HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-10, Page 2Page The Times-Ativecate August 10 1161
IH'a-y cancels
• 4146 s.ervice.
Town o_,:lics
personal Detre 9f infereaf, I n ond Aro m n gl Exeter
Mis Fh&abetb Sims of Pott .1• Iltor Orenelittk spent the Ilast
T.' two weelo attending the '1.1Icrap,
age La Prairie, h. an„. .
gentling tWo.week vaeation Air. -and, Mrs. Jack Frayno,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alm $arnitt. visited with
V. R. Sims, town. .t.he formers parents, Mr. and
Miss Ruth Ales.ander. .town, 'Mrs. .ClaYinn Fynen them
• • • d To, return from a tJV to the east
turned home by piano after Pian Celine at Acton, Qatari°,
will be transported to the Zur- 64etAr TIM04."'sdvocalp 01waye „pe a *a silalish ittons. A..nd, Miss 'sobet
lett School for the coming term, Wo anti 014r reader• are interested in yao .aoa yoer Wends. Phone 770. 1°At-n^ 141t ley Plane an. SnIlda"v1 1:°14tetatts thnectragarla-"!
pppils front SS 1.4,, Hay,Qast
1%tenall4di sQofinsemntoelitisti,toit Zwtairs' . . ...„ tti°vglind Nt7\aviillcoNvut'veeircs.. wtth relalemnatsultr ore h-caldaYs•
decided at a meeting of HAY Sunday visitors with Mr. and! Mr. anti Mrs. William Wal -
Township Semoi Area Board. Mrs, et* Love and Mastrice liter of iPeg tvgitedulasfit
In the transportation of pupils ears, LetstedeeMrr,sMQr.UatInrItalilerrs.' kv.'fiyetorwilMroeerticreirastive—i°Yin
the. pest the board hes paid. were Mr, an
froin the section who wished. to Roy nosi,re, ,pert Huron, Mrs, London and Toronto prior to
attend the Ilensall Public Helen Jeyee, Loraine, Ohio, Mr. Walker's transfer to Ed-
Sehool. The elation fees in Henn Mr, and Mrs. ,Aaitilb., Jacoen,liniurtonanwolleAll*e. tiled
salt were paid bY the parents pittseure, perm, et
The hoard's decision means and Glen*., Mre', r- Here'er with s, 'Oete'ree
Qt the children. Greb, and. $ ecai Greb ton spent the weekend at Honey
thet any parents in the eastend ban Plile, Zurieb, Mr. and Aim dleton.
their children to continue going Bead, Mies Spill Riebie, Park- Mrs. Charles Harris and Deb -
of the township, who. still wish peter Ramie and node Grand
to Hensel], must assume ell re- hill, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth We Jana nr,,,14,,ndarl aPierint. a
sponsibilities themselvee. e
eew (says wee Air. ano, ....as.
Secretary of the board, H. W. Greb and WaVrie, Centralia.
Brokenshire, was instructed •to nicklir" spaelltdlt Mr,
weekend 1,,<veitrh IVIAIlltia'sn. Pfaff.
Coates is in St.
ter, that his services were no Ain and elm R. j, Hammon 'nem she underwent an ap.
14nger •lieed0 to transport the and family,
-miens frem the ceased section .
adviee Staeley Saucier, of Bee. their dalrthter and son.in-law, Joseph' Hospital, L o n d o n,
eutnincicottage, on ca ey
Toronto, at their PcndeciolnY
of Brentford visited with the
ei i Mr. and Mrs, Charles Pearce
on Saterday.
to liensall.
Sot new rate Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Shier of -.ea c ' - ' 4 '
r teller's Miler Mr W C
advised all KirkLon were guests on Sunday -", cam On TuesdaY, ,
other school boards having ma- with .4 M• wit. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Witmer and
The board has 1 r, andis. i lam
eual training and home emus-
mic students coming to Zurich
School that the cost in the fut.
pre for tuition of these pupils
will be based on per -mmil ba-
sis, rather than be free. The
cost is .to be paid by the board
sending the students to the
V;;•.:ZW.i:—Grand Dena reeve ,141110,3 Dalton scored two firsts when he The estimated cost will be an:
wa$ elected to the top post of Lamlaton County in January. He becomes tile first PalcrinfloarteelYaciiSpasuplipberut asedhe%
ings in the new $2,800,000 county buildincrs in Sarnia He i^ shown in his office submitted by the }lay Township
Grand Bend Man to hold the post and also the first warden to preside over meet- nite bill for each board will be
with his official cape and three -cornered hat, —photo by 'Douglas Paisley
School Area Board.
Contract for transporting pup-
ils from the Babylon Line to
the Zurich School was let to
William Watson, at a price of
$1,700 per school year. Pearson
Auto Leasing Ltd., Zurich, was
awarded two contracts, one for
the transporting of pupils from
as c
e scores 'firsts'
When Grand. Bend's reeve, one year previous to his
James Dalton, was elected . lengthy stint as top executive.
warden of Lambton count' in' The popular real estate
, January, he said he "would agent also acts as Justice of
devote all the time and energy ' the Peace for Grand Bend, is
necessary in the discharge of a member of the Lions, an
his Mites." 1 honorary member of the
Dee to the fact that county Legion, and a member of the
eunc• onlye a 1 Grand Bend Catholic Church.
reonth, this might not appear ! The Dalton's have seven
to be sad a large undertak- I children, the three eldest being
frig, but Dalton bas been eon- 1 married., The family includes:
stantly on the go in his new Jim, 24, Betty, 22, Frank, 20,
duties, 1 Mary, 18, 'Dan, 12, JoAnne, 9,
. and Julie, 6,
"Presiding over the meetings •
isn't such a big task," he Pleasant trip
points out, "but representing i While most of the warden's
the county at various- functions I jobs are very tedious, Dalton
throughout the year will keep i will receive a one-week trip te
me bu,sy," i Banff in October to attend the
Dalton pointed out that the, Canadian Good Roads Conven-
1960 warden attended 325 meet- tion.
ings during his term of office i Mrs. Dalton will accompany
and "Mu running a bit ahead ' him on the trip, along with
of this " 1 the road superintendent and
the chairman of the 'roads
Ln •new building I committee,
Dalton scored the honor of i In pest years. the entire
being the first warden ,to be; road committee. have made the
eleCted in the new $2,800,0001 trip, but due tia the efforts of
county courthouse, and this i
has lead. to much of his in-
creased work. i
He has hem on hand to wen ' New pastor
several county councils, who , II
have made the trip to Sarnia at Dasnwood
come representatives from
to tour the modern surroand-
The warden has also had the Brought up on a farm in the
• • James 35 has assum•ed the
Ottawa district, Rev. Merrill J.
pleasure of welcomheg several;
wa en $2,900 per school year, and the
other for the transporting of
two county councillors, the students from the cast end of
number has been cut to curtail the area, for $3,500 per school
expenses. year.
"The ironical part is that
both these men are on the mend love to make the trip,”
road committee this year and Dalton jokingly explained,
the west end of the area for
e sees keen con es
— Continued from page 1 inente came in a speech he
Kelso Rob- made June 6 while laying a
Attorney - General
wreath on the grave of Sir
erts, 62, and Treasurer James
N. Man, 65. John A. Macdonald at Carna-
ge] cemetery near Kingston,
"B e sides the exceptional
men we have in the cabinet, "Perhaps as a chieftain for
many years of the Ontario
the party also has the greatest
talent in the legislature it bas party of Macdonald, I may
draw in a practical way ,some
ever had," said Mr. Bell, He
cited Huron MPP C. S. Mac- lessons from his life and from
his passing. This day 70 years
Naughton, James Auld, Leeds;
J. H. Price, St. Dayid; Bill Da- ago, there was created a great
void in Canadian political life
vis. Peel. Keith Brown, Peter -
which' took some years to fill
in the country and many years
within his own party. Looking
back in the light of history I
think we can say that it is a
mistake not to recognize the
physical frailties and limita-
tion:s of a human being and not
recognize that the building of
leadership is a constant pro-
cess. It, is always important
within our country and *within
our parties as to who can. take
over," he said.
"Perhaps today we should al-
ways keep leadership at all le-
vels in mind and that is one
of the things which speaks 'to
borough, among many others.
"They are all capable young
men — the party has never
been stronger."
Doubts clerk horse
Could a dark horse win the
nornination? "1 strongly doubt
it," the PC president said.
"The leader will likely be cho-
sen from among the cabinet
ministers being mentioned for
the post.''
Will Mr. Bell support any
candidate? "Up to date, 1 have
never indicated my choice and
do not intend to. I will re-
main completely eut r al
Thomson, Andrew
Mr. Thomas Jolly returned to
his borne in Exeter on Satur-
day after 0 year's visit with
relatives in Saskatchewan..
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eels=
and sons of Pembroke visited
with friends in Exeter and
Grand Bend this week,
Mr, and Mrs. Eldrid Sizn
mons spent last week on a
fishing trip on Key River near
Mr, and Mrs, La wr en ce
'Marks spent last week at the
Grundy Lake Provincial Park
on the French River,
Mr. and Mu. Robert South-
cott and family visited at Nia-
gara Falls, Fort Henry, Upper
Canada Village and Ottawa last
Mr, and Mrs. lean McLeish
of Arkona Visited their mint,
Mrs. Louise Tinney, Andrew
St„ on Tuesday and Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Fitzgerald of Lon-
don Township were Sunday
Mr. and Airs. Bruce Biggart
and Barbara.of Kingston are
visiting friends in Exeter and
Mr. and Airs. W. R. Goulding
ef London visited friends and
relatives in Exeter arid com-
munity, Mr. Goulding is impro-
ving nicely after many weeks
In hospital following a car ac-
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym vis-
ited Montreal, Lake Champ-
lain and Niagara Falls, last
Miss Betty Lee of the Exeter
Grill is visiting friends in Tor.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Traqualr,
John St„ have returnedehorne
from a five-week trip to the
Canadian west, They visited
with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John
A family birthday party was
held et the cottage, of Mr, and
Mrs. Glenn Fisher, Poplar
Beach on blonday evening, ho-
noring Mr. Clark Fisher on his
Mrs. Ann Shriner of _Bronx-
ville, N.Y., is visiting with her
brother W. C. Allison and Mrs,
Allison at their summer home,
Grand Bend and with other re-
latives in this community.
Mr. arid Mrs. Stewart Fuke
of Toronto, are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cochrane
at their summer home, South -
con Pines.
Mrs. Melvin Gardiner has
accepted 'a position with Jack
Smith, Jeweler.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Merk-
ley, tewn, and daughter, Shir-
ley, London, returned home
from visiting friends in North-
ern Quebec near Coneg as
Mines and Val D'or, and other
points of intetest.
Mrs. T. C. Coates, Hensali,
is spending a few days at the
home of Mr. Luther Rowciiffe.
Mr. Wilfred Turnbull, Toron-
to spent a few days with his
sister and brotherainlasv, Mr.
and, Mrs. David Millar.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Reeves
of Dayton, Ohio, are visiting
with the latter's sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Norrhan Heamen. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Heaman and
Jayne, Port Dover, and Mr,
and Mrs. Murray Rowe of Ail-
sa Craig spent Sunday with
government officeals and visit- , pastorate ,.e
at 'at EUB c h u r c In throughout the contest and so us now when we commemorate
- e i Dashwood el d
. He succee e Rev.
will the employees in the offi- the great life which passed
inge dignitaries. In April, is ' 12
- -' J. W. Gillings last month, , cal party organization." along 70 years ,ago this day,"
conducted Dr. Amasasp Arou
he added.
tunian; Russia's Ambassador i Mr. Jamshasspent the pa'st The 1,800 -plus voting dele-
to.' Canada, on an extensive 'Mr. Bell indicated the offi-
• three years at the Rosenthal
gates will be chosen,. as fol-
tour of the buildings.
charge, near near Bancroft. He was
During the same month, he , ordained in 1958 at Stratford,
attended a civic reception in Born at Strittsville, he quit
Sarnia for Canada's Citizen-
ship Minister, MrsEllen Fair-
school at the age of 16 to assist
. uhis father on the farm during
Other duties which tale l
dough. •M the war years. He joined the from one end of the county to sUnited Church and decided at
the other include officiating at
openings of various municipal Me
buildings, sod turning cere-
monies, fall fairs, banquelie,
meetings, and other special
"Most of these appearances I?
are honorary, and I don't have tyk
to do mech," Dalton stated,
"but I try to attend them all
if possible, and not hurt any-
one s feelings by attending in
one municipality and net in
Officiate at openirig
The new county buildings in
Sarnia will be opened , on
August 18, when Prime Minis-
ter Jelin Diefenbaker will
of f i c tate. Attorney- General
Kelso Roberts will represent
the Ontario government, and
evil assist the Prime -Minister
and the Warden in the ,cere-
Besides gaining the honor as
the first warden in the new
buildings, Dalton is also the
first man from Grand Pend to
hold the position.
Actually, the appointee et I, of
a Grand Bend man came much
sooner than it has to most
municipalities. The resort
marked its tenth year as all
incorperated village in the
county, while some municinali.,
ties have had to wait as long
as '44 years for the honor,
...Rev. M. J. James
age of 21 te prepare for
the mniilistry-
lows; officers, 22; district of-
ficers, 105; YPC district offi-
cers, 105; YPC ass'n officers,
6; provincial members and
candidates, 98; federal meni-
-bers and candidates, 83; rid-
ing delegates (14 from each),
1,372; delegates at large, 90.
Alternate delegates will num.
ber 3,193.
Announe'ement of Mr. Frost's
retirement was made by Mr.
Bell Aug. 2 at a press confer-
enee in Toronto. He read a
1953, he graduated from
Marion College, Indiaria, with
a BA degree in religion arid a
minor in Greek, He pastored at
Arnprior until 1055 when he ete
eepted a stedent charge in 1111.
In his first try, tWci years MS allow hint to
ago, Dalton finished runner-up
to 'Earl "Pat" Johnston, 'of
Dawn township, "The fact they
had never lied a warden for
35 'years gave him a slight
edge," the Grand Sod reeve
Representing the tounly'e
newest roueicipality, Dalton
defeated thite other men for
Evangelical Theological Sent'.
naryat Naperville where be
received his bachelor of divin-
ity degree.
ilis wife, the former Heide
Fletcher ,is a native of Wal-
tham, ouboe, She has a high ,
school teaching certificate, with
speciaiist's qualifications it mu-
sic, She is a graduate of Md.
the poet, The ()there Included Gill university.
veteran council members Mr. and Mts. Jatithe hAve
Reeve George LatiVitan, or three boys — 0; Orville,
13osantittet; Reeve Charles 7, and Paul, a.
YOung,f 7•Ineee, and Iteeve-- •
Sheppard MoCallum, of 8GM-
The fair e orisetvativee Vied
for the post in the: unwritten,
but .strictly adhered, to tradi-
tionc that sees the warcienship
alternate between. a donserea-
tine and a Moral each Year.
Veteran pforthet'
Dalton it nOw serving liit.
eighth term at reeve of Grand
Send And WAS tottheillor lot
tial resignaeion followed sev-
eral confidential conferences
between the premier and him-
Liberal Leader John Winter-
meyer almost seemed bitter
over the forthcoming leader-
ship convention. "Let's face
it," he was quoted in a party
release, "if the Conservative
party tries to pretend they are
in a position to 1111 Mr. Frost's
shoes, they are just whistling
in the dark! They know his re -
ter written to lumself as pre- ttreinent leaves them with a
sident of the provincial party vacuum, • and they might as
organization from the 65 -year- well admit :it, While some of
old premier. the Tory heirs could stand in
his reflection and shine momen-
Outstanding premier tarily with Mr. Frost out,
The OrCA president, told the so is the light!"
press conference that "It seems "The Conservatives enjoyed
so impoesible to be without a long tenure. not because they
Mr. Frost as premier that it is were a strong party, but be -
hard for me to believe that he cause they were a one elan
is actually going to quit. I find show! Now that the star has
11 most difficult find a blem- bowed out, the actors in the
ish in the career of Premier wings hardly know their lines,
Frost. He has been the out• let alone the leading part! It
standing premier of tits gene- is one thing to 'ask the qiies-
ration in all the provinces. He tiori: 'Who can :take his place?'
is heed and shoulders above in mid-terre. But when that
his fellows, just one of those question is still being asked
men Who are thrown up once , after the leader's resignation,
in a generation," • , what eleater Sign of party in -
First real hint that Mr. adequacy does one need?' Mr.
Frost was considering retire- Wintermeyer asked,
111.414411111114141 , , 1 ttt III t 104144 tt 44 tt t • ttt 44141141111%111104411114111140
„ .
Oil Burners —
Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Motal Work
Middleton's Drugs
fo 4,8 Hearing KO Itafferies
•t. L 1' .••••••
Ronnie of Tilsonburg spent the
holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Wes
Witmer. Mr. and Mrs. Barre
Witmer, Kitchener, were Sun-
day guests,
Dr. and Mrs, William Scott
of Lynchburg,Virginia vis-
ited with the former'e cousiee
Mrs. William Cook Wt. week.
010 ROOF.
with the
let rutoff wogs.
mance Plan
"Whore Quality
is Economy"
H erH oc key
invites you to attend the
ur itur Shtov
Thurs., Aug. 17, 7-10 p.m.
An exciting exhibition of all that's new in furnishings.
Contact us before you go. We'll be glad to meet you
there and help you arrange purchase. Or give our name
as reference to any of the exhibitors.
How much will it
take to put it
back in shape?
Today it costs More than ever to
build a home. Would yout iesur-
evict pay enough to restore youis
if it wete destroyed by fire, wind-
storm or other peril? If you
haven't increased your home in-
surance recently, better not put
it 00 any longer. Call tis fear a
protection check-up t� bring your
insurance up to the true value a
your homd.
W. H.
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Member HanfordThstancGt�U,
Hanford, Conti
keep c
No more tiring hot days or sticky, sleepless nights. Your
home can be cooler than a woodland glade, when you
enjoy the relaxing comfort of all electric air conditioner
and electric fans. Find out how wonderful a cool room
can be!
livtbetier �TRICALLY
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Exeter *uhlic HUtitkies: