HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-11-11, Page 3t's sot skew mere rat* sem or pirate teetered to *teaser irk the yrsi6Jic they epos this aecadoe; y are masieratly aismarems to pet us lam Cousedlire who at least re - their winkles, ami who will sot ledger their isterests to be sacrifiet to the 'iodic - *deems of party @pima. The Reformers *1St. Patrick's have a/ways berm a noble part ill Oa Tomo electioes-the brim( of the battle has ever fake epee them -they hare hitherto resisted seersemfulty, and oow that their oproests have brought agaiast dem every demo Lad stratagem, backed b al tbe batteries 4 the bays till confidesee that dirk lam wsll be fond his place, and Haat shedder to shoulder ach will mite with his fellow with unshaken odence of his character aod the noble - of his principles. Let them remem- r that the eyes of their fellow Towns - a are upon them, and with ioteose inter- , are watching the result of their strug- -and that the issue iavolves the des- ctioa or advancement of the best inter- s of the Town at large. '1'be Itefortners of St. Patrick's have m the anarchy which has so loog pee- led in its Cowbird, to the utter baaishmeat all business, and can at length destroy he last hope of that lingering despotism hich would crush them to the eartb, are little for tbe anisibilatine of the purest and most patriotic principles. OUR RAILROAD. We have to -day the - heartfelt gratifies- = to inform our readers of the final pass - g of the Beffalo Brantford Stratferd and oderich Itailroad Bill. There is now no ger doubt, anxiety, or uncertainty 05 e subject; but, a grand and soul -stirring ility is close ahead for the throe ; sow 11 her sturdy yeomanry take that pixi- e in the consul= family; which, with ds unsurpassed in fertility by any in Ca - a, nothing but the want of proper access ready market, could have prevented r doing long ere now; and, we venture that the day is not far distant the Farmers of Huron shall success- ouspete in all sorts of . farm prodoce their Waiters in the ol dest farming lets in Canada. Aad, IIPW also shall ood town of Galeria] take that place rigid the " Cities et the East" to ertich . entitled, by a climate, thao which, none rail be healthier, a site, than veisic'u nooe cm be more cheerful; a Harbour without reek or shoal for masy miles out either side, tad of easy access in the roughest weather ; asd as to its extent and capability for an tiles:sire traffic, we shall give it in the . . . tocable this sessios, and the several Roil - woe& of the late Captain Brown (row way Bills bate been cousummated. The Trask line it oow likely to be built and a direct chain of rapid coleimunication during all seasons of the year, through the whole length of the Provisce, is too obvi- ous in its advantages aot to he coosidered of tbe highest importaate.. The Bill for our orni Railway is nod sale, and'has ao doubt ere this mailed the Royal sanction. ed to, Theses * Jesse. 4041., yentsrawf at • quarter before 11 o'clock. - Beset( to Gothrice, mid Gilialpit to Moir- e* Railway halts pawed the third rearkag. Nov. 1852. The 'Pelegraphie notice wineb we give abort, reached this ois Seberday moral' &boot I I, o'clock; sad, jeyhol as the tidier were, Mel wiss the effect oa wow of our Radousero friends that, to hove judged from their (was, we would aluiost have supposed lb* soma 44. r.slaseity had befal- len theas,"Clthelle'sordupatian" was gooe, nothing more to be dem, sad • feeliag of disappointraeot seemed to he the reselt.- Tbe news, however spread rapidly, a hos- fire was spoken of, mid forthwith waggons were seen depositiag loads of cordwood, brushwood, tar barrels. and all tbe other requisites for a royal blaze, in the market square; and, notwithstanding the some- what unfavorahle state of the weather, a rigid good one, indeed, Ives started at 8 o'clock ; by the light of which, dark as the eight was, could clearly be sees tbe joyous faces of almoot every rear, wanes aad child in the Irma and neighborhood ; we have never sees such an aseemblage in our market square; all assembled together to give expremion to their joy at the happy embalm= of the Railway struggles. rejoicing Yu kept till a late hour in the greatest harmerny, but we are com- pelled to admit, that some of our cheat - going friends were meet morning, not a httle horrified by • sight which would eedoubted- ly bare drawn a lecture on oCapital meat" from oor worthy (rind of tbe Ca - stadia*, bad he only seen it, aed, that was, a tolerable good repremetative of a sea dangling by the neck from tbe cross -trees of oar nag -staff; but, whether it was intead- ed to respresent " Guy Farah," or some one of oar Toronto friendi, or perhaps the trio in sone we are usable to my! MENT. • 11 GN AL.et 111" 'no Peeled Ube Stenches , Emq.,1 ealber el tberreeivoreity eff Weed. A.mmeata from Pare elate ties most 1 - alai Cameros, al the late derelicts, aided wrestle( tome sharoseases us tie moos - se mart geserally expected it weidd, as me, a Leen Nepotism', all, howeeer, groesde 4 the Pellitiell Were sot roved, diet the cormatioe will oot lake place be- fore Ma . The Chreessola says it was re- Tsrlitre eel's" " P" 6111 w•uld 'Diet le tee le*e"leeeeieg ee the Vile Potholed will avail himself of re - It had been decided ia parliament that the Home 'should adjourn yesterday to the 14th of February. Several important measures have alresdy bees carried through, aed many of such as have not yet paosed, will not be injured by &oboe( delay. Des- pite the pugnacious opposition of Mr. Brown, wlin'appears to hare exhibited him- self iu parlimneut simply for the purpose of opposing the nsinistry. whether right or wroirg, and whose empty volubility hat been the cense of an expense of, a few addition- al thousands to the country, and has delay- ed the passing .of various useful niesoires -the sessiou has been prolific of many good results. Ariong others, the Clergy Reserves have bees settled as far as prac- reasurer's father) &gentleman who swat a long life connected with shipping Is oh parts of the world, and who will be be aed to bare been well qualified to gire D ion cm such a subject. writing to the Railroad Committee in 1846, Mr. Brown stated " I have exteesively concented with shipping If.)" A fire occurred this Tows at green gee, iie egg& elgeleoes " loseiseoe co.:1,71.6ml ki,of :gill f.vemoda1 istdilineteles.•toun:.of the ••••• • ill• ••••• 6* 14 It" ratate-h° hs." leg iremestred sod aseigood mem time be or she died of Comemptias. For all 116% 6" m 6 ku "'a ur *64'6' it le ashdi Awl .Yerele es the tows of Stratford, the 616`6, " afitrar" in th• Publia I'm". •I Goelerseh, all lite debts aml other properly rebich Sebes I have meal placed us i be haws er D. fi Ritchie, Meg , Clerk el the seventh who, wish wie the uoviiatmgeed is ales* an- tutiomedeaw.to great receipts epos pauses% or JOHN STRACHAN. sfessevvir recur Tier ph:m.1.state of &beat 7 ...clock ge the ern,,,,„,m, =recalled. The Paris pzeri chief- •etesile of this paper elf 1.4111.••• C1•051141 1.1„. t. inimy 4.,C,10.1,00 le bus last io • (dime house beloeging to Mrs. &mice to meows the totremer&gmg. Dunlop which wm speedily beret to the Tim „mimeo, "„ the term El - graded. The hew was of considerable value but wasted insured the policy lavas' bees allewed te expire a short tette yeti - =sly. The fire appears to have origisated from defects he the chimney. the Ex inset of ?Cherry sad Lest wird, is said le be a certate sure foe thm awful Stratford,Ust. nth, ISM* • all -a40 Offers foe SALE CHEAP. AUSTRALIA rr The scow Canada Capt. Sinclair bound from the Saubk to Wiodo or ladeo with limier, and which lea the River Sta- ble on the eight of Saturday lad, after en- countering a soost severe gale that eight aad a greater part of Sunday, ariJ bet outing very leaky, roads the Harbour of Goderieb at which time the water bad risen to the level of her decks, she sumeeded in saving the whisk of ber freight. with each other. The cessireostsea of the Serrate for the dtb November elides little or mo interest. The Freech Naval force in the Levant is to be composed estirelg or steam resorts - The Kiag of the two Sieillies, ia oder to Blim Astonis, his representative at Paris, has created him Marquis. FEARS OF A7,7%1.10/.4710:7,11 IN MIS The interigesee, too wealth, tbe res- pectability which is now erne grating to Australia. will eeeee endure contact won the, atream el emeirrat toe %bleu go,. element is vending by a different chanted, to meet as I atingle with it there. It is 0= -Ir Yesterday we were someweat sur- not 'timely that tl.• eaptreee trod Vas prised epos awakening to tied the d eltionsea's Lewd erode over the narrow' tratl• that eeparatee them from Australia. quite covered with snow, which also eon- Government admits that 634 pe isomers u• - bowed to Cali at ietervils throughout the der ses.seee leave already escaped to the day -this is the first visit of old father win- Getdueldgepirlrtirgemtroa'g,66geardrrocg"eguabieDb bit'ehe'egmenue: may well be most liberally construed. - W• can look to • °Silo g lees from tee ie. fatuated pereeverame le the present aye. teen than se feather, • more divgr omelet twee* this Country sled heir American esele. n ies • It teems to lee forgot:lea that white Aererwa was valuable eel., lbws' ber trade Australia has a pecultar vale" of her owe. If wo people that vast aielieeet teeth • elation of our see race and thee native thell astute our abeety, is looser owe empire With a powerful Angle Salon eroustry seer se her crests. ladisl We may hope to bold it aroma Kemp" and /Ainerma be came their ebonies's!, lie 1111•010 •• ow° 1101 exempt smother America is the Soots - ere Seas, animated as w• seem tertamed it shall he, by • yet hotter epuit of mosnos• ty, oar hold upo3 India will be feeble i• - deed. We are pleating a great !Aline ; its u,oet foemodable ally, or most dangerous enemy, and onr statesmen so eux dementia. elf bat it shall be the lattar.-Laealea ter in lus white robes fur the seasoo. • Os The Hee. Malcolm Camerae has our thaokt for late Parliamentary papers, --A lecture at Temperamce, under the auspices of the Sous of Temperance of Stratfard, will be delivered la the Metho- dist Church oo Friday 12th 1st., at TS o'clock, by the Rey. Joseph Shipley. The friends of the cause, and the public, are 1 - Commit 111CCIIi0111. - . roe 1101W01.11.41.. ABUSE WI TUE PUBLIC PrekieSS- • When• the celebtated Sheridan made the opirited exclamation, that though tbere Ina an aristocratical House of Peers, a corrupt Howie of Commons, and a trinities) Prince -but a free Press, he would bid these de- liame who assailed the libortire of the peo- ple; it was net with the view that the press should be used for the unprovoked attack aad , personal abuse al private or public is- dividuals. Yet, I cannot refrain noticing the unpardonable Impale made use of by the Quebec correspondent of the Torouto ,Prariot, in a letter published in that paper of the 3rd instant. The Patriot though under Conservative colours --if no other - should be aware that the unwarrantable attacks on public Men, worded 1 the lowest language as quoted below, will neither en- hance the talue 3f his paper in the mieds of his rationii supportero, or preserve that dignity and purity of the Press, which 'is expected to be found by readers of all Testis'''. Coe the Editor ol the above newspaper, aod considerately really y life, and commanded thir from thr 'fo the people of //woo at least the busi- of Loudon to tlw Island of Grenada ness of, the sessioa is of the highest valve, West belie+ for twenty-five years. as the Railways for which charters have eradly to your merest, I have takes been secured, wilt give there ,a choice of impartial survey of your Harbour, on the hest markets, and will obviate mod of E R VLOATING imcii "d am or the difficulties oow experienced, from the ion that, after the Harbour is finished, waot of eves pasoable roads. the beak that is in the centre removed, lebesefit of it in stormy weather, and thut be - lamas that "'Pierce" has been elected l're- sident by our Repablicaa nei0bors with aa overwhelmiug majority, and not wit hotanding the streauous exertions of the Whigs to it wet oe leen fret* tltrects ill our cit. i ill be thee capable of holding two han- d sail of veletas, averagiag 250 tont here they will lie secured from all wind od weather; it has only to be known that itch a harbour is to be found on Lake Iluros, to adore malty vessels taking the puff to tbe best advantage their champion - taw the wens a redwing tbe Premium' the hero of Lundy's Lane, the democratic ... tilasuralce, atal the "'Mg of man! lires party has obtained • most decisive victory. mot the sublequent seven Myerars B"of "Ws No effort bao been negating on the part of , ed much property." Gen. Scott's supporters to return their man, t cia the ye" brink a cilir Lithe and bet the success of their opposeats has been 1 ' hin three illite• or the harbour; and sea" far beyond their most ardent soticipatioss; man -like, watched it with a Irma eye to not ooly have several States whiCh were "the weather" all ita rmigheat memli; but doubtful ia their character responded fa - sever chug d k Diniee vorably for Pierce, but many which were "Barbour of Refuge." 'I his, we consider imposed to be staunch in their support of to h worth volumes of trash about the Scott, hare given a democratic verdict.-- " fetch or the "'a for beedredi er reaese" The &dent of the Free Trade party to writtea by parties who may sever have set power in the States at the pr eseot tirne,aod foot oe " Salt -water," "r beea within mow that a change in kw commereial po• bendreds of lalea eir tbe Place 06 "id' licy is chntemplated, it is booed will have a berteficial effect upon our relatioes with oar Matilli011• "ilea the" e" taken tat° cm- neighbours, 10(1 pripare the way for that siderauoa with the Do less important fees, reciprocity of commerce mhicit t0000t faii that hydraulic power cam be obtained with - to be highly advantageouo to both coon - is the boeudary of tbe Town, and ite im- tn.,. mediate neighborhood, adrieirtit fur au/ Thie democratic party has been *ceased 'Meet of sachem; aad that, oo maw of turbulence and of a determination to 50r " Hamilton" rem start 6P " the British oes Cabe mad the Saaderieh Islands but shore of Lake Hiroo to succeosfully cote- there is no doobt sreetstoo to power win pete with Godenele it will heewat 61011Y tewsitlerabay modify these views whatever important for °lir good (deeds of Tomato they may hen Imes. to hello. thenwelves is thallt and Oast too, .0 goat „ge garreasteally the el late, We copy Mr. William Smith's letter to or they may yet fail to hold, ratty, the title Mr. Gwynn., from the Perth Nein, erbieb pay erceramwe, 04 •Questa City of the we Sauk edit well ropey a earefel peresel, wag:9 ob, pared, ib eaetsibetrer's end es a nasty sad clear etreroion of her reit- their C ma Bay sad Sorg traffic aosi saes kw wapperting the ome hoe of Railroad Nothing is sew erstateS Set Rot whieh we pearsre of the disreputable ammo permed are e of ebtai • ,, ormeltir,.. 1- by the Termite party, sad their arils enter- we toots ie dist wergiaboerbood. We are art and mite satisfied that seeb are the matimeab whir h 4 every Reeve who voted for the Ily- Low. thio 11 it the Timities of Radroad or so Rail - dm of oldsters pastramis( prim sled eaergy, te impress semace, the weeny eatmeal favored locality. •no. foamed/ Telegraph dated Qeebee, November 5. ft te, Bweeivedr-reetinemee from Relied neer, (Stradont.) Piaster Lineal Pockets, sailing monthly 500a YARDS Soperior rims 414 for Part Phillip and Sydney. (700 yards colored Coking% penologists., Mamma, DeLasee, SO Chests Teas, aseerted Bramas. Loaf, Crcsheil and Meeesee4o Seems. 100 pairs envies Heavy Boots, ke., ke. Godenels New. 10th. 1661. STRAYED prom the premiere of the girth/Kerber a- Lee so. 06, Mb renewal/is Township of Goderech. about the last of Slpt.• mbar Bere,reie had a hole esti • mein le use ear, he other lues se mar184111141001• 11,114 • • Ship of nos bee, and sail from Nmv llur character of the 'hips of this lose la lead to their chocolat'', will hie the new leo estalshehed. that it is merely (tontine io make them superior to ell ethers, As usual, • sell Tral,64 Surgeon tied For freight or pasoage spelt 10 T. A• AMBRIDGE, Agent Ilainilten. 116 Waii Street New York. Ilemiltoe, Oct. 2016 1859. irb-ato The alogroopt,nt mew Cloppee Slap 1450 Tons Burthes. received by Geolvieb Towasbip Noir. lot NOTICE MP Mkt - I HEREBY forbid any perms er peesellit of Illead, drawn is favor deems Edward Morris, Ashfield, es* drawn empOth March 16211-asother draws en Main 7th, 1809 -third. 'es March 7th, 1466, as I hawp mot received tale. for the same. •• Ashaeld. Noe, IOU. 16•40-31 "Nartai..--Tho. le terhid aim perms from pereltheing Lot No. 6., let. cos., Like Bloom AshIlield„ without coalmine( this undensfemeil Itas a life Lease of at, WM. CAREY. Aehielel, Mee. S041059. v3o41113 FOR SALE. A N &weediest Betel House with of ell 4-2° acre ef LAM for eel. es Beet 8treort, %Ishii 100 yeada of the Marbm Square. - For pee Vietnam apply et thi• office. Goderek. Noe. ard 11151. A SUITABLE reward wild be eft= to my A.41. one *he will give 'emit informatios as will lead to the co•eictioa of the pets= or _ ihree periews. who cm the mobs 4 the lot ism., Flour from 15s Jo .16s 3d per biol. ... alm Hill el' the Sum of Tesarranee. Spring, 2s 6.1., per bushel. It. B. REYNOLBDvS7R478. Fall Wheat, 2s 9d to 33, per bash. - hardly any in market. Butter, 84 to 1041, per lb. Burret.cir Nov. 4;1832. Footsii,-Sales'of the week, 13,000 bbls at .E3 91 a 4 00 for good brands of Obio, Nlichigan aad Indiana, closing (non at the outside figure; 4 06 a 4 121 for fancy of do. W EAT -Sales 108,003 be at S7 a 89e for white Michigan and Ohio, most salvage Sgc; a 831 for Wabosh, and 68e for Chicago spring. NEW YoRIC, Novo 4,1952; Ftoont -There is lees inTury-market scarcely so firm-sorne WOO bbls were sold 1 this morning a $4 68 tor very good com- g 7A fel id tato the •Isch.aufft of Con. Townsbtp of tamlerreh about tag !sat of. May, • dark brows Alley about 3 year* old, with • moan white •pot ever her forehead. The owner will please pay espenme sad take ber Wm. BLAIR. Township of Goderich, Oc tuber 27th, 18.52. S vli u40 at POCKET BOOK LOST, co Saturday tSe 23n1 teat., het Goderich and Mr. D. Mosre's Huron Rood, contaiaing foto motes of heed v en br Mr. Morrell Ilaseilton, in fee of the bobseriber, sad Ave dollar• in cash. The public aro heretiy _cautioned 'gamin haying or selling mid 001114 A liberal reward Vial be snow to my pulite resent's; said Dotes to • JOSEPH WILSON. Golidob. 17tle. 14162. .511411 IS hereby gives that the Parleenililo • lately isubeietiog between EDWARD THORNHILL and ROBERT KEMP, both of the Tows Goderieh, under the firm of owing to Om said Partnerehip are to be fo- ci ived by mid Ede ard Thornhill, and all demand, en the said Partnership me to b. ROBERT KEMP. G9DER HAI CABINE1' AND CHAIR MAN UFACTOR Y. UV BARRY is MARTIN. rIIIIE subecribers hog leave to ieform their 11 friends sod the public gmerally, that they hare emeneericed Imateisee i• the •oep formerly ipecupnel by Saint Leimontim. where they will keep emist•nise en hos4. A▪ lso • gm ol emptily of WINDSOlh• CHAIRS, fite. All ardent promptly atieTio.dedunA4tit. Glider ab, Oct, lith, 1832. sOolittioa' 11 Ed A INING ie the Bare Corners oip 6111 (Wetter, 1852. Caries Thomas McComas . )4.r pal Archibald, ,Porter Jobe ." ' y Vous( Kaolin, George Torrid Deckle Jame' '" Reeve IN Easthom Fremont Jobe • Trustees &Wool Grant Homy Nor' Itv Renders** Wm idea 4-4 Gordon Chrtietlete 'smitten !Rebottled.' ' do ern OW Hodu ANb LOT FOR SALE. site the readence of Ire Lewes, tem. Cht Lot hale wo (route. The above preperi vetil be sold cheap for cash. f'er. further portmulara apply to Aodrew Donate, Of to the proprietor JOIIN PEEL. Port Albert, Sepl. 11tb, 1861. 'Semi -NOTESaL0119?-0E-errount. 7,r rime to me ea folhdests6sA nootat rowel.' favor of 13enjamin Miller by lame& Glibitilbir- and motile at the Booted Uwe, Cask% • ri ME bastard beretofode carded on in the a Towedite of aoderieb, under the idle 48anyilto41:1Joarnioaeryoddl 11,451,iiiieforipp.t.£111A22.10010 . dratow: 1 Norm each draws is my fairer by Theatre" of Hall met Roane( of the Rived/ Teener!, is my favor by K. Woodemelt, Mr '85: •itief has this dee been dissolrest by annual voila omit, all deter. doe the food Arm to be pasd to Willman Hill. Godard. li, Noe. IRON 1841. BENJAMIN ROSZEL. ylkit0 CR.A:rizsbo tio,femen C. toBedet.tsowstocatviClretomovhaelolLur 'Rcl•coakti•e...b estrabyy1:1004inhigelitt.iti!fibat,tocoolsecolte.":.1.111use:71133111,. 4 streilio:ior41:111"IluimiratiaaHl7 by Benjemis Miller for lee. onto he draws le Moor of Thomas Dette1 PIONEER LINE 01" CLIPPER 8111PRe THE Salwieriber will aet at Stratford se Agent, la direetieg paseesgers who mon State• also some parcels reported $.1. view the langelge I refer to, on any other G2 a 4 75 for Acing md Indiana; Cana- lidera "lag b.' tbi. Li"' "kb °a" trim light, than- with • loathing of being the dian Flour id moderate dernand-sales 700 New Vulk. Ile Pr•Ps'ed " air°1," "If"; seance as lathe passage money, -ee •ft- latiguage of pure and refined blackguard- bbls dog 62. ism. WatAT.-NIarket with -out material °weer, at New York, Messrs. R. W. .1 will give 1.ettets letroduction to the mr. camerae, gigglier ea member or chanee. Sales 500 bushels good triode CSMO•011 sad Jobs Oydee, 116 Wall Street, . ' Ohicic'411 10 10 000 bu good old Canadian and to the Agent at Hamilton, Mr. F. A. Parliament, or liege; what be reel's. is • I ' patriotic ani well. Wormed Man and oda- Atabridge. fie can eenfieUrat recommeed the above Lthe, a line hy which kis son, wine teeny other Cseadsins, sealed se Jame IWO, is am Ship Revenue to Pert /Philip. Leon and stimulants oreoreled. The obit) SCARGO. is ob. neat ship which st111 on the 20th November. A Sur - STEAM SA W MILL. v1e-t0 HULLO; UT. 1111E modern:moil have tide day entered A. int. co pertnership for the memos el the •bore title in the Township of Hellen, and will be prepared to trumpet% ill business In that line on nuelsrale ROBERT ANDERSON. JOHN T11() PSON HENRY SFESVART. N. B. --All hairiness trarieseteiwie Di be carried oe tender the name of Robert Ander- son. "rho is algae sethorised, by sled with hi. own same, sign all 1101111.1010, reeeire end rey ell memoir, and grant end give all receipts oft banbaolfserfititiit (*AA ngilli)eim:it.s071. DANIEL MeT/REGOR. (lulled, 118th Jay, 1 SOL HENRY Sl'EWAII;T1.640.'tot ser, -a friend of the human race, aud most Cameron, I say, is the lest person who should be abused and " Mea- sures, not men," a motto so often sounded, and so frequently set at naught, is one which the Editor of the I'atriot, ahould make *loaf better acquainted with -and it wouW be • proper homily for him, for his dodo political and cla_ssical snusiegs. The laspiage used towards Alr. Cameron, wont.' be sufficient to damn any newspaper, in the ppinion of any sensible person. II unquesUonahly libellous and de.famatory. It a matter of congratulative, however, that Alr. Cameron's public conduct is viewed differently in tbe Iluron. How could *Alb- ,V11,78. Bleashard, Do the 10tb, In Biddulph oe tbe 1st Met.. by the Rem. Archibald Lampelan,Hr. Henry Sutton, to Sarah. eldest daughter of Thomas Hodgins, la Fullerton on this 2o4 inst., at the resi- Oence ef the Moles father, by the Rey. Mr. Lowe, Welborn Snell, E.g., of Tnenship of Hallett, to Annabelle, Melees daugb ter of Mt. ?Lomas Sloan, of Federica. into:, after a ahort bet severe 'Poem. Mtf• All Bt. Mayne, Blanahard, es the krd it have been otherwise, when he oersted in leo4ola wife .1 Mr. joeerh mme.r, a political struggle, and the first time he St, Mary., hte ot titestoordsoore, Erietmet, bad caneaseed the County of Herm, a M. aad oldoet daugher of Mr. William Some, puted 'oenoervative county, also, the Tory tn. Marye, late of Aberdeen, &sensed. leader and champioo of his party, Mr., Ai gi„ Marys, en the ilth fast., anddealy, Cayley / The language I refer to is as Mrs -Sutherland wife of SI r. Doesid Sealer r - follows: - A miserable, characterless,' land late of the Perth Hotel' St• Marys - ruffianly, political adventurer, having 'nadir after • few boors aloes*. shipwreck of all hio political wares, Met impudence; earl havina been cut by every loan in Canada who had • character la low" -and again, o but here in Casisda,Ve No. 49, let cone/omen, hoomeadine, a creature, ignoraot, and parading his ow* sometime is Sepeemher's brows other with vulgarity to the world; called wrirse than a Dor= white oe hi* bend lege, and psrt of highway robber by* minister of the Crowft; and/attired to have hod neither reran' for word nor oath Vey the most boeorahle of the laad"-anil further, glorying in the sue- cessifid stratagems of a soot, fertile only in fallebeced and ',Whey," br.c. What public man is cafe from libellee* abase, With such a public newspaper as the Patriot, (ring enrebn'i.ol forth to tbe world, corryieg seek veeatous statements as the shovel L. Stratford, flide Nov., 1832. TRAYED from the' enbserihor, SI Lot ARRIVAL OF THE AFRICA. The Africa arrived at 9 p. ta., with fear dere litter sews front Europe. The /hymen arrived at tiouthempitte oe the 22ed alt. fitaLer. es Merin ter divide the Libilind par- ty, et prereot • An oenemwessent sprees is the Liver. ol porno of • oew line of steamers toren between that port awl Carted& dermg the swaNter, and Porthind in the winter. Preparations still cootie*. on • moat el- iminate eale for the ferierel termite:mores of else Peke 0( iiVellingtne. lita tool, horns (retarder', it 110044in given to say pert= who will gore ie. festivities that twill teal tn eta reentery. Kincardine, Nov. Seth, 1639. s4n411 111117 STOL.'16: tee United Ciittatme of Ileetie, sail Siete teat be le now °peeing su those premiere= Wino Street, marl, oppoott• meek of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES mod CROCKERY, *boat he hoe pereheeed at Ma boat taaihme. mit ire the semi raver able tem.. emi when' be se iletimentemi dispose eif at welt ;Hume se @about rett 41,11•0111UOS robot.. nutting, DMA sad Memeriale, with and MOM Emmet tor sate et We 108 PRINTING 4 reeseev=tia, weal NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Goderich, 14t September, 1852. FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIIIIERS, snit open Account', if not shortty paid, or satisfactorily Ariaegro' for. E. THORNHILL, WOULD n•torei hie 'hooks to the public for the liberal support he has met front thesednrine tea reted nee in Goderieb, and hrTe. by meta aotention Mistress, te •1111 merit a share of their Novenae*, At his old st•ed, foe door gaol of the Cenral. Company's Qffice. Gode rich, Sept. 616, I 833. elle33 MARINE ANT, 4r1RE IN11111.191te ind111111.,retied by del of P. -grill, Pdr/10111/1. HEAD OFFICE AT HAMILTON. Hugh C. Riker. Erq. 14. Modollts James hIclotyre, •• E. C. Tfteeme,,Era. FINIE, Sober -01m having been sepoirited erect Insurance at the most resume -able rates epon Ilimeen, //hippie, and floods. Goderich, 18th Sept., 1681. 05:44 NEW II AR DWARE s•roatE. WHOLESALE 4- RETAIL! 11.1RTER. Merchant Tailor, would bee joist spewed a yew Tailor/or Estall. (mosiees, ime door meth of Dr. Mateo. Otedvicele, where he hes on heed a seise/lid ammo remit of Bread Clothe, Carmimores Term oto, Sarno.' to, Whitney C1•1164. *Ferret :Mane FM Over Cease. 'A tree rely of Welter Vesting*, Ise. ke. lie •Iiin mewed to *ameba all Oilers is the Tailoring Low, re the most Fealties- orm• eh the Shortest Noise*. Low*" Parte sed New Yearb nobles* ',ceded mseteety. HENRY BARTER Geoheries, Oet. 11111111. whole CANADA Urn ASSURANCE 'shammies id 0 at and it • 14einity that of Shi•If and heavy II attftWAKE! ! re the skive Powwow., eampreiteg a complete Awrottmeat of- liks, Locks, Balls, !Tinges, &Tomo, Sates, !lanes, ond Dols, :la:rod, Twines, Practicr 4^ Ma, Bar, Mop, Band, Mei 1 Iron An 4. Cbrindinn I 'inks, Nails $ Spikes, !falter, liyiee, One, Grind -Stones, Gloss, Polly, Varnish, ir poi' twit Notes 4 Flied la thereer4 in 11131, one given by Elijah Moore end It a ar other by Daniel Hanley. Tom le tett ' o all p110/10041 film paten( or ressenriug-- . r sa late A. F . Morrie, se Clerk of ore Foot Dimities Comm, at Getter/Mt. &bidet) Penne' Imam, elapse agatbet ThaleneeOe Morris. his eon, who was else, for seem • time Clerk of the said Court, writ please send them to the odee Vorarikaa. and Bent bee, Bloomers mad Anomie,. tioreiloos rich, slated out in fell weth the dates Of when dee ke., in order that the amount et/ their babe'. hes aie such C irk* may.benlessf- e A. F. Morgan's BAH* Wet disposed 140//). the ternda 1 ion of such chums. VARY SIORGUI,N. fr. ARM FOR SATs& 'rr o▪ hm.), ere eleared. $11 free id OPOP1010. oe welt watered. with s never failing stream Virough ilia miter* or Imo too, • rod stise- ,teli, • Yon*, Orchard see hearing fruit. •iteatet with,. the Town of Oadocutte. ke.11 Sof the tiller* ot Bry6elii. A seed Le* Hoene, lathed aed plastered: a Bars 41 ler' ply to Andrew Demme. is the Time of: SA REEL P. S. Terme mar Oedema, July lath, 1101. sii-e111 o DA atm eV Gentrify •f if oron oar of the "' •Wrill of Vona Dereelini of Heron, Anacleto...* Perth um! Bence. rimeal eel sef Per• tb sod Wets, se/ In um tweeted, axone. ▪ Dasek. the !mower. as ihmeteedftlif 0,sey, for the sato of ramaly• Weer ponadite I have tweed asel lakes an tee esteem 6. well as ?etimeeel, ref Wm IOW Soma** e rotate with jsrmiliwtme el Ili* Mkt Coart, pere in Bail re the settee, of cootie the mem to he elieelmegml milho0 IAMB easender mil the slime reel os tell as pennant of the reel leassowl DeftIta. aa womb aftmeill, se easy be emeesee•v, Tint Robeeiber haeleg Wm. appended J • of setiefrelow el i he emir efeemer *Mime el, Agent ref thir Colors, Turpentine, v., dr.c., ate- 01 WWI late p-emeariltems agenest the pos4,1 ,.., "CAN A nA !spit AsteuRANCR CO.," Whrela IPPleff ruelt•ONI OM Mwt wiireetecip- ty sod velketa el the ems SUP/. l Ckallat is prepared to roefilvir merwele for Are*. me. Term. wit Mt . lieu.' el 0.. Lowpor otters eits neeethe 114 Ike lemutor of none*, ao4 will he happy lo afford to oily 111,4%11%11'0N PRICE.Oe ! Foresee. sheet Vint. r,.. 0•110. 1 he Bement; inferesetices, as te this I The taitheceibee Pl..lieit• ea lettftwe''°° "I JOHN Mr notA La: primaleits ef Ilse lnat it et i.e. his Meek, before Pere 'Owyhee*. PM viE, II. P. it IL . „ BY Posimere Noma 1 OMInmiurool