HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-10, Page 15ant iths d ing be vas eld at tins )01i au - eh, trn ion ce, !CO 1r, nct. rs, )d. be by er, en rt. .C8 hn k..7er .. s . . ..... ... BIRTHS — Alarm' and Greta Baker, nee Pfaff. Hensel', are IlaPPY to announce the Wills of their daughter, Vicki Lee, at Clinton Public Hos- pital, July 28--a granddaugh- ter for Mr, and Mrs. Nelson pfaff, nrueefield, and Air. and. Mr. Robert 13a1cer, lien- sall, COLEMAN—Mr. ad Mrs, Wil- liam Coleman, Kippen, ans rout= the birth of a son at Clinton Hospital, July ;30, D's1CliARME — Mr. ead Mrs, Clarence Ducharme, Dash. wood, announce the birth of a (Intter, Teresa Marie, at South Huron Hospital, August 6. FINKBEINER — Mr. and Mrs. Allan Finkbeiner, IITt 2 Cred- iloa, announce the birlh .of a son, Stephen Daniel, .at nouns Huron Hospital, July 29, FORD — Mr. and .111rs. Jack Ford, RR 3 Dashwood, an- rounce the birth of a son at Suth Hurong 1. InF,ARN — Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hearn, num, are happy to announce the Isneh of a daughter, nlealher Damn at St, Jozeplfa Hoepital, London —a sister for Mary Eliza- bth. HESS — Mr. and Mrs, William J, Hess, the former Audrey Green, announce the birth of a son, David William, at Woodstock General. Hospital, August 2. InODGINS—Mr, and Mrs. Ros- coe Hodgins, the former Marion Ashworth, Lucan, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Paul Roscoe, ,'July 24, at Victoria Hospital, Lon- clon—a brother for Elizabeth, HOFFER—:Kon and Iris Hoffer, RCAF Station Centralia, an- neunce the birth of a daugh- ter, Susan Lynn, at South Inuron Hasnital, August 1—a sister for Kenny, Darrell and Carol. HOLLANDER — Sgt. and Mrs. 14. Hollander, RCAF Station Centralia announce the birth of a son, Donald George, at South Huron Hospital, August 2. HOOEY—Mr. and Mrs. Russell lloacy, RR 1 Hensall, an- nounce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, August 7. LAMBIE—F/0 and Mrs, J. R. Lambie, RCAF Station Cent- ralia, announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Lynn, at South Huron Hospital, July 25, AIARTEN—Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tins Marten, RR 2 Grand Bend, announce the birth of a son. Jeffrey, at South Huron .Hospital, August 1.—a brother for Henry, Mathilde, inc and Marjory. LTON—Mr, and Mrs. James alton Jr., Grand Bend, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Lori Ann, at St. Joseph's Hospital, July 29. c, • RIRTHS— ISIEPZA..ns nten Mrs. John Inenza„ •Creclitern announce Lhc birthnof la MO at South Huron Nospitg, July RILETT — Mr. .and Mrs. Wil- liam AllanCrediton, an-, nounce the birth of a •son, William Earl Joseph, at South Harm Hospital,..August • n—a brother for"jailig, .Mary and Joanne. TIMPLEMAN Mr. and Mrs. join Templeman, RR 1 Ste - fa, announce the birth of a son, Terry James, at South Huron 'Hospital, July 29• W IN E GARDEN—In rb and Ken Winegarden, Lon d n. A, an- nounce the birth of a son, Maric Allison, at Victoria Hospital, London, July 27—a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Charles ENGAGEMENTS — • Mr. and Mrs. ;lames 'Rattle Tbomnson, of Ltican, Ont., wish to announce the engagement .of thew only daugliter., Erma Alice, to Keith ...Gordon Mc- Comb, the youngest son of Mr. James Chester McComb, of `Eleinfield, Ont., and .the. late Mrs. McComb. Marriage to take place August 19, anal, at three o'clock. in the Lucan. Pentecostal Holiness .church,, Lucan, Ont. lOne Mr. and Mrs. Garnet B. Win son, Centralia, Ontario, wish to .announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn Marie, to Robert Wesley Millar, son of Mr. and Mrs, Eldon. Millar, inenaall, Ontario, The wedding • will take place at 2 onn„ Sat- urdaY, August 19; at St, Mary's Anglican Church, Brinsley, On- tario. 10* Mr, and Mrs, Edward Funk, RR 2 Hensall, announce. the engageemnt of their daughter, Millie Joyce, to Donald Leon- ard Pale, son of Mr. and Mrs. %Wham Stewart, of Brampton; j wedding to take place Satur-1 day, September 2. 1961, at 1;30 p.m., at St. Paul's United I Church, Brampton, Ontario, 10c Mr. and Mrs. Jake Resler, Jr., Bit 1 Bayfield, announce engagement of their daughter, ter, Janet Hen, to Mr. Francis Murray McEwan, son of Mr, and Mrs, Frank McEwan, Ginn ton, Ont,; wedding to take Mace September 2 in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. 10c N MEMPRINE •— DIJInTSFOR.1).—In loving memory of a inisband, father and grendfather, Percy Hunsford, n'119 passed AMA/ Augg 7, 1959. The golden gates stood open, Two. years Ann today, With farewells left nespoken, He slowly slipped away. He suffered much in silence4 His spirit .did not bend, But faced his pain with cow - age, Until the very end. He tired so hard to day with u -s, His fight was all in vain, Gen took him Iss His loving home, And freed inin from all pain. —Ever remembered by bis wife and lemily. 10n MASON—in loving .memory of a dear husband and ranter, Roy Mason, who passed away one year ago, Aunt* 2. Time may heal the broken heart, Tie maY make the wound less sore, But time can never stop the longing For the loved one gone before, —Ever remembered by wife and daughters. 10c CARDS OF THANKS — I wish to express my sincere thanks arid appreciation to my relatives, friends and neigh- bors for their acts of kindness and expressions or sympathy in my recent bereavement„ Special thanks t Dr. Rein, Rev. H 11 L z, HopPer-Hotkey funeral home, Reder's Florists and to all those who nettled in any way.—Luther Rowcliffe. 10* wish to thank my many !friends and relatives who re. membered me with cards, gifts and flowers while I was a ea- ' tient in St, Joseph's Hospital and since I heve returned home. These were all much appreciated,—Sandra Sweitier. Dashwood, 10* IN MEMORIAP' — JOHNS—In remembrance of a 1 loving husband, father and grandfather, Roy Clifton Johns, who God called home two years ago, August 8, 1959. Like falling leaves, time slips by, But loving memories never die. You live with us in memory still, Not just today, but always will. —Sadly missed by his wife Florence, son Lorne,• daugh- ter in - law Annie Jean and grandchildren. 10* stannsntninnannanninsongannisnntanne .. ... ........................... THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. 'Van Farowe, Minister 2:100 p.m.—Worship and Sermon (English) 8:30 pan.—Sunday School All Welcome CAVEN PRESDYTERIAN CHURCH 9:00 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 ann.—Church Service Rev. Hupp Wilson, Shake- speare Aug. 17, 8 0,m. — \VMS ivill meet at the home of Mrs. Harold Simpson, CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. G. Van Eck, Minister 10:00 am.—Eilglish Service 2:15 p.n.—Dutch Service 6;15 p.m.—Back to God Hair CHLO ' (680 Ken THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Saucier, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class BAYFiELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor 3 Jcienhain 10:00 School 11:00 a.m...—Morning Worship 120 p.m., -..Evening Services Wed., 8 pan.—Prayet Service Starlite Drive -In Gospel Services Crediton Highway, 5 Mika Eat Of Grand Bend SUNDAY, AUGUST 13 . GUEST SPEAKER: MR. tIE1U3 GILROY Per8Ohliel Director of the Auto-Lito Company Port Miran T, Watt -at% formorly of Grand Bendi Will Mild, MUSIC: LANCOLP MtN'8 OUARIST, Abo. 'Of Nil Hann. MASS Choir nieen'al Shipka United Chute% 'MS Pa. ComeS nett art and hear from your car, - MAIM 'you please pray Mt these. servites. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,amonwomommotaaamaaariariaataaaommillaawataaaataaaaamaiktaa,.. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street Rev. Mel. W. Holmes, Pastor 9:00 a.m. — CJCS Radio (1240 Inc.) Message: "Spiritual Intoxica- tion" 9:45 a,m.—Sunday School Last Sunday 96 present — come and bring the family this week. 11:00 a.m. —• Church in "Par- gamos"—Revelation 2:12-17 7:30 P.M. REV. ORAL ROBERTS sound film, "THE SEVEN PASSIONS OF ELIJAH" also a Faith Building., Bible Message Good Music - Lively Singing "Visit the Tabernacle this Sunday" ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gat: 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Service UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. Congregations hi MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Minister in Charge: Rev. R. S. Hilts 10:00 ant, — Both Sunday Schools meet. 1115 a.m.— Morning Worship at Maiii Street Church Sermon: "Sharing hi Christ- ian Worship" —1 Corinthians 14 ;We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the beauti- ful floral trinutes,- cards and many acts of kindness during our recent bereavement. Spec ial thanks to Rev. M. James, Dr. V. Gulons, Dr, D. Wilcox and Dr. Bruce Barton, Alas, Wally Wain and Billy. 10c wish to thank my many friends and relatives for the cards, visit n and treats received while a patient in South Huron Hospital And since returning Mine. Special thanks to Dr. W. R. Read and hospital staff. — Mrs. Jean Johns. 10* I wish to thank all those who were so very kind to us during our sad bereavement in the loss of our dear husband and father. special word of thanks for the beautiful floral tributes, doeations to Ineart Fund and Gideon Bible Society, to Dr. Stapinton who gave his assistance, the Hopper-Heckey funeral linme, Rev. Bert Day - nerd for his comforting words, the pallbearers. Hewer bearers ard the Staff a Women'S In- stitute and to all wile helped in so mans, wnndeeful ways. — Mrs. Wilbert G1anvil1 end family. 10c We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to those who help- ed remove the hay from the barn, to the ladies who helnen, to the Ender Fire Department and to those who have, belied since. Your ouiek and generous response avoided something md ucli morn isasterous.—Gre and Howard Pym. 10* I wish to thank all relatives, neighbours and friends who so kindly remethhered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in South Huron Hosnital and &pee returning home.—Wesley Witmer. lOnc We would like to say 'thanks' to the boys of the Exeter fire brigade for their promnt action to ottr call to our snop last week. — Bill Marshall, Cent Murray. 10* I wish to thank all my rela- tives, friends and neighbours who remembered me with cards, treats ad visits while was in South Huron Hospital; also thanks to Dr. Goddard, Mis's Claypole and staff.—Pn- nolph Becker. 10* I wish t� thank my many customers, friends win rela- tives who so kindly remember- ed me with cards and cheerful wisbes while I was a patient in St, Joseoh's Hospital aria since returning home. Your kindness was greatly annreei- ated.—Carl Radford, Crediton. 10* 1 would like to thank all those who sent eerds, Hewett and visited me while a patient in Victoria Hospital and, en niY return home.—Brenda Becker. 10c Our sincere thanks to all who remembered tin with cards, treats, visits and gifts while in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Din Ecker and the hospital staff.--Rolierta Temeleman and babe, Terry James. lone To all our friends, neighbors and relatives, many thankS for cards arid all kindnesses shown durink My 'recent ill- ness.. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered.—Kay and Emerson Penhale. 10* v Lutherans approve ads Approval of .a .$100,000 nevapapqrasivertising pr °gra m Latnienan. Laymen's Lea gu 11.0lighted. ..the' international convention, lattended by be Rev. ..Kenneth L, .Zorn pf /3,1,4"7 Rev. Zorn is the pastoral advisor of the Ontario District. of the, Lutheran Laymen's League. He was the former pastor of Zion Lutheran ..Church, • paahweed, and is now pastor of. a seven -month-old mianion. corigregatien•in ;Burlington. The eontreption met July 16: to 19 at •Wichtta, Kansas. Caned- "Preaching Through. the Prepa", the advertising Program will present positive Gospel messages in newspaper supplements.' throughout the United. States. and Canada, be- ginning on September 24. .The ads will offer without on various aspects of -.Christian ioibvninggak ..tion free boOlets. con- I tainlng additional information The convention also urged further positive Christian .ef- forts to oppose atheistic com- munism and. smut in publican tions, films and other Other resolutions supported the league's radio missions, its broad. program of Christian services., and its 1961 program, niette, "By Love Serve One Another", Topics from • • "' '„, . Whalen By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE Personal items Mr, and Mrs, Wilson Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence , Knight, Exeter, were Monday ! evening visitors with Mr, and. Mrs. Melville Gunning and Muriel. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamilton were Tuesday callers with Mr, and Mrs. William Morley Sr. Miss Avis Hodgins has ac- cepted a position with Northern Electric, London, commencing Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pullman and Mr. Wilfred Herbert at- tended the Chapman -Ferguson Wedding on Saturday at St. Luke's -in - the -Garden, Byron, with reception at Cobblestone Inn. Roy and Ronnie Pullen holi- dayed with Larry and Leslie Greenley recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis, Saintsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Pym and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johns and family, were Monday el/ening attests of Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr. Bobbie and Janice nlorley are holidaying with Karen and Gary Skinner, Centralia. Mrs. William Heather is a patient at St. Joseph's Hosn Sakai, London. Colleen Squire, Woodham. is! holidaying with Mr. and Mrs.. Norman Hodnies. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pullen, Gneleh, and Mr. and 'Nfrs. Frank Gunning visitad on Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen. Mr. Nelson Ashburv, °riffle, and Mr. and Mrs. C. nlillson, Clandebbye, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. P. .Seuire. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield attended the funeral on Tees. day of the late Mrs, Luther Rewcliffe, Exeter. Gordon H o d g 1 n s attended Leamington Fair for three days last week. Mr. Campbell Birtch, of St. Marys, spent a few days re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgson. Gayle Duffield and Carol Foster are spending this week at CIGITA s u m m. e r camp, GOderich. Mrs. Alex Baillie is a patient at .St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Brenda Ball, Si. Marys, spent a few days 'with Barbara Hodg- son. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pullen, WoedstOck, were Thursday visi- vtouristnwith Mr. and Mrs. Milne Allen Johnson, London, is spending the weekend with Carol and Mary Johnson. Sue Ann Squire holidayed last week with her aunt, Mrs. Mac Baron, Si. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klahre, Catherine and Martha spent last Week holidaying at Kin- cardine. Visiting for a day last week at the hone of. Mr. and Mrs. William J. O'Brien were the foinneins. bkothei• and sisters, Rev, Bro. Wilfrid, of De La Salle, Oaklands: Mrs. Mary MeNatila and Miss J e n 111 e O'Brien, of Toronto. O'Brien•reunion Mr. and nits. Wilfrid ,T. O'Brien and family, also Mrs, Onnrien's , mother, Mrs. Die - kens, of Kelowna, B,C., visited at the home of his father, Mr, and Mrs. William J. O'Brien. recently and during their visit a family reunion was held at SPringbank Park, London. A variety of entertainment, sports and a picnic dinner were en- joyed. Those present Were: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid O'Brien, Wililam Laverne,. Catherine, I< a r e n, Wilf .1 r, , of Kelowna B.C. ; Mr. and Mrs. Toni O'Brien, Don, Pat, Linda and :fancy, Mr. and Mrs, Leo O'Brien, 'Michael, Gary, Nancy, Debbie, Suzanne, Catherine, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Carroll, Sandra, Claire, Karen, Mrs. Jim Adams, Bob- bie, Tothrtiy, Joey, Mrs. There. aa Pate, Patty, David and Phyllis, all of Landon; Mrs. Mary Newman, Madeline and Maureen, MrS. Alice O'Brien, Wayne, Rosemarie and Jimmy, of Windsor; Alphonse, Toron- to: Mr. and Mrs. Alan PeterS, Oaktrille, And Mr. and MrS. William O'Brien, Whalen. DISTRICT REUNIONS cLaren, picnic The reunion of the McLaren clan was held at Ihn ,home of Mr. ann. Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, %Valiant St. an Sunday AO. gust 6. A Program of sports was di- rected by Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Mirada and MO. Alex Mel3ea at. Lorne IVIeNaughton, Cum, arty, was named president for 1962. Secretary - treasurer is Mrs. Wes Yowler, Hensall; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Ellinville and Mr. end Mrs. Bob Bell, Kippen; table committee, Mr. and Mrs.. Glenn Bell, Hensel', and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Me - Beath, Kippen. The 1962 reunion will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Ben, liensall. The story in By MRS. HERER DAVIS En. .... • . . : •-• • ,nn,""n•ninsi Mr. and Mrs, Bob Davies and family, Strathroy, were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee. The Greenlees were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels, Aylmer. Mr. and ilrs. Harvey Latta accompanied- Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Latta, of Lannon, on a holiday trip to Manitoulin Island over the weekend. • Messrs, Wayne Carroll and Cameron Davis were pests of Wayne'saunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins. Gode- rich, for several. days this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll and Mr, .and Mrs. Heber Davis joinecl them on Wednesday and the boys re- turned home with them, Miss .roan Barker was a guest this past week with her cousin, Janeen Firth, London, and Stephen Firth spent the week with Gary Barker. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dobbs were guents at the marriage of -their friend, Mr. Gerry Mof- fat, of Kippen, at Ridgetown on Saturday and spent Satur- day night with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil O'Brien, Rondeeu, and on Sun- day took a cottage at Grand Bend for their holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson entertained Mr. and Mns. Adel - bort Morley, of London, 'at their cottage, Grand Bend, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Howard MacDonald, Lucan, to Detroit on Saturday to sae the ball game. Heather visited her cousin, Miss Gloria Myers, Lan - clan, and Michael spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Goorge McFalls, his grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford, De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. Don Downs and Dianne,. Lucdn, and Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis were Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll. Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Abbott and family, Whalen, were Sun- day guests. with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dickins. 'Mr. and Mrs, Jim Mugsford, Lucan, Were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis. • Mr. 'and Mrs. Allan Tindall, Wiartoin visited with the for- mer's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tindall, Sunday. Mrs. Herman Atkinson and Mark and Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson, Sandra and Darren were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Wein, Hensall, and had Mr. Joe Kemp, Lon- don, and Mtss Shirley Atkin- son as Sunday evening guests. Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Guilfoyle, London, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee, . ....... Deichert reunion On Sunday, July 30, anneson- imately 75 persons gathered, at the home of Mr. and 111r$. 430T1'edrgonatr.ilegliaillgrItilat c211e.Wrtaltroen- Afternoon spells were con- ducted by Mrs. Shirley Keller, Itg 2 Dashwood, Results of the races were: pre-school, Eliza - bath Deichert; 5-6 years, John Elligson; 7-9, Margaret Ellin - son; P-10, Allan liohrters 11-12, Lester Hohner; 13-14, Boger Keller; 14 and over, Ress globs ler; Men's wheelbarrow, Fred Deichert and Elgin Keller; boy's, Roger Keller and Allan Ilohner; men's three -'legged race, Allen and Ross Eichler; boy', Roger Keller and Tommy Merner; softball throw, Dorothy Greb and Roger Keller; wom- an's kick the shoe, Phyllis Deichert; woman's race, Marg- aret Deichert; driving the nail,: women, Rath Greb; men, Allen and Wilfred Eichler (tie); pea- nut game, men, :Ross Eichler, women, M rgaret Eichler; guessing contest, Ross Eich- ler; mystery box, Clara Deich- ert. Other prizes were wars by: youngest bay, Jamie Learn;; oldest man,Alfred Pfaff; 30Tduensgt e lat. d r rDs Donna Elligson;iehler ; woman with most grandchil- dren, Mrs. Victor Deichert: man with most sons and grand-. sons, Mr. Peter Deichert; couple married 30 years with anniversary closest to date of picnic, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Pfaff, ! no, .. .. 111111111311.11111111111.11,111111.111111111113111M11111131131111111111111111131111M1111111111111111111211111/111ffilInTI Tho TionesAFIvocatoi &Mut 10/ 1941 Pop. 15 Pelehert, repelled lbat during,' ed, all, tJch, to bolittlhe, *seven births, three weddings ,Ottests ,attonded th ae pimxto the paetyea r there had been t1.06.0214 Tzeutiorliodini, awt _1Z:es n.A.(1 itswew° eCtAthsutive mr7a$ elected. Dolli.voed, London, PowirAwg* They are; president, Mr, Earl New if mburg, Xi-tete/4er, ppichert;. vice-president, Mr. Straf9rd, 11, egx•ew 13x Bev. Llndonfield; neeretarY, bageli. nn, batirel)e DeiciLehrte;r4ntres.aosrutr; commo_ tvENTs convenora, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Eichler, r. George Deichert: ' " lunch convenor, Mrs. Wilfred PICNic for all families a th% Eichler. 441 invitation was received relir atSIPRI15v:rVieNNR'911P113.4ks t°4g from Mr, and Mrs. Earl Peich- day Afternoon, August 13, rifle nenalans.....sneeneenemense.....enenemenanall11111111111!IllMIMWHMPIWIRUM Ste The Western Ontario T rfAs 014131 n See Live Steam Engines In Action August • n. Er, 19 1961 On Stewart Hunter's Farm One and One Quarter Mil East of Highway No. 40 at Corunna, Ont., Canada nn..nn'n FIVE MILES SOUTH Or SARNIA nsnonsa Steam Ermines Threshing Veriovs Separators ,s.nns Baker Fan — Hamsner Mill — Poem Engino RainZ- Wood Sawing -- Model Engines — Mull! Threshing c'etles"" Antique Cars — Other Attractions A Prize For Oldest Thresherman On Grounds On Saturday Hobbyists Brine Your Models Admission, Men $1.00, Pain Un Members, Wemen & Children Free Food Available : Free Parking Newest couple, Mr. and Mrs.; Keith Keller. smallest emmie 1113131111313111111110143111011111111113111111111.1111113111111.1111{111111111111111111111111111111111MM111111111111110*N; Mr. and Mrs, Max Learn; big- gest couple, Mr, and Mrs. Claire Deichert; family com- ing furthest, Mr, and Mrs. Max Learn and family, Petawawa; largest family present, 2Ir. andl Mrs. Victor Deichert. The picnic supper was served by Mrs. Harvey Hohner and her committee. A short busi- ness meeting was held, con- ducted by president, Mr. Edgar Elligson. Historian, Pet e Clandeboye - Continued front page 14 grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bayley of London. Mrs. Alvin Cunningham re - 1 turned from a visit with her daughter and family, Mr. and • Mrs. Jack Manson, in Simeoe. Mrs. Florence Cunningham, ef London, visited her sister- in-law, Mrs. Alvin Cunning - been and other friends in the • vicinity last week. New residents to the village include Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snideler of Moosejaw in the; Murless house. He is With the RCAF at Centralia; and Mr.! and Mrs. Peter Rowakkers of Delaware to Arnold Lewis', house. Mr. Rowakkers is with the NuWay Motors in Lucan. The Clandeboye Womene's Institute held a successful home baking sale on Saturday at the NuWay Motors show room. wnies rovein The tra, Ltd., lint rf,1 wx. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY — August 10 and 11' "One Foot in Hell" '. "'Si (Colour) Alan Ladd — Dolores Michaels ,.•:: .,..- = • (ONE CARTOON) • . ', ..-... .7. SATURDAY AND MOi'iDAY — August 12 arid VIA "Dog of Flanders : (Colour) (S David Ladd — DonaidCcorpise) p , 4Sci t: • ' E. . 7 t (ONE CARTOON) * ,, * * FREE POPCORN MONDAY NIGHT FOR THE CHILDRE!.! Before 930 p.m. ; ;II TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY' August 15, 16„ 17 and 18 . r. _ ..:•.. "Eimer Gantry" -,......, ,.,.0 Academy Award. Winner (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) 1 ns, (Colour) III 1ZR: Burt Lancaster — Shirley Jones • • ,s min and min. milliard Har., .41113111MS .............. I ....... 11111t111111111. .... 31111131113111111111111/111111111113.1111111111111.011M .... I . Iflt llllllll ness of Sylvan Lake, Alberta ' Cecil Carter and other friends, FEAT visited Mr. Austin Rice, Mr. here. Mr. Harness attended SS No. 4 school McGillivray and. resided here over 50 years ago. Use a fertilizer higher in nitrogen if corn planting time is nate this year, suggests Tom Lane, soils specialist at the OAC. For example, use a 10- 20-20 rather than a 5-20-20. If you have already bought your fertilizer, additional nitrogen can be applied at the time of sidedressing; put on 25 pounds more nitrogen per acre than you normally would. Xing gyndiexto, 1:411nr4 rotertt girlo,rut plahning to use the car myself—tjtist to see if 1 staknOW how to drive:" DANCING Eveiy friday Night 10:00 to lt30 Bluewater Danceland DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock 'fa *�U, Square Danting-4oiri ust • RES EVERY 411 ..r.,•4414 • Starlite,;„- Drive-in Theatre 3 MILES EAST OF —,,... n GRAND BEND 2 Shows Nightly—Rain or"t_.f.r - ,--, -rr,--N First Show at Dusk;.,,,,, „,-- Children Under 12 in Cari.Free '4' Are SPECIAL FEATURE Aug st 10 to 16 .11.1,1.1• lY Mum. oil I ACADEMY A YARDS including RES PIC TIME "B.EST ACTOR" "ZEST DIRECTION" "BEST .1,ICNEATOBAPNY" "MST (cotosq ART DIRECTION" (goLoR1 "BE.ST MUSIC SCOP.E" snanW- ninsansans. "BEST \ SUFP RTING ACTOR" "BEST FILM EDITING" Ni "BEST \i SPECIAL EFFECTS!' \,/, "BEST SOUND" A, "BEST COSTUME" / tt. (00LOR) ONES. Plan To 14 4 k HTLY ttend Early