HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-10, Page 1:I
' 4 1.
;0100400h Yiiilf'
mut ONTARtq, AUG.sr 10, 1941
?rc. r ppy
:Reeve George Lampman. of
Bosanquet township confirmed
'F'hursday that an effort will be
made to persuade municipali•
tiesin the Ausable watershed
to withdraw -support from the
` million , dollar Parkhill :darn
mps six mills
He indicated both .Bosanquet
and Stephen township councils
-- both of whore are appeal-
ing their assessments toward
the dam's cost -- have agreed
1.0 interview other ;councils bee
reto Ontario Alunicipal
lIcnsalI's tali rate has ,lump• • reduced. its grant accordingly, , Board
e'pality at the Ontario Muni- tl 0 t
hearing on September
esignificant; increase in the board hoped its levy would Lion with appeals against as- 20"•
We plan to do a little lob -
the public school budget. be a"'little lower" next year . sessment on the Parkhill dam hying to see just how much
Council. set the rate Tuesday after the deficit is accounted project of the Ausable .author the other municipalities want
night at 75 ..Cor cot.-tmercial and. for, this dam,
industrial. properties, 70 for Iity,
residential and farm.Recommend road ! 1. -lied at Datars, poli ll, was "We viaei to find out if they.
.The countylevyrequires o serve as police chief y are in favor of vire ro•
r qu res ap As a result of a request from i n
t" '^ k °t, � • . " : pro;tiinately one mil]: of the in- Hensel' Distri • q , and constable utility man while ;Tett nr vvhetlter they ;Net vo-
District Coop a re-; ';blot ]:, It D k t d f 't t b
ed sixo nulls this year, mainly Mr, Reaburn indicated that; cipal Board hearing in eonnec-
due to '
NEW Co SiGNS R4, --Group Captain L. H, 'Randall, DFC, signs the handing
certificate which marked his assumption of command atu RCAF i overa
Friday. Witnessino the si>sn Station. Centralia
O g ature is the station adjutant, 'It, Lt, J, Haber. Coup
Captain Randall has. been transferred from air material command e n
headquarters in
Ottawa, 1 -Ie previously served as commanding officer at Winnipeg and has com let-
ecl a tour in Europe. He won the DFC worldp
1 fiC dieing .tat. two, —Ii.f't�I' photo
COMMUNITY SAYS FAREWELL,—Bank manager Charles E. Smith, Exeter, bids
farewell to Group Captain. A. G. Kenyon, CD, at a reception marking the handing
over of command at RCAF Station Centralia, Mr. and ,Mrs. Snaith were among
group of community residents who attended the reception. at the officers'. ''fess, C
Kenyon. joins SHAPE headquarters in Europe. RCAF photo fa
crease and the avis to es lis e ori o e good fellows."
Public school eontmenclation has been made ten vvice,� vacation. He said he felt a lot of It
lance amounts to about five to the 1962 council to excavate " Clerk Earl Campbell wasn- municipalities weren' t e
mills, and fill York street from NeJ' strutted t n it particu-
Secxetary .treasurer Robert son the CNR tracts and tq o collect arrears of 'arty concerned whether or not
explained that vire to council tracks
pavefees froen trailer owners or to he dam is built,
Ituhhc school explained
resulted theeti) to this turn the accounts over to the Not worth the ,nonev?
from a deficit in 1960, a de t bailiff for collection. He was „
The move results from nea0 also instructed to collect out- i ,,,_Ae mo-
s far as we are concerned,
crease in the provincial Gov't , tiations .vitt.- the coop tvhicla standing business ass t certainly not worth
r tt•
gai and raises in.teachers objected to the closing t� f
salaries, c pelf 4 0: a pay o,vart S
he deportion of York street which.'
crease in: the envie
assessment yes
o Ida sm n
havefirm e t
giventhes 4
.i a i i 90
frt 0
•a] grant
>ac- $
i a t
t 5
qVe r1
�' Lunde raised ft a
d cess to No. 4 highway. The co- man
Yf r 1 -Fe explained it affected only
for the ccnstruetion of-th.ercriew on ntaintai-ed. it, had received eek s a ! t two Basanquet farms - the 1
school in 1957. By inveattn� tit verbal New Venice Corp, and the
cent s..cu+'ivies, spine 62,700 one access would be -' 1 owners ni o. fled; III a � � � � � fi owners did not .feel the bene-
vvas realized in fit warranted the expenditure,
y we're asked to t o�
stated. The Bos,.anquet
debenture receipts 'n short- assurance from. council ,, Ilarameier land and these
t a number of years ago that
interest over a ',weever, council this. year cies
period of several years. .Al- ed the road for the develop- ' Police are Iooking for a `Stephen and Bosanauet are
though these funds actually meet of a new subdivision, small blond even, about 22, fighting this 'thing together,
went into the council bud -el. a Reeve Lainpman stated. He
they have been charged a,ai7st Secure lawyer alleged: to have indecently as- .revealed the two councils and
I l saulted a . 7 -
tae school. board as revenue by Council agreed to secure a n 1 year old Landon their legal advisers had met
the dep't of education, which lawyer to represent the inttni- gay near
Zurich early . aiur- recently in. Thedford to plan
what action would�,be taken.
The girl. complained to police ."We iust feel we can't stand
she had been driven up the the cost," the reeve empha-
'Break in new .neck
1. eighth concession of Hay, a sized.
dead-end trail east and north
of Zurich, where the alleged No comment from
offence took place. Neither the re
p��e� She was examined by Dr, D. 'Webb, nor the de
i n arm,, m, t w b lazes A, Ecker, Exeter, the same Jim Haytr, of St
The district's nem fire truck move the crop. "Words can't The girl told PC George
successfully passed its initial express our gratitude," l Mitchell ell , 1 "
t st said. , preached p .-e man in. Lon •
a •&3 loads of hay he had. liar -
bus to Grand. Bend, She de- r.
The truck helped save' a vested were Saved. Some of it dined the ride, later got on a «�. .
large edrai rote -the :fain ',oi was in another -barn. bus but ,disembarked -when she # OSS
$ 45 r "
Howard Pym, near Eiunville, . He smelled the danger about
learned that it only went as
in the evening. r 6.30 Thursday night, "It was far as Forest. .
The brigade remained on fortunate," he said, "because Accepts offer to ride
duty some eight hours Thurs., we planned to go away the After learning i
day night and early, Friday next morning for the weekend. a g t at ould be
morning to prevent spontan-! There were chickens under some time before she could
eons combustion breaking out the mow but few of these were
in. a barnful of hay on the Pym lost.
Stephen The Ontario Municipal Board
eve Glenn .has ordered the hearing held,
ptity-reeve, in Exeter Town Hall at 19
chip were available for caul-
Ment Thursday, Clerk Ross
Haugh said he was not tare
of the campaign to• shelve the
Elmer D. Bell, QC, Ste-
phen township's legal ,adviser,
said he ,attended the joint meet-
ing in Thedford at which the
appeals were discussed. but lie
made no comment about the
plan to :stop the ptoleet,: "That
said out of my province," ie
The lawyer said he did not
know if it was po eib' to can-
cel the project at this stage,
It would depend on.a number
of factors, he indicated.
Reveals sampaige
Reeve Bill McKenzie, Exe=
ter, indicated some type of
campaign against the dant was
being organized at Tuesda
night's town council rneetieg.,
'Re said the comrlalnin ; muni-
cipalities felt there was not
sufficient flood control value
in the project to warrant it, He
also claimed Parkhill did net
need the water supply now that
it has a purification system. •
Cl r•,
e k L. 8, Mosinee t , Par,a<-
].-ill, said his council had not
even discussed any move to
withdraw from the, project: "As
far as we are concerned, it is
going ahead," he said, "and
Parkhill is supporting it."
Reeve Earl Dixon of McGil-
livray township, a major con-
tributor to the nioieee, said he
doubted if the,proiect could be
stopped now. "It's definitely
going through as far ss 1 know
— there's been no talk of stop-
ping it."
Authority Fieldtnan J. T.
McCauley said he hada heard
of no plans to shelve the pro-
town- a.m., Wednesday, Sept. 10.
test Thursday Au rug 3 when seed ° e, to r c 1 d she tl had been ap 1
firemen fought a barn hie in . lie estimated about 40 of the don while she was waiting •fox • n s ore
i` g r
Consider irnprovernent
of disposal at canners
Town council is investigating
the purchase of a secondpump
to ensure better disposal of the
sewerage . from Canadian Can-
ners Ltd.
The townwill also try to se-
cure more acreage for the
sprinkling' system and may
consider enlarging the lagoon.
Mayor R. E. Pooley assured
council Steps would be taken to
improve the system following
nereistent demands from Coun-
cillor Eldrid Simmons, Sim-
mons suggested council would
he asking for trouble if .no Ac-
tion was taken before another
!Mayor Pooley appeared re-
luctant to discuss the problem,
insisting it was "pretty well
cleaned up now."
It was revealed, that the
• town pump had broken down
under pressure of increased
flow from the plant. Some of
the plant's machinery, too, had
broken down,
In addition, councilfound it
required more land on which
to winkle the effluent, end r.•e-
gretted that itt earlier had
given: permission for the grow-
ing of corn on part of the pro-
perty designated for. disposal.
Wet weather during July both
hampered and benefitted • the
disposal. Because the ground
was saturated, it could not ab-
sorb as much of the effluent.
However, with the river bin-
ning high the, disposal which
drained directly into the flow
was well diluted,
Approve five
Council '.Tuesday night pas-
sed five t'raf'fic bylaws which,
when approved by the dept of.
transport, will niake the town's
stop signs and traffic regula-
tions legal,
Included in the list was a
new general traffic bylaw, one
stdvi iingfo the erection of
.p„ signs, another nother for yield
signs, one to establish a speed
limit of 15 'mph in Riverview
Park and another providing
for prepayment of parking
Three new at.3n streets 'were th
Added to the "list in an effort
tis control the. speeding around
the S}ID HS area,
A four-way stop is being pro-
vided at the corner of Andrew
and Gilley streets. All cars
coming to the intersection
whether from the north, o
south on Andrew, or from th
east or. west on'Gidley will. b
required to come to a co
plete stop.
Two stop signs will be erec
ted. 'et the cornea' of Gidley and
Senior, in front of the high
school, entrance. Cars 'travel
.ting east on Gidley will be re
quired to stop before turnip
onto Senior, and cars travel
ling north on Senior will be re
exited to stop before turning
ont Gidley.
These additional stop streets
were recommended by the po-
lice dep't to control speeding
around the high school. It was
pointed out that it is easier for
the police to control stop reg-
ulations than it. is to enforce
reduced speed limits on short
The new bylaws must be ep-
proved. by the deet of trans.
port before they become effec,
Concern neer debt
Exeter. may have.difficulty
securing. approval to proceed.
with its plans to launch sew-
erage installation, it was reg
vealed at council. Meeting
Tuesday night,
Council received a copy of a
letter which -the OMB had
written the Ontario Water Re-
sources Commission giving the
latter permission to prepare
plans and specifications for the
Thus approval "mast not be
taken as an. indication that the
final project will. be approved
when tenders are called," the
hittti.icipal board stated,
The OM13 pointed out that. the
current municipal debt is 20,9%
of the town's assessment„
"This board very seldom ap-
proves applications which will
increase the percentage of tient
to assessment much above this
Clerk C, 'V. Pickard pointed.
out that 'the debt has been reg
duced somewhat this year,.
Pers traffic bylaws
In other business, council.
Learned that it has already
complied with a request from'
e attorney -general's depart.
tient to have women comprise`
et, least, 25' et the persons se"
ected to serve as jurors Irom
the municipality -- the town
has about 30% women on its
, Referred to the police cpm-
r inittee .a complaint from the
e dep't of public 'works regarding
arm, I Mr. Pym and others dam -
Using the portable pump in , med the creek near the barn
a creek nearby to provide to provide water for the fire
water, firemen kept hosing truck.
down the chopped hay as a Tractor damaged
gang of nearly 75 strong re Town tractor caught fire in
moved the feed from the large the Marshall and. Murray shop
barn with forks, tractors and about 11 Thursday morning
loaders. . while Welding was being done.
Gas hampers men A tire` was burned off and the
The hay rarely blazed but it machine was badly scorched
broke out in, smoke and sparks but the building suffered only
frequently as oxygen from the light damage,
air hit it, Ammonia gas fumes Loss was estimated at about
from the smouldering grasses 1$500.
hamperedthe work. The older towntruck was
One end of the 40x70 barn used en this run.
was removed to speed the re-
move' of hay and allow air to
c the difficulty of securing con- ;;4
catch the proper bus, she ac- Again,
cepted. the offer of . a ride, I the b cHhieves came alley, gained throughenty
She was going to Turnbull'S through a window in. the tailor -
Grove, where her family was jg step at the rear, and re-
v ea high-
moved over 200 pairs of pants
After the assault, the man
drove her to the Turnbull's 1 and 16 suits,
Grove sideroad on No. 21 high Ih the previous robbery, June
way. 11, thieves took 47 suits and
The man is described as i about 30 pairs of. pants hem
5'2", 130 pounds, blonde hair,' the racks of the clothing Store,
blue eyes, S ,s, wearingwhite dress. � Mayor M y R. E. Pooley announe•
shirt, h r o w n trousers and I cd at council meeting Tuesday
brown shoes. .He was driving, night he had instructed police
a 1954 green Ford which had I to arrauge a meeting with an
been damaged in its left front I official of the criminal invest -
corner. I igation branch. of the OPP to
PC Mitchell has been work- determine what preventative
inc with London and district. ' measures could be ,taken: he
police in the investigation. (indicated merchants and others
For the second time in two
months. %reaper's Men's Wear
suffered a major theft loss of
over $3,500 worth of pants and
suits over the weekend.
Stant access tothe drivewayamonia as.
e leard Pym, who estimated
said the mail delivery 5 loads of hay were de- Dell
stroked credited the brigade sees keen
tor "leas 1 ��i� ��
appea ed to the town with saving the Karn, "lt:
constable but he appears to be t e ani torn.
pp s o e would have definitely
tel g "
. trolled parking.
Ile also l o.
aide the efforts t
d e s
1� P C ea dershtp
. indifferent to the need for con- he said,
g — Please turn to page 3 his neighbors who helped re -
igen a
� delegation
inspects coach plant
The West Nigerian delegation.
which toured General Coach
Works of Canada Ltd. plant at.
Hensall. Wednesday, appeared
impressed with the quality of
the manufacturing, according
to plaint officiate who accom-
panied there,
They remained about; three
hours at the plant, toured the
assemI ly line, tallied with a
number of •the employees and
Viewed sketches and photos of
A number of the industrial
'Units produced by General
No sales contract was nego-
tiated. Officials described the
tour as more of an "explore.
toffy visit,"
General Coach officials .inti-
Gated they were impressed with
the good manners and excel-
lent English displayed by the
gov't and business represents.
Live in. the delegation, Rest.
dent Stiles Mena ger Fred
l3roadlcy described tleenm as
, , ,,.,.
find clrfi
Announceinenil 15
Church Netite ,, 13
Farre News 9
Feminine Facts , 12
Hensall , ' S
L,ucan . 14
Sport ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. ..,.,,. Gtr
Went Ads 11
t ri ; F's? '>t' M".I i";:erZ., ".' eeel.:e.I., a
"exceptionally well . educated'
The delegation visited the
Hewell plant in; the morning,
were entertained to luncheon
at the Hotel London, and then
flew to Toronto to be guests of
the Bank of Montreal 'Thurs-
day, General. Manage. W, C.
Smith accompanied them to
t urin
11 n
1; the
visit to .1[ensall,
Mrs. Smith entertained the wife
of Chief Ayo Rosiji, MP, one
of the delegation; and the two
ladies discussed topics com-
mon to housewives.
Reported Mrs. Smith: "Mrs,
Rosiji was particularly inter-
ested in seeing the children.
She has four of her own, ran -
meg from five to 10 years of
age. She was also quite inter-
ested in home decorating,"
Mrs. Smith said tate 'Nigerian
woman: was "very, very plea-
sant and spoke execllent Eng.
fist.- " Her hosts secured sev-
eral Maple leaves for her Co
take home as souvenirs of Can-
11'l:,m ltosiji was dressedin
native costume, a pale green
skirt t
waist blouse. The men wore
heavy over .s robes and the
small,round hats popular in
The Genoral officials found
them0n.tether cautio
ls about
their own political
and governmental problems al-
though ,they assured the Cana-
dians that Nigeria was settling o
down wefl to its independence,
gained about a ;year ago
The Ontario PC leadership
convention, which will pick
Premier Frost's successor, will
be the biggest political assem-
bly in Canada's history, ac-
cording to Elsner D. Bell, QC,
the provincial president,
It will feature one -of the
greatest leadershiu contests in
nesthe dnation.'s history, too, the
Exeter lawyer said here Wed
"It will be a very stiffly con
tested race, probably the keen
est we have had since the par-
ty was formed. At .no time that
I can recall, have we had so
many people qualified for lea-
de.rship and capable of assuint-
Ing* the responsibility of the
Mt. Hell will preside over a
delegates' .meeting in Toronto
next Thursday, Aug, 17, to de-
cide the tante and place of the
leadership. conS'ention, It will
likely be field itT Toronto _-
probably at the CNE early
in November..
"1t Will be the biggest poli.
tical convention Canada Itis
ever had," Mr. Bell predicted,
Over 3,200 voting delegates and
alternates will a ttend, more
selceted for the re=
cent national PC convention at
Six eandittatee
At least six cabinet minis-
ters are considered contend-
ers, although only one has an.
pounced his candidature to
Robert rgy Resources
Macauley, 40,
Toronto, Regalyded as front-
runnete a"re. Education Minis-
ter,_ Sohn Robaits, 44, London,
Mid Highways Minister Ftede-
deli Sia Gass, 45,, Grenville -
Dundas, Strong support is also
expected for Health 7liiiistet
Matthew 13.. JSynloi d, 49, 'tivho
pelted the South }Wren Hos.
petal addition hate rete -'1y,
Please turn ti) page s
displays the letter,
- .. lie received. from Premier e
+.� elle
I+J o$t in Which , ....... ,, ,
v � viae latter lesi iced frons
;, , . � . icadt�siilp of
the Ontario PC fart President
v� y nt of the provincial art
ass'n, lvlr. 13e11 is trot makili plains party
_ � is for... the convention
which Exeter
... •a,
will lianje 1�'ll . Frost bet s si1CCe s -
s ar, The �;'k0t
, ex levy
;yet indicates he will .di. •
donate the- histol`. �nlaitin letter
to the provincial at chives, �' g et
--TLA: photo
will be requested to co-operate
lin discouraging further raids,
.This week's theft was dis-
s covered by owner Norm Wal -
per about noon Monday, Civic
!Holiday. TIte break-in occurr
ed after 2.30 a^tn„ when the
store's rear door had been
checked by Constable Lloyd
I Hodgins on the night patrol.
I Selected best suits
i Only suits of certain sizes
and makes were taken and
the rest were spread out and.
angled on the racks to cover
. .
the holes
I From the two pant racks, all
but a few slacks were taken.
I Those at the end of the racks
facing the front window were
!left to prevent notice of the
'empty racks from main street.
Tuesday, iron bars were in-
stalled on: the rear windows of
the store. These had been or-
dered by the owner following
the previous robbery.
Again, it appeared to be the
easy access to the rear of the -
building, secluded by trees and
lather buildings, which cut
!down t theodds of the thieves
le beingg caught.
After the last robbery in
winch the owner 'blamed easy,
access from William St., Mr,
Walper had a fence installed
across his property at the
rear, cutting off automobile
access from, the lane leading
from William 'St. For the con-,
venienee of residents who ..sect
the alley to get to Main St„ he
had left about a three -font
It appears the thieves drove
in from William St. and backed
tin to the fence. T1tr. clothes
'were hauled from the back
door to the vehicle.
w _
Nearing half
The recce► FAME canvass,
in J-luron, although hampered
by a late haying season, has
brought the county total to ale
inost half af its objective,
Chairman Carl Hemingway re-
ported this week,
Tie revealed over s4,1,000 has
been raised to date. The
county's objective :is . loG,400
of the provincial target. of $2.
Colborne township has al-
ready exeeed.ed its quota:,
Tuckersiitit;h is within two
shaves of its objective,
Mr. Hemingway rernhrted tI5«
borne was "doing quit' well",
Ilay and Stephen township are
be td.
Two canvassers tied: for the
$25 prize for the best salesman
during the regent drive. Then
wore Malcolm Davidson, Stan-
ley. and Ross Fisher. Colborne,
mid they donated.' their prizq
back to the organization,
Rosa Love, rat 2 Monet l
a past president of nut tin hog
nroducers' ass'n, Said enthtis-
lasin 'eves running high but
lack 'rat tithe Itis prevented tits
.MOW turn to pada ;*: