HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-29, Page 14• 1.1n hospital .grants cirants aid! set at $2,000 per bed a ea Par s C. Janm es, Labton East Grants in the future to hos- pitals- in Huron County for buildipg projects will be made on ete• base of $2,000 a be& count•eeeneil (Welded Thurs- day ; The decision was made dur- lfig the same discussion that centred around a delegation of Hupi hospital board repre- sentatives, who put in requests for total of $838,610 faun Huron, to begin or complete hospital projects in the eounte. Largest request of the day eariee' frOM, the board of Scott •Merhorial Hospital, Seaforth. whet$750,000 will be required to ereet a new hospital that would provide about 45 beds. Of this amount, the county's I share, as requested in the brief to teeincil, would have been '$396. Ask for mill Theeeresentation of the hos- pitaie .in Huron, made There; day by the spokesman for the boards, J. H. Kinkead, request- • ed -Drat Huron council set aside ;the "eciiiivalent of one mill. or about $54,000, for hospital pur- 'poses. The request read: "It is sug- gested that the county council 'meet these needs by agreeing to a levy of one mill for the !term necessary to raise these .fundsWhile the boards will co-operate by delaying the 'projects as long as possible, and by aranging with •the coun- cil e.ehe order in which the Iprojeeits will be undertaken, plangeehould be made to make the lunds available within the nexcelew years." Celerity council at an early session- approved the setting asidf an amount equal to one iil for hospital financing. Oppose debentures Mleny of the councilors ex. preeed disapproval of the idea iof raising more money with debentures. said Deputy -Reeve James i ;Bisset., of Goderich: don't! ,likeet•lee idea of a debenture is -I isuelelee the county level; we! Imuelee'pay for some of these; 'sere s as we go," • Ree Harvey Coleman of! StarileY Township suggested I that pressure be put on the! government to increase grants. (Perth County Council earlier ,this year sent a resolution to both federal and provincial: governments asking that gov- ernment grants to hospitals be re -examinee, with the intention of increasing them to aid coun- ties:",esliffering from a heavy burden of hospital construc- tion.) Arthur Knight, representing Clinton Public Hospital, out- lined the building program planned by Clinton. For S238. - MP, has announced that he has •been 'donned dr uel the lion. W. M. Nickle, minis. eweeleeneeememeee ,, , ,, ,M;ImilitilimonnommingM0111,MRIII>mki , ,,,,,,weeemeteee.,;,, ter of eernmeree and develop. ment, Viet the gov't of Ontario has approved a grent ,of S2,- 100.00 to the Ausable River conservation AuthorItY. RATE 5 This sum will enable the Births •, 0„ „ , , . .... „,..., No charge , authority to develop three con.• . 1r ' servation areae: Port Frank Marriages and Deaths , , ... . . , 750 I near the mouth of the Ausable; (Marriages and deaths are reported without chare Rock Glee, near Arkona, end in news columns, This char3e applies only lo list. TBosangeet, Towle kitchen, dining room, and cafe- teria, and a new bating sys- tem. The board suggested that greets would bring in about $i2,000,$i2,000,the county could pro- vide $97,410, and througli cp. asses, thehospital 1 raise about $17,199, "If we received only' $40,000 for the 20 bedM s," r. Knight said, "1 woadsad, not want to go ahead with the building plan. We don't want to go Into debt," 80 years old A. Y. McLean, representing Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, said the building that serves the community as a hospital is $0 years old. It was first arranged as a hospital in 1923, and since that time, a 14 -bed addition has been erect. - ed. Seaforth has received $25,- 000 from Huron County In grants over the years. Because it is necessary to !keep some of the patients in corridors owing to crowded, conditions, and because any alterations to the building would meet opposition from the Ontario Hospital Services Com- mission, the hospital has found it necessary to build an en tirely new hospital. Ray Cousens, representing Wingham General Hospital, said the hospital's occupancy average for many weeks has been 132 patients in the 98 -bed hospital. "We desperately need help," he said. Total cots of hospital build- ing, as presented to council, are: Clinton, $238,000; Exeter, $160,000; Goderich, $250,000; Seaforth, $750,000; Wingham, $350,000. Grants given to date by council are; Scott Memorial, Seaforth, $25,000; Winghaxn General, $60,000; South. Huron, Exeter, $35,000; Clinton Public Hospital, $35,000; Alexandra Marine, Goderich, $70,000. The $2,000 - a - bed decision made Thursday by council also carries the stipulation that hos- pitals must notify the county one year in advance of require- ments in order that funds may be set aside. Make plans now for '62 shrubs June is when most flowering shrubs are at their best, so relax and enjoy them—admire their bright blooms and green foliage, At the same time, make a , note of their colours. Do you :like them? Is the garden well- ; balanc.ed me are there small, compact plants beside large, sprawling bushes? What prun- u ea nnouncemenrs hedford in ship. I ino under Announcements.) 1 DevelopMent of these three Eneaeements, Cards of Thanks areas from 1954 tO the present, , has consisted of reed construe. .1.. In Memoriams (4 -line verse)..... tion, fencing, beaclie improve- - Extra verses, each r i 1 ment, facilities, par ng space \ !provisions and othei piemck- Img arrangements. will be extended and boat During 1961 the par dng lot !launching ramps will b , built at Port Frank, At RocK, Glen !additional space will be ',clear- ; ed for recreational purboses with fireplaces and drineeing water provided. A road, pierk- ing lot and picnic sites, as w0 as a water supply, will be eri\o- vided at Thedford. reeer The story in Skaffa By MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN Mr, and Mrs. Jim Lyall, To- ronto, visited recently with Mrs. Lyall's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and children attended Thames Road United Church anniver- sary and visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ken Duman and family. Staffa Wo m en's Institute members enjoyed a bus trip to Hamilton, Burlington and Niag- ara Falls en Thursday, •June 15. All reported having a good time. Mrs. Anthony Breit and Rich- ard, of Port Credit, visited a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris, Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Gerald and Ronnie returned home Saturday night from a trip to the western provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Worden have moved into their home in the village and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor and Ricky have moved to their farm recently purchased from Mr, Warden. Forty-five pupils from SS No. 3 and SS No. 2 Hibbert and their teachers Mrs. Kempand Mr. McDonald enjoyed a bus trip to Midland on Tuesday, June 20. A large crowd attended the 750 $1,00 250 h r the has da BIRTHS — CARDS QF THANKS — BIBBY—Mr. and Mrs. Robert We wish to thank our many Bibby, RR 1 St. Marys, an- friends, neighbors and rela- nounce the birth of a son at tives for the kindness and South Huron Hospital, June 22, FRIESEN—To Mr. and Mrs, Miller Friesen, nee Dunlop, :Regina, Sask., a daughter, June 25. GLANVILLE — Mr, and Mrs. Harold Glanville, Crediton, announce the birth of a daughter, Debra Lee, at \ South Huron Hospital, June 27. ARTMAN — Joe and Jean Hartman, RR. 3 Dashwoed, are happy to announce the rrival of twin boys at South I urea Hospital, June 27 -- b: others for Judy, Vicki and Jt -Ann, HERN—Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Hei n, Exeter, announce the birt of a daughter at South Hurt n Hospital, June 26 — a siste for Shirley and Gra- OFFATAN — Mr. and Mrs. ham Hl Anth ny Hoffman, RR 3 Zur- ich, t nnounce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hospit al, June 27, MOAVell IISTEEG — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mommersteeg, RR ,2 Zurich, announce the birth of a son, Robert Miclial, at South Huron Hos- pital, June 23—a brother for Johne , Richard and Freddy. PEARS(N — Mr. and Mrs. Paul J E. Pearson, Zurich, annoujece the arrival of a son, Derry Joseph, at South Huron Hospital, June 27—a brother for Leslie, SMITH? Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. &lin. (nee Meikle), RR 3 Zurieh, announce the birth of a/ daughter, Carol Ruth, at South Huron Hospital, June 22./ wirAsON—Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, Huron St., Exeter, /announce the birth of a son, Steven James, at South Hur- on Hospital, June 23—a bro- ther for Sandra and Lynda. ENGAGEMENTS — Mrs. Michael Doyle, North Rustico, Prince Edward Island, wishes to announce the engage- ment of her daughter, Eliza- beth, to Mr, William Belling, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Belling, Exeter. The wedding to take place Saturday, July 29, at 3 o'clock, at Christ the King Chapel, Centralia, 'Ont. 29nc • CARDS OF THANKS — 1 wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with visits, flowers, cards and treats hile a. patient at St. Joseph's ospital, and since returning ome.—Mrs: Murray Neil, 29* Moss hurts your lawn Many hoineoWners do not consider 'moss a weed in their lawn. A. • little moss between the grass does not look bad at first but when it spreads and eplaces much of the grass, a awn gets in poor shape, There are good chemicals on the market which kill moss ithou.t ha r nt i n g the lawn grasses e After the moss is erad- icated some fertilizer should STANLAKE-1n loving memory be applied to boost the growth of our dear sister, Agnes of the grass so that it will fill Stanlake, who passed away out the bare spot. If the soil one year ago, July 3, 1960. is very acid some hydrated This day we do remember, me or ground limestone is A loving thought we give, very helpful to get a better To one no longer with us, lawn. But in our hearts still lives. —Lovingly remembered by her sisters .and brothers. 29* sympathy shown to, during the recent illness and death .Of a dear husband and father, Arthur James Rundle, Special thanks to the donors of the many beautiful floral tributes, cards of sympathy, to the pall- bearers and the flower bear- ers. We also thank Rev, J. Wareham and the Ball funeral chapter. 29ric I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all who remembered inc with cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in. St. Joseph's Hoepitaland since returning home. Special thanks te Dr. Ecker and Dr. D. A. MacKenzie. — Mrs, Verne Smith. 29* We would like to express our sincere thanks to our friends, neighbors and relatives for their many acts of kindness and cards received during our recent sad bereavement. --Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Desjardine, 29c IN MEMORIAM, — OGDEN—In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- • mother who passed away' 10 years ago on June 24. We will never forget those happy years When we were all together, And the memory of your smil- ing face Will keep in our hearts forever. —Ever remembered by Vera, Frank and family. 29ne SAUNDERCOCK — In loving memory of a dear mother and sister. Mrs. Annie A. Saundercock, who passed away one year ago, July 4, 1959. No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the 'bitter pain We have suffered. Since we lost you Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers. Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not •a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you, —Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by her family, sisters and brothers. 29* STANLAKE—In hieing memory of a dear sister, Agnes Ellen Stanlake, who passed away on July 3, 1960. One yeor has passed since that • sad day When the sister I loved was called away, She wished me not a last fare- well,. Nor even said goodbye. She was gone before 1 knew it And only God knows why, —Sadly missed by Mahle and Gib Statton and family. 29* STANLAKE—In loving memory of a dear sister, Agnes Ellen Stanlake, who passed away one year ago, July 3, 1960, We little knew when we Woke that mem' The sorrow the day would bring For the call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear. We wonder why she had to die Without'a chance to say good- bye, .—Sadly missed by Shirley and Donald Bedard and family. 29* This mosskiller chemical can be used to control moss on roofs which should be wash- ed off with Water several days later to prevent tutting of eave-troughs and rain spouts. June le still a goerf time to C ontrol broadleaved weeds such • as • dandelion, plantain and chickweed in lawns. Dur- ing July and August the growth of three weeds is less active and the use of 2,4-1) type weedkillers is less effective during these menthe, Dandelidn arid plaintain are readily controlled by 2,4-D, but thee are two other cam. mon weeds hi our lawns, ehick- weed with Its very small white flowers and oval leaves, as well as Black Medic clover with small clover leaves and yellow flowers. Silvex is simi- lar to 2,4-D and will kill thick - weed, clover, ,plantain and dandelion, They are obtainable in liquid form for application as a pray or in dust font which is very handy for dust- ing small, areas Or spotAreat. merit, ReMember when you used tO go to bed with the curfew? To., day they just blow it to wake you up. EARLY TO BED, EOM TO RISE. UNTIL WIRE ENOUGH CASH TO DO OTHERWIGli ..! For health products, you can't beat HURONDALE MILK—Ws the finest body- builder at any price. 1 - FOR YOUR DAILY BOTTLED SUNSHIN'I12 i/fti E • 2,0 •1111111111.11111111111iiifflultIMIMMITMMi ............ ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ALF ANDRUS ' OH &wrote --- 110AnDi Stirnbingi SIIOeP Metal Wok A03 ANDREW St, EXETVR PHONE Y19 STRAYED— I BABY CHICKS— FQR SALE li0.14sTgm BTFER, white, 18 meths ad, small horns. Find- er please notify H. Brand, pixel? 234-6238 Crediton. 294 — — HEREFORD CALF, 3 months old, from farm .of Robert Frayne. Finder please plione Exeter 457J3. 20c HELP WANTED (Male)— MALE IIELP WANTED — For the Carson & Barnes Wild Animal Circus in all depart - vents. Board and lodging fur- nished with salary. Also want.' ed: baled hay and raw meatJ for wild animals. Apply to the Superintendent, Circus Grounds, Exeter, Wednesday, July 5, at 10:00 a.m. 29*, CANTEEN STEWARD For Lucan Branch 540 Canad- ian Legion. Tender forms for 'above position are available from and are to be returned to 1 the undersigned before 7 .p.m.„ July 7, 1961. ROBERT HOLLAND SecretaryBox 294, Lucan MANY VARIETIES started chicks Available prompt ship- ment. Dayolds to order. Soi1. er chicks available. Order now. Bray Hatchery, Erie Carscad- den, Exeter, plione 246W. 29e0 FOR SALE — •MAB WOOD, dry mixed, lb cords delivered $30.00, Apply in writing to Robert Eagleson, RR 1 Ailsa Crajg, stating street STARTED PULLETS --eDeKalh 131 pullets, ready to lay, vac- cinated for Newcastle and Bronchitis and de -beaked. Les Rueter, phone 748 Exeter, 6:15tine- 1 HEN HGESE, 3Qx12, pm; colony house, 144014; beth insulated, plywood inter- lined and interior of both paint. ed. Olive Owes, Clandeboye, Phone Ailsa Craig 293-302e, go* number in town or concession • in township, or phone Nairn 232-4450 before 8:00 Lae or be- COMPLETE HERD tween 5;30 and 7;00 P.m. DISPERSAL 6; lithe 35 Landrace and York Land - THINNERS -- 2 single unit race sows and gilts plus over mechanical beet and turnip 100 fattening pigs to be sold, thinners, to fit any standard We are starting a specific scuffler, Phone e34-6410 Credi- pathogen free herd next month 'ton, 40.3tfnc and are clearing every pig from the place. Come in and NOW ON SALE,— Galvanized see if there is something to roofing, aluminum roofing, Call suit you, and inquire. Phone 83 Hensall, MALCOLM DAVIDSON Wayne* Smith. 6;8-8:31c FOR IMMEDIATE SALE -20 - foot inboard motor launch, in A-1 condition, 6 -foot beam, 125 h.p. Mercury V8 engine with water marine conversion mani- 29e folds; beautiful Honduras ma- hogany deck, sides are Philli- pine mahogany, trimmed in Sea Mist, green, Ideal for water skiers and rough water, Has brand new convertible top. Must sacrifice. Apply to Mrs, Jean Whale, phone 602r33 Dray - HELP WANTED (Female) ton, Ontario. ' 22:29* REL1ABLE single m an for general farm Fork, by year or for summer months. High school student considered, An - ply at Times -Advocate, 29* STENOGRAPHER — Apply in 7 WEANER P1GS, good. Earl writing to2:2tfc Box SPL, Exeter Ratz, phone 165r5 Dashwood, Times-Advocate.-Ad 29* SNACK SHOP WORKER, wo. BALER TWINE — Canadian man, experienced sandwiches, and imported. Ask for our short order. Apply Oakwooclpricescanit,s quantityamndillLtd., phonedisc5oun7t3s. Inn, Grand Bend, 29c Exeter. • 22:29r GIRL, to help with. housework, fond of children, country home, state wages. Write Box. ceVG, Times -Advocate. • 29* HELP WANTED MEN OR, WOMEN, start your own. Watkins 'Business—Full or part-time. No experience neces- sary, Write J. Gauthier, 350 St, Roth Street, Montreal 15, Que, 8;15:22:29c AGENTS WANTED, preferably retired farmer,to sell McIntyre i Cattle Oilers n Exeter area. Largest rnanufacturers, good commission. Contact, Jack L. Cooke, Fullerton, Ont. 296c THE NEW OPTIMA TYPEWRITER IS LOADED WITH FEATURES and it sells for only $89.00 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfc rerezErzznnmimmrrxZratrrdimarztztrztnnrersrmMnWa 7.4 ag G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY For Appointment Phone 606 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning • FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 707 EXETER ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficent service • ' at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 81 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head •Office — Exeter, Ontario President • Milton McCurdy, RR 1 Xirkton Vice-Presiclent Timothy B. Toohey RR 3 Lucan Di rectors E. Clayton Colquboun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner • RR 1 Cromarty Alex J. Rohde RR 3 Mitchell Agents Harry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Exeter Secrete eyeTrea surer Arthur Fraser Exeter irectory DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON Main Street Exeter Clased All Day Saturdays PHONE 36 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 4 EXETER ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 15 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS, THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 DR., J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S.,' DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensel! Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:30 11/4 miles west, •te mile south of Brucefield • Phone Hensel] 686r23 22:29c OAT HULLS—for feed or bed- ding, $15.00 ton plus bags; also oat buffiegs—for chicken litter, $7.50 ton plus bags. Alex M. Stewart & Son Ltd., Ailsa Craig. 22:29c GET THOSE WEEDSI—Chip- man chemicals for weed con- trol in all crops, Atrazine for best control in.corn. Cann's Mill Ltd., phone 75 Exeter. 6:22tfne Acetate • SHEET PROTECTORS Protect those sheets in your 81/2 x 11 binders HALF PRICE 2 for 250 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE •#•. ; ••••t • Ar • CAN N0013E `• ''cONTROLkEOW,ITH • - . . FAC.EK 0. ; eteeee • reedy to use cream • • easy to apply • spread on nose and under eyes • kills face flies for 5 to 7 days • 40 ozs. costs only $2.75 • Costs less than .2 1* por animal per defy. ; ;,e• ,f''••••!' -k6e'.6 Fry' T.ree.': ttirm EXETER PHONE 14 EXETER Phone 287 Collect SHELL X-100 MOTOR 011, For tracks and tractors e You'll get fuletbne engine 15 rotectton with Shell X-100 Motor oil. It's specially designed to give 16w -cost lubricatiori„ •„ eyct matt all the de- tnands of IffrOdeffi aigitieS„ Use shell X-100 ...the perfect meter oil for all our engine needs, Art Clarke Phone 80 Exeter 111