HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-22, Page 7Page r ,June 22, 1961
e n
and district news
„ $ •
Mrs, 114o*le -*Oen, .PherK, 5
Aim • .A.r„cmgMacGreorr Phone 56
. , ,.,,„ , .„, .•.
Kinettes donate 'Vets' ladies
gift for orphan
MrS, Clement WeS: at service
hostess for the meeting of tile!
larY m
es tirle with president Mrs, i PiAnxilarched
to the
Kinettes TuesdaY .0 Pin gt.Zenbsers t4hnedaLyegnilooprill...;ria;
APO' Jinir presiding,
rtePorts were given en the l'an,d, Were addressed by the
glet l'spLullrinnigalgaeirs.allet wanads bv°0°telliti 1 ITITArillisetejrn'eirie:v.ehoCirtWxrelenclINerlend4SW.
at n
to send a birthday gift to her anthem. Seven members of
adopted child in Italy. The ref- the choir, Beth and Carolyn
IG was won by Mrs, Jclatn
els, Cook, Joyeeslr4knR
'leynn, aLninnids
Th t tin Ttiesclay Miekle and Bryan Smillie sang
e mee g
L10111127 wpill grte held a.t tke a sle°11"•
. , , ......„ssasszessmsisss-szsszststrs,-ssassszssm,sssrsss=sissmsssiss Nt's Harold. Derttbr°n at T14117 ' riunNssaoloarsYnd Mrs, Howard sotese,
were Mrs, Harry
mb PolleTinagnid in the aft atilt? 4.10.th anniversary
Veterans lodge KiPPen WI visit Hamilton Mrs. tier)? icercher,
decorate graves ErrYVV1a4i"' thtlutKipteuns `‘'v'elfc)idingtu eenl
"a r?vreartsea r ytheirThlueg
Ifensall IOOF Lodge S23, and
Hensall Legion branch 468, ob, touring Borden's plant, e an e or e
of London, celebrated the oc-
served Decoration Day services Museum) Ttlekett's 7.,<?bacc° casion by taking a trip to New
Sunday afternoon, forming in and The Botanical gardens.
front of the cenotaph where 4ars, Harry caidwea, mrs.1 York and Long island, where
, they enjoyed 'a sight-seeing
Legion Chaplain Rev. Currie
Winlaw conducted a brief serv- l'11G.,regor and MI'S. vs, tour of tile city incittding man_
Dell were the commit-, o s, r
Italian island Y r B QOic
tee on arrangements. elysntingQpuelaexciess, and many inter-
Eentertains class'
rs, or onSchwalm tr'arvh:inrgetusronztede home Saturday
graves of departed members tained members of her Explor- alter an eight d2a,yoosol vmaceastei,
at. Hensel]. 'Union and McTag- ers Class.of Carmel Church at'
tntertains at tea
for recent kiride
Mrs, Gertrude Agars, Zerich,.
entertained at a treessean tea
Saturday, shine 10' for her only.
datighter, Marien, ,whose mars
riage to Ronald :4arne •Celenlen
pf Varna, took piece Sattirday,
June rt at St. Peter's Lutheran
Zurieh. The hostess,. the
bride—,elect and Mrs, Gladys
Coientan, mother of the. Ite"".!
received guests. Miss .,..Ynds
Thiel. was in charge of the revs.
d Standard bearers ler the ricAlh7graFnilifmeboetheWr Weber, of
and Mrs, Mary Ann Stephenson,
of Hensall, grandmother of the
groom poured tea in the after-
noon_ at a table which. was
covered with a white lace cloth,
centered with a three tier wed-
wdilnligte cake flanked
dThbey apPslikstaanntcal
were Mrs. Eric Smale and Mrs,
Orville Schilbe.
Pouring tea in the evening
were Mrs. Hugh Thiet and Mrs,
George Stephenson. Tea assist-
ants were Mrs. Ken Stephenson
and Mrs. Keith Thiel.
Trousseau and wedding gifts
were displayed by the Misses
Eleanor Prang, Marion Fleisch.
auer, Katherine Thiel and Sha-
ron Lawrence,
Complimenting Miss Datars
some SS friends, neighbours and
relatives honored her with a Mis-
cellaneous shower .in the Luthe-
ran Church, Zurich, decorated
in pink and white motif The
Misses Eleanor Prang and Sha-
ron Lawrence conducted con.
tests. Miss Marion Fleischauer
read the presentation. address
and Miss Jo Ann Stephenson and
Miss Donna Sehilhe presented
the gifts.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, W, F. Riley
and Sharon, of London, visited„
recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Laird Mickle and family.
WI entertains Zurich lady
family members: , 92
reaches The Legion Hall, Neilsen was r
the setting for the annual pie -
Mrs. Pheobe Weber, life long
Mc of Hensall Women's Institute
Wednesday, June 14, with an at- resident of Zurich, celebrated
tenclance of over forty including her 92nd birthday on Saturday,
husbands and children. It was Jane 17,and attended the Cole-
s/Ile of the most successful of man.Dasass wedding at St.
the institute. Supper was served. ich, and also poured tea at the
and enjoyable picnies held bY1 Peter's Lutheran Churell, Zur, ie. Jim Clarke,
the Legion, Placed a flag at
President of
the cenotaph.
For a brief business meeting trousseau tea the week previons
Flags were placed on the
Presided over by president Mrs, for her granddaughter, Marion
Fred Beer, a motion was passed Laura Datars, Of Zurich.
S omen s $ I e
tourrtpte01111 alvnleildtonpas°dItay.a, dtlateYii. daughter and gill -in-law,
June 29, aceompanied by
Air. d J dn
that the president make ar-I Mrs. Weber, who bas been
rangements for a bus trip June a dressmaker in Zurich for
26 with Brantford as the site' many years, enjoys fairly good
suggested. thealth and is able to work
Mrsi Clarence Reid gave a re., a little at her dressmaking.
port .of the 25th anniversary heldt She has a family of two
n May, to give a donation to, daughters, Mrs. Hugh Thiel and
the -United Church for the use Mrs, Gertrude Datars of Zurich
of the church for the anniver-
sary. Sports for the children end
adults were under the direction
of Mrs, Wilbert Dilling and Mrs.
W. IS, Stephens assisted by Miss
Bernice Dilling.
Bingo winners were Mrs. Dil-
ling, Mrs. Walker Carlile, Dor-
othy Skea, Mrs. Maude Hedden,
is Phyllis Case and Mrs.
George Hess. Winner of the luc-
ky chair was Mrs, Norval Reid,
Hostesses were Mrs. John
Skea, Mrs, Donald MacKinnon,
assisted by Mrs. Wm. G. Ken-
nedy and Mrs. Archie Noakes.
Meetings will resume in Sep -
Bingo winners
Legion bingo winners Satur-
day were Fred Kennings; Mrs.
Wes Venner; Maude liedden;
Mrs. Earl Dick;
Jack pot special, Bob Up -
shall; Mrs. Eldon Jarrott (2);
Maude Hedden; Paul Bea;
Jack pot special, Paul Boa;
Mrs. Wm. Smale and Reg
Dick; Fred Beer and Mrs. G.
Boa; Maude Hedden and Reg
Dick; Harold Swartzentruber;
Jack pot special, Maude Red-
den and Mrs. G. Shiels. Door
prize winners, Tom Xyle and
Mrs. G. Shiels.
Jack pot this Saturday will
be $125.00 in 55 calls, also two
door prizes,
Sugar and spice
— Continued from page 6
diggers. The "Harvest Excur-
sion” to the west is a thing of
the past. The machine has re-
placed the men once required.
Here, wait a minute now.
I'm starting to tallc .about stuff
that is away over my head.
Let's get down to brass facts,
Ml I can say about teaching is
that I've never worked harder
in my li,fe. But it was worth
it, to see those shy smiles of
gratitude and affection on the
faces of my students, as they
trampled me into the floor on
their way out, the last day of
Don't worry, old friends in
the weekly business. I'm not
letting down the team. You
should hear me -talking to these
teachers, when they start com-
plaining about how hard they
work. "Why, you spoiled, pam-
pered pedagogues," I tell them,
"You don't know what work is.
This is a snap. You're over-
paid and underworked. Now,
when I was in the weekly news-
paper business .
You'll notice, friend Hugh,
that I have carefully avoided
the matter of holidays. This
summer and next, I have to go
to summer school, at consider-
able expense. But I'm making
plans for the summer of '63,
At first, I thought, a trip to
Europe might be nice. Bet I've
pretty well decided to spend
July and August on a tour of
Canada, dropping in on weekly
editors in my Bermuda shorts,
and letting them cry on the
shoulder of my cool, crisp
sport shirt.
gart's cemeteries, Rev, Win' her home Friday .afternoon, , meter,
law delivered a message at the June 16 with 22 present, 18 Chiselhurst WA and W MS
Union cemetery and Percy fixplorers and four members
Campbell, District Deputy Mrs, Cal Horton of Clinton
Grand Master, gave the Odd -
fellow's charge, and P. L. Mc-
Naughton, financial secretary,
read the names of graves dee-
and one son, Morris, at home, orated,
Hensall p
Mrs. William Taylor of town
is confined to her home with
illness, •
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hen-
drick and family of the Blue
Water Highway and Mr, and
Mrs. Stanley Mitchell were re-
cent guests with Mrs, Grace
Mrs. Pearl Shaddick visited
recently with Mr. and Mrs,
Wilfred Glazier at Holinesville,
Mrs. Margaret Evans and
family, of: Waterloo, visited
this week with Mrs, Evan's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, Y.
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Chap-
man visited recently with. their
son-in-law and daughtdr, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe DeLoge in Sar-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Love,
of Toronto, visited over the
weekend with the latter's
father, Mr. Milton Love.
Messrs. William MacLean of
Exeter and Byron Kyle, Hen -
sail, painters and decorators,
were given the contract of
painting the exterior of Carmel
_Presbyterian Church, having
commenced work this week,
Mrs, Dorothy Weide., of the
Parr Line, has accepted. a posi-
tion at Hensall District Co-op-
erative as bookkeeper.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ken-
nedy of P'ort Huron visited on
Monday with Mrs, Catherine
Hedden and Herb.
Mrs. L. B, Borden is visiting
this week with friends in Galt.
Joey Bengough entertained
12 of his friends to a birthday
party Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Noakes
and family were weekend visi-
tors with Mr, and Mrs. Archie
Mr. and Mrs. James Ben-
gough, Billy and Joey visited
in Port Elgin and Southampton
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dining
and Bernice visited their son
and, daughter-in-law, Mr, and
Mrs. Clarence Dining in Sarnia
-this week.
Miss Elvira Manning, af To -
rents), was a guest for the
weekend with her cougin, Mrs.
Basil Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, of
Blenheim, Mr, and Mrs, Stew-
art McQueen spent the week.
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Snell. 6
Mr. and Mrs. James Hark-
ness and family, of Teeswater,
spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Clarence Reid and fam-
Mrs. Pearl Shaddick was a
weekend, guest with Mr, and
Mrs. Wilfred Glazier of Holmes-
Mr, W. n. Dougall Was ad-
mitted to St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, on Saturday.
Miss Sandra. Bushie of Spa -
forth has accepted a position
on the staff of the Bank of
Mrs. Glenn MacKenzie enter -
1 ttttttt I t ttt tttt I tt tostitti tt nt t ttt $ t 31 t tt et t i t
Reg. No. 1 and Can. No. 1
Michelite and Sanilac Certified No. 1
Bea n nt routs
We Carey A Pull Litie Of
Hybrid Seed Corn
And Sons Ltd.
ersona s
tained at her home Friday eve-
ning for her grandmother Mrs.
Nellie Adams of Seaforth cele-
brating a birthday that day,
Guests were present from Zur-
ich, Seaforth, EgmondviUe and
Hensall Wonien's Institute
have planned a bus trip for
Monday, June 26 to Brantford.
WI members and friends will
contact Mrs. Fred Beer as
soon as possible and meet in
front of the town hall at 8,30
Mrs. P. L. McNaughton has
been appointed treasurer of
the United Church to replace
R. J. Drysdale who recently
Annual picnic of the IOOF
and Amber Rebekah Lodges
will be hold at the local park
Tuesday, June 27, supper at
5 p,m.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle,
Charles, Bob, Ann and Mrs.
Florence Joynt were in To-
ronto Saturday visiting with the
former's daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Mac-
Millan and David,
Miss Kathryn Sells, of Lon-
don, was a guest of Miss Greta
Lammie the first part of this
01 tne . area was hostess for the June
A recreational period of meeting of the Woman's Mis-
gamea and contests were en- sionary Society and Womans As-
.joYed and the winners were: t sociation of Chiselhurst United
dropping clothespins in milk Church on Tuesday evening.
bottle, Janice lionthron; pour.J June 13 with an attendance or
ing most water in milk bottle thirty.
with saucer, Gary Scholl's Mrs. A. Ross, who presided
side; ball t h r o w i n g, bus, for the WA meeting, expressed
Barry Monsseau; girls, Marcia her thanks to Mrs. Horton for
Little; hoola hoop race, Barry inviting the groups to her home
Mousseau's side; and welcomed members and
Piper walking, boys, Bryan guests. Mrs. R. Boyce conducted
Fink; girls, Pauline Bell; tear- the worship assisted by Mrs.
ing paper Teddy Bear, behind —Please turn to page 9
back boys John Skea; girls,
Betty Cameron; paper strip
c u t t i n g, Barry • Mousseau's
side; egg race, Gary Scholl.
Hensel, pee wees win
• Clinton pee wees lost here
Saturday in a Western Ontario
Athletic Association baseball
game to the local entry 7-5.
Clinton 020 001. 2-5
Hensel]. 104 200 x-7
Rock y, Colquhoun (4) and
Fleet; Soldan and Chipchase,
Bell( 6).
Your library
— Continued from page 6
his Redecessors and with his
insistence on perfection, de-
molishes much of their work.
He Would not reveal until close
to bis death his complete de-
sign for the dome. It was not
completed at the time of his
death at the age of 89.
Many critics think that this
book is destined to become a
modern classic.
Hurry! FOUR DAYS any
June 21 to 24
to! tttt mo
Name the price you want to pay — we'll accept
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Other • car dealers are clamoring for '59s but Pearson
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'59 Pontiac Sed
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Does your wife need
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We have some great small cars in stock that any
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Ideal for getting
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The greatest .stock in Huron and many other counties
—Used cars of all years and models. A complete selec-
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But Flying Saucers I
Phone 608 Phone It
Exeter ' lutith