HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-07, Page 3west .water Hod permit ar ing s
or Dashwood sysiem
Ste, hen 'Township council .de -
:c .-I Monday to .ask the Onta•
r 0 Witter Lesources 'Comniis-
san to do a preliminary sur-
vey .and veil% for the Instal -
lo n :of a. •water supply for
I) :'1twood,
ry t'we present supply is
ad. u. e for nose .eaisumers,
Pere are some who do. pat
.h"ve a a, a'rti,,tt1 supply of good
v'^ter, 'lire reeve's!: .was a'so.
•'cel to meet future de-
3n '-,"s in the villege and also
"for fire ria"c 'ion.
A similar survey was con-
dected in •r'sntra'ia earlier this
year, but the vitt , ,,- ,. o e:-,,,
for the benefit and the -coup-
ell decided not to go .ahead with
'here with Duron County,
the Stephen green is investiga-
t' 'g the eeeslh,ility of erecting
no parkin•/ sins nn certain
stretches of the main street in
'Centralia, Victoria Street,
The .council hopes to have
signs erected near the Exeter
Turnip sates plant so large;
trucks will have ample room
fpr unloading and loading pro -
Could, mean grant
A by-law was passed estab.
Wiling the community field in
Crediton under the Community
Centres Act, This will bring the
-Crediton park in line for grants
Message from
Sunday guests with Mr, and
Mrs, Lorne Hicks were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Penwarden, Mr,
and Mrs. Harold Penwarden,
of Sarnia, Mrs. McKillop, of
Vancouver, B.S,, and Mrs,. An-
drew Hicks,
Baby Danny Roger, of St.
Dlerys, was a weekend visitor
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Essery,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hod-
gins and family attended a
family reunion at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Morley at
Lieury on Sunday.
Huron County Library books
will be exchanged at the lib-
rary on September 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tripp
re'urned home on Thursday
following a trip to the West
where they spent a week with
their son, Cpl. Robert Tripp
and faintly, in Saskatoon. They
also renewed acquaintances
with some former air force
friends. On the way home they
visited with LAC' and Mrs.
George Wasson in Winnipeg. In
travelling they noticed that the
grainand corn crops were
very poor in Southern Saskat-
chewan and North Dakota.
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Mor-
rison and family, of Forest,
Mr. and Mrs. Brian King- of
Sarnia were Sunday visitors
with the Rev, D, M. and Mrs.
Darneli Era
of Royal
Oak, Michigan, visited for a
couple of days last week with.
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs, Kenneth Hodgins.
School p
ho 1 reopened
on Tuesday
followi:n.g the summer vacation
with Mrs. Lorne Hicks again
in charge. •
Sunday` visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Amos Wright were Mr.
Foster Smith and Mr, Ormal.
Smith of Brussels, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Neely, Carol and
Paul, of London.
Miss Agnes Anderson and.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott
have returned home following
a week's vacation at Grand
Mr. Wesley llodgins and his
daughter, Mrs, J. McLachlan,
of 'London, were Sunday visit-
ors with Mrs. E,, Abbott,
Miss Julie Guest of London
spent. a few days last week
with her grandparents, Rev. D.
M, and Mrs. Guest.
Mr. and Mrs, William Quin-
ton of London were Sunday
visitors with Mrs. Arthur Me-
Miss Wreathe Sholdice, of
Windsor, was a weekend visit-
or with her mother, Mrs. M.
Sholdice and family,
Mr. and Mrs. George Snell
and family moved last week
from . Seaforth into the home
• they purchased from Mrs. By-
ron Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp-
son attended the 25th wedding
anniversary celebration of the
formers brother and sister-in-
law, Mr, and Mrs. Campbell
Thompson, in Listowel on Sat-
Mr. Ralph Osborne, Toronto,
was a weekend visitor with his
parents, Mr. And Mrs. Frank
Mr. Cecil Merriam and Mr,
't', Anderson of London were
visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
Amos Wright on Labor. Day,
Mr, and Mrs, John Thomp-
son visited over Labor Day
with Mrs, Thornpson's sister
and brother-in-law, Mr, and
Mrs. Elliott Sutherland at 'lana.
Carson's Lucky Dollar hood
Market was opened on Thurs-
day of Iasi week. Mr. and
Mrs, Carson and, [amity Moved
from London a few weeks ago
to take up residence; in the
F/L and Mrs. K. Carpenter
arrivedfront Ottawa over the
Weekend to spend a couple of
Weeks at the bin they pin'-
Chased front Mrs. D. 13, Hodg-
Mr, and Mrs. William Pad-
dock attended a family re-
union ,at the home of Mr., and
Mrs, Be§tardy Grand Benci, en
Mr. 'Keith lodgins will be-
gin his studies next week at
the Ryerson Institute of Tedi
nology in Toeentd.
I Mr. and Mrs, Pfeil Th5Wrieti
Joined their family fir 'e liietiie 1
a>yl fort Franks on Sunday.
under the Provincial body.
Council approved a motion
to authorize .the return of the
assessment roll and found .that
the ,assessment in he townhip
had: increased $26,650,00 over
the past Year, to a new high
of $3,770,:150.00,.
They decided to take no ac-
tion on a Peel County resolu-
tion to legali:'e national hospi-
tal sweenstak,es. The Peet
gratin asked their support to
petition the Provincial and Fe -
decal govern n.ents to make the
sweepstakes legal,noting the
costs of construction for new
hospitals, the inadequate sup•
plies and facilities tat some of
the existin..g ones and that
many more Hospitals were
Clerk Ross Haugh was author-
icedto apply for interim road.
suheidy payment .from the
rlep t of .highways. Total road
expenditures to date have
amounted to 30,638,63,.
Lay cornerstone
at Huron hospital
-- Continued from page 1
the flow of normal soeiety,"
This, he said, can be ac-
complished better in the en-
vironment of a smaller hospi-
tal — around 250 to 300 beds
in which many institutional
features can be eliminated,
Staff of 150
The premier said a staff of
about 150 will be required, d, in-
eluding maintenance, nursing,
medical and other professional
personnel. Attend ants and
nurse aids, who willrequire
in-service training, will be re-
cruited locally, if possible.
One of every 15 males and
one of every 14 females born
in the province may be ex-
pected to require admission to
an Ontario hospital or Ontario
hospital school sometime dur-
ing their lives, he pointed ut
He also noted that the pro-
vince's health insurance plan
was the only one which pro-
vided for mental treatment.
The premier said he appre-
crated the many years he had
worked with Mr. Pryde. "He al-
ways helped me around diffi-
cult turns." Describing the
late MPP as kindly and know-
ledgeable, Mr, Frose said "he
was a man who made a very
great contribution to his coun-
Message from
Personal items
Weekend visitd,t•s with Mrs.
Albert Pollock were: Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Dettloff and Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Dettloff and.
family of Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter
of Scarboro spent a few days
last week with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Steeper,
Mr. and Mrs, Therman Hay-
ter of Detroit spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winter-
burn and family of Toronto
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Ed. .Bullock and Mr. and Mrs.
Stuart Bullock and family,
Mrs. Ed. Bullock returned
home with it t
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Kalop and
family of Detroit spent the
weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey.
The Berean Bible Class of
the United. Church will .hold its
September meeting on Friday
evening at the honkie of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Curts.
Dr. Godsell. of Po n t i a c,
Mich., who is vacationing at
the Beach of Pines, will be the
guest speaker in the United
Church on Sunday,
Mrs. Fred Steeper moved to
Parkhill last week.
Mr, and Mrs. H. McDonald
visited on Sunday with rela-
tives at Brights' Grove.
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Pollock
and family of London spent
the weekend with his father,
Mr. Milton Pollock.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Gillies of
Berkley, Mich., spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Hicks,
Glenn Brophey of London vis-
ited last week with his grand-
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd
Mrs, Maurice Murray v.isitcd
last week with relatives in
Douglas Wolper, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Harvey Wainer, re-
turned. home from the hospital
last week.
Miss Lillian Ulens returned
to Windsor last week after
spending the skunriier at her
home here.
Miss Margaret Rose of East
Williams visited last week
with Miss Lynda Steeper,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gardner
of Newmarket spent the week-
end with his mother, Mrs. J,
Gardner, Jim and Tom and
Anne returned home with them
after spending their vacation
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker and
family returned to Hensall
after spending the simmer with
Mr, Lisle Woodburn and Bill,
Mr, Wm, Nicks is on jury
duty in Goderich this week,
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Eagleson
and Mt, and Mrs, .Ray Eagle-
son and, Allan of Detroit spent
the weekend With relatives.
-„nninn,,m neeeeeem nn'l,eeeelmeee
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wedgy
nesday afternoon and dile.
ing the evening through,
OM the week,
try hntli in peace and war.
A plaque was unveiled com-
memorating the occasion. It
willbe displayed permanently
in the administrative part of
the building.
"Good neighbors"
Health Minister Matthew Dy-
inond paid tribute to Mr.
Pryde as "one who always
looked after and helped those
less fortunate than himself."
He noted that the number of
mentally 111, according to
world-wide statistics, is al-
most on the same ratio as the
physically disabled.
He hoped the hospital. "would
bee good neighbors.of the poo-
p of Huron .-- we want to be
part of your community,"
Works Minister Ray Connell
predicted the building would
be one of the most modern in
North America — you'll see
things in here you have never
seen before,
He apologizedfor the noise
made by workman but said
they had to make up for the
delays caused by poor weather.
A small crowd of about 150
Pooley to plow
— Continued from rage 1
and sewerage disposal for the
plant's operation in future
He said the company water
requirements next year would
not be greater than this year's
consumption but it will in-
crease considerably in the fu-
Council authorized a request
to OAC to study the absorption
rate of the sewerage disposal
ground, A. number of proposals
are being considered to im-
prove the system.
In other business, council
Instructed the clerk to in-
voice some 40 merchants in
town who have not paid the
June installment of their busi-
ness tax.
Learned that the town popu-
lation, according to the June
census, was 2.985 and .request-
edthe dep't of highways revise
their town. signs, which indicate
population at 2,800.
Learned that the citizens
band, which has disbanded,
will. require $70 or more to
clear up 1 ar its debts.
Made arrangements to be
host to the Huron. County Muni-
cipal Officers' Association on
October 18.
Dr. Victor. and Dr. Joan
Kyle and two children, Tracy
and David of Toronto are vis-
iting with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper,
Mr, and Mrs. E. J, Haas,
Buffalo, N.Y„ visited over
the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Ford.
pendingr�gisfr,�tao� ,flake effect
1 Council Monday finally 4.11. 1, Anderson. Marlborough, a ga^
proYed the controversial build-; rage; Thomas Allen, 'Thames
ing permit for the house Cen- ; Road, rebuild poreh; Mrs. O.
tractor Arthur Whilsm,itla is P. Cochrane. new store front
building in his subdivision, an the building .occupied by
The approval was subject to Snelgrove's; Mrs, Effie 'Thom^
confirmatiort that application: is son, Main .St -x a verendah,
being made for registration .of
a planencompassing hart en
the area originally slated Inc
the subdivision — the area Inc
r Patrol
h en c l
trig ht1 �adh be
G e o a.
1, i _ s
the decision followed disclo-
of _ c
sure ofthreatthe e
ab. pq ,
tots lawyer, James Donnelly,
G o d e r 1 c h, that application } Police have been issuing
would be pride far a court er warnings to motorists failing
der requiring the town in 1- , to observe the new skip signs
sue the permit it has withhelderected in the high school
since spring, : area.
Donnelly, in a letter dated I They indicated Wednesday,
August 25, stated Whilsrnith however, that they would be -
had inet the requirements set; gin shortly laying charges
out by the town and gave eoun" against;offenders.
till until the Monday, August Fur more stops have been
28, to approve the permit be• established in the area to con -
fore taking the .matter to trol speed and protect the more
court, than 1,000 children who use the
Mayor Pooley reported the area.
lakatewyerly wthatascouadncivisedlhad haimdnhno e- A four-way stop has been
dprovided at the intersection of
indication that application had Guile William, 1
been made for registration af.' Y and Will.an, where only
the plan one of the requiro• ; a two-way stop was in effect
Pbefore. Police point out that,
ments of the agreement. gills in the case where- two cars
n ineer.
was confirnied by E g come to a stop at the same
M. Ross, Goderieb, who indi time, the one on the right has
cated he had received no in -I the right of way.
structions as to what area the , Two other stops are on Sen -
plan shouldcover, tor, entering Gilley, and an
After conferences last week, Gridley, entering Senior.
Donnelly advised council by te- i
lephone that the engineer had;
been instructed to proceed. . '` • • • `. ..
Gets no seconder Letter from
When the matter was first; •
discussed by council Monday
, Kirktonnight, Councillor Claude Fan.:
row moved that the permit be !
issued but Mayor Pooley did
not secure a seconder, after . ... .....,.: , .h.,,; ,,...,..e -
urging approval on the recom• Part for birthday
m�endation of the town solici-; y
tor, W. G. Cochrane, ! Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Scott and
Councillor Simmons urged family held a fancily dinner
withholding of the permit on Friday evening rn Aberdeen
two counts: council had not re-; Hall to honor the birthday of
ceived confirmation either : Mrs. William Ward.
from Toronto or from the en - There were 40 present for
gineer that application for reg.- the occasion: Mr.. and Mrs,
istration was being made and William Ward, Mr. and Mrs.
because the contractor had I Frank Ward and family, Mr.
procee a tt i cons rue on, and Mrs. Victor Ward and
without the permit, family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
"Do we just disregard, the Ward and family, Mr. and Mrs.
requirements of the building Harvey Ward and family, Mr. Award contract
bylaw," asked Simmons. "He's and Mrs. Jim Wardand fain -
proving to other contractors ily, Mr. David- Harvey and
that you can go ahead and Mrs. Annie McEwen, all of for r id ne.e
build without a permit." Monkton, and Mr. and. Mrs. •Award for construction of
Said Farrow: "Pin in favor Clayton Ward, of Woodstock, the New Westminster United.
of giving him the permit. The Rickey Scott spent the past
fact that he built without a week visiting with Mr. and Church Residence for UWO
permit simply meant that he Mrs. William Ward at Gode students, London, has been let
rich, e
Personal items
The majority of drivers in.
the area apparently took the
warning issued by police ..of-
ficials last week, and .only
thrre aeeidents were reported
quer the final holiday weekend
of the season.
.However, 34 charges were
laid by'members of the local
OPP detachment and members
of the traffic squad in Kitchen-
er. A radar check set on in
Dashwood nn. Sunday, Septem-
ber 3 resulted in 29 speeding
Three other charges were
laid tinder the Highway Act
and two under the Liquor .Con-
trol Act.
Passersby iniured
Lloyd Willis Lemmon, 35,'of
Hay PO, escaped serious in-
jury when his car was com-
pletely wrecked. but two Amer-
ican soldiers who assisted him
at the scene had their hands
painfully hurt.
Lemmon told police lie was
proceeding east on 83 highway
when he applied. This brakes
and the left front wheel locked,
skidding him into: the north
ditch. The car flipped over on
its side and. ended up in the
opposite direction.
blaster Sgt. Thomas Moore
and Horace Morce, both of
Michigan, stopped to assist the
driver and as they were ,mov-
ing the car, had the door come
shut: on their fingers.
OPP Constable Don Westover
estimated damage at $350,00 to
Lemmon's 1952 model car, The
accident occurred on Sun.day,.
shortly after 7:00 p,m.
$600 damage
Damage was estimated at.
$600 in an accident involving
two cars on the Crediton road
at the RCAF Station sideroad,
Sunday afternoon.
Claude Audet, 26, Exeter,
was proceeding north across
the intersection when he was
struck on the right side by an
automobile driven by Ludwig
Trumpp, 31, London,
Trumpp, who was travelling
west on. the Crediton road, had
$400 damage on his car, while
Audet's suffered $200 damage,
PC Cecil Gibbons investigat-
took his own risk over secur-
ing town services." (The: PUC
will not provide hydro and wa-
ter until. a permit is issued).
"Now that he's met the re- r. and Mrs. Fred Brck.
quirements, what advantage is Mr, Ruddi Dykstra has re -
there in holding it up?" turned home after being a pa -
Postpones discussion
to Con -Eng Construction Ltd.,
L o n d o n, it was announced
this week by C. M. Peterson,
Mr. and Mrs. Sturrack, of London, chairman of the build-
ondon visited Sunday
with ing committee,
The 180 -bed residence, which
will be built of stone matching
that used throughout the
tient in St. Marys Memorial campus, is expected to cost
The mayor tabled discussion hospital, $750,000 when furnished. This
until later in the meeting after Mil. and. Mrs, William Scott is well under the original esti-
Reeve McKenzie and Council- yyisited Sunday with Mr, and nate,
lox Delbridge, who were 'not Mrs. Bert Gordon and attended I Start on the building is
!present at the outset, had morning service at St. Marys expected immediately, with
joined the group. • United Church, guest speaker completion date set for May
Councillor Taylor."We should being Rev. Harold. Graham, of 15. 1962.
' not be an obstruction to build- Northern Ireland. Haloid Ricks, London, was
ing in town. If he has broken. Mr. and. Mrs. Jerry Buram the architect, and M. M. Dil-
, the building bylaw, there and daughter of Brantford ion, and Co., London, engineers.
should be a penalty. Let's fine spent the weekend with Rev, This week also, Bursar Neil
him and then give hint the and Mrs. MacAulay, Campbell announced the Huron
building permit." Kirk William, son of Mr. students who have been alio
The mayor didn't think there . and Mrs. Garth Blackler, was
wasanyfines in
forAnglican baptized. at. 5t. Paul's Angl can ATTENDS CAMP
the bylaw. Church Sunday morning. Miss Alvin Cudmore, director of
South Huron Youth for Christ,
attended the Canadian Youth
far Christ Bible Conference and
Camp at Glen Rocks last week.
Returning with hien on Sunday
night was the South Huron Dis-
trict High School quiz team
comprising Bernice Grainger,
Shirley Sauder, Neil. Hamilton,
and John Nagel. They report a
splendid time.
McKenzie asked what portion Dawn Blackler and Mr. Ken
of the area was being regis- Blackler sang a duet during
tered, pointing out that if it the service.
extended beyond the point to Mr, and Mrs, Peter Bilstra
which the road had been con- and family attended the wed-
structed council could not ap- ding on Saturday at Sarnia of
prove it. Miss Alice Biemer, a former
The mayor said he hadn't resident of Kirkton,
been informed what area was Mr, and Mrs. Delmar Hud-
included in the application. son of London visited Sunday
Simmons and Deputy -reeve with Mrs. Jane Bickell,
Fisher felt the town should
WOODMAN • wait for confirmation about F,.,,r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n,n,,,n,n"nnn,nn,n,nn„n,„,,,nn"n,,,n,n„m,n„u„nn,,,n,lib
School reopened on Tuesday
with Mrs. Kenneth Langford
as teacher and a number of
new scholars as beginners.
Murray, Mike and Garry
Thibadeau, St. Marys, spent
last week with Miss Barbara
Ch a t -ten.
Mrs. G. Case, Newfoundland,
is visiting for a few weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. John Ware-
ham, Mr, Wareham and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Chatten
of Oakville visited the past
week with Mr. and: Mrs. Vic
1 Chatten and Barbara.
'iiTil n'r17tl iHl'Ofr1Y11Y1h11il00IYiil�lfl'Ii1Pfl Ci Milt 1
the plan from the engineer.
McKenzie agreed to second
the motion approving the per-
mit once assurance was re-
ceived that the application for
registration covered half of the
area, Farrow agreed to the
provision and the motion pas-
sed without dissenting vote.
Other permits
Other building permits ap-
i proved were for Milton Keller,
a house for Donald Jolly on
Huron; Cliff Brintnell, a house
on Victoria; Larry Rumpel.
Marlborough, a garage; Garth
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The Times ►dyocate,, $epternber :7, 1961 '+
Approve engineering
GB water „E:
With tentative approval re-
ceived from. the Ontario Muni^
cipal Board, Grand Bend eoun-
e l have authorized their reeve
and clerk to enter into an agree -
Meld, with the Ontario Water
Resources Commission for pre -
liininary work 9n their e r p op45ed
water system.
The agreement with the QW -
HO will enable the municipality
to stage some of the work as a
winter works project. It will
include surveying, acquisition
of land and: test drilling.
As Yet, the council have not
named their consulting .engi-
neers, but they are expected to
do so anthevery future.r
They have had several
present their qualifications and
will ask the OMB to approve
one of the firms for the job.
The system, which has been..
estimated at a cost of $377,175.-
00, will be financed by the On-
tario Municipal. Board and will
be paid back by Grand Bend
over a 30 -year period.
Frank Campbell, anofficial
of the board, has drawn up the
financing of the system and it
willhave to be approved by the
Ontario Municipal Board,
He has suggested to council
that the cost be borne by a levy
of three mills on the tax rate
and a cost of 30 cents a foot of
each owner's property front-
A. tentative rate structure
calls for a yearly rate of 230
for permanent single family
dwelling units and $20 for sum-
mer cottages.
All other consumers will pay
higher rates, depending on na-
ture, frequency and volume of
use. Campbell reported to coun-
cil that most commercial out-
lets would have to be metered
to determine their actual cost.
The cost of providing connec-
tions will be born by the own-
ers or occupants of the land.
Return cheque
Clerk Murray DesJardins was
instructed to return a cheque
in the amount of $10 to John.
Lauman, operator of a trampo-
line centre in the resort.
Lauman previously met with.
council andprotestedhaving to
pay $10 for each of his six
trampoline beds, and said he
should only be billed for 210
for the entire layout, as it was
a single device.
An accompanying letter said
he had checked with his solici-
tor in Kitchener, and had found
that the $10 fee was all he
should have been charged.
However, council stuck to
their earlier decision that he
should pay $10 for each bed.
The second trampoline ope-
rator, Ed DeArmon, also pro-
tested the fee, but paid $10 for
each of his 12 beds, after
learning of council's decision at
cated.accomniodation in the
present residence for the 1961.-
96162 year, They include David
Cooper, Kippen; Bryan Brady,
Seaforth; Mary Levis, Alvin
their :last meeting:.
Jn other business, council:
Fled .a petition from proper-
ty owners. on Huron Street, who
complained of the flooding eon^
ditions alter rains.
Instructedthe clerk to sub-
mit application for Interim sub-
sidy for their road budget with
the Chatham branch of the
Dep't of highways..
Set Monday, September 18 as
:the date for court of revision.
Paid accounts totalling
Passed :a by-law to authorize
the return of the assessment
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Down
were guests of honor ata din-
ner party on Sunday at the
Towne and Country, tendered
them by their family to cele-
brate their 25th wedding ann-
Happenings in
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Thac-
ker and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Hodgins and family, of
Granton, Mr, and Mrs. Alex
Dobson and Wayne of Weston,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langfprd
and John, Mrs. Fred Pattison,
of St. Marys, spent Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac-
ker and family spent Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Thacker, of Kincardine.
Mr. Leonard Thacker attend-
ed the Milk Producers meet-
ing in Toronto Thursday..,
Wayne Dobson spent a few
days with. the Thacker girls,
Janice Thomson, spent Thurs-
day with Cathy and Joy Thee -
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thom-
son and, family visited. Friday
evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Parkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert John-
son of London spent Sunday
evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Parkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Riun and
family of Thamesford were
Sunday guests of Mr, and.'Mrs.
Lloyd Thomson.
Mrs. W. M. Jones, Carl, Ed-
win. and. Donna spent the week-
endat the cottage at Port
Franks. '
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Robert-
son of Sutton West visited
Monday evening with Mr, and
Mrs. Claire Sisson,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petch, of
Strathroy. and Mr. and Mrs.
Claire Sisson attended :the
Moore reunion at Stratford on
Miss Ruth G. Hooper resum-
ed her duties of school teach-
ing in. Toronto on Monday,
Visit C
this Satur
'6e FORD COACH. V-8 automatic, a steal . ...... 51,850
'58 MERCURY SEDAN, a nice one ...,... 51,6550
'60 AUSTIN SEDAN, low mileage ... .,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,, 51,395
'58 FORD SEDAN, automatic, V-8 $1,395
'60 VOi.KSWAGEN, Deluxe, with radio 11,395
'57 OLDS 4 -DOOR HARDTOP, a steal $1,095
'56 PONTIAC SEDAN, 6 automatic, lovely . $1,100:
'55 CHEV SEDAN, a good one ,. ... „ 5 795
'55 DODGE SEDAN ,..,.,,..,,. $ 595
'54 MERCURY SEDAN $ 495 -
'53 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON ... ., . . 5 315
1S2 METEOR SEDAN, radio $ 150
'47 MONARCH SEDAN ..................,.,..,$ 95
'49 DODGE COUPE 5 95
'59 FORD 871 DIESEL, low hours $2,200
,1OHN DEERE 420 CRAWLER and front-etid lbader
Only .
'57 FORD CORN PICKER, a steal ..
OTACO 3 -FURROW PLOW, on rubber
OLIVER 60 TRACTOR, take it away at
FORD 'PLOW ,.. ...:.
$ 495 .;
$ 95
• $150^
$` 100
$ 100
$ 50
Larry Snidr otors