HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-24, Page 15... ,, , ,, , a:a •.• : ,,,, aa: aaa-aaataaaaaa},:a.: , UNC•,....,-„„NNOEMENT-i. A g.-!'.'''. 7 : ,..-.' ';.'• -. ':: ''.. ,,,,,,,, . . , .. ...:::.., : - . - r...„,1,.;.:;;;;;cr,44e,7,..4Trzt,,fr.„z7.--; , , BOWERMAN ae Sir. and Sirs, Fred A. Bowerman, RR 3 Leman, announce the birth of A deughter, Karen Jean, at South Waren., Hospital, August 21. DEARING. - Gerald. and Jane Dearing, RR 1 Exeter, an - mune?. the birth of A son, Preston Elmer, at South Hu. on HPaPital. August 21-a brother for Elizebeth. .FRAYNE-Mr. and Sire, Peter Fre Sine, Carling St„ Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Ann, at South Huron Hospital, August 18 -first granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Art Frayne aria IVIr. and M. John. Morrissey and great granddaughter for Sir. and Mrs. Fred Cornish. STEWART - Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stewart, nee Gingerich, Henson, announce the birth of a daughter, Kimberly Ann, at South Huron Hospital, August 21, HODG1NS-Mr, and Mrs. Don Hodgins, the former Barbara Weedraark, London, are hap- py to announce the birth of a daughter. Lori .Anne, at Victoria Hospital, London, .August 15. KURLEY-Mr. and Mrs. Bernie J. Hurley, Grand Bend, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter at South Huron Hospital, .August 19 -first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mac. Gillivray and eighth grand- bear, in the sad bereavement of child for Mr. and Mrs. Ben our loving husband and father. Hawley, Thanks - to the pallbearers, KNIGHTS -Mr. and Mrs. Rich- flower bearers anti Musty fune. ard E. Knights, nee Hastings, ral home and all who helped 11N, Crediton, announce the in any way, Your kindness birth of a son, Paul Daniel, will long be remembered. - at South Huron. Hospital, Mrs. Joseph Linden and family. August 16, 24* MACK - Bryce and Elizabeth 1 wish to thank everyone for Mach, Zurich, announce the the cards, visits and treats birth of a son, Shawn Chris- while I was a patient in St. topher, at Wingham General Joseph's Hospital and since re - Hospital, July 24. turning home. It was very licKELLAR - Mr. and Mrs. much appreciated. - Ross Ken McKellar, RCAF Station Coates. 24* Centralia, announce the birth I wish to thank all those who of a daughter, Darlene Ann, sent cards and also those who at South Huron Hospital, were so kind to me during any August 21-a sister for twins, illness and recovery, - Mrs. Kevin •and Karen. S. Hendrick. 24*. SEINNER-Grant and Margaret Skinner, we Hrecie, :enneurtee the ,birth of: a daughter, Joan Vizabeth. at St, Marys Mem- orial Hospital, Anna 15. WHITE - Mr, and Mrs,D. White, RCAF Station Cents retie, announce tile birth. of a daughter at South Huron Httspital, Aust 1. HARBURN ea Mr. and Ted Harburn, Staffa, an- nounee the arrival of their daughter at Seaforth hos- pital, August 17. ANNOUNCEMENTS , Mr. and MO, Arthur Sinn). son, RR 1 Clandeboye, 'will be at home to their friends and relatives Saturday, September 2, 1961. from 7 to 10 pan. The occasion being the celebration •their golden wedding anni- versary. (No gifts, please,): ade CARDS OF THANKS The faintly of the late Joseph Linder wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings re- ceived from neighbors, reia. tives and many friends. A special thanks to Dr. Butler, Dr, Aleredith and the members of Henderson Lodge A.F. & A.M. No, 388 and Brother Sia - sons attending: Rev. 0. Maude for his consoling words and SAWYER - Bruce and Ruth I would like to thank my rela- (Allen) Sawyer, Kitchener, tives and friends for cards, announce the birth of a son, visits,flowers and gifts while Robert 'Bruce, August 7- a patient in South, Huron IT(*, great grandson for Mr. and -pital. Special thanks to Dr. !airs. Thomas Allen, Exeter, Goddard,also Miss Claypole and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. and nursing staff. - Lois and Etherington, Usborne. baby Brenda Wurm. 24* TeStaiMaLaMaiteasaenaleaMeasaaaraasamamaranasaleMeateasaaaasaaa= -tErfairefgEti&UZiiii4Zi' UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. Congregations in MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Minister in Charge: Rev, R. S. Hiltz 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School at both churches. 11:15 a.m.-Main St. Church Preacher: Rev. It. S. Hiltz Subject: "A Door of Oppor- tunity" -1 Corinthians Nursery provided. Everybody Welcome "'Come and Worship With Us" CAVEN PRESZYTERIAN CHURCH 9:00 a.m.-Sunday School 10:00 a.m.-Church Service Rev. Hugh Wilson, Shake- speare CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Minister 10:00 a.m.-English Service 2:15 p.m. -Dutch Service 6:15 p.m. -Back to God Hour- CHLO (680 Kc.) PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street Rev, Mel. W. Holmes, Pastor 9:00 aan. CICS Redid (1240 lac,) 0:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11 agn, and 7:30 pan. EVANGELIST and MRS. RONALD HALL, from. London "Visit the Tabernacle this Sunday" THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Saucier, Pastor 10:30 aan.-Worship Service 11:15 am. -Sunday School and Adult Bible Class BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bodenham 10:00 a.m.-Bible School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. -Evening Services Wed., 8 p.m. -Prayer Service ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CRED1TON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, August 27' 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School 8:30 p.m. -Drive-in Service at Shipka. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev, William Gatz 10:00 a.m. - Bible Class and Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Serviee with Com- munion •IIVNIMIIIIII••••00••••IOWMIMIMINIST11% THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Faeowe, Minister 2:00 p.m.a-Worship and Sermon (Ehglish) Air, E. Breettwsme, Strathroy 3:30 pan. -Sunday School Ail Welcome itto tri in i nun t t t it i m t i I i I I t z tit n situ ti t i mite Drive -In Gospel Services Ceediton Highway, S Miles, East Of Gearid Bend SUNDAY, AUG. 2/ GUEST SPEAXER: llev. Miner Brailiptori, of To - road "United Church MUSIC: T, starry lloffman. Bashwood, and Douglas 01110 Grand tend Wes Choir meet. at Shipka United Chtirth, '1:15 p,m. Genie as you are Ph& hear front your ear. bk, t‘l'ANbltH REED Bay thy, Mc% Would you 'pleat. Dray for COMING SEPTEMBER 3 these terViet5. fieneeeeeteemielooliouthowitiiimanotatieeimumaiaaeataatteotaaafeeneeteleath$ • CARDS OF THANKS— We wish to thank all neigh- bors, friends and relatives who eent cards, treats and flowers to Gorden while a patient in South RUM hospital and St. Joseph's lieepital. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses and to the neighbors who helped in any way at home. - Gordon and Doreen Prance24*. Mr. and Mrs. William Wright wish to thank their neighbors, reiatives and friends who re- membered them on their got. den anniversary with .cards, flowers, congratulatione and visits. It was all very much appreciated. Special thanks to Mr, Charles MacNaughton, MPP, for the framed certif- icate of congratulations, 24* I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my friends, neighbors and rela- tives for remembering me with cards, flowers and kind in- auiries while I was a patient in St, Joseph's liespital, Lon. don. -- Mrs. Chester Mawhin- ney. 24* Cpl. and Mrs, P. Paquet of RCAF Station Centralia wish to express their heartfelt thanks to the staff members of South Huron Hospital, Exeter, for their unseLfieh devotion to their son Michael. 24c wish to thank my many friends, relatives and neigh- bors who remembered me with cards, visits, flowers and treats while a patient in SL Joseph's Hospital, London, and since returning home. Special thanks to Pastor Gatz and Vicar Ttothenbush for their prayers. - Edmund F. Kraft. 24c Mrs. John Fletcher wishes to express her sincere thanks to ell those who called, also for the gifts, flowers and cards she received for her 96th birth- day. 24* Our sincere thanks to all who remembered us with cards, gifts, visits and flowers while in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. 'Special thanks to Dr. Gulens and nurses. --Mrs. .Allan Finkbeiner and Stephen. 24c IN MEMORIAM -- DAY-In loving memory of a dear wife, Rhea Ila Smale Day, born in Usborne Town. Min, Ontario, and who pass- ed away August 23, 1959. Her loving face 1 hope to see again, Though the days have passed away; Sleep on, dear wife, and take your rest, They miss you most who loved you best, -Lovingly remembered by bus - band Arthur Day and rela- tives, 24* RICHARD -In loving memory of a husband, father and grandfather, John Richard, , w19114e1. passedaway August 19, There is a road called remem- brance, Where thoughts and wishes take that road in thought For one. I cannot greet. -Always remembered by wife Jessie and family. 24* Komossatimmommszwi.vAmm Topics from Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER taeasssatasae:seaaXaaa.raiassetsiasasaateaaaasaa Personal item Misses Sharon and Helen Bat- ten, Douglas and Brian Pen - hale are holidaying a few days with. their grandmother, Mrs, Ralph Batten at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. John Batten and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Miners and family attended the Batten picnic in Exeter on Sunday. Miss Janice and Robbie Mor- ley of Whalen spent a few days holidays with Miss Joan and Brian Pani, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pyin of Exeter visited on Sunday with jay.nd Mrs. Howard Pynt and farnIMiss Peaty Stephen is visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Don Willcox of Kitchener. Me, and Mrs. Wm. Ronny attended a family reunion at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Routly of Aylmer. Mr, and Airs, Fred Holley of 'Winnipeg visited several days with Mr, atid Mrs. Roland Wil - Hams. Mr. and Mrs. :Floyd Cooper entertained at a birthday par- ty on Sunday for their daugh- ter, Kathy's first birthday. They luui Kathy's five sets of -grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Cooper, lir. and Mrs. Russell Morley, Ale. and Mrs, .Bruce Cooper, Mr, and 14rs. Wilson Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Wit. Thompson and also Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pit -eons, Sasan, Gail and Debbie. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mts. Ross Skinner And family were Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bell and Carol, Sir. and Alre. Ath- thony Porter, Heather and Nan- cy or New Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Delmer Skinner and Ed. ward, Miss Gail McBride cd Zurich. Ale. and Mrs, Jack Delbridge of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Porter, 'leather and Nancy Of New Tor Onto spent, the -weekend With Mt and airs. Harold 13e11, Air. and Mrs, Dein Skinner Of New Toronto are spending tine Weeka with tire formet"S patents, We. and Mrs. r vetett skinner. On ‘Vednesday eve - Meg latt week the friends and relatives gave thein a rousing liivaH. Larry Fulton is holidaying this week with Mr. and Mrs. Sant Horn of Monettin. Luc:Art persvnals, :,,,41entinged froth ,page 14 Toucan relatives, returned nonce Sunday !Atli her -daughter, Mrs, .Janage Forbes, who .canle for her. Mr. and Urs. BertTim*, ,$011 And 141114 have returned front a vacation at Pike Bay, Mr. s,tapley Davia was a weekend guest efMI. =1 No, Richard Davis. Be was ac- companies' by Ron Thawritree • of Rotten who: remainedd over tintn Tuescl.ay when .Steve Davis went home with him by Ime for a holiday in„Holtore Mr. and Mrs. Cecil,: Arml. tap attended $team Threshers' reunion at :Corpora on :Saturday and Airs. Armitage :visited Mrs. martin Van De Vak of London on Tuesaay. Mrs, Bruce Stewart and three sons, after six weeks' visit with Lateen and ogler tel. gam, left on Wednesday for Willowdele !to visit 'fr. Stew - Art's mother, Topics from Whalen Ey MRS. FRANK $QUIRE Seaseasiesaszagiasaaieseaanameaamainge Personal :Dome. Silos Jessie Finlayson, Clark- son, visited recently with Mrs. B ert Duffield. Mamie Fitzgerald, Proeppet' Hill, holidayed for a few days during last week with Sne Ann and Paul Squire, Mr. and SIrs. Barry Maine and Martha were S u n d a y g uests :of Mrs, Robert Smith, Grand Bend. Gordon Hodgins is attending Ridgetown Fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hardie, Devizee, were recent visitors of Mr, and Mrs. F. Squire, Miss Audrey Anderson, of Stratford, spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Johnson, and, Mr, Johneon. Air. and Mrs, leaverne 40r, iey, Carol and Jierrnay Foster and, Paul Schrier Attended the Batten reunion et Riverview Park, Exeter, on Sunday After. noon, Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Sher - will and Xaren were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'William Morley Sr. Pat Hodgins, of Clandeboye, holidayed with Laura French. This week -Laura, is at Ceande. boye with Pat, Mr. Laverne tMorley attended a convention at Toronto last week. Mr. end Mrs. William 1401, ley Jr. and family were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley and family, Southcott Pines, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne IVfor. ley, Jimmy end Carol roster, Mr. and Mrs. William French and Earl, Mr. end Mrs. Ham- ilton Hafting and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Finkbeiner attended the beef barbecue et •Poplar Hill en Thursday evening. Gary, Karen and Dia -line Skinner, Centralia, spent a day recently with Janice and Robbie Morley. Mr, Frank Parkinson and Glenn also Mr. end Mrs. Mel- ville Gunning And Muriel and Mr. Wilfred Herbert called on relatives in Exeter on Sunday. mrmwroizarazazzr.tracrz,,*,,,',:zzi,.;,..:'. C re° ' • -. tt,r) •,,,•,,..,:-(;)mmen •.$ ...,_, ,.., Lady •Dowlerst Th 9 TimosAdvocabh Aupst 244 190 Pop 11 By *Rs, PRES.Z;ATOR . Quite a inairiner from here attended the ltaist-Jarrot wed- ding at Kippen ep Saturday. Mr. ‚and Mrs. Alex Woife and Aftss Ruby Wolfe, Listewel, Mrs, Ralph icrotz, Leery and John, of Wallace, visited on Sunday with Mr, end Mrs. E. G. Weozel, Mr. Donald Hendrick and Mrs' Ruby Eggleton, Belleville, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Ed Hendrick, Miss Susan Dinney and Di. anise Gaiser, of gxeter, are spending a few days with their grandfather, Mr. Albert Geiser. They spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Boss Tuckey at Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Amy of Pans spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner and family. Mrs. M. Feist returned home accompanied by Mr. Lew Feist and boys, Gregory and Randy, after spending some time at Muskoka, Niagara Falls and Toronto. Mrs. Feist and Terry visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. aluras, at Strat. ford, while the rest were visit- ing here, Mr. Nelson Schenk is a pa. tient in Victoria Hospital. Be underwent surgery last Thurs- day and is getting along fine, Mrs. Mildred 1361, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Miss Ella Morlock and Mr. and Mrs, Ed Morlock, Mrs. William Haviland is visiting with her son, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Haviland and at Toronto. Ruth Anne and Peter Baist of Grand Bend. holidayed last week with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hendrick and family. Mrs. Lorne Morlock, accom- panied by airs. C. Hews, Lon- don, spent last week at Sud- bury with Air .and Mrs. Lloyd Fahner, Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Heist were Mr, and Mrs. Oren Grace and babe, Gerald, of Gibralter, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Schroeder, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Heist, Brenda, Murray and Janet, of London; Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Jones and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Almer Passmore and family, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. !Murray Holtzman and Mrs. Ruth Lurges, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willert, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knight. ly and Mary and Orville Smith, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Treibner, of Exeter. Mrs. Lorne Hodge and boys and her mother, Mrs. M. B. Gallop and Ruth and Sharon Hodge are spending this week at a cottage at Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs. J. Averill, of Centralia, purchased the home of the late Mr. H. F: Young. They take possession Septem- ber 1. Dianne and Ronny Clark, of Zurich, spent last week with their - grandmother, Mrs. M, Clark. .Mr, and Mrs, Earl Lippert Many a housewife spends two hours a day telling her neigh- bors she doesn't have enough time to do her housework. a 5 Modern, Rock 'n DANCING Every Friday Night 10:00 to 1:30 Bluewater Danceland DESJARD1NE'S ORCHESTRA Roll, Square Dancing—Join usl Brownie's Drive -In Theatre Ltd., Clinton THURSDAY & FRIDAY — AUGUST 24, 25 "The Misfits" (Adult Entertainment) Clark ,Gable e Marilyn Monroe (ONE CARTOON) SATURDAY & MONDAY AUGUST 26, 28 Double Feature — "A Lawless Street" ic...) Randolph Scott Angola Lansbury "Sword :Of Sherwood Forest" (doter) Ritherri Gesell* e Oster Cushing (ONE CARTOON) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 30 Comedy Double Feature "Operation Eullshine1' (Color) • Ronald Shiner Carol Utley "Sands 01 the Dessert" (Colour) (Seeind) CliaPIeS Dia Sera Branch (ONE t AATOON) 7b.entatirantlialiatibIttifittineintenitiffinianitasaiiinneitilinninnitiintelfinittablinneitintnie 'spent the weekend at Wawa Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Alor. lock and Horden Geiser spent, some time at their cottage at Dorset. They rettirried home Saturday, Mr, Francis Clark aild Mr. Donald Xestle and family at- tended the Clark rennin at Goderich on Sunday. McGillivray WI enjoys contests McGillivray WI held its an- nual family picnic at McGilli- vray Memorial Park, Lieury, with a program p1 sports, Prior to the picnic Pia:grain President Mrs. Toni Kooy con- ducted a brief business meeting when it was reported that the short course "What's New in Home Furnishings" would be held May 1962 at the local hall, Plans were finalized for the bus trip to Collingwood on Tuesday, August 22, Improve- ments to the hall kitchen were reported and a wheel chair is to be donated to Strathmere Lodge, Strathroy by the branch. In charge of the picnic was Mrs. William Allison, Mrs. Ge- rald Thompson and Mrs. Car- man Pickering. Winners in sports were Judy and Glenn Thompson, Karen and Kathy DeJong, Teresa. and Marie Ma- ter, Raymond and Allan SL john, Ronnie and Jerry Mor- ley, Teresa and Mary Angela Glavin, Mrs. Laura Glavin, Sirs. William Watson and Mrs, Garnet Hodgins. It is riot how much we have, but how much we enjoy what we have that makes us happy. COMING EVENTS— PIANO LESSONS - Registra. tion for a class in piano les- sons will be accepted by Kath- ryn Love, phone 16.5r12 Daeh- wood. 24c LAKEVI EW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVERY WEDNESDAY • Jive Night with the "ST RATO-TON SS" BOWLING MEETING FRIDAY NIGHTERS EXETER BOWLING LANES Mon., Aug, 28 at 8:00 p.m. Teams will be chosen at this meeting. All ladies in- terested in bowling Friday night should. attend. Any ladieS intereSiefl bowling in 1114 Exeter Ladies 130M:41g League should contact Mrs., Reg Stagg, plume noi or leave your carom Exeter Bowling Lanes.. 3 Open Meeting FOR CAPTAIN $ OR RRPRESENTATIVES OF TEAMS • .. Tuesday, Sept. 5 I LIBRARY BASEMENT 8 P,M. itinitistjurwrisilmuMtrnprEstlIMMIZSIIMIIIIIMMtfttlt11141;1140M111,11101111MSWIIIIIIMMI,IMMOI?4 fo7:311'41:r.itriuh'3.1.VY, _ Get More Iut Of Life . • GO T Irs,,===emr....TOMIrFPIPmrromO OVIE! MON., TUES. AND WED, as HOW COULDIF •HAPPEN TO RACHELCADE? AUG. 28, 29, 30 The ai ache( eacW TECHNICOLOR' FmeMed Of WAaNERIO Adult Entertainment T First Show 7:30 Second Show 9:30 lanatiNIEVERFIKREEMPAP FEATU E Phone 421ael. EXETER • Matinee 2,4t3 0.1,,p;„ rf ES E E Mfg , doiiNs DIME 0,aute"sb,==..", TECHNICOLOR° atom et lustaa NOS. si Y NIGHT St riire'' Drove -1n Theatre I .1•1 o't 5 MILES EAST OF GRAND BEND 2 Shows Nightly -Rain or dirtier First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Praia ThurL. Fri. and Sat, August 24, 25"... and 26 Monday August 2 From WARNER GROS TECHNICOLOR, Sternn,S JEFFREY HUNTER'CONSTANCETOIVERS.; August (DOUBLE 29 and 30 FEATURE) y. Td the Laughing Walter Brennan - 1n Reckless" Marcie Van Doren 1961 TORONTO lesthe"ShowWineloworCainade." See the nesSest indestsial and manti. factuted products �n display .. ogricalture,sdeceh, tratta and bobbies; and Cenedia's natural reseerces. There's music, entertain. mat and sports for everyone. MAMMOTH SHRINE CIRCUS 'itiAIP3itN00N GRANbSTAND SHOW, AUG. 21 to SEPT. 2. Clowos, atrialtsts, animals, top acts from all over the World, in this famed five -ring circus. EVENING GRANDSTAND SHOW C MAMMA '61 foaturing "THE GL,tRY OF CANADA" dunlialg epectgataisle With a live cost ot SOO produced by Jack Antler twinning that ROYAL CANAbIJtN MOUNTED POLICE In their ihtetnrinahant famous Muskat Olds. Showitnie tad pan. GIGANTIC rakiEWOUtKS DISPLAY. -- WIN A NEW CHEVEOLET BIM AIR SEDAN • 14 MEE COSI, 0110. each light t thGrandstan4 MEN 0' BRASt fanit4 band from kitglald every afternoon and evening On 'the band - Shit. 'tEE MEDISCOPE DAILY, Learn from doable thentaelvea how your heart end bodywork-4We emipiete story or medi. dine With models of the human body* two buildings hailed this acted tabit under theauspicet of thc Ontario Medial Association. •1,1 r114 ARCADE Or LIGI11%Th molt* thOroug,hfare in the world, The Printae /toultvard inside Pritieee.-:- - Gates. A MILE OF MIRTH P THE MIDWAY , 't tiftitiOr.7 •