HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-10, Page 5ti
Noe 5- .Aygo0 190
nd „district news.
eAree Maucle Heacion, Phone,
.Mrs „ Archje telacpreoori ,PhOno, 56.
• . - I**
4 • • ^ 4 q • h. 4 .
•• - • eee eel eeee a a....e.eletaieeeeeae.e.eiieatettereee. Megalereetereireel,
Choose winners
in hobo parade
A parade of 50 hobos from
the Bensall playground pa-
raded upMain street Thurs.
clay morning, August 3 at 10
p.m. with a splendid array er
various hobo costumes high-
lighting the parade,
Preceding the parade Suz-
anne Kyle Ives chosen queen
and Danny Cameron, king, in
the 10 -year class, and Susan
Broadley was selected princess
and Alae WUliarns, prince,
the under 10 class.
A barbecue dinner of pork
and beetle, French bread and
freehie was served to the chil-
Trip to West Coast
.Mr. and Mrs. Cordon
Schwalm, Pats y, Barbara,
- Charles and Marjory, returned
Baine on Monday of this week
Ireni A three weeks' vacation
to the West Coast visiting rela- CARMEL MINISTER
lives at Port Arthur, Regina,
Rev D. R. MacDonald
Lethbridge, Alta, and Peach,
lahtl, Victoria, B.C.
On their return trip they
wee', sightseeing at, Vancouver
Stanley Park, Banff, and Lake'
Louise and passed a man 30
miles north of Parry Sound
pushing a \theelbaTTOW to To-
While in Regina at the home
of Mrs. Schwabe's sieter, their
eel, parked In the driveway
wee broken Into and robbed of
a transistor radio, two flesh -
lights and reading glasses.
The interior of the car Was
ransacked. A sweeter belonging
to Gordon Was lotted in an
alley a short distance away,
and the lining of Charles'
hockey jacket was completely
tinned out.
They levelled some 7,000
miles by motor.
Wm. Buchanan
district farmer
; William Buchanan, :Hensel].
82, died on Tuesday, August. 8
in Clinton Public Hospital
where he had been a patient
for the past four months.
He was born in Tackersmith
''here he farmed, making his
/ 'me in Hensel
He was a member of Ben-
gali United Church.
Surviving are one son, Keith
lauchanan, Hensel; three sis-
ters, Miss Margaret Buchanan,
And (Jessie) Mrs. George Atm -
strong, Hensel]; Alia Mary
Buchanan, Toronto; one broth-
te. Samuel Buchanan, Hensel',
and four grandsons. His wiee,
the former Ethel Fulton, died
41 years ago.
The body rested at the ton -
theme Funeral Chapel where
public services were held
Thursday, August 10 at 2 pan,
with Rev. Currie WirilaW
ficiatthg, .Burial was in Ben-
gali Union cemetery,
Holiday at Cape Coll
Mrs, Pearl Shaddick and
Mrs. Inez MeEteen, who re-
cently returned from a two
weeks' vacation at Cape Cod,
Mass., report a delightful holi-
day travelling over 2;000 iniles
by motor in which they enjoyed
a boat trip to Nantucket Is-
land, toured thrOugh Provi-
dence, saw acres of &either -
ries, visaed Plymouth where
the Pilgrims landed and saw
the May Flower, the boat in
which they cresied the ocean
to come to Canada.
They were accomnanied by
Miss Elvira Churchill, Toronto,
and Meg. Norma Churchill, of
Dwight, Ontario,
Leaves for Texas
Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Smith
entertained at a luncheon last
week, to honor Ben Johhston,
who is leaving :for a new posi-
tion m Texas. General Selo
Manager of General Coacli
Works, Mr. Johnslon is being
transferred to the patent cem-
pany, Vought ledustries
at Dallas.
Trip to B.C.
Mr, and Mrs, Laird
Bob and Ann, returned home
the beginningr of last week Aft -
A four and hall Weeks' Mo,
tor trip through the Weet.
They left home June 211 and
drove through the States as
far as Glacier Natiehal. Park
Where they spent three daye
and then on up to CAlgety
spending four days telchig in
the Celeary, Sterepede, leering
the city and visiting relatives.
Banff was their fleet dere,
then ort to Lake Louise and
Field, 1.4.-C, They returned to
Lake Louise Arid drove 'from
there to Jeeper. They epee",
theee clays in Eilleohlen and
two in fiteederi. and 4114o were.
through e g i n a, Saskatoon,
Winnipeg and oh td Vert Wit -
linen and. Port Arthur.
Prom there they drove a
round elle northern slime de
Lake &Maim' And Sea; Ste
Mettle, thee down into Mani-
toulin :Wend where thky anent
three days At Lillie Catrerit,
touting .thesland: and fishing,
They Crossed over .to Tober,,
toory by boat &tell Bey,
Monne taking three Ilours, then
t Was the first time Mr.
\1»t,t elid renert 4 fitic trio, and
Mrs. Mickie ever heel'
:g 'And „Okeellent. highways nearly
New pastor
for Carmel
• Rev. D. Ross MacDonald,
Who has been. called to Beheall
Peesbyteeiali Church, etrived
here by ear an Saturday. '
After completing high school
Mr. MacDonald attended Pro-
vincial Nomal College in
Truro, N.S. and taught school
for three years, lie graduated
in arts from Dalhousie Univer-
sity, Halifax, N.S. and in the-
ology from Presbyterian Col-
lege, Montreal, He was min -
_her of St, David's Presbyte-
rian Church, Springhill, N.S.
since 1058 and was there dur-
ing the mine disaster in which
75 men were killed.
Mrs. MacDonald, the former
Nancy Seaton, is a graduate
nurse of Brockville General
Hospital. They have two chil-
dren, Ruth Anne 21 years old
and David Allan, 13 months.
They will spend a week or
two in Brockville at Mrs. Mee -
Donald's parents' home before
taking up residence in Hen-
On September 8 the Huron -
Maitland Presbytery will in-
duct Mr. MacDonald into Car-
mel Presbyterian Church, Hen-
sel. He will begin his services
on September 10.
Personal items
Mrs. Pearl Case, London,
was a recent visitor with Mrs,
Elsie :Case.
Mr, Ross Christian, Bramp-
ton, spent the weeke.nct with
Iii s parents; Mr, and Mrs. X.
K. Christian,
ilev. Currie Winlaw occupied
liis own pulpit on Sunday morn-
ing last basing hi $ thoughts
from the text "Ye Must Be
Born Again", Miss Dorothy
Parker was S.010.1St. Union serv-
ices continue all this month at
the United Church.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gibson
and Bobby, of Sudbury, are
vacationing with the latter's
patents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
MeNaughton, Cromarty,
Miss Dena Kiefer returned
to Toronto after a three-week
vacatioh with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Mc,
Clinchey are vacationing for
two weeks at Manitoulin bleed.
Mr. Thomas Jolly returned
to his Miele in Exeter on Sal-
erday alter a year's visit spent
with relatives in Saskatchewan,
Mr, Jolly is the father of Mrs.
Cecil lelpfer.
Timmy Hoy, or Poet Albert,
is speeding a week vacationing
with his brother and sister -1h -
law, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence
Hoy, Ronnie and Gary,
Maas Siebert, RR 1 Sebring -
vine, was the lucky whiner of!
tha LOBA nd LOL $50 build-
ing fund d
-raw which took
piece at regular meeting of
Murphy LOL 710, at Clinton,
V.V.M, Cook drew the lucky
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay,
Pamela and Sheila, of London,
Weee weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. John limelerson aild
Mies Margai et Smith and
Mr. Richard Tipping Laridote
spate, the weekend holiday with
the latter'e parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Alfred Smith,
Mrs, AIbert Shaddick,
tn, was a guest Thursday with
lier eielereirielaw, Mrs. Peel
Your library
- -
-Continued from page 4
aiithoritatiVe guide for the •
In the letroductiort the ettillot
etates "A. beautiful wedding
emetiree pifieinog, organization, .
Anil a then heed et tile hat
--, yours,"
The book inductee eo-to-the-
niihute ihroernetion oe ellgege-
mente, wedding cereMorty,
ception, Meek, floWete, photo,
&eel% bride'e oftd grooin't
ektienses, paretitS' tele, your
Beet borne and your wedding
An. -Added reatute conteihe
tinietabies Mid worksheets td
entree that every dare] of the
eilgegeneent anti Weddirigeedee"
Maly is prifieeree, etheduled
Week Mit .setestattelly.
Fourteen girls
at Guide tamp
Fourteee Girl Guides teem
Hensel]. left Sunday le spend
ten days at llttrOnla Area Girl
Guide Calete, Keewaydini
miles Werth' of Godetich,
The Gleides attending the
•Camte art: Christine Cameroe,
Bonnie lapetele Cheryl Little,
Bother Reid, Lynn Faber,'
Mall, parte, Cathy Scant Alm
Suzanne Ramile, Linda
Noakes, Marcia Nancy
Kyle, leloea Lee Johnston and
Lois simmons.
Seven -leaf clover:
should be "kicky
Ilareld Parker, has
leen(' A seven -leaf clover end'
August should be his luety
Ile reported multi -leaf clo-
vers in abundance and sale
thAt there were literally hem -
deeds or four-leaf clovers in
the ',etch from which select-
ee lie seven-leafer.
t,PililaeYtivelan'talggecly Bert's s°11Senil;Plais 131Dn+str 1;1 ilsn.
Personal Reins
A family picnic was held
eireday at the summer cottage
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonk 1 -
eon at Tent/eters, north of.
Grancl :Reed. Attendieg were
Mr. and mrs, William Grosser,'
Mr, and Mrs. Ernie leellebeet,
. • .
. • .
DAYid and Beth, Toronto; Mr.
And Mrs, Ross Sararas, Karen,
Allan, Gary, Diaee and Donnie,
of Crtomarty; Mr. and Mrs.
Roy eleDorield, Staffa, and,
Mrs. S. Sarara $, Hensel'.
Twenty-four sal, (loWn to p10'
nic meals,
Mrs, J, E. McEwen, accom-
panied by Mrs, Ross Baugh, of
Croditon, attended the play
"Henry VIII" at the Shakes-
pearean Festival, Stratford, on
Hensall personals
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Campbell
spent the weekend holiday in
Craig Chapman returned
home after spending the Week-
end at the home_ a Mr, and
Mrs. Clayton Ellis, Clinton.
Messrs, Jerry MeClinehey
and Bill Brown spent the :holi-
day weekend at Menitoulin Is-
la/0 George Sangster, of
liemiltort, visited with Mr. And
Mrs: David Sangster and Mr,
and Mrs. Len Noakes over the
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pea-
cock and family, of Ottawa,
visited during the past week
with Mrs. Peacock' S mother,
Mrs. Grace Harpole. She ac-
companied them back to Ot-
tawa for a two-week visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell,
Pauline and Ann returned home
from a pleasant motor trip as
far north as Hearst,
Mr. Red, Mts. Edgar McGee-
ehey are holidaying et Man-
etotein blend.
Mr. end Mrs. George Parker
end Mr, ,aticl Mrs.
Baker visited last week with
Mr, end, Mrs. Dori MacLaren
In Cooksville and spent the
Weekend in Batavia and Niag-
ara Falls.
'Miss Marion Bell, of London,
Visited over the holiday Week-
end with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Glenn Bell.
Mr. Ron Broderick, 4:Y.t Kitch-
spent ithe wekeild with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gar-
field Broderick and Karen.
Mr. and Meg. Gerey Rennie,
Toronto, visited'e:eiVr the
Weekend with the forrner's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Seen Ren-
Mr. David Ingram, Who has
spent the past two years in
Western Canada, returned
home this week and is:visit-
ing with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Ingrain,
Mrs. Edea Corbett visited
during the past. week with her
son-ineew and daughter, Mr,
and Mrs. Jim Sang:gee, arid
Mr. George Ottcrbein, of
Preston, visited last week with
his father, Mr. William Ottet,
beel•nir.. and Mrs. Torn Robinette
and daughter of Peterborough,
England, are speeding the
Mrs. Rebell Cook aid CAr-
olyn visited last week with 'the
forrner's parents, Mr. and Mre.
N. Hildebrand, at Wheatleae
Mr. ancl Mit. Don joynt Arid
fainily, 'Mr. and Mr. Carey
joynt end son, of Bethlehetii,
Pa., are vacationing ea Seethe
Mr, and Mrs. Erhie Bubbert,
Mr. and Mee., Earl Sararas
and family, Tototite, were
weekend visitors with Mrs, S.
Beth Sataaas, Toronto, Who
hes heti spending the past
three Weeks 'with her grand-
mother, Mrs. S. Sarafas of
ewe, and with her •aunt and
wide, Ale, arid Mrs. Bete
Setaras, Crdnialey, rettirned
home on Monday.
Mt. Peed Kennings is spend,
ing .nionth's holidaye with
d u ' d • ' ,
Mr. .and MM Lloyd Redder'
and .family at Ste Cetherlhos.
Me. and Illee, Cook and
Carolyn have returned Item
holidaying at, Olive .Lake, hear
North Bay. •
Mr. Sim Roobol left Settee
dey, August 5 Dern Montreal
by jet for Atheteedate, Hellelid,
to holiday with his parents and
relatives and join his Brite at
Oud,Beyeele Rolland , Wile
it on -vadettrin 'timed lid OR,
beets td kettiell August 25,
Mts, Robert McKenzie has
tainted rift& spending a Week
holidaying fit Turnbull's.
Met. Alberta Matadi, Mr,
and Mrs. Deleted Weekinen,
Mrs, Ileytee, Mr. Ate
Mr. Cecil Dewsee, Mr. and
Mrs. Attred Moffatt ,Attended
the Mee:fall-CAM Meet" wedding
at Northwood Veiled Chtleth,
fleet Chatham, SaintdaY,.
gust 6. N.
Mr. and Mee, 14. r. 'Cook arc
edeilitienitig At Liortee Heed old
ether piedes.
lotto Seeattlea of Cromarty,
has been visiting with her
grandmother, Mrs. 5, Satatte,
Reeve V. L. teeter and
-Councillor him R. Soldati ot
Thy township were itt Toronto
Theteday 011 blisiiidet,
Mrs. N. P. 'Wettoilete tt
Pontiac, Mich,, foritieeey of
itcnsall, itheempanide by hr
Reed Thursday ,With Illea Arid
Mee, C. L. -Sinks,_and eelled
ti Monk Melte Villege,
Mrs, E, Mitinti and daughter,
Mrs. Doe Gooding and family
oE Parkhill, are holidaying at
Shad!? View.
Mr, .end. Mrs. E, L. Linden
field oe Norman Beights, Gland
Bend, Miss Aida Steacy, To-
ronto, Mrs. Lena Whitelaw of
Aurora, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Tberopeoe, Hensall,
were Thursday guests with Mr.
lAnt Mrs. John •Soldae and farn•
Hy, Parr Line.
INoma are holidaying at Sbadie
Mrs. Peerl Passmore and
I Mr. and Mrs, John •Soldan
and sons Patrick and 'Michael
vacationed last week at the
Heppler cottage, Lonely Is-
laiid, Oliphant,
I Mr. acid Mrs, Laird Mickle
spent Saturday in Itidgetown
on business,
Mr. Harold Hedden and jim-
my, of Dresden, visited over.
the weekend with Mrs. Cathee
i and Herb
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Reich-.
ell and 'Mr. arid Mrs. Glenn
Weido recently spent a few;
days in Flint, Mich.
Mrs. Alex Shorthouse is visit-
;ing relatives in St. Catharines.
Mr. James A. Paterson has
returned after spending a week
with Mr. and Mrs, E, L. Ore
weirs in Montreal. He 'also vie-
' ited in Kitchener with Mr. and
Mrs. 14. W. Brenkholt and
month of Augest with Mr. and
Mrs. Robinette is a 'sister of
Mrs. W. 0, Goodwie and Mary,
Mr. Goodwin and this is 'their
first visit to Canada.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Alex -
Ander, David and Susan.. er
I Georgetown, were weekend
) guests with Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Alexander, The former is
a nephew Of Mr. Alexander.
Miss 'Mary Goodwin has re-
, turned froin a week's vacation
at Sliadie View.
daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Williams and family of
Mr. rand Mrs. Howard Scene,
Mary and Cathy, have returned
after spending a tivo weeks'
vacation at a summer lodge on
Lake Bernard, near Stmdridge,
Mrs. Henry Gackstelter who
spent several weeks in South
Horde Hoispital, returned home
last week,
_estate Planning
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5% Guaranteed'
First Mortgage
Rctirement Savings
Plans for
Real Estate Services
100 ptOtiffil diteitiloii, colt
Ontoio, Phone 51
bite& mid Agent:lea
throughout Canada
Youth enjoy
N.P.RMAN 1,..QN4
South If u r n n Youth for
„Christ held their annual chic-
ken barbecue _Saturday eve-
efeg the home :of Mr. and
Mrs. Elm Mousseau with
about 150 people in attendance.
A sing -song was enjoyed by
the young people and Mr. Ler-
lee Stuekee, of Witighain) was
guest .sperileer.
Pelmet items
Mr. and Mee. William. Bell
and Mr. .and Mrs. 'Campbell
jeyre enjoyed a few doe halt -
days in Northern Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. •Stog-
del] of Toronto and. Miss Elia
Wright of Kennelworth visited
-during the week with Mrs.
Stogdelee brother .aed sister-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elston
Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Jim
accompamed Emerson as far
as Midland and Barrie where
they enjoyed a few days last
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert
of ilarriston visited during the
week with Mr. and Mee. Nor-
man Dickert.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper
Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
McBride sped a few days in
the Muskoka district visiting
Sharon who is spending the
summer at Bigwin Inn, Lake
of Bays.
Mrs. Margaret Johnson, To-
mato, spent the holiday Week-
end with iter brother, W. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Cornish
and family of Goderich visited
Saturday evening with the lat-
ter's father, Mr, Robert Tbom-
Mr. and Mrs. James Arm-
strong of Staffa visited during
the week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Long.
Mrs, William Gibson, Wrox-
cter, is visiting this week with
her son-in-law and. daughter,
Mr, and Mrs. W. L. 'Nellie.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Banes of
Clinton were pests on Sunday
Mr, Dean Brown, Greenway,
visited Saturday with Itis
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Einar Mousseau
Stuart Brown, Greenway, is
holidaying this 'week with his
aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs.
E. Mousseau.
Mrs. J. Howe, Woodstoek,
visited over the holiday with
her sister and brother, Miss
Margaret and Oliver MacKay.
Miss Margaret MacKay, who
has been hospitalized. several
weeks in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, returned to her home
on Saturday.
Kippen resident
buried Thursday
Mrs. William Workman -died
at her home in Tlieeeersinith On
Monday', jade .l4 in Jur '86tb
Site was the former Isabelle
McGregor, the eldest daughter
of the late k1r. Mid Mrs, Due -
Cart McGregor •of replica.
Mrs. War/email spent her en-
tire lite in this area. Her bus -
band died six years ago.
Surviving are ane son, Win-
ston of Kiepen, and a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Lloyd Bowerman of
Listowel and one grandson, Bill
Funeral services were held
..on Thursday, July 27 al the
13onthron funeral home, Hensel],
with Rev. IL Johnston official:-
ing. Burial was in Remelt
Union Cemetery.
Pellbearers were neighbours:
;Messrs. Alex 'McGregor, Archie
Hoggarth. Jacic Sinclair, Aerie
'13innerklye, Alien and Wilson
eremeer. Flower bearers were
John and Douglas eleGregor,
WI stages
family fete
'. Staffa Women's Jnstitute held
•a community :picnic in Seaforth
Park recently with a good
crowd in attendance. Races and
games were enjoyed by all,
'followed by a picnic supper.
Results of the races are; girls
under 6, Dianne Miller; boys,
elininy Pullman; girls 6 to 8,
Gail Agar; boys, Allan Sara -
'roe; girls 8 to 12, Bonnie Mil-
' ler, boys, over 12, Bonnie Mil -
poison relay, Mrs. Gordon Hog-
•garth's group; tie relay, Mrs.
Roy McDonald and Carter
Flood hop, Kennie Cameron,
thread the needle, Mrs. Carter
Kerslake and John Coleman,
rope couples relay, Mr. Rey
McDonald and Carter Kerslake;
standing broad grin, Ronnie
Miller; eight -legged relay race,
Kennie Cameron and Eric Ross;
I stepping stones, Joyce Kers-
lake and Erie Ross.
i Institute member who has at-
Mrs, Alice Keen and Mrs.
Celia Ewasick, of Stratfordi
were weekend guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Elston. Dowson.
"There was no need for this,
dear—I was coming straight
Hear Cort„ ,o
MISS Jane ThrSell of Alberta,
whohas spent seven years as.
A .missionary in the Congo,
Addressed p large gathering in
the Sunday Senna room •of the
on Sunday evening.
Sh Also showed a film strip.
doscrtptive of the eieuntry and
her work among the Congolese
The meeting was held under
the auspices of the CC,IT,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ruesell
.end elargaret Jean are on a
-motor trip to the east 'coast.
Mrs. Jack McGhee, Jackie
And Judith .of London spent
the weekend with bee parente,
Mr. and mrs. Otto Welker.
Mrs. Robert ,Gardiner, Shir-
ley, iArborp., Brenda and Ree -
aid are holidaying thie week
At Begus Beech near Gederich,
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Speare
of Torontu are holidaying this
week with his eister, Miss
Olive Speare.
Mr, -.Jack McGhee, acorn -
peeled by his father, Mr, Roy •
McGhee, and his sister, Mrs.
Watcher, or Strathroy, attend-
ed the Old Bey's Reunion at
Mr, -arid. elm Robert Ramie
ton and John and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert ,Gardiner, Brenda and
Ronald visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Currie of
Miss Ina Scott of London
spent the holiday weekend.
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Scott.
The annual "Neighbors" pic-
nic was held at the Pinery on
Thursday with around 40 in
tended the most picnics, Mrs.
Ruby Reed; oldest lady pre-
sent, Mrs. Lyle Worden; old-
est gentleman present, Mr.
Leslie Harburn.
A busload of Staffa ViTomeres
Institute. members and friends
attended t h e Shakespearean
Festival and the Avon Theatre
in Stratford recently. Those at-
tending reported a very enjoy-
able evening.
Personal items
Mr, Sadie Payne, Moose Jaw,
Sask., who is visiting relativeS
in the community is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London.
Mrs. John Templeman and
baby son "Terry James" re-
turned home from South Huron
Hospital on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Norris
and family, Brampton, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nor-
Terry and Robin Daynard,
Floyd Dow and Kenneth Binge
ham are enjoying a trip to the!
eastern provinces.
'Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris
visited recently with relatives
in Toronto and Brampton. 1
hlf4sopo from
Mr. and Mrs. DoxiAl
awl,. Toronto., sept the le)
weaned with Me. end
Newell Geiger and
Mary Monson Ate. 34am.
Douglas Mannan is rttwriag
home wklt his parents, Ztr.
owl Mra. „Manion, after
dQielitaur4s.Yian:gc141111.11:"Ily idier;e1141'4413fle°6Pe.
with friend s 'hie 1:0,nity.
Mr. Ilugh ldcBrfde, London,
is Spending a week's vaeation.
with Mr. and Mrs, Stay Me-
jIrido Jahn,
many of the MeKellar con-
nections from this distriet At-
tended the T411210,11 in Seaforth
gn Sunday.
Visitors with Mr. and leire,
Alex Gardiner on Monday were
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moore-
head, Kimberley and Scott, of
Rostock, and Rev, William and
Mrs. elooreheed, Heather. POP -
fila And Graham, of leingetele
Neve Scotia.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Gillesple,
Margaret and Anne and Mr.
Greet, of 'Cornelia, visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, T.
Mr. and Mrs, Bel Chessell
and family of Stratford visited
on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Laing and family. Mise
Margaret Jefferson of London
is holidaying at the same
You don't need to be
wealthy to enjoy delicious
MILK. These hot sumrnee
clays, it's ttrand refresh-,
• • , „ • „
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(eieeeeeei.e.....a.e. •
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A GlriNkRAL eteTeele Vetere
"the Car Kin �f Huron County'
PoOtilic A iluick VaUxhall 4 OW Truckt s Redford Vbits
lemee 6618