last. REPORT Of tlie Reuel and Bridge Committee. Members:-Mesers. Ryan, Wallace, Mitchell, Miller sad Hill. James Hill, Esq., in the Chair. if our Committee having ezamined the several docuatests sibmitted for their consideration, beg leave to report as follows. la 2 asd 3 Correapoutlence between the Vii'arden and tbe Calueleiouere of the Celled& Compaay, from which it appears that the Caged* Company claim the 'Rods ad,ioining the Har- bour, and hag $bey will resist the erection of a Draw Bridge there, as recoteiamaded at the last meeting of Council -we would therefore didvise the dbandonment of the preiyeet. 22 The County burveyor'e Report, winch appeant be satisfactory. The llth Section of. -alit' re refers to the general iasuf- fieiency of the leading County witla re we can only at present recommend, 1St Beeves should expead the sudden breach appropriation el ten pounds is repairing the worst places. Your Commitee would also advise the sidoptioo of tbe Coua- • ty Surveyor's recommendation with regard to the Bridge scram the Thames at Mitchell, and that be be instructed to pro- ceed with the erection of a new Bridge accordIngly. Your Committee consider that tbe plan of a Bridge over the NInitland, submitted by the County Surveyor, and accom- panying his report, cannot be adopted, on account of its ex - pease, it being nearly equal to that of a Suspension Bridge. - Your 1;ommittee would rather advise the adoption of tbe plan heretofore presented of a Suspension Bridge with one pier in the ceutre, and for wbich tenders have already been received. 52 Motion of Mr. Hill relating to the Mitchell Bridge. 'Ile same deliverance as on the part of the Surveyor's Report re - &Meg to the same subject. 50 Moho. of Mr. Walker for a Bridge at the Bauble, we /*cornmeal for adoption on condition that suffiCient guarantee be given to this Council for the making up by the inhabitants or other parties interested, such further sum as may be required to defraythe cost of the erection of the said Brid , over and above the sem of thirty-five pounds, granted for t t pur- • pose .1 114 last seasion ot Council. 51 Motion of Mr-. Pentland, we would recommend for wad appetites the pabfic money accordinc thereto, and to give u order ia fare of the teacher of any I 11101I School section . ds. sib -treasurer of each Township of which said Erik's section is coniposed for the amounts for which each &echo* skit be liable. art We would recommend that the Council do Petition Parlianicat, actUag forth the above particulars and praying that the School Law may be amended so u to aleviate these dif- ficulties, and that the Petition be forwarded 10 our represeuta- tive forthwith. All which is respectfully submitted by JOHN HOLMES, Chairman. Committee Room, Oct. 22isd, 1852. REPORT Of the Committee am Members :-Mews. Smith, C Jobs liolsica, Esq.. in the Chau - y, our Committee bar ----- "---- Dishing a Jory Book, for the County of Perth, we cannot A. NABS YTII. WASHIONABI.E TAILOR, au &bet recommend to be emnPbcd with - Street E. G„c.n, Stole, Wool ; 3rd. \Ve would recommend that at the separation of the . o i Counties, the Warden of the United Couches of Huron sod Tele. SI, HISS. *basil Bruce shall transfer to the Warden of the County of Perth, - ---- a number of shares in the Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich 1130MAS NICHOLLS, Iladroad, in proportion to their liabilities under the Ily-Law 1111110KER *111) GENERAL AGENT. i sow passed, or any other By -Law that may be passed before L eh,„,,..,/,,,- , the fuml separation, for tbe purpose of effecting a loan sulfici- 44.8111.1•0 tketwri° Mari" 7- - -- ent to enable tbe Council of the 'United Counties of II ovealweR°. 'Perth and Bruce to take Stock to the amount of 25,000 shares NOTARY PIABLIC. ACCIIILINTANT I at £5 each in said Railroad -and also that said County of AND OsINVEVANCEIR. t Perth shall bold and enjoy all the privileges and benefits that COSIMISSIONER IN Q. B. Re. I may accrue from swell proportionate amber of shares. All which is respectfully submitted by INSURANCE effected on llotises, Shfp•i 1iliN11Y COLE, Chain:eau. ji P4Dg sail Goode. i All kind* of Deeds correctly drawn, and Seeks tied Acconet• adjusted. ; The last Report was unanintously adopted, and approved of Ole, over t b• Treasury, Goderich. I and signed by Mr. Smith, Provisional Warden of the County July es, lia63, vliatt ! of l'erth, as agreed to ley him on behalf of the l'rovisional '. Municipal Council for the County of Perth. ' .• • Atio.. 4 1 'tor. .. . 'erneYM uto-o- wards erecting two Cale its ou the I of this roe's Tavern. \4,e caouot rue petitioa. Plans, Ise. 25 Accotint of Molesworth arid 1.20 pounds of Maitland Suspeosioa Bridge, we recd be allowed. Treasurer's 26 Aceoont of Hugh Scobie f be paid .hen Office, summit £6 19 7, we r audited. 27 Account of ITligh Scobie for :‘ bal 'Manuals, and blank copies of Debentures, £4 liggrieettified by ‘Vartlen, the sane deliverance as No. 4-1,- 28 Account of E. Wetlk for printing £13 0 5 -the same deliverence as Ncei26. 29 Account of Geo ea John Cox for priutiog, .C12 4 9 rTuo -the same deliverance a No. 2.6. 30 Account of Mr. t, Register, for Book ri [Limes. clistimests Gime, £S 0 0 Friegbt on Books froa Qegbec, 4 8 1 We recommend Butt he be paidlbsevee of .X4 8 1 for carriage of Books. 31 Account of Robert Acheson (sudden breach) .C1, cer- tified by Mr. Holmes -the same deliveramze asNo. 26. 32 Account of Robert Donkin --sudden breach --,£4, cerlified by Mr. McGoey-same as No. 26. 33 Account of Thomas Mowbray for building a Bridge at Warren's Creek, amount £137 8 4, certified by County Surveyor. The same deliverance as No. 26. 3-4 Account of TIMMITOS Rowland for printing Li 7 6, certified by County Surveyor, the same deliverance as No. 26. 35 Account of Wiliam McDonald, £9, for assisting Surveyor -certified by County Surveyor -the same deliver - ante as „No. 26. 36 Account of Joshua Calloway, .L•28 2 6, for repairing Bridge at Ilayfield, certified by County Surveyor -the same deliverance as No. '26. 37 Account of Henry Beacon], .C10, for repairing Bridge over South branch of River Maitland, certified by County Surveyor -the sane deliverance as No. '26. 38 Account of William Phillips, £6 5 0, for cross -laying oa the-Townline between Ashfiela and Wawanosh,certilied by Charles Girvin-tbe same as No. 26. 39 A.ecount of J. Graham for Stationery, £3 0 4, cer- tified by Mr. Otter -the same deliverance as No. 26. 40 Account of Witham McDonald (sudden breach) £4 15s. for work East of Stratford, .11uron Road. certified by Mr. Mitchell that work to the amount oI £3 17 6 has been done, we recommend that the stun ot £3 17 6 be paid when audited. 41 Account of Charles MeNichol-(sudden breach) £1 5* for filling holes in nurosenoati, certified by Mr. Mitchell - the same as No. 26. 42 Account of James Blake (sudden breach) 15e, for mak- ing Culvert on London R,oad, certified by Mr. Ryan -the same deliverance as No. 26. 43 Being .statement ofCounty Treasurer a fundo availa- ble that may be applied towards the building of a Bridge over the Maitland, Present assessment, £928 0 0 Gravel Road tax, 134 3 6 Animist of County Debentures unsold, 1800 .0 0 vuelreauti IHEOPTEIL,' WEST STREET, CODFR1CH, tNeer th• Merkel liesers,) SY MESSRS. JOHN A. ROBT. DONOGIL fl 000 Aceommodatme• fin Travellers, and ea etresitrit Howler et ell tunes, to tete Maser. id Tears*. . Gederich, Dec. 6, ISSO. 43-11 WASHINGTON Fanners' Mutual hraurance Co., CAprrAs. $1,000,000. EA HOPKINS, Hamilton, Arent for the Coolltlite raif Waterloo ailed Heron. August S7, 1850. ' aib -------- MC JOHN INACARA. HARIHSTER, Sollettor in Chsecery, Atteraspes.Law, Comiryeteer, OK. . °A1.Outset° Battalin., King -St. =tre tbe Gore Bask, and tbe Bank of North Atrierles. Haincoow. 4 10 Ns. T. N. HOLESWORTIL ENGINEER wid Promeetal Lead , April SD, 11111. • 4all ft/embers : Bastell, Smith, nal ,Ilays sad Hobnails. e°11)fiTenAdr Itervelyee„ Gatwick. Jelim Holm*, Esq., io the Char. Ire Caa op e sew Omennittee having routniitted mitered clauses of the imr.„,. 1st. The fourth cisme of tee eighteenth amities readers it tire to but seethes. REPORT VIGOR Night is the timeNi°7citir Tree. t; How ..,et, when labours closet tie To gether mood an &chip; breast 't The curtain of repowl; Stretch the tired limbs aod loi.lheifered Upon our ow• delightful MAT N Ithte iagatilieretimmsempfiervalltr7.; W. truth that Mood truth that teem" Bleed in featastie sidle; Ab! memos less begailna far Than waking dreams byIliglight are! Night is dm time for Sub To plough the claseliraelid lomat to find die buried 4011 It. wraith, ferruled yiekl• Till all .our. 'hit sages ,tought. That poets sung, or heroes Wfdiught Night is the time to Veep. To wet with unimes teafill Those grave* of mensarrtwhise sleep The joys of other rank Hopes that were earls ist their lelrth, But perished young Wm thine of earth! Night re the time to watch; lois On recant dark expellee, ., To hail the Pleiades, or catch The full rnoou'• ear!seet gleamy That brings unto the homesick twist. All we have left helmet. Night is the time for care: Brooding on hours triteapeals To we the septre of despair Come 10 001 lonely tent; Like Brutus, 'iniclat his •luniulerimg beet, Startled by Cesar's stalwart ghost. Night is the (3100 10 mow; Then from the eye the foul Takes fl ght, and with impsoding Beyond the y pole; Descried athwart the *byes of sight The dawn of sweated light, Night is I be time to pray; Our Seamier oft wi(hdre w To desert mountains far away, So will his followers do: Steel from the throng to haunts uotrod. And hold communion there with God. Of the Coninlittee appointrei tramline the tenders for Maitland Bridge. Membem:-Messrs. Hays, Smith, Holeset, Rattail and Wallace. \Valiant Wallace, Esq., in tbe Chair. Your Committee having examined the several tenders for the erection of a Suspension Bridge over the litter Maitland at tor near the old site, beg leave 10 report as follows: That the 'feeder of Mr. 'Dramas Joboston he accepted by hts giviog the proposed) sureties to the amount rif Ineht0, and that the Warden, the Beeves of Colborne end Goderieh, 14 appointed to nee the Rood and agreement executed AH winch Is reepectfully tnbreitted by WILLIAM WALLACE, Chalrrawar ntront Of tie Committee appointed to eramine the &lion! .Lesst, and report thereon. leabieg• ;thing Thee, order, Bei boos woe et law- repoify Me they eeeld be obeyed iead by tbs emote lieu all same were up from below, the rIipsite Wave tos w•th the mein tepid to the mast. 'Flee hest was lowered from the kerne area hauled uoder the limiter, and theses ditto wens lb. moat essioo• to saver the bale, were the that to limp into It• "Let *very oar manned !" shouted tbe captain, •nd you'll save him yet. 1 ems see hon. lle's caught the life buoy - The boot pulled ingot oa re, sod. with a band at the tiller, she bad sloe WO to her when she put off, and, as W•Ilack had expected these couiprised the men he moat feared. Faulkner eve the whole is ea in - mato, and, uniihserved by the relit of the erew, who were too luteuly watching the taate, whale white shirt amok' every now AO tbs. be teems es he ruee and fell apes the life hoary, he sprang forwent and se- cuied the lure castle . compasses way, so that the nate could not readele obtain their anew Whoa the boat had seared to where the mate was rather, shout in his salt bath, the capitia gradnally ;seethe ship weath- er helm entail the matatopead was filled abaft. /ben ate if the eater 1was the re- sult of acculost, he exclaimed : "Ballo, Ivo 1•4 he off Misses braces boys, and we'll Weil &rimed 00 the (Aker track." The Inc. mistrusted cot, end in a ons- ets the noszen topead was squared. "Belay that, lied jomp Go the head bra - eery That will do -belay." As soon as the head traces had bees belayed, part of the was cause aft to the roma eot yet 'imputing that Ileythiag but accident had to du with the moverneotri of the ship. The ship was oow nearly aatern, ad couree of the ship wets rapidly sailing away from the bust, which bad just picked up Roland, and bad tuned to some back. "Here. Howell," said the captain tabs* of the twee who had °topped at the etvor• board tosinbrace, "take tue b.tun s mo- ment. Lay nfl, here, all baude," b• order, ed, tied he stepped beak and becloud Foul, kaer to bis sids• leatineteiely the men obeyed his order. "Shall 1 let her uff stir asked Howell. "No r' Wier/wed Capt., Wallack ae he drew a beavy pistol to each bawd, while Faulkner did the seine, •411 you more the wheel a siogle spoka, or leave the helm without my order. you Ars a dead man ! Stop there !" he continued to the 1,. meo who lead now come aft. ...Tim brat man Opt moves an inch till 1 bid him. dies on the spot ! -Aha, my fine fiallovre you are now caught ! 'flee boat asters never will return to this .hip. 1 threw your scoundrel tender overboard, and thee I sent nate more after him. 'May mai find the sante realms place that they gave to poor Gwynn and Hudson ! Ten of Om suttees individuals, who thought to Mur- der me Intro beau disposed el by stratagem but by 11 1 shaft weed no strstaguin with the otner six, for if you dare •peak a mntinous wurd-ay, if yon dare look s look that cnan is dead on the pot 44 tut ollr say - Rabbit ell 11. bed tem His 41 waft wall Its ;b11 wi eassted si Go Ids booms, woe net till tie gnaw serf twat mid the* dwe weight softie its tie raiser • tt A eurgem armed, awe prOmemiced ttaat the poor mas wee eo neural hart, weirdly as well a* outwardly, that ecothiag smile be 4.11 1. wine It.. H. listened fur a few 4.y.. The metes ed eked teas brought to Imo each day, by hie eir• &mire. From the moment be ea. eteriamed what it wa• usburt , he was calm 014 eoeteated. Ilk Mese be was • drieg boy lee Gould part with hie life water) re- gret seed the cloud which 1 had so ohm* observed uo his weatherdie.teu coronet... moot before tbe acc.deot, never aftor re. tamed. The day before be died, 1. laid Me bred upon toy •run and said : "Sir, if you will sot think it to greet a trouble to listen to an old meter' laik, I th.nk it will inset my mind to say a few wo d• to you. I die costeoted, haiiiiier than 1 hav• fur moue years lived. llnive • load upon my heart, which is not q it e removed, bet at le a greet deal lightened. I have been the moans, under Providence, of same' a roan ebild'e efe• 11 1 base stresgth •noogle to tell you what I wish5 sir, you will underetand the joy tiat blamed theght has brought to my heart. "It was 141 • stow time of the Duke of Wellingtoo's ware, atter the Fritsch had nereated through Portugal, and .Badajos had fallen, and we had driven thein fairly over the Spanish frontier, new the light dimities vies ordered on • few of their long leaguers further, to occupy a lite of poets amulet the mountings which rise over the northern banks of ib. Guadiana. - A fe* compares. or uoir reieinent to oc- cupy a village which the Frorich had I lit 'abandoned. We had a bri.k march over a scorched and ragged eimilitrv, which ita already been r•s.acked of it that could have supplied ue with fresh prov.vions ; it was many day• since we been' tb• creak 0(0 conanoemon•ryls waggoo, and we had bees on very short commons. There wee so reation to expect much i• the village we were now ordered to. The Froelich, who had Mat marched out would of course have helped themselves to whatever was pivtable, and .ate.t bate previously pretty well drained the place. We wad* a search however, Judging ORO, podeible, something might be concealed from thein by the pad. seats, sod we actually sons discovered tieveral homeel were skins u(Aims bed bees 4 secreted- " A eoldier after hot service, to Niigata seldom thisk• ui touch beyond drinking to excess ; sad our small party min caused a earl scene of cronfurects 17 drunkeuseee• Every house &ad hovel was searched, osI many • poor fellow, who Itsal contrived to bele b s ast okra of wise from hie internee WAS obliged to abastioo it to hie aloes. - You might see the poor Datives on it •i. t4 mooing sway ;some will a morsel of toed, other* with •skiii of *me in tbeir area aod fol lowed by the nesmaneeni and stagger - leg steps of the weary and half drunken soldiers. "Vino ! vino r' was the cry to every port of GUI nilage. An Eden' sol- dier may be fur months together in • for - eign land, and have a pride in not knowing bow to ,ask for anything but liqator. I was no better than the rest. -Vino quirero vino 1" said 1 to a poor half-starved and ragged native, who was stealing off, and hiding socirethrog under hot torn cloak, -Nino ! you beggardly scotindrel 1 giv• me vino 1 said 1. •Vino no tengo he cried as he broke from my gasp, and rad quickly aod fearfolty eway, meaning ue had some. £2862 3 6' Your Committee would recommend that the sum of £928 already voted for the Nlaitland Bridge, and also that the un- sold Debentures amounting to £1800 be applied towards tbe creches .1 44. Maitland Bridge. 46 Letter from Thomas Mercer Jones, Esq., Commission- er of the Canada Company, asking a reduction on certain lands in Ellice, Logan and Mel(illop, with accompanying docu- mettle. As tbe 28 'action of the assessment law provides that any redaction as the value of lands assessed shall take place before tbe Court of Revisioe in each respective 'Pownship and the 6th section of the-ante/soled assessment law provides that the County Council may equalise but nut reduce the assessment' of tbe Comity, we therefore consider that the Council has to sethority to take say action in this matter. 47 Letter of Comity Treasure! to Warden of date Octo- ber 19th, 1852., with accompanying document*. - First the correspondence with the Canada Company eels- hve to the arrears of taxes due on certain lands intim Town- ships of Ellie, Logan and McKallop. Thew we recommend to be Med aid that the Treasurer be instructert to inforce the collection of these gad all other arrears of tales with the least possible delay. . Second. Tressarer's abstract for the Owners ending 21st of March, 30111 June, and the 30th of September. Your Com- mittee cannot arrive at • satisfactory understanding° of these asbetracts withroot devoting more than the ordinary time in ex- rairliog deleurnests aad receiving explanations from the 'free - serer. We would beg leave to impress on the Council the great necessity of having mit oarlAtancial affairs properly ad- justed oefore the end of the pirrent year -the above docu- ment' ere recommend to be 55 Mones bAr. Ilayerelative to Surveyor's Salary. -- Your Committee would relpmmenil that the Surveyor lie allured for his aervi b for the present year the sum awn hoadred 57 Aeemint amen I lord amounting to £146 16 for building Lendott Road near NV ikon's Tavern -certified V ty Serreyor--the Pante deliveranee as No. 26. 61 Me pounds for Eittraturc, THE SOLITARY FRIEND. ly srtv•eies con, JR. Conditrica. At length the captain and the second mate took Bet first watch. N.ne o'clock passed, and so did ten. Wallack paced the quarter deck in a eteady thoughtful mood, ever and anon casting tits eyes about upon the crew mom of whom were forward. The moon threw its pile. bee ins upon the Her- culean frame cif the captatn, and a close ob- server might have seen th• iron muscles as they worked in, hie powerful limbs. Ilia countenance betrayed the varying thoughts mad intense anxiety that !novel within him. Five tenet' after the bell had told that tea o'clock had passed, did tie walk from the ...beet to the mainmast and back. At the sixth turn, just air he reached the rack in which were coiled the mainrail halyards be stopped suddenly with a nervous qeickness, while the laughing of his eyes and the in- stantaneous contraction end expansion of the muscles of the face .bowel that a nod.. den and powerful idea lied shot tote his mind. Ile quickly resumed his walk, how ever, and the same appearance of cool thought once more reefed upon his fea- tures. The wiled was now blowing a greed top gallant breeze from S. 8. E., and the ship was clone hauled upon the star board tack, and stood E. half S. under single -reefed topsails and top gallaniesils. • Mr. Faulkner,' said the captain, &pie stopping in his walk neer the oiste-iimat, at cthoine seainteo thiimme. mottootag his second mate to 'I have it ! Watch my every motion mei fail net to catch every word I utter. At the Brat onportuoity you get, as soon se the men are all up, secure tho cabin and fore- castle companions ways and MUD yourself This %Vilna 'poke in hurried whieper, mid then raising les voice he save ' Mr. Faulkner, will yosi go below and tell my mate that I shreds like to see him a moment on deck.' Theo be added in a whiver: Tell him 1 have business of tee utmost importance 1' Faulkner looked a mei:rent intn his com• mender's Inc. as if he thoihted whether this order was given in earnest, but the confi- emit resolute cauntcnance that met pie assured him, and he immediately went 1>010411 to do hie errand. lo a lew minutes he re- turned. followed by the firm male, *ho had not stopped to 00000 himself, but came up is lee simple robe de Weil. ' Itolacil.' said the captain, se his mate came on deck. at the same step- ping over under the Ir" Of the spanker. ' 1 att•h1,1 not have calird you had 1 n it the atom urgent sect/minty. If Too pill jun. wee etroajyriouu.t.of the ear shut of F•ulliner, 1 Roland Mitred uo to the lee Hit, sad leatopti kilo back dgasest tt, while the captain si.tonod0.1e.*Ioing against the rail ht. mate's ' Roland,' commie(' ' I am afreill kr. Faulluner...1,tritiroirp4005.410111.4 ni de:0171.'5 ppee. liar sparkle oleo forth from hua eerie. 'Per haps Ise has set negotiate the blow you gire ' Loult out, sel Look nut, Roland, or you'll he overboard!' Wallack nttered the flint syllable of Ms prelims' toe, he ptseeil toe heed epos Rotted's meet and with a eruvhinr, 4141 sietabt. fore% he bent se back ever the rad. Al the sante 1551511 caned the 'mutineer by the leg, met ere the le -t ea la- ble fell from hie lips, Rohm' woos pleneed beadle", into the awe. Al Amide on deck lad hemil the eaotvin'• apparent Warning, but nen* bed e'en Ali. dem& ' A MOO n..trIviiird" Omitted Weller*, al he *prang to 11,0 wheel mot 10,4 tive helm from hoe who hod it ' Mr. Roland over- board! Cst away the Me buoy them nee of you' Mate and maintommil hese.* both eiders. Main Cnergarrows mid boost's's! Mr. Faidkner roe**. up •Il hoed., teeek. Let go the mate lark •044 sheet. •ivil etoo •p! Kas• off the lee braces seal roiled into wiedward ' +ear liewiy Malat or we *hall lee, him ' Heel oat Om spenkait '-Now grin lo the eters deriie, errs ' Col the Mite 501 5017 drunk. 1 bad not had above have my qoantity, and I pursued hid up • street. Bit he was the Fleeter, and l should have lost him, had I not made a' sudden turn, meti count right upoo loam o forsaken alley, where [clop eel the poor thing dwelt. I seized Inuit by he collar.--; He was small and spare, arid be trembled' next instant ! Walleigh, Bentham and under inv 0130.. ; telt he moll held hi• owe of Mr. Swath for the slim of Twenty five rig a Bridge acro" be Black Creek we re- lit, guns of .C15, be granted. of Railroad Committee .C77. This *crown as «0 .1 am &warn that the eepenige liaRa• School Law beg Wave 40 report : ib lalelios of Sue Council. hat/100 V04411)11, - to *stuns AUCTIONS'S*. na. LIL Pahl te &lee le of the Unita Cemetlise, es morleteneeme 1 Relelleed. WY 11160-- • , 010110.• rt. at - ce - J. -A ''....411111, - PRTSR IIIJCISAMAIN, TAIIIIIIItt 444.., ter or Comity Treasurer to the Warden and Coup-. %&XT bar to id B. O'Cmrstow's Fires*, a' West fittest, trodenek. Clothes ma& reeeired, sod eel tieg does ort the shin- oeMere, sad mui Ries; aims Resesier httl 1131• Tsai! • iitir011-1101411-0-ei ivory" kletteripties. weedy eel preaumty eseemed at thiceeee. Desessams ase, '44 iloperatire tbat before any &heretic's shall 131 .144 is School them eatereeted nomot firob ebtaieed which renders it imeos- ribb In make am Menem, as the mapenty way bol d OK asisartty, Coss eat tire parties el the School Law eget hi be aseseded so as to allow townships Cemais tonere r diseretionary power.. the alteriag of Selma Suess& after poopet entice. Se& Wereantiliber Het the arrest mode rod in *pre- , tram, email is 1. niow &Moot metierne vinfair. Teachers h• respired to make °elk to keep roreeet &Imo' r=ifosed the leacler of say mon .-,,choot remarect to keep lir rt.* hliearlerovi r v•ry 'rosirria4, umiad mek Sehoneseteinu, mod an Alegi Superistrodeathe revered I fterld she evenouseemedeleu elsareelf School velem to the I average atteradases ef the Tures* where awe pert teatime, Your C-ommittee knee to Pity first we, einsot comply 11 of 11 recoeinwed thief Ite be rierjoireed to forwitik how& to the amount of *even th Sections by Townalup Councils, the consent .r the majority aria she requent of the frearurer. moo wAtia•a"M :wititistritatommiim ogittio6°"_ V•ughen, step forward here." and only terspoed his cloak 1131 closet Ms the captain spoke, the three moo mound his property• 'Vino gli:1100 5300 thus dorgnated advanced from their com- panions met treinbling at every joint they ait d his will. A moment he looked at them as tbinteh he would have utterly •o. • Inland them *oblate very gam', and than . trI1C111 through ties told., 03 1110 cloak be said : the very shape of • small wine Akin, I "Tell ins, rny WOO, and mind that you tell should have believed his. 'Wing reseal,. said 1,'do you' won't give neetne liquor 1 -th•n the dry earth 0)41 drink' it ! astir 1 ,truck the polus el my bayonet deep tutu that which ho teas still beggiug to hut breast. On ! it wariest «1151 that trickled down -it was not WItha that trickled daw_itn wa, blood,warru bloud !,-;ao,1 a pi• rious wail went like a chill Twee myheart• The poor Spaniard opened his cloak :lo pototed totes wounded child, and a wild aye asked me plainer than Worts douu •Monster ! .re you Witted r 'I was so- bered is a moment.. 1 fell upon my keeled beside the intent, and tried to statiocie ths blowl• Yen the poor reload" wieerstoo1 the tri It ; he saw and accepted toy am• guish, and we 41,33104 our ants to ilikr• the t a Oh ! a was to late To. !etas hinOwl1 in £3,600 and two anortiee in the sr port !MA to be approved of by the Warden. Age Chellteittee would Nether recommend !bet the Hahne, aids required for itompletiorg the Maitland Bridge and the ether work. inithorined •t this everting of Comeil,asd not sl- y provided for De retried by loan payable in ten years, and • Re-L•ve Se paned for that peeps**, and shiewid Ove st sow shiest Mem* law that mid Ily-Law be in Inc Met %I provisions. All respettfelly Tessitted. JOI1N UOLMl,$, (heinue. said I egvit;-•Uive me vino . 'Nino tere. go -oleo, iiino 061 -(1 heti, sone) -aad he spoke the words with each a 1044 of truth uod enrnertners, that, had 1 not Gutted traly-ewere yes frightened o bloody mutiny or, d1.1 you joie it with your own free soil 1" -^ "Ur, Captain W•Ilack," exclaimed Wal- loigb, ar tre fall upon his and claimed hie bands while the other two followed Ms *Sample, "wet were drawn tu it, sir, Gw 'nu and Russell had bolo gone when Roland threatened es if we diu'ot joio hien As true so there is allied in h , did it to save our own 11,004." "And you, Marsh" said the captain, as he turned to the man at the wheet• "Walleigh knows,' answered Howell, oot daring to let go of the wheel, but lay- ing his right hand upon me heart, "thwt I relined at first, but there were twelve ol Commit! October • them sir, and we coulda t e p "Well, my men, 1 believe you," retorne of each of us. He look id at uilaiterseiety boy had fastened his heeds ar000d a gap( .4 Captain Wallacti, in a track tono, "ILA will 1101 001 i sad seemed to ask alike from his father yocr prove faithful now, 1 forgive you, but 1 Will Bever speak of your and bre morderer, that belayed which it **A beyoud the power oi eartn to give. Tilt1 (atilt to your harm." changes in the poor cued's covet "0, God bless you, eir," rjeculation they showed that it has but few saimtee to all 15 • breath, and the ward of gratitude rolled thiok and first down their weather low tw„..,....,"„ 1.y 54 5111. 1 it...mg 1 beaten cheek,. the last pug wee O'er ; W SOS a alight cos. "That will do --1 will ttetit y" retinue wo .Id &glum its name, avid • 100- 111044 premiere ol oil little heeds would give tbe gage tvg fattier a .bort ray of hope - YOU may bermes test mi old coder, orb, said the ceptain, who saw tnat they ,se sincere in their protmouomii eNow brio! me eetzing stuff nom tbe tong boil, *10 Welleigh,•nd we will soon (Imposeef, r' has only been able to iii•op his own life at Rolaaer• two remaining commie:res. the e•pertit.. ole 0)1. and to , 0 bei litrs' The two wee were bound without tfou- who baslispred tort many a wear; 01 aced to the long b ter mile in .w, idler d l 515, keeping. They begged ao I they prayed, that they ton might be perdened, but Wel lack now that fear of pu ishos nt alone ac• tuat id them, end be would not inset Oiler. The ship Wee aeon get to good sail ag trim, heed put N. E by E. lied io four days •tni was anehored In Fromm"' 11iarl, alters the two umiteeer• were donee,. i op to j ranee. and %ere Captain Matlack obramed Owen enough to mast Ins ship once more for his voyage. Whoa tbe Jacob Merton returnea to the United Stater, Capt. Wallace learned Ban her UP 111 41st 111,11•01.0 h•cl which was found that her ;owners bed g h .514 1)40i41 p eked up nue of her bo A oine went moat have earn t to leek os deem without may coocero. 1 have e'en it. too in other clap 5. 1 liar* •iitil tee death- blow dealt when tte effects have bees 50 laritaut that the bean!' blood boa beeo sp it .04 the pulses hive ceased to bet *Otte the street of me and health urea moil 1.314 oil tad cheek -while I NUN has remained upon the lips tit my brim.... eoldivr, even Clef he had futile a carp* refOS• toy pith • But On ! what is all ih,e, compared .111*1301 I suffered as y watched iineetsoieg elowly fro.0 I. ilfauti %w , hich 1 04soysell s• %won(' Illci• d 4 in the b . t ul • Inherent, itioecest stied ! It was ley soinalic-o.y accident. Oh !roe bettors upwards in the atter. twel•e bun 1 IL.... it *en mid night 1 be.. dred Holes to the northers 151 westward of , ammo Go Aar,111*1 57111 yee he Cave V ds. I use ; 1141C104i OBBOB I 00000 (57 1011.404 011151 41 •vilte 1007 119.440. Trona the Londoe Tiretetelee grtimenteriers &army will follow _nee to strii SPAN1ARD'S And it aid Wien. lieep to the rasa. - As art -pensioner of Chid * Ill'oepitel Night sad day he mei se& amppeet massed Inas BO fond of ehndren, thatOh one Orin with th• infant bleu& Weep cried he would watch and weep ow r tenet ; &UK tee accereee drier 113 ID an agony 01 grief, which wee ott•n j Nisei 411 04, ,,,,,,, 1130 explteable to tease ab h4I14, 40%81 Met. pa, 61001 „0„,,,e100,0 taallubaild",11.01mh.thilehe Tbellisounflya"c,:;rihallge.,.4b7jit crh4%,"1,..), 11°b.,,ljt.e.,Asb.414 reselveil his death wound froia the la.ree's of 01 0.1 fsgoiy..._ba, this oso dos, jr, bet himself • H. was taloa up iniwnsbie. b./. 111,0 14„„e4* ae, se Ws clewed too to bed, and after a tittle „no 1634 1,015 113,, evd 1 13.*wawa Use ttieovirrocr134. flolloll•iellon. But be tenknes wider"; hot • ,dr•rks,rd pawed was go ly Injured, that we feareddrushard threatiageol the eery moist, et would he bie tail The gignegre might have beet astanere tit firm ores he stowed wore :"The child ' . stooge it tato the heart ed theism/0kb • ew0:11.d W. hatee.°W.dould0""notthehoill le1h:* .-"tf:ehrsfeieb't title w! rertAliteltde.:1411‘46“ %Ile; Ida •t bileto tiarrehlief."..r talittsi 1.71 lisliee"rta IS ' 74. eire4rtrn Iver" "ft meal"' t Ke'rtgllhei"114 "getuelikardei - wh• had been horned home with ON Olhara 6.. there the bathed is 1144 OCC111110111od""". e.°644111"CuCt5"111153OOd" "6636;47;1400% 11161•4 i:agi"ifektiber"" itearnkies"esoefftleethigleattlygreintak."411444' •