HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-07, Page 5=.: Pitoe 3 $eptenlher 7,i 1901 ,..-vrA''.'":' ', •;:... . .' :.,....:-•....-,.1,..4•....,,;.,,,:,....=,,„L:...,-.-, ,,.:;,-za.:.-2,aig,tittwzu,i,,a41,;74=m-,;;;;:;,44,47.443444,21 H. z..mzzz.f.r...'2:'.'.z..:::.....z.:z..;sr=T::::...'.2.7::z7.-...-.7.-r:<.-.:.::'..i:'..:::t.7:-=rz.=v.r.t.:....,....,------c.=-z:..;:::;,:zz.7::::,=:zr-i.1, _O—Me eCOnOMicS COITIMPrIts 44,0qt ensall and .cii4trict new. CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude, Hechien, Phone S. Mrs, .Archle .M4cPreoor, Phone, -44 t„;,..,,'„,:••;nr, • . . .... . Induct minister ®n Friday night Friday, $eptember :Heron - London rnan'Friends- shower •SepteMber,ipricie wins shoot Mrs. Orville Jones was hos- tess for a.miscellaneous shewer held at the Queensway Nnraing RPM e, Wednesday evening, August. 30, for Miss Janet Duizer of Londesboro, a nurse's aide at the nursing home and bride -elect of Sep- tember. Twenty employees and former employees .of the nursing home attended. Mrs. Jones read 1.11e present- ation address to the pest of honor, and Miss Louise Jones And Miss Agnes Gesell, Zurieh, Maitland Presbytery will induct Charlie Parkinson, London, Rev, D. Ross MacDonald into won the Kipper' Gun Club the ministry of Carmel Presby- trophy at'the Labour Day shoot rerun Church, which will be 4t. Miilicli Sunday afternoon with 45 (int of 50, Jack Zellas, followed with a reception for 1$t, Thomas, also scored 45 out Mr. and Mrs. IVIacDenald and of 50, but was defeated_ in the family. shoot -off. Mr. msop000ld, who will John Anderson or Hensall scored 44-50; Harry Mathers, oceupy his own. pulpit Sunday, Exeter, 43-50. Winner of the September 10, came to Hensel]. special 25 bird handicap; Zel- from springnill, N.S., where las, 24.25; Parkinson, 24-25; he. was minister of St. David's George McAteer, St. Thomas, Presbyterian C h u r c h there 22-25; John Anderson, 22-25. since 1958. 'Anderson won, the double event Mrs, MacDonald is •a grackle • with 23.24; Gordon Johnston, al,e nurse a Brockville General Chatham, 20-24. i.„,• itSpital. They have two child- High over-all 100 mixed tar- . w n, Ruth Anne, two and a lialf gets, Anderson was high with years old, and David Allan, 13 89; Parkinson, 87; Mathers. months, • 83; Zellas, 82; McAteer, 81. Hensall personals Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mather, Jane and John of London. Mr, and Mrs, Don Rigby of Blen- heim, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell, Three baskets of flowers in the United Church Sunday morning last were in memory of the late Mr, George Walker, placed there by members of the family. Mrs. Lou Simpson was taken by ambulance Monday to Clin- ton Public hospital. Mrs. Clara Hughes and Nor- ma of London, were weekend holiday. guests with Miss Greta Lammie, Miss Marie Miller, of Wind- sor, spent the weekend holi- day with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and 'Mrs, C. L. Jinks, and with Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. Howard Lemmon is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Miss Amy Lammie returned to London Monday following her vacation spent Attp her sister Miss Greta Laramie, spent the holiday with the for - liter's mother, Mrs, Olive Her- ten. Mr, Ron Broderick, of Kitch- ener, visited over the week. end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Garfield Broderick and Karen. F/0 George Sangster, Ham- ilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles and family, of London, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jame Sangster and fa rally, Mrs. Lou Simpson was taken by ambulance to Clinton Pub- lic Hospital on Monday. Mr. John Thompson is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital. . Mrs. Grace Harpole returned home after a pleasant vacation with her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Pea- cock and family, at Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Rennie, of Toronto, visited over the holiday with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ren- nie., Miss Ann Mickle returned home after holidaying with Miss Sharon Riley in London. Mr. David Dignan has been admitted as a patient at Queensway Nursing Home, Hen- sall. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Shiels, Beigrave, visited on Saturday with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan and family. Their granddaugh- ter, Margaret Allan, who spent two weeks holidaying with them, returned home with them, Mr. Norman Shiels Jr., Amber - ley, was a Sunday visitor. Mr. George Beer is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter. Hensall Community Agricul- tural School Fair will be held at the arena Tuesday, Septem- ber 19. Sandra Sangster, London; Margaret and Nancy Stretton, of Lucan, have returned after spending a week with their grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Miss Betty Parker, London, spent the weekend at her hom e. Mrs. Bert Horton and Jane, Mrs. P. L. McNaughton and Robert, Mrs. Gordon Vickers, Allan and Cathy, of Newmar- ket, have returned after vaca- tioning at Schade View., Jack Chipehase :left for Tor- onto on Monday where he will attended Northern Vocational School and also participate in inner "A" Hockey at Maple "i-af Gardens. Mrs. Leona Parke and Patri- cia spent a few days last week with friends in Ilderton and London. Wendy Thomas of London, and Danny Kerslake of Centralia, have returned h o rn e after spending their holidays with their ;grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lemnion. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and Miss Ann Tete left on Tuesday of this week for a month's tour to the coast. Miss Carol Brown will preside at the organ cen- se'. of Carmel Church during the absence of the former. Mrs. L. E. Borden is a pa- tient, at St. Josephs Hospital for a few days this week. Mr. Gus Voth of Detroit, visited on Saturday last with Mrs, L. Simpson. He was ac- companied home by Mrs. Voth and Jim who have been spend- ing their summer vacation here. Weekend holiday visitors with Mrs. L. Simpson were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Simpspn of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker, who flew here to attend the funeral of the :former's father, the late Mr. George Walker, returned to their home at St. Petersburg, Fla., on Tuesday, also making the return trip by plane. Mrs. Sam Dougall returned Tuesday from a week's vaca- • tion with her sister, Mrs. G. M. Chesney, Toronto, at her sum- mer cottage at Carnarvon. Fel- ,lowinga brief stay in Toronto, her sister accompanied her home for a visit, • Beverly Cornell, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cornell, who has been a patient in War Me- merial Children's Hospital, London, returned home on Sun- day. Mrs. Sim Rooboi who has been vacationing in Holland arrived in Montreal Saturday and visited a niece there, re- turning to Hensel). on Tuesday, She left Hensel June 9, Mrs. Gertrude Dayman is having the exterior of her home painted in white and red. Bill Shaddick; as doing the work, Mrs. Wni. G. Kennedy suf- fered A sever stroke on Sat- urday evening and Was taken bY Bonthron ambulance to Vie- toria Hospital, Iendon. The CP Sc T Fund committee of the TOOF and Amber Re. bekah Lodges assisted. the Van Esbroeek family recently burned out in a disiastrous fire last week 1»' donating new bed- ding and kitehen utensilt, Mrs. MeEWeri is chairman of the committee. Donald Iledden' 30, tit Om. ton, formerly of 'llensall, was admitted to Westminster llos- pitaL tendon, by ambulance on Friday lad suffering With congestion of the lungs, Donald was Injuredin an Accident; over a year ago and 18 paralyzed from the Waist drawn and 15 eonfined 1.0 a wheel chair, Ile returned kite to Clinton td hie Wife and lantilY seven i01.ontlis ago, frOrn hospital. Mr. tee 1elt returned Id Pronto alter spending 1119 Va. Mien with his parents, Mr, and MrS, Glenn Bell. and Mil, StAWart 1404 114414 Ted and Dal of Maritreall • Cron'arty ,.Commen::...s, S • if WI t • Klippen • - BY MRS. NORMAN 1.0110 By MBA, JOHN TEMPLEMAN Broce County, The autumn bus teur being arranged for Wein. was aittlire Ttealreragr$ and tIi emeertailitit gi 1 (19); s 5J;ItIS t;11:0 Itleern PArcSi 0 p tw as loVth itqbhe S!11 laaif f held at The linoSintiethatel ,''?%"111:11-"e .70111:7 Mrs. RAY MacDonald ort Wed-Pg°11fertling the latter. tors present, JIM; and invitations are to be for the meeting and Mrs, Boy ROIL •ealt was aaSwereci with to — "It takes 6.4 museles to se" is with 1"001Pe- ij.'illonstra- , • nestle), evening, August 30 ti Plans were discussed for en- . , with 10 members and two visi-itenaining At the Oetober ded pres naGideraplrflos::: th s"eWiltarinoi tw4eeactliqr drinks or des - Mrs, . local institutes. anidwounsleyii0113a tobinsinisileeis.e0 • ,, given by Mrs, Carter Kerslake. Gerald Agar and Mrs. Ross • I t d b Mrs Mrs. Gerald Agar gave A e• Lunch was Served bY Fell assisted by the hostess. Booms training as ,is The loeei girls softball team five-minute talk on British Co- beld a farewell party for Miss Jumble, the location, „toot Rosana Warden at the home and physieal features, which of Mi AS Kay Worden. Rosanna ber 5 in Stratford Hospital, splendid paper onCana- s. on lioggartli. 111rs. • 1 G d dozclotfotuemaker wbo :.G4roet Lietor and Mrs. Bert your job," Mrs. Ruh.)Y • . • . Miss 'Vera HarnbleY gave a • Reed gave a •reading. was interesting and Mrs. co, begins nurse's training Septem- Cd Bowman gave a reading "Household Flints in Rhyme." The president Mrs. Russell Warden presided fqr the bug- ness. A letter was read from Mrs. Ritchie informing mem- bers that the new !Rime econo- mist for Perth County is Miss Mary Lou Illaek, formerly from presented the gifts in a decor- ated basket in pink and white.' ping the gifts and reading the %,,,l They also assisted in =wrap- I-eorge Walker cards. • Games and contests were local merchant Mr. and Mrs, John Beer and family returned to Barrie on Monday after a two-week once - tion at Sehade View. Mrs. Carl Payne rendered a solo at the United Church ser- vice Sunday morning. Rev, Currie Winlaw delivered the message and Miss Greta Lam- mie was at the organ console. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton are spending a week vacation- ing in Winona. Staff remains same At Hensall Public School the staff will remain the seine: principal, Robert Reaburn, grades 7 and 8; Mrs, Mary Haugh, 5 and 6; Eric Mans- field, 3 and 4; Mrs. Mabelle Shirray, 2 and 3; MrS. Beryl Elgie 1, and Mrs. Helen Scene, kindergarten. Oh Tuesday 199 pupils were enrolled — 10 more than last year. directed by Miss Audrey Dui- zer, Luncheon was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs, Rabin McAllister, Mrs, Irene Quance, Miss Oesch and Miss Jones. Mrs. D. Dignan dies in hospital Mrs. David Dignan died in South Saturday, Septemberur°nilmPit2,having al'Exaevtieri been a patient in the hospital since June 21. The former Annie H. Beck, she was in ber 77th year and took up residence here with her husband nine years ago from ]fay township where Mr. Dignan farmed, She was a member of Hen- sel] United Church and often assisted the members of the Woman's Missionary Society at their quiltings when health permitted. Surviving are her husband, three sons, Harold and Earl, of RR 2 Hensall, and Harvey, of Dorchester. She was pre- deceased by a brother, Wil- liam, of London, six years ago. Private funeral services were held Monday from the Bonthron Funeral Home conducted by Rev. Currie Winlaw. Burial was in Exeter cemetery. Bearers were Don and Bill Beek, Edison and Ross For- rest, Sam and William Thom- son. Flower bearers were Elmer Keys, Albert Alexander, William Forrest and Fred Par - Sons. Accordion winner Steven, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ktimorkewiez, St. Catharines, was awarded a gold medal, placing first with ac- cordion ,solo at the CNE To- ronto, in a class of 22 entries with 91%. He received a special invita- tion to play al; an accordion recital at the CNE Tuesday evening, August 29 for a 15 - minute period. He also entered In competi- tion for honor accordions, To- ronto in November. His mother is the former Shirley Redden of Hensall. His grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Redden, St. Catharines, and he is a great-grandson of Mrs. Catharine Redden and Mr. Fred Kennings of Hensall. Mr. George Walker died at his home Wednesday evening, August 29, in his 83rd year, Born near Seaforth, he farm- ed in Tuckersmith, and later in McKillo.p before taking up residence in Hensall 25 years ago where be conducted a poultry and egg business, He suffered a stroke eight years ago and since thee had been an invalid, having been cared for by his wife during those years, When his health permitted he was an active member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, a member of Hensel]. IOOF Lodge 223, and a service was conducted by that organization at the funeral chapel Thursday evening. Surviving are his widow, the former Ella Grassick; one son, Donald, St. Petersburg, Fla.; two daughters, Miss 01 iv e Walker, Reg. N., of St, Peters- burg, Fla., and (Helen) Mrs. George Gould, London; one granddaughter, Miss Diane Gould, of London; one brother, Hugh Walker, near Clinton; and one sister, Mrs. Mary MacDougall, of Underwood. Public funeral services were held from the Bonthron Pune- ray Chapel, Saturday conducted by Rev. Leslie Elder, of Sea - forth. Interment was in Baird's cern etery. Bearers were Joe McLellan, Bruce Walker, Wilson McCart- ney, Dave ?apple, Wilbert Dil- ling and Frank Wildfong. Members of the family at- tending the funeral were Don- ald Walker of St. Petersburg, Fla., and Mrs, Gould, London. Other relatives attended from Toronto, Leamington, London, Underwood, Clinton and Sea - forth. Personal items Holiday visitors at the homes of Mr. and 'Mrs. William Hyde and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Faber were Mr. and ,Mrs. Ed Bar- rett and Judy of Westwood, New Jersey, Miss Loretta Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, London, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sims, Jerry and Sheila, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thomp- son of Toronto spent the week- end holiday here. Miss Pay and Beth Troyer returned home after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Faber. FORCE DAY AT CENTRALIA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 ORM YOUR CAMERA AND RECORD YOUR- vim Personal items Mrs. John Miller and baby daughter, Karen Joyce, have returned home from Stratford Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited on Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Mil- ler and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and family - Mrs. Sadie Payne, Moose Jaw, Sask„ is home from Vic- toria Hospital and is staying with her family here. Darlene Templeman spent the weekend with Gail Agar. Geraldine Templeman holi- dayed with her cousin, Jean Cole, Cromarty. Mrs. Anthony Brait and RI, chard. 'Montreal, visited recent- ly with Mr's. Brait's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sain Norris. Eleanor Keinp entertained the girls on the line at a party at her home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman attended the 40th wedding an- niversary celebration of Mr. Bowman's brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ,Alvin Bowman, Ragersville. "Now, about your nickname— 'Butterfingers' Personat items Mr. and Mrs. Carman Wood- burn, fITeettway, Mr. Dawson Woodburn, Toronto.. and Mr, „and Mrs. Herb MOUSSeaU. Zur- lel), were, recent guests of Mr. And Mrs. Elzar 1\1014SSCUL Mr. and Mrs. M. Lynch and children, of Toronto, have played to the Kippen area. Mr. Lynch recently purchased the farm formerly owned by Mr. Cheries McKay. Mr. and Mrs. MAKay have taken up residence In Seaforth. Mrs- R. J. Elgie returned home after visiting a few days in -Guelph at the borne of her son-in-law and .daughter, ;air. and Mrs, Don McKnight, and The Misses Shirley .and San- dra 'Reid and Miss Sharon Mc- Bride returned home after spending the summer at Big - win Inn, Lake of Bays, Mus- k k• Miss Marguerite McDonald, of Toronto, was the weekend guest of Ansa Kathleen Elliott, Brueefield. Mrs. Margaret Johnston, To- ronto, visited_ over the holiday weekend with her brother, Mr. W. R. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Riley and four daughters enjoyed a week's vacation visiting rela. lives in Pennsylvania and In- diana. Miss Gwen McLean, Exeter, and Miss Linda Hay of Hen - sail visited a few days last week with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Robert McLean, Auxiliary adds to officers Mrs. Harold Campbell and Mrs. Gordon Munn were elected sports officers for 1961-62 at the September meeting of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Tues- day evening. It was voted to hold a birth- day party October 6 and invite the Legion members, and also to send cigarettes to the Auxil- iary' veterans in Westminster Hospital. Winners of bingo were Mrs, Wes Vernier (3), Mrs, William Brown, Mrs, Maude Redden, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. Gor- don Munn and Mrs. E, Davis. moco,m.R., foo59.nat items Rulley visited At Long Point Mr. and Mrs. Win, MeKaig. with Mr. and MrS. 4od throe ,daughters sud.I:Gbee on Stinder. bury spent a few days visiting! Miss Ina Scott of LOA4014. -with his brothers, Mr. Angus apent the holiday weekend With MeKaig and Mr, and Mrs. Cal- he patentor Mr, and Mrs. -Gots der McKnig. don Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Georg Wallace • schools reopened ,on .1,714e5day and 1Vit. Marry Norris visited, with Miss Warida McLaren .,04. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. teacher at SS .6 And ,Catharine, Gordon Kerslake and family, Scott, Marilyn Laing and George bt. Marys. Douglas AS, beginners. Mr'land Mrs' Ted Storey' Mrs. Jean .Chaltriers And, :her Arnane and Marlene of Lon- • son, David .Chalmers Ldn.- don visited recently„, with don were guests of Mr, end Mrs. T. Laing on Labor Day, molly friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ferg McKellar.. Paul and Gary .of Seaforth 1„„ Af Mr. and Mrs. 'John MeLaeb., Seaforth . ., A ..,,,c i spent the weekend at the home day --e-v'dr,vityr Mr.‘eon Mom- spent his father, Mr. Lindsay Mc— McLachlan and Mrs, ,Grage 'Kellar. i Scott. , _........... Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton, Larrie Lee, Debbie and Robbie l;BaRagallBallatlaPafflialaPIRMOWIMPF of Stratford visited DO Sunday 1 with Mrs, M. Boughton. Their other holidays with his grandm mbulance 11OFMAN "sea 13illy who 'Your library Continued from page 4 Eleven years of work were involved by the writer in the two volumes of this biography of. Macdonald, and the result is well worth any reader's time and concentration. Davies, Grant, Denning and Benn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. DEVON' BUILDING PHONE 261 EXETER In ..... llll lllll m lll m ll llllll kw4 lllllllllllllllllllllllll 0011filtHO llll llll llllll I llllll lllll OHM had spent the returned home with them.. Miss Karen Adams of Mil - elicit was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner, 11/Rebell last week, Miss Joan Coleman of Sea - forth and Miss Ruth Ann Cole - 1 spent a few holidays with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and lIVIrs. T. Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker, Mr. Kenneth Walker and Mr. !Hector Turcotte, all of London, j spent Labor Day with Mr. and !Mrs. Otto Walker. Miss Brenda Kerslake of Star.. fa spent a few holidays with her grandfather, Mr. Andrew Me - 1 Lachlan. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, Alice and Bobby and Sandra Service DASHWQQD 3 Ambulances stationed at Dashwood: 1 at Grand Bend Drivers holders of $t. Johns' Ambulance Certificates Properly Equipped ALSO PORTABLE OXYGEN Phone Dashwood 70W or Grand Bend 20W iiiimmusclsewomagmetesommosiMen Bring your samples to us before selling. Highest prices paid. Storage available. GENE -SEE SEED WHEAT AVAILABLE PHONE 24 OR 249 r HENSALL • • TINTING SETTING • STYLING Hours. :September 'Tuesday, Friday And Saturday 9 a,m. •• 6 This shop will be closed September and Septernber 12. Wednesday and Thursday 9 a.m. 9 P.M. Be+l-Jay BEAUTY gALON MIOntt 236 Hensall NOW AIR CONDITIONED Granulated Sugar Maxwell House Instant Coffee 21 -Los. Carnation Instant Powdered Milk 3-LB5. PKG. Clark's — with pork Beans Rose Bread 'n Butter Pickles Heinz Tomato Juice Hvtess Potato Chips FRESH PRODUCE Cauliflower • ONTAr4w HEAD Sunkist 13tt's Oranges Duchess Apples Ontario collo Carrots 1 '1011•11,17,f••••'”' 1 EST MAT BUYS 10 -or,. jar 1,3 3 Cubed Stewing FEIR. trot; 48 -oz, this 29c 10 -oz. pkos, 1 FOR $1 9r 20 -oz. tins c jars 9C 4 -quart basket 59c 3.1b. pkg. 19' 49c 1 Sueer•Save Yellow Label offee eans Famous Kraft ese Sikes 'the 18 -ounce economy site Shred ed Baker's favorite coite Chi 06.1 Lan. . • ' 1.1b. bag 8 -oz. pkg, rot', rdr, 49 (”oz. Oct,: 4 Good Luck For A rine Show! McKerlie Automotive LTD, PHONE Mil EXETEFt