HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-29, Page 9MT. CARMEL GRAPVATION—Monsignor A. P. Mahoney, vigar general of London dioceses, was guest speaker at the draduation exereises at Mt. Carmel chUreh Sun- day evening, He is shown With the fbour graduates; from left, Pauline O'Rourke, Mary McKeever, Eleanor Dietrich, .and Wayne O'Rourke, —T -A photo This week in News budget from aseline • Sy MRS, ARCHIE DEWAR, Personal •Rem$ .Miss Hannah, of London is spending a few holidays at the home of her brother, Mr, John Rhin and fAmily. Mrs. Robert MarriotV and Sharon are spending the week- end with her daughter, Miss Diane Marriott at Montreal. Mr, John Rinn, Howard and Miss Noreen Walkom and Miss Hannah visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rinn and family of Creemore. Miss Mary DeBrabendere of St. Joseph's Acottemy, Lon- don, and Mr. And Mrs. Louis Ferne and Mrs. DeBrabandere of St. Marys were guests with Mr, and Mrs. Jules DeBrah- enclere on Sunday.. Mrs,. Cacciotte of Capreol, Is spending a few holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Park- inson and family. Mrs.,. Duncan MeNaughton, Mrs, E. Straiten, Mrs. Cac- cloth and Mrs. William Spence were among the ladies of the Evening Auxiliary wbo en- joyed the bus trip to London on Y. Mrs. Robert Elston, Mrs, ;Jesse, Elston, Wilma Elston, Marlene Baker and Mrs. Aud- rey Bakerenjoyed a bus trip to, Collingwood sponsored by the Joy Mission Circle group of Anderson, on Tuesday, of ? last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Holland visited with David's brother, Lloyd Holland and family of HA mitten over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Wight Aloof Thedford were guests with gpNr • and Mrs. Duncan Mc- ' Naughton on Sunday. Mrs, Oliver Raker visited with friends at Holstein on Tuesday, 0, Mr. Karl Anator, John jones, Ericson isles and Maurice Gumbo of Trinidad, West In. dies, .medical students •of An- drew's University, Michigan,. are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dewar during their stay in Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Mar- riott, Ron and Maryanne of St. Marys spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Archie 'Dewar. Mr. and Mrs. William Spence and David were nests of •Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youngson and family on Sunday. . Mr, and Mrs. W. Spence and David attended the 5441i wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brock held at Pine Crest Inn, St. 'Marys. Your library — Continued from page 4 time, are presented his views on the art of 'public speaking with speeches for all occasions. In 'his opening remarks he writes "tile feeling of being , able to express yourself on oc• casions is well worth any amount of study and prepara- tion, for you are playing with words, the most impprtant quantity that the world has ever know. All things die-emily words live, The ereation of Words is responsible for all . civilization, for all of mankind and progress—for everything," Useful hints on making speeches for fraternal organiza- tion, wedding anniversaries, thaets, valedictory and confir- Ination speeches and excerpts from speeches by famous speak- ers are given. The Personal Affairs Handbook This handbook is a complete guide to financial sectitity and legal Peeteetioti for every fam- ily. This is a thestenaratal. It is a book to Whiell you will refer for •afiswers relating to personal affairs and everyday Peeblenle —businees-wise, law, wise, and family -wise. It is, geared for the Married, the single, the divorced and the -widowed, In fact the hand- book takes a husband and wife by the hand And leads them through life — from the eIter ,tintil death do them part. ibIkaCostumes Quite an interesting volume in your Library is entitled 113iblical -Costumes for Church and Seheel", A inedit needed book foe progetili direetets and students of the Bible. The author, Virginia. Wilk :Metter, director of drailietieS for many years, tells what the, Hebrew men And Women Varlotte •efeetee of the Ili -hike period wore and also syliat,, their eetiteiiiperaties in Greet Rome, Egypt end Persia -Wore, rho gartherite Are described in fidell And directions Thr inalt- ,Ing many nf them ere given. , All these bolts Aft tenni the ' 1-111ren C011ittY librarY And WIII be in Mir libtarY lei' the rteXt ithenthat Shipka area fetes teacher SHIPKA The anneal community picnic was held on the school grounds Tuesday evening with an at- tendance of 100, Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer, Mrs, Ed. Woods and Mrs. Wray Switzer assisted by Don Finkbeiner conducted the sports. During the evening Miss Joan Raiz read an address and Miss Judy Ratz presented the tea- cher, Den Finkbeiner, and his future bride, Miss Lorna Hay- den with an occasional chair. Don will he taking the princi- pal's position in Dashwood for next term. Winners at the sports were: Pre-school, David Finkbeiner, Bonnie Sweitzer; boys, 6-8, Scott Sweitzer; Larry Foster; girls, 9 -11, Ladina Latour, Joan Ratz; boys, Bob Finkbei- ner, Terry•Pickering; girls, 12- J4; Judy Rale, Lorene Mellin; boys, Glen Latour, Jim Dei- trich; wheel barrow race, boys, Jim Sweitzer and Jim Foster; girls, Barbara Sweitzer and Marlene Deltrich; young men's race, Ronnie Sweitzer, Earl Deitrich, Youngest person, Michael Brannon, oldest, Mr. Harbert Harltore correct number of beans in a jar, Mrs, Jack Ratz, contents of mystery box, Mr. Karl Guenther, mystery; per- son, Mrs. Ross Love, Personal items Miss Gayle Garrod of High- gate is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ed Woods, Mr, Woods and family. Mr. add Mrs. Bill Coleman and Les of Kippen were Sun- day. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz and Billy.• Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner vis- ited during last week with rela- tives in Windsor.. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woods and family' attended the Ronson reunion, at Blenheim on Sunday, Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer, Scott and Bonnie visited this week with relativee in. Fenwick and attended -the Atlas Reunion at Crystal Beach. Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner of London spent last week at the home of her sons, Mr. Harold Finkbeiner, Mrs. Finkbeiner and fainily. Mr. John Lamport of Toronto was a weekend visitor with his mother Mrs. E. Lamport. Miss Sandra Sweitzer, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer, is a patient in St, Jo- seph's Hospital, London. seeeeseee ,' • •e. , Topics from Whalen By MRS. PRANK SQUIRE etereeletteett=a1Mgeeneeeeneeeterettee Inter -school ball Whalen .school played ball ori Wedeeeday afternoon with Winchelsea school. 'Score was 13-9 in favor of Winchelsea, On Friday afternooe. Whalen played -with Plugtown and the score was 22-15 in favor of Plugtown. Personal items David Ogg, Windsor, was a weekend guest of Gordon Hod- gins. Roe Squire spent the week- end in Torento With friends. Avis, Allen, Gordon and Grant. Hodgins• attended the Mitten 444. Beef Club meeting on Thursday evening at the home of Whitney Coates, near Exeter. • e Mr. and Mrs. F, Squire at- tended Granton 'United Church antileersery on Stieday and visited With Mrs, Ethel. Squire, Mise leAvina Hall, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. A. Henry; Mrs. Gladys Porter, London, end Miss Cera Carson, Orillia, Were Sunday afternoon visitors With Mr, and Mrs. William Morley Sr. • Mr. and Mrs, Roy Westfall oI Harrietsville, Mich., Were Weekend visitors with alt. and Mrs, William Morley Jr. Mr. and Mrs, Melville Gun- ning and Muriel, Alto Me, Wil fret.] Herbeet weee Wednesday everting guests of were, add Mrs. Harold Noyes, Lencidn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul 'Seeders and family of hazel Park, Mich., wereSaturday guests With Mr. end Mrs. Williain Mr' ley, Jr. Mrs, Finkbeiner Ste,Listowel Spent a feW days during last Week with Mr. and Mrs. 43461{ Finlibeiner and family, Mrs, Melville Gunning, Mrs, Milne Pullet, Mre. Ray •Park, limit, Mrs. Bert Duffield, Helen licathee. Mrs. Heethet Jr., Mrs. Allen Nell, Mrs. Hanillten IWO% Mee, Blake and Mra. Jos. Whelilitui look lit the bus bin to init n Monday sponsored Inn 'CAW. Hottietilthrat Stielely, .5 Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Personal items Mr. and Mrs, lifelYin Gar. diner and Marilyn were Sun- day visitors with. Mr. and Mr, Ross Broadfoot of Kippete Mr. Almer Stewart visited recently with Mr, and Mrs, Ray Stewart of Sarnia. Several from here attended Melville Sunday School an- niversary service on Sunday morning also the. decoration service at the Exetet cemetery 'and the opening of the new wing of South Huron Hospital Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,Cann and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Jef- fery attended the Cann re- union at Owen Sound on. Sat- urday and spent the weekend at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter of Elimville. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Pass' more and Beverley, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Passmore were guests at the De Mooy-Pass- more wedding at the Centen- nial United Church, London, and the reception at the Melody Restaurant, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery and Mr, ,and 'Win. Glenn Jef- fery attended the Luther re- union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manford Luther, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ottewell and family of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Miller, Brian, Bar. ry and Barbara spent Sunday at Rondeau Park. Miss Barbara 04ver of Ed- monton,•Alberta, &tr. and Mrs, Thomas Oliver and daughter Lynne of Clinton were visitqrs at the manse on Monday eve. ning. Mrs. Jack Duncan is a pa- tient in St. Marys Memorial Hospital having had her ap- pendix removed recently, Shower for bride -elect Around 100 neighbors, friends and relatives gathered in the church basement on. Tuesday evening last to honor Nancy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin. Passmore, bride -elect of Saturday. Mrs. Arthur Harris escorted Nancy to a decorated chair to the strains 'of the Bridal Chorus. , Mrs. William Rohde was in charge of the program which consisted of a humorous read- ing by Mrs. Lee Webber and a vocal duet, by Joe and Judy Mayer. The address was read by Mrs. J ack Borland. Beverley and Darlene Passmore presnt- ed Nancy with many useful gifts. After opening the gifts, Nancy thanked all those pre- sent. Sunday School picnic Around. 10 gathered at the church on Saturday for the annual Sunday School picnic. Dinner was served et 123C1 by the table committee, Mrs. Ro- bert Maver, Mrs. Edwitt Miller and. Mrs. William tohde. After diimer spotts were con- ciliated by Mrs. Arnold Cann and Mrs. Bev Morgan. Winners in recce were; nurs- ery class, Sylvia Stewart, Keith Passmorc: Itindgergarten, (1) Barry Miller, Robert Bray, (2) Joanne Hodgert, Marlene Stew- art; boys, Gerry Morgan, Jim - My Snow; junior girls, Brenda Smith, Judy Maver; junior Jade Hodgert, Johnny M. o r g a n; interniediate girls, Marlene Webber, Margaret Ker - nick; intermediate boys, Billy Jeffery, David Paesniore; AF. BC girls, Barbara Webber, Joyce Maver; AFI3C Larry Ballantyne, Billy Jef. fery; candy scrambles and pea- nut scrambles were held for the smell Children. Kick -the -slipper, girls, Bar- bara Webbert boys, Dennis Passmoret, oldest ,conple ere - sent, Mr. and Mrs. William Elford; youngest child estesent, Donna Stewart; guessing candy in jar, Jack Stewart. lllllll ,,,,,,,,,, 000000 lll ll I lll Garage Sunday And • Evening Service then this Sunday, Wed. needay Afternoon and din. ing the evening through. Out the week, Exeter Motor 'SIGs n inn; inn . —77 '•7'.." 77' ...•`•- . t. • • Of• qt• * 4, #: • # , • n, • • , , . n • ,de ." • .• r" `*. • at, : Carrilei SC601 s a es gra Monsignor A. Mehopey, viear general of London din- eese., was guest seeeter for the graduation exercises Sunday eve:line', at Our Lady of Carmel Church. He eneetiraled the grarbates ,to get as much education AS they were vanaltle of, aecord- leg to.their various teleets. Diplomas and prizes were Baptize two at bon UC By ,MISS tteteRIEt, HPRN ZION On :Sunday morning a bap. Cisme" service was held at Zion West United Chureh,when Rey. J. 11, Wareham adnuni- stored the rites of -baptism for Sandra jean, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Harry Hem and Steven Frederick, son .of Mr. and Mrs, Ray Jaques. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bowden and Margaret, Centralia, Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Paynter and David, Kirkton, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques, Miss Perla Hern of Chicago. visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Here, last week. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Jaques and family attended Elimville anniversary on Su' day and visited. with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bell and family. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ward Hern visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton, Flimville. Mrs, Lorne Johns, Mrs, Nor- man Jaques, Mrs. Ward Hern, Mrs. Norman Brock and Miss Muriel Hera enjoyed, the Kirk - ton Horticulture Society's bus tour to Guelph on Monday. reeneteleeeseeneee'eeeeese.:•••••e. -Budget from l • idaulph By MRS. M. H. ELSTON • • • . . Kenneth Coates was in South Huron Hospital on Tuesday for the removal.- of his tonsils. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Leach of Lon- don on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blair, Nancy and Patsy of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Murray Abbott were Sunday evening guests of Mr, and Mrs, Will Essery, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weiberg were Mr., and. Mrs, Jack Egerdee and daughter, also Mrs, Eva Egerdee, of Petersburg, and. Mrs. Alma Bowman. of New; Dundee. Mrs. E. Blanche Gloves and Mary Alice, of Wopdstoek, sent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. , Mervin Elston, also 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abbott and Billy, of Niagara Falls, and Mrs. Mur- ray Abbott on Monday evening, Mr. and 'qrs. Doan. Gibson spent Sunday with relatives at Wroxeter. Mrs.Irene Hicks and dauele ter, Maxine, of Clio, Michigan, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, George Mc - Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake an.d. ,Margaret Rose spent Sun- day "afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. M. 11, Elston, Shelia and David, accompanied by LAC and Mrs. John Vealle and family, of Zwoibrucken Air Station, Germany, attended the air force Surlday School picnic, held at Riverview Park, Ex- eter, on Saturday. Mr, Vealle was a former suteerintenden1 of that Sunday School. Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Rhiny Heckman and family were Mr. and Mrs. Toin Campbell and Helen, of Winchelsea. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neee and family, also Mrs. Georse Mee. of London, and Mr FrankPrice of New Jersey spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Nace. Mr. and Mrs. Lennard Smith' and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Smith, Exeter, Mr. Clarence Smith and Mr, Leonard 'Smith attend- ed the annual decoration ser- vice at Exeter 'cemetery. Visitors on reiday afternoon with their cousins,. Me, and. Mrs. Allan Elston, were Mrs. Jack Schroeder, Cindy and LArry, also Mrs. 13i11 Guest and Suzanne, of London, LAC and Mrs, John Waite, David, Melvin and Margaret, who have just returned from, Zweibrueken, Germany, spent; the tveekend with Mr. and Mrs, Allan Elston. duton preseeted to the grade 10 elee dents. Eleanor Dietrich received the 4 Catholic Women'S League- Jelieleue Prize, deflated by the 1 Mary McKeever was awarded the history prize -donated by Rev. James Kelly. 1 Pauline O'Rourke won the English, prize, contributed by the school hoard. The public speaking prize, donated by the Holy Name So" ecielY, went to Wayne O'Rour- jeSoleenn benediction followed. Monsignor Mahoney was as- sisted be Father Kelly, and Ilev. C. Doyle, pastor St. Boni - Roe; up.aasri ssung Ztiltyr c e teundeedni Les - of Mt. Carmel school, "But Joe, dear, you shouldn't e'elesreeeeeenteesereesseerreersetSMte LAWYER — I onald Roweliffe, RR 1 Hensall, graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School, Tor have brought that Mr. Hoskins onto, June 22 at a special con - home for dinner when Prn vocation of the Law Society of housecleaning," Upper Canada, He received his "Sh-sh, dear; he's the only bachelor of law degree.. His Span I know strong enough to parents are Mr, and Mrs. El^ 1111 the sideboard." gin Roweliffe, oodham group ours London sites By MRS, ARTHUR RUNDLE WOODHAM The members of the Evening Auxiliary and friends enjoyed a bus trip to London on Wed- 11esdaY afternoon. St. Peter's Cathedral was the first stop. From there they journeyed on to the Central Fire Hall and the Continental Can Company, At the latter boxes of all shapes and sizes • were being made. - Supper was enjoyed at the Iroquois Hotel where all par- took of the wonderful smorgas- bord. Before returning home a visit was made to the B'nai Israel Synagogue. The bus arrived hack in Wondham at ten o'clock and all felt they had had. a very enjoyable day. Pei-sonal items Mrs. Elizabeth Scott of Clin- ton and Mr. Albert Vodden of Beset; were Saturday ,visitors wilh . ancl Mrs. Vod- den. Miss Catherine Blaekler and Mr. Ross Gregory of Granton were Tuesday evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Cope- land. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Swit- zer of London visited Saturday evening with Mrs. W. L. Swit- zer. Mrs. Alvada Hopkins, Mi- chell, spent a few days with Miss Ada Hopkins. Mrs. R. Kirk, Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills and Mr. Edgar Mills were Tuesday visitors ; with Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Thomson, Parkhill, Miss Janis Webb has accept- ed a position in the London Life Insurance Company and commenced work this ,past week. Mr. and Mrs. William Ide- Kay and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stewart of Windsor spent a couple ot days with Mrs. A. Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. B. Rundle and attended the fune- ral of Mrs. Stewart's brother, the late Mr. Arthur Rundle. Miss Jean Dunn of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morphy. Mr. and Mrs. George Levy and Elizabeth of Russeldale visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Hazlewood. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Murray of Exeter and Di-. and Mrs. George Morphy and Nelson of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Donald Morphy. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Orr, Mrs. George Simmons, Messrs. John Simmons, Jack Simmons and Roy Stacey of North Branch, Mich., attended the funeral of the late Mr. Arthur Rundle, Mrs. Wilson Yule of Science Hill visited Friday with Mrs, A. Hopkins and Mrs. Frank Hem and Hazel of Eighth Line were Sunday evening visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Chatten of London were Sunday evening visitors with Mrs. Hannah Chatten, Mt. and Mrs. William 14111 atintamitimittittittunittitst tt t CANADIAN PROPANE A 5 Alt APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON phone 156 Oran tl Bend tttt i ttt IIIiiiiii111111111111,1111M111,111111111;11/1M1111, and baby, of Holly, Mich., , were weekend visitors with the former's uncle, Mr. William don, spent the weekend with 2\raanc1 , Donna Copeland, Lon - Mrs, L. Copeland and Murrayl A. J. Rundle 'area farmer Arthur James Rundle died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Wednesday, June 21 in his 83rd year following a two - weeks' illness. He was the youngest son of the late James Rundle and Ellen Stacey Rundle and had farmed all his life on the home farm Lot 8 Concession 7 Base Line, Blanshard. Mr. Rundle was a member of Woodham United Church, Last year Mr, and Mrs. Rundle, the former Esther Anne Fletcher, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Surviving besides his wife ham; one sister-, Mrs. Walter Stewart, Windsor, and two grandchildren, Jim and Jack Ru.ndle. • The funeral was held on Fre; day, June 23 at 2.30 from the L. A. Ball funeral home, St. Marys, with. Rcv. J. Wareham of Woodham United. Church' officiating. Interment was in I Kirkton United .cemetery. Relatives' attende d from 1 North. Branch, Mich„ Detroit, London, Mitchell and Stratford. Pallbearers were William and; Ted, McIntosh, Howard and 1 Bert Stacey, Witham .Rundle and William McKay, Floral tributes were carried by neigh-. hors, Ths • Times-Advncatoi 44/110 "29e 1901 Nate. Ma•rk SS' birthday at EIimviII church. .atete. 41 11, p.r4 By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Vacation Bible School held 74 this service too flowers and ferns adorned the theQuiftwarafleworfritredslaatetterimedned'fe ELIMVILLE , -The Elinwille Sunday School, The Dally Vacation B1W '1 711iJI hnelovdeoris.earyilleovtats, Bon.DS..u0n1- fSreolm1001,9wiallalbhegitto on12 J1141,31;47, aiiry,khteolinic,:rollaiirs:gsuunewdseitt: ituilite:iesiteeari:jecvri jg1u1113::enan34-15jIlyirYs.10 till July 14:.' A number from this conignp. ship of Mr. Ronald Elford, 'pity attended the official Raise:, Tendered levo numbers with er the new wing to Soutle,e lass Frances Johns at the Hospital on Sunday ?feet Plane end Mrs. Freeman Horne ternoon. 1,44:41 at the organ, Misses Kathryn Mrs. Nelson coatis returned' a .duet. neill and Janet. Skinner sang itcoell,$ielarkedaoung,Ahiteorn'dsayMarfsierIfbaerhieleR A large crowd attended the patient in South Huron Ho service and many baskets ef pita" for some months. froVnitsitors in the community Olive Cole in Exeter on Titea- werte:. and Mrs. Dalton Skinner daiirasi•teArnirehil* Ar. Johns and Delmer Stunner enjoyed a bee of llensall, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. 'Beverley Sidnner and day last week with the ladies Gerald Shore of Londen, Mr. Erie to Collingwooci on Tues. frorn Anderson, skinner of Exeter with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Franklin Skinner. "No, Willie, dear," said Mi- Mr.ThameasndRolViald's, viEilinhestivPrrianodc ma, "no more cake tonight. Don't you know you cannot Mrs. Hubert Hunter. sleep on a full stomach?" e Mr. and Mrs. James Earl of "Well," replied Willie, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Everard ran sleep on my back.", e Miller and Elsie of Zion, Mr. and Mrs, Elson Lynn and fam- ily of Winchelsea with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Donafd Stephen of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Robinson and family of Kirkton, Mr. David Levy of Woodham with Mr. and .Mrs, Chas. Ste- phen and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rennie of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rennie and Susanne of Hen- sall with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Redly. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques, Harry and Shirley of Zion with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern and Edward of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner and Frances. Mr. and Mrs. Roble Bel) of e elem. Davison, Michigan, with Mr. n and Mrs, Alvin Fulton. ooriereeeeeee Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morley and family of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parsons. Susan, Gail and Debra of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered .at the service next Sunday mom ing. There will also be a deli - cation for the leaders of the1 7 r lll 11111 tttttttttttt ttttt ; t ttttttttttttttt • THE SE WORMS BE ffrOFSNAT LISTEN WINE osora OFA BED are one on, Robert, Wood- S' • The office of • 1, The fishermap caught two three -pound trout in turn, and threw them back in the water. Then he caught a tiny perch, and stowed it happily in his bag. An onlooker was consum- ed with curiosity. "What's the idea?" he asked.. The fisher- man shrugged, "Small frying pan." Norm n OPTOMETRIST a tin will be close Friday, July 7 Monday, July 17 PHONE 355 1.4 • ••• Sr EXETER',A • Inunt tnnituttuentliumumtituttammtunittnitteetztasettretnisimununt utinni mon ti teakt;finno:;it: —7,1neeee • -4e.... • , r • • • iNYITATiONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • RECEPTION CARDS • THANK YOU CARDS st,ad 4 INTEP-NATIONALADTOMIES reabming "THERMO-GRAVURE" PRINTING \‘, (Raised Lettering) 141.,-, 2'4 1,10 t • • OUR WAREHoUSE OR UsED APPUANcEs HAS BEEN SoLoi WE'VE BEEN ORDERED TO CLEAR,. oUT OUR ENTIRE sToCKi t' WE'RE FoRteo T trr oRices To GET THEM opp OUR HANbs... YOU SiMpLY AWT GO WRONGI ous 42416N13,.. Used Television e ts Used Washing c Used Electric Ranges SNELG Phone 1* Voile RA ViotOr toakr P1 44