HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-24, Page 131
District couples we in late summer Sattirday afternoon with
_ gpd1 AM% A, jf.. Holley officiating,
The bride wore a street -
of Nig dress of white Sac. atla
r a shoulder length veil, and
Pink corsage..
s Matron of herIer, wore a blue
Sheath dress with corsage of
As• the !Grand Bend United ClIttlich
Trip to Manitoba
follows wedding
St.. Andrew's United Church
Xiupen, docerated with yel
low gledioli, white mums an
fern, was the setting for .th
parriege of Ruth Ann Jeri*
and. Maurice Heist on Saturn
clay, at3 p.m,
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott,
RR 2 Hensel', and I. grid Mrs.
Wellington Heist, AR, 2 Con.
tralia, are parentS Of the
Rev, Harold Johnston per-
formed the ceremony and Mrs,
Robert Graham, Toronto, pro-
vided the wedding •music and
accompanied the soloist, F/0
Obert Graham who sang "0
Promise Me" and "I'll Walk
Beside You,"
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther the bride chose a floor -
length gown of white silk or-
ganza over tulle and taffeta
styled with fitted bodice of
QUM Anne lace with lily -point
sleeves, A tiara of tear drop
pearls held her finger-tip veil
care( net.
She carried a white I3ible
crested with yellow roses and
Miss Marie Jarrott, Hensall,
Was maid of honer for her sis-
ter and Miss Mary Lou Taylor,
Brucefield, was bridesmaid,
They were gowned alike in yeb,
low chiffon over taffeta, belle-
rina-length, with white whimsy
headdress and matching acces-
sories, they carried white and
yellow daisies. Flower girl,
Janice Haist2 London, was
froeked in mint green chiffon
and carried a basket of white
with 3,01101.5' daiSieS.
Donavon Brunslow, Crediton,
attended the groom and Doug-
las Norris, Kippen, and Tho-
mas Triebner, Exeter, ushered
the guests.
For receiving the GO guests
in the church rooms the
bride's mother chose a gown
of mauve embroidered chiffon
over taffeta with black accesso-
ries. The groom's mother wore
a navy silk crepe ensemble,
They 'oro red rose corsages,
Tea room attendants were
Misses Kathryn Anderson, Don-
na Turnbull. Agnes Desch,
Joyce McFalls, Mary Norris
and Marie Gaiser,
For travelling to Portage la
Prairie, Man., the bride chose
A mauve chiffon sheath dress
over mauve printed taffeta with
three-quarter length duster and
white accessories and gardenia
Mrs. Robert Upsha1J Kip
pen, and Mrs. Frank 'Triebner
Exeter, poured tea in the af
ternoon froM a table centre
Ivith small yellow daisies an
, baby's breath. In the evenin
Elizabeth Anderson. grand
• jorie pojialdson and NADU
For a wedding trip to North -
d ern Ontario the bride donned
d .a green flowered sheath dress
g With matching duster and cor-
sage pf yellow roses,
The COP& Will reside 441 Lu•
The couple will reside on the
groom's farm near Crediton.
Bride feted
The bride was feted at sev-
eral pre -nuptial events. A mis-
cellaneous shower was held in
St, Andrew's United Church on
Monday evening, August 14.
Guests were entertained with
readings, musical instrumentals
and piano solos conducted by
Miss Dorothy Turner. C,,...tests 1
,,vere conducted by Miss Marion
Turner and Mrs. Emerson An-
Mrs. Harold Jones read an
Address and the bride -elect was
presented with gifts.
The Thrifty Kippencttes 4-H
club held a wiener roast at
Snowden's Beach near Drys- h
dale. Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. a
Lloyd Lovell and Mrs. William t
Caldwell were hostesses. Mrs. g
Caldwell read, the address and
Mrs. Bell prsented the guest of
honor with a clothes hamper
and magazine rack.
Earlier Mrs. Lloyd Jones ad
Mrs. Almer Passmore, Exe-
ter, were joint hostesses at a
miscellaneous shower.
Trousseau tea
Mrs. Eldon Jarrott enter-
tained •at a trousseau tea for
her daughter-, Ruth Ann, re-
ceiving guests with the hostess
and her daughter was Mrs
Wellington Haist, mother of the
Debbie Anderson, K i p p e n,
Linda Jones, Exeter, Darlene
Partons, Thames Road, were in
charge of the register.
mother Of the bride, Mr$
Gideon Koehler poured, In th
dining map. Were Miss Mari
.artott. Miss. Agnes Desch, '43
rich, Miss Mary Lou Triebner•
Srocefield, Mrs. Doting Heist
Mrs. Dorothy. 'Geiser- and,Mis
Kathryn Anderson, all of Lon
Displaying the 1).r.ide's, gifts
were Mrs. William Sims and
Miss Barbara Falmer, Grand
Bend. The bride's trousseau
was displayed by Miss Marie
Gaiser, Grand Bend, and Miss
QaU Finlayson, Seaforth; lin
ens and woollens by'Miss Mal7
Norris, Seeforth.
Assisting in .ititeben. were
Mrs. Lloyd -Jones, );Ptel.t, Mrs.
Oren. .Grace, Detroit, Mrs. Al.
mer Passmore, Themes Road.
end. Mrs. John Anderson and
Mrs. BrnerSOn Anderson, Hen-
c Can.
▪ Teachers MarrY
s. at Greenway UC
an e oye UC
scene of nupt;als
In an all -white setting of gla-
dioli and mums in Clandeboyc
United Church on Saturday,
August 19 at 3 p.m, Donna
Raynette 13Iake and Peter Don-
ald Shipley exchanged marriage
vows before Rev, G. W. Sach.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Blake,
Clandeboye and Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Shipley, Lucan, are
parents of the groom,
Miss Margaret Sacli, Lucan,
provided traditional wedding
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther the bride wore a floor -
length white French embossed
brocade with wide flowing
skirt and chapel train, three-
quarter sleeves, round neckline
and V hack, Her silk illusion
veil was held by a rosette :head-
piece of the same material as
her dress. She carried a cas-
cade of white shasta daisies
and red roses.
Her sister, Mrs. Keith Simp-
son, Clandeboye, was matron of
honor and Joan Jameson, Gran-
ton, Sharon Kestle, Clandeboye
and Sharon Blake, sister of the
bride, were bridesmaids, They
were gowned alike in street -
length surf green dresses of
embossed. brocade with wide
billowing skirts and round neck-
lines. Their headbands were
pastel green ribbon bows with
short matching veils. They all
wore small, sterling necklace
crosses, gifts of the bride, and
carried white shasta daisies.
Allen John Ready, Lucan,
was groomsman and Charles
Kenneth Hayden and Keith Ca-
meron Simpson ushered.
A reception was held in the
church rooms where the bride's
nother received hi olive green
ace over taffeta with soft
green accessories and corsage
of yellow mums. The groom's
mother chose dusty pink lace
and, chiffon with soft purple ac-
cessories and corsage of white
The ladies of the church cat -
red to the wedding dinner and
ad the church rooms decor -
ted in pink and white with
able centres of pink and white
ladioli. Serving were Carol
Young, Janice Macintosh Mar -
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Marriage vows were ex-
changed a double -ring cere-
mony in qrgenway Un i t e d
church by SettY Jeannette
Steeper ,a1,14 'John Edward HI -M-
'rhe bride is the daughter of
Mr- and Mrs. Bruce Steeper,
RR 8 Parkhill, and the groom
is the Sarl of Mrs. John Hunter
and the late Mr. finnter of
Opoderham. Rev, E. A, Holley
officiated at the ceremony.
The bride chose a gown of
sheer, and Ina over tulle and
,pcau-de-soie fashioned with
scoop neckline, outlined in seed
pearls, with sheath litypoint
chantilly lace sleeves; Chantilly
lace.also forming a front and
back panel over a billowing
full-length skirt, which swept to
a chapel train. A spray leaf
crown of pearls and rhine
stones held the double silk il-
lusion veil place. She car-
ried a cascade of white garde-
nias and feathered carnations,
Mrs. Louis Schilbe of Zurich,
sister of the bride, was matron
of honor and bridesmaids were
Miss Lynda Steeper of Park-
hill, also a sister of the bride
and Mrs, Ken Lanier of Peter.
borough. The attendants wore
identically styled street length t
gowns of silk organza in col-
of green, mauve and am-
ber, each with matching access S
sories, Bonnie Hunter of Good- cl
erham, as flower girl wore a r
frock of white silk organza. d
Danny Schilbe of Zurich was b
ring bearer.
Murray Hunter of Goocler-
ham was groomsman and ush- b
ers were Louis Schilbe, Zurich g
The bride is the .daUghter
111r, .anyl Mrs ! parlie
ii4eter, and 4,S a former ',Fa
vest Queen* of Exeter Kin
men's WililaniFileiSebettr, 6141411Qr
'44.;r13S.arr.t$11QQ:netrh e Londonni' fu
nished. the wedding music an
accompanied the selist, Donal
C"IG'ilhg.etilitil:orSdV°Prrd4:rh",9 544'19
Walk I3eside Yen" and "B
e in marriage by be
father the bride chose a floo
length gown of peau de saill
with full skid, bustle back an
chapel train. alte three -quarte
sleeves, scalloped neekiine an
princess line bodice were trim
mecl with sequins and pearl
Her cape length double sil
Freneh veil fell grac
fully from a tiny crown
PbgiaLlesr.anSdbeerlasrtraielsd toaPfa°SrMead
nooffisoraanndgefertir roses, stepha
Mrs. Eileen Flannigan, Ham-
ilton, was matron of honor. She
wore a dress of aqiiamarine
blue silk shantung, bell skirt
with tulip front. She carried a
cascade of tea roses and small
white mums, gowns
were worn by the bridesmaids
Miss Mary Jean Size, London,
and Miss Diane Fleischatier,
Listowel, cousin of the groom,
Miss Beverley Parker was her
sister's flower girl dressed in
white silk organza with a sash
of aquamarine blue, She car..
ried a miniature basket of
white mums and orange tea
William Kerslake, London
vas hest man and ushers were
Douglas Parker, Exeter, hro-
her of the bride, and John
tonem an , Kitchener.
A reception was held at the
even Dwarfs Restaurant, Lon-
o.n, where the bride's mother
eceived in a yellow sheath
ress of peau de soie with
eige accessories and a eor-
age of white and bronze mums.
The groom's mother chose a
eige brocaded dress with
reen accessories and a cor-
Mrs. Maurice Pesjardille as
44 roses. Mr. Maurice Desjardine
attended the groom as best,
r- man.
, The bride's mother received
a the guests at their borrm,, as-
gslated by the grPOM'S mother
11 A buffet luncheon was served.
4- The happy couple left on
their honeymoon to northern
r Ontario.
r- They will reside near Credi-
e lan,
ter and Corbett,
r, rie , Dashwood, Brussels, g e-
dGuests were Present from:.?T4,
k Local man wed
at in Guelph rites
Multi - colored gladioli decor-
ated First Reformed Church,
puelph, for the ceremony unit -
?pg in marriage Nancy Berte-
link, daughtcrMrs.
John Bettelink, Paisley Road,
Guelph, and Bans Brand, son
of Mr. and Mrs, Hendrik Brand,
RR 1, Exeter,
Rev. H. W. Kolenhrander of-
ficiated and Miss Sinie Smeek,
RR 1, Puslineh, played tradi-
tional wedding music,
The bride chose a gown of
white lace and crown studded
witkpearls held her veil of silk
illusion with scalloped edges.
She carried a bouquet of Ted
roses and red and white carna-
Her attendant was her sis-
ter, Mrs, 11, ;Tans, Guelph, as
matron. of honor, wearing a
street -length dress of aqua silk
and carried yellow carnations,
Martin. Fischer, London, was
the best man and Art Brand
and John Bertelink ushered.
A reception was held at the
Orange Hall, Guelph, where
the bride's mother received in
navy peau de soie with pink
rose corsage and, the groom's
mother assisted in a blue flow-
ered dress with corsage of pik
For travelling the bride chan-
ged to a dior blue suit with
corsage of pink roses.
in London.
]Jr. and Mrs. Brand will live i
and Robert Madill, Gooderham, s
For travelling the bride
donned a green and white 11
sheath dress with matching tu- p
nic jacket. Her accessories p
were white, and she wore a h
corsage of pink roses.
The couple will make their
home in Toronto. Both are gra-
duates of Teacher's College, Ir
'Harvest Queen te
age of pink rosebuds.
For travelling to Cape Cod
le bride changed to a two-
lece suit with paisley top and
lain brown skirt with match-
ig accessories and a corsage
f white carnations.
They will reside in London.
Guests attended the wedding
oin Toronto, Oakville, Ridge-
wn, Kitchener, Stratford, Lis-
wel, Milverton, Atwood, Exe•
r and Toronto. .
wed in London
In a setting of white and
cream gladioli, ferns and can-
delabra in Central Baptist
church, London, Rev. R. Rob-
inson united in marriage Barb-
ara Jean Parker and William
Douglas Fleischauer in a dou-
ble ring ceremony on Friday,
August 18 at 7.30 p.m.
Couple to reside
near Crediton
The wedding of Donna Werz-
ba, daughter of Mrs. Herb Lit-
tle and the late Otto Werzba
and. Malcolm Smith, son of
Mrs. Smith and the late Mr.
Smith of Brussels took place at
Davies, Grant, Denning
and Benn
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