HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-29, Page 10• • • .". 4,101.1,17,7r NI. 10 The Times -Advocate, June 29, 1961 'Hurray! We pasedin Schools list promotions $S 1 Usborne SS 11 Stephen These names are in alphahe Heal order. Grade Oke Kenneth. Rey- .nblels Robert, Strang Keith, Grade 8—Oke Allen ;Strang: tieney. -,_..-Gracie 7 — Parsons Ronnie, Westlake .Josephine. :•;Grade 6 — Dougall Ronnie, pke Dianne, Westlake, Milo, Grade 5 Dougall Barbara. rade 4 — Doti:gall Lynda, Fergusonp. Joyce, Parsons Ma-. rion,;.. Westlake Rosemarie. Grade 3 — Ferguson Lynda, Knight john, Westlake Floyd, ,Westlake Harold. Grade 2 — Ferguson Kathy, Ferguson. Larry, Jeffery Mary Margaret, Knight Allan. Teacher — Mrs. Irene- Haugh. • $S 6 Usborne Senior )299M GRADE 9 Gordon Chappel, Blair Flet- cher, Marilyn Johns, Martin 'Montmorency, Sheila Neilands, -Janet Skinner, Sandra ' Wal - RADE 8 Wayne Chappel, Sharon 'net - 'cher, Gary Hern, Kathryn ;Hem, Edwin Kerslake, Larry ,„Lynn, Rosemarie Neilands, ;Lawrence Otis, Margaret Ann Prancg, Larry Skinner. • . GRADE 7 Margaret Brock, Lynn Otis, Danny Walters, Faye Channel, Pauline Van der Weil, Clifton ' tWebber. • GRADE 6 Susan Allen. Helen Camp., bell, Herbert Heywood, Carol Anne Bell, Douglas Fletcher, Terry Otis. GRADE 5 Ava Elford, Dale Skinner • ;Teacher — Miss M. R. Mar- I h ll 1 Junior Room GRADE 5 ..Janet Hern, F'aul Kerslake, -Tommy Neilands. GRADE 4 Bax, Michael Elford, ( James Fletcher, Barbara Gil - 1 Cheryl :Hern, Donald :Kerslake, Norman Neilands, Mary Ellen Prance, Brenda Skinner, Judy Walters. GRADE 3 1 • -Edward Bax, Bax, Robert 2 -Clarke, Larry Fulton, :Debra Hem, Elaine Hutton, Ivan a Hutton, Joyce Kerslake, Sher- ri e Otis, Sandra Skinner, Craig Webber, Pamela van der Wiel. GRADE 2 • • Joan Alien, Sharon Batten. Dennis Hutton, Karen Kers- lake, James Lynn, Joan Lynn, C Douglas Miners, Douglas Pen - bale, Rocky van der Wiel. • GRADE 1 jaekie Hutton. h 1 -Teacher Mrs. Florence r Hendrick. 11 -SS 10 Usborne c• " Grade 9 — Beverly Hamilton, 11 Dianne Stone. •* Grade 8 — Ruth Anne Cud - More. • Grade 7 — Duncan Etbering- kin. Lynda Glanville, Billy J'efferY, Sharon Passmore. .•:* Grade 6 — Johnny Morgan., Grade 5 — Bobby Stone. Grade 4 — Ricky Ethering- ion, Paul Passmore, Brenda Smith, Douglas Whiteford. ' Grade 3 — Debbie Ethering- ton, Gerry Morgan. Grade 2 — Judith Cann, Mar - trite Datema, Darcy Ether- ington, Dwight Etherington, Murray Glanville, Beth Pass - lore. G• rade 1 — Nancy Alexander, Leslie Cudmore, Mathilda Date - lila, Scott Morgan, Frances Zandbergen, k. Names are arranged alpha- betically. Teacher: Mrs, Beth Batten. tl 5 n h b v LI a 11 15 E IE ti :SS ,No. 2 Hay Grade 7 — Lynne Faber, Elaine Whitney, Rene Whitney, 4ane Russell, Grade 6 — Kathy Rowe, Larry Prouty, David Prouty. * Grade 5 — Joan Tinney, Andy Koopman, Grade 4 — Steven Faber, Paul Negrijn, Bobby Rowe, Christina Koopman, John Campbell, Billy Russell, Don- Triebner. Grade 3 Heather Whitney, Carol Tinney, John Prouty, Douglas Case. Grade 2 — Bruce Tuckey, er a 1 d Koopman, Marilyn Whitney. Bobby Case, Jimmie Rowe, )3obby Campbell. Teacher; Charles W. 141e- Oftillin. S 6 Stephen oi s .., ▪ Grade 9 — Janet Dietrich (hrmors). Ellett }brim a ri, Char, late Regier. ',Grade 8— Bruce Clarke (H) arlone Denomme (H), Glen i.i aft (II). riGrade 7 — Clarence Ayotte, — Marilyn. Dietrich (H), Michael 1 Hartman, Judy Reeler (14). :Grade 6 -- Donald Dietridh, Bill Ratz (H). 1grade 6 --.. Ronnie Dent:mime • (R), Louise Dietrich (It), Pa. tricia Kenney, Rennie Regier AOM Grade 4 .--,, George Blyde (11), John 131yde (H), Kevin Blyde , (R), Roger HOU (11). rade 3-6;•; Men Kenney, Bar- bara .Tlegier. ',..Grade 2 0a. Vincent Ayotte, Barbara Pfaff, Michael, Pic- • kering, Katherine ftatz. ;Teacher — Mrs, Aea MeDett- *fd, 1. Grade 9 Gloria. Ad De June Alarms, Co Zondag. Grade 8 --, Dorothy •Dilly Merenz, Anne Webb. ; Grade 7 — Robert DIetrich, 'Suzanne Snyder. Grade 6 — Donald Baker Larry Mason, Ronald; Mason. Grade 5 — Linda Dietrich, Manfred Endler, Pauline Greb, James Snyder. Grade 4 — Gary Baker, James Keller. Grade 3 — Sandra Baker, Judy Desjardine, Richard Die- trich, Jack Neller, Keith Sny- aer, Nelly Zendag. Grade 2 — Monika Endler, Doris Webb. Teacher — Miss Marie Sal - IOUS 110uors — Joan Desjar- dine, David l'Avie, Louis PCS- SS No 15 Hay jardine, Lorne Vincent. Grade 5 — First ,class hon.,: Grade 9 — a.ms, TITS --- Wanda JA. Cli.Sorl, r44•&)KellM.'; pass, , Ina Steeper; Second class hen- t Grade a — or — Allen Baker. I Hendrick, Lin Honors, Roger Rickie- Hendrick Honors, ,Robert da ATillert • Greb, Gradet— first class hon -1 Louise Duehar mon. ors —Charlene Desjardine, Marlene Desjardine, Pianne; Taylor, Brian ../foclgins, 1 Third glass honeys Linda Wood. Grade 3: — First .class how ors • — Bestard, Bobby I Leyte; Second glass honours ;Stewart Brown. Grade •—First class.hotly! ors — Ginger Love, Nancy Jackson, .Glenda. Desjardine Teacher — Mrs. Joan .Mitch- ell. *dine, • Crediton school. Senior room. Carolyn; Noels, Dalton. Pass me, Irene Hen- • drick, Alec Turnbull Grade 7 — ,pass, Richard Money, George Keller, Dorothy Stebbins. Grade 6 inasa, L r r y Luther, Lynda Luther. Grade 5 — Honors, Nancy Desjardine, Glenn Miller; Pap, Freida Beierling, LindaDin. ney, Anthony Ducharme. Grade 2 — Steven Horner, Jackie Ducharme. Teacher — Airs. Idena Des - To Grade 9; First class Below 60 — Jesney, Betty Lou; SS 10 Stephen honors — Sharpe, Jacqualene; Glanville, Joyce. Grade 9 — First class hon- ors — Yvonne Steeper; Second class honors — Gary Lovie, Wayne Desjardine. Grade •8 — First class hon- ors — Helen Brown, Lily Mac Johnson; Second class hon- ors — Grace Wood; Third class honors — Cecil Wood, Gordon Vincent. Grade 7 — First class hon- ors — Donna Gollen; Second class honors — Jimmy Wood; Third class honrs, Darlene Des- jardine, Ronnie Stone. Grade 6 — First class hon- ors — Sandra Desjardine, Lau- rence Brown; Second. class honors — .Eric Brown; Third Finkbeiner, Karen; Boulianne, Teacher: Ruby I. Molitor, Judy; Brown, John; Lamport, To Grade 7: First 'class Elyse; Haist, Margaret; Ver- honors — Lawson, Barbara; kerk, Geraldine; Buxton, Kath- Sharpe, Roberta; Dietrich, Ann leen. Marie; Boulianne, Kathy; Ver. Second class honors — Noels, kerk, Jenny; Skinner, Betty; Marlene; Finkbeiner, Gerald; Hodge, Ruth; Sims, Brenda; Coughtrey, Marina; Fahner, M DR, Billy, Margaret. Third class honors — Skin. Tier, Clare; Dundas, Donald; Stratton, Brian, To Grade 8: First class honors — Verkerk, Wilhemina Hughes, Lawrence and Pfaff, Cynthia (equal); England, Sandra. Second class honors El- liot, John; Haist, Robert. Third class • honors — Olan- Second class honors—Clarke, Barry; Jesney, Leslie; Pfaff, Terry. Third class honors — Hodge, Robert; Brown, Robert; Glan- ville, Richard. To Grade 6; First class honors — Finkbeiner, Gwen; Dietrich, John; Jones, Gordon; Bocock, Naomi; Schenk, Char- maine; Hodge, Sharon; Gras- dahl, Ronald; Lamport, Dale; Synth, Jedy Second (!lass hollers.,...- Ken. ny, Ronald; England, NAncy; Sims, Bowe, Third class tumors Gibson, David; Sims, Beverly. Teacher : Addileen Morlock. To Grade 5: First class honors — Browning-, Lee; Thorne, Jnu and Verkerk, Greta (equal). Second class hpnors — Eber- hardt. Katy and Elliott, Shirley (equal); Skinner, Ted: rin4- Ininer, Gleen. ThirdBob;els,mn aslaionvioii, .A,tr: land,.. ti.r jet •Glanville, 11' CITI er.:;13MBM,MBIMIBIIMMIMMIrt411.0.MM,47,1r" .64,034;1-11=W0avis—att,emlext splKkol for the first Mlle on IMP g7 at S$ lie, 9. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allcinsait spent the weekend at "Twin Oaks", Grand Bend. Ozs Thgrsday .eyening,' Mr, and Mr. Fred B./ebbs Jr, at- tended the HUM County Health Unit picnic at Hayfield where. Mrs, • Debbs was presented with A gift china since she is retiring from. her dutiesas district health nurse in order to resume studies at the Uni: versify of Western ,.0ntarip this Mr, Ted Wilson, an gxoter High School student, is em, plpyed for the Summer by Mr, Fred Dobbs Jr. News from Saint AIRS,. HEBER DAVIS WA and Guild On Wednesday,June 21 the, last WA and Guild meeting of St. Patrick's church until Sep. te.mber WAS held at the home of Mrs, TRIP. 7g0Y, Mrs.' Lorne Weiherg, guild president; opened the ..roepting with prayer, assisted by sev. eral inemberi 1t s tL A AlurraY; Naff, RUA- AlaeAttlay read the, scripture 'Ice B Tort Tlie roll call was answered Below 60 — Colter, Bob. with a suggestion or criticism To Grade 4; First class to better next Year's ba$aar, honors — Hughes, Beverly; The rector's tvife, Mrs, Mac - Haugh, Linda, and Schenk, Aulay, ,was observing ,a birth - Donnie (equal); Finkbeiner, day. A cake and the usual Brian and Hodge, M u r r a y happy birthday song was in (equal); Attfield, Barbara; her honor. Mrs, Earl Atkinson, Dietrich, Bit Mrs. Ham Carroll and 'Mrs. Second clogs honors — Bouli- Harvey Lad? served anne, Charles; Fahner, John; Celebratis birthday Cooper, Glenn; Parsons, Bob, On Saturday, June 14 Miss KeIN'h'iinr;d Moon,class hn BotirotrosnEPfaff, dMaayrypalCrlyrrevfoarr .hseelyderaal little Bonnie; Hodgins, Glenn; Cough- friends at her home. The after - trey, Fred. noon was spent in playing Teacher: Marion McLean. games, Her sister, Teresa, To Grade 3: First class served lunch to the guests. bheoiennorls, ---.E1CvlaafGk e, aLi saenr7 a ;lc alotiinlyk;- 13ThMary ryreconny Blai.r received. several rsiceverai gifts.key present were Judy and s ury Mrs, Harry Carrell. Larry and Leslie Greenlee played their electric guitars at Brinsley clturch concert on Wednesday fellewieg the straw- berry and ham supper. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall and Nancy were SundaygUeSt5 with Miss Lena Tindall, Lis,-• towel Sunda nal 1d M . Mrs. Harvey Latta as guests Sunday eveninn. •Scott, Nancy; Whiteford, Jo. Second class honors — Ayres, Wendy Elston, Sandra Abbott Robin; Bell, Donna; Davey, and Sharon Davis. Susan; Jones, Donald; Parsons, Personal items Allan; Shapto n, Dianne; Mrs. Irene Hicks and Ma Thorne, Joseph; Verkerk, Sally. ine, Clio, Michigan, and Mrs, Third class honors; -- Pfaff, George McFalls and Joyce Marilyn; Smith Randy, were Wednesday ' guests with Below 60 — Elliott, Ross; Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Davis, Miller, Gordon. Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Ron Carroll To Grade 2; First class were Sunday guests with Mr. honors — Dietrich, Gerard; and Mrs, H. A. Mullins and Fahner, B r en d a; Glanville, Ruth -Ann, Goderich. Elaine. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker, Second class honors — Gras.: Joan, Gary and Jean were Sun- dahl, Wendy; Haugh, Danny- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hodge, Dianne; Hodgins, Mary, Ken P'eterson, London. Third class honors -- Cough- Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dickins Sandra; Gibson, Garry; and Mr. And Mrs. Alvin Car - Larry; Miller, William. roll and Cathy, London, were Mrs. Glena Tripp Sunda ne t ,ith M d Heather Davis, Siteila and trey, Gibson, Teacher: . y g ss r. an • Mark Atkinson R1.14. Mike: Imatattassagam!! ,, 'war!. ,, mttRtttrtate • Emergency Measures Co-ordinator Applications for the position of County Co-ordin- ator for Emergency Measures Programme will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, July 22, 1961. Salary to be $4,000 per annum. tate age, qualifi- cations. 6 , . Applications must be submitted in. envelopes pro- vided by the Clerk -Treasurer. Further details may be secured from the under- signed. Cigarettes All Popular Brands INI deep days' These Vllues Goad 1 Wed a.m., Thurs. & Fri. Every Dollar Buys MORE at JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. Carnation Milk Aylmer Peaches P rk 'n Beans Regular or Chubby, 200's Kleenex Mitchell's Apple Juice Clark's Fancy Tom. Juice Mount Royal Choice Golden Cream Corn Stokely!s Pineapple.Grapefruit "PING" St. Williams—with Pectin Asied 'Jams 6 FoR '1 20 -oz. tins Fur$1 20 -oz. tins 8 FOR 1 20 -oz. tins $1 413 -oz. tins 3 FCIR $1 • 9 -ox. jars 5FcuR $1 ili 1 LARGE TINS CHOICE WS IS -OZ. TIN VAN CAMP'S 15-0Z. TINS Nature's Best Choice Peas Minefte's Best Choice Tomatoes Henley Fruit 7. • Cocktail Ballet White or Tissue Colored Toilet , 5 Tulip er Golden Dew Margarine Ellmiir Pima Prnut gutter Swift's "Tempt" • 15 -OZ. tins . Blue R. Geld, Fancy Golden War Dog Food 12 FOR 1. Beans raft Salad BowI'Dressing 3 2 -Oz. Or. JAR 59c Nabob Coffee 1 -La. BAG 69c Rose Sweet Mixed Pickles 16-0Z, 2 FOR 5 3c Stafford's Inst. Chocolate 12c OFF 1 -LB, Box 39c Solid White Tuna 3-DIAMonios 7-02. 29c Instant Coffeela-oz. ,JAR 99c M OTHER ;PA RICER's GT, Maple Leaf Cheddar:Spread;fl 6- OFF 16 -Oz, JAR 49c Kam Luncheon Meat43c 12 -OZ. TIN Monarch — 7 Flavors to Choose FrOm Pouch -Pak Cake Mixes 2 FoR 25c Plus 450 Coupon Enclosed King—Size Tide 2 5c OFF Domestic Shortening 8c OFF 2% -LB. PLASTIC CONTAINER $1.19 , 89c F R F 0 R F 0 1 $1 $1 Mex. tins 1 0 Fon St Large 28 -os. tins4 5 Fon $1 15 -ex. tins • FoR $1 2-RCILLS PKGS. a Fo ri 16.oz. jars 3 $ FOP 1 1S -oz. tins 7 FoR $1 $1 Christie's Fireside Sandwich Biscuits Cluicelate Creams Qual-A-Tea Assortment Cocoanut Creams Lemon Grooms 4 CELLOS PKGS. .IttiaScara...M.Mtatinfa4M4.100itit • Swift's Brookfield Cheese :mcismaidziw„ixemrmazammraw SERVE STRAWBERRJES 1 AND SHORT CAKE THIS WEEKEND! Marc's Large Layer SHORT •CAKE 25' it - 4 FROZEN FEATURES t New Process Hi -Low Diced Turnips 213-DLY 39 • c Picnic 12 -oz. • Lemonade .23c Welch's 4 Grape Juice 6 Oz T tlq 19c Booth Haddock Fish Sticks Half Gallons — All Flews oik Ice Cream :TVASSIMSWargaztenZa:;:.:Z:..,,,.1,742MIZZli nteMettSZOOMMIESUMESOM44ii&VAVA I OF MEAT BUYS Fruits and vegetables SUNKIST ORANGES 13Eps 2 D.. 85c h figniER GREEN BEANS L. 19G ii0iiciET JUICY PLUMS iseck,tir L., 25c Crisp • TENDERsCELERY HEARTS, St1-11 25c 6162s=raMar01/20=E::....:...Z::::=41.47.0=362=0.12401=i1=4=LIDEOSEMMEEMM,11 • Closed Wednesday .Afternoon and all day Saturday, ,July. Open Fri, Night Until 10 p.m, DEVON BACON B -Oz,. PKGS. 35c 89c MiMEMa6144":202E*MtWaraMatnttegraS'AVMAV.0414114;:iarErf, • 51 ' Chicken Legs • or Breasts FRESH LB. 49 Moto f.eaf • PICNICS 4 TO 6 Lit, AVERAGE . Ammo* ')ray.Pak rent SAUSAGE SWiiiit Smoked iiiridrest •9 L. 3: ' 39' 39c