HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-07, Page 7It PALMIER ETH0 HOW TO ONE URI. THE CLUBFACE 1.., THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CLUBHEAP, SPECIFICALLY THE CLUBFACE, MAY CONFUSE THE BEGINNING GOLFER. HE 'HAS BEEN 7010 70 LINE UP THE CLUBFACE SQUARE TO THE TARGET, BUT MAY HAVE TROUBLE oriole s0. UNLESS HE'S TOLD: EXACTLY WHAT 70 LINE UP. LT IS THE BOTTOM, OR LEADING EDGE OF THE CLUB.. FACE THAT'S IMPORTANT, NOT THE Toe EDGE. HERE, THE INCORRECT LINE- UP IS ILLUSTRATED, THE TOP EDGE I5 SQUARE, AND THE BOTTOM EDGE FLARES TO THE LEFT. rood P imps 2, A CORREtiTLY LINED IJR CWB1ACE AT ADDRESS ,HAS THE BOTTOM EDGE• SQUARE TO THE TARGn, AS SHOWN HERE, LOOKING. DOWN, it MAY APPEAR THAT THE CLUBFACE 15 OPEN, OR POINTING TO THE RIGHT, DON'T LET THiS FOOL YOU. THE 70P EDGE DOES FLARE IN THAT DTTEECTION, BUT THE BOTTOM EDGE 15 SQUARE AND THAT'S WHAT i5 IMPORTANT, 0, 1 1061 By T)104,34,4b7 I4 .dmt,Y.P.P+of '!BEGINNING'S OLE"-. YOUR BASiC GOLFING GUIDE' SEND 1D4 & STAMPET, RETURN ENVELOPE 70 In, ARNOLD PALMER, C/0 THiS NEWSPAPER. r. - r a. A0.04 -UR Of THE. SQUARE CLUBFACE AT ADDRESS CLEARLY SHOWS. HOW THE TOP EDGE of 1IIE FACE VEERS TO THE RIGHT OF CENTER OF IK' GOLFER'S STANCE. THE BALL OBSCURES THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE CLUBHEAD, BUT IS SHOWN 70 GIVE AN IDEA OF HOW IT LINES UP AGAINST THE CLUBFACE.. IF YOU CAN BRING THE CLUBHEAD BACK INTO THE BALL AT IM- PACT IN THIS POSITi0Nn, YOU'LL HAVE,1a GOOD SHOT. _7-19 Lampert wins. bowling prizes Bill Lamport teamed up With two different partners to cop twe of the topprizes in the e three bowling jitneys sponsor - 0 ed by the Exeter Lawn Bowl- ing Club during the past week. Ray Smith and Lamport Inade up the winding combine - tion, Tuesday, to cop first place i with two wins and a plus of 19. in the second place were !Walt Westbrook and Ted Chambers with two wins and a plus of 12. uss Snell and Lloyd Rey - s had a similar total, but were pieced third because their aggregate was six less than the second place duo. Saturday, Fred Tilley and Ted Chambers copped two wins and a plus of eight to take top honors, with Wes Vernier and Betty Tilley placing second. Lampert's secend wia came last Tuesday when he and Wes Byckmanpicked up two wins i and a plus of 15 to grab the laurels. t In second place were Ross Taylor and Mabel McKnight, while Ray Smith and Don Jackson placed third, Message from lake ay MRS. E41;VIN RADER Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Finne- gan and 13111 of Toronto spent the weekend with ,Mr, Bill Clarke of Blake. 'Mr. Harold Finlay and fain - IV calledon several friends and nurses in Strathroy and Parkhill on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McBride and family, Windsor, spent the weekend with friends of this vicinity. aMr. and Mrs. Herbert illus- man visited with Mr, and Alai. Peter Ging erieh-anti friends, Miss Juliane C or ri v ea u, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lu- cien Corriveau, has returned home after a week's holidays with sisters in London, Sugar and spice — Continued from mage 4 chat. He's a bit nervous, but pretty good. He conies over and snits down. He's Rick Smith who has been singing at the Black Swan in Stratford. It turns out that the songs he just sang were an audition. No wonder he was a trifle nervous. Does he get the job at The Purple Onion? Yep. It's all nettled over a cup of coffee, On a delightfully vague man- ner. The v,'hoie business has a ca- hual, comfortable easiness that Is charming, in these days of Jhe hard' deal, the solid con- =tract, ,the cold, efficient and mercenary attitude encountered in most clubs and restaurants. And this old columnist, log gy with coffee, groggy with lack of sleep, totters into the street at 4 a.m., thinking may- be The City isn't so sinful af- ter all, and with ten hours on the town behind him, heads back fon, the barracks, wistful- ' ',Ty wishing he were • twenty years younger, and could twang guitar.. ON THE SPAT REC NEWS By PON "BOOM" GRAVET1 Director of Recreation Supervised swimming With the completion of the Exeter Kinsmen summer swim- ming p r e g r a rn, supervised swimming instruction has ceas- ed at Riverview Park, Lifeguard Jack Stephan will not be on duty any more throughout the week except for Sunday, September 10. In other words, lifeguard duty has also ceased except for next Sunday, While on the subject of the Exeter Kinsmen's summer playground, I'd like to person- ally thank the playground staff of Dianne Delbridge, Bonnie Doerr, Dorothy Kerslake, Judy Tennant, Joan Dettmer and John MaeNaughton for the fine co-operation they gave through- out a rough playground sched- ule. The keen interest shown by this group along with the many extra hours they put into the program certainly made it a success. From the swimming stand- point, instructress Martha Cochrane, assistant Heather Strom and lifeguard Jack Ste- phan are also to be commend- ed for the wax in which they carried out their duties, As an added attraction for the regu- lar duties at Riverview Park, the group formed a local swim team and travelled with them during off hours to five district swim meets, All in all, we feel the exper- ience gained by the two staffs along with the 'enjoyment the kids got out of it, was well worth while. I'd certainly 'like to see you all back again next year! Thanks again, gang! Ball tournaments Last week we reported on a couple of 'ball tournaments that are going to be held in Listowel and Owen Sound •dur- ing September, We also said that if anyone was interested; in taking a team to one to get in touch with us and we'd set things up for them. Wel, we have one team go- ing. On September 16, Jim "Red" Loader is talung a squirt entry to Owen Sound. All squirts, to be eligible, must be under 11 by May 1, 1961,So if • any youngsters would like to play some ball, I suggest you get in touch with Jin at 998-M oryours truly this week. "Red" has planned several practise sessions for the squad. Practise will be held all this week and next at the local community centre. Girls win Exeter Greys made quite a tingling comeback in the last game to heat Brucefield in the semi-finals of their playdowns last week. A good crowd was on hand to watch the contest as well. When one sits back and sees the enthusiasm shown, we can't help but think what it would be like if softball floodlights were installed at the local park. A lot of people don't like to rush up to the diamond witllout their supper and this is what is Happening. If lights were put up, more people would turn out and I'm sure a larger league could be formed, both .in ladies' and mien's recreation, softball. However, as it stands now, the finals between Exeter and Winthrop are being moved to liensall. All home games for GOOD LUCK, CENTRALIA! "Pleasing You leaser us" September 9 ViSIT RCAF STATION -ENTRALIA Bubas Fines SE. Radiator Service Corner Highway 4 and 1 Nord, Molar Photic 881 the local club will be played under the fights at '8:30 lam. This move had to be made be- cause Winthrop couldn't make it to Exeter for 6:00 pan, games. This final series would undoubtedly have to start by six o'clock in an unlighted park because darkness falls extremely fast this time of year. If any of the local fans can get over to Hensel' to see a couple of the games, i'msure the players would certainly ap- preciate your support. Hunter safety school Attention all hunters! During the first two weeks of Septem- ber a hunter safety school is being held •hi the Exeter Arena, Under the direction of Dr. "Dick" Roelofson and Arena Manager Alvin Willert, the school is being Weld for any- one wanting to get their hunt- ing licence. All beginnere must pass a test before they can re- ceive a gun. This will be the last school until next spring, so make sure YOU don't miss out if you plan to do any hunt- Oldestr.de at Kirlkton dies tlr. William lvison, oldest re- sident of Kippen, died at his .bone, Wednesday, September 6 in his 96th year. He was an optician for many years in Ifippen and before that in New York. The body is resting at the Bonthrosi Funeral Chapel, Hen- sall., Funeral arrangements are incomplete. More than 100 years ago the law in Toronto permitted pigs to run loose in the streets to act as garbage collectors, and there were so many that visit- ors nicknamed the place Hoge town. ing this winter! If interested in enrolment contact either Dr. Roelofson, Alvin Willert or yours truly. We'll be away We'll be away from the local scene all next week, Under the direction of the Community Programmes' Branch, Depart- ment of Education, we'll be at- tending lectures at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. This will be the start of our three-year recreation director's course. After ane week in Lon- don, the course will involve home study with written tests once every two 'weeks. v�r�n swim awards Over 100 elildren who par- Darling. Joe Darling, Rc Ueipated in .the R4etei° play -1 Brintnell, David Bunter, Isab.l. ,,east •of the Maatreal freight new 100 AMP service in 1 e ground's swinunlo. program .Gascho, Jack ilodgert, Ja' •0 . Mthis action tends future. S, tje rate nG this summer were ;feted a,t a ittssell, Elaine Westlake, to rcdece the cost of:the west- , lie said that the rates offered special "Awards Night" held ata Greene, Jane Tuckey.`.1; et erti :feed: rains to livestock by Hydro will not ,cause spy at Riverview T'ark `Thursday Anne Burke, Marilyn GascAn feeders, t�rriitario feed grains I increase for �tlie 134,000 Fara evening. Charlene Bedard, Judy Mavast must be priced accordingly, 1 ers now on 35 amp service,: eight subsidy gain tO .east The local swimming .m milling- Barry Zeman, Sharon Pilon `:° A members feel iIutt the , He noted However that the acts were treated to a marsh- more,present out feed grain supply si- 5,000 learners now on 50 amp mallow roast by the Exeter il; d un in t.uation will create a need for service 'nay see .a decrease in s rays l v r e i 9. east of the .the rates under the revised ,Recreation Council and then OntarilT feed gains were presented with awards.Swimmers a ho succ ssf commercial production :areas, system, which they earned during ,the passed their Red Cros :hotel:- and they should not be at a Ile warned farmers that summer swim program, tests were presented wihavt' price disadvantage on the .mar- many :farm buildings were not card and crest by !!!stern ket. wired properly to handle :the A total ul 125 youngsters were Cochrane. Members of in- : electrical loads required by the a w a r d 0014125 ' d certificates and 'iudor dlviston were. hill lest- Rlevtevf Hydro rates badges in roups ran g from j owner's appliances and motors. „ nmpbell, Jli a John Moles, manager. of hY-' Electrical wi,r:L n g systems. s � , +guliai, :taonald Ca beginner" classes to special ,5lrvei, Wayne Maver, Chlast dro's farm sales department should be checked and. iia- awards for best male and fe- :Statim, Sue Ansi Coxon, Jc reviewed the new rates estalr proved as needed. male swimmer in each di.vi 1ltaver, Sheila Willert, T the ' lished for Farmers. Mr'. Moles sion, The awards were based Whitney, Joan Campbell, Free -said the 1:14,000 of their (Nato- Hear reports nn tests that the young swim' Robbins, Elaine Whitney, It of ' mers are presently on 35 .amp ; Several reports were present- niers had to complete for Exe. da Gascho,, Mary Wilson. err breaker service. ile expected ed to OFA•members during ter.S two maiming instrue- sealed with pins .as.the beer that 50 per cent of these would the morning session, including tors, Martha Cochrane and female and lisle junior mho,remainre.ain on this service, but the ,reports of the international Heather Strom, mer were Cheryl Stade Les , others.would, likely go an the • Federation of Agricuiturai Pro - dicers meeting in Dubrovnik, gressive female and inale Red Cross lntermedlate , I Yugoslavia, and the Canadian swimmers during the summer . Federation of Agri e 41 t u r e courses w e r e presented to meeting in Prince Edward ls-:; Idary Wilson and Jan Negryn. ' .land. for their progress its completing v Wilfred Keays, chairman of their courses in their respec- Ad B 1, J the .Milk Producers Ca-ordinat- sp B G d� � rights reported an the Live divisions. Mary received !ing Board, x p , her award from MVlartha. Coch- P g ' G I t ' progress of the milk producer rane while l 1 F e g u a r d Jack b lading by all farmers was car- ' ar- groups in establishing orderly Stephan resented Jan with his plaque. p Special awards lar most pro-, Billy Farquhar. Intermediate Red Cross '� cabinet wards were presented to Dae' Minton, Don Morrow, Thom Adams, Davidur -e, Jan. _ c ryn, Doug Beaver, ar Page, Susan oman .a Bridges,Margaret May, Karon Jermyn, Susan Goman awn ried. The OFA is also to con- from 1-le said that the Thomas Adams received pimd duct an educational progrjrciAam whole milk league had comes from Heather Strom far tto o1i the need fat farmers to Ts as he' etiti or a vote best female and. male swim- .14 _ 1 I z4 neer in the intermediate class, Beginner awards First-year members of the swim program received cards andbeginner playground a- wards for their participation in the swim classes. Senior swim- mers Don Wright and Marion Walker presentedcards to Don- ald Kirk, Linda Brintnell, Peter Pryde, Jim Brintnell, Douglas Mivers, Douglas F'enhale, Greg Webber, Brian Miller, Clifton Webber, Andy Koopman, Gail Klopp, Cathy Holtzman, ,Allan MacLean, "Butch" Johnston, Bobby Read, Bobby Bierling, Douglas Wareing and Donald Jones. Gordon Jones, Bobby Sand- ers, Joe Borland, Bobbie Mack- ie, John Lee, George Lee, Linda Whiting, Ruth Whiting, Marsha !Verner, Marlene Rader, Judy Masse, Gail Sweet, Gary Shipnian, Cheryl Sweet, Doris Ferguson, Mary Kay Hodgins, Geraldine Boland, 13 a r b a r a I! ord, JoAnne Ford, Marlene Stewart, Sylvia Dietrick, Den- nis Shane, Conny Mackie, Jane Broderick, ,Grace Thompson Catherine Hall, Heather Whit- ney, klarilyn Whitney, Lois Porter, Gerald Koopman, Deb- by Wooden, Susan Wooden. Red Cross beginners Presented with their Iced Cross heginner pin and card were Cathy McDonald, Richard Ottewell, Lesley Shane, Donald Shane, Paul Negryn, Fred May, Cathy Simmons, Jo -Anne :Hodg- ert, Kristine Tuckey, Larry Smith, Kristine Koopman, Jack • Red Cross senior Members of the senior Red Cross class who passedthe summer course were Dennis Hockey, Brian Baynham, David Grainger, Charles Keating, Gordon Greenacre, Margaret Snelgrove, Roly Rumpel, Mar- garet Snelgrovc and Charles Keating received pins for best swimmers in their division. Bronze Medallions Eight members of the swim- ming program received the Bronze Medallion Royal Life Saving Award on successfully completing the stringent tests for the program's high highest award. Included in this class were Marion Welke r, Don Wright, Shirley Genttner, Neil Hamilton, Jack Stephan, George Godbolt, John Nagel, Bonnie Turvey. George Godbolt, George Hin- ton and Greg Harness received their. intermediate Royal Life Saving Society certifidates. Special swim awards Darlene, Parsons and holy Rumple received special awards for the most valuable swimmers on the Exeter swim team which competedin meets with other area centres throughout the summer. Darlene won t h e honor for her fine showings in all of the meets and special mentionwas made of the Sea - forth swim meet when she set a record in the girl's back stroke. FROM ALL OF US — TO ALL OF YOU ON YOUR 37TH ANNIVERSARY MINS YOUR CAMERA AND RECORD YOUR VISIT 1 September 9 RCAF STATION C INTRALIA %�:'r/•%'/nl.Nif:!/� i.�kilti.Mv: PRESENT SWIM AWARDS—Over 100 children received awards following the conclusion of the Kinsmen's sum- mer swimming honors program, last; week. Above, In- structor Martha Cochrane honors Jan. Negryn who was chosen as one of the most improved swimmers. Above are Roly Rumpel and. Darlene Parsons, named most valuable members of the :swim team, --T-A photo There's nothing quite like. the wonderful world. of Esso warmth. it's a carefree world of safe, dependable Beat:, available to you whatever type of heater --space heater, floor furnace or automatic furnace —you use. Ask your Imperial Esso Agent about it today. THERE'S A N RFUL w RLD OF WAR" `�'h WAITING R'r>LI, TOO BILL'S BARBIEn S EXETER duality Cleaning With Dow Per -- it's Odorles?; PHONE 33 Town "Tell your mummy it's the telephone man!" Our men will be visiting homes and businesses in Exeter soon ... they'll be installing your new dial telephone sets! "Dial Day" will be in February, 1962. That's when Exeter will get dial service and Direct Dis- tance Dialing ---and that's when your new, 7 -figure numbers will become effective. All numbers will then start with the figures "235". We'll keep you posted as work on your new service progresses. 3. T, Sanderson, Manager. I4NON 110 GE VRIESE ►LW S LOOK,Via► tMPlit i M*'I of ti -ii EXEtER T BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY CANA0A M loaners E ETER fi K et • • • c M e 1 Se s a r 0 0 MAY WE DROP IN, to tell you about the convenience of EXTEN. SION PHONES in your hone? installed in kit- chen, bedroom, den or hall, these ]Tandy phones save steps and time: '!'tie Cost is just ii h i enth per phone—and installation is FREE if you get it done while our Man visits your hoinel TN` COLOUR, too -- beautiful colours to her- =Mat er°-iitoiii a with your decort Why hot order iimea gat a low, one-time :testae - best oharge of 3,ll. 6 0 i e 0 a' 0 ".9 0 0 4 t A. 6, e, And if vett want the very latest in telephones luxury, we suggest e beautiful "P rin c es5'P telephone for vttttt home, This is the Otte yoUwve, . <; Lead nbsiu#=-it .lights up . Q' s rvlieu ybtt distil w 0, 0