HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-11-11, Page 2Ft
i l:ovintial partiamrnt
LtffGumi :YE t -t _
Britt:, led November.
Leg wield b sew writ was noised fee
ameba L COMMON carried a nee -
Wein is the fsibwiag effect :--' that it is
,fapeead to repeal so much of the Rai-
ned Gwarrentiee Ac(. UM Vittoria, chap.
29th, es relates to the aid proposed to be
es be the proposed Railroad between ry wells ie the meter *Daae•.
diems. sad Halifax ; and instead thereof 2. That it wee espedtewt to appropriate'
to provide that the guarantee of the Pro- a sem set '}coed's% £19,000 *tenet% per
slice may be gives to ail (*emptily which tease, for neves years, com5sleisg a Ute
Awl be formed fee the cosatrvetils of IM first May nest, to tarry the ahuve reeds -
Railroad hem Quechee to fro.. 1'ntnles.-
Tbmt it is ecpediest to provide for the
imc et a Campasy to contract
e ach ailrosd, whe.ever a sufbcient number
a persona shall express their willingness to
t0. tract the same. That it is expedient
to provide that it tech Compaay shall es -
tend the and read from Trots Ponies to
the eaters limier'( the Precise*, a tract
.f 1,000,000 acres may be greeted to the
Cempa.y, wed a bill to incorporate suck
a Com'y. Abo. a bill to amble the several
The Beasetsed li•ill004 Ml
alas pawed thrums►
Tha sorsusgr the foildieriat rengliei p
were.paseed is Commutes or the Whole
sothe mottos of Mr. Chabot: -1st. That
it was expedient to establish • lute of Meas
screw 5.5.51. to nue between the porta .f
Liverpool sad Quebec sad Moetred to this
Province, one is every tortwigbt duel%g
the •m,ksuow of the River St ii awreseo,
aid bat.. lbs sed port of Liv.rpoot sed
HAW is No.a *corns, and 1'ortlaad is
the Carted Staten of America, one iseve-
timbale exeeuttoa.
3. That it is expedites' that the said
steam-vesseh should be exempted from the
peyote' of all light dues, or wry other Im-
posts oil the River Sl. Lawrence.
The Bill to provide for the change of the
Registry Otlice of Sliaspuoi, was read a
first time, any the house having gone into
Committee of the Whole, cm mottos of Mr.
Weeks, gamed a resolution declariag that
it was expedite' is grant a moment of
£'.200 a year to the widow of the late (:o.
Railroad Comities forma; the Main Astrobus. A division was taken which
Trunk Liao, to joie and form one Come will not be reported till the moth*
the Boll to eternise the Stock of the for cowc.rrenee of the (lose to
Mesterei Bank, was read a third time ; takes. The ministerial propositi:s
also the Main Trunk Railroad Bill, after was that the peados should be for
ibe following sinendment had been carried, life, but upon anmendment of Mr. Christie
as mottos of Hon Mr. Merin. by adding
the following names is the 34th Ilse of the
Bret clause : Akxaader'fdloch Galt, of the
tows of Sherbrooke, Esq.; Luther Hamil-
ton lidtm; and David Lewis M.cPhersos,
of the City of Montreal, Esquires.
The following amendment lost.
Mr. Brown, -That the bill be referred
to a Select Committee to esquire' whether
the interests of the public will not be bet-
ter conserved by accepting the offer of
Her blajestys Secretary for the Colonies
o.f m Imperial Loan for the construction
of the great Railroad.
Mr Gamble, -'that the bill be amended
by laddie the words at the sad o1 the 4tb
clause ` provided always, that notbine, in
this act shall extend or be constructed to
':tend to authorise the Committee to issue
c1.rtificates for stock, for any greater
amount than shalt actually be expended in
contracting the said railroad.
A motion by Mr. McKeneie, for the
House to go into Corrmlif'sn the propii-
ety of addressing her Majesty to repeal the
clause a the Caen act requiring a vote
of two thirds to change the consututioa of
the IIouse of Assembly -was lout, only three
1otieg (sr the motion.
Mr. Prince moved the adjournment of
the 'louse, from next wednesday to the 14th
February sett, and the debate was pro-
gressing as the report left. The Ministry
rather lean to the adjournment.
No Cholera to -day.
QOxmmc, Nova 4, 1252.
Last Night after the despatch left, the
adjourntaest of the Ilonse from this day
week, to the 14th February, was carried
by a majority of 37 to 35. 'f be Golerwor
Geseral, scot down a message recommend-
ing the granting a pension of £100 per
amour, to the Widow of the late Col. An -
Oa the call of the House, the following
members were found to be absent -
Boallotl, Dumnulin, .iohnstone, Lacoste,
McDonald, (Cornwall) Mattice. Monge-
aaie, Morley, Papineau, Poulet(, Sanborn.
Smith, (Derham,) Smiib, (Frontenac,)
Timone, and Valois. 'the following bills
were reads seco.J time --Montreal Loan,
Modred Manufacturing Society, Qbebee
Piot.. Quebec Friendly Seeiet]] For
;;ranting Iota in Bytom!, to the Rollaway
r , ompany, Little Lake Cemetarr, Rouney,
and Tilbury separaratien, Bishop 'College,
Kmg•too Loan Relief of St. Roche. Am-
hurstburg (ltd Varket, and St. • Ma►y's
College .Montreal on a dinaioa es follows -
Yeas, Badgley, Barnham, Cartier, Canchon,
C'oabott, l:bareau, Clapham, Crawford.
Dicoa,l)rnmmlmd, Debard, Fortier, Gouin,
J *bio. L.eamesu, McDonald. McNab, Mar-
clyddoa, 1leritt,Morin, Monisson, Ridout,
P.obiesrtn, Shaw. Sicotte, Stuart, Varin,
Vigor,"Wihoo and Young -30. Nays,
Brown, Cameron, Christie, (Wentworth,)
Harlan*, Hieeky, Mallet, Patrick, Ralph,
White, Wright, (East York,) --10.
The following Bits were palmed through
Committee, Great Western Railroad Es-
tesuon, halt aod Guelph Railway, McGiil
College, Mostreal Ceteetary, Cuboorg and
Peterborough Railway, sad the resolutious
respective the Motored Barbour, which
were agreed to in Committee, oe the 15th
tit., and 'how respecting the erten** of a
Cathedral Church at Three Rivers, were
reported, and concurred in, the latter 0u
the division -yeas 20, mays 4, namely
Brews, Mallot, Marchil lon, and Patrick.
Daring the debate a the adjoururernt, Mr.
Cartier --permed his hope that the com-
Gaspe,) Mr. Mocks consented that in de -
terrace to the ol•inion muifesied in the
Hese, that it should be granted oily from
year to year.
A bill for the more equal distribution of
business in the Courts of Upper Canada
was read a first lime.
'Ile Montreal Loan Bill and Kingston
I.oaa Bill were read a third time. ('his
after000w the Raudoo and Beds try am-
mendmen: bill was read a first time.
Also, the bol to transfer eertais property
to the Bishop of St. Hyacinthe. Also $t,
Hyacinthe Incorporation Act. Tbe Mos -
treat ItleaufacturersCompany Bill was
read a tlw' d time asd paused oo a division -
Mr. Brown opposing it on the ground that
it cootaina a clause granting uulintited
'The Brinell America Life Assurance
Company's Ball was reads third time.
Also. the St. :Mare's College Incorpo-
ration Hill, after a sharp, de►ate between
`.ismer+. llincks and 1)rurnr ond, on one
side, who alleged that their vote against
the Bill was osiy intended to sake it awe.*
the general ineas.re; and Meatus. Caucbon
and Sicotee who held that they ought not to
bate voted agaiust it.
Queue November 6, 1852
Last night the Legislatint . Ce•taei!
Ig e d to the Greed Trunk Railway bill,aed
the Mostrosl Bask Stoek bill.
The Gore of King Street, bill
wan reed • int time.
The Have in committee pasted a rev,
tetrasdeelonwg the pwopre'y .f anewdieg
the law relative to the Coen of Queen's
bench, to Lower Caeads, aod • bill founded
thereon was read w Bret time . also the
following hill for oke mere *weal distribu-
tion of boatsme in Courts is Canada West,
bill to .nerd the Division Court WI, Cana.
da West ; Leanne *sed Lobose' bill, Cana-
da East ; tcduatry ltawdon Railway bill
bill to tr.nefer property to the Dollop of
St• llesciothe ; bill to amend the set to
.flow ,,\"lanes 16 call meet:ngs• of rata.
duns ; Ss. Uymesslba incorporation bill.
The(oll.wlag bills Sete read a third
time,- hili sal Lose bill, Mammal Mao.
ufactulieg 'Com(ra'ay'd bill BI. Mary's
College OP -me tbalillowisg division.
Yeas 54 ; may' 7.
Quante and Treie'Piwtela incorporation
set •wale read a seemed time. The bill to
empower the 1 Grand Trusk Rail-
way C evenie. to unite was read a.ee end
utu:• ; also the Post times hill, - end the
Bureau sat Agrieultere bell.
Mr, Moran then moved that the bill, to.
give effect the Rebellion Lorries BM be
'asd a second time. 11e explairsd that
the. former bill barter expired in eoljse-
y;tence cf the cntrwieaiooer• lalling in
making their report, the present bill was
islended to legalities ell pnch nets as were
committed atter the expiration of the act
which would Lave beco legal if committed
Mr. i.eBlanc moved in amend meet the
roslpeoemest of the bill stabil the return of
tare commissioners ■bould have bees prin
ted, pod M . Bedglev and McDonald, of
Kingston, fully 'agreed in the propriety e'
carrying out the set of 1811, else desired
delay. Mr• Iliecke, however, insisted au
going on to night, alleging the Jaeger
of agitate rn, if isms were allowed for ds
comma, throughout the country, and alio
the probability that spctulatnrs would
make um of the interval to purcka.e the
rights of claimants •: • to w discount. 114
declares( that he ehool d. throw all the
reapousltiid:ly of such a course as that upon
member's npro.ne.
Mr. D. LeBlanc contended that the
Comsiatiooers had taken upon themselves
to examine tato the facts, whether clannaote
were or were not engaged in the troubles
. erciat policy ratite eonetry would be de- of 1837, and to exclude those so engaged
tided before e Howie adjourned. M. I from a participationio the indemnity, though
Meeks did not know that anything could the act excluded none but surh as had been
be dose immediately ,ieasmurh as the action
*film Canadian Government must depend
epee the coarse of legislation upon the oth-
er side tithe line, besides It was not the
intestine to intrndwre ■cy meow.. which lieiotta libel on a very large part of the po-
would take effect before the April quarter I pwlatiu0 of Lower Caoada. Ile then sue -
e nd 'rein it wasted intended that for dal- Ported lite amendisent, which was Inst
ferential moire should apply to any way to
Roods imported Mtn ('*nada free treat
Britain. Orders for British %go_ohs, might
awl.be seat as awl. Mr. MrKe, t moved,
that the Hoare, to -morrow, go inns (
n utlee ea the propriety of voiiug as address
to Her Majesty, preying for the pardon of
Smith O'Brien and his Irish atwoeiates.-
The motion was opposed l by Messrs.
Meeks and Drummond, me eikulated to ill
mare harm than good to the exiles. The
wishes was at teegtli lost.
Qcxaec,bth y. oe.mber.
beat eight the following blit were read a
third tine aid li'sl'e -
Fir %rehire$ lots in B loll.
)pater lwwrrporsti.g the ihaimp's College.
11.fee tad Toreson Railroad.
Gahm' Geelph Itailreed.
Merl ;it College.
Mistreat S.wusan.
C•bour* •mi reler►tnro J
Gal:cn., with
le' . sdohn j the word% " to give
tis g'vrrwest power to prevent the hred$-
*cif Ree lake."
le r.mentter, a e'ruibmsr. ws. peened
t the 111th we. of the Rearrest
Dema of eh.Ci.sokdNed Aet, the Pe-
huts& and Pert Hope Railroad.
Tim Teasel. sal Guelph Ra trued Bll
Commwh.e eta oliititia•
• A. Mee, eh Rp"n r4 teem sew .s esl.tbnuos as the Petr et the
'Uwe le mese swore wet.
y t solos' ,•w of tb..etestile me.
Maisie a1 the frugal'bee/twat, them en
impeeteWlhg meta mashies rendered eases
yellsble by tie extreme simpricily eboapsese
o.ehrth Doe and yet completeness which' ea•
cupolas a Macy m u.e upper gallery. We
ectad, to a sewing saebrfts recently}ateet-
ed by Dr. 11. Avery of Honesdale, Pa. The
apparatus of this meted 'ankle is sdgebed
h tee calm•whe.le two l,ha`ts, two .pools
lwnereedlee, tw. crank•wheels and a weight.
The spoole costars the thread. and uewi.d-
ieg fsrni.h a supply as fast as it is seeded.
The peculiarity of the machine however,
setmsspss tattle sestet. watch w 61.044 s e••
tore that each is to lepeedeet ' f the other.
The seam wilt ant rip if a few 'melee be
•w, ash sears of all shapes sed kinds ea*
be sewn with Noel tacitly: la (ser Ts-
etse. the machine sewed thirty stitches in
a s'e'nd sad tree saute meehise le imitable
1.e the least cambric oe the thickest sloth.
The stitch alone is palest se the isactti-
lsr, *5 log amide to n. ed pros' ennui. We
eneld baldly kelp wondering, whilst...ebsew
. t it operating that it had Deter bees i.-
vcated before
Trim Scaowa is Vacanos.._In tarot tints
ibis scholar may deal meetly with those
who lived before the shed,.* era ; during
earattoo he deals with nneteeoth eesutry
people. le term time he limo O0s abject'
nee pereiil one standard i.f .' '.lsney.-
Ther who daily ebatleirge his admtratioo
are the eacel ant wr'hin one cirt.l..' te
best Greek scholar, tbo • *eel maths .
Ma u
e inn, the reediest mud smonthe.t writ la *eel nearest the gaol towards which be r 5. -
Vacation ohne. Mm how contracted this
circle is, and how short its dtaatgter-
Other circles nav n.. respect 10 ihe entre
heeovets• The !Hot salemeaa Is • treats;
village the most prom;meg beststeerer r.
the whsl:rg port, the youth who lays t jbe
widest and smo,.t]••I swath sal rase tees
famous% community, is moot bosured• The
*Lodes'4 self-eooceit t+ r.dered, sed his
idea of the world enlarged. During term
time he erects his perpewdieular and Isy■
dews 11. angles ; iD •attires 1. goes
borns to correct them by the base ane of
common sense asd every day life. We
easnat get ever your youthful random.
for yacaunn• It u a necessary asd most
,saructirs part of our educational system
equally -.*.serial for teachers sed the
taught. -N. Y- Ther..
Rotisaaiirs.--There have been several
petty robberies committed in this voltage
during the past week by • par.y of thie.ee
hanging round the town. Iluram Capron
Enq, and 51 . Arnold and Blair. have
ail been lobbed of clothe. sod .pgetaales ke.
A .earth warrent sea, granted on Mondry
I..t by John Snaith. i-.. J. P, and most
of the tildes goods found re a h tae near
IRO Govenames Bridge. -Paris Star.
either convicted or bad ronfe.sed before the
legal tribunals.
Mr. Mackesaieat great length costend-
rd that the report was * standalone and sa-
about halt -past 1 in the morning. % els 18
Nile 16.
The bill wits thee read a beton., lime anti
Mr. Morn Immediately moved IN
third memo( of the bill. epee stitch Mr.
LeBlanc mosey a Seri*, et ,esnlutioas
itiree ag that the bill *humid b• so a'wa't-
e4 as to giro to parties who had been ex-
cluded by the cemint.ainaare the right to
recover iad.mnuiy granted by the act of
1549. Yoe Metairie V.gla.c and Mai ken
ale. Nay• 49. The main goeauoo was
then earrred-Y*,. 13; Nsy• t7
Tb. Mosortral Agnostics" Bill was read
a second time sod the Toronto aid Guelph
Railway 8.11 a ibirl lame. Also, the
R,•msery mot Tilbury Dinaro. Bill. The
t;rand Junction Railway Bol was road a
second time; aloe the Eris .sed (;Muerte
Ra.tw.y Bell; sed the Toronto, Sieces
and Huron &14 pineal through the eum
Thu ramming, Ian fnllew,eg ps...d the
Mot re.dygt-7T' (creed Kiser NGino 'inn
pall; Na,. of petition Leede Bill; lamtre
Asy,sm Management Rio; Protection el
Crowe Timher BI 1; Ger. of Beverly Rill
•pow.s'"p of Alh.-r'. S. II. Awl this even -
roc -Tate Trow Pus*ia Mats 'freak Com
pawy'• laenrprraitnw B.il, sad the Gr•nd
hewn so Railway B 11, eat read a tiara
Rwwrs's Marne.. -A Nrw Verb paper
toyer -e. A...gat the ruaoy &spelt a tote -
A man named Wade was found dcad in
an old barn on the plank roma. shirt fire
miles East of Wo -d••°, k. or Friday me -n.
ing, last. Wade was well . i.:...en - to the
neigi.b: urho.d is * erxb"red in. brism.-
When h i body w►s frond, ■jug. sibteh M
had got filled with whiskey, two days pent
%musty, at a taws, wee foiled empty be-
side him.
New i aO..wfce.-\Ve hese paws from
New Brunew„ k, to the 29th ult. The
most Imponent intelligence which they
contain is the passage of the Railway Bills,
in both booms of the Parliament of that
Province, by decisive majorities. In the
Council there appears to bays been no op,
position, and is the House but pewee dis-
secting voices: Tbe bills pre two in nem.
Mr: the !ir.t protides for amending tbo
Charter of the Europ•as and North Amen.
sae Railway Company, so is to reader the
provisions of the Charter In serrrdsnee
with the sereemeot entered into by Mr•
Jaeksoo and he associates. The other
provides for the rpeal of the Facility Act
parsed at a preriouv session, contemplated
the eoestroetioa of the railroads of the
Province oo • d.fl:•rent plan. To. latter
was past through it* preliminary .tags% io
both iloure. 0e the t7th, and it was expect•
ed tart the Legislature would break up on
Friday, the 99th. The arty are subject to
the Qaeetes' approval. Every member of
the Logtefetore wee iwhie .stat. Thi. pro- ,
ee•dmgs of she IwgNtat.rs appear to give
E, to' satisfaction to Bt. John. The
Neu. Brienetoieker mays :-'• A new era is
about to dew* oil New Brunewiek. and we
now enter nil prosperous days." Later
intelligence will M friend under the tele-
graph's beading.-Cofonfst.
I.B the Deepest sed emcee snug R aria me
Lata. Pscrwn..- O. the 24th laersed the
C•111.11•• Law Precedent Act eat came it
to force a Veslasd whoa a good 'vane le
gal &uo*, will be abolished. le proceeds
sage In optional, se • treed, slated, J.►u
Doe avl Richard Rn* will depart. sed with
them a great oembar u( techn:LaUt.es.
There will be ao 'Iceboat ejector,^ asd the
ple•Jlee• will be eimph6cd so that they
mar be uwdcrytood. Iu•tead of dellreneg
• deelsr.uos and seine, • writ se to M
tented end served .e the persue le p+es•s-
stuo, and ender a pess'ty of being torsed
ewe e( posseesion, they meet appear web`
is le days and make their dekece. is
ds 4.11 of is .pB.es•sve, the plaintiff may
. 1 este mega p.djS..t, and oblate porno
Moe of the p•ep.r1v. Under the see law
the jury 1s to boo .peeiieally-that is to
wbtcb pert of the property the Metall. . t.
etsiittoil. Another eltersuoa read• te that
.:(tons of ejectment are sot to abate by the
death of a diorama .r defe0Moa. Tient
•redid :tale..• in Cemmo. Law Precede?*
Ain with roman to preseedioga is eject-
Scaaw STRIA Satre on Toa ATLa,gTlC.
The Alps, th• second of the Cunard line
of etre* steamships, wa. launched a:
iurnharte. •n TreirJay; sad the joiner-
rk beteg for advanced. she will sot ask.
long te.omplets tied will lie moils rind.
'o tall for New YcrkOa theadeerti.ed'isr.
On Irgnuy, wo tied that two eerew .tr.,
ship* .r. uteedmi to be despatched is Feb
rnary, as prennusly •neoueced. on ib.•
Wedeesd.y of the weeks, in whoeh t'e
Borten susam.hips mil; and is that month
or ae soon as th. Canada 'nide emote one
or moue d the vemels w 11 land terga al
Po Weed or Bones.- Milliner's T5•aea•
AsoTna• rAT•L At -miter •T BooLI'O
Tan Hx105T1 -Aa mqu.at was bald yes-
terday, be Dr. Cragle on new of the body
of a laborer on the Great Western Rail
road, named Willies Keefe, who •::talker It
lost his life. while dec.od,ng from a large
block s( concrete or eementtd greyed, which
rolled does upon him, crushing him to
death almostlastaetiv. A verdict of ac•
cldemul death was refereed• The Mesa.
and was a widower, and dao left two clul.
dote to dep!ors his los.
Had Julius Cesar been permitted in
1851, to revisit this world, that we might
show him bow much Britain has advanced
since be first invaded oar shores, it would
have been desirable that be had popped up
his head through the pavement of \Velfing-
ton Statute, before the Royal Exchange
and the Bank of England. Had he been
guided by our warrior, his egos/ in arms
and b everything else, to some of the Los -
dem lions bad be been shown the Crys-
tal Palace, and been ceudocled along the
more crowded Iboroughfares to the termi-
ous of the South -Eastern Counties Rail-
way, and seen the Elecrnc Telegraph
ti' t trails will ner1atafg
that faction d
on lee beim placed he the aseo-
ameyl but at the editing* it aboral* of the
existence of (deadly feelings between two
of the foremast natio** of the earth and of
be triumph of iatel'tgeoce m the rejeciiom
a potty that took de suedes a false and
xploded political economy. l)ur owe
rcial *dares* will aerial Iy set hie
he worse for being is the hereof etre'
Trade Executive at Weehimitos.-Lad
l , it Iib fee
i . pelles sac 4 ihe flower is r tl, (if)d
the c tf the bee, [hero is hi .rapt'
there emitter, there is no pollen fit tor its
MSC is the flower. It is generally supposed
dila, 'bet tie bee collectsthe e will from
which 1t coustru,ts its combs, from such
vegetable substance. This also is as er-
ror. 'lbs was 11 a secretion from its bo-
dy, as the hooey u; sad it makes its appear-
ance is small scales or Bakes, soder the
titmicenags tithe belly, .ad is takes titmice by
other dories, rendered plastic by esters
with the saliva of the bees nowth, mod laid
on the wall of the cell with the league, ye-
ry tomb to the way a plaster use his bow-
If -IN
of *care er sees I,
CaaLDtaa l'aoG*est *013 EDDCa-
nor.-Canada is going fast ahead. Io
that cola.y a crowd of reteems are, es it
were, kmockiog at the Legislative doors,
and desiring le become Law. Asoag
them are the better approprietio.-per-
hap s the seeelarisatioe of the Reserved
Londe, set formerly apart fcr obs Clergy ;
4 Law Reform; as improved system of
1'niversily Education; a law to make the
Upper House of Parhameat elective; the
Latensioa of the Franchise. a simple plan
of Regriseratinn; a reform 'i the Seigneury
•1'eoures. 'nese indicate very radical aid
-wetting changes -tied the press and peo•
Ilk are fully prepared for dim. Wises a
Government leads the way in saelit
the progress, generally apeaki*g,
must be satisfactory. The Canadians are
reusing a liable race. When they have
tit• Elective Council, they will feel much
easier in harness. -We must *lbw that
Caoada is makiag good headway. She
is increasing her ►cbools, literary and sci-
entific iostitulioos, agricultural exhibition,
sad railways, and agitating all the ques-
tion of progress io a spirit of the highest
intelligence. One great feature of the
f Uonvereityi scheme is 10 be a number of
„rotvilous scholarships -four for each
County in Canada. In this war about
ninety scholarships, with stipends attached
will go to students t.o poor to educate
themselves. ---The " poor scholars" need
not• go to the Toronto University; but (nay
enjoy their privileges at the nearest albli-
ated college.
sending despatches to Paris in a minute;-, t
had he jumped into an express train, and
gone to Southampton very smoothly at the
rate of sixty miles an hour; bail he been
taken on board a man-of-war carrying a
hundred and twenty gnus, all sixty-eight
poouders;-had he been told that it requir-
ed nine miles of canvass to make one set
of sails, and an oak forest of fire hundred
acres in extent to furnish her timbers; -
had he next visited one of the Ocean
Steamers belong ng to the 'Peninsular and
Oriental Steam Navigation Company;
eerily, the old Roman hero would, in this
way.havc seen more wonders in one day,then
he ever saw in his life. These steamers -the
Ilebu lava for instance, now building-
tncaaures upwards of three thousand tons,
and are propelled by engines of twelve
hundred horse power. 'They reala,e a rate
of speed equal to that of 1J miles to the
hour; and in spite of both wind and tide,
going upwards of four hundred and thirty
miles daily, they reach Alexandria in a
week. In nae of these Steamers, Ca;sar
would have fogad himself, not merely ice a
floating Hotel, bat in something like en
English royal borough; with its carpenters
smiths, bakers, butchers with their live
atncc,-grocers with their three thousand
pound.. of tea to their antes, -wine mer-
chants with three thouvand bottles of rich
and rare wine., and cit thousand hottles of,
inferior li,luid.,--spent dealers twilit pun-
cheons of ruin and b:anJe,--ronectioners,
and poulterer. with their stock of game and
foe's almost innumerable, -ami alt Ibis for
owe outward and homeward voyage, not-
withstanding that fresh provisions for the
crew and paaseagers are taken on beard at
Ono of ,he most teazle events that has here
recorded for a long time, ecrnned in
Pero nn the evening of the SrJ instant. A
Mr Bower who moiled in that city, as the
eorreepnn•lent of the London Morning Ad-
vertiser mad who had • wife and revere'
children, became jealous of a Mr Morton,
the Fens eorrerp ndent of the London
Daly Yew•, An .eran?ement hetween
Josh genttenren caterq•uently followed, bit
in • s!tnrt time they ::ee,me friend+a.ain.
Subsequently Mrs B iw,,r sus. Wien III,
anti, in tan enemies of her disease, she wsr
.nnj•et to 6u of mental arra'gatnent
liVhfle labouring under on., of th•rye tits she
rifu.ed to tee her h -'shin 1, and • elated to
Mrs that .b* love,' Mr Motion better (ban
she did Mesh sed that her youngest child,
TO JOHN W. GW YNN& Iff114ee..r
SOLICITOR TO Toa TO.O?To ant eap,111
a.1L585 t:0areas T.
Doweio, tat Nov.. 1851.
bra: -Owing to my wearing year letter.
addressed to the Warden and Muo,etpal
Council of the United Counties of Huros.
Perth asd Bruce,ust pre.lous :o m' has
ing .to attend the last meeting of the Coon
ed; I hass tut till now bad as opportunity
of addrr.sug you on the subject.
The first reedieg satie6ed me that you
had fatted t• establish sour proposition,
"(bat the him tbroegb Guelph and Strat
ford is is a more eertais petition of bear
e pembly comstrucI d, at the least cost to
your United Counties, and that therefore it
ho. a preferable claim le your .upport; and
further, than by Weeding your support to
it now. you adopt th• most, effectual tpetns
of.nablwg yen to recur. a Railroad ren
mpniest:oi aloe with Itamiltne mad B,ff'.lo."
To e.tabtrsh this pronerttina vee say--
" Now the object of the Directors of the
Toronto sod Guelph road was to devise
. :lea avelem. 10 relation to the deb..:urea
which they should bung tote the market, es
would secure for them that.lheteot agency
Is England which was essential to their be-
teg di.rered of favorably. Such a scheme
has et length been d.vieed. and lies repelled
in the Company having 'secured the !richly
influential agsnev and sat of the Canada
Company; seas of whew hold the very high•
est task os the .tock exchange. and elf .f
wkom are well •tad (avorebty knows to tate
c, mmeretel and mooted int.rests id Eng.
This is the substance of the evidence
brought forward to prove your proposition.
S ad I am willing to .emit that so far the
Directors of the Guelph aril Toronto line
may have been ,uccesslul; but it is quote
another matter as regards ohm extension.
io another part of your letter yon submit
the propneal that " • .um of £ 1'25.000 being
either s•..b.cr.ted as stuck by the Town-
ships o• the whole of the tine from Guelph
'brooch Stratford to Godench. or the 'into -
res of such sum being guarsn'erJ n the re-
mote serol of the road rot paying. will he £19.000. by lodivulnals from Paris t..
e ee.evot to ensure the whole ro*;f,-' 1t •derich :-we will have • round vont
The la,t part of ynor proposal i w:'! of £1;0.000. But :n0 have not told es
I•.ve out of couideretine, an by it the that t 0e cent of .tock a taken for the ex -
Townships would be io a decidedly worse temente of the Ln. you advocate beyond
Gtelph. indeed. 1f w• take this scheme of
a lure from Guelph to Senna, with .nether
line to Goderieh and • breech ham Stretford
to Woodstock, and another (rem St.
Mary's to Loo.ion,-the idea to altogether
too expansive for our pl.Mun brain.. -
And of w• hart to delay till the tnwn:b,p
of Baddulph, blcG'Ihvrey. Bo..rq•set. Zertw
litc.. take stock to curt out the project 1
th.ek'we may keep ourselve.lguite easy as to
whether • remponee le bgeocy has been op-
pototed for th..ale of tb• debeoture. or
There i• time a great argumest used is
favor of tkm Torontn hoe, brit sot referred
to i• your address, viz.. the advantages of
the terminus at Sarnia, which a •0t lia-
ble to 'be sine objections as Godench,
the river being so narrow as to admit of
• passage across .t any reason of the ser,
seal if a railway wa• constructed from Fort
Gretiot to Grand River`oe Lsks Michigan.
(whieh is .bout opposite Mtlw.uk(el, tt
would commend the centro of th. Wee -
tern travel (query, how is hake M:ch:gan
to he crossed in the winter'); but ala that
reilw.v is only a projected one, I motet
seeded,. better than by withiog you and
I may live happily until it is construe.
1 am, 51?, `
Your nbrdtent tiervapt,
Rant of 11). T.. rssbio of Downie.
(Perri .Weise.
be m illestiot tb - iced ke JIM ab5*'* is
the rosier. But tit v :tree ems'
Me ?tit 1* w
applied le •tithe)) e, At
',ply with de.bio Parse to leo from tem'.
to, as that ink be whet up IA boat aids
asd the Toamte essehst te already nosie„
catty wpphed with (ha Secy load
duce which seta have to sell.
buffalo bee • culotte' lotereou
New Yo,k sad Boston and the other p
markets albs United State., sad If th M
is a d.waod fur .at perimeter' el rah, '
does cep lake advaatage of its '
In one part of your whiten gene -/et s'
number of questions for the perp ee@ of rep.
wonting t►. $u(ale Inoe ala Wog leafier
greet otf5culuea ; but 1 think your mimeo
would apply more appropriately tp the
Toronto lits, which will appear from a
eoni,ast alba pn.itien of the two. Fire',
the sod granted by Ins* city of Btlly.lo 11 w0
fur known, that the debentures halo been
sold ■t • p rennet/+ or 0 per cent, sod the
moose in row being spelled a the forwar-
dt*g of the work; eo the Tomato lose, tbe
debenture* ran not be soli until the cher-
L r is •m.nded,so as to giro greater wont,
2nd, the Buffalo lice is under contract and
37 miles graded. and timber any other ms-
10rials for bridging eta, prepared and os tis
ground, on the Totopto line, the contracts
are cot let •Ithougb above 100 tenders
were given to .nine time ago' and report
para there is some ehi..L'rog ening on...-
It bs.b.ee settled that the Bufeft tine
is to mors the Great \Ve.tern at Pati. •rd
that to the aattafactino of the Reeves l,R.
thee. counties 4th, it has beers asked
whether the d►bentu es aro to be made'
available, throughth• intervention of the
Coa.nhdated Loan Furd Act 1 1 woold
retitle!, try an ; for then the debentures
"mold bs send byte G.mramrnl. sad IlA$
i think would be • lirtlw brew than .vin
par agesry of the Canada Cunpeey.
1. tn., might pot some gnesrrons regar-
ding the Toronto line but 1 will only tree.
ble me sob one Have the Directors
the Toronto and Guelph company yet
adopted the sante that bas been made
from Guelph to God.rieh t 11 you can
answer this question in the .8maiive, you
w ill thereby 'reed s, me eatiefactioo to
ihoee who rubor, ibed for that survey, [seder
t he imnre•.ioe [bet they were taking •loci
to the Toronto and Gi.lph ennp.wy.
Ons other gnrstion yon put i have omits
ted. that is, how tat remainder sf the
stock in tl e B, ff.lo line id to be taken
in th:s respect the I rs poet to far prefera-
bie to that of the Tornio company Ac-
cording to informal tow in say posses,' on
about £316.230.h%. bee% .nbsrrittsl ; and
we add for the Tow. 01 Goderich £So,0e0,
Paris £10,000, Blenheim £5.000, sail s.v
position than by taking stock, *..they would
rue .l1 risk without baying any voice in the
-_ - management of the road. Well, tt appears
that the line through Guelph and Stratford
is not to that certain positron eJ being
• peed;ly cenehneted you *peke of, till the
Townships along the line have issued d.•
benrures to take stock. Rut how is that
object to be attained, You have. secured
the influence of the Directors of the Casa
da Company (that i., wheo you are in a po-
sition to give them the additional security
required;) bat should you fail in obtaining
the consent rade Towsrhip Municipalities
along the line to issue debenture., then all
your previous labour, 0111 be of SO avail:
and i, for ow., am of opinion that that is the
terrain position is wbich you are placed.
It is evident that whatever railway may
be preferred to be bu,lttbrough tb•.e coun-
ties, it must be done upon the credit el the
counties or townships by the issuing of
mun:cipsl debeaturee, and those who *dens
cats such an undertaking require to make
fret♦ exertion to clear away the 'ignorance
and prejudice that is smarted to taxation, in
every shape and 1., every purpose, no mat-
ter how beneficial it might ultimately prove
to the commuoity. But what has been the
eouree pursued b• tho advocates of'the
Toronto hoe beret Why. by murepresen-
1 r tattoo to excite [bat preJud.ce, and by
'13 nnecrupulous meas..to raise a clamour
whin). even H en
ft did prnve ee*rafel in des
11 (eating the Bunk) end Brartfor: I ne, w,•uld
leave us rn h• pee of *treses for rho other.
6 Thus those who aro et all deviroup too
9 a railway through these count, -a aro cn•n•
4 pelted to matte ,n support of the Buffalo line
9 as the only one of which there is now any
10 prospect of succeed.
6 After your setting forth the great ads vantages to be derived from the Directors
or the Canada company actir.g se agents
for raising ■ loam. the gnsnon of £i25,000
of •tock to be liken by the Township@
along the line sneers pretty plennb!e
and wrule.,l have no doubt, have had
great Wright with there to Thom it was
addressee. had it not been for a counters
acting Influence which was prenourly at
work One individual who has h.en very
actine in his opposition to the Buffalo line i
to us; as the result must decide e corn -
In a he township around Stratford fend who
plexiun of that executive policy, which m peered himself offs* an agent of Mr. Wol-
its commercial aspect has an important ,1er's .b1 the Toronto Directors). bar •a
bearing on the interests of this Province. mored the inhabitants of the townships rot- l
General Scott has traded on tbe most beg- fared to end the town.h:p of Wilmot, ttai
rly capital that ever formed the stock -in- the Toronto railway would he bu,lt tale
his political tour pendent of any *suttees from the must
c!palitiev, and free of any tea whatever
w that rhos who alinwed themselves to
be duped 10 the first instance, cannot but
look upon the cat* naw butes nee of ihe
rosiest deceptecn ; end your proposal
whatever cb•oce It ►ad of being favourably
reeeivec at one time, has new but !title
chance of stresses.
At the comm .neement of yonr letter,
vnu decline .ttritrg npnn the menu of
the two lines of rsilway ; but as the
Reeves were more likely to he Influenced
in their derision by the connderation of
which of the two (:nes would be tbu most
advantageous and the beet to pant think the
discussion of pre:imenar,as was of very
hale Importance : and a.yoa have deelm
ail the discussion of the question, 1 do Dot
Muted entering apes 1t (oily here, but 1
will briefly state a few important facts. -
1' will admit that the p.r.erg iraMc
is he roost profitable for a nitre d ; and
1f i woo Id a.k where doe* the great
concnnrse of pae.eng.rs come from .N go
to, which conld be tweeted to pats over
either of the linea of railway) 1• it net
from New York and the semen state. to
Northern Miasmal', Ws/sconce, end the
southern shores of Lake Superior 1 asd to
Buffalo not in thin direct line of that travel
in f.ct,d net great pert of it papa through
Buffalo no 1 but how is ,t with Toren -
to -i• ,t n i s feel that • rest part of the
travel from Toronto to New York ,s
through Bof.L' t hot we may be sold that
the greet tide of •nl gratiee to ydt to Bub
by the St Lawrence, and that a Greed
Trunk Relw.y is to he hndt' which will
pour the traffic thrnngh Toronto ; bet that
ore ba. not tat arrived ; and I thigh Viet
mite of ordinary pendens. w,nr'd rather give
the preference t•, B,f iln, which ,s mew the
great thorn.ghfve of travel to the West,
thee to Tome to which only npnn. to be -
I am aware that sesta. 6r the adveeates of
the Toro.,. line objaet to Geder,eh se a
terminus n1 a railway, and lay that It will
never pay, as .t a shot sap per fort twselhs
Gen. Pierce is returned by a majority
!together unprecedented. 149 is a ma-
ority of the whole eleetsral eollege. in
be Tribune of \V edrsesday afternoon, the
following returns are • tabulated :
For Scott and Grahuni.
Masachusetts, 13
Vermont, 5
Tennessee, 12
Keutuckt, 12
was Morton.. *Uhl' announcement caused every foreign port which the steamer trade of a politician. In p
11r Bower 1n heron. fnnotu', .sad, un(nr- reaches. f'a'tor'a ghost world have been through the country, his talk was incessant -
innately at that weer time Merton entered b 11 1 had the g y'
Tits[, 42
For inse tared King.
\Iai*e, 8
New Hampshire,
Conseclicut, 6
Rhode Island, 4
New York, '35
New Jersey-, 7
Penosylrania, 27
Delaware, 3
Marrlaod, . 14
A rkan•as,
Teras, -
Total, 213
The editor here pauses, with the remark:
‘.There are several more Stites going for
Pierce ; bui.as 149 is a majority, we may
rest here for this morning." we..
The election sat an American President
cannot Ile a matter of entire indifference
the booms. When Bower °harried him a nee w t lino *spatia at seeing t en- ly of war, and his own connection there-
'" gine department, so wertul, ma esti. mad
tin rm.heJ "nn Mm wit![ w d nncr kn•k $ I Po 1 ,
which he plonoed into his nark near ihe Oar.
After receiving tan blow Mnrtno fe11 with
nut• et roeglo nn the fluor, bitne,l in hIs
blond. Ills death wit inatlntin.nu..-
!lower i,nmrdiately after took eight, and
having evaded the vigilance of the police.
it 11 mod he hart s,tceemIrd in r..chint Fru
gland. The eiren'nstancei canned 'rest
-en•atine in tM•gnarler of Faris where it
oceurrd.-Gall Reporter.
A Daaernots PLtrwtTr.-.\ Mobile
Peter of a late alar, ictlp tan follnwlnc
.iorv:-" A frw dmfs .me* a lady of our
lows Donated the folinw,ng curio.. in i-
deal, wench eNtrelermed from a near re'atiye
the pother of s br'ght hille boy not a year
nal. The child wee ne„ dry Seale,' near the
edge sal • pitch, a tableapnn• with which
in 5701110 tt.etr hem/ p!erg,l 1n It. han.l.
After • short i:n'e the mother hapre'tdd to
look Inwenia the bahm, and perceived that
it les Lanese nen? the porch, any c.uununty
eat -titling the Spnnn reward's phi ground,
thea sentiently withdrawing It. w•th a heist•
leech etch time when it drew to bled heck.
Thi• mann.. yr* the infant repeated fregnsnt-
1'•• . mother supposing it to be plover
with s lotion, paid no partintlar atmenttnn
Inc the mermen,. At IMtgth the eh:IJ. /r.•
gnual burets of laughter, and its prolonged ! se, whrnrtrr lbw bre, bare fid 111 100-
rnjnym►nt .f Ibe .port inIt, sus• I lasses hogshead. The honey he in Ibe
engaged, indneoi the mother to .porwch
tagea1 g
and lark neer res •hnrilJcr to toe what it I bee performs the semi function as the
wee that.inted r• glee en -much. Great I cow's bag or udder, merely receives the
suss hr .rine-.hm•nt an-' hnrrnr nn nhntr
e.o th.t th. pisemat- n(Mv,' honey front the secreting gland., aod re-
dor,ag sit that erne, had been a large see taint. it until a proper opportunity presents
drier ttttt snake, skull. w,H month (aped for its hem; deposited m 111 appropriate
store-bests--•Ihe honey -comb. Aember
sliming like silver. Although it combines
and condense., within the apace of a break-
fast parlour, the energiee of twelve hundred
horses, yet a hey with one hand can slop
the vast movement is a moment, any a
bucketful of coals and of water carries
away the: nholc three ihonsand tons over
th^ stormiest ocean like a thing of nothing.
Aimee'* Telnet* of 3fessiaA, AI:shammed
and the Are
'fit. IIovey Bcett -Many, nearly eve-
ry body supposes that the Bee culls honey
from the nectar of the flowers, and simply
carries it to the hire. This is not correct.
The nectar he collects from the flower is a
portion of its food and drink: and the honey
it depositrs is its cell is a vcrrlion from
its mellifc nr honey -secreting glands, (e-
nalognus in the milk secreting gland of the
row and other animals.) Utley were the
mere collectors and t .p.rtery of honey
from the flowers to thn4honey-comb, then
we amid have the romrb filled with molls -
widely epee *ed mirroring tengne, wu
ee'ii10d sp to the atutnde familiar In that
reptile when shout to euske. and had baa.
Janine .1 h. •p• re ( t •• seepewed in play)
eases time when rvtamde) town.. tt. Th.
w►wih .4 the ,ergot tree tweeted by entrees
N Iwbag td,. attempt d the ttpt.l. N pct. Tk bee, wh0e'n "arch of nett". 1n ,As y.ar. 1 •Ami this w • trennue nb
rgmb int phyth,g. Th..lwrw►.d 5tb athmts in rmm ,sn, corsrnerrut a'rl po- jeelten : ►et tt ie 1n the ess'twer mnS1►S
set Nrleg is leers tat .pot, hurriedly eget- M bniey w i is improperly railed, does mot Mindy til way other ten mote no% tae the that Ire have tam greet title lar .wag..tten
sal her ►mbasd, mho imnmdtd is approach reflect pollee. it gem is search of ret- lass of the gk►bs. Ws "rem al tb "4'114 rwilway e s N • pilus►'• bent -
error is, that the bee collects pollen from
the Bower., accidentally, while it h in
search of hooey. Quite coetrary is the
with. Ile never gave utterance to a soli-
tary statesmanlike ilea, or let drop a ayl-
Iahle to prove that he posseesed any ration-
al notion of civil government. Every
where be presented himself for admira-
tion as the great military hero of
America. His supporters attempted to
arouse the wont feeling against England
in connection with his exploits, m order to
enhlnce the value of his services in the war
of 1812. Tbe possible consequences of
tie. irrational course seemed to hare no ef-
feet on those who believed it might be
made to yield con•aler.ble augmentations
to their meagre !lock of political capital.
The American people have, by the remit
of this election, declared their want of
sympathy with this debasing :eerie a rro-
ceesliag. They have vsdicated their
character and istelligence before the world.
The great alae of Free Trade they have
deeided in harmony with the intelligeaee
told spirited the age. It strikes foreigwers
with ntoni•bwrrnt to widens the extraor-
dinary peetelnrities that were ',visited to
m this question. Free trade yeas sever
mentioned in a certain clue of journals
without the refit "British,' as opposed to
Alseriess policy and interests. The
Whigs did not dimes* the gaesuen ratios -
ally ow any %resod or admitted periscopes.;
het ea.teeted themxlres with attempting
to create a pr.jndire against the mast
Gxrible demnestration• of eeonomie views
by labelling the system "Bntn.h," im if
there were a astral sad oeeesssiy a*-
trpat6y betwece the ieelingx. interests and
policy et the two nuns; when in fact
they ere kindred peoples. "peeking a cote -
Men ta.gsage aur) p srwe•sing from their es-
teweive counere• marl free p-ieeieles more
TUURSDAY. NOV. 11, 1842.
'file Mayor has at length issued the Writ
for a new election of Coeucillors for St.
I'atrtek's Ward. Mr. James Bissett is
returning officer, and the election is to take
place on Saturday next at 11 o'clock, A.
M., at the Colborne Inn. As there are
but few totes in dais Ward, we suppose
the election bas been delayed esti! the ar-
rival of some of the Tory voters who have
been absent for some time past, and the
Public business has been thus procrastina-
ted merely to suit party requirements. -
Surely, never any set of men ever con-
oo-cocted or endeavoured to carry out so
miserable a set views, by pleasures so un-
popular, as the Tory Councillor. of Gode-
rich--their sole objects during the past ten
menthe appear to have been studiously to
avoid doing anything for the advantage of
their own constituent., and to preventas
much as possible the advaaremeot of the
public btsincu by others who were more
faithful to their trust. And yet these gen-
tlemen have been returned by the electors
to watch over and advance their interest%
- and will no doubt, have hardihood enough
to thrust forward their creatures for the
suffrages of our Townsmen in the present
instance. We would desire of those
who have hitherto in Ivreafaith supported
ibis party to ask th.ma.lves what confi-
dence they can sow place in the proteath-
tans of the representatives of a party
wbirh ha• always deceived them 1 --bre
Dam it be aspected that the future huvtory
of these gentlemen and their attacher* telt
be more brilliant and profitable that sal
which has already passed under tbeb"se"
tine. W. have no doubt (sot that sweat
knit who numbered m the mike of tri.
party at the lots election, have kerne
thoroughly ashamed of their en.Metmn
with 1t, and will new heartily Joie brand.
with the fnewds of older, iat.R$rnre
and admit -meet. We br a aid %'