HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-07, Page 9a Tile Times Advocate, SePlember 7. 19$1 Pagej, CLASSIEFIED RATES 22 Words ,$5 EAch Ads!Menet Word. lib (Minimum $5.01 20c Off If paid by Saturday following last insertion, Second insertion 21/1 Pee Wiaeo (IVIininitim 550) Six Insertions 2, PER wg,po (Minimum 450) Semi. -Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) W1mg JEAN MILL, reasonable .offer accepted. Ap- ply Maurice Irwin, River Road,. jaawleigh Township, Chatham, Phone Elgin '2-4046. 31;7* HOLSTEIN li.p:IFL7ns, due in September, OrvilleLangford, Lucan, phone Baldwin 7.444, PEACHES • • f ni now. Bring containeis ed aneyk Orchards, 1/2. mile north :ores on 21 .317:14* 'APARTMENT, g bedroom, heat- ed, furnished or Unfurnished, private bath; available ined lately. Phone 234-6394 Crediton or apply Attfield's General 8:311frie GRASSLAND, 100 acres, geed water supply. Apply Charles Dietrich, Creditori, phone 234- 6478, to l • CORN PICKER used one year, like new; will trade for cattle, hogs or cash. Glen Rose, Seaforth, phone 65242. OIL BURNER, Coleman, with' attached tank and blower, heats 3 to 5 rooms, used two seasons, $75. Apply 113 Kensington Cres- cent, RCAF Centralia, 7c First Insertion—Per Inch $1.40 GENESEE WHEAT, suitable a..Second Insertion—Per Inch $L25 for seed. Apply Lorne Devine, Minimum one inch, accepted Phone 165r10 Dashwood. 7c only in multiples of 1/2 inch, }CHESTERFIELD, 3 -piece, red 'and green; bath tub and taps. HELP WANTED— Phone 630J after 6 pan, 7c „ 1950 PONTIAC, 4 -door, $70; MAN & WIFE required by ine 1955 Norton motorcycle, 500 Exeter Curling Club Ltd. for C.C., $200, Apply J. Hohmann, maintenance of Curling Club Ostreicher Apia., Crecliton. 7c and. Snack Bar. State wage ---• — — expected. Written applications BARTLETT PEARS—Best for received until Sept. 11, % PO canning, Also good cooking Box 505, Exeter, Ont. 3117c apples, picked and ready to go al McKenzie's Paint Store, BOOKKEEPER, male or fc- phone 253 Exeter. 7c male, experienced. Apply , to - — Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. CORN PICKER, Dearborn, in 7c good working order, owner no longer farming. May be seen HELP WANTED (Female) at Exeter Co -Op. 9:71111c 2 WAITRESSES; also woman COATS, 2 girl's,. brown tweed, for part-time kitchen work, , quilted lining, size 8; also 1 good pay :for reliable person. fall tweed, blue, size 8; 1 Call in person at Rether's mauve tweed, size 7; boy's blue . . estaurant. 7c suit, size 8; 2 red 4; all in excellent condition. Phone 509W1 Exeter. 7c Capable Woman COAT, fall or spring, beige; Mouton fur jacket; 2 good dresses, sizes 12 -14. Phone AC 8-6738 Centralia. 7c to operate night shift, 7;00 p.m. to 12:30 a.ni. Good wages to right person, BURKLEY RESTAURANT , :Rocks. Les Parker, phone 748 `e 'Exeter. 9:7tfnc ROASTERS, Arbor Acre White BABY CHICKS— STARTED PULLETS and cockerels, quick shipment. Write for special list. Ames and Dual-purpose, hatching to order. October broilers, book now. Bra y Hatchery, Eric , • Carscadden, Exeter, p h on e 246W. 7cn FOR SALE— SLAB WOOD, dry mixed, 10 cords delivered $30.00. Apply in writing to Robert Eagleson, RR. 1 Ailsa Craig, stating street number in town or concession in township, or phone Nairn 232-4450 before 8:00 a.m. or be- tween 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. 6; 1tfnc 20 HOLSTEIN heifers, due to freshen. Char I es Dietrich, phone Crediton 234-6478. 8:10-9:14* McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton (Back of Centralia Air Port) Guaranteed used starters, Gen- erators & tires, wheels and tubes, WRECKING '56 Meteor V8 '55 Dodge V8 '54 Ford 1/2 Ton Pick-up '54 Buick Hard Top '53 Chev Sedan Delivery '53 Chrysler Free Pickup & Delivery PHONE AC 8-6214 l7tfn 2 SNOW TIRES, 820-15, Phone AC 8-6687. 7nc. SPACE HEATER, Coleman, in good condition. Phone 410 after 12 p.m., or apply at 426 Marl- borough. 24;31:7* '54 FORD DELUXE, power steering,automatic, c u s t o rn radio, in excellent condition, Phone BA 7-4287 Lucan. 24:31c GOOD BUYS JOHN DEERE 2010 TRACTOR Demonstrator, fully equip- ped, gas. INT'L B250 TRACTOR HYBRID SWEET CORN—Fill your freezer? Planning a corn roast? Les Parker, phone 748 Exeter. 7c 185 CHOICE PULLETS, Rhode Island Red x Sussex, 51/2 months old, fully matured, laying 30%, Apply Harold Maw - son, RR 8 Parkhill, 7c BABY BUGGY, perfect condi- tion, gray, adjustable to go- cart, very reasonable, Apply Box TRW, Exeter Times -Advo- cate. LETZ GRINDER, used, large size, extra plates. Phone Sea - forth 651r3. Art Finlayson, RR 3 Kippen. 7:14* REBUILT BICYCLES, several good used ones. Apply at W. A. Buchanan Garage, Hensall, 7:14:21* 1954 CHEVROLET Bel -Aire 4 - door, excellent conditon mech- anically, good tires, clean in- terior, 50,000 miles, best offer. Phone AC 8-6308 Centralia, 226 Algonquin Drive, RCAF Cent- ralia. 7* REGISTERED silver minia-, ture poodles, 3 months old. Phone AC 8-6804 Centralia. 7c 1953 AUSTIN SEDAN, new mo- tor, good tires; also 1 h.p. electric m oto r, guaranteed. William I. Thomson, phone IlliVI Exeter, FREEZER, RCA upright, 12 cu. ft.; Gendron baby carriage; 1 snow tire, 750x15, Phone AC 8-6313. 7c CANNING PEACHES, re a d y now. Pick your own. Bring containers, 3 miles south of Ravenswood. T. W. Steward - son, RR 1 Forest. 7:14* REGISTERED Toy Manchester terrier,pups, 1 male, 1 female, Enquiries and visitors welcome. Mrs. Alex Macintosh, Clande- boye, phone BA 7-4598, 7:14e SKIRTS & SUITS, girl's, win- ter, size 10 to 12; winter jump- er and cotton dress, size 12 to 14. .Phone 170 Exeter. LAZY BOY CHAIR, brown with beige leatherette trim, excel- lent condition. Phone 990 Ex. °ter, evenings. 7c 31;7* 110USE, 2 -bedroom, newly dec- orated, modern conveniences, oil heating, suitable for a couple, Apply 25 Main Street, APARTMENT, upper, furnish- ed, private entrance, bath and toilet; couple only. Apply 109 Heron St., Exeter. 9:74afnc APARTMENT, private, lower, furnished, suitable for couple or gentleman, heat and water supplied, available immediate- ly, reasonable rent, P hone 1196J or appiy 183 Main St„ Exeter, 9: 7'tfnc APARTMENT, in Exeter, 3 - room, for 1 or 2 months or longer, private entrance, seif- contained, some furnishings op- tional, Phone Kirkton 84r7. 7c MISCELLANEOUS— DANCE LESSONS Ballet, tap lessons in the Ex- eter Public Library, Wednes- days, beginning September 6, Errington Studio s, London; Liliane M a r l e a u Graham, L.F.A„ director. 31;7:14;21c IF YOU HAVE no use for a dog or a full grown cat, it can be used for worthwhile experi- ments in polio and cancer. Bring it to L. V. Hogarth, 324 Senior St., Exeter, or phone 653. . 7:14c SERVICES — ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderich phone JA 4-7917. 27:10*Unc ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wan son, phone 37r19 Dashwood, 5:25*tfnc Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVILE PHONE 224 GRAND BEND 12:17tfc ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK ser- vice; $1.00 per 100 lbs., plus bonus, for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. Please phone promptly to Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) or Atwood 356- 2622 collect. Seven-day service. License No. 103C61. 5:18tfnc HAPc0 WELL DIGGING—Ma- chine dug 1 ft. to ft diameter INVESTIOATEI up to 150 ft deep;"r and deepening. IlighwaY 83, Elmira 4Q -3761, or „Lateen BA 7-4680. 27:10*tfne SEPTIC. TANKS m.impp. — .411111014(e service, a tways available. Harold Butler, Lu - can, phone BA 74254 or liA 7- 4312 fetfnc• 13rick home in Exeter, three bedroms and den, modern kit- chen with built -Ina, Ill 0 dun , bath, (Wittig room, closed -in I Pareln.hardwood floors and in - aid linoleum throughout up- stairs and downstairs. One block from schools and park. 64 Wellington St, East. Andrew Hamilton. FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, highest cash prices paid, according to size and condition, for dead or dis- 24tfne abled animals, phone Ed An - PHONE' 556J EXETER drews,863WI Seaforth Truck' • licensed under Dead Stock • Dispo sal Act, Licence No. 66C61, 8:7.12;29 ILL IIEALTH—First see your: doctor, Bring your prescrip- tions to Middleton's Drugs, successors to Johnston Drugs, • WM, PEARCE, REALTOR 86 Anne St,, Exeter. bedroom brick cottage, well located, oil heated. 3- bedroom, one - floor house, •bargain for cash to settle estate. hone 447 Ex t r 4:20tfne e Fars -50 to 300 acres. 1 Village genera Expert re-upholsteringle n l store, attached WIWRED M ON TEE Real Estate Breker 3 BEDROOM, 1-1/2 story htlek home. Well boated. Reason- able cash to settle estate. 3 BEDROOM, new bone,le, oij heated. Terms. 150 ACRE FARM, Dashwood area. Reasonably priced.E INCOMAPARTMENT BLOCK with offices and stores. Terms available. For other listings on farms, businesses and income property Call Jack Fulcher Agent 457 Edward St, S. Exeter, Ontario Phone 225, Box 225 KITCHEN.ER UPHOLSTERY— :dwelling. SOUTHCOTT PINES Hardware and tinsmith store. , • i I i 1 t s ng repa r ng altypes of furniture. Work guaranteed. :!L.e anirdwaalita e, tinsmith For free estimates and prompt,—d--* service. phone 81, Exeter. RUSS BRODERICK, Agent 1 6:15tfnc 24 Waterloo St., phone 1187W I CUSTOM BALING and plowing, 25c W Victor Knip, RR 1 Cent- WARTIME BUNGALOW, two ralia, phone Exeter 37832. ; bedroom, re -decorated very re - 31:7:14c cently. Located two blocks from Main St, Call 860 any - REAL ESTATE — `tune after 5 p.m. ltfnc For Sale 3 - FAMILY apartment, fully rented; $10,500 with terms. Buy this with $2,500 down and let it pay for itself, 3 -BEDROOM BRICK, down- town, on Main St., vacant now. Priced right with $4,000 down, 4 -BEDROOM BR1CK, beautiful lot, garage, outside barbecue. House in nice condition, 2 bath- rooms; well located. 3 -BEDROOM COTTAGE, Main St., 2 - car attached garage, large lot. Price reduced to $7,500. John Burke Real Estate and Insurance Devon Building, Main St,, Exeter Salesman; LLOYD HOLLAND Phone 970J Exeter — 7e C. V. PICKARD REAL ESTATE & ;INSURANCE 1FOUR-BEDROOM home, well ;located in Exeter, on nicely treed lot. This house is in good ' condition One bedroom and , bathroom downstairs. Modern i' conveniences throughout in - eluding oil burning furnace Low taxes. Moderate price 'Terms. We have clients prepared to buy, If you wish to sell, see us. We also solicit your business for any type of general insur- ance. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 165 and 628 8:24c 100 ACRE FARM, clay loam, well drained, 25 acres new permanent pasture. New brick 'house, garage, modern conven- iences, large L -shape barn; 1 steel, cement stables -and pig pens; new silo, machne shed; 1 • good water supply Apply Har- Of Land ry an se , 2 editon. 7:14:21* For Taxes FARM, 100 acres, good, level, producing land, in Centralia ' district, good buildings, good water supply and hydro. Ap- ply John Rollo, Lot 8, Conces- sion 2, Biddulph. Phone BA 7- 4582. 8:31.10:5* NEW HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, utility, living room. M or t g a g e arranged. Phone 386M Exeter. 4:20tfnc 5274MOMPAMPTIEVAMISMISSITATAMMIMEMS20!e.N•i'..:i:•5. Business Director G. A. WEBB, DX: DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY 1 For Appointment Phone 606 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE $ERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 707 EXETER VIKING ELECTRIC SEPARATORS MILKING MACHINES See your authorized dealer for repairs and sales. CASE M COMBINE, spike BASIL O'ROURKE President tooth cylinder and motor, Brucefield Phone 9131 Clinton Milton McCurdy, RR 1 Kirkton 716-10:5*oaln ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times, "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 81 USBORNE & HIB iERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ontario TD N CRAWLER, with tirett loader and skid bucket. HURON TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT CO. Phone 965 Exeter • -- FILTER QUEEN saleand SerVied. Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- idh, phone Helisall 696r2. 8:31tHic PkACHES, Sharrow's Orthard, lth miles north of Dashwood, Bring containere, Phoile 136 Dashwood. 21;7* OFFICE EQUIPMENT --a Heed- enartees for Royal typewriters, Victor adding in a Chines We can save You money! Exeter Tilnes-Advocate, phone 770. FOR RENT— APARTMENT, 2 or 4 bedroom, kitchen .and liviegeciem, base- menl, hot and eel(' Water, et Shipke, Apply Albert Geiger, Crediton, ?Ilene 234-6277, 17ifee 'APARTMENT, furnished or un. furnished, -with bath, automatic oil furnace, separate entrailee; ;no pets please. Apply 169 Wil- liam St. Or phone 400W, fl1241,filc APARTMENT, 3 large rooms, heated, Share bath; achilta, 'Pliono 59M, 8:31tftid AAAAA...A14.11.6.A.,A1,a416. AY,. IA APARTMENT, small, ground furnished and healed.' private 'tidy:met, hot and cold water, Available now, Phone 1141, 41 Sitiitee St, Vice -President . . .. • . • . . ............. DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 36 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 4 EXETER ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC, Ann St., Exeter Phone 304 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone SS JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC Tiniothy B. Toohey LIIIIRe'an3 ST. MARYS P HON E 1272 Directors E, Clayton Colgtilioun RR I Science Hill Martin 'Feeney RR 2 Dublin Rebell G. Gardiner RR 1 Ci�rnatty Alex J. Rohde 1111 3 Mitchell DR. J. W. L.D.S., DENTAL Devon Phone 273 New hoine, finished in knotty cedar and mahogany, on a beautiful wooded lot close to private beach, 4 bedrooms with built-ins, three twin bed size, kitchen, dining room, living room with wall to wall rug, floor to ceiling fireplace with Heatilator, lovely den, 4 -piece tiled bath, utility room, hot water, well furnished. Reason- ably priced or offers. See on weekends, "Smith" Brew- ster Cres. 24:31;7c John Burke Realtor NEEDS FARMS TO SELL We have 6 clients wanting to iurchase 100 acre farms. If yours is for sale, see us at once, House listings are always welcome. JOHN BURICE Real Estate and Insurance Devon Building Main St., Exeter Salesman: LLOYD HOLLAND Phone 970J Exeter 7c NOTICES— Treasurer's Sale WHY RENT? BUY! TOWN OF EXETER COUNTY OF HURON To Wit: By virtue of a warrant is- sued by the Mayor of the Town of Exeter under his hand and EXETER—New 3 -bedroom, liv- the seal of the said corpora- ing room dining room kit- tion bearing date the 8th day chen, hot water heating, at- of August, 1961, sale of lands tached garage. $4,800 down, in arrears of taxes in the terms. Town of Exeter will be held EXETER — 3 -bedroom dwell- ECxoeutieicri,1 Cat iLiiiibeer, hour urTownof heat, •terms. eleven o'clock in the morning ing, 1 block from school, oil , EXETER—Well located brick 1 onthe 6th day of December. home, 1 blounless the taxes and bedrooms, from school, 3:1961, bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living costs are sooner paid. Notice room dining roomoil heatis hereby giveri that the list of , . Lot 65 x 200. Terms can be ar- ranged. EXETER — Huron SL, large brick home, suitable for du- plex or 3 apartments -2 up and 1 down. Lot 104 x 125. 2 bath- rooms, oil heat, garage. Terms can be arranged. EXETER — New 3 - bedroom home, west side of town, living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, well 1.ocated. Terms can be arranged, EXETER -- New 3- bedroom home, living room, din in e room, kitchen, full basement', oil hot water heat. Terms can be arranged. NO. 23 HWY. — Confectionery store—lunch counter, residence, garage attached, low down pay. ment. doing a good business. GRAND BEND PROPERTIES We have a [umber of list - Inge in Grand Bend whichmay interest you. We also invite listings. See our agent, W. C. Dace, phone 62r3 Grand Bend. FINE BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION from $700 to $1,200 FARMS We have several 100, 150 arid 200 acre farms for sale. We invite your inquiries SUMMER SPEdIAL 4 -bedroom cottage, kit r Le 11. — dining room, bath, den and CORBETT D.D.S. SURGEON Building Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons Agents Harry Coatee 7111, 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitehell Stanley Hocking Mitchell W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Solicitor Hensell Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 3:30 PHONE 14 EXETER NOTARY PUBLIC W. G. Cochrane ,Exeter SecrataryatreasUrer krtieer Exeter IC14 t,Z&UI - fireplace, utility robin. furl,. ished, close to beach. Reason- ably priced. WE HAVE OTHERS Listings invited. W. H. Hodgson LIMITED 'REAL 'ESTATE & INSURANCE J. GAISER, BROlalt Phone 14 Exeter, Represented by E, Dow, Eketer, Phone 2.8 Datte, Greed Bend ?MI6 62r3 lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The :Ontario Gazette on the 2nd day of September, 1961, and that copies .of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 10th day of August, 1961. C. V. PICKARD, Treasurer 9:7-11:30c NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Olive Alma Cole, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Olive Alma Cole, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 24th day of June, 1961, are required to file particulars of the same with Bell & Laugh- ton, solicitors of Exeter, On- Jario, by the 8th day of Sep- tember, 1961, after which date. i the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor Exeter, Ontario. 24;31:7c In the Estate of Mark Mitchell, deeeased. All persons having claims against the estate of Mark Mitchell, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, labourer, who died on or about the 161h day of January, 1961, are recittired to file particulars Of the same with Bell Sz. Laugh- ton, solicitors of Exeter, On- tario, by the fith day of Sep- tember, 1961, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those' claims of whith notice has been reeeived. Boll 8/ Laughteo, Solicitors for the Executor Exeter, Ontario. '2,1;31;ic in the Estate .of Samuel Grainger, aGgraaiinn$141:P.R.,,h ::::;:edt TSmaiinli4o1 porsons having .cialins .Exeter, in the County of Huron, Cyte Baiployee who died on. .or about the nth day of July 1961, are required to file par- ticulars of the same with Bell Laughton, solicitors of Ex- eter, ,Ontario, by the 23rd day of September 1961, after which date the estate will be distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, -Solicitors for the Exeeutrix, Exeter, Ont. 7:14 :21c AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Household Furnishings and Miscellaneous Items TOWN OF LUCAN, On the premises, in Market Street, directl• A. Thompson g - The undersigned a leer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER et 1:30 p.m. Studio couch; chesterfield chair; library table; oak arm chair; oak rocker; buffet; GE radio; kitchen table; 4 kitchen chairs; 4 -burner electric stove; el e c t r 1 c rangette; 4 -burner heavy duty stove; oil space heater; Coffield electric wash- er; Singer sewing machine; oak bed, springs and mattress; brass bed, springs and matt- ress; chest of drawers; 2 trunks; dressers; commodes; toilet sets; double set bowling balls; 2 coal stoves; large as- sortment blank et s; quilts; sheets; dishes; glassware; cu- shions; books; pictures; kitchen utensils; coal oil lamps; seal- ers; crocks; rubber hose; lad- ders; oil drum; carpenter and garden tools; wash tubs; etc • etc. No Reserve. TERMS: Cash. MRS. HARRY LEWIS, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 31:7c site ft'• "MY illE MATED QuiekUtn • Of AUCTION SALE Ihe House, Household Goods and Furniture of the late MARK MITCHELL will be held at the prerniseSe on Huron Street, TOWN OF EXETER SEPTEMBER 8, 1961 at g:00 n,m, REAL ESTATE: House and lot, being Lot 234, Plan 20, Exeter. Subject to reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD G 0 0 D 5 & FURNITURE: Bed, springs and mattress; dresser and com- mode; 2 trunks; drop leaf table; large kitchen table, ,six chairs; Quebec heater: cup- board; day becl; 3 ton chestnut coal; pots, Pans and dishes of all kinds; garden and carpenter tools; lawn mower; wood and shingles; saw horse; wheel- barrow; many other articles too numerous to mention, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer CLARK FISHER, Clerk 24:31:7c Community - AUCTION SALE in Frank Taylor's Back Yard, TOWN OF EXETER WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13, 1961 at 1:00 p.m. Beds, spriegs, mattresses: single bed; frig.; dressers and commodes; 4 feather ticks; 2 radios; ki tchen table and chairs; rocking chairs; writing desk; small table and stands; wash tubs; dishes of all kinds; 2 clocks; clay bed; couch; lamps; arm chair; quantity of sealers. These are the entire house- hold effects of the late Joe Davis. Linoleum; cook stove, coal or wood; 2 washing machines; toilet set, complete; many ar- ticles too numerous to men- tion. Bring anything you have to sell, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer CLARK FISHER, Clerk 7c WEENNEMWEENZIMEEKREPX3= Wi-nted. Live Light Fdlki any quantity Campbell Soup Company Ltd., Listowel, Ontario Phone 900 Collect 01111111.1 ........... I ..... I ............. P ................ r ll llllllllllll mirror lll r lllllllllllllllll llllll untntinnipint, • • • • F ILY SEC $25,000 Life Insurance (20 -year re -toeing convertible term Insurance) ANNUAL PREMIUMS 559.95 Age 40 $79.10 Age 45 Age 30 Age 35 OCCIDENTAL LIFE W. C. Foster 304 Andrew St, et, 5111.21, 5173,23 "Term insurance on the Best Terms" "More Peace of Mind Per Premium Dollar" Phone 317 inunnin llllllll I lllllllllllllllll lllllllllll i lll lllll 1 lllllll 0 lllllllll HI11111111 lllll 11101111111111110$111111411MMIF FOR COMFORT ALL YEAR ROUND MAKE LINDENFIEL LT YOUR HEADQUARTERS F -./R Jilltr•% qr• WARM AIR '4EATI G AIR CONDITIONING — OIL BURNERS SHEET METAL WORK We are an Associate Member of the National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association of Canada. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 181 EXETER lllllllll ion ll thiltOn lll l mmou ll ll inn llllllllll Intfluiettfoilli llll lll llllll n ll nnnunnnfinn ,011,2eNesimemmenerslaitiffingRats.Akm a.t.nNiiiaMatgiarAsta5:iF' YOUR HEALTH IS OUR INTEREST — YOUR DEFENCE 15 THE RCAF'S INTEREST VISIT RCAF CENTRALIA THIS SATURDAY VITAMINS FOR HEALTH! Rexall S.per Pienarnins THE BEST FOR HEALTH "Onc A Day" 72 -Day Size Plus 18 Free --All For 24498 SAVE $1i49 144.Day Size Mug 36 Free—All For $7.98 SAVE $2,89 Middltons Dr gs PhOne 447 Exeter ' ' ••••"..aaaa, .ta.- a -a-