HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-24, Page 1twilA
acks Robarts
Heeen MP? C, ,S, MacNaugh-
ton announced publicly this
week that !;e is supporting Ed-
l.tcation Minister John P. Ro-
harts,. 44, of London, in the let-
ter's bid for the leadership of
the Ontario Progressive Con-
servative party,
Roberts is the third cabinet
minister to enter the contest
es iehi twill decide the emcees-
ear to Prime Minister Frost, tae
announced his candidature
Said Mr. MacNaugltton,, in
a -ouncing his poS'itign;
thoi oughlyi well-eMrquinpedi to die
.r.set the affairs of the province
a d a worthy successor :to
Preine Minister Frost,
"I think this mane has the
vMg4r and aggressiveness of
eery middle age and the stea•
dy judgement of more mature
years, .He has proven himself
a sound administrator in one
of. the most important depart-
ments of government, where
his direction and ,leadership
has given the vital field of ed-
ucation a :timely and well -war -
Start. Inns
ranted new look.
The Huron MPP, who, made
a tour of his riding earlier this
week, said a found Strong sup- LittIe increase
I //�S�`%OOI�ithe provincial factureI re
gard hisprospects as very ,
good," he stated,
As minister of ECT
edueation, Ro-
berts has spearheaded,the .$100
million prpgrain toward con- A
struction ef'new technical and
trade training facilities in. On
tario under federal -provincial
agreement. This includes the
new composite school to be
built in Clinton for 14uron
countY• i
The London MP first entered G 0u n c Ilo
the cabinet n 1958 as minister r,� attack
Without portfolio and became a
member of .the Ontario Water . •
Resources Commission, lir. project at town ha
141acNaugeton succeeded hunt in
Eighty -Ninth Year
»� 1
the .latter .post when Robert
became edueation minister.
Arrangements for the nonti
nelhug convention were mad
last week :at a PC delegae
meeting in 'Toronto over whicl
Elmer D. Bell, QC, presi;ied
Mr, Bell expects about .5,00.
will .attend the convention to
be hold in Varsity Arena from
October 23 to 25,
Other cabinet ministers who
have entered the race are
sources Minister Macauley and
1•leelth Minister Dymond, The
successful candida',e will re•
e an overall majority.,
5 ! The property committee's.' Mayor Pooleyaid the drive -
1 decision to dig un the.cement way to the halls was too oar-
- I approach and sidewalk in front row and the curbs had to be'
e of the town hall was attacked shortened to allow the fire
s' I by two Exeter councillors at truck to gain easier access to
r 1 Monday night's meeting, , the highway. He also pointed
• Reeve B i 1 I McKenzie, a out that the sidewalk in front ;
0 . ` "' ail;
of Ute hall was raugh and could
Advisory board for the new j q
Huron coinposi.e school at
Clinton has appointed a firm 1
of architects to prepare plans.
for the 23 -room, mililon-dollar'
structure which will be added
to Clinton District Collegiate.
Page and Steele Ltd„ Toron-
to, who c'esigned the SFIDHS
building and Exeter Public
School additions, was selected
oar six alter applicants who
sought the appointment.
In addition to eight class-
rooms, the neer school will con-
tain four major machine shops,
three typing ,rooms,, two occu-
pational training rooms, two
business machine rooms, two
'laboratories and, a Cafeteria as
well as other facilities. Wa
The board hopes `to have the an
building ready for occupancy w
by Sept., 1962.
Liquor store
open Friday
The LCi30 store at the ear-
ner of Main and Wellington
expects to open Friday morning
tl -'
Supplies were moved into
the building Wednesday, fol-
lowing • completion. of the in-
terior of .the building, which
has been delayed over a month.
Vendor Howard Cramp, who
was transferred here from.
lkerton, said both liquor
d beer will be sold. The beer .
ill not be refrigerated,
Reeve William McKenzie has
en given.': the bottle collection
agency for beer and ale emp-
ties. His former grocery store
will be the depot.
Vendor Cramp said the store I
will open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
every day. except Wednesdays, i
when it will close all day. When
there is a holiday in the week,
however, the store will remain'
open on Wednesday.
Thieves run
at Dashwood
Less than 650 in cash was
taken from. Dashwood stores in
a series of break-ins there
early Saturday morning.
The thieves were frightened
off froin the Milfred Merner
grocery when Leoland: Reste-
stayer heard theft breaking in
the front door, They escaped
through a rear exit after he
A %shouted at them. Some soft drinks and ciga-
rettes t:' -an from the Merner
stare wc. e found in the imine-
diate area,
About $35 was taken from
the cash register at the Dash-
wood Feed Mill, owned by Ha-
rold Kellerman. Some $50 dam-
age was done to the safe.
From the Restemeyer and
Miller store, between $10 and
$11 was taken in change.
PC D. M. Westover is inves-
Three hurt
in accident
A two -car crash near the out-
skirts of Zurich Tuesday night
injured three persons a n d
wrecked two cars, valued at a
total of $2,500,
Burton A, Greene, 40, Grand
Bend; his nephew, Howard
Greene, 33, Erieu, and Joanne
Murphy, 15, ' Arva, required
treatment for abrasions, and
guts. Miss Murphy suffered two
5roken fingers.
Burton Greene, driving east
on 84, was making a turn into
a driveway when he was struck
by the westbound vehicle (E-
ven by Michael T. Murphy, 18,
Arva, in whose car Joanne 4 Murphy was a passenger, An-
other passenger, Joyce Eagen,
e,, 18, also of Arva, Was not in-
Charge driver
Robert D. Black, RR 2 St,
Paul's, has been charged with
failing to report an accident
en No, 21, just nettle of Grand
Bend, Police allege it was
Black who struck down three
mail boxes in the area, then
left the scene. Damage ex-!
seeded $100.
A rear -end collision one-half
mile south of Exeter on No, 4
caused about $100 damage to
cars driven by Herbert Broom,
31, RR 1 Exeter•, and Keith
Rock, 20, RR 3 Parkhill. Both
travelling south, Rock hit the
Broom car when it turned into
a driveway.
PC D. M. Westover inyesti=
gated the accidents.
Two at time corner
Town police reported twoeni -
ear accidents during the *eel:.
one involving a couple mal`rried
James Scott, 21, town,, the
grooin, was struck front behind
when he and his bride were
heading north on Maih' St, in
a ear owned by Roberts Dobson,
The other, driver rep George
Vanstone, 19, Gode telt. Dam-
age amounted to 5 and the
crash accusedd at corner of
plain and Sanders St,
At the same intet'secfion Ftri•
day, a semi•trailera bread truck
driven by Lloyd �pp Schwartzen=
tr uber, 36, Water IE k, knocked
down -a lamp, post' 'et it was
u111nt onto AfainSi. from San.
er . Damage too lltisd $90,
„amu=,�, u �,i nau no part" ut not be I.epL clean !
1 deciding upon the project and 1 Since material was required t
I "as far as I an concerned, I, to fill in the basement and the
t don't '
eft it." I•Ie felt sidewalk would have to be re-,
i l expenditure laid in the near future any- a,
since the sidewalk had been :