HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-29, Page 20At," tx l4'i,'m' 4t„r + .t t':+1. >. t,•tilj,t4.10, ,Ar M Al. Of '* IX 'aM +, "M 'Rn e.. Page, 1* The Times -Advocate, June 39, 1961 UNION SERVICES During July Main St. and James St, Congregations *in JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Minister 1n .Charge: Rev, 5, E. Lewis Organist and Choirmaster; Lawrence Law Wein rn W n 10 A.M.—Both Sunday Schools will meet in their respective churches. 11 A.M.--UNION SERVICE Assisting Elder: Mr. Carfrey Cann Solo: Maxine Reeder Sermon Series: "Personal Religion And The Lord's Prayer" (1) Our Father which art in :heaven. Nursery for babies. Junior Congregation for child. ren 4, 5, 6 years, &1I Welcome, • THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAiN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 7:00 a,m, each Sunday — 'Re- formed Church Radio 'Broad- cast, Temple Time, Station CHML. 2:00 p.m. -Worship and Sermon 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Study ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD ti 1:30 "p.m.—Sunday School .2:30 p.m.—Service ZION CHURCH Evangelical United r Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, July 2 10:00 a.m, — Communion Ser- vice 11:1.5 a.m.—Sunday School CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Minister 10:00 a.m.—English Service 2:15 p.m.—Dutch Service 6:15 n.m,—Back to God Hour CHLO (680 Kc,) CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9:00 a.m.--Sunday Schaal 10:00 a.m.--Church. Service 111r. Paul Smith, Hespeler, Ont., student at Waterloo University, BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor; Ivor Bode ham Boden ham a.m.—Bible School 11:00 a,m.-,Morning Worship 7:30 p.ni.—Evening Services Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street • Rev. Mel. W. Holmes, Pastor 9:00 a.m. — CJCS Radio (1246 Kc.) Evangelist. and Mrs. L. Thirsk 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School -105 last Sunday—Come and bring the family. 11:00 a.m.—Communion Service 7:30 p.m.—EVANGELIST AND MRS. L. THIRSh & GIRLS Make plans to hear this talented family "Visit the Tabernacle this Sunday ,I THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Souder, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Reception Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. LLOYD BEUERMANN (nee Audrey Godkin) Brodhagen COMMUNITY HALL Fri., June 30 Everybody Welcome ,1111111111[tlt...... lr1,111111,111t l llllllllllelllll,lllllllll,lltlllllllll l lull$111,11111,1111111111111111I111el, l,l,lll,lllll.. Ham Supper and . Lawn Social MOUNT CARMEL Wednesday, July 5 DRAW FOR .$100.00 BINGO GAMES, PONY RIDES, DANCING MUSIC BY MELODY MAKERS Supper Served 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Admission; Adults $1.25, Children 75 .yam+! Ills U111111t/111111t11!!I,Ie I11111!111111!11111(1111111111e111111I t111111111111/1111111111111111111111111t1111toI1111!1111e11.111 •r tItunuID lnuunelu/111111011!l1111nuRmeulDu1111111111111nuu.nnnunuunuullnnumemuluuu.rzntllli BOYS and GIRLS Don't Forget Monday Morning Exeter Vacation Bible School July 3 to 14 Classes for all ages from Kindergarten to Grade 10, High School, There'll be singing, playing, hand- craft and interesting Bible Study, LAST YEAR WE REGISTERED 239 CHILDREN Will you join your friends this year? For information and pre -enrolment, contact any of the following: REV, A. M. VAN EEK, phone 562 MR. B. D. PERRY, phone 1182W REV, R. VAN FAROWE, phone 751-W MRS. HAROLD SMITH, phone 738W OR DIRECTOR, PASTOR S. M. SAUDER, 973-J *Qlliltl111t1i111111$$$$$ 11111/ IAl1111O111fe11(A11.A1,1i11.1111MIMIII.NIl IMI111,11/1111A+1t1111$11$11111i1)111,,$),1") .. t11 Rnorcinmlent Awards presented waive at Bend Fsiui E tovincia' Itotiee can• a 1 K in lad tes n i ah stables arrived, in Grand Rend, friday, to commence sunnier duties under Cpl, Neil Cham- berlain. Constable •George Payne, the only member backs .frons last summer, has been stationed in Grand: Bend for the past few weeks, He spent the winter nn , the detachment in Woo:lsl0c!s. The other constables include: Murray Semple, St. Thomas: Robert T;ffer, London; A. R. Gilleno, London and Ed Martin, Sarnia. Alt new members of the force are married and will move; I their families into the summer resort in the near future. Quiz teams at barbecue High School Bible Club quiz teams and their coaches held a chicken barbecue on the lawn at the home of Edgal', Mur.ie.l. and Alvin Cudmore on Saturday night. School clubs were represented from Wingham, Clinton, Gocle- rich, and the championship team from. Exeter were the hosts, The championship team receive a ten-day trip to the Glen Rocks Youth for Christ Camp in August, The devotional part was tak- en by Lorri Stuckey of Wing - ham, coach of the Winghatn team, and Alvin Cudmore, di- rector of the South Huron Youth For Christ, I In li.ussia they have. a TV in every hotel room—only it watches you. Decoration Service Kirkton UNION CEMETERY Sunday, July 2 at 7.30 n.nt. GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. A, E. Duffield, of Lambeth SPECIAL MUSIC By Woodham Male Quartette 11 weather is unfavourable ser- vice will be Held in Kirkton United Church, Leonard Thacker, Chairman Frank :R•outly, Sec.-Treas. Awards for attendance and service were presented at a joint ladies' ntht meeting of eter and Hensel' Kinsmen Thursday at the Bluewater 110• tel, Grand Bend, Seventeen Exeter Kinsmen and 10 CNeter hinettes re- cci.ve:l pins for attending 100' Qf tete 'meetings .during.lhe past year. Retiring pr.esistents of the Hensall clubs, William 'Clement and. Ails, Ross Jinks, were presented with gifts in recog, nition of their efforts. Mr.;. Clement also was honored for assisting with the bulletin of t 1 the cis 1 club, tt ll a b Pres.idenis Bud P'res;rcator and. Clement were chairnae'i of the meeting, during which draws were won by Governor Bill Micklc, Mrs. Jim Hyde, Mrs. Cal Wein, Mrs, Gord Baynitam and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Genttner. A dance concluded the pro- gram. Gerr ovnoMickle and tete Kinette convenor, Mrs, Jack Drysdale, presented the at- tendance awards to the Exeter members. TWO Kinsmen, Iry Arinstronr;. and Ralph Genttner, received 1.1 -year pins, indicating perfect attendance since the club was chartered. Other recipients were Les Parker. 10 years; Gord Bayn- ham. Clifford Quance and Lloyd Stanlake, seven; Bud Preszea- tor and Walter Westbrook, six; Art Clarke, Ward Kraft Lakeview Casino Grand Bend Dancing Lionel Thornton AND HIS CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA. EVERY FRIDAY and • SATURDAY MIONITE DANCE — SUNDAY, JULY 2 Jive Night. Each Week -- Starting WEDNESDAY, JULY 5 • ..::F.4l.E...._.......,li..-. AGN ._r_u:fi!_2�_._.... ,...♦ Get More Out Of Life .. . GO TO A MOVIE THURS., FRI, SAT, — JUNE 29, 30, JULY 1 tkot DOUBLE FEATURE Purple Reef C7iNMIASCOP5 COLOR by OE LUX OF'FIE STORK Coup rn°Y C,NEIHaScOPE COLOR by DE LUXE MON., TUES.,, WED. ---= JULY 3, 4, 5 FeslslglEI= IteseseRCIA ABFOfi tdgeklpromleng5 71tls1001.0R° '`. • eseeseeeeneffORGEABB011oSAMDIS7 res eerie weere'neee eatePeat^uaele*lbeelentd last !nine sun mica COMING! The Lyric Brings a You The Best! JULY 6.8 —_ "LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COME" Starring Jimmy Rogers JULY 10.12="NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS" Starring Andy Griffith JULY 13-15—"ALL HANDS ON DECK" Pat Boone LYRIC THEATRE EXETER First Show 7:30 Second Show 9:30 Matinee 2:00 p.m. We. one. Preaches :first English sermon Rev. Thomas Ltane:4ul a 4ap- ;nese priest ordained in Ot.- tawa e a r l i e r this ' month, prcaehed his first sermon English at Our Lady of `t,1' Carinal Church Scutdnr, lie re-'• The ssivc1 of the two hips- waled .tete history of the churcb. anon svlto leave perfe.ct records is Japan and described the .con-' Accor ed ill tend , also, base a d 1 M ditio;as of the counLiy par - mice since the nineties were , ocularly the area front! which :formed. They are Mrs, Iry he swine. Arntslronfi and Mwa, l;alph (areae, U.mezu spent the Genttner, who received .nine- weekend at the home of Mr. year pins. and Alrs. Louis Deitrieh, Dash. Kinette Mrs. Les Parker re- wood, who sponsored his col- ecivcd her eight-year pin; Mrs. lege education in Canada. Cal Wein, five;Gond. MrsB.�Lee Sher - • Mrs. Tom Vickernman, three; Mrs. Art. Clarke and Mrs. Clare Hoffman, two and Mrs, Bill Brock, one. There sure are a lot of fel- lows who can't play the guitar --who do. Mrs. aiaham and man, 3 1 Softball. Tournament Hensall • COMMUNITY PARK July 1, 196f FiRST GAME — 2 P.M. Hensall vs. Exeter SECOND GAME — 4 P.M. London vs. Lieury THIRD GAME 6 P.M. Ladies Softball BRUCEFIELD VS. FULLARTON FOURTH GAME -8:15 P.M. PLAYOFF Between winners of first and second games ADULTS 500 CHILDREN 25c Starlite Drive-in Theatre 5 MILES EAST OF GRAND BEND 2 Shows Nightly—Rain or Clear Box Office Open at 8 O'Clock Show Begins at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free JUNE 29, 30 and JULY 1 (Colour) "GI Blues'► Elvis Presley, Juliet Prowse SUNDAY MiDNITE JULY 2 and 3 11 Man On A String 11 Ernest Borgnine and Kerwin Mathews JULY 4 and 5 '[Surprise Package 11 Yu! Brynner, Mitzi Gaynor (Stooge Cartoon) . O,u 1111[)1IIIRIfl Itti)1I111111111/11111,111111,1)1111)1811111111!11I1111111111,111111!l1,1,111)1111111111111111111111tll11!tl HEY KIDS Of ALL AGES ! LOOK WHO'S COMING ! GODERICH FAIRGROUNDS WEDNESDAY1 .July STARTIME 8:30 P.M. ONE SHOW ONLY We Use Exclusively FiNA GASOLINES. and DUNLOP TIRES Presented Thru The Courtesy Of Your Dealer GODERICH MOTORS LTD! FORD < MONARCH - FALCON - THUNDERBIRD • South St, GODERICH, ONT. JA 4.7308 ••li1I11111t It111111Ai111AI11111,11li1Al/11A1lAIAt1/!11111/1/111t11/lltlllll11111111111/1111illllll 0011111111111/I IA111111ti 11114 A111 Pt, . . , ett tttttlttetieettetl epeetti.lette11lettetleeetett11,11,111,I,Ittt,,,p,U!l,IU111„l111,IM114 ttlty St.Patrick's Church 1861 SAiNTSBURY 1961 Centennial 6i. Reunion MONDAY, MONDAY, JULY 3 8:30 P.M. PROGRAM Edith MU Adams, 1-r._ _.. and n o _) Hawaiian Troup "• Dave .the Magician. * Western & Papular The Hughes Bros. and ot11ers FUN AND FROLIC FOR, ALL }! t 11111111111111,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111) I l t 1111!, / 111111, / 1111 / 1111111111 t 111! t l l l! 1(1111111,[ t l l� . its,11111,,ell,lettell IIIII!OM 1!!l111111l1!!l14111111l1lIO!!!1l If1111(11lt!l,11111111l111,!!!!!t!!!1!!!!1!! HOLIDAY. WEEKEND NCING at Bluewater Danceland (8 miles north of Grand Bend) Friday Night, June 30 10:00 1:30 • Saturday Night DOMINION DAY, JULY 1 HOLIDAY DANCE - 12.00 p.m. • Musk by DESJARDiNE ORCHESTRA ADMISSION; 75 JOIN THE CROWDS 1111111,1111111111111111111/11111 Rltllllllll 111111111111111111111111l1t111,11I1111lI)11111,111111111111,!l11111111tt11I11111111,1P 11111111111 1111111/1111111111l111111re11111111111111)111111111111111,1111t11111tl11111l11e111111111!)1!t!l IIIIIIIllll,l,l,ll,l1,1e4. Brownie's Drive -In Theatre Ltd., Clinton THURSDAY AND FRIDAY —• June 29 and 30 DOUBLE FEATURE "Timbuktu', Victor Mature - Yvonne De Carle "The Invincible Invaders John Agar - Jean Byron (ONE CARTOON) SATURDAY ONLY —• JULY 1 DOUBLE FEATURE "Walking Target" Ron Foster "The Police Dog Story„ Merry Anders (ONE CARTOON) SUNDAY MIDNITII & MONDAY — JULY 2 AND 3 DOUBLE FEATURE "High School. Caesar" John Ashley Garry Vinson "Date B ait" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Garry Clark • Marto Ryan (TWO CARTOONS) a TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY June 4, 5, 6 and 7 DOUBLE FEATURE "The Facts Of Life" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Bob• Hope Lucille Ball "Oklahoma Territory Gloria Talbot -; Bill Williams (ONE CARTOON) ,11/1111111111111111ttililr,111 r1A1111,1111l iliti11111114111111111111111111111111t111111111111I111,111111111111,11111111111111 it 1� 200 PEOPLE ANIMALS ACTS 30 Performing Horses s and Ponies 10 Burmese and Siamese Elephants 21 Big Tillie Circus Acte Cage afterCage of Jungle Animals The Colossus of all Amusements The World's N�N3St Big Circus 1 Len •Sherman, Toni. Ticker - 1 man and Cal Wein, t bras; Clare Hoffman and Joe Gunn, Wed, Gib low .and Harry Kies• EXETER ER , One Day Only * Wed., July 5 Sponsored By Exeter Lions Club ALL NEW THIS YEAR NO WHERE ELSE CAN SO MUCH BE SEEN AT SO LITTLE COST AND NEVER HAS THERE BEEN SO MUCH TO SEE AMERICA'S 3rd LARGEST WILD ANIMAL **NOW COMEINED FOR THE WORLD'S FINEST ENTERTAINMENT SELDOM EQUALLEDNEVER EXCELLED * * , 4 -TON HIPPOPOTAMUS Only One Touring This Year Prancing Horses Funny Clowns Trained Wild ,& Domestic Animals GIGANTIC MENAGERIE A Guaranteed Attraction! A CLEAN SHOWI, Bring the Family! 2 PERFORMANCES 2 and 8 p.m Admissions Slashed