HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-07-06, Page 11Hurry! CLASSIEFIED RATES EMPLOYMENT WANTED 22 Words e85a Each Additional Word ;3p (Minimum :350) 20` Off If paid by Saturday fpllowin last insertion. Second inseriion. 21/2 pep (Alinimere WARP 55.0) Six Insertions. 2c Pgp woo (Minimum 450) Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch $1,40 Second insertion—Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch, LOST— TERRIER, OST— TERRIER, Manchester, from second concession of Usborne. Anyone with information please phone 276W3 Hensall, 6c HELP -WANTED (Male)— LICENSED •MECHANIC — Ap- ply at Hensall Motor Sales, 6c HELP WANTED (Female) STENOGRAPHER — Apply in writing to Box SPL, Exeter Times -Advocate. 2: 2tf c 1300TH at roller rink, 'Wednes day, Friday and Saturday eve- nings, 8 to 11 p,m. Please phone Exeter 158, Mrs, Earl Neil. 6c Stenographers Typists Required for Department of National Defence, CENTRALIA, Ontario, Salaries for Stenographers — $234b to $3060 per. annum, Typists — $2190 to $2820 per annum. (Based on education and experience), Interested applicants are re- quired to pass a typing test of 35 w.p.m. and shorthand test of 80 w.p.m, • For further particulars as to residence and qualification re- quirements apply to Civil Ser - ,vice Commission. Applicationforms, obtainable at National Employment Of- fice, Post Office and Civil Ser- vice Commission should be filed NOT LATER. THAN FRI- DAY, 21 JULY, 1960 with: Civil Service Commission, 388 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. 6c HELP WANTED— AGENTS ANTED— AGENTS WANTED, preferably retired farmer, to sell McIntyre Cattle Oilers in Exeter area. Largest manufacturers, good commission. Contact Jack L. Cooke, Fullerton, Ont, 29:6c Friends fete newly-weds • By MRS. W. MOTZ CREDITON EAST On Friday evening, June 30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gradsahl the Crediton East line party was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regier. The bride is the for- mer June Kuhn. They were presented with a coffee table, a step up end table and; two toss cushions. They were presented by Mrs. Eli Sims. and Mrs. Phyllis Bohner. The address was read by Mrs. Rita Schenk. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heist and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. .Ballantyne Thomp- son, Science Hill. Mr. Russell Baynham re- turned home Sunday after spending some time in Lon- don. Miss Sharon McArthur, of Exeter, was a Sunday visitor with the Jesney 'family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhn, Miss Betty Lou Jesney, Mr. Carl Kuhn of Crediton and Miss Della Fahner of London Spent Sunday at Formosa, Mr, Gordon Miller spent the weekend in Kitchener with friends. Mr. anti Mrs. Edward Dar - bey and family, of Willowclale, spent, the Weekend with her parents, :Mr, and Mrs. J. Bul- lock. Mr. incl Mit Frank. G1am ville and family are. holidaying at Manitoulin Island. Mrs. Vivian Cliffe and daugli- Ier, Marlene Harris of London spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. William 'Mott, Mrs. 'Bert /Millman is visiting in London. Mrs. Harry Lewis Mid on Eber spent, Sunday at Grand Bend. with Mr, and MrS, Alec Hamilton and Bradley, Mrs, Sam Baynhani of Exe- ter spent the weekend at her hone here. Mr. arid Mrs, Jim Edwards and family of Walkerton visit- ed Saturday With Mr. and Mrs. Sano Sims; RELIABLE high school sis- ters would like household work. Could assist with Care of child. ren .ql Crop hoeing. Phone 69233 Exeter. 6* YOUNG DUTCHMAN ,desires work on farm"for.Season, Con- tact Bethel Reformed Church, phone 751W. 6" BABY CFiiCICS STARTED CHICKS, many va- rieties, available prompt ship- ment. Dayolds, a few early shipment, or to order. Broiler chicks available. Order now, Bray Hatchery, Eric Carscad den, Exeter, phone 246W, 6c FOR SALE — SLAB WOOD, dry mixed, 10 cords delivered $30,00, .Apply in writing' to. Robert Eagleson, RR 1 Ailsa Craig, stating street number in town or ,concession in township, or phone Nairn 232-4450 before 8:00 a.m, or be- tween 5:30 and 7;00 p.m. 6; Hine THINNERS .2 single unit mechanical beet and turnip thinners, to fit any standard scuffler, Phone 234-6410 Credi- ton. 4:13tfnc NOW ON SALE Galvanized roofing, aluminum roofing, Call and inquire, Phone 83 Hensall, Wayne Smith. 6:8-8:31e OFFICE EQUIPMENT—Head- quarters QUIPMENT—Head-quarters for Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines. We can save you money, Exeter Times -Advocate, phone 770. 27tfc BALER TWINE — Canadian and imported. Ask for our prices and quantity discounts. Cann's Mill Ltd„ phone 735 Exeter. 6: 22tfnc STARTED PULLETS —DeKalb 13r pullets, ready to lay, vac- cinated for Newcastle and Bronchitis and de -beaked. Les Parker, phone 748 Exeter. 6:15tfnc BARN TIMBERS, joist, pool stripping, sheathing, etc. at Saw Mill, Staffa, Ont., phone Dublin 11r3. 6:29.8:10* MANY PEOPLE SAVE many dollars buying their complete household furniture, appliances and carpets from Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. We carry a large stock of fresh merchandise or take you to the factories where you have the complete stock to choose from, Our prices are right. 29:6c TRACTOR, Farm -all H, 51 mo- del, power take -off and pulley, excellent shape, price $400.00 or best offer. Owner retiring from farming, Phone Zurich 99r1. 29:6c BEAGLE PUPPIES, reason- ably priced. App 1 y Edwin Miller, phone 692J1 Exeter. 6c PIANO, Mason & Risch up- right. small type, good condi- tion. Phone 89 Grand Bend 6:13:20c THE NEW OPTI MA TYPEWRITER IS LOADED WITH FEATURES and it sells for only $89.00 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfc 1954 CHEV PICKUP, Al body, 6 -ply tires. Phone Hensall 246W after 6 p.m. 6c 190 CHICKENS, 18 weeks old, H+NMark 2. Apply John Groot, RR 1 Zurich, phone 94r7. 6c ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR how he likes his Coronado. 17 ft. Freezer; plastic coated bas- kets, signal light, food protec- tion plan. Save the tax. Only $248.69, Beavers Crest Hard- ware, phone 86, Exeter. 6c Containers For Locker and. Home Freezer Users EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 70 C, Mirky Hall 6:13c HERE IS YOUR chance, 23" Westinghouse TV Console, used only 6 months. New price $299, now only $219. New guarantee, Match this value if possible, Beavers Crest Hardware, phone 8e Exeter, 6c HOLSTEIN HEIFER, large, due July 12, bred Hereford, ac- credited and vaccinated, Apply Whitney Coates, phone 39r3 Kirkton. _ 6* GOOD TIMOTHY HAY, baled; 10 weaver pigs, Apply Pierre Rammeloo, phone 34r11, RR 2 Dashwood, Conc. 15, Stephen, 6* HAY 8 acre's mixed alfalfa and timothy hay. Apply George Halley, Winchelsea, phone 25-r- 16 Kirkton, 6* o' FTSHING BOAT, new, air cooled Reo Trollabout inboard engine, forward, neutral and reverse transmission, complete 399,00; , 2 wheel:.._'trailer, 4'x8', tilywiiod boxy 670x.15 tires, all lights and hitcht, $49,00; 8x30 binoculars, $20;09, 11hoiie 763M Exeter. 6C FOR SALE . -- TWINS FOR SALE -A bargain in famous Westinghouse Laun- dromat and Dryer. $399 with Your old washer. Beat the tax, Beavers Crest Hardware, phone 86 Exeter. 60 NEW! Purina Fly Checker for fly control. Hangs from cord, kills on :contact, 2 for 790, Cann's MM Ltd., phone 735 Exeter, 6e THESE 1MACH1ES SAVE you MONEY MAKE YOU MONEY Allis-Chalmers 60 PTO Combine IHC 64 'Engine -Drive Combine IIIC 6 -foot power mower Case Forage Harvester Case Forage Blower We'll prove it to you! EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT R. D. Jermyn Phone 508W No, 4 North 1957 METEOR SEDAN, .auto- matic, 6 tires; low mileage, excellent condition. Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, phone AC 8-6624, 6c MECHANIC'S T 0 0 L S and boxes; coal and wood 'burning furnace. Phone 234-6226 Credi- ton, Mrs. W, J. Elliott, Ailsa Craig. 6* 9" TABLE SAW, Beaver, heavy duty, complete with General Electric motor, 3/4 h.p„ exten- sion table and several attach- ments, Phone Crediton 234- 6368. 6c HOT WATER TANK, insulated, copper, approximately 30 gal- lons, complete with heater, thermostat, wall switch, stand, drainage tap. Phone Crediton 234-6368. 6c REFRIGERATORS, weed, $40; used washers, $10; used. TV, $25, We rent TV and refrigera- tors, Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St., phone 476. • 6:13c WHY WALK WHEN you can ride? 24" riding mower, 31/2 h,p, Briggs and Stratton engine, regular $199.95, Save $30. Now $169.95, Beavers Crest Hard- ware, phone 86 Exeter. 6c TRAILER, camper style, fold - ding down, low type, sleeps four, easy to tow, Phone 89, Grand Bend. 6:13:20e 11 WEANER PIGS, 8 weeks old. Arthur Ford, RR 1 Exeter, Conc. 2, Stephen. 6* RASPBERRIES—We will have raspberries for sale by box or crate on or about July 12. Call at the farm or phone J. C. Smillie, 274J2 Hensall. 6c 2 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, vac- cinated, due soon, blood tested herd. Apply- John Berendsen, Highway 83, phone Kirkton 21r4. 6:13* VIKING ELECTRIC SEPARATORS MILKING MACHINES See your authorized dealer for repairs and sales. BASIL O'ROURKE Brucefield Phone 9131 Clinton 7:6-10:5*oam DEEP FREEZE CHEST, used, new unit, 6 months guarantee, $99.00. Sandy Elliot, phone 476. 6:13c FORD TRACTOR PULLEY; 1 Holstein cow, due any day; 1 Holstein cow, due in two weeks. Apply Fernon Snyder, RR 2 Dashwood, or phone 41r5. 6:13c WRINGER WASHER Special— Year's supply of Tide free with every washer. See it in our window. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 6:13c FOR RENT— LOWER DUPLEX, in Hensall, comfortable, oil heated, spac- ious with modern conveniences, attractive lawns; available July 1: garage accommodation, Ap- ply Mrs. Ada. Smillie, phone 122J or J. C. Smillie, 274J2 Hensall. 29:6* APARTMENT, heated, 3 -room; ground floor, private entrance. Apply 512 Main St,, Exeter. 6* GOOD TILLABLE LAND, clay loam; Apply Garnet Deters, RR 2 Hensall, phone 91r4 Zan ich. • 6:13* 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished and heated, private 4 - piece bath, separate entrance. No pets, please, Apply 169 Wil- liam St. or phone 400W,. 7:6*tfnc WANTED 1. OR 2 GIRLS, in late teens or older , to share central apartment, now. Phone London GE 8-7361, between 6 and 7 pee, weekdays, Oc WANTED TO RENT — FARM -- Experienced farmer wants to rent 100 -acre farm within 5 to 10 miles from Ex- eter, State price and acres workable. Want to put part iii [all wheat. Apply Box KVW, Eexter, Times -Advocate, 15:22:2916e SERVICES -- 1 TtOMPT 'SERVIC'E Tor dead and disabled horses, cattle, hogs,, sheep, pigs, calves, Dar- ling & 'Co., Lucan, Licence No, 97C61, phone Exeter 287, Lu- can BA 7-4355, 5;25.6:29* SERVICES— ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, cont ct Bill W at spn, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 5:25"'tfnc SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED -- linmediate service, a 1 w a y s available, Butler Bros„ Lucan, Phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect, 5:9etfnc Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE PMON 224 GR AN, B D E . .. END 12:17tf c McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS Formerly Operated by Ken Locke RR 1 CREDITON North of Mount Carmel Road behind Centralia Airport. Cars and Trucks Bought for Wrecking Used and Rebuilt Parts -- Guaranteed — Free Pickup and Delivery Phone AC $-6214 3:30tfc FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, highest cash prices paid, according to size and condition, for dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed. An- drews, 863W1 Seafortb. Truck, licensed under Dead Stock Di s p o sal Act, Licence No. 66C61. 3:311-6:20* FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Repairs to all makes , of vacuum cleaners. Used vacuum cleaners of all makes; for. sale. Bob Peck, phone Hen- sel" 696r2. 11:24-12:29'"tfc KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY— Expert re -upholstering, re -fin- 3 ishing and repairing all types j of furniture. Work guaranteed, For free estimates and prompt I l service, phone 81, Exeter. 6:15tfnc HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma- chine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, e Elmira MO 9-3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 8;15:22* tfnc o ELECTROLUX sales and ser- P vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917, 6: 8*tfnc r crc SERVICES --- ACHESON'SDEAD STOCK ser- vice; $1,00 per 100 lbs., plus bonus, for r dca d, of horses and cattle. d er disabled e. Please phone. promptly to Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) .or .Atwood 356 2622 collect. Seven-day service, License Ito, 103C61. 5:l8tfnc SANITATION ION SERVICE —Sep tie tanks pumped, and ,general repairs, for immediate servi,ce phone Grand Bend 205Bill I inch. 6:22.8:31* SPRAYING — Anyone wishing to have their barns sprayed for brucellesjs or cattle spray- ed for lice, ;call Hebert Cooper, 599,13 Exeter. 2:22*tfnc ILL HEALTH—First see your doctor. Bring your preserip- lions to Middleton's Drugs, successors to Johnston Drugs, phone 447 Exeter. 4:20tfec IF YOU WANT the weeds killed, especially the burdocks and thistles around your home, barnyard or fence bottoms, call 653. L. V. Hogarth. I will do the job very reasonably. Also, if you have .a dog of no use to you I can use it for a very good purpose experi- ments for cancer and polio, 6:13c CONTROL WEEDS and corn. Custom spraying by Doe Gei- ser, 313 Carling St,, phone 654 Exeter. 6:13c REAL ESTATE WARTIME HOUSE, small. Ap- ply Mrs. Audrey Green, 197 Ann St., Exeter, phone 679,1. 7:6tfne C r V. PICKARD [TEAL ESTATE & INSURANCE — Several well located Exeter homes -BEDROOM BRICK with mo- dern kitchen, .3 -piece bath, full b a seinen t with permanent aundry tubs and furnace. Large workshop suitable for housing and servicing truck or car. Price $5,100.00. Terms. 4-BE'DROONI bungalow, nicely reed lot, Bright, nicely arrang- d kitchen, modern bath, hard- wood and tile floors through - M. Full basement with oil - burning furnace, Low taxes, rice $8,000,00, Terms, If you wish to buy or sell see! k C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR BELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE AND BATTERIES for all makes at Middleton's Drugs, Exeter Clinic First Thursday, Monthly E. R. Thede, 88 Queen St. S., Kitchener 4:20tfnc CUSTOM WORK, baling hay. Elevator available. Victor Knip, RR 1 Centralia, phone Exeter 378J2. 29:6* CUSTOM HAY BALING, 70 per bale. Extra man and wagon available. Donald Masnica, RR 2 Crediton. 6:13:20* 394 Main St„ Exeter Phones 165 and 628 2:9tfc WM. PEARCE, REALTOR 86 Anne St„ Exeter 3 -bedroom brick cottage, well located, oil heated. 3 -bedroom, one - floor house, bargain for cash to settle estate. Farms -50 to 300 acres. Centralia—Brick house, 4 bed- rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, drilled well, pressure pump, garage; good terms. RUSS BRODERICK, Agent 24 Waterloo St., phone 1187W �:N• lM t S at s M H%9'. 1P' a 3 ( rt .tY.�.`:4£ ..�a....r.ibh:5k:,i.. ,��".:`.a�..72: a:.wk v mc. K:..i.�...:.. �...U.F+.<.': usin G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAP" For Appointment Phone 606 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 707 EXETER ARVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficent service at all tunes. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 81 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office Exeter, President Milton McCurdy, Rif, 1 ICirkton Vice -President Timothy B. Toohey Ontario RR 2 Lucan Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun :lilt 1 Science hill Martin Feeney .Tilt 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Cromarty Alex 3, Rohde RR 3 Mitchell t r DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L,D,S., D.D.S. Main Street 25c Exeter Clased All Day Saturdays PHONE 36 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC EL141ER D, BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q,C., LLB Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 4 EXETER ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC, Ann St., Exeter Phone 504' N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone c'S JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLks$ THERAPIST 15 Wellington St across from PUC , ST. MAIRYs PHONE 1272 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D,D,S. DENTAL SURGEON Deyon Building Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday ATternoonS Agents Phone 863 DEVON BUILDING xeter, Ontario. Salesmen: LLOYD HOLLAND'. LTD,.. ''hone -Buick070,1ONY` "* Exeter w.., . . TRIVERS Pontiac * V ux�Iall * p'ltone 41 Grand Bend - _. T MIR � �'Nf9Nf 608 1=XtwT�Ct S A' REAL ESTATE For Sale EXETER 3 -bedroom dwell ing, 1 black Pram school,,oll heat, terms. EXETER—,Well located brick home, 1 block from school, 3 .bedrooms, hath, kitchen, :living room, dining room, oil heat Lot 65 x 200, Terms can be ar- ranged. EXETER Huron St., large brick home, suitable, for du- plex or 3 apartments -f--2 up and r wn . L of 1,04 x 12.1. 2 bath• rooms, oil heat, garage, Terms can be arranged. EXETER -- 3 bedrooms, insul brick home, bath. living room, kitchen, reasonably priced for cash, CLANDEBOYE — Small 2 -bed- room insul brick home, living room, kitchen, kitchen cup- boards, insulated, aluminum windows and doors. Taxes $36. $2500 full price, Low down payment, 'Ville Time$-Adyocafe, I,My ,6x 1961 Pogo 11 ant REAL ESTATE — WILFRED McIN TEE Real Estate Broker listings Wanted FOR: SALE STEPHEN and Hay Township —50 - 150 aero productive and well located farms. • COTTAGE and duplex with building ;lot, central Grand Bend, GENERAL STORE with living quarters, large volume busi- ness. BNACK BAR with, living. ters, reasonable terms. For details on other tresses and property EXETER New 3 - bedroom home, west side of town, livin room, dining room, kitchen full basement, well located Ter Call Jack i"ulcher Agent 457 Edward St, S. Exeter, Ontario Phone 225, Box 225 :Tar, busi- FRAM uar- busi- FRAME HOUSE, large two- g storey, with basement and at- , tached utility room, Plank wall construction, all windows glaz- ed and complete with storms, screens ,and s c r e en .doors. Building must be torn down and completely removed from property immediately. Can be n seen any day Monday to Friday during working Hours, by ap- e plying at Dashwood Planing Mills Limited, Dashwood, On - y tario, 6c e NEW HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, utility, living room. Mortgage arranged. NO, 23 HWY. -- Confectionery Phone 386M Exeter. 4:20tfne store—lunch counter, residence, garage attached, low down pay, meat. doing a good business, For the properties in Grand Bend, see W. C, Dace, agent, Grand Bend, phone 62r3. EXETER -- New 3 - bedroom home, living roam, d i n i n g room, kitchen, full basement, oil hot water heat. Terms ca be arranged. KETTLE POINT --Small fram cottage, 2 bedrooms, bath taxes $25.00, propane heat, full furnished, well and pressur pump. Full price $3,000,00 -- $1,000.00 $1,000.00 down, FARMS We have several 100, 150 and 200 acre farms for sale. We invite your inquiries, Listings invited, W. H. Hodgson LIMITED REAL ESTATE Represented by M. J. GAISER G. E. DOW Phone Exeter 24 30c FRAME HOUSE, 2 -bedroom, full basement, oil furnace, all aluminum doors, windows and screens, newly decorated, good location, 121 Andrew St. N., Exeter, phone 385R. 29*6c FOR SALE OR RENT—Come fortabla two - bedroom house, next to Post Office, school and highway. Murless, Clandeboye, phone BA 7-4656. 8:15'"tfnc EXETER -9 -room brick house, suitable for two apartments, 3 - piece bath up, toilet down, dual electrical circuits and meters, furnace, slate roof, double lot. 213 Carling at Victoria. 6;13:20:27c For Sale NEW BRICK HOME, on High - ay 83, modern in every re- spect. See this. 8 ROOM .BRICK, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large lot, close to school and stores. Price $11,500 with half cash. RED BRICK HOME, Main St„ ideal home and office location; $12,000—terms arranged. BRICK, 3 -bedroom, d o u b 1 e garage, large lot, Main. St. North. Price $7,900, INSUL BRICK, 2 -bedroom, full basement, Main St. Price 55,000 —terms arranged, 3 -FAMILY APARTMENT, good condition, rental income $147. Price only $10,500- with $2,500 down, 8 -ROOM BRICK, Carling St., needs repairs but the price is only $4,250 with 81,000 down. SMALL HOUSE, large lot, $3,950 with $1,000 down. HEN•SALL—Large brick; could be duplexed; $6,800—with $2,500 down. CREDITON 2 cottages on large lot, good well; $1,600,. taxes 836.00. 100 ACRES, dose to Clinton, on highway, Let us show you this one, Price $11,500 — with $2,500 or inose down. 50 ACRES, close to Exeter, brick house, necessary outbuild- ings. Price $10,500. 56 ACRES, Crediton, good brick house,, all conveniences, good barn, implement shed and 2 -car garage, excellent land; $10,500 —half cash, 4 GOOD BUILDING LOTS — West side, $800 each, Name Your terms. HAYFIELD — Summer cottage, lakefront, good sandy beach, water and hydro; $4,950 with ms. BUSINESS BLOCK., Main St„ with refrigeration unit. Can be used for various businesses, SOFT ICE C,REAAT BOOTH Doing a real good business. John Burke Real Estate Broker General Insurance Harry Coates RTL 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Stanley .HoCking Mitchell Solicitor W, C, Cochrane Exeter 5ecreterpYree tirer Artltu.e Frew Exeter W. G. ZOCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC IeitSall Office Zlpen WerirtescTay and Friday Afternoons i'30 to S:30 PHONE'. 14 EXETER. Two Modern Stores IN 'EXETER First building 24x50, large show windows, full basement, rest room facilities, grocery equip- ment also available. Second building, 14x30, one - store, large display window, excellent lighting. Both situated at busy Main and Wellington St. corner. Excellent parking facilities, hardtopped entrance. WILLIAM McKENZIE Phone 253 or 501 Exeter TENDERS— • P: 1 G AINT . N. Tenders wanted for painting the inside wails and ceiling of SS No. 5 ifibbert School. Worlg to be finished by August 20, 1961. Lowest gender not neceS- sarily accepted. , ' ANDREW ,CHRISTIE, Secretary -'Treasurer, RR 1 Mitchell '89:Be NOTICES-- RIJsI � i DENT S OF o HAY and. Y Stephen townships, I have been awarded the dealership for Watkins Products; will call in the near future. Clarence Me - lick, RR 2 Komoka, phone 113. Zurich, 6.1.3* NOTICES TO CRE ITQRS In the Estate of William Henry Martyr', deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of William Henry Martyn, late of the Town of Exeter, in. the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 2911i day of May 1961, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of July, 1961., after which date: the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executrices, Exeter - Ont, 22.:29:6c AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Antiques and Household Effects On Main Street, BAYFIELD WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, at 1:30 p.m. Sale includes colored glass, crystal, antique dishes, silver, furniture, quilts, ete. Complete list in next week's paper. EDWARD ELLIOTT, Auet, LORNE A. SPARKS, Prop. 6c i 1 LAST WEEK THE CAR KING SOLD err rs Th. 'se buyers saved hundreds of doliars in taxes by buying NOW AT PEARS° ' IS LJ AY I LS '59 Studebaker L rkk Limited slip rear axle, wheel discs and other extras. See this one. You'll like it, Other dealers are asking $1,695 Our Price 1 '56 Monarch Richelieu V-8 Convertible Automatic, radio, power steering, power' brake, electric windows and seats, tri -tone whitewalls. 'You'll have a great summer! Other dealers are asking $1,595 Our Price ail _, visrr US A N1i W 'bii' MC * I3eciford VAnt 'PHONE 'its ZURICI4'