HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-10, Page 3ri 8 Fines exceed $300 >•. iiqiQr, traffic Magistrate .Glenn )lays levied.. you don't .seem to indicate fines totalling $315 on twalthat you have". liquor -charges and 11 speeding rltses in a relatively short ,two; .Daniel. Vincent, RR ;2 Grand Send, received a fine of $75 for impaired driving which re - .tour coItr session. here Tues- suited in an accident that in - day morning. jurect a passenger in his car, John DavidChalmers, :Blyth, his brother, which .happened was .tined $70 and costs of ,2n the 14th concession, of lily $15 60 .on two charges ;of pur..townslrip. chasing liquor without a :licence When Mr. )lays learned .that and havilg beer in .a place the accused was 68 years old other than his residence. OPP he asked whether he felt he Constable Don Westover testi- should stop drinking. Mr. Vin - fled that he found Chalmers cent replied "1 suppose," .Slumped _averthe wheel of his whereupon the magistrate AS - ;ear, which contained two ear- sorted: "Your brother is in. tons .of beer, parked on the the hospital and all you can side of the road between Ex- is is `suppose' yeti should stop eter anden, .'" WW'hen 'Magistrasallte Hays. learn. Thedrinkingmagistrate was lenient ect it was the .third time •in the in his sentence when. he found past year that Chalmers. lead eut from. Constable Westover been involved with liquor he that Mr. Vincent was .a hard - Warned him that "you'i'.e head- working man and had a good ing right back to jail," refer• reputation in Grand" Bend. ring to where Chalmers bad: Roth Chalmers and Vincent been sent on a ,previous oc- pleaded guilty to the two easier!, liquor .charges, Magistrate Hays said.: "With Magistrate Hays assessed a wife and .child I should think lines totalling $17Q in 11 speed- you would have grown mental- ing cases dealt with during the ly as well as physically but brief court session, Six holiday crashes but 'mums are light $1,000 to the industrial devel- Although provincial police re- ported six accidents over the Civic Holiday weekend, the toll, was comparatively light, Only one person suffered injury. Charles C. Amos, 41, RCAF Centralia, and Robert ICarfell, 24, Burlington, collided at the corner of No, 81 and the Cre- diton road Monday, causing damage of $700, Both vehicles were travelling south on 21 when the Amos car made a left hand turn and was struck by the Karfell car in the act of overtaking. Car driven by Mrs, Audrey .T, Green, 35, Andrew 9t. suf- fered 8200 damage whenit went into the ditch on No. 4 just south of the Centralia vil- lage road. Three cars were involved in a series of rear -end collisions on No. 21 just north of Grand Bend, Monday. Involved were James L, Freeman, 45, Tren- ton, Mich.; Lester Heywood, 17, Exeter. and Edward M. Kral, 28, Kitchener, all travelling south. Damage exceeded $600, Only 'accident reported Sun- day involved Raymond J. Du- charme, 17, Zurich, who struck a parked ear owned by Pear- son Motors Ltd., Zurich, on No, 84, a mile east of Zurich. Da- mage was $300. Marwood Prest, 41, Exeter, had xa tendon in his left hand. severed. Saturday when his car 'struck one driven by Mrs. T. C. Pfrimmer, 53, RR 2 .Bay- field, on No. 4 at the Centralia village road, Both were tra- 'veiling north and the Prest earskidded on wet pavement into the Pfrimmer vehicle. Grader hits car Thursday, a grader driven by George Clark, 62, RB, 2 Mrs, C -e t Usborne native Mrs. Luther Rowcl'►ffe, :67., Andrew St., Exeter, died suds denly at her home .on Sunday, l July .30, l She was the former Aleneda ' Coultis, born in Usborne Town - I ship, daughter of the late Mr. I and . us, a t' ollnwiMrsngHenry Coiter marrttiiage in Luther Rowcliffe, they farmed" near Elimville until retiring to Exeter nearly 10 years. agu,. { She was a member of James ' Sereet United Church, ar mem- ber of the WMS and Hurondale Wonten'a Instl.tute.. She is Survived by her hus- band. Iier only brother, Nelson Coultis .died three months ago. Funeral services were -con ducted by Rev. R. S, Hiltz at the Hopper -Hockey ,funeral home on Tuesday, August 1 with interment in Exeter.ce- metery, Pall bearers were Arnold Lindenfield, R. E. Pooley, B, M. Francis, Charles Allison,. Harvey 1?'erkjns end Frank King.. Town council Continued from nage 1 Was informed by the high- ways dep'1 that it would be to expensive and ''toohazar- dous to construct a sidewalk on the east side of the bridge over No, 4 highway. Approved payment of $300 toward the annual grant of Dashwood, backed into a car owned by James Turrell, 69, Oshawa, on the Mt. Carmel road just west of No. 4. The grader had stopped at the railway crossing and backed 'up to lift its blade. It struck the Turrell car, which had come to a stop behind it, causing $150 damage. Sat., July 29, cars driven by John Kinsmen, 33, RR 1 Cram - arty, and George Shields, 25, RR 1 Bensall, collided on the county road east; of Hensel) with damage estimated at $700. The same day, oars driven by William Westlake, 56, RE. 3 Exeter, and. James Sayers, 22, RR 2 Dresden, crashed on No. 83 causing a loss of $525. Fri,, July 28, a truck driven by Cecil L. McNall, 30, RR 2 Holyrood, suffered. $500 damage whenit went into the ditch on No. 4, one mile north of 83. Reprt three crashes Town police reported over $500 damage in three accidents over the past two weeks. Saturday, a ear driven by Robert Soutthcott, 95 John St,, was struck in the rear by a truck operated. by Bruce Dyke - man, 18, RR. 1 Centralia. The accident happened on Main SI,,. near Simcoe, where the Souttr- cott vehicle had stopped to make a left hand turn. Tuesday, August 1, the brakes failed ona car owned by 'Miss Verna Coates, Edward. St,, and it struck a car driven by Gerald Keller, 34, Dash. wood, at the corner of Albert and Huron. Damage was $200. Oars driven by Sylvester B. Taylor, Main St., and Gilbert Dow, 29, Wellington, collided at the intersection of Nos. 4 and 83 when it was struck by the soutibhound Taylor car. Negotiate agreement in subdivision dispute An agreement toward settle- ment of the council-Whilsmith subdivision dispute has been reached but council. indicated Monday night no building per- mit will be issued until offi- cial approval of the road has been received and the plan re- gistered. Council learned Monday night that Contractor Arthur Whit- smith had formally agreed to the town's requirements but with reservations. A letter from the legal firm of Done)- ly, Donnelly and !Murphy, Go- derich said: "It is expressly understood that Mr. Whilsmith does not agree to the townrequirements but •as a matter of expediency he makes this concession in order to immediately obtain a following: Three objections "Mr. Whits m i t h has in. atructed us to point out the lowing; "1. That the road in his sub-, division is superior in quality 'Compared to roads constructed by other subdividers in the niu nicipality. "2: He objects to the road costs for theextension of San- ders St. being fully levied against liim. "3. That other subdividers in the Municipality have pro- ceeded with more houses on their properties Without being compelled to register t h e i r plans before obtaining building permits." (The .latter paragraph appa- rently refers to Mayor Poo- leg's development on .Herron St. cast for which a plan has never been submitted, The mayor has contended that he is not required to submit a plan because all., services, in - chiding the .road, havd been provided.) After Iasi council meeting, at which Mt, Whilsmith was rep- resented by .1. ill. Donnelly, council received a letter from Engineer II M, )toss indicat- ing ntdre gravelling and grad- ing was required on the road before it could be approved. Mr. Whilsrnith Was also re quired to pay the, amount of 5,887,75, representing building permit and culvert construe• tion costs,. and to ttndertake "tri forthwith register his subdivi- :ion plan," Awaits app,ovela Council ttiemhera reported" Tuesday night that at least Polite work lead been dolts On the road. However, they de- cided to take no action until official approval was received from Mr.. Ross. Upon its re- ceipt, however, couneil in- structed Clerk Packardto write the De'p't of Commerce and. Development indicating the town's requirements have been met. This Should expediate ap- proval of the subdivision plan when it is submitted by Mr. Whilsmith. Council agreed that no build- ing permit would be issued until approval of the plan had been received from Toronto. unuamm.unu,nuuu uuuuumuumi4 Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wed- nesday afternoon and dur- ing the evening through- out the week, Hunter-Duvar Ltd, mMunnuitMlimitmOMOMMliliiiun,iu,i„!. EXCELLENT CHOICE OF DESIGNS AND TYPES Times» Advocate opment corporation. Learned that construction of sidewalks has begun, Approved /payment of insur- ance premium of more than $3,200 to W. H. Hodgson Ltd. under the new comprehensive protection plan which includes all municipal bodies and ser- vices; Approved building permits to Guenther - Tuckey Transports Ltd., 'Main. St., for the •addis tionof a body shop to its gar- age and an extension to its of- fice; Exeter District Co-op, for a $16,000 warehouse; Tom Vickerman, for a house on Pryde Blvd.; Fred Walters, house on Thomas St.; Cecil Wilson, Edward. St., extension to 'south. side; Donald Cooper, Anne St„ extension to porch; John Schroeder, Huron St„ ad- dition to utility room; Miss Do- rothy Davis, William St., ten - ovations. FAME canvass —Continued from page 1 canvassers from calling on farmers. "Some people are wondering why they haven't beencalled on—we just haven't had time,” he revealed. "I don't think we'll have any I trouble reaching the objec- tive," Mr. Love predicted. "Most farmers . are prepared to support this organization." Mr. Hemingway indicated another canvass will probably I be conducted the first two weeks in October. FAME is the meat -packing co-operative launched by the hog producers to embrace all !livestock farmers. APPOINTED DEALER Drysdale Crest Hardware Ltd. Hensall, has been appointed the Frigidaire dealer for Exeter and community, after the deal- ership was voluntarily sur- lrendered by Snelgrove Electric I at the end of July. The Drysdale firm has been Frigidaire dealers in Hensall since the company began ma- nufacture of household appli- ances. "SOLO BEACHCOMBING ,WASN'T MY - IBEA "I guess one can learn to love But if you weren't buying all those INA 'package' insurance policies from my husband, • he'd be right here with me now, As it is, Tom spends even his otf- hours convincing people that there's .no better, no more ecos nomical protection than the Homeowners policy invented by INA. "If you happen to be near. 'tied to an insurance agent, and he gets sfarry-eyed about INA policies for home, car, business ,and life, learn to de your beach- combing alone, If your husband isn't in insurance, he can just huy an INA Hdmeowners Policy, Save himself a tot of money .. . and yeti don't have to hear about it all the time." INSURANCE BY INA NORTH AMERICA Roma ntea by Joe E. Gunn rHOME 2344311 CRFDiTON sate' Mold rate Stephep: the tai payers is the •one4enth Mill increase in the county levy. The general township levy of 8.1 mills remains the same, AS #'does the township school .area rate of 11 :mills. The separate school rate hasbeen raised from 13 to 1.5. mills. `1`wschool..sections will pay more this year. The levy for $SS 4. foes alp ;tit 11 mills, the Al* of .Stephen township] ratepayers will pay about the, same taxes as last year as a result .of council's: 'budget gleet-; ing August 1, Only increase affectieg allf 'ry :�'q, nuF !�,(' •I. 1i`•R. *....+ rl[u..xi; n ve w.e..... ..� 1.,,,. :*.,_i .1.1.4x.' •, i I • z r l o the " same �� the .� for _ areal a �' 1r< vo to N .,q, ca ust which the section will Join to " tnR; Iglug 101, 9$X Pias" ,January, USS 9 iateter has Centrals, is 15 mills plus' -.... mss, ,.,_..r. :risen f'.rom 162 to 20.1. 'mills be. free for dire p5temills plus cause .of the .increased oosts at Exeter public school, three for township rate. SS 11 rate remains at 1:1,5; n is 1,4 mills lus the i Credito p USS 17 and 18 !McGillivray at three -mill tow'bls'bip .rate 9.50 and US$ 1,3 .and 1.5 lily, Dashwood as 15 mills plus the x2• three-piW township rate. The three police villages will The commercial rate is two pay the saline rates AS last ,)mills ,over the farm and real year, dentia'1 levy. telir » OUT G FRIGIDAIRE PAIRS! 1961 DDAC DRYER. ...,.,,,i,ii,.,,,,.Ai„t,i,.i.4 $229.95 BOTH FOR - 1961 WDAC WASHER .............. ....a,.. ... ., $329,95 (Exactly as illustrated) 1961 CUSTOM IMPERIAL PAIR Dryer $379,95 , Washer $479.95 DI -61 Dryer WI -b1 Weste.. REG. $429.es DD -051 Dryer WD -451 Wisher eriEG.i369.95 $559.90 And Your Washer MOTH FOR $S95 $859.90 And Your Old Washer REG, $299.95 $219.95 WITH `f'RADE $289.9 5 *193.00 Wins TRADE *259,95 REG. $249.es FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER Model DWDTE Deluxe Square Portable Regular $279.95 NOW ONLY &217 Save the sales tax, too! REMEMBER, SERVICE FOLLOWS EVERY SALg AT DRYSDALE CREST HARDWARE, HENSALL Giganti.: Sellout! Exeter Franchise Changes Han s • Drysdale Crest Hardware of Hensel! has taken. - over the Frigidaire Franchise for Exeter area-” from Sneigrove Electric and has purchased the Snelgrove stockat sellout savings, now passed on to you! Prices include free delivery plus full guarantee. BUT HURRY, ONLY ONE MODEL AVAILABLE AT THESE SPECIAL PRICES iN. MANY CASES. Rang French Door C F sb m- Imperi l ange Big 23" Pull 'n Cleats' oven, loaded with luxury --- features, Reg. $399.95. s 22" FRIGIDAIRE RANGE Regular $169.95 .. . $146.001 22" GLASS DOOR RANGE Regular $179.95 . ..., $156.01.- 22" DELUXE RANGE, Clock•Timerr, Utility Drawer, Reg, $219.95 .......,,.,, $169.00 • 22" DELUXE RANGE, Clock-fiitner, Utility Drawer, Glass -in -Door, Reg, . -- $229.95 ... $179.00 30" DELUXE RANGE, Pull 'n cleat, oven, Clock -Timer, Glass-in•Door, Drawer, Regular $339.95 $259.95. 30" DELUXE RANGE, Clock -Timer, Utility Drawer, Glass -in -Door, Regular $309.95 ........, $239.95..- REFRIGER iq1-25 MODEL FDIIC-61 Cyclamate[ 11 Cu, Ft., No defrosting, Zero Freezer, Regular $369,95 ....... NOW $299.95 MODEL DAII.61 11 Cu. Ft, Refrigerar, Regular $295.00 NOW $219.00:- MODEL 219.00:- MODEL S9C-61 L-1 DOOR, 9 Cultic Foot Regular $279.95 NOW $179.00 MODEL FDAII Cyclaniatic 11 Cu. Ft, with Large Freezer, Regular $369,95 NOW $75.00 MODEL Fi-13TC-61 Deluxe 2 -door Refrigerator, 10 Cu. If. Refrigerator and 2.5$, Cu, Ft. Zero Freezer, One Only, Reg. $509;9$ , NOW $359»biO ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE i'bUR TRADE 1N Drysdale Crest Hardw Phone 11 Frigidaire Dealer Hanoi!