HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-17, Page 1211 The, T;1'nes•AdYogatto AuRys1 174 19
aygr4 rd patter •
Qntests„ hike, frip
ghlght activities
Mrs. T. Brook
dodge member
Airs, ott[as• hirook, 75, a
native of Exeter community
Topi43 from Karen Jermyn, Susan Goman,..:.:Dan. gathering
,died in St. Joseph's kiospital, By MRS, FRANK SQUIRE
on ¥anday, August 14, ..:.. :.,
:slaving been admitted to the
)1051)1101 ort Saturday. She had Air. and Mrs, 0., J. 2avitz,
been a patient for scvcral Toronto, were Aionday visitors
weeks in fire spring with the fortner's sister, Mr,
By4917.111.. acNAU HTON book •Gardens in London. After • She was the former Winnifred .and Airs, Barry I .hire,
io_, boysFord and was born near ]?axe• Mr. and Mrs., Milne Pulsen
;veil Month the .fifth week dinner, in the .path the ,• ..• �,, visiting
to and girls toured the land of ter. Following her nharriagc were in Guelph •Sunda visiting
Of the playground season 'tial. to 'Uiomas Brook they farmed with Alr, and Airs. •Donalci Pia
only ,four days lona due to •the fantasy and had all' their
,and moved to. Clandeboae Miele The regular meeting of the
Pia -
With special events. A with
they fanned until moving to ivrrktan 4•Fi Beef Calf Club was
went is held along: 'pith the The super visors: were kept Luean 18 e s ago, Air. rook held the home of Itlr,
regular ro am each .da • to busy stopping, and preventing . - , ar g , . i. Br at and
p unplanned activities Boys rand died in 1853. Airs. Norman Hodgins, Thurs
Uni• ted ('lui
throwing contest 'vas held at Donald's Billy Goat, falling f tie is Orange g a
• • °' was nurser ;rh ;isle&. brought to near Exeter for a few Years len.
Civic Holiday, it loaded y 3 a g
tiv variety' to the many ae' .even girls) Sound extra enjoy She was a member of Wean day evening,.
tivities. S meet in riding on Old AI Be- reh and a member Mr. and M15. Bert Duffield
Tuesday afternoon an egg- a li A' ckoc'. O an e Lod e attended the Stevens reunion t
•into the Miller of Me Dee's No. 387, Luean, A LORA seri.- the home of Aii. and Alis. Art
Kin Park. In this contest the going into the rabbit ice was held at the funerall Pringle, St. Marys, on sun -
pair off and face their rae, and g a smote \1`ednesday evening at.:day.
partners, Each coitaale. Iias One rage and catching Flopsi,
egg which is. tossed :from one Mopsy. Cotton -tail and Peter. s.ao. Mr. and Mrs. .Aim Riley and
. The supervisors overlooked Surviving are one daughter, iatnily, larussels, were Sun -
partner to the other. If a sue Mrs. Harold tOney) McFalls, *day guests with 111r. and Mrs.
cessful catch is made the colt- most of the mischief and • were • Cl Pullman
pie moves farther apart. This brad to see the children enjoy- L can one "II,Grant Lucau eve u titan
is done until the egg is broken. 4 Cho, Allah; four brothers, Fred tended the Hodgson reunion at
iing themselves.
Margaret May and i\ a n r y
Brady of the loeal.carr at-
tended ,canto north .of ,Goderich
last week.
Mrs, Alvernia hill, Main St„
• recently was the recipient of
a dozen red roses from 'the Bil-
ly O'Connor radio show. lies
chosen favorite. song, "When
You and 1 Were Young, Mag.
gie", .was the aeccpteci one :and
she received the roses.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Sims left
uu. Tuesday morning, for their
honkie in B,G, They visited witn
friends and relatives while
here. They also visited with
Jim Greenwood .of the .RCAF •
Station Centralia, Mr. Green-
wood. was raised in B,C. where
Mr. and :Airs. Si..ms come from.
They also visited their son.
in St. Margaret, N.B. There
they celebrated their 54th wed-
ding anniversary,
A Heywood -Parsons get•t0-
gethet was held in Riverview
Parr With 40 in attendance.
visitors from a distance In-
cluded i
ded Mrs P. M. Jones and
Air, and Mrs, Calvin ;Heywood
and family. London, ing;; Mr.
and Airs. Vernon A Heywood
• acrd Patti, V'ictoria, B,C.; Mr.
and Airs, R, Skeggs,. Mrs.
Craee Parsons, • Mr. and Mrs. t
Fred Parsons, 111r. and Airs,
Russell Mitis and Mr. and Mrs,
S. Creeinian .and family,. Air,
Air. and Mrs. .Edwin taardi
' ner, Lackwoed, Sask,, IUr. and:.
I Airs. Vie Cole, Bobby and Bet-
I,ty Lou, Regina, Miss Anna .Gar -
",,diner, New York City, Rev,
and Mrs. A. W. Gardiner,. Al•
vinslon,. were recent guests
with Mr. an•d Mrs. Mel•
vin Gar-
' .diner, Girlie', SC, and with
Messrs. Arthur and Bert .Gar--
; diner and A1iss Mary Gardi-:
ner :at their :summer -home,..
Poplar Beach.
and Mrs. Den Wright and Day- j
id, Mr. and Mrs. C, Parsons,
all from London; Mr. and Mrs, !
Alurrey ;Moore and fancily, `To- I
Focal aticradants were Aii..
and Mrs, Edward Yellow, Mr, 1
and' Mrs, Clarence £Ieywood
and Mr, and Airs, Hector Hey-
31'lliam :Howard Taftwas the f
first U.S, president to receive
u a salary of $75,000 a year,
one sister, Alr. Irene Hicks, i Alr, and 11'[rs. F, ;Squire at- _
The winners of the contest Friday was a quieter day and and Arthur, Exeter; ,Arnold, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hay -
were Hank Gosar and Donnie was the stage ,for a water Detroit, and Grant, Byron; six!, set Perrin, Prospect Hill, on.
Wolfe. Five dozen eggs were fight. Most of the thrill m a grandchildren and three great- ; Sunday.
donated by Fatrbairn's. water fight seems to come from randchilren, 1 Mr. and Mrs, Orville Davies,
Wednesday morning we start- soaking the supervisors.
The body is resting at the C. London, and Air. and Mrs,
ted finger painting, All ehil- Note: The staff noticed that Hasten and Son funeral home, Leonard. Mills of Humboltd, Sas-
dren enjoyed the craft because , Director Gravett had more Lucan, where the funeralsere- katchewan, were visiting Mr,
it does not require much ere- pressing duties at the time of ice will be held on Thursday,and Mrs. McCleod Mills on
ative ability. The painting both the water and egg fights. August 17, at 2 3 p ,, with Sunday.
proved to be quite popular.
Harold Sissons took 15 of the'
8 to 10 -year-old boys and girls
on a hike on Wednesday after- Passmore ionic
noon. Harold's timely and p
capable assistance was much The P'assmore Reunion wa
appreciated by the director field in Riverview Park, Ex..
sand staff. ter recently with 65 present.
On Thursday came the high- After dinner Reg Hodges'
Iight of the week when two conducted the business, It wa
busloads of playgrounders vis -
Rev. G. W. Sash Officiating.; Mr. and Mrs. 'Melville Gun -
interment will be in St. James'ning and Muriel and. Mr. and
Cemetery, Clandeboye. !Mrs. Wm. Smith, Belmont,
were in Exeter Sunday and
!spent the day with. Mr. and
s 'Mrs. 11'm . Rodd,
e- This week in Alis. and Airs, Melvin Dann,
Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Gladys Porter,
t Winchelsea ;and Mrs. Laving Hall, London.
ited 5pringbank Park and Story- decided, to hold the next pie
pie in Riverview Park, date t
be set by the president. Offi
cers are; president, Carina
Cann; see-treas., Mrs. Carina
Cann; table committee, Mr
and Mrs. Robert Cann, Mr
and Mrs. Ken Passmore, Mr
and Mrs, Earl Johnson; sport
.. ..,....::x committee, Mr. and Airs. Ke
Air. John Lamport of Toronto Duncan, Mr, and Mrs. Frani
visited on Sunday at his home Parsons.
there, Winners in snorts were: chit
dren, 5 and under, Murray Par
1 Mr. and Mrs, Wray Sweitzer, sons; girls 6-8 years, Bet
'Barbara Ron spent Sunday Passmore; boys, Paul Pass
.with Mr, and 'Mrs, J. Smith of more; boys, 9-12 years, Doug
Woodham. las Ratcliffe; young ladies
i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pickering Linda Ratcliffe; young men
and family of London visited Dennis Cann; married. ladies
with M. and Mrs. Ross °Pic- Dorothy Ratcliffe; rn a r r i e d
'kering and family. Miss Linda men, Abner Passmore;
Pickering returned with them Grandmothers graceful walk
'after spending holidays there. ing — Airs. Robert Cann; boys
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams sack race, Paul J assrnore;
and family of London visited on girls throwing paper plate,
Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Beth 'Passmore; ladies, kick -
Bob Adams and Bobby• ing slipper through the hoop,
Ronnie Woodburn visited re Mrs. Edna. Passmore; men Jim
:cently with Mr, and Airs. Ross Grinney; shavingrace, Ken
Pickering .and family. Duncan and tMrsFrayne Far -
Mr, and Mrs, Roy Morenz, sons. Two relays were won by
June, Sharon, Ernest a n d Lorne Passmore's side,
friend attended. the Willoughby , Oldest person present, Will
Shrapnell family picnic on. Sun- Johns, Exeter, RR 3; young
day at Pt. Huron. 1 person present, Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams, Muller, 7.1/2 month son of Mr,
Mark and Brock, of London and Mrs. Andy Aiiller, Exeter;
spent the weekend with Mr. lucky dinner plate, Gilbert
and Mrs. Les Adams, Gloria
and "Harvey.
Mr, and Mrs, George Ingram .w.,..:. F .a N.,,:..
of HensalT spent Sunday with ;
T. _....
MissesHelen and HildaZ I CentroI a
Mrs. Frank. Levy of St. Marys,; By MRS.FRED BOWDEN
returned to their home after'
holidaying with their cousin,
Miss Barbara Sweitzer.
Billy Morenz, spent the week-' , There will be no church serv-
end with Gary Dietz and Les; ice or Sunday school in the
Coleman of Kippen. !United Church for the next two
1 Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Wil-: Sundays while the minister is
loughby of Pompano Beach, ; on vacation. Services will be
Florida are holidaying with ;resumed on Sunday, September
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morenz and ; 3,
family. ,t Mrs. Warner McRoberts,
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Swell- i Mrs. E. Hodgson and. Miss Line.
zer and fancily spent the week Abbott, of Lucan, were visitors
end at Fenwick with Mr. and with. Mrs, E. Abbott, on Tues -
'Mrs, Alton Comfort and fam- day evening of last week.
.ily. Miss Bonnie Brady re-; Sgt. and Mrs, Art Rowe and
turned with them for a week, :family of the RCAF in Green -
Mr, and Mrs. 0, C. Russell t wood, N.S., and Mrs. Irwin
and family spent Sunday with. Jackson, of Collingwood, were
.Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woods and; visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
gamily of Highgate, !Cooper McCurdy last week.
Mrs. Jack Pickering and Mr. and Mrs. William Cope -
.Terry are visiting this week; land, of Windsor, were week -
with relatives at Fenwick. end guests with Mr. and Mrs,
A fine time was enjoyed by Lorne Hicks. Mrs. Andrew
the parents and children of the Hicks visited with them on Sat -
,Bible School classes, on the, urday and Sunday.
spacious grounds of Mr. and 'Mrs. Murray Abbott attended
Mrs. 0. C. Russell last Friday a bridal shower for Miss Len -
night. Everyone enjoyed the ore Godbolt at the home of Mr.
wiener roast, Rev, R. S. Hiltz and Mrs, Gerald Godbolt
conducted a sing song. Exeter on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuk Moor of Mrs, L. I3. Hodgson returned
home from Victoria Hospital,
London, on Friday of last week,
Weekend guests with Mr, and
and Mrs. R. Pask were Mr. Mrs. Cooper McCurdy were
and Mrs, Alvah Cochron of Ro- Mr, McCurdy's sister a n d
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Eric Hurdon, of Detroit, and
Miss Carol. McCurdy, :of the St.
Joseph's Hospital School of
Nursing, in London,
Visitors with Air. and Mrs.
Russell Schroeder and. William
on Sunday were Mrs. Morley
Report on
n Mrs. John Coward, Mrs.
, Newton Clarke and Mrs, Colin
Gilfillan attended the :Institute'
• picnic on Tuesday afternoon at
s Lions' Park, Seaforth,
n Miss Helen Campbell spent
e a few days this past week with
Linda. Heckman, of Biddulph;
- Township.
• Miss Ruth Horne spent the'
Bell past week with Mr. and Mrs,
- Harry Sperling in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Art Ball and j
, family, of Clinton, visited on
, Tuesday evening with Mr. and]
Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and fam-
Mrs. Colin Gilfillan visited
. on Friday afternoon with her
aunt, Mrs. Annie Wilson, who is
a patient in. St. Mary's Hospi-
Mrs, Howard. Dayman and.
family, of Kippen, visited on.
Thursday with Mr, and Mrs,
William Walters and Danny.
Gary is staying for a week's
Miss. Kathleen. Hay, of Exe-
ter, and. Bonnie Banco, from -
London, spent the weekend
with Mrs, Gordon Prance and
Duncan 1 None hurt
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz and tMessage
a en e-
vy, twin daughters of Mr. and
Beaverton, Mich. visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Pask. Sunday guests with Mr,
yal Oak, Mich., Mrs, Annan
and Larry of Pickering, Ont.,
and Air. and Mrs, Ferd Miller
of Dashwood.
Sharon and John Ramsden of
Toronto are holidaying with
their grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs, Ed. Gill.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love vis• Baldwin and. Miss Patricia
ted on Sunday with Mr, and Baldwin, of San Bernardino,
:Airs, Glen Love and family of California; Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Sarnia, Semple and family, of Byron;
Mrs. Rhea Carter of London' Mr, and Mrs. L. Hewitt and
visited .last week with Mr. and Dianne, Mr. and Airs, B, Webb,
Mrs. J. Whiteford, Sandra and Janet, Mr, and
Visitors last week with Mrs. Mrs, Jack Schroeder, Cindy
Sarah Patterson were Mr and j and Larry, of London; Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Scott and family of Mrs. Ilossell Mdrgan and fain.
Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Alan ily, of Burgessville. The oeca-
Barrie and family of Sudbury, slop was in honor of Mrs, 'Bald -
Mt. and Mrs. Roy Scott of win and lief daughter, who ar-
Sarnia. rived :here on Saturday for a
Mr, and. Mrs. Thomas Gus- two week's vacation With her
rung of ranton visited last parents.
'ruesday with Mr. and Mrs, 4, Mf. Alton Sholdice, of West -
C. Russell and family, Minster klospital, London, WAS
Rev, and Mrs. Maurice Vin- a. Sunday visitor at the hoarse
cent and. Richard of London of Airt. Merton Sholdice and
`visited Saturday with bit me- family,
tier, Mrs, It Vincent and 11a• Mr, and Airs Wifliani Ab-
rold, heft and Bil.1ie of Niagara
Miss' Meatier Sharpe and Falls, called on 112r. and Mrs„
Miss Gladys Tt1ekknond of Lon- Murray Abbott do Tuesday on
don spent the weekend: with the way to Detroit to attend the
Mr. Verne Sharpe and Glen, funeral of an uncle.
David and Janet Sanders of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbett
Welland, are holidaying with attended the Davis reunion
their gra
ndpar ents, Ir, and Springbank on Sunday.
yrs Art Finkbeiner,. Mrs, William Il Essery Rias
Mr, Jint Sweitzer returned returned home after spending a'
fire nn Sunday after holiday weele With her daughter and
ing with his rtrandparnnts, Mr. son•in-lav, Rev. and Mrs, 'Par -
and Mrs, Alton. Comfort bf fry Passmore and baby, jr,
Fertielek. Passmore has assumed his.
Mrg..R'ail Otletiither and ,1a. duties as pastor of the Corinth
net are attending sanity at Go.i h'atfOral. charge.
derich this week Mr, and Mrs. Ray t ammie
Mt and: Mt'r. Johil. t ovie•1 attended the funeral of the late
an Sunday with Mrs,/ ars. erayHogarth InT,iicnsall I
in accident
The occupants of a car,
Messrs, Douglas and. Barry
Tweddle, escaped injury when
a car driven by Mr. Ross Fer-
guson, of RR 2, Ailsa Craig,
overturned at Hodgson's Creek,
4th concession of McGillivray
The car upset down a steep
embankment and then landed
upright onits wheels again.
It was heavily damaged but
it was fortunate no one was
hurt except for a shaking up
in the mishap.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Morley
spent the weekend. with Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon Lewis in St.
Mrs. Fred Fenton is holding
practice at
her home �
e on
Thursday evening, August 17,
in preparation for the annual
decoration service which is to
be held at Ebenezer Cemetery
visited recently with Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Morley Sr.
Air. and Mrs. Wm, French,
Laura, Joe and Earl .also Airs,
Olive Frederick visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock,
Chisethurst, on. Sunday, Mrs.
Frederick remaining for a
Mr, Win; Corvett of Romona,
California and Mr. and. Mrs.
Thos, Simpson, London, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Baillie. Mrs. Baillie
returned home from the hospi-
tal on Thursday.
Mr. and. Mrs. Howard Mor-
ley, Carolyn and Kathleen, who
are holidaying at Southcott
Pines, Grand Bend spent Wed-
nesday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm,
Morley Sr,
Mr, and Mrs, Cleve Pullman
were in Exeter Monday eve -
ming at a family gathering at
the home of Mrs. Florence
Johns, honoring the 80th birth-
day of Mr. Menzer Herbert,
Open lanes
at Parkhill
'Grand opening for the new
Fox Bowling Lanes at Parkhill
will be held Wed,, August 23,
Features include draws for
50 door prizes, a challenge
match between Strathr.oy and
Parkhill bowlers, and an exhi-
bition. by the Brunswick star
bowler, Joe D'Orazio.
D'Orazio, who has a lifetime
bowling average of 241,6, will
give free instruction to bowl-
ers in the afternoon and eve-
The alleys have been in-
stalled in . the old Fox theatre
which has been renovated com-
pletely. Automatic pin setters
have been provided.
Manager of the lanes is Ted
Knowles, St. Thomas, who has
had a number of years' expe-
rience in the bowling alley
The business is owned by Fox
Enterprises Ltd., whose offi-
cers include Grant Pollock,
president; Robert McCubbin,
vice-president; Jack Levy, sec-
retary; Bill Amos, treasurer;
Dr. Fred Boyes and Dr, Wil-
liam Scrimgeour, directors.
on Sunday,August t 2
0, at 3
o'clock. Rev. E. J. Roulston,
of Exeter, is to be the guest
speaker, with local members in
the choir.
A New House?
Another barn?
Order your lumber &
builcing supplies now
Exeter Grand Bond Gndet ch Thedford
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Morley,
Sr, spent a few days at Grand
Bend last week with Mr. And
Mrs. Howard Morley and lam-
WMS and WA
The August meeting of the
WMS and WA was held in the
church parlors on Thursday
evening with 14 members pre-
sent. Mrs. John Finkbeiner and
Mrs. Mac Mills were conven-
Mrs. Wm. French chaired the
meeting. The theme was "Un-
ity of Christ's Church." Mrs.
Hamilton 'Hodgins read the
Scripture lesson. Mrs. Cecil
Squire favored with a reading.
Se�,eial items of business
were discussed pretaining to
the WMS Sectional which is to
be held at Whalen in October.
Air. E. Gardiner has not vis-
ited his home community for;
40 years and notes many char-
ges. Last Sunday he placed
flowers in Thames Road LW -
ied..Church in memory of his
lido parents, Mr, and Mr's, Ro-
bert Gardiner.
When he noted the luxuriant
growth on account of the many
rains here he wondered why
he ever left this community,
Ram has been scarce in Sas-
katchewan where he lives and
vegetation is dried up,
ru,uui HG -9a
kiiiijt Wu eats?
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