HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-17, Page 14*
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Page 12 August 17, 1961
Captures prizes
in first showing
August 7 up to eel or
more parses were entered in
the amulet junior bora show
at Fort Stanley. The event is
sponsored by the local Kiwanis
"Armagh", owned by Mr. R.
R. Crozier and family of Lu -
can took two seconds and one
third oh her maiden perform -
sem She was ridden by El-
vinda Nelson of Aylmer.
The Crozier family and Mr.
Wflhiam Mathers of Alice St.
were present, as well as Misa
Rose Mary Vance of Byron
w ho accompanied the Crozier
family to the horse show.
Personal items
W a r n e r McRoberts,
Mrs. Eldon Hodgson and Miss
Lina Abbott called on Mrs.
Ern Abbott of Centralia last
Tuesday evening,
Sgt. and Mrs. Stafford Hill
of Nova Scotia spent the long
holiday weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Don Anima and family.
Mr. Keith Frost, who plans
working lila way around the
world, landed safely in Eng -
'land and has already secured
a jot there,
Messrs. Don and Billie Ban -
ting were Sunday guests of
their brother, Dr. Ken Banting
'and family at Pt. Huron.
Mrs. Thos. Brooke is again
e, patient in St. Joseph's Hos-
Vieitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Cecil Robb on Monday were
band Mr. Wes 'McIntosh and
Mrs, Toni Kempton of Ripley.
• Rev. E. M. •Cook who has
been recuperating at his home
hire was able to attend church
'Aervice August 6 and 13.
Mrs. Robert St. Louis and
chlicb:en, al Welland, were
iweekend guests of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Wilkinson of Water St.
; Rev. and Mrs. Roland Har-
rell and. Rev. and Mrs, N. D.
Sellers were Monday guests of
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Abbott.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. D. Came-
ron of St, Catharines and
Surnmerstown w e r e Sunday
;guests ol Mr, and Mrs. R. R.
Carol Haskett and Jane Cor-
bett are holidaying with Mr.
Iend Mrs. Fred Take at Ipper-
; Mr, and Mrs. Louis Kilmer
of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs.
IJohn Houston and family of
;London attended a family
:ga•thering at the home of Mr.
anti, ;Mrs. William Kilmer and
teamily of Kitchener, last Sun-
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Kelly,
of Cornwall, called on Mr. and
Mrs. Calvin Haskett of Alice
St. last Friday on their way
to the Stratford Theatre.
Mr. and IVIrs. Morris Murdy,
of Kitchener, who spent the
lOivie Holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Murdy were ac-
companied by Mrs. Lerrreadle
who spent the day with her
•sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson, of
Alice St.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mann,
daughter Sharon and girl friend
Diane McDonald, of Toronto,
spent the holiday weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mr, and Mrs. Art Haskett,
of Toronto, are spending their
vaeation with Luean and Lon-
don relatives.
Mr. T. Bosch of Exeter has
taken over the management of
the Mayfair Bakery in Lucan,
Miss Helen Hepworth, of Win-
nipeg, left for Sarnia on Sat-
urday after spending a week
with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey
Langford. Mrs. Langford took
her to Sarnia.
Miss Jean McGee, Miss Ann
Lawrence, Miss Jessie Mackay
and Mrs. George Hogg of
Thamesford were Tu es d a y
,guests of Mr, and Mrs. Louis
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott
and Mr, and iMrs. Harry Car-
roll spent the weekend in Wiar-
ton, guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Tindall.
Mrs, E. C. Attwell and two
small daughters, of Gorrie,
have returned home after spend-
ing a few days with the for.
leer's father, Mr. re A, Ash-
worth, and brother-in-law, Mr.
Roscoe Hodgins, while Mrs.
Hodgins was in Victoria Hos-
pital, London,
Mr, and Mrs. John Camp-
bell and son Johnnie, of To-
ronto, spent last week with
Mrs, Campbell's parents. On
'Monday, accompanied by Mr.
land Mrs. Lyle Revirigton and
Gary Revingthn, they left for
A few days' visit in Batavia,
keying Johnnie with his grand
parents 'in Dutton and Gregory
Revington witn, his grandpar-
enttMr. and Mrs, Sheridan
Me. end Mrs. Cecil
tage and family were Wednes-
day evening guests At Mrs.
Lily Young, at the 'twine of
Mrs, Miele Huntley of Lender.
;Mr. and VIts. Lloyd Maguire
and family, of Scotland, OM
Were weekend guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Jim Mugford arid
flailed on Other relatives.
Mt e end Mfrs Gordon Pi-
ott WThiJg have returned
tierne after a tWO-Week visit
with ilVirs. George Bewden.
'While here, accompanied by
Mee, Bewderi, they, Visited Mt.
and Mrs., Rey Sar-
nia. Me, and Mr. Harry Col -
tin of 'laterite etespnding
A couple of &et this Week
With M±s tgwaefi,
The local pee wee baseball
team went to Listowel last Sat-
urday for the all -Canada pee
wee baseball tournament.
Although they were defeated
in the finals by Fenwick the
team put in a very fine effort
and 1 know the people of Lie
can will feel proud of the fine
game the boys played.
We are planning a baseball
tournament of our own here
in Lucan on the Labor Day
weekend but we will have more
news about this in the very
near future.
Our ropier Thursday night
roller skat4ng was featured last
week by Mr, Ken Hurst at the
Hammond organ and with the
fine music he played and by
the response of the large crowd
we know he proved to be a
real success and from this fine
showing he made Mr. Hurst
will be here again next Thurs-
day evening from 8-11 p.m.
Don't forget the Jim Reeves
.show Friday evening, August
18 at 9 pm, Dancing every
Saturday evening from 9-12 at
the •arena.
Joint birthday celebration
Mrs. A. E. Wilkinson of Lu-
nn, last Wednesday held a
turkey dinner joint birthday
celebration for herself and her
seven-year-old grandson, Fred-
die Alfred, of London.
Twelve adults and 20 chil-
dren from London, Welland
and Woodham were present.
While the children enjoyed
games outside the adults played
euchre indoors.
Couple stabbed to death
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bond of
Lucan have received word from
their daughter, Gladys (Mrs.
Ron Treend) who last month
moved to Cold Lake, Alta, that
her father-in-law and mother-
in-law, Mr. Henry Alb er t
Treend, 61, and Elizabeth', 51,
had been found last Saturday
stabbed to death in their Cal-
gary home.
A relative of -the couple went
to investigate when she got
no answer to phone calls. Po-
lice said they had been dead
at least two days. Mr. Treend
was found in the living -room
and Mrs, Treend in the bed-
room. Ron was their only son.
The couple had been up to
Cold Lake helping the young
people get settled in their new
heme at Grand Centre and had
deft for Calgary Friday, Au
gust 4.
Masonic service
forJoseph Linden
Joseph F. Linden, 90. died'
at bis late residence, Lot 26,
Con. 13, Lander' TownalliP on
Thursday, August 10.
He was the sett of the late
Mr, and Mrs. Sam Linden and:
a life-long farmer in London
Be was a member of the,
; Masonic Order and on Satur-
day a Masonic service was
fleld nt theMurdy funeral,
home under the auspices di
the Henderson Lodge No. 388,
Ile is survived by his Yvife,
the former Harriet Matthews;
three daughters, Mrs. Archie
(Alice) Parsons, '<liven, Verna
at borne and Mrs, Joseph
• (Margaret) Ca et e r, Clande-
boye; also one sister, Mrs. El.'
• gin Ann Ellams, Brandon,
. nin grandc1iiIdrn and
one great grandchild.
The funeral service was con-
ducted on Sunday, August 13
by Rev. Oliver Maud, Ailsa
Craig. Interment was in Birr
Anglican cemetery.
Pallbearers were Messrs. T.
• F. Walls, William Goddard,
Harold Hodgins Sr., Art Ash-
worth, Bernard Olemence and
Elmer Eedy,
Grade 13 results
Lucan'e two Grade 13 Med-
way students were successful
in all their exams. Julia Oroz.
ier's marks were: Alg. 63,
Geom. 70, Trig. 63, Bot 72,
oo . 54, Chem. 66; Keith
O'Neil, Eng. Lit. 50, Alg. 63,
Geom. 59, Zool. 72, Chem, 62,
Fr, Au. 51, Fr. Comp, 80.
Julia is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. R. R. Crozier and
Keith is the son of Mr, and
Mrs. Joe O'Neil
"The ocean seems a little
rough today."
landeboye church.
bears lay 'sermon
Pe MRS. ,l H. PATON minister was Mrs. George
eeANDee oy Simpson; Mrs. Charlie code
At St. James Church on rene, father of the bride, with
day, August 13 the service was
taken by Mr. Ray Simpson,
layman =ether of St. James
He took as his text "Chll,
dren, how hard it is for them
that trust in riches to enter
into the Kingdom of God".
"We should examine ourselves
to see where our faith truly
is, in God or in material pos.
sessions", he aaid. "We can
lead a good life and be a good
eitizee, and still not have faith
in God. It is easy to ask for
our daily bread when we al-
ready have it but would we
have faith to expect it if we
did not have the means to ob-
lain it?"
The rector, the Rev. E. O.
Langaster, and Mrs. Lances.
ter are on •vacatien,
family reunion
The seven cbildren of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hod.
gins and families met on Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Hodgson.
Those present were Mrand
Mos. :Ralph (Jean) Ainslie,
Mary and David Ainslie, St,
Marys; Mr. Murray Hodgins
and Wayne Hodgins, Lucan;
Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Hod-
gins, Robert, Laurel and Nancy
liodgins, London; Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Hodgins, Dpuglas
and Elizabeth, Guelph; Mr,
and Mrs. Murray (Alice) Hodg-
son, Jane and Karen Hodgeon;
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins,
Patricia and Paul Hodgins and
Mr, Victor Hodgins.
Absent were Mrs. Murray
Hodgins and son Ward at Fe-
trolia and Laura Hodgins who
was away at Kee -Mo -Kee Unit-
ed Church Camp, Komoka.
Honor bride -elect
Miss Donna Rayriette Blake,
whose marriage to Mr. Peter
Donald Shipley of Lucan takes
place in the Clandeboye Unit-
ed Church August 19 has been
honored at two showers here,
The bride-eleet is the daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs, Arnold
Blake of the village here. The
groom -elect is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Shipley, Lu -
Mrs. David Kestle entertain-
ed at her home with her daugh-
ter, Miss Sharen Kestle, .Mrs,
Keith Simpson and Miss Joan
,Tameson, Granton, to • a mis-
cellaneous shower.
The ladies of the Olandeboye
United Church entertained the
ladies of the community and
friends at the United Church
in the Sunday School room.
About 80 attended. A program
included selections by Miss
Barbara Zubal on the piano
accordion, solo by Miss Barb-
ara 'Cunningham with her own
accompaniment on her Hai-
waiian guitar.
A mock wedding in rhyme
and unusual costumes with
Miss Judy Scott, pianist, play-
ing the wedding march was
staged. Taleing the part of the
thel Fire bug hits again,
Police are investigating
double murder.
Legion Auxiliary bingo
Dame Fortune has really
smiled on Miss Mary Young
of Birr for the past three
Last Thursday night she won
the second and eleventh bingo
and also the first part of
"Share the Wealth".
Mrs. Art Harlton of Granton
was .also lucky as she won the
$5 jack pot consolation prize
and the second part of "Share
the Wealth". Mrs. M. Callins
of Granton won the full card
Mr. Ted Bridger of Lucan,
who won the third bingo, won
also the first part of the con-
seautive bingo. Mrs. H. Beiber
of Clandeboye won the second
part and Mr. H. B. Langford
of Lucan, who shared the fourth
bingo with Carl Neil of Lucan,
won the third part.
Mrs, Lloyd Hayter of Lucan
won the seventh and ninth
Solo winners included Mrs.
Wilfred Beiber of Clandeboye,
Mrs. Jack Henson and Mrs.
Cecil Hodgins, of Lucan,
On August 7, in the church,
the rector baptized Carel Lynn
$t. Louis, daughter Of Mr. • and
Met, Robert Si., Louis of Wel-
land. • Her grandparents. IMie
and Mrs. A. H. Wilkinson �f
Water St., were her godpar-
The guest 'speaker on Suti-
day was Mr. Ray Simpson Of
Clandeboye. Mrs. CI a r en c
}Tardy was in charge of the
organ, Fotitteeti members of
the junior congregation attend
the aervice,
United church
Mr. Arthur Cartier, a lee.
inaii from the London Fred
Press, was the guest speaker
At the 11 &Clock. service,
Pentecostal Holiness church
Rev. and Mrs, Roland Hat -
tell, Mr. Ce A. Graham and
John spent All week at the an.
haat camp conference At Artie
lir, where representatives from
14 churches from Windsor t�
Ottawa Were present, There
were no services. in the Lucan
church on Sunday ad ell could
attend the services at Arthur,
Many also attended some of
the tech:riga dating the week,
Next Stitidee, August 20, the
gueat Speaker liete Will be Rev.
Everett Gegtien �f Georgetown,
who is A beotheieilialaW of a
filthier pa s tete ,row, rtdd
razes storage barn
Between 1.30 and 2 a.m. Sat-
urday Lucan's fire bug hit
again, completely destroying a
storage building 18'x24' at the
rear of Mr: Erwin Scott's
home and a few feet away
from Mr. Scott's large barn;
part of which he uses as a
It was also quite close to
the buildings at the rear of
Mr. LeRoy Revington's home.
Fortunately there was no wind
so the firemen had no difficulty
in protecting near -by build-
Picnic tables, lawn furniture.
a shotgun; the beide, Aire. Ru.
Pert Williams; groom, Mrs.
Bruce Bradley: mother of the
bride, Airs. Andy Thompson,
I Others taking part were Mrs.
golicingirs ande/ ss Va'n cyAriteheusi-'
Following the program Mrs,
Wilmer Scott read an address
when the guest was presented
, with a platform rocker and a
Ihostess • chair an behalf of the
friends. Other miscellaneous
gifts were given with her two
slsters. Mrs. Keith Simpson
and Miss Sharon Blake, and
Misses Jan J am mon and
Miami Kestle assisting ber.
and Ars
so. nalitelms, Orton Leather -
land and
Toronto, spent the holiday
ter and brother-in-law, Ale and
Mrs. Rea Neil,
usually stored in the building
were out, but a settee and
some chairs were destroyed.
Boys, enjoying a party at the
home of Mr. E. A. Mosurin-
john's a few doors east ,saw
the braze and gave the alarm.
-Mr. and Mors. Scott were una-
ware of the fire until 'awaken-
ed by 'persistent knocking at
their door. Mrs. Scott removed
their car from the larger I
building as soon as possible.
Many residents in the south
end of the village knew nothing
of the fire until they heard it
an the 7 and 8 o'clock news
Saturday morning.
A New
Another barn.
%el fever • ee„,e,
Order your lumber &
• building supplies now
Exeter Grand Bend Oodorieti Medford
Miss Laura Hodgins, daugh-
ter of eir. and Mrs. Arthur
Hodgins, and Miss Hazel Simp-
M, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Simpson, r et erne d
home on Monday after 'spend-
ing a week et the 'United
Church Camp, Kee -Ma -Kee, at
Mrs. J. H. Paton called on
Mrs. •Witedfred Brooks and
Miss Clara Howard in Lucan
one day last week,
/rumors here report that hay-
ing and grain harvesting is
more difficult with so Dwell
rain in 1961 than any year
previous. The rain made won-
'taleS • -I ""
tierfal growth but the wind
lodged the grin which makes
it difficult to harvest
Misa Helen Sigswprth visit-
ed A week with Mr. and Mrs.'
Charlie Skirtenalso- other rel.!
atives, Mr. and. Mrs. Mon.
Thompson .and Mr. and Mrs.1
Gordon 'Thompsoin all in Strale`
Billie Sigswerth is spending t
this week in London while;
Linda. Lee, Lond'on, is visiting.
with Helen Sigsworth and fain.;
14'leitear,e*Joan Lewis, .daughter
of. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lewis
of Lucan, is holidaying with
her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernie Lewis.
Mr. David Kestle and family'
vieedelireancete.wdcrop of clover
Mrs. Robert Latta is improv-
ing from blood poisoning in
her foot, She stepped en a
llailllLit. and eira. 'Clarence Mill -
son spent Sunday with their
son and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Milton, in London,
'Their sons Neale and Remy
returned with their grandp4r,
tgits to. visit Lhe 0014111.
Debbie. here.
Mr.acid Mrs. Gerald Mid.
son and daughter Debbie, Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Simpson and
Alias Sharon Blake .spent Sun-
day. afternoon at. the Pinery.
Mr. and Mrs. - J. 11, Paton
and Clare,. Miss M. Cobleigh
and Wililam Allwright were
guests .of Mr, and Mrs. Nor-
man Paton, Elaine, Doane and
Kevin, Mt, Elgin en Sunday,
They also. visited the emele
Bees. farms. .at Mossicy.„
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