HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-07-06, Page 12Pogo 12 The `7 m sAdvocato, July 6, 1?61 Y�,1a•-a:{r w,..M�fN+nrn.r.. ,. 45.........w .. , ..i,v� THIS 'N THAT By MRS. ZoVA Ws salad. .month and this means we are taking a reprieve from cooking vegetables; in- stead we are tossing them to• gether in our big wooden bowls. Among ,the stories relat- ing to the derivation .of the word "salad" is the belief that salads get their name from the eneient Roman habit of dipping chicory and other greens in salt to make them tastier. Since "sal" is the Latin word dor salt, the combination be- came known as salad, Spinach and 'Lettuce Tess The home economists of the Consumer Section, Canada De- partment of Agriculture recom- mend spinach and lettuce in a tossed salad made with: 4 cups fresh spinach 4 cups torn leaf lettuce 1/2 cup thinly sliced radishes 2 tbl thinly sliced green onions 1/4 cup diced celery 5 slices bacon Wash greens and remove coarse stems. Drain well and crisp in refrigerator at least one-half hour. Cut bacon into 1.12 -inch pieces. Toss all vege- !tables together lightly with bacon and a blue cheese tires - sing. Blue Cheese Dressing 3 tbl salad oil 3 tbl vinegar 1/2 tp salt 1 tp sugar 1/2 tp Woreesteshire Sauce 1/2 clove garlic very ;finely minced 3 tbl crumbled blue cheese In a jar combine all ingre- dients and shake to blend tho- roughly, Makes about 1/2 cup. Salmon Salad Crunch Cups Carolyn McKibbin of the klfsheaies Association of Brit - lash Columbia recommends a salad on the substantial side which wins high approval with the men of the family. 8 'thin slices white bread, crusts removed Soft butter 1 tp celery seed 2 cups canned salmon (1 -- pound can) 1/3 cup finely chopped cel- ery 1/3 cup crisp raw cauliflow- erets, broken up 3 tbl chopped pimento 1/3 cup mayonnaise 1/3 cup chopped ,sweet mixed mustard pickle Salt and pepper to taste Lightly spread both sides of bread with soft butter. Press into muffin tins, letting corn- ers protrude slightly. Sprinkle insides with celery seeds, toast in preheated slow oven (400°) until crisp, about 1 hour, Cook to room temperature be- fore fill.ieg. For saladmixture, mix to- gether thoroughly the salmon, celery, cauliflower, pimento, Topics from Woodham By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE ` fix€ i ce rMeene ...:e. e..:04 Personal items Mrs. Earl Copeland, of Wind- sor, spent several days visiting her niece, Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, aad• Lloyd. Miss Grace Doupe is attend- img summer school in Toronto. Mr. end Mrs. Wilbert Small and Craig, of Culloden, -were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb. 'Mrs. J. Wareham, Ralph, Robert and Derek and Joanne Webb were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs, L. Thornycroft and family. Quite a number from Wood- ham attended the decoration services at Kirkton Union cem- etery on Sunday evening. The Woman's Association field a chicken barbecue held a successful chicken barb- ecue on Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. M. Copeland was a Sun- day visitor with her sister, aVlrs. George Stephenson and Mr. Stephenson, of Appin. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson land :Family of North Branch, MVlich. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Rundle and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hod- gins, Shirley. Joyce and Mur- ray, of Ailsa Craig, Arlo Cope- land, Kirkiton, were Sunday visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs, Oscar Brine were Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brine and Nancy and Miss Bev Stafford, St. Marys, Lloyd Brine, Base Line, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Stephens, Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson, Kirkton. A number from Woodham at- tended the Granton supper on Friday evening, Mrs. Alex Gutenberg, Peter and Jim enjoyed the horticul aural bus trip to Guelph on Monday last. Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Swit- zer and Gail of Port Arthur are holidaying with the for- rier''smother, Mrs, W, L, Switzer this Week and Mrs,. Mel Loueh: of Hamilton: and. Mr. and Mrs, Carman Switzer of. London were weekend Visi- tors with Mrs. Switzer, Communion service was held in the Woodham church' on. Sunday morning. Rev, J. Ware- ham was in charge. Me. and Mrs. John Srtaifh, Mr. and Mrs. William Rundle and Larry, Mr, and Mrs, Ger- ald Brintnell, Mr, and Mrs. Robert hustle, Jin, and rack, Mrs. Arthur Rundle attended the Stacey reunion at Stratford Park on Saturday. Mf. and Mrs, W. b, Stewart of Windsor Was a weekend y si. 1eepitig the son's15100a on ;your offlee desk will help gout along the ladder to success J. M. S. tor with. lir. end Mrs. Robert Rundle. Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Ford of Flint, Mich. were weekend visitors with Mr. Wm. Elliott. mayonnaise and pickle. Sea. son to taste with salt and pep- per. Chill ep-per.Chill thoroughly. Just be: fore serving, fill baked crunch cups with salmon .mixture, garnish with pimento stripes. This '!flakes 8 Salad cups o4* 4 servings, Snap Bean Salad At the meeting of Hurondale Women's Institute last Wed- nesday evening Mrs. Harry Strang and Mrs. Alvin. Moir demonstrated the making of salads. One that theymad. e was snap bean salad. Cook snap beans, drain well. While warm toss them in French dressing. Add a little catsup or chili sauce. Chill beans thoroughly. Add chopped or grated onion. Serve them on leaf or head lettuce. Plan to cook more beans than required as a vegetable and make a salad of the sur- plus beans for the next meal. Other varieties of beans can be used too. French Dressing. 1 1/2 Isp mustard 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp corn syrup 1 egg 1/2 cup oil 1/2 cup vinegar 1/4 cup cold water 3/4 cup hot water 1/4 cup flour Combine the last four to- gether and cook until clear. Add other ingredients and beat thoroughly with electric beater and place in jar. Mock Ham Salad 1 lb bologna 1 green pepper 4 small sweet pickles 1 hard cooked egg 1 tbl pickle juice 4 tbl mayonnaise F'ut bologna through food chopper. Chop pepper after re- moving seeds and membrane, pickles and egg. Add to bolog- na and niix lightly to blend well. Add pickle juice to may- onnaise and add to other ingre- dients. Serve on lettuce, GRADUATES — Evelyn Hyde, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde, Kippen, graduated from the Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing in June. This week in Winchelsea By MRS. WILLIAM WALTERS Mrs. Jack Maher of London visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family. The school children of the senior room in Winchelsea enjoyed a bus trip to Detroit on Wednesday to visit the zoo and museum. The junior room also enjoyed a bus trip on Thursday to visit the Times- Advocate, Kist plant, dairy and fire hall, Mr. and Mrs, Philip Vern and. :family and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Walters and. Danny spent the weekend at Chesley Lake. Mrs, Newton Clarke visited her niece, Mrs. Harold. Brown, of London, on Thursday. She is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Smith of Crediton, TEACHER—Marion 'rurkheltn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Turkheim, Zurich, a graduate of London Teachers' College and South Huron District High f; School, has accepted a teaching position at Princess Elizabeth ,Public School, London, com- mencing in September. Centralia shower fetes bride -elect Miss Ruth Dodds, bride -elect of July 15, has been honored with showers at the home of Mrs. S. L. Burke, RCACF Sta- lion Centralia, who arranged a miscellaneous shower. The bride's sister, Mrs. G. Vandenberg, London, was an out-of-town guest, Mrs. J. E. Gibson, RCAF Station, entertained at a kit- chen shower for 15 guests. The evening was spent in games and contests. TOURS WORLD BY JET Miss Lorna Taylor, London, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. 13. Taylor, Exeter, has left with a group of other school teachers on a summer tour of. -the world by jetliner. The group, which left Friday, will visit about 20 countries. About the only thing on TV nowadays, that hasn't been played before, is a football game. And a good many of them are replays. WI features salad slow A denions.tretion art salad - making was a feature 01 the Agriculture and Canadian in- dustries sleeting of llurondale Women's, Institute held in `tiiw - Itt 1lleznoriat Parish Hs Wedneseiay evenaring. ''t`heyall galavet ninny helpful !tints on snaking, mixing and garnishing salads,. The motto "Success depends on backbone, not the wish bone" was discussed, by Mrs. Gladys m, M, William Lamport Sigayse current events telling the process through which the milk, picked up at the farmer's door, .goes at the Mitchell factory. Roll call was answered by telling; "Why1 stick to the' Farm." A trio of Mrs, R. E. Pooley, I4'lrs, Cecil. Rowe and Mrs. Archie Morgan sang a selection accompanied by Mrs. Andrew Dougall. 4 Y D a Il. g Mrs. Roylance Westcott pre- sided for the program and President Mrs, HarrY Dol4gall conducted the business. Mrs. Arthur- .Rundle and Mrs, James Kirkland were named to take the district WI course "Focus on Finishes" in the fall, Mrs. Alvin Moir reported that the Hurondale WI would offer first and second prizes for blouses made by a .4.1-1 club member at the Exeter Fair, Mrs. Les Gibson said the response to the request for used clothing for overseas had been good and one bale had been sent and another was al- most ready to go. Mrs. Arthur Rundle reported • on WI film day held at Huron College, London, which she, Airs, Moir and Mrs. Strang at- tended. Mrs. Moir noted that "your hobby" would be the feature of the display at the county rally at Elimvi4le in October. Invitations were :receivedto be guests of Elimville WI on July 12, Dashwood on August 1 and Seaforth on August 8. Mrs, Warren Brock and Mrs. Mervyn Dunn were named press reporters for the re- mainder of the year. The July meeting will be held in the formof a family picnic and barbecue in Riverview Park at 7.45 on Wednesday, July 26, Mrs. Les Gibson and Mrs. 11, Bierling were co -hostesses as - COMPLETES COURSE-- Miss Carol Fauldcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A1 ii P au1d e r ,R2 Ailsa to Craig,has completed the private secretarial course at Wells Business Academy, Lon- don, A graduate of North Mid- diesex HS, she plans to work in Toronto. Attend home tea on anniversary Several ladies from Exeter attended the tea at Huronview, marking the second annivers- ary of the LadiesAuxiliary to Huron County Home last Wed, uesday afternoon, The tea was held in the new Auxiliary room in the new part of the building and a conduct- ed tour of the home was a feature of the program. Guests were received by Mrs. Harvey Johnston, matron, and Mrs. Fred Thompson, aux- iliary president. Crafts made by the residents were sold at a booth convened by Mrs, Keith Webster. Attending from Exeter were Mrs. Fred Dobbs, Mrs. Richard Dickins, Mrs. W. G. Middleton, Mrs, L. Bawden, Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg, Mrs. Hector. Murray, Mrs, Harvey Pollen, Mrs. Gor- don Koch and Mrs, M. C. Fletcher. sisted by Mrs. Bruce Tuckey, Mrs. Albert Keys, Mrs. Ben Case and. Mrs. Oscar Tuckey. big fashion opportunity more, more, more savings for you on dresses, plorwear and separates // SIO OFF Summer Dresses Skirts, Blouses Shorts, Swim Suits irwin 'S PHONE 474 EXETER DONNA. 1 STARTED WITH THE' SAME AMOUNT OF FRUIT AND GOTONLY7 .TARS OFJELLY. t-f0W DI V YOU GET MORE? 4+' is YOU 5E4 WnrH CIcfz1O YOU ONLY BOILTHEJELLY FOR ONE MINUTE. S4 M UC1-I L S OF THE gummy AND THE F*A IOUR BOILS AWAY THAN WITH THE ILIN6-$pl L A'OE114OD AND YOUR JAMrSANpA ,LIE S AL.WAYS SETT 50 Ttlikg WHY YOUR FRUIT MADE MORE JELLY Tt0J4 MINE/ I'M GOING TO TUN ¶Ells GERTO RECIPE, TOC / at RASPBERRY AND RHUBARB JELLY Yield: about 12 medium glasses (6 lbs, jelly) 4cups juice (about 1 quart 7 cups (3 lbs.) sugar ripe red raspberries 1 bottle Corte and 21/2 lbs. rhubarb) fruit pectin First, prepare the juice, Crush about 1 quart fully ripe red raspberries. Cut in I -inch pieces (do not peel) about 21/2 pounds rhubarb. Place fruits re jelly cloth or bag end squeeze out juice, Measure 4 cups into a very targe saucepan, Then make the jetty. Add sugar to juice in saucepan and mix well. Place over high heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. At once stir in Certo. Then bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard 1 'minute, stirring constantly. Remove from Treat, skint off foam With metal spoon, and pour quickly into glasses. Cover' jelly at once with %s inch hot paraffin. FREE: Send for your free copy of "The Jelly Maker's Manual" to General Foods Kitchens, Dept, J1, Cobourg, Ontario. C RTO LIQUID OR CRYSTAL'S especially if Ws the bete riuo Seaforth church scene ofi nuptial:s 1 a ul 1,11 e. Patricia Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,John A. Adams, Seaforth, and Doug- las Barry Byre, son of Mr. and Airs. Campbell Eyre, ER 2 Kippers, exchanged marriage vows on. Satugday, July 1 at 11 gait, in St. "Thomas Anglican church, Seaforth, Rev. Harry Donaldson of - flowed et the ceremony. Mrs, John Cardno, Seaforth, fur- lnished the wedding music and accompanied the soloist,: Mrs. Peg Coombs, Seaforth, ,Given in marriage by her father, .the bride was gowned in nylon and lace over taffeta styled with fitted bodice ,bat- eau a -eau neckline and lily -point sleeves. Her veil of nylon •tulle trimmed with embroidery olde rv and d with scalloped edges fell from a headdress of French satin . .leaves. She carried a white Bible crested with a mauve orebid, Miss Doris Walker, RR 1 Brucefield, as maid of honor and Miss Nicole Buys and Mies Yvonne Adams, both of Sea - Cathy'.5. Beauty Lounge 147 MAIN ST. PHONE 645 Perms Cuts . Sets - Tints OPEN Monday to Friday, 9.6 Tues. & Thurs. Evenings Only Closed Saturday CATHY ROBBINS, Prop. forth, a,s lirldrsds we gowned alike in awmaialtz-lengtlre1 lilac silk organza over rayon taffeta styled with two,tiered bouffant Shirt. They carried nosegays o} :baby white porn. porus. Cheryl ,Scott was flower giri wearing white nylon ehif- fon :and late and" c u - nosegay of while ponWorrecims..:a Russell .Adallts was ringbearer, Mervyn Byre was best roan for hes brother and Lawrence Byre, RR 2 St. Marys, and C I e :a v .e Coombs, Seaforth, ushered, A reception .wa$ held at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, where the brides Mother re- cclved guests wearing an ap- Iaee esw accessorreplegreens anddrhers with ..carnationhite corsage. The groom's mother wore a brown figured silk dress, beige :accessories and pink carnation corsage. For a .wedding trap to Norih Bay and ,giber northern points, the bride changed .to, a lemon, yellowy dross: of ipeckcrl dae"f4 f lite,,accessorii* oyer .ta. feta, white ...„:- and a mauve or'ehid versa"e. Mr. and Mrs. Byre will re- side: in St. INiarys. Modern Beauty Salon 429 MAIN ST., PHONE 344 Haircuts • Styling Perms. Treatments Monday to Saturday, 0.6 Tuesday $ Thursday Evenings BRENDA BRENNER, Prop. Barbara: Roth, Operator U IIA1.111l.11111rr11IA,1 I AAl1111111111„J1H1l.111111111!111111A1MIHMIIMI111111111)11.1111111111111nll!!111U111t11!elilll1 ,„. • 0t, 1 +r r July r 1 ''.HE AIR CONDITIONED. Brenda Lee Beauty Shoppe e RED GABLE COURT GRAND BEND featuring Noreen Williams, formerly of Byron Beauty Bar OPENING SPECIAL,, WEEK ONLY — $110 PERM, FOR ONLY $6.00 JI r1,1„IIF 11111, 11111 I ... ..... rel,!1111111lIr1111,Illllllllrl,l,lrlll.111l11111111, llll,rlllll��, RONALD PRATLEY Recent Competitor in Cavalcade of Beauty Specializing In HAIR CUTTING • PIXIE CUTS • TWO-WAY CUTS (All Cuts Tapered for Better Styling) PHONE 18 Beauty Salon GRAND BENE? Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. and Fri. — 8:30 - 9 Wednesday and Saturday — 8:30 - 6 GUEST STYLISTS •4. For The Summer Season * MISS GRACE (26 Years' Experience) • MR. ROBERT (6 Years' Experience) STAFF OF FIVE — For Fast, Efficient Service For Our Patrons Ta °.e a sewn r.x at these IA at La look u s G°S FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL WHITE S!/GAR 5 -Ib. bag 39c 6 to 10 p.rn. only r MEAT VALUES Wade Roasts Shoulder Roasts Short Rib Roasts of Beef Mimed Beef Darling Lg, YOUR CHOICE ONLY 39c A 010