The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-07-06, Page 844 4 TheTimes-.Advocate 4.190 IT.Dashwood school sports • -;---.111y MRS. ERVIN RAD 6R Holiday visitors DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burke .2p. grade --. Charles ee.t,lirampton with Milt Haugh. kg, Douglas Bender, l‘lary 1%liases 'Marian. June and Ann Hayter (H), Lynda Kraft, Ruthanne Rader and Lloyd ginie McCrae (1-1),. Robert Mil- Howe of London with Mr. and (R), Bernice Restemayer, Mrs. Ervin Rader and faintly. 4;Mearet Salmon (11), Carl ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kretzrnan Nancy Willert Tom', and Billie of Detroit with Jack Wolfe (H). I Geiser. Grade 8 - Alex Becker, liar- Bender, Richard Denom- doi‘nliss Melvina Schade of Lon- nie, Rickey Geiser, Bill Hoff- • with relatives and friends. „Man (11), Calvin Kellerman, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelek ;Peter Kraft, Ivan miner (m. tfoLl3is.atclererkd with Mr. and Mrs, i p,dy Webb (11), Carol Zimmer. Miss Sharon Martene with Grade 7 - Joan Becker, Jul- Miss Janet Miller. "Jan Boogemans, Joan Keller, loyce Keller, Keith Maier, Ja- Robert Allemang of Niagara Falls with Robert Millen. net Miller (11), Paul Rader, Edward Restemayer (1-1). , Zion Lutheran Church picnic Teacher - Principal, Doug- The annual church picnie of las. A, McCaw. , Zion Lutheran Church was held Grade 6 -Larry Fleet, James at Jowett 's Grove with a fair Hayter (H), Jimmy ; attendance. ill), Judy Kraft (H), Brian Sports were conducted by 'Maier, Margaret Merner (Hi, Marie Selman and Ross Miller. Restemayer Bobbi Results were: 5 and under, .Webb (H), Eleanor Wolfe (H) ; Sharon Rader; ball throw, Don - Grade 5 - Eugene Becker, , ald Anderson; girls, 6-8, Gail .4an Becker (H), Jesse Kirk, Fleet; boys, John Hayter; „David Nielson, Mary Lou! girls' three-legged race, Gail Schenk (11), Beth Snell (1-1), Fleet and Darlene Rader: sack :41tiela Willert (H). race, John Hayter; wheelbar- Grade 4 - Anne Becker (H), mow race, John Hayter and Ran - 'Beverly Becker (1-1), Diane Bec-; dy Becker; girls 9-11, Janet ker. Gail Fleet, Gordon Keller, ' Miller, boys, Edward Reste- ,,,animY Maier, Michael Tiernan mayer; chucki,vagon race, girls, Janet Miner, Judy Kraft and Teacher -- Mrs. Letta Tay- Margaret Merner; boys, Eug- -lbr. ene Becker, Lorne Miller and Grade 3 - Marie Anderson, j John Becker; girls, three-legged Randy Becker, Jim Guenther, race, Sharon Martene and Ja- „John Guenther, Joanne Hay- net ;ter (H) John Hayter, Grant I Boys sack race, Lorne Miller; Hoperoft (H), David Keller,t girls 124.4, Bernice Restemayer; Steven Kirk, Norma Nielson, • boys, Lawrence Becker; girls „Jimmy Nielson, Cathy Schroe- ball throw, Carol Miller; boys ;'d'in, Douglas Tyler, Billy Wein glass race Peter Kraft; mixed , • wheel barrow race, Robert Mil - .Grade 2 - Dale Anderson, ler and Bernice Restemayer; -Rey Becker, Jimmy Kirk, Brad kick the slipper, girls, Carol „Kliunpp (H), Darlene Rader miller; boys, Larry Fleet. .(H), Marjory Schenk (H). Young ladies race, Bernice o Teacher -- Mrs, Ada Webb. Restemayer; young men 's race, Ross Miller; married la- dies race, Mrs. Robert Hayter; married men, Robert Hayter: kick the slipper, Mrs. Leonard Schenk and Charles Tiernan. Several relays were enjoyed. During the supper hour sev- eral prizes were awarded; oldest person, Mrs. Mary Mar- ten; youngest baby, Elizabeth Anne Datars; longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs, Louis • Restemayer; newest married couple; Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilmer Tfaff; lucky plate, Mrs. ,lenry • Decker; guessing contest, Mrs. Andy Anderson. Rey. Gerald &hob -conducted a -service ,during the supper hour. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood GOSS- . fannlY, and friends, of of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Victor -- 'Lotter from Crediton By MRS. M. FAUST Mr. and. Mrs. William Oest- ,,reicher spent a few days at ,.Toronto lag week visiting with '.',Mr...and Mrs. Bob Greenwood. and. son. •' Mr; and Mrs. Lloyd Hey and Mr. Lorne Voigt spent the ,Weekend at Goderich. urand ..4eend ..::211r, and Mrs. Roy Wolfe of Detroit spent a few days with By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL Mr. 'and Mrs. Lloyd Geiser ... . • .over the weekend and July 4, .?Mrs. Earl Whalen and child - ,t --ren, Shaun, Derick and Tracy, -of--,3Ninnipeg, Man., arrived on „Sunday evening to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam King, while L/T Whalen is taking, a course at Wainwright, %Alta: •••111r. J. R. Wolfe of Detroit vent. a few days in town and .vlsited his mother, Mrs: Albert WOlfe4•.,•tp• • hospital at London. $116gifting.,41ong nicely. aitl::',40014.: A. M. Schlen- ,keeMiidrilily are on two Farlane of Pembrook, have week's holidays, spending this moved to Mr. Lawrence Tay- weekat camp at Golden. Lake. lor's house in. •Geand Bend. • •Rev.• J. M. Oestreicher, Chi- Weekend visitors with Mr. ford,: will. be the speaker next and Mrs. John Stocker were. Sunday in the EUB church and The story in Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Des - Jardine, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Zehr and Miss Ruth Thom - soil left June 30 for Miami, Flo- rida', to attend the full Gospel Business Men's Convention held in the Americana Hotel, July 3 to 7 inclusive. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson and son Winston spent the weekend with friends at Tren- ton. • 7 -Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Mc - on 16 the Gideon group will be in charge. •-Mr. and -Mrs. Nelson Radford Of' .London called on Mrs. C. Radford and Shirley on Satur- dixi on their way home from Blyth, Miss Anne Milne of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robinson and family of Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Gollen and family of Greenway, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Miller of Dash- wood, and Mrs. Annan and Larry of Pickering visited Sat- - Mr. and Mrs, Terry Wade, urday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mr..and Mrs. Robert Wade and Pask. Heather, all of London, visit- Sunday guests with Mr. and ed with Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Ray Pask were Mr. and • Wide over the weekend. -En, Bob Palmer and Mrs. Mrs. H. Bassow and sister Miss Palmer and family, Shirley, 'Emmie Bassow of Zuria. Beth and Mark, of ,Winnipeg, Man:, are on holidays for a few weeks with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Em- Mery Fahrner. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Knight, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Nichols of London visited over the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Annie Mousseau. Robert Knight and Brian Mag - Mr. Bill Armes of Ingersoll Innis of London and Miss Mae was a visitor at the home of Patterson. of Newmarket visited Mr. and. Mrs. Alvin Fink - boner over the weekend. *Mr. Allan Lockhart and son, Mr. Roy Lockhart, and friend, Mr. Herb Hardwick, of Wood- bridge, visited with the for- mer's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. At 'Smith and family, over the weekend. Sunshine • and Mrs. Austin Fahrner and Chris of Willowdale are a -Pending a few days with Mr. Everett Fahrner and Mrs. John Ayres and boys. 'Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pict - Hugo, Schenk over the weekend cher visited with Mr. and Mrs. were. Mr, Leon Hill and Mr. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn Ed East of Windsor and Julie in Exeter on Friday. nd. 'Cathy Schenk of London, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Johns who are spending the holidays and family of llderton were here with their grandparents, visitors on Saturday with Mr. -Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wein and Mrs. Clarence Johns, and Barbara spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Mc - the latter's parents, Mr. and Laughlin and family of Kitch- Mls. C. Manders, at Watford. ener visited Mr. and Mrs. La - Mr, and Mrs, Eugene Fmk., Verne Rodd and family on Sun- beiner and family spent the day. Ricky McLaughlin is ho holiday weekend with Mr. and lidaying with Wayne Rodd for WS. Joseph Einkbeiner, two weeks, *Mr. and Mrs. 0. Pearson, of on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood pm. VAMEMIERIMOURIUMMZEteal-in The story in By MRS. WILLIAM DICKEY Personal items Mrs. Howard Hodge of Rip, arutoulin Island, have return- ley was a visitor with her par- ed, home after Spending a few ents, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence weeks with their daughter, Johns on Thursday, Mt,' and Mrs. Harold Glanville Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Met- and!family. cher attended centennial ser - ,The Mission Band of the Unit- 'vices at St. Patrick's Church ed Church held its meeting on at Saintsbury on Sunday, Tuesday afternoon in the form Mr, and Mrs. Alex Wilson of of,' picnic, There were sonic London also Mr. and Mrs. Ar- apiiiit on the church lawn and Our La Shantz of Utah, Miehi- refreshments were served after, gan were Sunday visitors with .!Mts. Bob Tinhorn and Cathy ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johns, eftHanover spent the nast week Alt, and Mrs, Clarence Fot'd with her mother, Mrs, Etta and Jenny? of Kitchener, Mr. Faiiit and Nola, and Mr, 1111- and Mrs, Newman Baker of biifn spent the weekend here. Wellburn, Mr, Gordon Ford She -returned home on Tuesday. and Ricky were visitors with ;knee, vs married men Mr. and Mrs. William Dickey :ball game between the and family on Sunday, married men and single men of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coward town, was, played here on the and boys of the Base Line, diamond last Friday night in 131anshard Were Sunday eve- faVor of the single men 10,9, thing guests of Mr. and Mrs, TickeltS had been sold on a John Coward, ret rnoWer the 1 est few Mr. and Mrs. Loisulellatil evrrks and the lucky ticket was and Murray ofMelhoWer drawn pe Friday evenk.1 thg..i.km Mrs, gticttsrSunday with Mr. and Ifdy SChWartZ was die c y Lawrence Beekett and s., Watson and fantilY. London, lel. London, -on :Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Iui- pci and .family of :Kitehener spnt al.unlay with Mrs. Mary Becker. And Mr. and Mrs. Garnet ,Goss• man and family. Windsor,nellt the .1:1Qhpthy weekend with their Pareets, Mr. and Mrs. William GOSsmall. The Parties from jctteben.er tended to ,camp. at, the :Pinery Park but were turned away for lack a room. • They Act U camp- at ,Goss-' mans, Mr. Elmer Rader rot•Prned home from ,St. .JOSephla 1-10Spl-1 Success in tmusic Mrs. Harold Stire AWOM wishes to announce the results of her music pupils in recent examinations with the UWQ Conservatory of Musie. Grade g theory, Dave Shep, • •••."c -f. Save .ap 10.50%,on 'New -Car' Quality MOTO MASTER Cushion., Comfort 5114. CK. ABSOR herd first etas*. llonOrkl: Grade 7 piano, honors, f Grade 3 piano, Anne Webb, honors, Norma Weigand, pass. • The music pupils presented a program pf piano selections and d.SaLurdy, July 1. to the mothers. Refreshments were 1 Mr's. Florenee Bucknell and Pon sPertt '$1414.0Y With Mr. and Mrs, Harold Sire and family. I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stire, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Stire and fain- tly attended the Stire reunion10 the Lucan arena on Sunday. Mr. arid Mrs. Mervyn Tie - man received a !Wlegrun front their 4angl3ter, Mrs. Robert Storms .s arm that she had ar- rived safely in Dusseldorf,' GermanY, where she is taking a special enurse sponsored by the German government. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weido i and family of Detroit spent the • haltday wii1 4r$, 're4 Arthur Rader has returnct scIpoa Cr seQpntletenso,d" imti hare* Cas9t:ItIonelgtne;IrrliisA:bvi r.11:4 °I1Wertekacctneid. visitors WIU1 Mrs. Lucinda 'leisape were: ,,loan Kotas, Jerry .Ruvola, Tony' Ru - vola and Gail Spear all ofe- !reit, Mich.; and Ken, el Harper Woods, Mich, Setilondt, E SAVE!CAP TOP CARRIERS • Extra Safety • Extra Savings • Extra Comfort AI" • saP* • NO NEED TO TAKE A BEATING EVERY MILE YOU DRIVE -- INSTALL MOTO-MASTER SHOCK ABSORBERS Getting a rough ride? You don't have to lump it and like it . . Get a "New -Car" ride with MOTO-MASTER SHOCK ABSORI3ERS. Provide smoothness and comfort under all driving conditions, Moto -Master Shocks are Road and Load Tested to original equip- ment quality standards and performance. Guaranteed one full year or 15,000 miles! Save Safely ... Ride Safely . - on Canadian Tire's MOTO-MASTER SHOCK ABSORBERS. PASSENGER CAR MAKE and YEAR CHEV. or CAN. PONTIAC. 1949-54 (exc. Corvette) 1955-57 (exc. Corvette) 1958-60 std. susp. (exc. Corvair, Corvette) FORD and METEOR 1949-51 ......... . .. . ... . ....... 1952-56 ......... . ............ . . 1957-59 std. susp. . . . . ... . 1960 std. susp. ........ . . DODGE and PLYMOUTH 1951-54 ............. . ..... 7.95 7.95 9.65 1955-60 ................a.75 7.95 1235 simii., savings on other cars, including imports Rig Discounts on Moto.Master Shocks for commercial vehicles. INSTALLED "DO-IT-YOURSELF" \ \ DISCOUNT PRICE _DISCOUNT PRICE -------------i 1 Rearpr. , Front -pr. 1 Rear -pr. Front -pr. $7.95 8.75 3.75 s 7.95 7.95 8.75 8.75 $7.95 7.95 8.75 7.95 7.95 7.95 511.75 12.55 12.55 11.75 11.75 12.55 1235 gWiF57‘717.4*.•• ••••••••• IEase the load on your springs •'`.0 0. Prevent rear 'end ,r# sag - get a smooth t'2, level ride - when car is heavily 47- al2loaded. Ektra 7.-voi stability w h e 1n „ cornering. Easy to install. ' I 0 7.45 pair SHOCK SPRINGS:[ L rCOIL SPRING RestoreLIFTERS I "nose - down" front' ' end position. Insert one lifter under each flat- tened coil spring. Pair .60 1 .4irthat%31. $11.75 11.75 12.55 11.75 11.75 11.85 9.65 9.65 -26;ifik Original Equip. gnarly lEAF SPRINGS Precision -built of special heat-treated, oil tempered all steel and tested to correct arch and temper. •Chey. and Canadian Pont., 1940-57 9.80 to 13.80 Ford and Meteor, 1949-59 10.50 to 15.80 Dodge and Plymouth, 1949-59 9.80 to 14.40 Similar kw prices for commercial vehicles. Front Spring Bushings - For most cars .48 to 1.25 Rear Hanger - For most cars .60 to 1.80 \X‘VN FAN BELT Save up to 50%. Original equipment quality. Tough - resists gr e a s e, heat, moisture. • "Trico" Heavy -Duty Arm - For most late model cars.- 1.59 to 5.20 each WIPER BLADE -ARM "Trico" Blade - For most late model cars. 1.65 to 2.65 each . .84 to 2.10 CRANKSHAFT EXCHANGE Cylinder Head Exchange Precision reground with all bearings or rods Overhead Valve Type. Fully re -conditioned as required. Complete with FREE plasti- to guaranteed "new -car" standards with new gauge and full ,installation instructions. or re -conditioned parts . • . ready to install, Car And Year . Exch. Car and Year Exch. Ford, 1936-54 34.80 Chevrolet, 6-cyl. up to 1960 ..... ......,. 24.00 Chevrolet, 1937-55 46.00 Ford, 6-cyl. up to 1960 ' 24.00 Chrysler Products, 6-cyl. 41.00 Ford, V-8, up to 1959 ..... . . ...„..,., ......... 36.00 pr. Forging Deposits - most 15.00 Casting Deposits, 6-cyl 18.00 All others lirice on application. V-8 .. . .. ,36.00 pr. Car manufacturers' specifications are closely followed on all machine shop work. 1 Enquire about our low down-to••earth installation prices. • A , A Moto -Master Guaranteed Re -Manufactured Automatic Transmission Exchange Completelydynamometer checked, tested under driving conditions to test comparable to original equipment. Rebuilt with only the finest quality parts, Guaranteed 90 days or 4,000 miles, Car and Year Exch. Chevrolet, 6 cyL 1950-59 ....................158.00 , Ford and Meteor, 6-cyl., V-8, 2 and 3 speed 1951-59 158.00 Other Ford V -8'S • 199.00 Dodge and Plyrneutb,cy1, Powerflite 1957-59 199.00 Also available tor, other cars, including standard transmission. Installation extra, yToruarOld IF:7,,,,.;.7....7:A.T.4-177m7 • Clutch I: Assembly , CLUTCH Assembly Exchange i.iFw-- _........___ „„.,„„ „ay:,uer% We Will exchange your present Spring Centre Mitch Mate and Pressure Pike for a factory rebuilt matched assembly -- . Clutch Make and Year CluCtrAlestieem. Plate Ford6-e Y13% O(deuXectS6P,A9141U9-1a54 dr.) 1...5()' 7...‘9.5 Dodge and Plyin., 1942-59, _ Che 1954-59 (mot) ...,. E.':.:610.40 °I4v6,480xch •. 15.80 /45 Pontiac, 1949-54 (most)" 1,... 14.10 . .. 8.95 Also available for most other popular Call, Immo. mome.11 OPIN0111 among ••••61* FAST INSTALLATION or "DO-IT-YOURSELF" I units •at a moderato fee. or "Do.ltrvootselto, onr expert xervieemen will takrare of e F natant , We kvfll mipp'RE0 "know-how" Inatettctloitt; Loan yon the tools at a moderate charge., 0011010406,0 "HERCULES" TOP CARRIER KIT Our most popular, versatile model. Hardwood crossbars, weather -resistant varnish finish. Large suction cups, straps. For Can- adian, American cars . For European cars 6.95 For oversize loads '2.29 FLO-LINE ULTRA RACK KIT Rubber cushion pressure pads on contour - curved steel plates eliminate suction cups Gutter straps fasten securely to gutter drip moulding. Beautiful baked -on enamel 4 4 ee finish. For most cars I I isOU For European and compact cars 11.95 TUBULAR ALUMINUM CARRIER Sturdy, lightweight polished aluminum - won't rust. Varnished hardwood, 4 large suc- tion cups, adjustable web straps with metal hooks to attach to ram gutter. most 22 95 :ars For European cars 17.95 For Station Wagons - Extra large size 27.95 ALL STEEL TOP CARRIER Lightweight, rugged 1 -pc. construction. Web straps fasten to ram gutter, suction cups hold firm and hold-down straps secure the load. Baked -on grey enamel finish. For e European cars. UMW • For a7di:7,ks,./LinZaniszis 8.95 • • • \\‘‘` \\s SUPER SIZE CARRIER KIT Designed to carry extra large loads. Seasoned oak and marine plywood frame held rigidly with suction cups and safety straps. Length 53", 45" wide. Ready to assemble 14..5 REAR -DECK LUGGAGE CARRIER 1 -pc. construction . . . lightweight, rugged, polished aluminum tubing'. 25 x 21 x 7" high. Fits rear deck of most European spurts cars . to solve the problem of carrying Luggage. Takes specially designed ski carriers 4 a me either side. Less ski carriers , ighvga TARPAULIN - For car -top loads, 10aoz, treated duck. Size 5 -ft. x 6 -ft. With six rope ties 5.95 N - slg-aopze. duckduckh.rope 14"walls, measures 48x40" .. box •IT. ;I Fitted TARPAULIn With pe ties /1.11 For car -top carriers. 12 -oz. waterproof treated duck. Fully en- LUGGAGE BAG - closed with zipper opening for easier access. With heavy storm flap 12.95 . VdeNtliaterektrekee" • t. I• IMEREEMEB, , Strong Reliable TRAILER HARDWARE A -Ball and Socket Ek upler 1) - Universal -Type Bumper G - Utility Bumper 'hailer -For light and medium -light Hitch - Fits most cars, in- Connector -- Fits bumpers • • eluding late models with ir- with license plate in centre, regular shaped bump- c gac where c o n n e c t o r fastens ems. Capacity. 1,000 lbs. (Tagil outside bumper E - Bumper Trailer Connec- tor -- Fits practically al] 11 abovbt ort types of bumpers. Ideal for type. r u FoCe -ars withup is Lsh c: 17'' newer cars with wide bump - space between ers and gravel bumper guards , skirtings 4.18. . 2 95 a 3,500 lbs. Maximum strength a ne With chrome butnpei long; heavy w e 1 d e d links, to 2,000 lbs. Fits most cars.. , F - Trailer Safety Chain - With foolproof fasteners, 44" nector - For gross loads up , blo-lts Bumper to Frame Con-, 4•59 turvaloer2s:ogoroolsbss.weight 0,1 18 - Heavy • Duty 13 a 11 and Socket Coupler -- For gross loads up to 6,000 lbs, Instant 1 - hand operation. Positive lock prevents acci- dental ne release MVO C - Ball and Bolt Replace- crnoeiple--rs. For ball and socket u .82 t° 1.65 CUSTOM-BUILT FOR VOLKSWAGEN TRAILER HITCH 1 FITS ALL MODELS • Attaches to engine support Mins to bumper to provide rigid Support. Bumper bat for added strength. Channel steel with baked enamel finish. CNNNDfflO TIR E, STORE 436 Main St. Exeter Phone 451 Milton Robbins & Son Ltd.