HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-10, Page 140 1, ry ,Pagg 14 August 10, 1961 ....11.11.1•1•11•10101. 112,44 ucan and district news • Phsm• aA 74255 Correspondent: Niles isirlit Abbott Virsr.= . SeneieWeee7eSesseeetee=eieerteesSZSes=eSeSeSeeSSeeeae=s1="441eltessees ' sesssessessesseesesseesse. ees 1 'Fire official Recreation • • Investigates News 1The Lucan volunteer firemen are getting plenty of practise t a1 e I Shortly after midnight., Sat. urday, July 29, they answered the sixth call since spring, one ;of which was at the Markin !farm, Of the other five, four were in buildings behind the Revington Meat Market and the filth was Murray Hodgins' i large hen house. Ali were ap- parently set onfire. 1 The first building, partially •hurnt in March, was complete- tly destroyed in the July 9th fire. The fire of May 21, which damaged the meat m arket, • • , apes me a se and 1 at the rear, was thoup,ht to thave been started by children NEW CNR AGENT letting off fireworks. That Joss was partially covered by in. W. H. Lambourn isurance but there was no in- surance on the other two ,BARNEY WELCH The usual Thursday mite roller skating will .have a spe- clal this week in the person of Mr. Ken Hurst at the Hammond organ. He comes here with a wide reputation as being one of the outstanding organists M these parts and we know every one will come here to listen to his fine music. The time and date for this event will he Thursday eve. ning from 8 to 11 p.m. and the admission will be 500 for sleet, ers, including skates, and 250 for .spectators. Children under 14 years will not be admitted for skating. The local Teen Town had a bay ride and weiner roast last Wednesday evening and a very good time was had by all. We hope to plan another outing in 1buildings. -New agent The last fire was in thevery near future. Bur riative 40'x60' cement stable, few Tickets for the Jim Reeves' horses had been kept in the show anow sale are on at yards away from the other ' burned building • s Valuable race When Luean's CNR agent, L. L. Jones was sent to Clifford this month, he was replaced by William Harold Lambourn from Hickson. Mr. Lambourn became an employee of the CNR at Clan- deboye, when Roy Atkinson was agent. From there he went to Copetown, near Hamilton. as operator and did relief work as agent for the next 10 to 12 years, until he was appointed agent at Camlachie, and later Otterville and Hickson. Mr. Lambourn is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lambourn, near Birr. He at- atended Birr school where his first teacher was Miss Lina Abbott, He is .ilimarried. ; Since the fire, Robert Kaufe man of the Ontario Fire Mar- eleingo winners i shall's office is continuing an Winner of the five dollar investigation of the incendiary . :consolation bingo for August . blaze and said: "We have a lot was Mrs, Ralph Genttner, of more to do yet. It's one of Exeter, the "Share the Wealth" those things where we may line prizes, Miss Shirley Gentt- have to sit tight and wait for ner, Exeter, and Miss Mary a break." :Young, Birr (who also won the personal items fifth bingo and shared the first Miss Merle Law, of London, sari of the consecutive bingowas a weekend guest with her te with Mr, Bill French, Whalen) sister, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, "-and the full card prize win building all winter so there was still considerable straw up- stairs. Mrs. Harold Me/rails, who lives next door to the meat ' market, gave the alarm. Fire- men worked all night and up 'till noon Sunday, leaving their wet uniforms on the sidewalk to dry. Abu t 3 p.m. they were called back as the fire broke out again. It wasn't until 9 pen. that the fire engine left the scene. During the fire hot coffee and cold drinks were served the weary firemen by Super - test. and Koffee Kun proprietors. The latter also served Sunday breakfast. arena and local ticket agencies and with the new PA system installed we look forward to a very large crowd for the big • show. The date for the show is Friday, August 18 at 9 p.m. Dancing as usual every Sal- t nrday night at the. arena. the L ucan persona items Miss "el° Chasm of the St. Thornas,EisigisAppndlOasi.)14talc, m eSite. Weehs' vacation At ber homehere, here. Mrs. T. C. McFarlane return- ed home on Wednesday from a six-week vacation in Edmon- ton, Vitoria, Vancouver and Calgary. Her friend. Mrs, A.. H. Rogers of Edmonton acs eompanied her on ber visit to Victoria and Vancouver, While at Vancouver they attended the wedding of Miss Gloria Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ran- dolph Fox, where Mrs. McFar- lane met a great number of her relatives—(a whole den of Flkxerss) t,.T, A. Hodgins, who is H a patient in VictoriaHospital iwnittphroavning. attack of jaundice, is Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford, of Detroit, have returned home Aatfrter and ui‘,eierks:D s vmacarotio ln nv';viotlfi Water St, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert. Stan. ley were among the e0 de- scendants of the late Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Fitzgerald •of Thorn. dale who held a Fitzgerald pic- nic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fawcett of Bran- ford, last Sunday, • Mrs. M. 0, Smith has re- turned home after three weeks at he: cottage and had as Sat- urday visitors Sgt. and Mrs. Al Boggs and two daughters from Sea island, B.C, and Mr. and Mrs, Lynn Sawyer of Petrolia. Mr. Smith has cern; pleted his work on Anticosti Island and Natashquan and has moved on to Matane, Que- bec. Alr, and Mrs. Sheridan Rev- ington and family and Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Revington and fam- ily were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, John Campbell of Toronto. The latter's daugh- ter Carla remained over for a two-week vacation with her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Campbell, Miss Margaret Sach, daugh- ter of the Rev, and Mrs. G. W. Sac.h and Miss Helen Hedging, • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins, are among the 131 students who have successfully completed their business course at Wells Academy, London. Miss Margaret Armitage spent the last two weekends in London with her friend, Miss Barbara Galsworthy. Mr. arid Mrs. Allan Tindall of Wiarton were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ab- bott of RR 1 Lucan and at Mr, and Mrs. Charles Tindall's cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. • and Mrs. Duncan Tindall and Melody of Listowel called on Mr. and Mrs. Abbott on Sun- day on their way to London, Mrs. Levi Darling celebrated her birthday in the Green Gables nursing home last Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Armitage of Lucan providing the birthday cake. Mr. Bernard Avery has ac- cepted a position with the Ex- eter Furniture Company and will not be going to Acton with the Keates Organ Company. He began his new duties Aug. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rirtch and two youngest children, Suzanne and George, from Lyn- wood, California, are visiting ;her' was Mr. Ted B id and family. r ger, ce d G • ' r, an Mrs. ecageYoung. Lucan. The second part of the Nancy and Sharon, and niece :consecutive bingo was split 1 Judy Coughlin, have returned 'among Mr. Benny Kelly and: home from a week's vacation Mrs. Jack Lankin, Of Lucan, t at Lion's Head. and Mrs. Lloyd Ford and Mr. i Airs. R. J. Sprague who re - Tom Smith of Exeter. Mrs. Henry Bieber, Clande- turned from St. Joseph's Hos- ' :boye, was the full card winner. pital on Wednesday followinga minor operation, was thrilled The second bingo was split t h h • 11 d o ear ei name ca e out a , Birr and Mrs. Olive Frederick, of supplies on the CKSL "Col - of Whalen. The sixth was split between Mrs. Cecil Neil of •fee Club" program. on Friday for shopping bag Lucan and Mrs. W. Edwards ' Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Patrick of Granton. and family, of Oakville, were Selo winners were Mr. Bob holiday visitors with Mrs. Mel Morley of Lieury, Mrs. Ken Culbert and f a in i 1 y. Mrs. Simpson of Ailsa Craig, Mr.; George Patrick who has been Roy Pepper of Exeter and Mrs. visiting Toronto relatives for William Mathers. Mrs. Harry the last two months, returned Bond and Mrs. Richard Davis, t with them, all of Lucan. i "Howard Rosecroft" chalked' Corbett-Meadd reunion wine Raceway, Deleware, last up two more wins at Brandy- - The annual Corbett - Meadd week. family reunion was held at the Mr, and Mrs. Billy Abbott C o r b e t t farm, McGillivray and family of Niagara were Tewnship, Sunday, July 30. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. About 75 members attended Clayton Abbott. Linda returned from Toronto, Guelph, London, home with them for a holiday Gorrie, Ailsa Craig, Parkhill, in Niagara. Denfield and Lucan. McLean Mrs. Glen Kennedy and Miss James M Vicky Eizenga of Lucan and dies from stroke Meas. Jack Arenthals of RR 1 Man, were co -hostesses at a miecellaneous shower held at A well-known London Town. thrlatter's home last Thurs- ship farmer, James Alvin Mc - day evening in honor of Miss Lean, 65, of Lot 17, Concession Erma Thompson of Lucan, 16, London Township, at Elgin - whose marriage takes place field, died suddenly on Friday, Angtist 19. • August 4. Mr. McLean who had been A decorated chair under the • 61me-work of a child's garden laid uo during the winter with swing, on the lawn formed the a heart condition was feeling , much better and able to help unique setting for the opening Nis son, Murton, on the farm, ofgifts, presented to the bride - On Friday he had brought a elect in large basket e carried, load of hay from the other rs, Arenthals read an ad -by a number of small girls. ' farm, lk miles distant, and «Mhad taken a broom to sweep she dress of coneratulatione which off the wagon when he ap- parently pre3ental to the' bride-. took a stroke and elect. Miss Patsy Young of London dropped dead.His son found Township and Mrs, Glen Khim a few minutes later, nedy nedy assisted in the reading Mr, McLean was the sell er of gift cards, while Miss Vicky the late Mr, and Mrs, Phoenix Ei zenga arranged a colorful McLean, With the exception of hat of the ribbon bows which two years in Lucan he was was placed n Miss Thome- bens and spent all his life at oe son's head for pictures at the hitete residence, conclusion of the gift opeo, I He is survived by his wife,- ings. the former Pearle Hodgins, There were over 50 relatives, and two sons Murton and Clif- and friends present, I ford, the former on the home Bride -elect feted NMS picnic Three members of the Uhiteril Rev. W. A. McAulay, Kirks Church WMS held their annual ton conducted the funeral serv- olenit gettlogether at the Mr.; ices at the C. liaskett & Son Ild Corbett; ancestral fart i FuntrAl Horne, Lucan, on Mon. Wednesday afternoon, ;July 26, ; doe August 7 with interMent with an attendance of 26. 1 in St„lamee cemetery, Clan. IV's. John McLean, Whesti deboYe. bine is still in Lucan but who, Pallbearers included Messrs', ie"--iiii th t f St, Thoines, gave a resume of my IVIcComb, Clarence Lewis, herSedtitiae there. She told of t Arnold Charleton and Lawrence how a day is spent in the cols Grese, 10,g;„by the girls and of the Mr, Aleleettil was a. member different nationalities eepre- c of Bier Anglieatt church, tented in the enrolment. Infant son dies Liken boy Injured ,, Gregory, infant, tett of Mt. Peter Culbert,. eix•year.old end Aire. Jibs Bawtenheimer, min of Mr. and Mrs. 'Mort Cul. Sarnia, the former Reed Maisie Bert of Franc e§ St, required Robb, Lnearly died Tuesday; four ,stitches on his forehead August 1. leg Wedneeclay when he fell Funeral services Welt held off his brother's bicycle. With at the D. J, Rebb funeral both local doctors away, Peter borne, Sarnia, on Thuraday, I had to be taken t� South; :Huron August 1 with interm t i farm and the latter at the serv- t ice station, Elginfield, e af of Alma College,: Rey Eril, Clayton 0 Neil, Tim- MOSpital for treatment, Lakeview ceintery4 en ni eee • HIS PIGEoNS WIN ... Tom Hardy, 12 Boy's bird wins race Competing against 25 com- bined lofts from the London and St. Thomas Pigeon Clubs, Tom Hardy, 12 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy; of Lucan. was the happiest and l proudest boy in the community! when his pigeon came in first; on July 30 in the race from' Cornwall. His father's came second and his grandfather's (Mr. Frank1 Mr. and Mts. Hugh Btrtch of Lucan and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Banting i and four boys, of Bowmanville, . Hardy) sixth and seventh. This was a grand climax to the race on the previous day from Georgetown 'erhen Tom's pigeons came fourth and fifth.' his father's first, second and third, his uncle, Mr. Norman Hardy's twelfth and thirteenth i Were weekend guests with mr, '1-14-DoleNrcts; tGhe"C\IV"cell3e7Jtitnilgy .279- Bid you recognize the It was Mr. \Main Herryhill's houe on Market St making himeligible for e five dotter purchase elf goods is'can has: libLentesl.peiacititlirerillknYd twom ovie- oanieras WOO u this PODteat, Miss Lina Abbott on Sattir- day celebrated her birthday by c!alltrecirstainsionngle 4tof'd vndLuaean friends who as children attend, cd S.S. No, 2 BiciatiPh, to- gether. Birthday gr e e t 1 n g s from other former school pats , read SM Darling and Don Cough- lin spent a week's vacation 1::eeitin")es a'sViiedseWeshrtYhte, "II 01 Mr. and Mrs, Harold Whyte, of 701Vg41,ere. ibarBI4veginse;thAlfgetitmh Matthews, sinciWrirnsi: Mr. John. Casey spent a few days last week with her dough- terandow, Mrs. Harold Hunter, of Mt. Clemens, Mich. misses Jean Coventry and Vera Hutchinson of Ingersoll were Wednesday guests of Mrs, Warner McRoberts and Sunday visitorsoplis.were 13 former Forest p Explorers attending the Unit- ed Church Camp Kee-mo-kee the week of July 30 were San- dra Abbott and Doris Culbert, while Marilyn Hearn, Nancy Park, Norma Davis, Cathie Mathers, Bobby and Marie Cochrane and Garby Fritz at- tended the week of. August 6. Mrs. Murray Hodgms, as di- rector, attended the latter week. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins included Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Stewart and. family of Kenora, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Hodgins of Owen Sound, Mr, Sam Earle and Marie of Woodstock and, Mrs. Jessie Lewis of Biddulnh. Mrs, Stewart and boys returned to Owen Sound with Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins and Mr. Stewart re- turned to his summer job at Si, Johns', Quebec. Sunday visitors at the rectory included Mr, and Mrs. George Thorne, Fred and George of London, Miss Eva Lancaster of St. Marys and Miss Grace' Brown of Ingersoll and Monday visitors were Mrs, Florence Selman of Woodstock. P'aul Hodgson, Parkhill, has returned home after spending a week with his grandparents, 1 Mr- and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson of Alice St. LAC (Bud) Cooper and fam- ily, who have been holidaying for the past month with Mrs. Cooper's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Smibert, and other rela• byes, started back on their long motor trio to Cold Lake, Alta., last Wednesday. Mr. Henry Hodgins of Prin- cess St. is now a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. A, Eedy motored to Collingwood and Penetang for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. King left on Saturday for Oakville where they will occupy the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ambrose, while they are away on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grose! and Mr. Lawrence Grose, of Toronto, are spending the sum.. mer at their farm, formerly, owned by Mr, Ernest Guest, ; They were Wednesday callers.. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Ken -1 drick have returned home from a week's vacation in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins were Sunday guests of the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Walter Fitz- simmons of Thorndale and on Miss Lino Abbott. Ilrtre,11r1"m""r News of Cl an ebo e M pi, PATON retessessesessesseeeeeetes—essesetree< Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Ray Simpson spent the holiday in Windsor with their parent, and Mrs. John Measor and Mr. and Aire. John Simpson, Guests with the Hendrie feels tly on Saturday were the Rev. is. C. Harrison and Mrs, Har- rison of London and on the hol- iday, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Down- ing, Karen and Joan, of Chat- ham. Cpl. A. J. Boggs and Mrs. Boggs and daughters of "Sea Island, B,C, arrived at Tree - ton by plane where they were met by Mrs. Boggs' lether, Mr, Murless Mrs, Boggs plans to spend two months here with her parents, Cpl. Boggs left on Monday for Camp Borden where be will be taking a dcoausi'll..s.ew.iath Mrs. Eleiilv Tomes, A nd Airs. Gordon Mains and Miss Elizabeth spent Sun - Mr. and Mrs. Mains have pur- chased a store at Russeldale where they plan a grocery and service. station and have taken up i o ow mg the sale of their business at Dorchester they stored their furniture in the village here and spent some time at their cottage at !near me, Mr, and Mrs, J. 11. Paton on Sunday visited their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Logan and Mena, who returned with 'them for a few days. Miss Elaine Hodgins, while playing ball, broke a bone in her left hand. It is improving and she has resumed her work at the London Life. after spend - Church Activities Anglican Mr, Larry Lewis, of Granton, presided at the organ Supday, July 30, and Mrs. E. 0, Lan- caster on August 6, On the former date, Mr.. Erwin Scott reported on the board of management meeting of July 31 when ways and means of meeting the expenses of the recent church repairs had been discussed. There was no sermon. The rector was in charge last Sunday but he and Mrs. Lan- caster leave on vacation this week. Mr. Ray Simpson, of Clandeboye, will take the ser- vices for the next three weeks. United Church The Rev. G. W. Sach is on vacation. Mr, Keith Wildfong, of Birr, a layman at Metro- politan Church, London, took the service on July 30 and the Rev. E. E. New, of Monkton, on August 6.. Pentecostal Holiness Church Rcv, Roland Harrell took the services on Sunday, July 30 before leaving for a two-week vacation in Carolina. The for- mer pastor, Rev. Ronald Hal- ley, London, was in charge last Sunday. There will he no Sunday School, or church services next Sunday owing to the camp meetings at Arthur. Helen spent; the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Art Damnester of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cob- leigh, Ilene and Coralyn have returned from a two weeks' motor trip to Hazelcliffe, Sask.. where Mrs. Cobleigh spent her childhood. ,•at ' ing a week's vacation At Grand 13eAsrldi'ses Cheryl and Sheila Wilkens, daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wilkens of Lon- don, spent some time ,with. their Nevelyns.witsses Elizabeth d an Mr. And Mrs. Jim Sigsworth, Helen and Billie, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Saunders at Lucknow last Sunday. Mrs. Mack McDonald of Mt. Carmel spent a. few days with the Sigs- worth :tensity last week, mAtrantioran Aglaratiniedssvosn, A1.00.111tcleatptet: Ben Mathews, and son of Wm, E. Mathews formerly of Den. field also visited the Sigs. worths. Mrs, Iiin Wright and son, Gerald, West AleGillivray, brought him to the Sigsworth Iii.olitinres.:3,1:ey took him to Lon. don where he left. for home , viAsiftressi withMr.bMr. and r)AfIrLse.11Adleenr: vin Carter last week, Mr. and Airs. Carlyle Carter and Mill- mie, of London, spent the week, en , too, Mr. Spray, Parkhill, has fin. ished painting the vestibule of St. James Church and the cemetery fence with aluminum paint. R looks well against the dark red color of the church, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Latta en- joyed a trip to Nashville, Ten- nessee ever the holiday, Miss Barbara Cunningham spent some time with her _please turn to page 15 CtIVR,q1 NEWS Ati .4.81reS. At St. JAMee. Church .Sunday., ,August fi the reetor, the Rev E 0, Lancaster, gp.rldt;ctoo. the. Holy Communion service, :with A good .attendance. Announcement was ,in a ti e that for :the three. following, S undays the .services will be taken by Mr. Ray Simpsna )vhile Mr, Lancaster is me Vae eatiee. The annual memorial: .and, decoration service will be held on .September 3 at 3 pm. et St. James Church. U nited Church At the United. Church on Sun- day, July 30 Mr. Wilfong took the .service. On SIMCIAY, Att, gust 6, the Rev. E. E. New of Merikton, ,Ctit,, presided. The pastor, the Rev. :q. Iv, Sach, on vacation, The services for August 13 :and 20 will be withdrawn. Baptism At St, James Church on Suns day,„Itily, 30 in the afternoon the rector, the Rev. E. O. Lan- caster, administered rites of baptism for :Kevin Clarence, son of .Air.. and Mrs. Clarence Carter with .godfathers, Mr, John .Simpson„ Kirkton, and Mr, Peter Banks and Mrs, Peter Banks of Sarnia, god, mother. Following the service the families were entertained by Air, and Mrs. Clarence Carter. Guests were Mr, And Mrs. Ken Carter and Miss Patricia Cart. er, Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Simpson, Mr.. and Mrs. john SimPeon and children of.Kirk. . r ton and Mr, and Mrs, Peter, Banks and Cindy of Sarnia, - $9. • , (••• .'"etVelessee KEEP WHEELS TURNING SMOOTHLY! Prolong the life of your engines with Imperial Esso Lubricants • Marvelube • Essolube HDX • Mineralube • Mobiloil • Esso M.P. Grease—and other high quality lubricants for all requirements. GEORGE VRIESE EXETER ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST • NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT Pack Jackson, Ohio, and his Electric Organ) VILLAGE INN Home -Cooked Meals, 32 Mo. dern Rooms, Automatic 5 -Pin Bowling, Hotel Fully Licensed GRAND BEND PH. 148 1.1=11•11•••••••••••••• ERSMAN'S BAKERY ON HOLIDAYS AUGUST 14 TO AUGUST 21 Inclusive EXETER PHONE 588 Compare and you'll see why we sell so many ROGERS MAJESTIC TV'S Low Prices — High Quality SANDY ELLIOT 444 MAIN ST. EXETER MacMillan's Painting By Number PICTURE SETS EA $1.49 PHONE 37 EXETER PHONE 110 25 8mm Movie Cameras Given Away Free!! ZIMMER'S RADIO & TV SERVICE TIEMAN'S Hardware & Furniture Plumbing * Tinsmithing Coal * Electrical Work Oil Furnaces * Cement PHONE 8 DASHWOOD ADMIRAL & ROGERS MAJESTIC TV Service To All Makes Of TV, Radio and Aerials PHONE 4 DASHWOOD THE SURPLUS TOOL STORE FOLDINC BED TRAYS 3.00 MAIN ST. GRAND BEND GRIFFIN THOMAS Furniture Lowrey ORGANS Authorized Dealer Open Evenings to 9:30 PHONE 137 GRAND BEND SHEEPSKIN RUGS Beautiful Colors Regular $16.95 $11.99 DINNEY FURNITURE PHONE 20 EXETER EXETER ELECTRIC COMPLETE LINE OF MARCONI TRANSISTOR RADIOS 7 New 1962 Models Price as low as $24.95 for a 4"Trarisistor Radio, Model 450. 462 Main St. S. Phone 723 Is this your home? sit.% tee St et esse e See, s „te, „sessesseseerseeigitft. If you live in this house, call The T•A office (770) and you will receive FREE a $5.00 purchase order good at one of the places of business shown here. WIN A KODAK BROWNIE 8 MOVIE CAMERA yes, you too might win a Brownie Movie CaMera. Simply visit the stores listed here for your free Coupons. EVERY STORE will give away one free camera MAKE SURE YOUR COUPONS ARE IN Centralia Farm's Supply Ltd. Now! Complete Line of BUILDERS' Hardware. CENTRALIA AC 8-6942 Last Week's Winner W. H. BERRYHILL Luck's, Ontario Centralia GENERAL STORE PEOucEb PRICES ON SUMMER DRESS COTTON FLOWERED SEERSUCKER 490 YARD Frank Osborne, Prop. AC 8-6816 CENTRALIA DOERR'S Groceries Quality Fresh Meats Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Chinaware Open Fri. & Sat. Nights PHONE 140 ZURICH Gingerich's SALES AND SERVICE Electric & Gas Appliances Plumbing Heating Electrical Contracting Eiectrical Repsititig ZURICH SEAFORTH Phone 585 Phone 34 Silhouette HAIR FASHION CUTS — SETS TINTS — BLEACHES PERMANENT WAVES Open: Mon., Wed. & Fri; 9 a,m. to 6 p.m, Tuesday and Thursthiy 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday Til 3 p.m. EXETER PHONE 658 Radford's GENERAL STORE MIRACLE 32 -oz.. 66c WHIP jar 2 14;°,7; Jars 43c CREDITON Picnic SWEET RELISH 2344334 COMPLETE DRUG STORE 1 SERVICE Radcliffe bRUTS J. S. Radcliffe; Phni,B RA 7-4792 LUCAN Don Smith SERVICE * Tune-ups * Road Service * Welding Goodyear, Firestone Tires Front End Service' RA 74274 LUCAN