HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-07-27, Page 5" .:Yy,,,=ZkX •wsrcrr,xru+.k_,.,•w••vs- Kvw vw.. .. AUCTIONSALESmportant , I Cr, d i ton Comrnenfs ,` AUCTIQN SALE By MRS, M, FAIST Of' Valuable Household 1..• )4 Effects, Chev Heavy Duty Ex -Army Truck GMC Va Ton l'ick.0p Truck a'1td .Miscellaneouro items lila. 'sa On the Premises,. • 94 Simcoe St., in. the TOWN OF EXETER The titndersigned auctioneer reeeivecl instructions to sell :by public auction .on SATURDAY, JULY 29 at 1;00 Pm, .sharp TRUCKS: Chev 4. -wheel drive ex -Army truck, including power hoist land winch, in all-around new condition. .GMC 3i4. Ion pick-up truck, equipped with Winch, which will be .offered :separately. Inspection invited, 'HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -3 - piece chesterfield suite, like new; occasional ,chairs; foot stool; mahogany coffee and end tables; Sparton 21" new model cabinet style television; Mc- Clary 4 -burner electric rang- ette; 11 cu, ft. Westinghouse Imperial refrigerator. in brand new condition; Stronberg elec- tric radio; Westinghouse clothes dryer; McClary electric wash- er., like new; 4 -piece- modern Vend color bedroom suite; single bed, springs and matt- ress; chest of drawers; Airway. vacuum cleaner with all at- tachments; record cabinet; .American Home electric sewing machine with all attachments, like new; chest of drawers; combination table and maga- zine rack; large and small mirrors; table damps; trilight lamps; kitchen table and chairs; kitchen clock; baby carriage; play pen; variety of toys; -wicker chair; electric iron and toaster; dishes; glass- ware; kitchen utensils; variety oe..books; linens; mats; blan- kets; girl's COM bicycle, like peke; toboggan; garden and garage tools; rubber tire wheelbarrow; oil drums; many other miscellaneous items, TERMS: Cash. No Reserve, , everything will be sold. MRS. EILEEN LOCK, Prop, "--CARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Estate ' AUCTION SALE •Of Valuable Household • Effects and Misc. Items ,Qn the Premises, M the tee' TOWN OF LUCAN Main street, close to railway e • crossing. -The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on 'THURSDAY EVE., AUG. 3 • at 6:30 p.m. sharp HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Chesterfield; occasional chair and stool; dining room exten- ( , . slop table; dining room chairs; chrome table and chairs, like new; chrome 'folding chair; lea r i o u s centre tables; end tables; mahogany settee with matching rocker; oak bureau; buffet; Electrolux v a c u u m cleaner with all attachments; chest of. drawers; General Ele.ctric refrigerator; Sunshine tete-burner electric stove; four - burner gas stove; sewing ma- chine; ironing board; trunk; quilting frames; kitchen: cup. board; . kitchen chairs; steel. bed with springs and mattress: commode; dresser; oak bed with springs andmattress and dresser; feather tick; toilet set; coal oil lamp; complete set of dishes; antique dishes; glassware; chinaware; kitchen. clock; trilight: electric iron; pictures and frames; sealers; crocks; lawn mower; 90 gal. oil- tank; two -wheel trailer; garden and carpenter tools and many other mise. items. Please note time of sale. No Reserve, everything will be sold to settle estate, TERMS: Cash. MRS. HARRY NOELS. MR. ALBERT DICKINS, Zxecutors for the estate of Mrs. William. Dickins. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 27c HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL SALE :Of High Quality Holsteins A Da the Premises, Lot, 4. Con, 8, USBORNE TOWNSHIP One mile south of Winchelsea. • The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on. :FRIDAY EVENING, AUG, 4 s . at 7:00 p.m. sharp HIGH QUALITY 'HOLSTEINS 'iLHolstein cow, 3 three old, Milking, and re -bred; .Holstein cow, A years old, 'milking, and re -bred; Holstein cow, 8 years old, due since April; cow, 8 Years old, due since fall, due in October; cow, 6 years old, milking; cow, 8 years old, due since January, due in Decem- ber; cow, 6 years old, milking; cow, 5 years old, due since Juno.; cow,. 5 year old, due since May; cow, carrying third calf, due in October; cow, car- xying second calf, due August 1.5; 2 Holstein springer heifers, due` in November; 4 liolsteiii charting heifers; Holstein veal. calf. .'Universal standing ;pail•type limit: milking machine, iii brand new coiiditioii; 12 milk cans; niilk strainer, Cows- all of excellent •type iilc'& high producing blood .lines ,th negative blood test, "Owner giving tip dairy farm' aria due to other interests, Plan to attend tiffs otitstand. ing sale. o Reserve, ` DRMS; Cash, BERT PAX, Proprietor 'GARNET HICKS, Clerk VIN WALPER; Attetireneer fisa4110.0iii4O4 .Hill. 'reunion The Ilia reunion was .held: al; Love :of Shipka, Mr, Gor. do Riverview Park, heeler, no Merlocls ,and Mr, Albert Gais Mr. Rey Rata. Mr. Whalen --Continued from page :ii Mr. and. Mrs. Wilfred O'Brien and family and Mrs. Dickins of Kelowna, B.C, are visitiee this •• week with Mr. and Mrs. Steel er real, is visiting with Ali, and Mr, find Airs. lied Harrison i�svas a weekendvisitor tot with ,l. 7 1C-e,e."..eereeeeere=eree,..eten'l.,- The 'Times-Advocate,July 27,, 1961 Pq� /i.A■Comments.,�. ,a �t R •,�(ytI• i�, � IUlr..1 1�liu!u„l�„ll,upnmm,ut U u ay MRS FRED',BOWDEN is nt O'Brien, n a .......• .. ......• 111iss Susan Wilfred, of Moat- .Attend .nePhew's funeral Mr. Edgar Maas,. Lliean Sunday, July e3 with 36: in. at.. were on .a fishing trip up north Mrs• Laverne Morey this Mr- end Airs. Roy Harris= lr;s sister .and brother -fat -law 1 trndanc e, at Johnson Harbor over the week'and Air. Robert Hermon a t-' Mr, and Mrs. Barry Swartz L. The younger members in- weekend, ! Sunday guests of , Mr- and , tended the funeral. of Johne Ors- Arthur Atek'alls an dtriged in auresand Airs. flu Mrs, Melville Gurriun> acre Arthur Abev in Lon. ► - , Miss Helen t e swim, by Molitor ,is spend London S�rtur. n MaFalls r r e ming and the older tines visit-ing some time at her .dauglt- Air and Airs, 1Villianc Smitit, day, 'among the guests .entertained ed. let's at Fort 1Niilam, Belxttont, Mr. and Alrs E. khe deceased. who was on Sunday evening by Ali. and Attending were Mr,Miss EthelSquire and Mr. and Mrs. :ire; drowned while .attending camp, AIrs, Wii.liam .Quinton and fern-! and Mrs. AIcKaY of Jaron liam itadd, Eiteter. was a: nephew of Mrs. Fred ilY who are holidaying at Garfield 1-41.1 and Stanley, mt in gild Mrs. Harold Hunter of Jlaci,ison, Grand Bend, Donald Nestle and ,fancily, :all _Eden were callers last Thur•s- Mr,. a-nd M. Alton Neilnil Ito ilarriso . �! Ai.r. re of Crediton, Mr. end Mrs, Bert day with Mr, and: Mrs. Joseph ¥r' and. Airs, Milk J10,l„sen y, Harrison las a pall Rat rt Harrison of Cani.p Gidleyp attended the Milk Producers' beaiei at khe funnel. ,Borden, Miss Lorna Dixon of ! and family, Bii'r A9 r, Woodall and friends. London and Miss Wendy Dixonand 1 Mrs. i)ougkas 11i11� and 11fr, axed Airs. Donald Fink• picnic et Woodstock on Thurs- Personal items f fami.y, Mr, and Mrs. Sherman Weer were honored ata rills. day' Mr'. and Mrs. Jack Paisley, of ,Ailsa ('raig were weekends ne, Warren and. Mui. by the ills o Zurich dated, during last, week with ifeczog of Toronto were g f ch lnsui holiday visitors with Mr. and Jean Lairtrnie is spendinga, F ray, Mi', and. 111-rs. Robert vii- ante Co,, ;Lender'. The t ave Mr and Mrs, Gordon Johnson a kips, all of London, Mr, and the roci Le _ ofic' and favid Mrs. George Dunn last week.ifew days this week with. her tilts, Alan Hill: and family, ful P. nts many eisa y David Lilley of London visit- apnt, Viiss Greta. Laramie, in t a y, gifts, The office staff also Mr. and Am Pon Marshall. cd fora few days last week Iflensall. ,1ca.n will he ancon Clandegoye,y g presented thein with a set of of Port Alma, were Saturday .11 I. It. grandmother, Mr's, f bliss Lammie's .mu,sie pupils! Brother of Crediton man dies, crystal• visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Alex At•tltiir Afc1al1 ;who will he heard over the Mrs. Earl 'Lipper! and child- Baillie, Air. a-'CKNX radio station in Wing - Aylmer, ' .l Frederick John. Green, ,flit ,� ren i,, nd Airs. Clifford Ah Yang . Aylmer, died in St. Thomas- and. Julie and Cathy 11 i and 141rs. Welham Mole batt were ,Sunday evening visit- hain on Saturday morning at' Elgin General: Hospital on. W d- Scltenk stayed in. a cabin Jest ley jr* and; family attended a ors with Mrs. E. Abbott. 11:15, Hilt and Debbie, 114•s, Charles .eellaneous David Johnson, London, hale Miss Jeanette .Paisley and ilii Visitors with Air, and Mrs,' e post nuptial. shaver li Martin Fred lfarri.son. ftawt.hor e week at Port Elgin. where Mr, family picnic at AIr. and Mrs. r. nesclay, July 19 having been ;in Airs R 1C T von:Kathy, ' Air Garfield Neil of i. failing health for the past six Lippert was working, months. Mr, Johnny Wade, Stratford, BOLT. in England in 1908 h spent a few days at home with , • on on Sam Skinners home, Centralia. Sue and Marianne, Learning- has purchased from Mrs. W. on Sunday, tori, are Holidaying with the i Dobbs the property of the late Mrs. Ernie O'Neil and Mar- foriner's parents, Mr, and Mrs, : Ali;. and Mrs. H. Mills and is L was a retired farmer and had .Iris parents, Ali', and Mrs. torte, with were recent list_ Cooper McCurdy, !doing some renovating before; Lived in the Aylmer district John Wade, s w. th Mrs. Laverne Morley. Air, and Mrs. George Gunn, starting up in business. for the Janice and Robbie Morley al- Air. and. Mrs, Mervin Dunn, , Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Iiux- past 15 years moving , Mr, and Alrs, Charles Brown. tended. a. birthday party at the Mr. and Mrs, Jack Paisley, : table an Billie there :from. Mount Elgin, ing and boys spent Sunday at home of Airs, Retell Ainslie, d , rl were recent Wallacetown with ;friends miss Jeanette paisley and Mr. ;visitors with Mr. and Mrs. He is survived by four sons: St, Marys, honoring Laura Martin ilerzog,of Toronto were, Ray Laramie and family at John Green, ,RR, 6 Aylmer.; Mr, Carl. Radford is still In Hodgins. Clandeboye, on her Saturday eveningguests with i their Stanley, Aylmer; Beverly, RR Hospital but shows signs of ninth birthday, h r cottage in the Pinery, 3 Springfield, +and. Merlyn, RR improvement and Mr. James Mr. and 'jr,'Mrs Ray I.ammie : f'tand Bend, 6, London; two daughters, Brock hasn't shown much im Mrs. John (Wiinifred) Bishop, provement. and Miss Karen Green, both of One manufacturer is bringing RR. 5 Aylmer; four brothers, out an electric blanket with Arthur and William, England, three sets of controls. IL's in - Victor, Crediton, and Edward, tended for the couple who has St;, Thomas, and three sisters everything, ;including a roomer hi England, who's afraid to sleep alone. Funeral service's were held:.:!::mea «,.;;';y tze E;eee are ee from the Hughson funeral home in Aylmer on Friday, July 21 Report on with interment in Aylmer cem- etery. Personal items Ship® Mrs,William Haviland re- lryr �.•.'•}. ° �) »r. �'x turned. home after spending a Personal items month in Toronto and New York. Mr, and Mrs. George Mey• Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Hobert ers, of Detroit, visited with son of London visited on Satur- relatives and friends in. the dis- day with. the latter's parents, trict over the weekend. Mr. and. Mrs, Edwin, Beaver, Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Morenz Mr. and Mrs, William Bend- and Billy visited over the week. er, Mrs, Allan.` :Becker and end with Miss Sadie Coleman, Brenda attended the funeral of at Cobourg, and 'Mr, and Mrs. the late Arthur Johnson. of Ross Brown, at Newtonville, • Wyoming Saturday afternoon, Visitors during last week with The deceased was an uncle of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Morenz, Mrs, Bender. June and Sharon, included: Quite a number of the Huron Miss Lynda Cartier, Miss Waves attended. the'Housewives Cheryl Greenwood, Mr. and picnic at Riverview Park at Mrs. John Greenwood and. Mr. Exeter last Thursday. Art Cartier, all of London. Mr. and Mrs. McKay and Dr. S. T. Bean and Mrs. daughter of London visited on Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Al- vin Finkbeiner and family. Mr, and Mrs. Freeman. Mor - lock and Borden. Geiser are spending some time at their cottage at Dorset. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Krue- ger and family of Waterloo visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Krueger and Jean. Mr. Art Bailey of St. Catha- rines spent the weekend with Mrs. Carl Radford and Shirley and visited with Mr. C. Rad- ford at hospital on Sunday at London. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kenney and. daughter, of Hamilton, visited Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs, William Bender, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Haugh, Danny and Linda and Mr. M. Haugh. of Dashwood spent the weekend at Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilborn and Cathy of Hanover are on holidays this week visiting with Mrs. Ezra Foist and Nola. The summer meeting and picnic of the WSWS with Dash- wood. and Zurich combined is to be held. in. the EtJB church on Wednesday afternoon, Aug, 2. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Presz- cater and boys and (Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chambers and Gloria spent Saturday at Marine City, Mich., visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Anton Anderson and fam- ily. Mr, and Mrs. William Oest- reicher have gone on a trip to the east coast. Mrs. 'Eveleen. Stevenson and Roger and Ricky of Langton visited with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brock, over the weekend. Mr. Carmen Dobbs and John- ny Brock of Langton. spent a few days al; the home of the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brock. Rev. A. 'M. Schlenker was back on. duty Sunday after be- ing away on vacation, Robert Mark, son. of F/L Robert Pal- mer and Mrs. Palmer of Win- nipeg, .Man„ who were home on vacation at the tatter's parents', Mr. and !Mrs, .Em- meiy Fahrner, received the rites of baptism at the morn. ing t service, They left again Monday morning for home, Bean, of London, were Wed- nesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Devine and Mrs. Devine Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nichol- son, Kenneth and Leona, of Brigden, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Karl Guen- ther, John and Janet, and with Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Harlton. Tom Russell has returned home from a holiday with his cousins' in St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs, Jack McKenzie and. family, of Windsor, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Arb herr Finkbeiner, Mr. and '.Mrs. Everett Russell and family, of Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Russell and family, Sunday visitors with Mrs. Milton Ratz included, F,O. Robert Fassold, Mrs. Fassold and Kim, of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold and Mrs. Nelda Routledge, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fink- beiner and family visited Sun- day with Harold's mother, Mrs. L. Finkbeiner and aunts, Misses Errna. Finkbeiner and Nellie Hotson. Mr. and: Mrs. Charlie Webb and family, of. St. Catharines, are visiting this week with Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Russell and fam- ily. Miss Bernice Lobb, of Bruce - field, is holidaying with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Sheppard. Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Baker, and Eunice, of St, Thomas, are spending a few days with Earl's mother. Mrs. M. Baker. Mr, and 'Mrs. John Lamport and Freddie, of Toronto, were weekend visitors with John's mother, Mrs. E. Lamport and brother, Mr. T. Lamport. Mrs. John Cada and family, of Tecumseh, are holidaying with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chris Baumgarten. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Neil and Gerald, of Ailsa Craig, were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Neil's mother, Mrs. all. Baker. Mrs. Philip Fassold . spent last week with her sister, Mrs. E. Stelck: and Mr. Stelek, in Dashwood, Rev. R. Hiltz has retuned from. vacation and services will be a.t 9 a.m, in the Shipka Church. for the remainder of the summer. Bible School will be from August 2 to August 11. Qut,iillln„ttt..... rtult„ ,taut„,,,,Inuit ttttttt tt„ ItYllllltt„,t,t,t,t,,,,tll,,,utt U/n,tnt Utuiuuiunniui�i BELTONE HEARING /SID SERVICE CLINIC Thurse, August 1:00 p.ni, to' 4:00 pan, Middleton's Driugs. 11 You Wish To Have Your Hearin? 'rested Phone for Free Home Appointment Service to All Makes of Bear ing Aids E. R. 7l<II DE t4EARING .Alb SERVICE 88 Queen St, S., `l�itclener �iPPtitiituuYfiiiPtY'U”�YriYliiiftiiiYi'iCNii'itii9iii'iYiiiYiiSiniVn, Pittu,t u,uuiniimmnuuuritit'tirtiiYYtYiiiilNintti�: !M!!!!!1410!!!99.11.1!!!OVAIM!!! iat!! !!u,uuotn. Davies, Grant, Denning , and Benn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Office Hours 9 :am. DEVON BUILDING PHONE 261 EXETER !MOW Ngu!u,quillMAn bun nfluI !!!y!lW0g "A LEGACY FOR LIFE” Prepare for a Business Career• by secwing e diploma issued by the BUSINESS EDUCA.T.:. ORs' ASSOCIATION of CANADA. Sr, and and Jr, Courses • Qualified Teachers ▪ New Electric" and Modern Manual 7"ype'wri}r New Mimeograph and. Dictaphone Machtriea, • Monthly Tuition $26. 21:Ith' .Annual Fall Terra opens September S GQDEJ UCH BUSINESS JA 4.8321 pr 7284 Fresh round Fresh, Eviscerated 3=Pound Average A&H Superior• Economy! Ellrnar Pure Economy! Salad 16 -or. jars tter � Dressing Fryers Jubilee. Tray Pak Pork SAUSA`' Maple Leaf -- A&H Superior Economy! Van Camp's famous CHICK' L Maple Leaf' Big 2 WIENE CELL_!, 2 : .e .t ri a e • _ .J r, ..�..�> as....-..5`ncs,...ws 9v ......a.. .. Y.4. ..., �. 1' .... d.-.,. r Summer Fr zen Treats L PICNIC BRAND Large 1.2 -oz. tin York ICE CREAM /a-GAiLLON$ 8.5` feMaircenteRedeeelleteenlerereeleiefeee Produce V0111,4C5 Yellow Fresh Fr'eest'one Peach Locally Grown Cat) Les. terms r'a sr Fresh Loca! Grower Good Size Bunches Onions Caret 8raHs New Ontario Potafw- IaAn. Phone 532 WITH AasH Superior Economy! Picnic Brand Sweet A&H Superior Econo nyi inst Stafford's, Serve Hot or Cold CicoIate A&I1 Superior- Economy! Pineapple -Grapefruit ASE! Superior 'Ecouornyl Clai-lc's Fancy '1 WCC A&H Superior Economy! Package of 8 A&H Superior rink Sikes Economy! 8 -ounce jar s ' ,'' biz A&H Superior, Economy! One -pound lag A&H Supet'ior C ffee Economy( Swift's Golden Dew A&H Superior firs# A&H Superior Fruit A&H Superior est rine Economy( White Swan t issue Economy! Henley's Economy! Dare's Cookiin Plats tSe worth of dotlpOnti • Litniterd Supply. Lea Chatted at this r'i'me. King a Size Tide 25c off F 0 3 c 16 -oz. jar c 1S -€r. fain 16 -or. jar !2n OFF 1-I s. T[n Cn n. 4 ROLLS 48 -or. tin 20-er. 'ring 3c 1S -ounce tins rna pound package A&fd BEST BUYI Kam Luncheon Me\.:t 12 -OZ, TINS 3 ,µs O tC •a . .. _ . . „ � ,.. < ;arc �.�,,.,.�.�waS���.%�*��Ew,x?x"�,"3'c.'�a. Free Delivery eee