HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-07-27, Page 7.{,,,,,eeeeeNee474. 4.:i.e;ee•
Page 5 July 27, 1961
and district .news
Mrs..Maucia ,Hedcien, Phone 5
Mrs, Archie MacGregor, Mono g!
Youth enjoy
beach party
South Huron Youth For Christ
held a successful beach party.
at Goderich Saturday .night.
After sports activities, an
hour-long boat ride was en-
joyed and following this a .devo.
Honel period at which LOITI
Stuckey, of Wingham„ led a
sing -song, and Edgar Cudmore,
of Exeter, presented a short
message on the importance of
"Christian Young People in
the Community."
Wieners were served by the
local Goclerich Young. People.
Fete bridal -couple -elect
Mrs, Alberta McBeath was At the Red Cross blood clinic
hostess at her home Friday sponsored by the Hensall Le -
evening for a miscellaneous gion Ladies' Auxiliary held in
presentation for Miss Mary the Legion hall Wednesday,
Louise Campbell of Chatham July 19, 44 pints of bloodwere
and Gerald ,ivioffat,t, of Kippen, given. Forty-eight persons vol -
nephew of Mrs. MeBeath, unteered with four rejeets,
whose marriage will take place Mr. John Anderson of Lon -
Saturday, August 5. Twenty- don, Red Coss representative, mond presided for the business
and Mrs, Ken McKay for the
,seven cousins attended from was in charge of arrange-
program. Mrs, Arthur Finlay -
Varna, Bayfield, Kippen and meas. Miss J. K. Kent headed
son conducted a contest,
Hertsall, a corps of six nurses, Miss G.
Hostesses were Mrs, James
McNaughton and Mrs, J, Los -
Bingo winners
Legion bingo winners Satur-
day last were Mrs. Wes Ven-
ner; Bill Austin (2); Mrs,
Ewen, Lucan; Mrs, Clausius;
Mrs, R. Taylor; Mrs. Fleisch-
auer; Mrs. Bisback, Roy Ken-
ny (2); Jim Smale; Mrs. Glenn
starli te Drive -In
les on on ay Gospel services
gospel serv,. ! McKenzie; Mrs. H. Beiber, Lu -
Mrs. William A. Workman ices will be held this Sunday can.
died at her home, Lot 8, Con- evening, July 30 n th C d I Specials were won by Fred
cession 10, Tuckersmith, on lion road, 5 miles east of Grand Kennings; Paul Boa; Mrs, Gar-
Monday evening, July 24, in her Bend at 8,30 p.m, Guest speak- field Broderick. Door prize
86th ' '. er will e Rev. F. W. Feist, winners were Mrs, G. Bisback
The former Isabel McGregor, Zion Church, Kitchener, A and Roy Kenney.
she was born in Tuckersmith, mass choir and music by South :Next Saturday the jack pot
Surviving are one son, Win- Huron Youth For Christ will will be worth $150.00 in 60
ston Workman, RR 2 Kippen: befeatures of the service, calls with two door prizes.
one daughter, Mrs, L 10 y
(Irma) Bowering, Liatowel; , Bank transfer
one grandson, Billy Workman.Wilson Lang who has been
Mr, Workman died six years on the staff of the Bank of
ago. ;Montreal for the past year has
The body is resting at the been transferred to the branch
Bonthron funeral chapel, Hen- . at TiLlsonbmg. Friday after-
sall, for public services Thurs.! noon' he was presented with a Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose and
day, July 27, 2 p.ni., with Rev, i gift by manager K. K. Chris- Mary, of Toronto, visited re -
H. A. Johnston officiating.: tian. cently with the former's aunts,
irial will be in Hensall Union! Paul Paton of Collingwood Misses Mary and Agnes Me-
i will take his place here, Ewen.
Hensall student Kippenettes
wins fellowship
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Love, demonstrate
lien.sall, received word last
week that their son, Robert, The Thrifty Kippenettes 4-H
Club girls modelled -dresses
who is attending Stanford Uni- they had made at their project
versity, Palo Alto, California' "Cottins May Be Smart" and
had been awarded a fellowship
valued at $800,00, Presented a. skit "0110Osing
Cottons in a dry good store,"
Robert is studying for his at the Kippen East WI, July
Ph,D. degree and has beenat meeting, .held in SS 2 Tucker.
Stanford since the beginning smith school Tuesday evening,
of the year, ;July 18. Assisting in the dem
e fortnerly received Ins onstration were Mrs. Wm.
13.A.Sc. degree at Toronto Ifni- Bell and Mrs. Alex McGregor.
'versify and his M.B.A. degree. Members answered the .roll
at University of Western On. call by 'stating "The qualities
tario. of a good homemaker," Mrs,
Ross Sararas reviewed cur-
rent events and Heather Reid.
contributed tap dance selec.
tions accompanied at the piano
by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, An
invitation to attend Seaforth
Womens institute picnic Aug-
ust 8 was accepted.
President Mrs, _James Drum -
Blood clinic
Presentation address was Scott of London was Wel*.
read by Mrs. Alex McBeath clan,
of Kippen and the gifts pre- Auxiliary president Mrs. Gor-
sented b:t Bonnie, Linda, Fran- don Munn assisted at the clinic
ees and Mary Margaret Arm. with six members of the auxii.
strong of the Goshen Line. iary namely Mrs. Wm, Smale,
Mrs, Wm, Brown, Mrs, W. J,
Cameron, Mrs, Mary Taylor,
Tuckersmith lady Mrs. John Skea and Mrs, E,
R. Davis.
Personal items
Miss Mary Lou Taylor, Bruce -
field, who works at South Hur-
on Hospital, returned home
after a week's holidays at
Sundridge and Newtonville.
Hensall Personals 1 Fete bride
Mr, and Mrs, John Wel and
daughters are vacationing at
port Elgin.
Mrs. Arthur Durnin of Clin-
ton, formerly of Lucknow, Mrs.
Isabella MacFarlane of Clin-
ten, were admitted to the
Queensway Nursing Home re-
Mr. and Mrs, RoY Brock are
holidaying for two weeks at
Sundridge and other places,
Miss Cassie Dougall enter-
tained Monday evening for Mr,
and Mrs. George Hess WI the
occasion of their 38t4 wedding
anniversary, Other guests in -
Chided Mr. and Mrs. John jar-
rott. The evening was stient
in a social hour of euchre, Gifts
were presented to the cele-
Mrs. George Thompson and
Mrs. Hugh MoMurtrie spent a
week with Mrs. R. S. Hopkins
at her summer cottage on Sad-
dle Lake 'island, Michigan.
Mrs. George Wilson, of Lower
East Pubnico, N.S, is vaca.
Uoning with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Johnston and family, Mrs, Wil-
son flew here,
Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Keys and
family, of Burlington, were
weekend guests with Mr. and
Mrs. M. A. Little
former resident
Mrs. Minnie Amelia Little,
82, of London, died at her home
Born in Logan township she
was a former resident of Hen -
sail, and widow of Holland H.
Surviving are one son, Ed-
ward, Hensall; daughters, Mrs.
Albert (Dorothy) Haring, Pres-
ton; Mrs. Ivan (ary) Jones,
London; 12 grandchildren and
two great-grandchildren.
Resting at the A.
George funeral home, London,
where service will be held
Thursdar at 3.30 p,m. with
burial in Forest Lawn Memo-
rial Gardens.
Auxiliary fetes
former officer
Members of the Arnold Cir-
cle Evening Auxiliary of the
WMS of Carmel church gave a
surprise party to Mrs. Bill
Fink, formerly of Hensall, at
her home in Clinton on Mon-
day evening. She was a former
secretary of the organization
before moving to Clinton. •
A presentation of a photo al-
bum and a new edition of the
English revised version of the
New Testament to Mrs. Fink
was made by Mrs. John Baker.
Mrs. J. E. McEwen gave in-
teresting highlights of her
European trip and showed pic-
tures. A picnic lunch was
served and contests enjoyed.
. .
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evretsteen stvet attv.. ree• f e
Mrs. .1. E. McBweil.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. SimPann,
Detroit, Allen„ were weekend
visitors with Mrs. L. Simpson,
Mr. R. J. Pearce, Toronto,
spent, the weekend with his sis-
ter, Mrs. W. B. Cross, who ac-
companied him to Sauble Beach
to vacation for three 'i;eeks.
Miss Mary Pearce, Toronto,
who has spent the past week
with her sister, Mrs. Cross, is
also at Sauble Beach,
Mrs. Fed Brawn, of Credi*
ton, visited last week with Mrs,
Archie MacGregor.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Peebles
and family, of London, were
repent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, James Sangster and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. MervYri Hay-
ter, Glenn and Darlene, of
Varna, were recent visitors
with Mrs, Hayter's mother,
Mrs. John M. Glenn and aunt,
Miss Nettie MacTaggart,
Mrs. Joe DeLoge, of Sarnia,
visited last week with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Mrs. John Corbett, •Mrs. Boss
Corbett, Steven and Kim, visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Chaffe at Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell,
Pauline and Ann enjoyed a
pleasant trip to Hanlon Lake
and Horne P'ayne.
Mr. and Mrs, William Simp-
son, Detroit, spent the week-
end with the former's mother,
Mrs. Lou Simpson.
A family dinner was held in
the Legion Hall Sunday by the
family of the late Mr, and Mrs,
James Sangster, with thirty
members of the family attend-
ing from Penhold, Alta., Ham-
ilton, London, Clinton and Hen -
F/0 George Sangster, who
has been stationed at the RCAF
Station, Hamilton, for the past
three years, has been trans-
ferred to Rivers, Man,
Sgt. and Mrs. Victor Stan,
Jimmy and Dale, of Penhold,
Mta., are visiting relatives in
the district. Mrs. Stan is the
former Laura Sangster, of Hen -
Mr. Stewart McQueen, who
underwent surgery last Friday
in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, is doing as well as can be
I at Cromarty
By MRS. KEN MeRcKoEmk-AL;37y.
About 75 friends and neigh -
hors of Roy's community gatli-
gred at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Tom Colquhoun vii Thurs-
day evening for a miscellane-
ous shower, in donor of their
daughter, Irene, whose mar-
riage takes place on Saturday,
Mrs. Ross McPhail chaired
a short program of musical
numbers, humorous readings
and a mock wedding which
Was much enjoyed.
Irene was ushered to a dec-
orated chair and was present-
ed with a prettily decorated
basket, filled with many beau-
tiful and useful gifts by Fran-
ces Scott and Brenda Dow.
Mrs. Russell Miller expressed
the good wishes of the ladies
gathered and 11.1iSSeg Dorothy
and Muriel Scott assisted in
unwrapping the parcels,
The trousseau and gifts were
displayed by Misses 'Marlene
and Joyce Dow Doris Johns
and Ina Scott,
The evening's entertainment
was arranged by Mrs. Calvin
Christie and Mrs. Gordon. Par-
P0 n a I items
Mr. and Mrs. Erle Dow and
Mrs, Kearney visited with rela-
tives in Lanark, last week,
Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace
and Debbie spent the weekend
in Windsor with Mr, and Mrs,
Harry Elliott and family.
Mr, and tars. Donald Scott,
Sharen, Karen, Catharine and
Janet attended the Old Boys'
Reunion at Blake school on Sat-
Mr, and Mrs, Alex Gardiner
A second group of pupils of
Miss Greta Lammie will pre-
sent a Kiddies Studio party
over CKNX Wingham, Satur-
day, July 29, at 11 a.m.
Mr. M. Johnston, of St. Cath-
arines, visited over the week-
end with Mrs. Basil Edwards,
returning home Tuesday of this
week 'accompanied by his wife
who had been vacationing with
her aunt, Mrs. Edwards.
visitedat nostoek Sunday
with her -.14thPri Henry
..and Mrs. K, meXenar
were guests at the Willcox-
Roully wedding which took
place in E 11 m v i 11 e United
ohnreh .00 Saturday.
Mrs. Reber .Sbole.
.vt!sited,,en _Sunday with her
'mother, Mrs. .navid Gardiner.
$1.taron, and Donald .0Adiel.
of..Sarnia, are holidaying at
the home of their grandpar-
ents,. Mr, and M. John Wal-
jj, .Srilart:'T 4
7 P.
9.0 40.;;;;Togr „
'Daddy's not used to the !deg
or my having dates yet." .
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