HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-11-18, Page 4r.o-
ly ex
. _ ...t wrtaeg• to the leading British
periodinalo will M copied, especially ouches
have t.feresee to the welfare sad interests
of them Colowe*.
A remit,' direst of the CisrresJ Fetal* if
Ge. World. 8eirstific Diacsleriea, Csawer.
eta( A.ws, Musical' Jalelligeaet, lied an
matters of general interest, dented frowths
most recent iaf.rrestion.
It is also 'wended to publish a series of
Ri.grapAies of Eai.es l Men of Greet
Britain waif Ireland, from Alfred the Great
to the present time. This amortises, will
be Itlsstrated with Portraits from the best
A. at is proposed to make the publication
a national and not s Wool werk, it will len-
Aisrhtogly advocate all questions affective
She Common interests of our Colonies as on
integral portion of the Britisk Empire.
An e[pe►Mece of ..,oralears to supply-
hfg the reading public of Cal a'a with the
merNl publicst'o.s of the United States, cent-
aur,' the projector of this periodical, that
Um, are entirely inadequate to the waste of
• tM Wajenty, sod little calculated to fors
h sir iseprots the literary taste of s people es,
P l rtisllydiferewt is their feelings and pnr
'l:aiplee rem those for whom these Periodi
ire propend; sodbelievi.g that the
'Moor/tales wftt meet with encouragement
fere %ba.efee whose. pleasant sod teleran-
."'" ft lie trails that the sips -
bis expectetieas.
his made nes sf the
yet ahead to
terms will ho
imams all
T! � �
MOPFAT'•Th. 8116"161" alkillv lag NU as* hatosad rim west Charm Coats the abe poised
E T A I L E LIFE PILLS are+ wall +, Biu :seem of itheelioth leak sod log11 arm baro,' hold athews Ma aims rod alar. 6110"1•111s a Haim. Perth sod 1
♦ a O N otebs►d bsafiag MIIL shim land ►ran „
Colter.* Ise, ((R. Cilia) Oath risk Mwdaf tss
November..a& Wednesday 1e D.,embw. Dos.
Liars. Ea... Ckr►.
The hi.o rid motor oree.eyaIbis pe
atedorro bre reeled iamb erro
longest. e,41w.s, r
Isk,�o.l tour olk )alp, peaor tto sow. as- w Britt
,... are *so. -' ms, swim ma its Ar] e
Sr Mee - W -.L O.ills OM =OWNS
• 411 Mita 141ii•d fr0tiriii1111141
1 -
. t4 .e..5 w .e.. row et..s. Moro rowed. ..r .M
✓ err ss.sswsis rtrrr'ro. torr. w eve, Me oro
w thine Nwbmr. lord. woo .•.rein tor Wiener tare
IILAMI. CwwJC.. d 04 )0101 Cortes. U.
orivrierrene. etelbaliel • C4,Vaaa, catrL•c.
OUMM'Mt rmoa. Uw.l or pro warms r lbwaw..
et/gayer Nvivoa. n[urrlsa.
�s/t i1P/I �. lir tree .o. raw +.,ones .
rr. e,rr d.k, Wow tart ween...+ mrdwaly
05 UrT.u.ra V ahs- ear. Ka VIIPLL4a. PLAT.
awl A 011, N. Tr rib erne .ort . wt.
,w err et Oro sr a r o oil M a..d • safewoody. w
.wows Ieaed►. Othrre wool wr. own tee .roes- wady, tor
roan .f No E.e.r. -• wr to rot =err.. r oro 000r -
rnv Team. at **Immo. AND SS CVOS&
II'0LNaa. ef:;UNPL [ZION.
.w.fT. rbDi.r%[.5. Oa/Val. 1111.004, 11148. Views
W . INW410 r[VSA. INILArogruer IN1U.4
rum t0r'rar 11000. SAU1DICL L05a V ir►a
LIoI1R 0011?LAILM?/e
No r 1.l. N .alts.* swift all 14 Abet.. "homer re
w ile tiro o4. sh. o. a ....oar onowera,ewf thineni d4
NIUUT 011 Kirk. 91110:,1 n[r1LIT•. OEM 1'01'1
C la•talNTI of .s ..A.. O1U4.IC AIY0.;TSl1\'A
/ALPITiTN,Y of the 004.1, 94101100 GNUao.
P1La/. Tf.11[11.1ow. tone .fdine wie -
e a. 'rad of ori of M row ..ort. M 14 as- .t new l.da
Uhelowor *bow
11•1010.00 SRA *lits boot. Wm. brie .or nor.
N N r t' 7s- ATI 0 N. Thane .IYLol . u r►r
wad* Aiwa . ail 0, .we a ..fol ti 14 t.fe Medwark
MUSH .f NIG/ND to IN NAIAD. .gastro.
*,:Rural.*. r s1WOt$ !EVIL. ori.
wer4w. ULCER J..1tows, Sow Isl..
W O R I/ / ..l sJl .*.stool y e001101M
J. . M....r. r.,s.. .e, Nil M.•nw,Mw.I..w.ho*
vest tri' t.nwoer w w..wtei 0.0.4 ..,II .e *room
'e Sts s td es 8rd Ce4401.0011, I.ra 14. Tows-
.4r5ewsslatlb, end .N hall gds 1,.. a
1 the mare will be n. -
snored ,ltlbrit. For wireless apply le the
propmeter em the pesmssp.
Waware* M► Aug , 1864. 110
Ad Gies remove all disease from the system.
A elm& .riot .in pWes Ise LITE PILLS ..d
PUEN11 YITTERSMoorthe err arrow
errm. see .ether..f ...ty prior.
1'►r pram .f O,er MOM/mimes mem now yard op l" wire
�<ar�sn rd lobs, ,.golh. .lel ., soar
" M.Isf's Good I .orirs." esrai.iat t : et tor. as,
a .100.0 4.. rowers or n.rdNy Dew N nem/ to wr
0a... b *Mr Kramer, ,4Nlog IM sky <as eery easily
W as-. The wry"... sod aswa ltor sr copyrighted,
therefore Owe who preen Ora will were wnrp'n oro
M ..grad shin theyas- patties Ne careful, or o.o or
bq Mer with pd..rappers; bin If yr d., N rrldsd
oro they sort sinst art In, or door Noor rim.
IIT ln,erd sod err by
reoo<.1 Milroy sort, New T.4.
Pr s.r0
Selo dgeat.
poerieh. Imo. u. 1848.
Dlibid Own Lands Office.
TYAT she wplele`` CROWN LANDS
to AntrILLD sod WAWA/408H, are
sow opo. FOR SALL. 611 .aceseary.seeses-
tlos r.pectieg thee. Lssds mal lee *ionised b/
apply's. te
District Crown L..d Agent.
UM November, 1130. 3..41 if
3 of good Hemlock Bark,
• highest market price
tb, 1852. v3 -o15.
a to. forbid any person
Won. Eastern Division
t eunauiting me, as 1
t it.
.1832. vbn10
eeeseion, fronting the
82 Acre,, about 40
and Fenced, and LOT
containing 80 acres of
are situated abnot midway
owe of G• erteh and Village
Of partierlare apply 10
Agent, Goderich.
.d. being Lot No. 5,
era Plot, Lek,- Shore, Ash -
is thirty acres cleared, and in
of .sltmetine, and a5 orchard
fruit trees. There to a good
.mow fatheg .prongs of water
20 be 30, gad • Barn 20 by
t 128 mink, es- L 150, by pay'
e. sad t're Misses 1e three
talmmt., with isterest.
*ethos lolorsatree can he ab -
Jobe M.nm, Colborn., or Cha..
• less.
talk 57th. 1462. v5-.9-4.
toppoolie Balkwtll's Hotel.) Caesar el
Deaden and Talbot.etreete, Lsdoe, C. W..)-
.-Bobr.l Book., C*tone asd Classical Beek -
Binding sad Ruling of every descriptio. Eases -
led os the Premiers.
LT Orders for Accost t Books, from th• Trade
or enemy Merchant., pusclselly atter.dcd 04e
sed • lateral dismount allowed.
Loader, March 183. 4.4
t hang pwrcbaaed lbs t•ter-
Wie.11 in the ahoy E. -
et to cgepostre 160 13u.1-
pomatblilr. In retorntag
lie for the eery !them] mi-
med by Oaa k %1•iten.,
tisit• that he will constantly
ea sport meet of tlnp•rror
seamettag.r COOK INC,
and Box Stoves; Amer -1
h & Canadian Plougllo
t Improved JIoo1J•,-J1A.9J.T
S, Turning l.ndes, Saint's
or deecnption t0 env hitherto
std hatter adapted to Doe rem-
elt lightness of draught, and
urs. A call from in-
reqnested before put
The above will he sold
ah or Trade, or at ter.
pproved credit.
A. B. ORR.
1880. 3v-4120
FORWARDER aid Commission Mer.
chant. Ititofeboure Keeper, g 1
Ag•at, for the rale of Wold Lands Cleared
Farms, Household Furniture gad Produce
of every d.eertption.
Office, reit door, North of the Eimer -
dine Moo's, Godericb,
March 24th 1852. v5-89
Lo N.. 7, 4th
Township et
Cash. Tri. Int
►as the hat m-
ite. Mill of the
. i.• me the I.,
to propel *ay
b. •More year.
of the beet
teres .l which
rid dwelling -
to the F.Iiitee
d Retail
'THE subscriber begs too i. form the lobe-
tants of Godericb asd its vicinity, that
he has received a Large Supply of the La-
test Improved "Patterns of
which be offers for Sale •t very reduced
Prtey. for Cash. The subaeriber afro keeps
on heed se usual, at his Old Stand, a large
and very superior assortment of TIN-
WARE of every description. The sub-
scriber takes this opportunity of returnuog
his sincere thanks to the Public for the very
liberal patronage he hes received sines he
has hers is business In Godericb, k hopes
by strict attention to business, and moder-
ate price", to continue to receive a share
of public patronage.
N. B. -Graining, Painting, Glazing. Pa-
per and Bell flanging, carried on as hereto-
Goderich, 8th Sept. 1849. v2n31
THE subscriber hereby intimates to the
Inhabitants of Goderich and the our -
rounding country, that be has commenced
busmen in the above line. is the Store
formerly occupied by Mr. White, in the
lower part of West -street, and will have
constantly on hand a full supply of BOOTS
and SHOES of every sim and description,
and of a superior quality, which he will sell
at moderate prices for Casb.
N. B. -Hides and Wheat taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Goderich, 9th Sept. 1851. /0
PrimSUBSCRIBER begs leave to in-
form his friends and the public gene-
rally, that be has now gut ,,the National
Hotel so far completed, as to warrant hum
to saving that he us prepared to furnish ac-
commodation for man and horse, egn.I at
Jest, to anything that can be found be-
tween London and Goderich. TheNarian
al Hotel is situated in the byantiful and
thriving village of Brucef.ld, 18 males
from Goderich and 42 miles from London,
and from the eligibility of theartuatioe, and
strict *tendon to IM comfort of his Guests
and customers, he Soper for a share of pubs
lie palronsge.
BrucefielJ. 1st Jan. 1851. .3-n46
ALJ,person, indebted to THOMAS
M ACQUEE:N, Tate of the Huron Sig
nal, are hereby notified, that unless their
notes •0d accounts ire paid on or before
the Int day of May next, lhey will be im
modistely h.nded to the Clerk of the 1st
Division Court for collection.
Persons residing in the County of Perth
who are todebted to the Huron Sigsol. will
find their notes with Dr. John H,de, of
Stratford. who has been authorised to col-
lar' immediately.
Goderich, 13th A roil, 1 rt 2. li
(,otlerirh, 2nd April, 1852.
TWO .Lots of Lead, is the raid snd 3rd
Concoe.inss of the township of Sten
ley, one mile from the village of Br.eeteld,
and eighteen mllra from G•tderic:i.
On the lot In the 2nd Conce.aton then is
a 11"use, Born, .std ,ixty sere. cleared.
On the lot 'n the 3rd Concession there 1,
a House snd thole acres cleared.
The Firm is well watered by a neer
feiltng stream, .std 16• quality of the land
is of the beat de•ertptton.
The lots, would be dtspoeed of separate -
7, if required.
5- n11 M. B. SEYMOUR, k CO.
FARM tostarnrng 170 ger ,sox wilas
atdl a half from Goderich-b6 scree
Wowed on ,t, with a good young „rcherd.
TM shove farm Is well supplied with gond
water -the losees are .n gond order. A
good Log Hour, a Bath 90 by 61 feet, red
assn Stables with ...atheism's, leo.
For particulars apply to George rialtos,
Tavern Keeper, IIuron Road, 4 miles her
G•dertch# or ns the prem.....
Colliers , May 21, 1852. v5,sletf
iIAVING daring the pest tonears set.
d is 10e eapeetty .f GENERA1.
AGRI4T for the reheats, .f 4.bu, degree
it t. M g...rally etyd.►ot.sa that be will
menthe the Ag..ey 1.s- the wls.e4.. of
4..s Way part .t the Upper Treviso.. 0.s
Ivrea Cohost i. the Fist sod lege Herm
t. the West in aasbisg thio a.ea.ee-
w•ert1, be w.otd tog t. empress his thatch.
to hts trim& foe past hoerre, end .ow re-
sp.oital(y s.isit. . eswsIswsoe .1 the
All M,*Iwwaheiree nn hna..sa addre.a
f poet paid) t. Ayr P. 0., North Item.
f . W...48 be prasptly stud.& to.
Agri 1, Mfi5. Ida 160
15(010 DtTrme/•
De like* 'to Tam's. 11 eras Rand, Mtb.Deereh f.
Robert Darla, C10rk.
TWIN .1.140•.
James W.d.'.T►wn. Soothed. 1t!.. Drew
her, R.by Wilke... Clerk.
ro5510 .1Tv10..
Qaiek's Tater.. Lasdw B...4. fle.1 Drew
her. Cherie Carter. Clerk.
1111. DM/ .
Robert Cas►'. las H.ros Rood. 11 o'clock, A
Moeda,, 27th December. ROOM Raberus...
P.q•. Clerk.
5010 OIT51Ma.
Behead Hoer. Sola Mary's, Mr leeer►.r.-
Jeeres Coker,. E.q. Clerk.
. o 01101011.
Haaeke'a Tatra. Village of Bayfield. BOA
Dese.nber. Demi Had Ritchie. Eaq. Clerk.
The B.niags of the several Coen. will ee.-
m.... peecteall, sr 1I o'clock. A. M.
Goderich. 4111 Oct. 1452. +3.37
FROM the enbeeriber abeot the last of
Augusta biaek / x, turned up gp►ns, •
little whim uoder the belly, 8ix yearn old.
Any person giving such unlurmarioo as will
lead to his recovery will be rewarded for
their trouble at 1.t concession Lot No. 19,
Tuekeremith, London Road.
Sop. 1852. v6-036
TIIE Subscriber begs leave to inform the
Inhabitants of the District of 1 roe,
and the naghboring Districts, that hetes
Established himself in Stratford,
and is prepard to give Plans and Specifica-
tions of Public cr Private Busldinge, Bridg-
es, Mill Dame. kc. ke. kc., and will lake
the auperinteodence of such Erections, on
the most reasonable terms.
His thorough knowledge ofhi■ profession
and his practice as Builder, qualifies him for
any undertaking un the line. Address poet
Builder, lite. lee. Stratford, C. W.
Stratford, March etb, 1849. 2t -alt
AXE FACTORY, ¢c. &c.
THE Subscriber begs to intimate to the
farmers and other inhabitants of the
United Counties, that he has just completed
his arrangements, and is now prepared to
furoiob Axes, warrented, of a superior qua'
litv,and on terms gutted to the circumstan-
ces of the country, and the quality of the
He also invitee all farmers to eall red es •
amine hie improved epecinfen of the
which he netters himself will ba found
superior in many respects to any other
Plough now in use in this section of too
Goderich, Aug. 21, 1831. .An27
Mod Steam Engine Manufactory.
.rNE Uedecsigeed le waw prepared to d.
all hods et Werk M the beet aaaner,
sad at ober silk*.
The Patters' of /tee. Salem for 0,lrt
sod Yaw Molle, IN all meg sad of the l►Mt
approved Wool. Aloe, complete sets apes.
ug, 8hel10g, lee. for Griot sad 8a+ Das,
..to whish the attritive •l the pahlmc is
partorlarly directed.
Hester deeeted cossider►►h time gored
saps.* to gettlsg ep the beet de•cripttnel
of Engine, with all the ether necwory /x•
tures for Mule, Saw Mills, us now ready t•
offer them with great coe8,tenco to throe
is want of rich s•cbisery. These Eagle's,
ke, centre all the retest Improvemeste,
sad are erre complete. Seven of them are
sow herbed, asd Ike deemed is melt that
parties desirous of purchasing can be fitted
up is a few weeks, with everything sects -
ear .
A Boiler Yard is also attached to the En
tablishment, where boilers of u0• beat qual-
ity will at all times be made to order, on
reasonable term., sod of the best materials
and workmanship.
Improved stationary Fire Engines con-
stantly on hand, ready for delivery.
Iron Planing, Turtling, Screw Cutting,
Brass Casting sod F uiablsg, kc. dose in
every variety.
In connection with lho above, there is
new tet course of erection the largest Stove
Foundry in the Province the Moaldug
Floor of which will cover upwards of 10,'.
000 'moire feet.
There will be constantly os hand a Stork
of the meat approved Postero. of English
and American Cooking Ranges. Stoves,
fitted with Ti. sod Copper Ware com-
plete, also, the handsomest and newest
styles of Hall gad Parlour Stoves, a variety
of Plain and Ornamental Patterns of Cast
Iron Fence and Gate*, all of which will be
sold at lower prices than have ever before
been offered to the public, air which, from
the position of Chippewa. ss regards water
commnnicalion, can be forwarded to any
part of the Province. at a very light 5;-
Chippewa, Jun 24, 1831. Spect.-22
THE subscriber in returning thanks to the
inhabitants of the Ceuaty of [Tufo-
generally for the very liberal eocouragen
meet be has met with In the Sale of Fr no
Trees. begs to an.onc0 to the Farmers of
these United Counties that he us prepared
to tetroduce this Fall, a large asd well se-
lected stook, comprising. every variety of
Nursery 'Frees, epos his owal liberal terms.
It would be .eperfttoua to enlarge upon
the superior merits of this Nursery, sed
the qualities of Fruit brought front it -but
I the large quantity of Trees that have ben
distributed over nearly all of Upper Canada,
for the last 18 years has gained for this
Nursery a superiority over most others.
The subscriber would beg to introduce to
the notice of all those who with to get good
i Winter Pruit..the celebrated Northern Spy
Apple, its qualities are wperior tool! other.
of tie kind, keeping ootil July, and preser••
' tog all its freshness and Savor, which in a
Cm jL B O R N E y N 1 great desldentum until that period. The
THE eobeeriber begs to inform nut ou, I "obseri es- would ids intimate that his
morias friend. and customers, and the Dwarf Pear to to great demand as a Garden
public genitally, that his LARGE BRICK 1 Fruit, bearing in two years after planting.
; Eters variety of Fruit Trees, Ornamental is now completed, and that
from the great increase thus added to his
; and Evergreen Tree, and Shrub, Hardy
former premises, he to sow enabled to offer Herbaeeons Flowering Ylante, Dahlia*,
accommodation to the travelling public at iB.Ibons Flowering_Roote, lea Catalogep
least equal to that afforded by any other ego be bad of shy fetal or Iraveling agent,
House in Town. And witbqut being rex riving •fell dew -Melton. Term*, when 50
ious to monopolise the entire tavern busi-Tress are taken. 425 per hundred, or Is 541
neo of Goderich, he at least hopes for •a I eorreney each,under 50 Trees. 1, 8d ey.
continuance of the patronage which be bas ; two years credit. notes payable with inter -
hitherto enjoyed, and will always end est. Order* will be received, and any in-
to secure the satisfaction of his guests sad formatio. given by Mr. Horace Hnrlor,
Market 8
quare, Goderich, and Ayr. Peter
customers, by attending to their comforts- I Woed. Ust
bis accommodation.
N. B. -The Stabling at the Colborne
Ion is extensive and of the first quality.
Goderich, June ll, 1851. ,4o17
TO n■
Farmer, Farrier It Stage Proprietor.
er.aa.cuaiP IS TOM wrTear or N.a.erm
M the most aamrbshis Rammed AgpH.Yss sew
" They can't Ieep Home without it.'
Experience of more than Ewen 7rn Moe maM.Md
the fAitl that Mertiuntl Creamed bombes tri, or us-
venal Family 0.Mmral*w, .ill con oar tee, W r
try u1 .rh r
Species..8.eeor7. Ringhone. Win Pon
Boil, Callous. Cracked Heels. of an
kinds. Frear Wounds, Sprains. Breis.. /la-
bile. Sitter. Sand Omaha. Strains. Lameness.
Foundered Feet, Scratches er Greer*, Mang.,
Rkcumatirn, Rites of Animas. External Pot-
brr, Painful Nermne Affections, Fort Rita.
Boils, Corns. Whitlows, Burns and Scalds,
Chilibl"inc, Chapped Handy. Champlas.. Coe -
tractions of the Wombs, Swellings, Weakfnee
of the Joints, Caked Brerefs, la da io.
C69uo11N1 PISO_Smla
Thor ort tr boron on eclsat.rd I the terror of
*.roar, rod r • terr.ar.acr, all Armor hecnM.*
rest tbrofhert t4 eiwory-fir e.plbly nor aseignin"
or. have IMve.4 deep to p.0.•pa Me
room oo 1miu ton nese. Dr Oe 11..11 Oil
doorrox thea to Arlo their oras rtgte5a wte martt* up,
r ter pnpern,7 of no arty trtr ankle,.01eh .0...
.r. an ".i.bl. n.,.tm.,, which it •" =trod by
• seri• Kee.•, ren a.In IM 1:nitnt lutea •vd Gri.
M torn.•.. ,h,nund and wand•rkt yotti n, . eke was
we ALL ►•owt w roues r Metes, ladesed was
pe..., in •nem las ~Union in ..yew wmyu, weer
to reevorinw. ►veer n. tt• ,.Toffs .04..
10. ntw. .MdrM.e rn.nrryM..._ N1� pnst.d
*oriel* .11•11,1,801,i
.a,, .. 4n ,. w.Irl.'.. *pea the
tin. of ,aalr swims, • error* rr* ret t4 worms a..
peg al. 10. porier roc/rot sf s-4 ria or pmpsM)
of . fellow gen h • ..amity torid.rler• wn► dare
apthwl$.4 Irani• Wll rbn. or a he chat Ilse
.b will taws hepar 'w the evaArry M tor. root...
.ry trey set M enol�?7 e( tM ono crpMlty . rvrw4 w
wry of NI tab. • 1 etnse .d ttt,ws Npmeea 7 - WIM
aria oro oda yea poem la Mewl
11. ,.epimer ...M savoon ~dr door or Dr
er'am 1.. row. ter Mawr of the ,..,- 40.. 4 i his
IVO 0..0.i10g ~era rd. or door rods we aM.m
do doer c/ rash..,, l..tyn411,
D .! vita . e0tT *.true,. "rwmr.Toa Nvr
slaw can 4 pouts. M Odra ,her J. poll% way
SW loom soy Mrt o
!bob s es- .r • .engiW •"mn
a. .dors wldwesor to tan pwp.et Ira be progay
. ttiepSe M Ar *3*54 "ad w wte ways as.
1W •TetY. SalOa ow of m ate Os errtow ori s...i ase b,
([7' R. PARAONS, G.deri,4.
CNrk k Cs, Pert Samos : ■b•rle sad
Robertt...Chatham; B. A. MileMeh, been
doe; R Oath, Nieh.a.ad; A. H.g$Netbam,
Re. eta.rd.
Tb. Itallewieg aro W4.fes0L Agate, tit.
Gee. 71.11, Ninon : Rath Ile Decree., Pert
Starlry ; T. Sickle k Nen, H.,*t ee :
t.y.mi.. Bro. Ile Co.. Tress: 1e.74 k Poll.
N.. 4e, l'a../1•sd Street, New lerh.
• May 17, 1831. torah
Stratford, local
1 Agent. for Om Surgery.
Old Reehpter Nursery, N. Y.
Goderich, 15th Jelly, 1451. 22
CHEAP GOODS at Port Albert,
! II who eellethere w,11 Rnd C
1 ain't) TGeode suit the fashion, the prices, w
i cd the mind,
F.1 Who wi.hes to percher, will please CI
C call end gee
Wilts week, well selected, will ..it Cap- O
J .'pie. Oo
Port Albert, Sept. 1, 1852. .5.32
IS hereby given that the partnership Sob -
mating betneen Alex. McIntyre, and
James Donaldson, town of Godericb, wee
dissolved by mutual consent on the 22nd
day of January, 105.2. And all persons in-
debted either by Note or Book account are
hereby requested to make imtnedsa'e Pay-
ment, and save costs.
Goderich, April, 08th 1852. v3n14.
STRAYED from the enbecriber on or a-
bout the 5th day of Ma• feat. • Large
Yoke of Steers-nne a Dark Red, with
long wide horns, and a small lump on the
right fore leg : the other White, with light
red spots through the Andy, each four years
Also, three lleifere, one dark red
with white Gripe* through the body, three
years old -one White with red •pots on
her body, nee year old -the other Brindled,
with a white face, one year old. Any per-
son giving such information an will lead to
their recovery, will rreetve s R►wrd of •3.
Township of Staley, 40 con. lot 44,
10th Nov. 1851
FOR Tat Cola us-
vglt1.a1 Cobb, Eaana. Spiting
4 "Mood, NW Sweatt, Lira,
Liver C4ylai ts, all
DEA'I'1I can be and Is. Limo pre-
vented in thousands of ears by
1►m esmr.'e own remedy, J.dsee'o Ch.mi-
eal arts.' et Cameo' sod Laaowoa.. Thr
medici.e .mike meet el the patent remidiea of
the dry is the resell of carrel goody aad espr-
rimesu o1 • scientific sod experienced Physicists.
The two ptlaeipa! iugredl•eu h•m long be..
ksowa and celebrated. Wuxi C Baas.
Whys the ane.gib of this is properly eatsacted
III the belt medittoe known for erring rho worst
Casghs and *the P,laro.ry diseases, it Isms.
the phlerm sod enables the asffrrrr to expealo-
rate'slily, and alone will cure the wont colds-
cough. which if neglected always lead• to Cm-
N mpt*Oa.
Lulcwoar -This i. a plait the rirtnes of
Which ere keowa to but few, it has bees said by
the moor I d men of all time., that " eaten
hu provided a remedy for rash asd ererr di. -
este," rid the discoveries that as duly made,
Ir. to prove Its troth. Lsegwrt is dualities.
the renally deeigsed by nature for Cosasmptios.
Its healing propane* ars truly weederhl, sad
the rapidity with wb.eh it esresthe worst term
of Ulcerated Lu.e.. ,nothing sad s.bdsirg all
irritatl.s, alnico immediately. is • proof of it
adaptation to this dime..
These two articles combined with other pars-
araIy vegetable tagredlest", form • m.d'ci.e that is
certain re care the west cors of Ceasamptios B
ores before the sufferer 1. 'stiffly pro.rr•sed.-_
Ds sot be dieeo•reged, • trial ma 40 ss
berm. bet wilt canes., the inset sceptical sf
.is reel worth. Themed. of Coo.smpave per.
soe. have bees deceived repeatedly in buying
Endwise. which were said to be 1.1.810• ewes,
bet which have moved .sly palliatives, bat this
.idicine is sot *sly palliative bat • cove for .I -
termed isa(s. h coot.. no deleterious Dregs
• r one trial .ill prove its semaishiag efficacy
better t►ss soy saoertioo Of certificates in cer-
ise eon.ompties ■nd ell diners of the Lamp
✓ od Liver, ..eh .a Spini.g of blood, Cough.,
pail 1s the side sod chest, sight -mem, &c•
Cyano.. -To proieet oar ewe .a well as Ihs
islreu *(the prier asdercr,we ore *Mit.rd 1s *.vise all to 6.d the slgs.rsrc of COM -
STOCK & BROTHER oa the wrapper. with-
out 'bleu is • worthless eototerhit. Reeser -
her this.
PILES, 81c. -It is sow sled in the principal i
bo.pit•l.. sad ,s the private practice is oar
country by an immes. asmbet di.diiid.ale sod
families, first & moot certainly for the eon d the
Piles, sad alio exteasivelp sad effrtaally as to
belle credulity sole. where its effects are wit-
nessed Everson, is the follewie[ ee.plaists:-
Dropsy Swellings, Rhematism, Aerie or Chia -
sic, giving Immediate rase, Sone Threat, Brsi-
. ee, Splitter, Barns, &r. Sores and Ulcera. -
Whether lresh or of long 'mediae, and fever
fore*. It. *pennies upon .delis asd ehildrea is
reducing th.umattc .welisp, loelesing cough.,
righter. of the chest by ►elexatioa of the parr.,
has been rarpri..ng !myriad eo.eepios. The
cocoons remark of these who have std it i.
the Piles, i. • • it ret. lib • charm. " it is war -
rested to plea. my 'person that will try it.
CAvrso..-Never bay it .eters yes bad the
lee simile signatory e( Coanrk & Brother,
proprietors, ea the wrapper.
certain reined.. for Baldness, end Ise prevestieg
dL stopping the falba* eat of the heir. A.•Tst•
kI wrier, fe, be.stifyna sod keeepisg the Hair
soft. glassy. snd in • healthy ..•dioses, it is ee-
egselled. Its positive qualities ere as follows:
let 1t frees the heed from demand]; menthes
the roots, imparts health tad vigor to the eiras-
Istien, and prevents tb. hair *►ragtag eel.. r
getting grey- 2d. 1t corm the halt to cwt
brass(.Ily tries dear •p is it over sight. Tris
Balm a made from the *maim; receipt precured
from the ri(i.0l Terkieb Hakim (phytols. f of
Co..taetiseplr. where it is universally seed. -
The Torks h..• always ben celebrated for their
.osder(l shill in eompe.adiag the richt.* per.
fames and all ether 1041 articles. In Tark•y
the ■romitie herbs, Ac, of w'tieh this Bairn is
eompo.rd are &mist u.iversally Items sled
o wed kw the Mir. lienee • rex of baldness or
thio ie.d .f hair is entirety unknown in Ihs-
country. We wish hat e trial to be made d
1 me
it. tint will do marc to c».ince yes of its vie -
itut* then ell the sd.rrnsementa than can be
pblshed, sad that all way be able to test its
virt.es. it k put op in Largo Bottles at the low
price of 50c per Bottle.
Remember the resin. hes am srgwoteve of
Comstock & Brother oe the splendid wrapper.
FOR THE MARRIED.-" Rs •c Fawn -
mi. AND MOI.TI,LT."-Ila comm..& that .lo.Id
he cheerfelly obeyed by the children of Meg. -
Da. LA.xarT,'e Joao CORDIAL, or Procrnti.e
Elixir, prrecribed as aa effeetieal restorative is
ears of Debility. Impotency, or Barrenness, sed
all irregularities n( nature. it is all that it pro.
freers to be, .in: Nuare's Great Reitoratire, and
remedy to these in the married este within'
offspring. It is • certain nn for Seminal ,mi --
.,.a,, General debility, Gleet. Werke.. of Om
Genital Organ., Nervoo. Affeetio.e, Lesenr-
rhoe, nr Whiter. A. as ievigratie( modiolar
it is unequalled. Ale.. • mittens remedy for In-
cipient Cosramption, Indigestion. loos of Mas-
esl.r Energy. Pby.inl Lassitude. Female
Wesknees. Debility, Ike. it is warranted to
pleat* the weer is ""y of the above eomplaiet..
and is of priceless .ales to these with.* *K-
CAcrm. EITRA.-Find the ..in. Of Cess -
stock & Brother em the wrapper sad .ever bey
it ..k,. yos fid the abet.. ROW; as It hos
bees exteasively counterfeited of late. Avoid
the counterfeit a yeti would poison.
r]�s., To Ow,1111o► AND Dgai.as a Hoot -
'FPI - <r,-CaRLTO"'g 70.4,0•. OI"Twt.T.
Foe the care el Founder, Spin hoof,
Ifoo(_bound times. sed Cosineted arid Fever-
ish Fret, Wooed", Brehm in the Flesh, Gilled
Beeks, Crocked Heel.. Sentebes. Cam. Kicks.
&e. on ho►.... Carl'..', Ring -Bose Core. -
Fr the cure of Ring -Boar, Blood Sp•vis, Bose
Spnie. Wisdgellsaed Spited --e cera. reme-
dy. Carhee'. Cosditiea Psaden for Horses and
Cattle. The ehasges of weather end omen,
with the ehe.p el ae avid fed. have • very
groat effect epos tie blend sod einem* Heide e(
borers. it is at these eb•ng.e they regain se
.me set to stare to throw off any disorder d
Mids of the body that may bars bees imbibed,
sad wh.eh, if se •itesded ts, will result i. Ilse
Yrlln). W•,, , heaves, Warts. Botts, &e. All
el which will be prevented by giving ..e of
these powders, .ad w111 at pay ties• esrajwbes
as, gmptewr adorer swear, if smile time.
They pertly the blood, resolve ell isles aN .
sod fever, looses the akr., *Mase the water, sod
1nelerste the .hole body. 110141011111111111 ss &
mom work with the w.. lewd• 'Fhe estiss d
thew powderp is dime span. &1 11. IWvetiw
(hada and tterefem they hero the rase efts.
epos the Herr, the Oa. the Asa sod ell Her-
bivores* pinrb-ell diseases arising fres or
reader.' a had .is of 10, Mead. ere speedily
eared by thew. Cashes. -Remember .d sok
(r Canters'. Cs.ditie. Powder., tool take so
other. Cada.'. Nerve and Bose L..tr.r, for
Hors. wad fir the este of .0 diereses d sea
r beret that remelt* eaters! ss.ieatee. gad
for ewtretd reeds god ,*asks, remember
week limbs .d is de mai fir spralsa brat.,
middle gall...wylkl kp mem el all: 11.4. es
Mersey. Cant..'s ankh* he Home ed Co -
1% art p.opered best the tripe site swpeskslMs-
led Firgli45 Elmer, .d sore will se i. ease
eat d 1N •y d the ahem wsplsi.ta They
hem bees seed by hrmlew', Il.e,y sore, stem
penriersies a
sedbdreier _aw. with 1M greet . ertiphsi•
THE Subscriber having RENTED the
WAREHOUSE and WHARF' belong-
ing to the Messrs. Davenport, of this place
bre rstablshed himself es •
Any orders or eommiseion from the Met -
dant' of Godericb, will receive prompt
attention. JOHN McEWAN.
Windom., Msreh, 1840. .40-07
r5eetaTLf room TSR .L► rotes t" triton..)
HAM Moe gratefully enconreged to re.
mete to more rostral std cn.mo.ionE
primrose. 7, Kteg Street Wee', next 111 th•
Harsh Oflee, whore hie r.ch sod varied
Sleek turret' of Lolls' Bowe, in Bill,
8545, Freest sod F.eglieb Pnrnrlle sod
Cashmere. His O..tlems.'e Boots roe
Walking. Riding, Fi.hing, 8hoelmg, Sur-
veyi.g, trio., will he /Dead osequalled for
their El.ganee, F.reellenee and Economy.
Tereate. Jose 10041 1181. t8--021
(ioderict, 14t September, 1852.
CRATRi! of C...es Crockery, .bi.1
w(11 be inspired of at very 1.. Rotes.
DMAPREllemel •
Oil, Aar 1M sem sit a�tk
dM.falwo.ble .adore11111•11:6111116,4%"1411.
Oalt�e�1 + e
wM It.dwhe 1111.01, w.4
ww�ar ss ase ger •as�� fkprq r was
INNM_!�[n tarda waA r t J
RH11 WAT1/M.-Cetrwir�y
Me Lisi..al, io wmeawg a sate asp sand
Rbe.stMm, Gest, Costa ., C•rA,.
Mnoa6..e0111 ui.a, ssw•(th'. ,'.k
red will. the.* wi. are asppl,d w
5(045. C•amte.k 8 tkrat►•r, P,.,4_
a rk..ed .e.o geww wltiteat fMet araN,a
�TOOw HACHE.-Dr. Rhea's Drops, fa.
e.w es- the T.rMehe. It 6 .irk
ghat we w meaar..4 it r M 1.811.4 .. r
all cow, wt.heat ase tyory Is the tssi w
gees. Tries 115 eta.
thio meet eatrsordi.arr tsleedy a.r W.fw.,�
a.d: it e&eta.11, eradlaie. War.. h•m•tey
Adana asd Chf.lt.e.. It e.et., b.,. rk. Imo
delieste'iahst sr rr 1 Adadt, elide.. iks
to cempleiely root oat sal &wore, .11 heed
Wrier The caret, 25 or per Mule, mos it
within the reach of all, ■ad all parents who,,,
without it are w.aies)y •sos.sg the loves K
their cbildre. to Ihow kll &mey'n of yet..
" Worm.," Look Ir the woe of Commack A
Brother, proprietors, oe the Wreppe, .(,.,h
Hair, sod sot the Ski.. This dye may be as-
plied to the bait over sight, the first night lam-
ing the ti hdrat Red or Grey Heir ts. dark
bws. air+ y r•pntl.g a e.& sighs, 1. a
MregOl jot black. T►heutre.r.'anis'&
the renderer who tm eeketeree if, .ha 1. sw
eelebnted CMmht, Ile. Comne,k, aeI8.r ;
Co..isch'. Cbrmisuy, Pbiloaopby, ..d.
week., sad School Boake, well ksowe.
CAlrrror.-All of the 51... will anielw.,.
sell *sly by Comstock & Brother, 1 3t. P„sty
Mee, directly is rear of ib Astor Hos, he.
twee* Baxley sod Very es., o." dor fn.
Bartley. snd toe Beek from Broadway, New
York. to .heti 011 mem mor he directed.
All of the she . asaa04 articles .. see *sly
in Godench . C. W.. by Robert Park. Marwood
& Keys, C. Crabb, .ad H. R OeCeasr: is
Stratford by H. C. Lee; i. as-. Mary's►y
Gera: 1s oodstock'y T. 8e.R ie Iwsd..
by Mitchell; is Elmeadville lip J. Caner, is
Harpa"bey by 14. McDerwid & Cot ,.1I "chil
by T. Ford & Co . and Babb A Ca: i. Ear.
J. D. Drat: I. Delewere by Tin'!. £.gist f.,
Comstock alk Brother'. Abram ise *52..014
will he giv.n to all gratis. 1. Bayfr4 by C.
Cobb gad Gordon; et B.11'. Comers,' M.
Cermet.-0.,. war M gM.ise alms tea
God rhe .ams at J Cwh.. C mmieh 011 the
Wrapper ef .0. esti.►. Rowwmbs, this, es
their seffalso haw Ira noriesivwlp .s.aswtnil-
0 et oto, beg ..d W the pwp►1•. eW war. J.
nosh•. C•age.b.1.....rimy witbat.
medicine hbeen discovered the is ss
N 0 u at happily adapted to .ss iaevaally as drops
t. to takes, sad yet perform such wormier,
applied *menially ass wast r bath. by (nett..
25 cis. is all yew have to nark to try it: and se
that sale tea be se object to the proprietor. it is
hoped that ssch • pies ties be .e *beset, u ry
family. sod will never provost it. trial. The
price, 25 to 50 em per bottle, see.rding to the
alae, will enable all to ass it. if yea desist, hi.
gin with • 25 cent bottle, sad that will
year doubts, ad rooke yea my, air sr sad re.
eolsNleed it M year friends, moire then • hawked
certificate, weeld. Who will fail to sly it thea,
and rave life asd sa&ring for 25 coats. This
•• Pain Katie." may be seed with a seems" that
will sourish the beholder, in such eases as the
lole.iag: Cholera Mecham, Distressing Dyna•
tory, Pain in the sire and Stomach, Cores. Cali
and Brd.e., Cholera lal.et.m. • Bronrbiti.,
Nesting Som es Man Of Hour, Children Teeth-
ing, Raising Blood, Ileerwrss. Quinsy, is ■
far boars. Chilblais+ and Frosted Fret, Spasm.
pretreat a Blister from Bares, Broke. Brews,
M...lr., Creams, Warts, Scratches, w Tem
Flesh, Bites or Stings. Certificates , et ■
nohow might br peblired, remise the me -
der(& effects of Comstock', Pais Killer, bet thew
are too common, and seed ler rtiehn w se art•
it; sad lb* 23 VIM bottle will do leen that s
Moored seksows names to soavisee the art.
Beware of worthless articles caned Pala Killen,
Aiwa Isom My any hit Com"sseb9.
RILLA EXTRACT. for the care ofelldiereses
■ri.i.g from impure state of the blood. Tint
8arrap.nlla temente ten times as math pees
Herbage S.rsnparins ss pay other. 1s fee.
all other Sarsaparillas are principally ennead
of an .x1100• Item the worthless comma 8am-
b part8a. albedo ant have the dealeAd effect soil a
perces has peered perhaps doaros sf bottles into
hie western. Os the contrary, Georges /Midi
las BarwpsriJla, from being compered of the Mt
m.trriah sed n.sahrmred with the greater
ease, (every pawed of the .arssperilh being nb-
jetted to the strictest Clarence! test.. and its
gen.f.eseas sseertateod before it is seed," ens
imaaedialely woad pnwrrfully. This Ane 3leni
Noatrwn, bat a 4.1.17 T.getab. C.twpsssd.
mooed oa seiraner principles, sr se n+
eo.5dendy assert it is the best 8aremetat ever
before the peblie,
LIT TAR LAtlrts Taint Tenet. -Tse wire
an sai'eriag with the many ilk ,tat frieslr'Ieeb
is heir to, eo matter bow &sperm year ease
may be, be'.st dieeoeraged: meet 10 Omni
Hoedaras Oarmipeerilh, erd yes 'di fend it w
deligbrf.l ead effeetaal rowdy.
Toa who desire w bstibl, elrr elfin, frW'
fro., Pimple. IAotebew,nand all ileoeritws w0
rely epos it es the best Cosmetic is .se. We
beteg t►ts mallei.. behra rte p.blie, easI#'l
that the good eommo.sear d the people 1011
.Iiserimi.mte hrtwe•rn a 111.4.01. pampered inw
the pare Honduras 8ereapsnlh god the therm!
worthless extras, of a worthless peat with
which the cottony is filled, and eo.fide•tly be-
lieving that Gorge's Modena ers.ponlla
noes tried .ill be always used We hove past
it ep is large bottler, o1 .4.1,414 i• erred w
•irtue is w[ of soy ether S.rwpmeil. COMP ask
CAVTro■ Erma -The repenasa of Ibis
Medici., has become en great wh•te ii hr berg
soed.'.bat esprieeipid toes an &reedy mega
it.it: thkerr(ereb. easna. P'd
lbs pmt .f Conwtee& Brother, Pwproo'.ern,
en the ple.did Wrappev, r ye .,4.60 "
ed. All worse meat be addressed , Cas*daei
8c Bnih.'r, Ne. 2. St. P'eer's 141., tett of
Apt. Ho.., New Tlek
Price SI per bottle, or Six bottles fat f&
All .d rhe .... d elyg .n mid wA
in GoodeGoderichGoderichC. W.. by Robert Park. fires&
A Kesy.. C. Cnbh, atria H. B. CYC"" °' is
Slnlhrd by 11. C. Lee: w 8t. Marys hf T. 1-
Osrat; of 3,110'. Ciao.. h M• a...? 0 g
Wendtoek 077. Seen;,.reai. L.,da.artib/
In Eggmmnedvitte by J. Caner: is Harpahfl
1s5nDd ,*1Ba85idwb0rbkreA Cw
Crabb, and Oardser. Domini ilMs: 4i.ssElekoBeug0C,5Atieeabl�Ma.0 J4h.
( eBrolher'. Awa.e for 1853, whir winks0al
2810 Fernery, 1349. Ir
1111E Sobseriber hen► intf.aua
frteeds and tM Tr... isg Pobtic A'•►
rally, 1moved hNew AM►'
deer to10.1 theb Vill..agereof StrasMrgemO, eel
row M ed to thatwell-knows hoose f•r'
merle eeeepisdtowMr. Jose.,-wtM
mitt he reedy gad .11.10 ander
eomfert. of I►ue. who .ay boner Dia inV
their patro.age. Aid while be Weal
thank. for past favors, M behalf rl
aiteoties is the wags sad withasfir.1
customers, .till t• .srlt a coatiasU0 d
their pat renege. JOH1'r ARgL
N. B.-Oo.d STAIdLEB 1.d .t
Gres.*. _
HR 4,. Miff d Let ors titect" s.
the .N.orth .44..1gaK151rr%iee M••''
this last im�pprn.visg Wisessf FMM5Md'
Ferpartir Wm apply is
M. iiAtft'I► l�ilr
TralArtgtcea, l4/► IAtra. 11111.
tt0T101f TO MAEIIAfiis
A RIID uoHT i. 41f
0. of theSwr pat', ter tt�
et the hnbaat► Ai41•r�!►111
Atlllat $I14M.