HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-07-20, Page 10A. R 9I Q. Abe T: mektA , ..ocaic ,IH1y, ?O, $H H$ A 'udenfi essay Co.nservatori By RQN MARSHAL!. In SHPl'1S "Ink Spot" Canada's wildlife must be; 'conserved: if her people are to prosper. Aztirnals, birds, fish, ,insects - even - lawn to the lowliest bugs and worms, have a part to play in preserving ours natural resaurees, -„ Perhaps the most important l reason for the conservation of. ,animals and fish is the more.: tary value they are to us. These wild ereatures are "the sole source of income of • MARY of our people: hunters, trappers, fishcrrnen, and Eski, Inas. Secondly. wild animals. birds and fish are pleasant to look at; thousands of tourists flock across the Canadian border each year, lured by the wild- life of our forests and streams. The value .of this tourist trade makes a sizeable ,contribution to. our economy. Thirdly, to thousands of our :Own people and to thousands of our own people and to thou, sands more visitors the sport of hunting and. fishing is a great vBeware of poison . -.poison that is Don't scoff at poison ivy. if , villi.an. For example: The ell you: do, you may have to can soak into gardening gloves scratch. For, doctors say, eight or outdoor clothes and infect nut of ten people are suscep- you yio dmonths later if contact is 1 In view a the season, there-, A rake, or shoe, or even a fore, it would be well to con- dog that has run through . poi - template what you, the poten- son ivy can be a "carrier" of fiat victim, can do to protect the oil that causes trouble, yourself from the itch, And What to do what you can do to soothe your . What should be done if you • misery if you become a vie-' suspect you've made contact Lim. . with poison ivy? First thing is The first rule of protection , to wash' the exposed area with This is knowing your enemy by ± soap helpd rid warm skin water. the sight. And that poses problem: No. 1. For unless you have a: oil before it gets to work. .botanist's knowledge you won't ; But if this fails, and you recognize some of poison ivy`s develop the exasperating and various guises. Though it al- :painful itch, try to avoid re - ways has three leaves to the + peated scratching, This may ;group, the leaves vary in shape i spread the rash, may cause • and size. Poison ivy, while' infection, in�*iinK vin • The obvious way to deal with also grows as a ground creep -i batomeans±mto avoid it. isi ply er, and sometimes as a bush. steering clear of three -leaf The experts report that . 'poi vines and plants. sun ivy comes in so many dif- Don't, for example, burn ferent forms that the exact: poison ivv with other garden number of species is unknown, debris, The poisonous oil va- With this in mind, avoid any pnrizes when burned and re - three leaf Plant that isn't tains its potency in the smoke clover. wafting through the neighbor - While poison ivy's appear- heed. lance may not be exact, its; Clean clothing capabilities are. For one thing, you very like-) It is also wise to wash or ly.are not naturally immune to dry-clean clothing that's eon - poison ivy's rash even though ' tacted the poison plant. And, if you've never had it.. And' clothing is to be dry cleaned, authorities say those few pee it would. be a friendly gesture pie .having natural immunity to warn the dry-cleaner! can lose it. Repeated exposures: And finally, if you do :fall do not build resistance. On the victim to poison ivy ;lid the contrary, it may make you common home remedies don't more vulnerable. ,improve your case within a day Another peculiarity of poison or two, see your doctor. Poi - ivy is that it can affect you: son ivy in most cases is not even though there's no direct! serious, but it's still poison contact. It's the oily substance t and should be respected as on the leaves that's the real i such. L Y.•.,,:t ,Q i96i, Xing Features Syn rale, inc„ World rights reserved ' J 6..27-.11^ "`I'll play with you when I go back to work, Ed. Right now I'm on vacation." • C+ g $yastiute, lop, World rights reserved. "If we could get along on as little money°in the fast, half of the month as we do in the last hall, we'd be rich." 05,1 rl iCi taaitta silialtatai "Mtoatil floc ;vel. baiitst hate ie the ung butte eport .crop tmge •See statue Ciandeboye .area ;.unypiling • J H, , R . 1' TQPJ. e • :4 11� r MRS. •.. A 1Vi1 k r Scott a 1 s, Jim S n . o and Y .soak. � Donald (JX , w On Sunday this coknni.unity Pass in. Linos?; had no hydro for some time Misses . Elizabeth I.1i11, passed 1 . d 4 J recreation . attraction. her gradepiano andoan And fourthly, there are many •due to. a heavy storm, Cunningham, grade 5 piano at Ulla contributions which wild- ' A very heavy ra'.k :and wind the recent _examination at the life makes, Our birds have flooded gardens and flattened Western Ontario Conserv tory saved crops and infected trees of inusie, London' from disaster by the elimina. some fields :of wheat and oats Miss 1, �i tion ea harmful trisects. ;Feed and also soaked bay that WAS ?ss • is a pupil of Mr, seeds are also included in the not harvested. Pheli.p Squires of, Glencoe, 11liss diets of many birds. Certain' Cunningham is a pupil of Miss insects are necessary to fee- Su"daY School picnic Margaret C r a nv f.or ,d, Ailsa tilize fruit, flowers, flax and . St, James Anglican S'inday Craig. tobacco. Even the lowly earth- School picnic was held at Personal items worm contributes to our ern. Riverview Park, Exeter, with Miss Nancy Scott started to nomy, n 1Ung farmland more a geed attendance. work. on. Monday at the Bell Telephone Co., London, Mr•. and Mrs H. Murless can be seen that the conser- vation enser- r were guests of Mr, and. Mrs. v tion of all wildlife is vital Whitmore; boys, 7.8, Ronnie Harold Mason, London, on Sun - Latta, Morgan, Jimmie Latta, David dad They also,enjoyed seeing toour economic a� yen our e o i s d e .n the pictures that weretaken ` r h n' throwing i u i s i an n a hysical well being. , Cunni g g b .11 in p g• ':. pail, Freddie Whitmore, Nancy at the wedding of the tatter's But too many people do not JIM; balloon breaking contest, daughter Brenda Jane Mason realize the extent of the task : Joan Cunningham, Doug Lewis and George Kent Harris at the of conservation. It is net good : and Freddie Whitmore; pining1 Centennial -United Church, Lon - enough to keep pouring baby . clothes pegs on hat blindfold- don, with reception at the Cob - fish into a lake or. crowding ant- ;,ed, Mrs.Murray Carter; lucky I blestone inn when they were foals into a sanctuary. There ; snot, Mrs. Ernie Lewis; clothes • guests. must be what we call a balance :pins in bottle, Mrs. Cecil Car- I Mr, Eugene Bice of , • Lind- nt nature, that 15, the number ` ter. Other sports were won by; sor visited his father, Mr. .Aus- of animals balancing with the Mrs. Jack Whitmore and Rev. ' tin Bice, and sister, Mrs, Char - amount of available food. A E. 0, Lancaster, lie Cochrane and Mr. _Coch- laek oL this balance can start a Teachers present were Mrs 'retie. He is taking a course at chain of events which in the Karl O'Neil, Miss Joan Cun- Varsity University, Toronto, ' end may prove disastrous. Our ' ningham and Mrs, Andy Car- Guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jim national parks are limited ter. Sigsworth on Sunday were Mr. areas which will . support only; •; and Mrs. Charlie Skirten, and . lowing the sports a hearty Miss Helen Skirten, Stratford, who entertained the group with colored pictures of interesting places they visited on their re- cent trip to Utah, Colorado Springs and Arizona. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elson, Elizabeth (Lilly) Mrs, Alvin Leatherland and of Parkhill and . Mr. and Mrs, family, Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Dixon of RR 2 Ailsa grazing. Reg, Schultz, Blyth, Mr, and Craig. Because of industrialization t Mrs. Norman Vincent and fam- Guests with Mr. and Mrs, and the penetration of human ' lily, Londeshoro, Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Carter were Mr. and beings into the wilderness, it is Ansley Neil, Exeter, and Mr, Mrs. Bill Walden of Chatham, who spent the weekend, and on Sunday, •Mr, and Mrs. Carlyle Carter and Jimmie and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Carter of oar er aeon London, also Mr, and firs, was hostess for the WI meet- Bert Morgan of St. Marys. leg with 16 present. President Mr., and Mrs. Alan Hill and Mrs. David. Nestle was in the Mr. and . Mrs. Charlie Cochrane chair-. left on Monday on a trip to the During the business session. United States. Mrs, Wilmer Scott and Mrs, Miss Frances Evans, Toron- Alex Macintosh were appointed to, spent the weekend with her leaders to attend the appointed friend, Mrs. Ed Flynn and Mr, ing Fruit" class to be held on Flynn, July 20 and 21. A bus trip was discussed. fertile by its constant stirring I:a.ces: pr.e scliooi, Susan 1till, up of the soil, , Marion Cunningham; girls. 7-8, For these reasons, then, it Catherine Cunningham , Filen a certain number of animals, and unless the excess number lunch was served by member's can find living space outside of the Guild. the park they must be removed 1 Family picnic by killing or trapping. If this! Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil enter - is not done there will be di- ( tained en. Sunday members of sease, starvation, and stunted' the Leatherland and Neil faini- growth among the animals and lies, Guests included Mr. and destruction . of the park by soil erosion, which follows close the duty of man to help con-{ and , Mrs. Alton Neil and Don- trol the balance of nature which ald, Whalen. is lost each time new land is WI names 4.11 leaders cleared. But unless risen ad/WI carefully in their efforts to°1 Mrs.Karl O'Neil of L help balance nature's books, they may cause a great .con- fusion in the scheme of things. Some years ago a drive was made to destroy animals which were killing the deer in a large forest of the western United . States. The deer then increased so rapidly that they ate them- selves out of food. Therefore it was necessary to reduce 'them by killing and to restore the animals which kept the deer in. check, Other mistakes have been made too. The starling cheated New Zealand severely. At home in England it was . looked County Rally is to be on Aug- How ustt 22 at Poplar Hill with wheel North Middlesex to be hostess. when? A bake sale is to'be held on upset. August 6 in Lucan, unlet? The program was under the upon as •a great friend of far- convenership of Mrs. 'Rupert niers destroying grubs and in- Williams of the Agriculture and sects, But upon, importation to Canadian .the commit- sects, Mrs. J, H. Paton gave a paper on. "The Farm Way of Life" in which she said "The farmer is regulated by nature, not by clocks and watches; he is close to the universe; in this changing world modern society is in flux and . the world's popu- lation. is increasing at the rate of 45 millions a year so that farming increases in. import- ance because of all these ex- tra mouths to feed," A paper on 13utterfat Untruths and a poem . ``Time Saved" was also given by Mrs. Paton. A contest on weeds was conducted by Mrs. Rea Neil and won by Mrs. Norman Hardy. The host- ess contest was won by Mrs. Alex Macintosh. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Hardy, Mrs. Ernest Lewis and Mrs. Arthur Simpson. Women's Federation The ladies of the United Church met at the hoarse of Mrs. Alex Macintosh for their meet- ing with a. good attendance. Mrs. Rae Neil presided. A committee to'plan a Meal to be served at the church in- cludes Mrs. Jim Donaldson, Mrs. David ;!i'estle, Mrs. Alex Macintosh, Mrs. Arthur Hod- gins, Mrs. Rea Neil and Mrs. Rupert Williams. Conveners for showers ap- pointed were Mrs. Wilmer Scott Mrs. George Simpson, Mrs. Andy Thompson. It was suggested that each member be contacted and asked for a. one dollar contribution to- wards the cleaning of the church. ?Mrs. David Kesfe took the devotional period. Hostess assistants were Mrs. New Zealand, , the starling raised five broods a year in- stead of two and changed its diet from insects to the very fruit it was brought in to pro- tect. There are times when it is necessary to kill wild creat- ures but witless killing is a problem , .of our conservation authoritie,.`'Fishing has fallen off badly in Southern Ontario where there used to be some of the best ponds and,Streams you ever saw. This is because the pollution. of streams by towns and cities coupled with the removal of brush from ri- ver banks and the lowering of water levels by deforestation. Fish are now unable to live in some' waters because of wastes from factories and mills. This waste material does not have to be poisonous, to be harmful, if it destroys the smaller animals and plants an which fish. live or removes the oxygen from the water- it will make life impossible. It takes years to'restore fish in a tainted . lake. Not until plant life has been completely re- newed will young fish again survive. Our treatment of wildlife, we must admit, has not added to our glory. We are only be- ginning to realize that if we seek prosperity for our fann- ers, trappers, foresters, fish- ermen and all those who use their products, there'are things the must do. If we are going to use our natural resources to their fullest, we have an obli- gation. to'maintain the conser- vation of wildlife, a. factor which still greatly affects the economy of our country. When every minute counts Make sure you have a good supply of Shell gasoline on hand before you start harvesting. And . check your supply of these other farm equip - Went needs .. , motor oil, lubricants, hydraulic fluid; and Dieseline. When you phone in your order be sure to ask for your free copy of the Shell Farm : Handbook. You`ll And it a real help in keeping your tractor in top shape. many of us are like barrows — useful only pushed and too easily Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wed- nesday afternoon and dur- ing the evening through- out the week. Graham Arthur • d ! th hisn S a blot? er Stephan, bath- of t Exeter, witnessed the unveiling Of a monument 10 DUO of their Ukrainian homeland s greatest poets; at Winnipeg July 8 and ;3, n r n 1i eery :Ote ezi a o g' v The two brothers joined a .group of about fifty other rainians from the London area to attend the ceremony honor- ing, Taros Slkevchenico, vensi.d- ered by most people to be the greatest ,poet that Ukraine has ever produced.' Both Orenczciks alsq attended a banouet and show staged in conjunction with the unveiling of the statue. The celebrations were held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the poet's death as well as the 70th an- niversary of the first Ukranian settlement in Canada. The statue was unveiled by Prime 'Minster John Diofen- baker in the presence of over 25,000 people, IlInt,nnnati M►(.1HAA!¢1lMlPMIAM.M9nl}I9MHIAlinlOWARI AM..1fll1111.11t 11.111 1 1.10.1t .ALF AN RV'S Aft Amrtaer§ -�- Heating, Plumbing, $114et M.etat Werke 403: ANDREW `T., EXETER PHRNE 719 'Elwgl�!.tlrtl�,I1M���j.Rn�1S}lA!165�1111tt6ti�nm111!!1[Airy1ry�11tFIQ(ItrR111tt5ft�tU3tt�llltllt�lttlftUltL.,t,ltil4l4ldkldk 'WE CANNOT ,GUAte4MTEE We can't guarantee publication of any advertising after our deadlines. Please remember clis.ila ado e 1 y must be submitted before Tuesday noon, classifieds. will be accepted up to Wednesday. 'Your co -opera. tion will he appreciated. The Times -Advocate t. G ON lin PR CTION Thonrzared3 of dairymen who have switched to Purina have upped pro- duction per cow as much as 1,000 lbs. per lactation. Extra milk for extra profit. That's why we se Purina feeding costs less! Because in the long run it's actually cheaper to feed a top-quality ration than to skimp your cows on poor feeds. Purina Milking Chows help hold body condition; utilize their roughage better; and they supply the milk - making properties needed for high production. I am inviting 10.01 dairymen to prove this for themselves. Pick several cows or your entire herd. We tape the cows and weigh the milk. Feed Purina Milk Chow Checkers according to produc- tion. In 30 days well re -weigh the cows, and the milk. You'll see the results for yourself—the extra profits you'll get from feeding this body- building Purina Chow. Why not call me today, or drop in to our Store with the Checkerboard. Sign and let's talk about doing a Purina feeding -for- profit test right on your own farm., far fast, efficient feed service call Cs 1mis Lt Exeter Phone 735 WHALEN CORNERS Phone 35r15 Kirkton 4 Canadians who want bigger profits tomorrow, t, feed PURINA CHOWS today! Ali nalateiaPP ISISE11�PPRIPII��it�i*$SHIM K®®�fl�®®*�1�1!M IN 1HREE OF TR BEST KNOWN WAITTDSPREAD NEVA ARE: "TELEPHOPiE„TELEVISION, "TELL AWOMAN ,r B®B'SIIHA RkDlATOR S:RYIIS. ew Pull -Type for grain and corp John Deere 42 Combine New John Deere 42 Combine has a 9 -foot platform . perfect for your grain, soybeans. (3 rows), and seed crops. It's available with the 2 -row 295 Corn Attachment .... plenty of capaoity here, too. Being a PTO pull. type, you get all combine when you buy the 42 .. , more harvesting ca. parity for your money. St6p in next time you're in .town and let's talk trade on the 42 Combine., US E UIPMENT BARD AINS 1-I1G B250 Tractor 2. John Deere AR Tractors 'Manure Spreader. 3 -Furrow John Deere Plow for Powr Troll. D'Sl Crawler with Drott loader and Skid bucket, in excellent con- dition. 04tirrow I -HC Plow • Phone 80 P}tci 1E *6S. EXETER. Traclor IPMENT cin NO1tTht ON t1O, 4 1-116FIWAY