HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-12-09, Page 1HU
L Printed 4' Fuld
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pi Erb aid Job
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R �! L � e Ian
Q.LI�Gt3 ppeer ss
etlga.es, or Twelve sad
.eeetred walk
. -TEN
ate espitatioa d the year.
Nle peeper des setiessd ..ti
Med ep, miler de p.biiabsra
advealage to do u.
Any mdivid.d is the co.stry
respnmubk for sin sebseribers, s
Bene a seventh espy gratis.
} All letters addressed to the Ede
must L• haat" Pte, or they writ not be taker}
oat of the poet ogee.
Terms of Adaerttaing.-Sit lines and
under, first journal, .E0 2 6
Erb wbsega.nt i.aertion, 0 0 74
Tea have sad uader, first inser., 0 3 4
Each subsequent i.sertioe, 0 0 10
Over ten lines, first I. per line, 0 0 4
Rauh subsequent insertion, 0 0 1
le} A liberal discount made to those who
adverta a by the year.
t)uro 8
', .�.A'-'�E -'r.eS mow• -*_
CA N bo -consulted et all hour., at
Ale. Le' Trreds Boarding Hear,
(fereterfv the British Hostel .)
(iederteb, April It9tb, 1869. v3
B1RR18TE11., SOLICITOR, ke. Weep
street, Guderieb.
Jose 18411. 9,095
a sus assumeIT ressisLi GOOD TO THS GREATEST P01181BLR Nl'M8ER."
3 IT Tar alga in *aa Tau.
CABINET MAKER, Three doors Emit*
the Canada Company's office, West..
street. Guderieb.
August 27th, 1849. St n50
ATTORNEY AT LAW, aid Conveyer -
vie, Solicitor In Chancery, tut. has his
office is formerly in Stratford.
Stratford, 2.d Jas. 1850. 2,049
Aug. 25th, 185.1 t5o31
Proceedings 4 the Municipal Connell, of the (J,$
Cowries of Huron, Perth and Bruce, est the
Special and General Sessions.
-�. Contssed frons our last.
der it safe .old Are Bridge can be erected, ar if repair is
deemed impractia that a sew Bridge be erected -the above
was referred to Road Bridge Committee.
53 Mored by Mr.. seconded by Mr. 1lamiltoe,Tbst
- i a Committee of fire on Sc6o�r he
an instruction to said Committee
principle of appropriatiou of School mooeye i• otos lie
facetious according to the present School Law, soil any other
defects of the same -tamed. On a ballot ben taken, the
Cagamrttee was declared to consist of Messrs. Hays, Holmes,
thrtb,,Ilill and Restall.
54 Moved by Mr. Pentland, seEbaded by Mr. Davidson,
That the deed of the site of the School House No. 1 Wawa -
nosh now in the baud* of the County Council be delivered to
the Trustees of said School section -enraged.
' 55 Mored by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. Holmes, That
the salary of Joseph G. Kirk, County Surveyor, be settled by
the Council at its present surto. The above was referred to
the Finance Committee.
56 Moved by Mr. Mitchell, seconded by Dr. Cole, Tbat
the Warden, and Provincial Warden of Petrie along wi:b
J1r. Wallace be a Committee to co-operate and correspond
with the Directors of the Buffalo, Brantford and Godericb
Railway, to advise with them on any steps to be taken for
forwarding the safhe, and that the County Clerk communicate
with the directors informing tbenr of this Resolution=-carrried.
The Council adjourned till nine o'clock to -morrow morning.
Huron, Perth and Bruce.
ted, sad t it S.
gag to the ratio of ehldres residing is each School Section, and
not smuttier to the average attendance of pupils. The above
was loot by • majority of 13. The Report was confirmed.
71 Report et the Committee os Finance was received sad
read, wbeo the Cowed west into Committee of the wkole.-
Mr. Hays in the chair.
O. the Report being read, No. 18 was adopted.
72 Oa No. 25 ver read, it wu moved by Mr. Ryan,
necoaded by Mr. Adsir,'�t the Gemmed de grant only fifteen
wing the Plata of the
eajoritiy of three.
, Miller,
I1. ,, ver the
are, Peaty
pommel instead of twenty pound.
Maitland Smspenaion Bridge
Tie eases belga called for, t
Hamilton, : Dour),
NOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Q.B.,
and Co.eeyancer, Stratford.
Lighthouse -street, God.ncb,
October 26, 1849. 2,n38
- - - -- 1
Attestire nattier, always on band.
Cooectt Room, GoDsatce, i
22.d October, 1852
The Council met.
WILLIAM CHALK, Esq., Warden, in the Chair.
Messrs.MITC HELL, 11...'.. WALKER,
Guderieb, Sept. 19, 1060. -v3 -e30 DOIG.
I The minutes of yesterday wel-exert* over and approved of.
STRACHAN AND BROTIIER. l The three following documents were received and referred
Barrister and J/rlerwie. Lard, ¢c,. to tl.e 1:•inaace Uommittee.
- 57 Account of James Hand for building Bridge over the
GuDNtlte C. \\V '• Mill Creek, London Road.
58 Account of Railroad Committee.
59 Letter from the County Treasurer.
Tbe Warden produced the Debentures for .C30,000 that
were issued for raisins mouey to construct Gravel Roads,
when they were openly destroyed by being burned.
60 Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Gourlay, That
JOHN.BTRACHAN Barnater and Attor-
ney at Law, Notary Public and Convey-
Attorney at Law, Solicitor i0 Chan.
eery, Conveyancer.
Godericb, 17th November, 1051.
WILLIAM HOD(=IIS, the Reeve of the Township of Fullarton be autbonaed to ex -
ARCdITEC1' it CIViL EN[i1NCER pend the sudden breach fund for the Township of Logan,as the
Reeve of coat Township is at present absent from home -
Office 2?,Dmwdas &red,carried,
• LONDON, C. W. 61 Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Hill, That the
Await 16th, 16611. ,5n30 stem of twenty-five pounds be granted for the building of a
HORACE HORTON, Bridge acerola the Black Creek on the 'Townhoe between
[Market ',rare, Goderiek,1 Fullerton and Downie, the same to be expended by the Reeve
• A GENT for the Pro,tocial Mutual sod of Downie. The above was referred to the Finance Cam-
" Gemara! Insurers Odes, Toronto,- mitten.i
Also Argot for the St. Lawrence County 62. Report of the Road and Bndge Committee wes re-
Motual, G daeaburg, New York. Local ceired read, and referred to a Committee of the whole. The
Agent for Samuel Mouboa's Old Rochester Warden nominated Mr. Hamilton to tbe chair. On the Re-
Nereery. Ju t8So. 31 _ port hen(( read, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 22 were adopted.
A. NAgMYTH. 63. On No. 50 being read, it was moved by Mr. Smith,
rtµ ASHIONABLE TAILOR, nod door seconded by Mr. Hays, That the County Surveyor be au-
Weof W. E. Grace ■ Store, West .i dense d to let the contract for the Bridge over the Big Sauble
Street Oodorieh. • without requiring any security from the peeves for the making
Feb, 19, 1852. X5-84 .p of any deficiency -carried.
Nos. 51 and 54 were adopted.
'THOMAS NICHOI.LS, The Committee rose and the Warden resumed the chair, -
BROKER AND GENERAL AGENT. when the report was again submitted and adopted.
Agent for Ontario Marine b• Fire Jot. 64 Moved be Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Lamb,
summer Co. That a Committee of five be appointed to examine the tenders
' for the Maitland Bridge and to report Ibereoc--earried. On
NOTARY PUBLIC. ACCOUNTANT *ballot being taken, the Committee wes declared to consist tI
ANI) Ci, t.Vl ANCER. Messrs. Wallace, Raatell, Smith, Ilolmes and Hays.
COMMISSIONER IN Q. B. N• 65 Letter referred to the last named Committee.
INSURANCE effected on Houses, Ship- 66 Report of the Committee appointed to report ft tbe
wag and Goods. separation of the (;ounty of Perth, from the Counties of Hare.
All kirk. of Deeds correctly drawn, and and Bruce was received, when the Councillors belonging to the
Seek. and Aeco.ate adjusted. I County of Perth withdrew from the Cou.cd Board. The Re -
Office over the Treassry, Odet �in28 port was read, and the Council went into Committee of 111.
July 92, 1969. whole, Mr. Lamb in the chair.
-- lel the Report being read Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (being the whole
-- -- f report) were adopted.
Ala-'• Tea
Ow sight,
Was bramble
e'er doll,
A number was ee
Vibes Pony sea
Aad Pell, like a
Mimed .ray.•"
add duty
the ehildes
And rhe reedier bast
vidsoo and C -= shark.
Noa.26,27, 28, 29, 30, 31, • 3•',
40, 41 -and 42 were adopted.
73 (1n No. 441 being, read, it
seconded by Mr. Hill, '1 hat the aura
the erection of a Draw Bridge accru
the Harbour be applied to ass,
Suspension Bridge to be buil
struck out.
74 Moved io amendment by 51 s, seconded by
Dr. Chalk that this section of the II be confirmed. On
the yeas and nays being taken . endment, there voted
yeas Messrs. Rested, 1, Gibbings, Miller, Walker,
Wallace, Ryan, '' Pentlsad, Davidcoe, Chalk, and
Holmes -13. Na* Mears. Hill, Hamilton, Smith, !Mitchell,
Gourley, Adair and l!eGoey-7. The Report was confirmed
by a mority of six. ,
Nos. 46 and 47 ware adopted, when tbe Committee rose and
reported progress and aske1'*T to sit again.
The Warden resumed the c, rtbe Council adjourn-
ed for one hour.
Huron, Perth and Brute. ,
va Y® Y� �RYY1rd .
The Provisional Warden for the County of Perth approved
WEST STREET, GODERICH, of and sagged the above report of behalf of the Provisional
(Near the Market 84eare,) Municipal Council of the County of Perth when the member
BY MESSRS. 10H MI at ROBT. DOMOGII.' of Council beloogiog to the said County resumed their seats at
OOD Aeeorsmndateene for Travellers, and i ib Bo.rd
&unitive arslet a ell times, i• take .The Council gd4our.ed till aea
nine o'clock to -morrow OnK'
amp of TeamsOdetieb, Dec. 6, 1850. 43-tf WILLIAM CHALK, Warden,
Farmers' Mutual in.tuanee Co.,
CAPiTAI• *1,000,000.
L1j 7.RA HOPKINS, llariltos, AReat f.ri
the Counties of Waterloo and Ilsros.
August 97, 1850. 3,15
BARRISTER, Selitient in Cbeete►y,
Altnr0.y-et-Law, Coev.yaicer, kr.
use. Oreo s Ontario BWldrmpts, King -Sl.
appoints the Gere Bank. sad the Rask of 1
British North A.eriea. Ha.,LTon. 4 101
/ IVIL ENGINEER sed Provieciel Lard
110 Sanger, Godtrro►.
April SA, 1861. vtett
The resoles of yesterday were read over sod approved
67 The itert of the tear ppo'e p C ittee • ted to report
Harr, Perth and Bruce.
Commit Reuse, GODeaicn,
23r'd Oelober, 1852.
1'he Cou*eil met.
1011111121V7.WILLIAM CHALK, Eq., Wanks, to the Chair.
SMITH, (Dewar.)
i►MCI'S TAVERN, Ludes Real.
May MM1. ,4.19
AUCTIONEER, ie 'reproof to siteed
Peb11e Niles in say pat of the United
Cdsa.ae. oa inolerate tosses.
Stratford, May 1858. ,4-014
;Mgrdeer M H. B. O'C.a.or's Stores.
ee erlsreet, (iodwvieh. arbor' reds
awl aspalwh gad tutor dame.. the *bet -
IGO maw. and meat dibereI pane.
D.Msebor ttr•ei. IN1. ,leaf
P11111T1Mriesl perm newt tees. memoir
the Maitland Bridge was received read, and referred
('nmsiittee of the whole. Mr. Milehell was amoral
take Ilia thS f
64 t tw the Report beiam read, it was moved by Pr
seconded by Mr. Hill, That after the more " at or
aid site" tha word* " to be determined MOe by the (
Surveyor' be gunned --carried' The report was ether
e Commit** ,nae wad the Wirer reamed 553. chair,
saws R limit arils submitted wad ees6rmed.
68 Report or the (mmit,.e urinated to report os the
Comma 5ebenl taw, was metered, reed and referred to a
Cannulae at the whets. Mr. Maki ie the ehair. Aa the
pleprt wok ,ad, it was eomism ` Weir' t1. C -- -'-
rum wad Us Wirer reserthe
37, 38, 39,
by Mr. Smith,
ropeiatcd for
Maitland at
of the Ware
remainder. be
Ob' Idles, beware .f
They ere very m itwe so (hooch M te
draru ws; �
Bal remember, ye bets. Ruh
These hr. ma.patetllt44the
torn!" . -
A weasel et .ea til is met cm w• billow.,
la wrecked if eke nuesau.,rssn
.t dae.11
„stay.;.. !�
Ad a Mus may be wisest R11141 esa any ad
he' pillows,
And wrecked aitb a.we%i.smanes el ways.
Tbe swell about town always dresses with Baste,
R'hits .hut sed .pr0e* treat, bright boots
sad tight eget, ,
H. weans all the damsels to hug nand his
waist, me'.t.
Tho' poet and in debt, he's a penes of ROTS;
Bus the dro►eol the .well of the waters wall eery
From green to sky bleS% sod from .ho. w dila
He's.. gait y, id 'pesky, eenlrarysad airy,
But less door ious far than she .well *beet
3 o'clock, P. M.
The Conseil met, pursuant to eadjosrnment, the same parties
present as in the forearms, ezceptiug the \\'ardcn, in the ab-
sence of the Warden Dr. Cole was appointed chairman.
75 Moved by Mr. Hol, seconded by Mr. Hamilton, That
the Council go into Committee of whole on Finance and that
Mr. Hays resume the chair -carried.
The Cosocil is Committee of the whole on the Finance
Committee's Report. Mr. Hays in the chair.
76 Oa No. 55 being read, it was moved in amendment by
Dr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Mitchell,' That the Surveyor's
Salary :e120 for the year -carried. 'TILE SOLITARY FRIEND.
Nos. 57 and 61 were adopted.
77 0a No. 58 being read, it was moved by Mr. Wallace, -
seconded by Mr. Miller, Tbat the amount of the Railroad as SYLV A!ive COBB, 1*.
Committees account be allowed. On the yeas and nays being
taken on the above motion, there voted yeas Mews. Miller, I think it is now about twelve years -k
Wallace, Davidson -3. Nays Messrs. Hamilton, Mitchell, may be thirteen -since the Jacob Morgan,
Cole, Corbett, Loeb, Gourley, Gibbings, Ryan, Adair, a ship of seven hundred tons burden, sailed
McGoey and Holmes -`j 1. The Report was confirmed by a from Brunswick, Geprgia, bound for the
majority of eight.
The first paragraph of No. 59 was adopted, on the last part East Indies. She was a noble ship, but if
being read, it was moved by Dr. Chalk, seconded by Mr. we believe the assertion of one who sailed
Wallace, That after the words " ten yearn" the words •' by a in her, she was built for misfortune. She
tax to be levied on all the rateable property in the rotted was launched from ber stocks at mid-day
Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce" be inserted --carried. but yet the moon was seen in the heavens,
The committee rose and the Warden -who in the meantime
bad entered the room -resumed the chair, when the report when she gate ber fent impress to the salt
was again received, and on being put for final adoption, it was water. Several years subsequent to the pe -
79 Moved by Dr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Pentland, That riod when our story opens she was driven
whereas the sum of £ISOO unappropriated Pebenturei raised one of the Mut 's Reefs, and her JI
for the liquidation of the deots of the United Counties, cannot upony
be legally appropriated to any other purpose, that the said De- fated timbers were strewed upon the sands
'natures be sold and tbe amount applied to the liquidation of of Florida.
mid debts, and that a sum equal in amount to that produced by At the time of which we write the Jacob
the sale of said debeutures, be supplied from the arrear of commanded
lIbrCapt. Be.
taxes now due mid United Counties. towards building the Wigan a was powerful ccmm bred chested mea, but
Bridge over the River Maitlad-tarried. Tee Report was
then coo6rrted. as kind and considerate as he was fearless
80 Moved by Dr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Mitchell, That and strong. Seams were scarce, soil the
a Toll -gate be placed oo the Maitland Bridge, and tolls collected ship's crew were obtained with great dd5-
thereat at the rate of ld for each toot passenger, 2d for each ship's and under the obtained
circustances men had
horse and rider, '2d for single horse and vehicle, •4d for two hones cattycan hired who would otherwise have been
and vehicleowes in the yoke to be charged 3d -whenever it b
ernes Wanness."
m.sdsh* malt sad ea
tale, eh used. cad
shim at the Grier.
.11 desperate swath,"
Mak. es the ace**.
re,:k'd ea " the
was the de.u'a
to die with die
ewtlt of the oaten."
ironies -•p
swells abet
Isektttd Vaulter. were startled by a Had-
den giktmatios of peen frws the a.percar-
go, .ad as tarsals they saw he had drop-
ped bis bosh, and set with bulb bags press-
ed yea bis stomach, while his features had
assumed a laid bee, expressive of the Moet
sesta suffering. The captain sprang
quickly from the table, sad laying his hand
upon the sufferer's shoulder, be exclaimee:
' What is the matter, Mr. Russell!'
' O, God" 1 •1ou't kuow. Here it is l I
burn!' uttered the supercago, as be premed
his hands harder upon hie stomach.
• What have you been Nims 1 What
have you heel' drinking!' asked Wallach is
a fiery of anxiety.
Nothing, nothing. Ob• oh!' groned the
poor fellow.
Wallack east a trembling glees at he
second mate, and for a inort.est they both
remained silent.
1t', strange,' at length uttered Faulk-
ner,' poor Gwynn was taken in exactly the
same way.'
The captain made no reply, but his coun-
tenance wore a strange shade of doubt mad
suspicion, as be gazed upon the tortured
features of the supercargo.
That night the broad Atlantic rolled its
ceaseless waves over another of the ships
company. Mr. Russell bed breathed his
last. Cap( Wallack and Nal Faulkner had
the last deg watch. Roland had gone
down into the cabin, "while the foremast
band+, with the exception of the man at the
wheel, were forward. The captain paced
the quarter deck in a thoughtful, troubled
mood, ever and eros casting his eye to-
ward the cabin companion way, where his
first mate had dissappeared a short time be-
fore, and then turned his gaze W the fore-
castle where the men were congregated. -
Faulkner was by the wheel and several
times as the captain approaebed him in his
walks, did he start to join him, but a tearful
suspicion kept him back, and until the watch
was changed neither be nor Wallack spoke
a word, save such as related to the mar
agement of tbe ship. At 8 o'clock Roland
came on deck for the first watch. Tbe ship
was upon the starboard tack, close hauled
upon the wind, and joist able to stand upon
her course.
As capt. \Wallack gave up the deck, be
requested the male, if the wind should hired
round to the eastward any, to call him. -
Roland replied kindly that be would, bet
beneath the half -curling smile that rested
upon his features, the captain thought be
could detect a lurking spirit of evil. tiro het
not a hsadow of his doubt manifest itself up-
on his countenance, but with a bland frank-
ness he wished his mate a pleasant watch,
and then went below.
Faulkner,' said the captain, as he tore -
ed a furtive glance at the bead of the lad-
der,let not a word escape you, unless it
be of common place affairs. until we have
tamed into our berths; but keep your wea-
ther eye open and follow my mo,mrurts.'
Faulkner dud not mart at this req.eet, Pa-
the same thoughts seemed to be passing in
his own mind.
' Let's see,' said the captaia ia a tone
loud enough to he beard on deck, ' I mast
run over my reckoning before I tura in,
Mt. Faulkner just hand see that chart, if
you please.'
As Wallaek spoke he reached aver into
his berth and took out his pistols, which be
proceeded carefully to load, taking care the
while that ba back was turned towerde the
companion -way. Fadkner followed lou
example, and ere long the e.aodles were et-
tingslished, and the two men retired, but
not however, to sleep.
'Faulkner•; whispered the eapte°,'we're
in a anugtt, for I have rears 1% believe
that there is mutiny on board. Gwynn sed
Russell have both been poisoned.'
' So I believe,' returned Faulkner, in the
same low tone, ' and if I'm not 'mistaken,
there'll bit poison in our coffee-e.p to -mor-
row mors,eg."
11a ! brave you seen anything,'
r Yee. 1 saw Roland give the conk a
small piper to-nigkt„ and they held quiet
earnest ronversat,oe about it. 1 knew from
their manner that there was seemlier in
their minds.'
' Thai in God's ono , unbolt t*i) int Icor
uttered the esptain. • Their One net be
all formed, and I suppose they here Rade
sereagetweres for the dipoeitioe of t�1Ose
the forte *Ole el he do ens joie them.
Womid to Il.seen 1 knew bow nutty of
them there arc.
• You hare a moorage between the decks
to the forecastle Mrlkheada,' suggested
' 1'erhsp+ yon might gree some *foram -
we by Iwltniag.'
Remember luta, mothers, that pi'ote for rest
Muer •' keep a lo - k oat" at the helm for a
Asd that daughters, though ye may be tamale,
end clever,
W,II venture aearwelie, and are 1 key io 4011;
'lite current of I:se may from i6eee to tweet'
Flow moodily esougb with the dem little
Ea' after lust age, 'twill be told you by pleat',
They're frequeatly followed by •• desperate
Lite raturt.
:•... . * de law
nab r lag'* in 1111li1Mtiil.'s►h q.
.1 F'u*-ft. .tN406111.11111titin. M IrI}es
hem.' �,t
, Nb 1'M� bullar el, Fselkner, kr A
may be than erne era All seen doer 10
sae me, dad bt tit ease our bIawlmigoe
word be di„ ceeered. There's Mutuiy sad
MD atiatuke• You know where the padre
ran breeds the hoses; pen abaft the semi,
wast it takes * *bort turn to starboard, sad
hikers slegg tfae choke doves to the teaks.
rip out frees your berth, sad go over to
where the aupsrcar$" red to batik, and
more that paecl. It moves easier than
use der.'
FsaN;ser lost .o tilde to dbeying the
caplai.'. directions. 'There were two sol•'
east teml..aatatioma to the bold of i lee ship
through the cabs bulkhead, aad through
one of these ire second Mete softs made bis
way. Nearly half se Sur elapsed ere he
returned, and dieing that time the Cap-
tains Mad was tortured he various fearful
embodies*. Untit the death of Itussell, be
kad sot held a sespieidn of direct mutiny,
and bis former fears with regard to Roland
had nearly been queered, but sow the 'sus-
picion bad bees sadden, and k wee strong
even to the very certainty. A tbouseed
little instances ease beck to bis mind
which, siogdy, bad appeared as nothing, but
wbieb now belpcd to Wye the mystery of
Gwy.s's death. Wallach bel medical
knowledge enough to know that his super-
cargo had bees killed with *elute arsenic,
and be sow knew that bis first mate bad
came to bat end W the wee way, though
the dose of the latter most hate bee* much
smaller than that which had sent poor Roo
sel to W Oda* end, tad its .yntlaMA"
bad stat Ulla Se peipaila.
While the espial Isp Ater rtsbW hit
brain, Faulkner retuned is W egr4Btes
and abbe crept stealthily past as that et
the bunk, WlMeek fancied be could peter
his heart as it heat in his bosom.
' What newel' asked the captain almost
a -raid to put the question.
' We are lost -lost!' uttered Faulksery
u be clasped bit Wails in admit pony.
Lost!' reiterated the weep. ' No
no, that cannot be. Some of them will
surely bele tr
' Ben Wallach, retsrmed tbe mate is a
tone that made tbe captains stout be.rt
heat more quickly; ' yogi have but one soli-
tary friend on beard the skip.'
' All, all! are tbey all against mar
• All but poor Nat. Faulkner, 1 have
beard the whole plat, every part sod flamed
of it. Roland is a old slave dealer, and
all the men with the exception of bury
whom he frightened or persuaded to jeer
him, are from St Domingo, from wbeaes
they came in Compssy to pick up Hae first
ship they Codd meet with that suited their
purpose. We are to be reordered lo -mor.
row, end then Roland intends to run on the
coast of 'league's, end take is a load of
slaves for either Brasil or Cuba. When
the bloody villain first began to talk to -
sight, be bad some thoughts of kili,ig you
and them trying to ger sisal lore bereervieee
bet be coos rejected the idea, mad to-toor:
row ds be both dist'
' Dori give it rip yet,' said the captain:
' Stldhl pia may be devised to thwart them
in tbeir tattier'
' No, es, %Mack -there are eixteee of
ties, ad we bow sot bow or where W
Net them. If we drink sot their pane
they will yet kill es. Bat there 'seer cew
nolatioo-we will die together -basest
I By the power of great heaven, we writ
not die!' tittered \Vd'aek h a tome so loud
that it might have proved dengue's. rosy
own arm is fit for half a doses 01 them.
No, .o, Faulkner, let ate think. You say
Roland !`ought of retaioiag pa h bis pira-
tical service. -
, yt*'
• Tbe.I hate it. 111 ter yea os that
watch to -might.'
As ibm captain spoke, he beard a dight
foot fel a) the companion way, and fearug;
debet be might be watehtd be turned aria
his beak, laid his hand upos the butt of IoM'
pistol; Ind fell into a low steady searing,
which he kept tap till his watch was called
at midsighL
The reUeloder of the fight paned of
witbont inmturbesce. Walkok and bis al'
litary fr use' carried oto such eo.versatioa
as Nay coedit daring their welch, and ha
the worming, Ihe=,casae epos deck half as
hoer before the cook had prepared thele
tweediest. Tbe captain wahted .p and
down the lee side of the quarter deck seve-
ral titles is a sort of as angry troubled mood
wineries stitkd Esse+ to himself, meld at
length be stopped bidets bit weed Mab'
sed shaking his 6srdrr iwenaellig is his ham
be "liter ud -
a jar. Piker, that tuba. the Issrtt
time yaw your Mbberty crueler
seas ton gm eontsisi.g
work. Newt it again, 1 u
rste yew ,rd pit ye" the idea
• 0.*us see...y 'ren
Fa.le 4?, Vs has reike _.g
stager. • Y6.
• Deal be imesieM„i4?
' I an net lgeadesa '
' Yea were:
r evibri
' No. If Rolm; leads Ile plat and j ' It's s lie
trwsblirs at the wow
addrew.ed to hiabeeer
completed ---and the.tolls received to be appropriated to the peremptorily rejected. • Tbe ship bad
beep rix days out when the first mate, a
Mr. Gwynn, from Providence, R. I., was
suddenly taken sick, and en the newt day bis
lifeless clay wet consigned to the deep
`rave of the blue Atlantic.
Tbii untimely event left Captain Wal -
lack in a critical situation. Nat Faulkner,
his second mate, was by no means u galified
for the office, nor would be have taken
the retponsibdity had the Captain desired
it- There was but one man in the slip
who possessed sufficient knowledge of
seamanship for the mate's berth, and though
Wallach found that to him he must give the
office, yet be did so with many misgivings.
This man's name was Tom Roland, haughty
and overbearing in Lis disposition, seeming
by his general conduct to hare been in the
habit of commanding, rather than obeying,
on shipboard, and who had already begun
to eternise a sort of cootrel over the crew.
Of Ike 4' as But the ease was ore of necessity, and Tom
Roland was entailed into the office of first
Mate; and gnartered in the cabin.
For several weeks things passed on ex-
tremely well. Boland proved to be a
thorough navigator, a finished seamen, and
a ready and elFcient officer; aged ('aptain
Wallack began to think that bis misgivings
were entirely grouedle.a. Over tete erew,
Roland bad a most Ihornogh control, sad
even those men who had evinced towards
the c.ptemarks of insubordination, rooted
',abut a serene at Ihe shgbtest beck of
he nista.
One morning when Captor* Wallach sad
his second mate had the musing watch, they
boll kept the deck wide ltoland had finish-
ed bse
is breakfast, d whoa the latter took
his wat•at a few minutes put 8 n'eloek,
they went brinw. When they reached the
cabin. Mr. Russell the a.perearp wee
just rising Irons the Wle,andtaking a book
from the head of his berth, ma down epos a
stool at the font of the ladder and commen-
ced reading. ile ',nosed a few oburna-
tione name the weather, an n the captain and
kis second mate took thew seats at the ta-
ble, and then west on with big resdiag.-
Some fine isinetes bed he
puled, wt W al -
several townships in proportion to die amount they paid to-
wards eel, after necessary expenses are deducted. On the yeas
and nays being taken oe the motion, it was lost by a majority of
81 Letter of Mr. Galt, addressed to the Warden., order-
ed to lie over till newt session.
82 Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Sir. Walker,
That the Warden sign a Debenture in favor of Mr. Gentles
for two pounds for room rent -carried. There being nothing
more before the Council, it adjourseil till galled together by
the Warden.
Hite., Perth and Bruce.
Comity Clerk,
ed to report on the Documents
I ai connected with flatheads.
Meters. Smith, Slitchefl, Wallace, Lamb,
Il'itwswsl, ileo. and Cole. --Jots Holmes, 1•.•q., in the
over Committee having taken into consideration the serer-
utnent. submitted, and likewise obtained all the informs -
within oar reach, beg leave to report.
nut d Jobe W. t.wyamr, Solicitor to the T iroleo and
it sdrosd Company.
• As the Conseil have already giten preference to the Buffalo
▪ Brantford linegand have passed a Ily-Law for the purpose
of taking stub i. Ibe and Buffalo and Brantford hoe, and a+
we cn.sider that three Counties are nnt,n a venation to take
stook is both Imes, and also as we think that Mr, i,wynie has
Ailed to substantiate any .uperior claim+ that the said `Toronto
aad (;uelph lime has over the otber, we cannot rern,mtxed the
adoption of the proposition eshmitted hy the 'oltetstor of the
Toronto and Guelph Reilroed ('ompanv.
l'oeir Committee would recommend IMt the lir-faw for
raising a Loa. of £125,000 for the pnrpos• 1t Wittig !rock
is the Braatlord and Buffalo Railroad. be passed.
Year4letfmiltee having examined the dill for estables6tag a
M(1 Urn Fond, are convinced that should such become
the Mats $eipslity will be plated in a mire (storable we -
"E" the .nuodmt of to re pair ow M newel for
t of i.lwrest and the formation of a Sinking fmsd.--
nd that should mid bell bermes
.nab step+ as will ample tbe n net-
pr.vsiose, either by calling
• pa« a Bo.law for that purer* or r
y Ise revered.
if h reap eetfatly wbbee,ml hy
BIN HOLM} , Charism.
Reese, OaGeber War ISCr'.
79 Oa the Revert b received and submitted, it
weed Mr. He M Mr. Meieoey, That las
l N � alter SeMm .ppertisentsb be pe>a.eeer&
'dli a lr� • ,
shiner be docs- I.r would not drre to carry
Old his eelev.raatiom upon the subject there
for the rest wield best Sim.'
Ile bpi bo. Ite'aJ Gena the bemk..ml
eaegtbt b fnllnwwig word, wIteht ha Sal*
to be Goan the h el' of Reload!
r'llkap edger Wire 011111100,
Capt Wa;lsrk mese
A. weed 1A' droro-di
and n. the vett =,.aro
epos+ Oa betas
w dee*: