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TOUBBDAY. NOV. 18, 1*58.
li was mice said by an miasma writer," if
troWd ascertain a Imes character, 1
wield amply ask to look at has bsoks."—
:e env is like manner be premised of
H.U1RO'Ni 1SIG''N)A,L1.0
tied wan � The Greed
Jsry w��* egect that cet-
(ais roperta Ilal roe them uf pracsed-
iap 11t1f led bale tiilss cakulatcd IM is -
pre all 1Mr If f Ms honor the sledge
of lb Usitairt .dies, aid i. interfere
stiff tk..11tbtrsdlas of Jeagic --wbkb
precession'sthey appeared by the, pr4evt-
amst et v1n jtl�eats and appartielly sy'mdpa-
aiied with his Honor, of whom they spoke
is 11r. highest terser. do
We .bt very much whether the ma-
,o�tt1 of Rs Grand Jurors e'er saw the
JJger preiiosly to tbeir enteridg Court
epos this occasion, we are aware that some
aIlse gentiemo
bs came from the ea-
wmeties of the Couettes--and we cannot
inky imagining that their couvictiota were
farmed very hastily as nearly every mem-
ber of the Grand Jury, meat have been
totally unacquainted with the substance of
Ibsen proceedings. Dr. Stokes the part-
n er (we believe) of Dr. Hamilton, was the
foreman of tbe said Jury. We forbear
eoentiog further, as we are aware that
complaints &gaat the Judge hare been pre-
ferred before the Government by several
parties u these Counties, nod that as an
investigation will no doubt, be had, into the
truth or falsity of these charges, we do not
wish to prejudice the minds of the com-
say mafiosi what is the altitude of 'tamers'
vel intellectual politica, by the considers -
un of the eateat nod character of its ink
,Wutioas• It is not o.cesmary to 'dorm!
tits, all are aware that the very prevalesce
of well based lastitutioes, sad the exists/0m
01. well conducted Associations of • proper
character, must eatead oa every side tbeir
leueficial influences, and pre -supposes tbe
oiled aid actire exertions of the members
efsacb societies to bring about satisfac-
tory sad important results. That " Halon
gUeegth," it no where so forcibly illus-
trated u in the birth and life of rehire la -
additions, and we need not cross the Atlan-
tic ie: acture to the recollectioss of many -
ofoar readers the successful history of the
a Societies for the Promotioa of Useful
Knowledge," the "Geological," and the
sasserable societies for mental improve-
se•t, although we would fain dwell at
length an the rich benefits derived, and the
pleasures realised by the intelligent artisaa
and enterprising mechanic, from the estate- ,
bailment and still growing progress of the
luny Mechanic's lestitutioms there in ex-
istence;—nor Deed we crews the lose to fa-
stener the success of Brother Josetb ei is
these salters, as we prefer devise* tar
space to the coesideratioe of tbe adv.sb&
ges that would inevitably result from the
formatios of a Meebanies' institute aid
Library Association u our own quotas(
Tows, aed the establishment of Menhir
.t.ociatioas throughout the United Coun-
ties wherever the population a sufficiently
Jesse to afford theca renitence. During.
the last water our 'fawns -people received
stuck pleasant instruction from the Lee -
tures of the tak.eed centimetre' who under-
took to deliver them, ad recesdy a Litera-
ry has been estahkshed which was ongisat-
ed (as we lately observed) by the Son. of
'Temperance, and is now open to the public
without any important restrietws at a very
moderate charge. Rut we think the pre-
sent eoaditiea ma Were prospects of or
Town, demand something which shall be
more generally model and certain is
its results, and that the estaki bakeat at
once of a lie hemieut lsslieebtltittrrebb.
ed with Apparatus iUWfiaassie
t Leerier .
in the illustration of their esbjeete—ed es-
tensire Library—aad a feadieg-roowell
supplied with the periodicals of the day will
be the best guarantee that the intelkgcseo
of our 'Pewns-people shall at least keep
ice with the growing wealth of our Tows.
That the people of Goderich are in the
fair way of speedily eajoyiag the adventa-
p-ts of an Institution of this kinds is appa-
rent. --already a considerable tam of mosey
is subscribed and a Dumber of books mita-
de for the parpoee, and we understand
tial through the exertion• of our e.ergetae
friend, the H000rable Malcolm Carreras,
we are likely to obtain a grant of Filly
Ponds for the furtherance of ties object.
With such a commencement we hope all
parties will use their best efforts to put the
Institute immediately into vigorous opera-
tios,a.d we trust it will be borne in mind that
these Isatitutions although professedly
established for the benefit of Medvanies
(and m large manufacturing districts are
principally enjoyed by such)—they are byi
no means intended for their exclusive .i -
vantage, but are equally available to every
other section of the community. Nor
our country friends be altogether
without their mutual Ainoeat.ona for .11e1-
lectual advancement ---tree where the po-
pulation is thinly scattered, a small " Farm-
ers' Library" may be supported and pro-
fitable occasional meet, and Agricul-
tural discussions enjoyed during the winter
seasons, by which much isfermation might
be disseminated at the most trilling cost—
and where the locality is favored with grea-
ter density of population a good circulating
library can be proc.red-- eeasio.al lec-
tures indulged and amicable diseosiose
more frequently permitted. And thus a
Fill portico* of the valuable tun* of the
Farmer may be profitably etpeoded, and
we doubt sot he would receive a greater
return from this portio. of his outlay if
Jsdicioialy managed—lis. from any other
meal amount of his expe.ditre.oIe Arts
while be would be improving his kee
and merea lug his feeiitiea assn�
nut, be would greatly eajem-
bee of the general utefl.ti (1 ee�j ilii
dmowfamily, acreate a mow .thane tpintse
whish without mach bimetallism/t-
wain mstikaewts,
The Court of rQuarter dolse of the
Peace and of ib. Comiiy Court. epes.d
Toeoday tart, sed lers_Msd +.►y early
the mm. day. ;
.t s..name
There was set IP *At grimed tear
`ivd cars for trial, MM. aide etwitMi
yell the Greed Jett , Ma d�l1rnd s. are-
P°0 "Me eke Gehl' ill •
Mr. Roberton tb. 4/0iir wan desert.d,J
enmplim.nted io tlheaseaassrsset Std
'V sara/leirwr•y of M ettebee wai sf the
Os Saturday last the election of Couocil-
krs for `t. Patrick's came off; the success-•
ful candidates were Meagre. Horace Ilor-
ton, Martin McLennan and Robert'�Ellis--
o( whom Messrs. Ilorton and McLennan
are oe the side of Reform. The Reform-
ers thus have a majority in the Tows Coun-
cil, bet unfortunately for the interests cf
the Town, Mr. Parsons one of their num-
ber, wbo is now on bis return from Eng-
irt!, and was cooeequently abseut when the
Commit met yesterday, which gave the To-
ries an opportunity they appeared eagerly
is Grail themselves of, and of course carried
everything to suit their own party—espe-
cially those members of it wbo refused to
give i. their Assessment when legally called
epos to do so. To this end a long Re-
port was brought in by Councillor Watson.
toothed in the strongest language censur-
ing the Ammeter". But whether these geD-
tkme■ really merited the rebuke, we can-
n ot inform our readers, as we pare not heayd
of their being examined io their own de-
relict. But it is not to be expected thatsa
our-lsseors will permit themselves to be
handled in this manner with ilnpunity, legal
action must necessarily follow and turmoil
be still kept ap.
The report was adopted of coarse, and
tea it recommeuded—if it could legally
1n dose, that the names of the parties who
bad laces left out of the Asacssmcat Roll,
should be inserted—Mr. John Longworth
was appointed to go through the Town
with a Supplementary Assessment Roll.—
It appears to us that the whole affair is a
perfect absurdity, and fiat our good Town
hes been converted into a Theatre for the
acting of a laughable but profitless farce.
Time legality remade* to be a subject of dis-
u nite' before a higher tribunal. We have
hareem to sy anything sot•eat present, but
we most express our sympathy at the keen
sossiWity na.ifested by the !sora korai-
sum on that oeiasios, who it appears telt
a little drturbed by our criticisms on his
demeanor at a previous meeting. We in-
tended those remarks for reproof, and re-
joice that they were administered with such
desirable effect; we bope in future to see no
more of this absurd fol-de-rol trumpery of
*.. Ie. Oa elle Mf- �t Roy. Thome 34aPban.ft. ,
Dee. 29. te.lop (costia.ed)--Mr.
Ales. iidlveger. ;
Jas. 5. Political Economy --Mr. Wm,
Smith. To cooaseuce at 8 o'clock, P. M.
to the School !louse. Admittance free.
t1S' The Presentment of tie Greed Jury
came too late for publication.
swan-...__._ ,.
To those geutlemeo who look part nu Ibe
Public Mectiag, at which Mr. Whitman.
the Canada Agent fur the New York In-
dustrial Exhibition, explained the steps
which had been taken by tbe Committee in
New York, the subjoined eommuniration
will be very gratifying. The Meeting
here was smaller than it might bare been,
but the wish was unanimous that Canada
be represented at this second Word's Fair,
and the way in which Mr. Whitman put
the case left no other alternative. We
have not beard that the Committee then
appointed have done anything, but we
doubt not their desire to carry out the
wishes of the Meeting, and when the wish-
es are so warrnly responded to at bead
quarters, there is little danger. Mr.
Whitman having, asked tbe assistance of
the Legislature to carry out the project in
so far as Canada was coreerned, bas re-
ceived tbe following reply from the Presi-
dent of the Council :--
ExEcuTIvE CouNCILnrrtCE,
Quebec, Nov. 5, 1852. 1)
Six :--In answer to your enquiry re-
specting the willingness of the I'rormcjai
Government to co-operate with the cities
and municipalities of the country in aiding
and encouraging a proper representation of
its capabilities at the approaching Indus-
trial Exhibition at New York, I have
much pleasure in conveying to you the as-
surance that my colleagues and myself will
g}OD the evening of Saturday the 13th
t. an compliance notice
with a abort
las p ace
given by Mr. Thomas Kydd—a meeting
of a large number of the Inhabitants of the
Tow. of Goderich favorable to the form-
atio* of a Nlecbanies institute was held at
the Boron Ilotel. Robert bloderwelll,
Esq., occupied the chair and Mr. T. Kydd
officiated as Secretary. The Chairman
and Mr. Kydd read communications they
had received from the Hon. M. Cameron
relative to a grant of Fifty Pounds towards
the funds of k Mechanics Institute in this
Tows and it was agreed by the meeting
that one should be forthwith establiabed.—
The following were appointed a Committee
by the meeting to carry out its object and
stake the Preliminary arrangements.—
Meares. Wm. Malcolm, Wm. Wallace,
Damsel Healy, Janes Bissett, 'Thomas
Nicholls, W llham Story and Thomas John-
t We have received a copy of Dr
Carpenter's prizeEasay on the use and abuse
of Alcoholic Liquors in health and disease;
es sdelir.bk work, well worthy of the pe-
rsonal and study of both the friends and foes
a Temperance. Dr. Carpenter is an es-
asiser is Phycology is the London unit
dies. The preset edition was printed t
the Ccasodiars tate, for H. W. Ja ,
of Remakes, std tie price is only id. 3d
Lacit:au.—The Managers of the
Stratford Morbassies' Iaatitete, beg to
istisM* to the politic, that the foltowia*
Lectures will be dei sand is costiaoation
Of time already gives:
Nov. 24. Os Psrseverasee--flaw. fin
Dee: 1. Botany ---1. 1. E. Linton.
pec. 8. Oa Fenestataties:lead Uiatilla-
ties---Dr. Hyde.
bit. 14, The Dignity of Labour --Mr.
S. L. i istlerte.
most readily afford every co-operation
which the efforts and assistance Oil' the ci-
ties and municipalities will justify us in
1 may, however, observe, that as Parlia-
ment meets again op the 14th February,
ample time is.afforded for a more full coo -
sideration of the subject.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your ooedient servant,
James 'Whitman, Esq.,
Agent for Canada, &c., of Industrial
Exhibition, at New York.
[Nath Anterican.
Such is apposition as w. Wee ditssseed
ie that gaarter a simply own contett.al oat -
rage ea Parliamentary decorum and a per-,
pelual public scandal. 'Phis Sessiss has
ptscs.1 es record before the world that it M
u the poundal' two imsk,iJuals w brwg the
Uigntty of senatorial rivalry down to a level
with the debasing eoulests of the ring. --t
But we really hope the days are past who
unpostute, suck as this, would Paas for
patriotism. Ao opposetioo, firm and decid-
ed, without being factious, is what every
government has a right to expect; but
when I'arliameul is cameo ted iota am areas
for performing the lowest theatrical ex-
ploits, at the enormous cost of some £500
a night, the country naturally gels tired of
the (hung; and we %suture to say that what-
eser appleu*s may come from the galleries
the intelligence of the couatry lho,ougbly
appreciates the acting.
in the press we have lately witnessed
some curious specimeus of political criti-
cism. There is in this world a class of
unhappy people who have firmly resolved
to quarrel with every thing in it. Their
universal rule of action is carp and snap and
grumble at erery thing. 'These unfottu-
uatues must be very unpleasant companions;
but when they attempt to pass uhf tbeir gar-
rulity for public opinion and enlightened in-
telligence, the thing becomes remarkably
ludicrous. 'flies resolve that they will
never, during their natural lives, be satis-
fied with mere possibilities. They are
wedded to the impossible, and they tuns a
deaf car to every thing else. 'They may
be Reformers of the first water; but they
believe that theirs is the day of political
miracles. Indulging their natural humor,
they Siy " no" to every proposition for re-
form, however well conceived and elabo-
rately detailed. They are great friends of
the reform government, and by way of
proviug their sincerity are ever ready tel
defend some fraction of it, and demo the
rest. This species of opposition is, of all
others, the most covert and the less mag-
nanimous nr fair. 'Does the surgeon . stab
a healthy Innb to save the body 1 It is by
decimating an army that we can increase
its effective strength 1 Do we render ir-
resi.table the bundle of sticks by backing
the tie that binds them together 1 If pro-
fessed 'Reformers should ever succeed in
breaking up or destroying the preaeut re-
form government, what reliaisss behind!
Perhaps some who wait on the mysterious
accidents of the future may condescend to
Etas Qr pity government implies the ex-
istence else opposition as well as a gov-
ernment party. It is a common but mis-
taken Mee, that of these two parties only
one is accountable for Its conduct; tbat the
opposition has no responsibility. A great-
er mistake was never made. The respec-
tive respoosibilities of the two parties are
doubtless different in (heir nature; but
not to any great eztent.They are both ulti-
mately responsible to the public. The re-
sponsibility of the one is more immediate
than that of the other; but a popular elec-
tion suppSes the scale in which both must
be weighed. A vote of censure by the
elective branch of the Legistatiure is about
the worst misforture which, can befai a gov-
ernment. But every (party vote aimed at
the existence of a government which fails
in its object, is in fact a vote of censure on
the coarse of the opposition. This seems
not to be sufficiently regarded. A new
elected Legislative Assembly, if it contain
a decided majoray for one party, is about
the best exponent of popular opinion that
can be obtained. It is therefore fairly- pre-
sumable that all factious opposition to such
a majority isms outrage on public opinion.
An opposition party is always under stron-
temptations to bid too high for popular fa-
vor. It is constantly tempted to promise
what in office no party could perform.—
This is the most fatal and at the same tune
the most common error that a political par-
ty can commit; and it shows how great is the
prospective responsibility of an opposition
party. 'That responsibility is never fully
realised while the party continues opposi-
tion. But the labors of ar, opposition party
are mainly directed to the overturning of the
party iavwer; and changes from power to
opposition may always be reckoned upon as
among the varying fortunes of a political
party. It is not till it attains power that
a party realizes the responsibility of its con-
duct while in opposition. It then reaps the
reward of having promulgated an impossible
policy. The supporters of a party so cir-
cumstanced would naturally call epon it to
commence the performance of its promised
mircles. This is not only natural but just. I
The time then arrives when the imposture
can no loner be concealed. It is soon
discovered that those who made promises j
consistent only with supr-human power are
after all but men. Their refusal to perform
political miracles insures their condemna-
tion. Looking at lite "regular" or con-
servative Parliamentary opposition, we may
say of them that they have avoided the er-
ror insisting on a policy which in power
they would hare no chance of carrying into
effect. Without saying how far a conser-
vative policy would be possible in this
country, at the present time, we may ad-
mit. that Sir Allan McNab has not so far
exhibited unreasonable violence or gone
nut of his usual course to propitiate publie
favor. He has shown a degree of dignity
and moderation that perhaps could hardly
be expected if any other member of his par-
ty were intrusted with ite leadership. We
do sot regard his opposition as being lea
effective because it bits not helm factious.
Faction is • Ifectire. Obstructive
and self -committal, it is for ever flounder-
ing on the verge of suicide. We cannot
however extend to the whole' party of
which he is the acknowl dged Parliamen-
tary leader the same ere t for moderation
n that which bas chars 'sed Sir Allan
McNah during the Session. It woeld be
a mistake to roadside tbet Sir Allan N
faitMeaa to bis party or that in pursaring his
present eourse he hos not consulted its in-
terests. Far otherwise. Compare his
roeduct wish that of a politician on lie
same side of the Rause, and wearing the
same party liver/, am! My which would be
in the best postilion should office fall across
thew path! Is any conservative goiters -
meat pnsaiMe on the principles and vagaries
of the arnior member for Toronto, taboo
ptsued.r. Sir AMI, at the verymitset of
tie Segment took occasion to disclaim l—
tlestas se ppeekt 11 o. Nsabisfil theeo
1ete. Vary,- telibir he d,d•'i OMa ebtrif
lbws M had eels hearing id cashiers sod gle
We • fair we beet,' it he would Wag it
tato mews. Shortly alter, the Mews* ar-
rived is totals opera the sau.al be tad oak -
ed bur sale, sod it sae Iwmedistel
*sod a be one of thee* stoles.M
lowed and • party wet in seeicb a am-
eeetphcr, where they found bad In the
shrubbery wnh the sitter bores. They
wars bosh lakes to Jackson. ane Ilia owe
era of 11. aatmals sent for. Tho deputy
sherd!' took charge of the prtseners, anal
whim aha owocts moved (roar lone liths,
he deputised thew to coadurt t • ilns's. le'
Uoquelumae bill. They bound trio cap.
tires to their horse., aaJ inaterokof 'Ater
the rose to the hill. went full gallop toward
Ione vsllev. At the tatter place the tits -
seas assembled in large numbers on Weals
041114111, and decreed that the prisoners
should expiate their oflene• by hanging.
This sentence was Carred into execution
on Wednesday wooing, 'I'be unfortunate
Mex:eaoe, ohoeo monies ars Jesus Minion
and Antonio Duarte', vsaaifeated a degree
of rechl.m..mrs and apparent ueeuocero
while upon the gallows, worthy a more
honorable fate. Then bet breath wee
appal in curses upon the Americans, and
deriding their t,ruiners and inexperience 11
eonsomat ing their execution.—Sae Fran-
cisco Ile. old,
ClUNAUMPTIi)N.—Ever bodyknown A. —
lJ y Goderleb Township Nov. 10th, 1852S.)2 •
I• a U■tiering dm•ae*. It commencer --------- -- ----- ----------—
and progresses tau inside-uoly, that before
one is aware of 11. the i •nga are a mars el
ulcers, then a sudden exposure or change
from heat to colt, products an inflamma-
lion, and in a few data or seeks, it is said,
he or she died of Consumption. For all
troubled with cough or lung eomplatot, we
would refer to the advertisement on the
(Pntrnde of this wirer of Jud.on's Chemical
Extract of "Cherry and Lurrweit," ahnch
is raid to be a cedant tore bur ups awful
A most infamous attempt was made
rn the 18th of October to take the life 01
Bennett, Ed'toe of the New Y rk
Herald, by means of an "infernal"machine.'
On the evening of that day tt appears, a
package contannng the dangerous imam -
anent was lett at tho Herald office by a
hack driver named Petrick Joyce, who re-
ceived It from an indivtdnal then in bis vo-
hicle,opposite the Herald bonding,. The
parcel was taken up stairs by one of the
clerks io the lower office to the editorial
rooms, and by bim_baoded to Mr. Bennett
who had arrived but a few minutes pro-
vtonaly from the Hetet house. The par-
cel was of a eyliodrical form, about six in•
chcs in length, wrapped in common brown
paper, tied with green ribbon, and 'mcutely
sealed with red wit, bearing the 'mores.
cion of a cent. On .she outside was the
direction to James Gurdon Behnott, Her.
old office,' and a label ataung that the
contents were "native silver sod copper
ore from the Cuba mouotatn•." Mr. Ban.
nett on receiving tt.e 1-areel, commenced
removing the brows wrapped in which it
was enclosed, and then attempted to lift
the cover, but bndtug some ditficntty in
doing so, banded the box to Mr. F' • Hud-
son, who was logical and oho with bis
penkote made.. an incinon in the run ol
tho lid, when a substance fell out which ap
peered to be r specious of black sated. `Jus
pinion being thereby further aroused. Mr.
Hudson took a pinch of the sand and throw
it into the tire, when it exploded, sod then
ihb-0etapicfre as re the nature of the box
was confirmed. It war, tberetore, carefully
locked op till it might be be better exam-
08x1 morning.
-On the following day, after the frecau.
ton of soaking the buz in water had beam
takenl, tt was 'peeled to presence of the
police, tend found lo contain an iigentenal y
contrived torpedo. There was audio ent
powder in the box to have ensured the
death of any person who .night have been
near it when it •zpllsded, and a bunch ol
detocattug matches touching a piece of
coarse pawl paper were so arranged that
h s t ht*st twisting f the '
a o e ,lel of the hos
would have caused them to ignite. and cors'
m•moiea l w.th 11,e powder' Mr. Bennett
had providential.), endeavored to more the
ltd straight of iustecd of turning It, and
this alunsa r
d certain death. The
affair has been thus long kept secret in or
der to alghrd the pollee au opportunity of
arresting the perpetrator of inn dtabutieal
outrage. but herr etl:.rls to trace brut out
hive yet been uniuccesaful. The I/seek
publishes affidavits from the back driver
ferryman and others, in wf.icii the tact*
as above stated are set forth, sol a dos-
crtp,ion of the man who caused the box to
be delivered ea given. Ile is described as
abort five teat six or 'even Laches in
height, with a full lac', broad shoulders,
rather short in the neck, dressed in dark
clothing, and wearing a cloth cloak, the
collar el which was twined up. Of course
the Herold takes advantage of the rm.
canton to do.can t upon the "fearless hos-
eddy" which always has and ninny• ivnr
mark its 0.a se despite t.• and torose.
doe ; but setting a. ds all this, the attempt
was • most infamous one and every goal
cloven. most heartily hope that the ',Mien
will be laced out and properly punished.
—Patriot mind Joireal•
Our paper to day, says the Calaveras
Chronicle, emotions little else than a Serres
of outrages. murder*, executions, robins
ries, kc. Seldom a week p that 'm
portant mining or other intelligence to nut
crowded not to mak, room fur items comb
ing under lith••► or thews cotillions.
The f.reeicl• details at liWigth the wsme•
row outrage cnmmiited by the Spanish
American popnlaltoe In that country. The
following secn**t of horse theft, snd the
summary execution of the thieve* by the
people, we take from that paper:—
iIu . Lloyd earl Vander, last 8ater-
day, mtwl tale setmsb. mid teelavi.g
them to be stolen, Immediately *torted sa
mesreh of the 'breves. They neat dnwctly
to Jacks.•, where they mase ■ descriptio.
of "heir harass, and tmarned uhet they had
been i. poosonun .f two Meicae* gekg
Zewards (,Inman. They rade to CIL•.ne
andiaforiwed several sl the atisre• is es-
gard 1. Ibe smotals, requests.g them to he
are mho look out. ()n Mond., a Moriase
arrived re the town sad offered an aotmsl few
*.1., which be said he sad b.s.gbt at *sheet
dutascc, and asked .200 ler it. The gess
. ti 0 Ii 'MA 111011111.1 4 1
T1I T e 7GM
1kf.15st !Olds 341/11t
F.M.741r.f, its 114 to Js, per heaflT'
.Spr;og� Qa , per' besbe 1.
4DIs, la Id to 1a 3J., per 34 lbs.
Pork, $4 to $41, per hundred, blit
hardly say 1. market.
Batter, Rd to 10d, per Ib.
Od(rra for S.1 LE CHEAP CHA
bona YARDS Superior pinata 40and-onward•.
1760 yavJ. motored Ce►urgs, Parr►metlasa Gnder .
A Lassa, D. Limes, Ise.
5000 yds Brutish and American Domestic.
50 Cheats T.•.., assorted Breads. PRISPA
Lest, 1'ru►ed and Moseasado Hogan. IIIBT(,
100 pair. one'. lleasy Roots, kc., Sm.
Goderieb, Nov. 10th, 1851. FR
And Melo* .
eaeoty own•
The Pubii4m,
faring to many
nus, re.nlut
of )838, 59, k 40,
tltratford,Uci. 37th, VOL ,4.•1i
INN rom the promises o: the •ubseriber
a- Lot no. 9th, 6th turmesaoa Tewn.kip
of Goderich, about the teat of September
Bwss,oue had a hole any • split in one ear,
the other Ines no mark,both of them are la
good condhtiun, any satornal100 that will
lead to their chateaury *41 be thankfully
resented by
W!LLTAI I SII .1 I. l l .\ N,
Wen 9ia.rr, GODpatCi,
IS prepared to furnish 1)ESiGNS and
PLANS, on the mors reasonable term.
Goderich, Nov. 18th, 1 853. 05043
flEMAiNING no the Bell'. Corner. Post
Office up to tib No,eu.ber, 1852.
Beaus/law Michael Kerr Wird, ck
Berger Frances Large Ii,.bt
Cul.in James Lang Thomas
1'ambpell Arch 2 Mt'Donald Alen
Deal John McDonald "
Dark Edward McDonald Mord
Edger Kohl McWiue James
Pesky Wm Mares Arch
Freeborn John Pool Mathew 2
Heidrich Joseph Rebbury John
Laminar John Steward Ehzab Min
Gardner Christen Wads' Juhe
IlemItton 'Phomas Wildlong B, nj
Hay Diinean Wise Joseph
Kippin lames 2
Cniled Counties of % BY virtue of a
Huron, Perth 4- Bruce, } writ of Ven -
'o Wlr: ) duioni Exponent,
!slued out of the County Court (,,r the
United Counties of Iluron, Perth and
Bruce, and to nio tierce ted against the Lands
and Tenements of Wicti m s SHANNON the
Elder, at the nut of C.aisror.na (peen;
i have seized and taken in Execution the
South-west quarter of Lot number twenty
two, in the first concession of the Town
ship of Wawanoeh, whirl leads I shall of-
fer for sale et the emir( Ronin in t he Coun-
ty of Huron, in the Town of Goderich on
Saturday, the fouth day of December next,
at the hour of twelve of the clock, noon.
J. MMcUONA1.U, Sheriff;
Huron, Perth and Bruce.
15th Nov., 1652. s5n43-31
CAME into the farm of Ga'rbraid, three
SHEET' bearing dhtlereil :narks—the
nwnter a requested to prove property, pay
expenses and take them away.
Cooborne, lOtb Nov., 1853. ,6,43
1tNIE into the enclosure of the Sub -
/ scriber. hot No. 3, 0th cnneesmon,
Township of C.dbornr, about tem tlr.t ol
Octobe-, Two large PIGS. The owner is
requested to prove property, pay expert'es
and take them away.
Colborne, 17rh Nov:, Irbil. vbn43
THE Directoreof this Society will meet
at thy British Exchange Hotel en V.-
twday Evese.g the 47th Ingo , to dispose of
tech of their Funds as m■y be then in (lie
hand. of the Treasurer, her by purchaa
ing from any member willing to sell his
share* at a premium on the amount of stock
paid ui'. or by way of 1.0313 se hetetr,fore,
as the Directors may deem moist advantage-
ous to this soaety,
T. Is S. il. B. S.
Go,iorich, Nov. 18, 1453. v5•n43
AE men the encln.,ire of Ilio Subecrr
ber, Lot Ni. 10, Ind Cosceesien,
'puwnsMhip r,( Stephen, • Yellow AI'8E11
one year old—feet all white, and a whole
stns.. on the Kelly, the owner will plates
prove property, pay evpensee and take hiss
Stephen, 151b Nov., 1851. v1114r!
1.7117/' r•TO11! &
BEGS leave to segnsi•t the iellaba's's et
the Vetted Collette' of Huron, Perth
snit Bruce( Ibat he is now opening un those
preon.esnn t Street, needy op/matte
Strachan k there Law office, • Woods.]
stock of
DR 0001)8, CiROVER iEf4
•nsi flux: Y, which he hes purchased
at the bast in stir, and on the most favor.
aide terms. a which he is determined to
dispo.o of a 11101 prices ere cannot fail to
seem.* the support an Patroa.tga of a dis-
er.maatieg Pool -!o.
G..d.rich, Oct. 27t . 1351. v3 -n-10.
IHERFarlY give notice that Mr, William
l:het 'rhppetl, nl ll.y Me1d. ,. not an
thnriard by one te collect she debt* o► re
e.tvethis money dose to Me Katie..-he•h.,
ing t.Nderrid rag s►s.gned ammo lime
eines, as appeared se the Puhlne Prmte io
Goderich, tall hie deb•, sod wiener propero,
w Ino for use benefit of hie Creditors—
isMob.00hs. 1 have sate placed a the hand•
an. 11. Ritcha, r.aq., Clara d tae •e.mntO
Divsslse Cos. t, Rias fislJ, ler •elbeaeuu.
who, with m Ilne usaNwnga.d is awe* am
ihouL•d to great r.s•apt• up.s p.,.osut 01
lbs e*m..
Aaev .r. le aft, Neal* of
W. a. TIP1'K1'l'.
Goderiek,as, pt. :Jud, 1961., si b
IHEREBY forbid any !semen or perverts
from purchasing or tradtne three Notes
of bland, drawn 10 lavur of James Edward
kfo•rie, A4tial,!, one drawn on 7th klatch
14'61—another drawn on Marsh 7th, 58651
—third. on March 7th, 1853, ata i la -se mut
received value for the mime.
Aihlkld. 8th Nov., 18501. v6142-31
NOTICE..a.This u to forbid any person
LI from purchasing Luh Ne. 6., I.t. eon.,
Lake Shore. Ashfield, without consulting.
the undersigned aa he has a Ida Lea., of it.
A.b6•IJ, Nov. Stb, 1652. s sn4S11
AN Excellent Brick House with I of is
acre of Land for sale on East Street,
s it hie 500 yin's of the Market Square.—
For pa.Ucolare apply at thi•,r(6ee.
Goderich. Nov. 3(d 1852. v5 -n4.1
ASUITABLE reward will be given In any
nue who will give such itteniatioa as
will lead in the consietion of ehn woos ue
persons. who on the might of tlte►-!ee.hma
malictouely smashed the gins*
the lball of the Sous of T
Huron 1) vision No. 12
Goderich, Nov. 3rd i85Y
N 0T14.
a. -
THE hominess heretofo
Township of Gorlert
of Hall and*Roszcl of the Bs
has this day been dissolves'
sent, all debts dna the OOP
to William Hall. -a.
tV Ii,I.ir
WITRe . ._
Jnuy I I1soaTQN,
Goderich, Nov. WM, 106
THE Subscriher will
as Aj;ext• In direct'
intend going by this Liu
New York. 110 is preps
minion as In the passage
wail Rue Letters of inlrndetj$ilk
owpers at New York, Menial
Cameron and John Ovden, 116 W
and to the Agent at Hamilton, N
Ile con cor.6.:entl♦ recommend
Line, s Inc•by which his son, ,
other f;annd,ane, sulert to June lasts
Shin Revennn to Port Philip.
The ship SCARGO, is the rue
which isogon tn. 20th November
jtenn and ■tteudants provided.
Stratford. C.u.ty Perth t
28(h Oet.Mr. 1115A s
WULL$TT. j'r
THE undersigned have thio
law co partner.hip for t
carrying on We Saw Mil bus
the •buss title to the''own.bip
d w
an will bo re need t t �t a!I
In that hos un moderato, lerma.
N R.—All bonnsw tremor(
carried on under the name of Ro
n os. who is alone authorised,
merman name. ergs all euntr
and pay .11 mentor, any gra
receipts iso bthts
.o em
RufalfrutF:R A
JtHIN Tilt
lti.1\ R Y
Hallett. Stith July. 1
N 1:1V 'I'.1
1Ia B,IRTFit. lif>ii
eaiec 11ui•y 10
(:odench and Purr
ha. Joel opener) a
frirlmewf, one doer is
t ali. new Ibis'
G-.dcrrch, where.
. senrtm•et of ft
'fwords, Satinet
d'fforent . oln
eery of W it
ie also prep..
'ho 'Tailoring
ahte .tyle, er
I"' ni J)
Gndrelelil. ;
Pionerr Line of Packets, sailing wowthly
for Port Phillip and Sydney.
The magnificent new Clipper 8*
,t SCA EGO."
1450 Toes Blythe*.
WILL *messed the "Oaecow as beth
hip of taw haq sod sell from New
Ynrk Punctually en the SWh Noiember •r
The character of the ship a tit. Lula au
new so well emtiblerhed. that it ie rawly
neceeoarp to soy that the peopestiM wt4
centime to make there wpettee t
A• Newel, a well quit.
requt•ide attendants pros
Fes Jiwgbl; or pian