HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-17, Page 13t!, Beat th CLASSIEFIED RATES 22 Words .85 Each Additional Word 30 (Minimum 85$) 20c Off paid by Saturday fellow_ ng last insertion, Second Insertion, 21/2 PgR WCMP (lylinimum 550) Six .Insertions 2` PER wrJRo (Minimum 45$) Semi -Display Classifieds. (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion—Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of ?/2 inch. HELP WANTED (Female) YOUNG GIRL or woman to do baby sitting and light house- work, commencing September 1, May live in or out, Phone AC -8-6630. 170 WAITRESS, full or part time, experiencedpreferred, wages payed according to capability, for interview phone Exeter 755 Towne & Country Restaurant, 17c EXPERIENCED Waitress Girl capable of operating night shift. Good wages to flight person. Apply BURKLEY RESTAURANT Exeter HELP WANTED (Male)— BOOKKEEPER Young man with bookkeeping experience and desire for self improvement, to take charge of complete .set of books etc. for farm supply business in Exeter. Apply in writing, stat- ing qualifications to Box AN, Exeter Times -Advocate, 17e L!PECHANIC, Licenced Class A, able to workon most cars. Very iiittle truck work. Good wages andworking conditions. Group benefits. Lorne Brown Motors Limited, Clinton, Onta- rio. 17c BABY CHICKS-- FREE COPY "Ames In -Cross Poultry !Management Guide." Will help youget better egg production, from any flocks. Contact Bray Hatchery, Eric Carscadden, Exeter, Phone 246W. 17c FOR SALE— SLAB WOOD, dry mixed, 10 cords delivered $30.00. Apply in writing to Robert Eagleson, RR 1 Ailsa Craig, stating street numtlier in town or concession in township, or phone Nairn 232-4450 before 8:00 a.m. or be- tween 5,30 and 7:00 p.m. 6:ltfnc DEKALB PULLETS Started and day-old. Available immed- iately: Les Parker, phone 748 Exeter. 6:20tfnc PULLETS, March hatched, ready to lay August 25, im- mediate delivery. Apply Wil- liam Dougall, Highway 4, north of Exeter, phone Exeter 509W4. 7:20-8:31c NOW ON SALE — Galvanized roofing, aluminum roofing.C all and inquire. Phone 83 Hensall, Wayne Smith. 6:8-8:31c FORMALS, one street -length, yellow chiffon, styled by Gar- ber's; one cocktail, blue crys- talette, Sophie Original; sizes 74 to 16. May be seen at Mid- Town Cleaners. 10:17c HEIFERS, Holstein, due to freshen. Phone Crediton 234- 6478. 8:10.9:14* MONTMORENCY PIE CHERRIES An excellent crop thi3 years 22 -pound pails still available, EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 10 C. Morley Hall 1.0:17c CO BINE, Allis Chalmers 60, in good condition. H ii b er t Cooler, phone 599J3 Ea "ter. 10,17e OFFICE EQUIPMENT — Head- uarers for Royal typewriters, \t/ adding machines. We ra ave ;you money! Exeter „,-?111 i -Advocate, phone 770, FOR SALE -- Sal ACT Our Used Machinery Moves Fast TRACTORS John Deere 1010 Deinonstra John Deere AR I -HC B250 TDN Crawler, with. Droit load and skid bucket, COMBINES As low as $150..00 John Deere 12 Pull -type, scour clean and pickup. Case F 46, with motor, spike- tooth cylinder, scour -type Massey 60 Pull -Type Model Bell Separator 48" Cutter and Grain Thrower, in new con- dition. New belts, complete, Massey -Ferguson Field Chop- per, like new, Ask for a free demonstration of our new John Deere 45 Com- bine. for er HURON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT Phone 965 Exeter North COMBINE, Case, 6 -ft,, motor mounted, power take -off avail- able; also clover concaves and 125 -bushel grain box, Allan Westcott, phone 17631 :Exeter. 10*17c 13 WEANER PIGS, Apply Bill Yearley, Crediton, Phone 234- 6289. 17e HOT WATER HEATER,oil burning, extra storage tak, in good condition, Phone 710 Exe- ter, 17c YEAR OLD HENS alive or dressed Phone' 31r12 Grand Bend or write Mrs, Keith Hor- ner, Dashwood. 17c FRESH CLOVER HONEY now available, D, L. Kestle, Clan- dehoye. 17c TELEVISION — 17" Admiral, table model, in good condition. Phone 237B, Exeter. 17c 10 WEANER PIGS, apply Rudy Zondag, RR No, 2, Dashwood, Phone 165R18, 17c 1953 CHEVROLET, 1/2 ton r u. c k, in A-1 condition. 1952 GMC 1/2 -ton truck, Charles Volk, Shipka, Dashwood RR No. 2. 17* 1957 METEOR SEDAN, Niagara 300, automatic, 8 cylinders, low mileage, in good condition; 1 Gerrard Heitzman piano, 1 oak office desk, washing ma- chine, electric. Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, Centralia, AC -8-6624. 17c ALFALFA HAY, second cut. Phone 54r11 Kirkton. 17* WILSONS G R A IN PROTEC- TANT — Protect your damp grain from. weevil, Costs only 1.4c per bushel. Cann's Mills Ltd., Phone 735 Exeter. 17c 1958 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, in good condition, reasonably priced. Phone Kirkton, 33R7. 17* COMPLETE SET OF Grade 10 Text Books, used 1 month; Street length formal, gradua- tion dress, pink, size 12, $10.00; CGIT Middy size 14, $2.00. Phone 536, Exeter. 17c McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton (Back of Centralia. Air Port) Guaranteedused starters, Gen- erators & tires, wheels and tubes. WRECKING '56 Meteor V8 '55 Dodge V8 '54 Ford 1/2 Ton Pick-up '54 Buick Hard Top '53 Chev Sedan Delivery '53 Chrysler Free Pickup & Delivery PHONE AC 8-6214 17tfn 1958 VOLlKSWAGEN DELUXE, privately owned, perfect condi- tion throughout, radio and whitewalls, low mileage—must sell, owner going to Europe, Write Box 214, Hensall, or Phone 1163 Hensall. Demonstra- tion canbe arranged. 17* 1058 VOLKSWAGEN, in good condition, good tires, radio, cash only. Apply H. L. Stur- gis, phone 189, Exeter, 17c 1947 AUSTIN, one car rwner and driver, in good running condition, apply .429 Main St, Apt, 7, or 297 William S Exe= ter. 1.7e REFRIGERATOR,, Norge 10' cu. ft. $20.00, Phone 231R, Exe- I ter. 17* 30 GOOD WEANER PIGS, cross -bred, Jtid Dy,keman, RR No, 1 Centralia, Phone Kirk• ton 901111. 7c BOY'S BICYCLE, CCM, 3 speed in Al condition, Phone 895 Exe- ter, 17c FOR RENT - 50 ACRES of grass on conces- sion 4 Stephen. $.l00 for tea, - son. Phone 378W1 Exeter,, l ' APARTMENT, 2 or 4 bedroom,' kitchen and livingroom, base- ment, hot and cold Water, at Shipka, Apply Albert Gaiser, Crediton, Phone 234.6277, 17tfnc !Km R..ENT-- REAL ESTATE -- i • REAL ESTATE •.,... , STRAYCD--- s 41 a Shy 2 APAIt'1MENTS, 2 -bedroom, WAIt'Tlkl.4 BUNGALOW, two in llensall self-contained, un• bedroom, re -decorated 'very re- furnished; available now and eentl Alain St. Call 81x0 an y August 15. Phone 36 11 ensa ll y from 11 The Ti.mes-Acldocale, .August 17, 1961 Pork ciassi fie Located two blanks M �.e 11*PICKp°�RD a REAL sat 111STATE & INSURANCE 10:17c time .after 5 p.m. ltf'nc APARTMENT, furnished, low er, 4 rooms, hot and cold water, heated; immediate pos- session; no. pets. Apply 59 John St. 10,17c . FOR SALE OR RENT—Com. fortable two - bedroom house, next to Post Office, school and APARTIVIENT, 2 bedroom, un- furnished, suitable for couple, or couple with one child, avail- able Sept. 1. Simmons Apart- ments, 176 Sanders St, Phone 266W after 5 p.m. 77etfn AcireY, oil heated, modern con- ber 1, Phone 773M Exeter. 17c SERVICES— SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — available, Harold Butler, Lu - can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7- 4312 collect. 5:9*tfric ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill \Vat - son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 224 GRAND BEND ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK ser- vice; $1.00 per 100 lbs., plus bonus, for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle, Please phone promptly to Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) or Atwood 356- 2622 collect. Seven -clay service. License No. 103C61. 5:18tfric HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma- chine dug 1 ft. to ft, diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9-3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 27:10*tfric ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917, 27:10*tfnc FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, highest cash prices paid, according to size and condition, for dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed An- drews, 863W1 Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Di spo s al Act, Licence No. 66C61. 7:13 tine FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum . cleaners. Us ed vacuum cleaners of all makes for sale. Bob Peck, phone Hen- sel 696r2. 11:24-12:29*tfc SANITATION SERVICE — Sep- tic tanks pumped, and general repairs, for immediate service phone Grand Bend 205, Bill ILL HEALTH—First see your doctor. Bring your prescrip- tions to Middleton's Drugs, successors to Johnston Drugs, phone 447 Exeter. 4:20tfac KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY— Expert re-npholstering, re -fin- ishing and repairing all types of furniture. Work guaranteed. For free estimates and prompt service, phone 81, Exeter. SPRAYING—We are available to spray corn for weeds; also whitewash or disinfect barns for brucellosis. Hubert Cooper, phone 599J3 Exeter. 7:13tfnc swathing, grain put in granary, down grain a specialty. Apply Carl ,T. Walker, Crom arty, phone 12r3 Dublin. 27:10:17* ALTERATIONS and mending. Phone 568W, Mrs. Ha r old Beaver, Exeter. 10: 17* REAL ESTATE— TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE, new, brick, with attached garage and full basement will be _com- pleted by Sept. 1. Located on Mill St., Exeter. Contact Ken Ottewell, Phone 995W. 17* NOTICE WE ARE. NOW LOCATED ON THE LOWER FLOOR IN THE DEVON BUILDING 476 MAIN ST John Burke Real Estate Brolcer General Insurance Phone 863 Salesmen: LLOYD HC)LLAND Phone 970,1 Exeter TONT RIVERS Phone 41 Grand Bend 'For Sale WELL -LOCATED two,bedroom house in Eketer* large liVing room with Wall-to-wall broad. loom, large bright kitchen, full basement oil heat. We're sta about this Orte but We have many more Phone BA 7-4656. 8:15*Ifric NEW HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, utility, living room. Al or tga g e arranged. Phone 386M Exeter. 4:20tfne 86 Anne st., Exeter 3 -bedroom brick cottage, well located, oil heated. 3 bedroom, one - floor house, bargain for cash to settle estate. Farros-50 to 300 acres. Village general store, attached Hardware and tinsmith store, dwelling optional. -Hardware, plumbing, tinsmith store, attached dwelling. 24 Waterloo St., phone 1187W 25c WHY RENT? BUY! EXETER—New 3 -bedroom, liv- ing room, dining room, kit- chen, hot water heating, at- tached garage. $4,800 down, EXETER. — 3 -bedroom dwell- ing, 1 block from school, oil heat, terms. EXETER—Well located brick home, 1 block from school, 3 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living room, dining room, oil heat. Lot 65 x 200. Terms can be ar- ranged. EXETER — Huron St., large brick home, suitable for du- plex or 3 apartments --2 up and 1 down. Lot 104 x 125. 2 bath. rooms, oil beat, garage. Terms can be arranged. EXETER — New 3 bedroom home, west side of town, living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, well located. Terms can be arranged. home. living room, di n in g room, kitchen, full basement, oil hot water heat. Terms can be arranged. NO. 23 HWY. — Confectionery store—lunch counter, residence, garage attached, low down pay- ment. doing a good business. GRAND BEND PROPE RTIES We *have a number of list. Ings in Grand Bend which may interest you. We also invite listings. See our agent, W. C. Dace, phone 62r3 Grand Bend. FINE BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION from $700 to $1,200 FARMS We have several 100, 150 and 200 acre farms for sale. We invite your inquiries. SUMMER SPECIAL dining room, bath, den and fireplace, utility room, furn- ished, close to beach. Reason- ably priced. WE HAVE OTHERS Listings invited. W. H. Hodason LIMITED REM, ESTATE & INSURANCE M. J. GAISER, BROKER Phone 24 Exeter Represented by W. C. Dace, Grand tend I Phone 62r3 — Several well located Exeter homes 3-BEDROOIV1 BRICK with mo - laundry 1,Ohs and furnace. Large workshop. suitable for housing and servicing trnek or 4 -BEDROOM bungalow, nicely treed lot. Bright, nicely arrang- ed kitchen, modern bath, hard- ' 1 STEER, identification on left ear, from. Lots 3 and 4, Con. SEB, U, Sborne Township Any- one knowing the ,whereabouts of this steer, please notllY Scott's Elevator, Lucan, phone ,BA 7-4479 Collect. 10:17c WANTED TO RENT — HOUSE, 3- or 4 -bedroom, /no- . dern conveniences, in town a Exeter. Possession about Aug, 15. Phone 968 Walkerton, How- ard Kranipp, po Box 253. :HOUSE, 2- or 3.1)cdroom, near school and shopping area, he- Times -Ad I, Priceng$8,01.0nOr.n0On.neTerLinT. taxes' eter. 10:17* If yoe wish to buy or sell see AUCTION SALES C, V. PICKARD, REALTOR ' 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 165 and 628 2: 9tfe Real Estate Broker 3 BEDROOM, 1-1/2 story briek ome. Well. located. Rees able cash to settle estate. 2 BEDROOM wartime house 3 BEDROOM, new home, heated. Terms. 150 ACRE FARM, Dashwo area, Reasonably priced. INCOME APARTMENT BLOC with offices and stores. Ter availa ble. OA - .0f Autos, Household "-Effects end Misc. Item; McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP, 1.1A ,iniles north of Mooresville, thence 1 mile west. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on Gil SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 od AUTOS — 1953 4 -door Buick le Sedan with low mileage, in ms good condition; 1958 Studebaker 12 -door sedan, in A-1 condition. For other listings on farm businesses and income proper Call Jack Fulcher Agent 457 Edward St, S. Exeter, Ontario Phone 225, Box 225 , Enterprise 4 -burner gas range, " in rand new condition; 4 - burner heavy duty electric stove; 10 cu. ft. refrigeritor; Gilson electric washer; Sim- plicity 7 h.p. riding model garden tractor including 32" Roto -tiller and land roller. Above items all in brand new Chesterfield suite; chest of drawers; electric radio; bed- room suite; dining room chairs; trunk; large assortment of dishes, glassware, silverware; antique dishes; kitchen uten- sils; lawn mower; 100 ft. of new hay fork rope; assortment of tools and misc. items, Brown Swiss cow, carrying third calf, due at sale date. No Reserve. TERMS: Cash. MRS. DOWRIE DEVRIES, Proprietress GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John William Whelihan, deceased. All persons having claims against, the estate of John Wil- liam Whelihan, late of the Vil- lage of Lucan, in the County of Middlesex, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 8th day of July 1961, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, hy the 12th day of August 1961, after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of iwhich notice has been reCeiv- ed. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administratrix, Exeter, Ont. 27:10:17 In the Estate of Annie E. Finlay, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron. Farmer's Wife, deceased, Notice is hereby given that all per sons having claims against the estate of the late Annie E. Finlay, who died April 21, 1958, and also joint accounts of Harold and Annie E. Finlay, are hereby required to send same to the under- signed, duly verified, on or be- fore the ist day of September, 1961. After the last named date the assets of said estate will commence to be paid to those persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims received by September 1, 1961. HAROLD N. FINLAY, Executor, and his Solicitors 10:17c AUCTION SALE of Modern Valuable Household Furniture Few Antiques & Carpenter Tools and Misc. Items in the TOWN or EXETER on 92 Main St., North WED., AUGUST 30 at 1:30 sharp FULL LIST IN NEXT WEEK'S PAPER MRS. NOBLE soon' Prop Phone 234-6282 Creditor) AUCTION SALE Of Modern Household Furniture, Few A ntiques and Miscellaneous Items VILLAGE OF CREDITON on Main St. East SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 Oak sideboard; double bed, ENJOY COMPLETE HEATING SERVICE FROM Middleton 61. Genttner YOUR I3 -A SOLAR HEAT DISTRIBUTOR check these important advantages: eve you Maximum heat value and dean burn. ing efficiency, of your Net oil tank. 6 11-A BUDGET PLAR-easy payments for heating oil spread over 10menths. 6 ANNUAL 111NE.LIP PROGRAM -keeps your heating unit in peak operating tohdition. justed to weather condititiiis. HEATING FINAN0E PlAN-for both new furnace installations and convertieht. Low dewn payment -small carrying charge-4We years to Pah PHONE' 40 EXETER pot; B -B. gun; 4 -drawer cbest wtth eharrs and mirror; Kel- vinator refrigerator; 6 - piece kitehen set; small table and 2 chairs; wheelbarrow; power lawn inower; floor lamps; tea kettle; kitchen utensils and dishes; garden toels; bedding; 19ot stool; smoke stand; snow a shovel; aluminnin shovel; 2 motor rugs; step ladder; spades; 3 rakes; electric fan; thermos bottle; 2 floor lamps; toaster; 2 pin-up lamps; 6- niecc cannister set; electric light fixtures; sealers; quick freeze: 2 16 -gallon oak barrels; 1 small oil burner• many other items, No Reserve. TERAIS: Cash, MRS. ELAND MILLMAN, Proprietress WILLIAM H. SMITH, Auctioneer no ACUPCATIMOrSIATY1,..0 AliGUAT at FRANK, TAYLOR'S YARD sale starts at 1:50 Washing machine (Coffield)2 dahe in good shaPo; Electric stove (Moffatt); Frigi• Jove seat, seetionat and lazy hay chair, davenport, TV swivel chair, twin beds. new matres- ses, quantity dishes and nick nacks, Mika radio with ear sealers, bird cage and budgie bird, combination radio and re'nrnbredab-golavyeert;elonging to A. 14 °ttTilfa bnIred;'stands, bed spring and! ma tresses,* Commodes, xn any. other articles and anyone who wisheS may bring what they have to sell. TERMS: Cash CLARK FISHER, clerk 1960 FORD 881 TRACTOR, save 51019 at $2561 1960 Ford 651, save 5700 at . 1950 FORD 250 BALER, save *664 at 1301 FORD 150 BALER, save $434 at . . 1161 FORD 7 ft. 3 point hitch rear attached MOWER, save 5100 at 360 7 FT. FORD HAY CONDITIONER, save S215 at 860 1960 BRADY HAY CONDITIONER, save $220 at ...„ 675 100 BUSHEL MANURE SPREADER, save 5250 at 545 1960 new style DANUSER POSTHOLE DIGGER, One only TRUSS FRAME 3 FURROW 10 INCH PLOW save $125 at USED E 299 JOHN DEERE 420 CRAWLER, wilh front end loader .. 1495 '56 FORD COMBINE, used very little 99S • '60 MASSEY 4 FURROW TEN INCH PLOW save yourself $250 at OLIVER 60 TRACTOR 1959 CASE SIDE DELIVERY RAKE 175 325 HAVE YOU ENTERED YET? Ford Farm Fornily Quiz YOU CAN WIN A HOST OF FORD PRODUCTS CARS '60 FORD V8 automatic sedan, a nice ens ..... 2300 '60 FORD SEDAN, 6 cylinder, low mileage ., ., 2100 '37 MERCURY TWO DOOR HARDTOP, above averatle 1550 '58 METEOR coach, a steal at . 105 '58 FORD SEDAN, choice of 2, autoinatic or Standard 1595 56 MONARCH SEDAN, choice of tWO „ '57 MC:4RIS OXFORD STATION WAGON, loW m00600'1'1751 '56 CHEV 4 DOOR HARDTOP, new paint, cleati SOO '54 MERCURY SEDAN '51 HARLEY DAVIDSON metorcyCle, special clearance 295 TRUCKS '52 INTERNATIONAL 180 and 15 ft 'dump trailer 1495 '37 FORD PICKUP, Olt Larry Snider Motors LIMITED Ford Monarch • Faitoti PHONE 624 EXttEit