HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-22, Page 5Ofsit tereeseitevettfere=ezemereereeelltrilr".•"-e•' EfeglereelaiVeMen.eeeereerZeialteeene...eeeeeeeeeeeeteee......:,.e.e.:•:::..ee- • Vogt; men, Reward Mule] UNCE E. T$ „, DISTRICT REUNIONS BIRTH$ O'BRIEi\jer_Alr, aed, Aire. Don - las ()Brien, Zurieb, a n- noence the birth of a daugh- ler, Cynthia Anne, et South Huron Hospital, June 15-a sister for Derek, BAKER - John and Janet, Baker (nee n), Hen, salt, announce the birth of a son, Brian John, Clinton PUblic Hespital, Jane 17-a brother for Bradley James, LOGART--Air, SRO Mrs, R011- ald Bogart, Exete r, an- nounce the birth of eon, • ail Lawrence, at South Huron Hospital, June 21, I DERRICK - F/0 R. E. and L Mrs. Derrick, Grand Bend, e announce the birth •of a A (laughter, Janice Audrey, at o South Heron Hospital, June g 16, I P GING.ERICH - Mr, end ee, Lo a .„,.,..e....e,......,e , : , . .. ......,...,„eee..41]=1Mee..... .... .......,..e.e. . ,,,,...e.Zeeee1e=ee'Z BIRTHS e- 1 CARDS OF THANK4- .AvERY --, Don and ShirleY1 I mad like to thank all MY (nee FlYnil) announce the friends, neighbors and rale_of their son, Scott tt.Yee for their thoughts, kind - David, at Sle Joseph's Hos- ns, eards •and flowers during pital, Sarnia, June p - a ,iny aceident and stay 10 St. grandson for Mr. and Mrs.! Tos h' "pi a. Special ,loe Pim. Hensel', thanks to Dr. PatterSon, Dr. Tiniim,rae_ivr. sod Aim Ed., Bertram, naenvd. Mr. Loefues:csotenr, ward Tubrett„ Green Acres, ; the nurses Grand Demi, annotinee thcfloor east, with sincere ap. d 1 birth of 4 deugliter, Karen IPrediation. e-- Charlie liegger,1 Josephine, at South Huron Lecan. 22c I Hospitel, Juno 3.8 - a sister I iNdsh to thank relatives and Lor Laurie and Frankie, Mends for the many cards and gifts I received on my nine.ENGAGEmENT$- teeth birthday. - Airs. Mary Mr. and Airs. Frank me. Staley, RR 1 Lunen. 22c echlin, London, announce the Air, and Mrs, Clinton Brown ngagement of their daughter, I wish 1,0 thank their many nne, to me, Jim Prout, son . friends wile remembered Qin- (' Mr, and Mrs, C. A. Prout, I ton with cards, flowers, visits xeter. The wedding 1011 take I and treats during his long W- ine at Trinity United Church, ness in St. joseph's Hospital. Om on Saturday Jul 15, 'S me' 1 thanksso to the mirs- t 7 p.m. 22* ing staff of the hospital and to Mr. and Airs. John W. nod. Rev. Waters of Robinson Mem- flieersen:aeggeininaentIrdieiarn(1°altitneche- and Queenle Brown, 22* orial Church, Loncion.-Clinton er, Dana Jane, to Mr. Walter .Rev, Stanley G. Tomes and Eugene Theron CreerY, son of Airs. Tomes wish to thank turday, July 8, 1961, at 12 presented to them by Mrs, 1 r. and Mrs, Theron Gibson neighbors, friends and rela- eery, of Woodham, Ontario, tives of Clandeboye and com- e wedding will take place on minty for their gift of money lock, in the chapel of St, Arthur Hodgins, Mrs, Alan Tim lin the Devine, Hum Col. and Mr, He Murless, honoring e, London, Ont, 22c their recent marriage and de- parture for Big Trout Lake, Ontario. 22c S ephan Gingerich, Zurich, announce the birth of a daughter, Judith Lynn, at South Huron Hoppital, June 15, GRIGG -- Mi'. and MI's, IVall • Grigg, Dashwood, announce "1 the birth of a daughter, Mary Cr Lou, at South BUr011 Hos- Th • pital, June 18, Sa HOCKEY -Air, and Mrs. Har- ne'c old Hockey, John St., Ex- ''n eter, announce the birth of leg a , u Norma, at ,A South Huron Hospital, June e 19, not LIPPERT-Mr, and Mrs. Carl da Lippert, Crediton, are happy Mr to announce the birth of a sen daughter at St. Joseph's Hos- Mc I..endon, June U. din kELLANSON-bir. and. Mrs, Jul J. R, Melanson (nee Sanders) Lad announce the birth of a Mo son, Richard Alexander, in Winnipeg, June 8-a grand. CA son for Mr. and Mrs, E. W, Sanders, Waterloo St. thos SYLVESTER - Wayne and ed 1 Shirley 'Sylvester are happy and I. announce the birth of their Sou son, Craig William, at St. hoses z Joseph's :Hospital, Chatham, June 20 -first grandchild for 8, E Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wurm Clay and Mrs. Nora Sylvester. Gan irs.zmiammersogammammateammuserasammurzederi Wendy Elston wishes to thank all those who remembered her with cards and treats while a patient in St, Joseph's Hos- pital, London, and since re- turning home, 22c Ir. and Mr. A. Garnet cks, Exeter, wish to an - ince the engagement of their ughter, Marilyn Faye, to Donald Clement .111eCann, of Mr. and Mrs. Clement Cann, Dashwood. The wed - g to take place on Saturday, y 15, at 12 o'clock', at Our y of Mount Carmel Church, unt Carmel, Ontario, 22nc RDS OF THANKS - would like to thank all e who so kindly remember- ne with visits, cards, treats flowers while a patient in h Huron and St. Joseph's itals. Special thanks to ers and pupils of Gradekindly remembered me while xeter Public School, Miss 1 was a patient in South Huron pole and staff and Dr. al. Hospital, Exeter, and St. Jo- . --David Johnston. 22c seph's Hospital, London. --Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver. 224 tee'. . . ;.. Rader reunion Jar, Airs. Horace Pfaf 0 e_rt; guessing jellyTlie liea tenth Rader reunion was Mrs. Ross llodgerle held at Riverview Park, Bee- One dollar in change ter, Sunday, June 18 with enore pile of sawdust for the than 150 registering. President dren voeclucled the apart on Earl Rader Welcomed every -1 groarri.cers el ec ted were: gay Rader and his assist.! dent, Mr. Horace Pfaff, ants Conducted sports, Wieners; ter; seeretary-treasurer, -were: five and under, girls,1Ross Hedged., Exeter; Janice Hayter6e boys, Aljehael I fenvenerws,a aielft Mrs: Fleet; girls and 7, Cheryl tie Sch. ln Ste* treed Herman, boys 6 and 7, Keith'and Airs, Arthur PlaH Taylor; girls 8 and 9, Merlene Alarys; sports, Mr. and Rader, boys, Ray l'eYler; girls, Murray May, Byron, Mr. 10 to 12, Gail Richardson, boys, Mrs. Robert Love, Thed Richard Willert; girls 13 t The 1962 reumon be Diane Koehler, boYS, David Be- at Riverview Park, Exeter der. third Saturday in Jene, waist, guessing contest, 14%. retie Johns; Relay races, •egg throWing, eese, AlartlYn team; car- , a at Pillow n s in I rot, race, ball raee, Mar8aret f Jahns teani. Officers fpr 19a2 are: Presi- in a dent, Howaed johns; secretary- ci1 s pro xe. tee, Martin and Margaret su. tpreoraturecrolninAittaereg,areAtuenJohanneci Blanche Johne; Delmer and cQniit- Ptrae651 „Gl tladys era;ndt Jbelea A.9114.1d. Ports Elford, A s - Mr' Riley gathering st. Airs. The Ritey Reunion was held, and June 17 at the home of Airs tntiredici liBneart. Riley with over 90 attend- , the Winners in slaerts: girls 5 and under, Marilyn Riley; boys, Doug, Harburn; girls 6 to 7, Married women's race, Airs.' Glenn Koehler, married men, ' re if • Colin McGregor; wheelbarrow ounock picnic race, Paul Rader and Larry ' Fleet; shoe scramble, Mr. and ; The Bullock reunion was Mrs. Ivan Taylor; whistle eon. Saturday, June 17 at River test, Ervin Rader; kick slipper, Park, Exeter, with about Donna Richardson and Fred , attendance, Miller, * Sports started with a candy SPeeial prizes were awarded - acratnble for little tots. Win. to John Wm, Witmer, Young- ' ners for muting races ender est baby; oldest, person, Elmer ; 6 were Cathy Lewis; 7-10, Bar- KloPP; newest married couple, , 27 Bullock; 11-14, Ruth and Ma. Mr. and Mrs, William John' rion Bullock; married ladies, Rowe; coming the farthest,. Ruth Bullock; married men, Robert Wein of S u d b u ry; :Byron Desjardine; single men, largest families, Mrs, Harold; Stanley Lovie; wheel. barrel Willert; wedding anniversary, race, Barry Bullock and Bob Mr, and Mrs, Ted Steinbach. , Moore; Stanley Lovie and Lloyd New officers elected. were: ;Moore; three legged race, Ma-' resident, Ervin Rader; vice- erion and. Barry Bullock; .kielc- residents, Ted Steinbach and !joingeos,lisptpeewra'rltedies, Eloise Pym; orne Rader; treasurer, Mrs. erne Klopp; secretary, Mrs. ley Lovie; Stan.kidBdiuellso,ckBoabnbdie Lo- ed Steinbach; lunch convener, Ile: kiddies shoe scramble, Ca- irs. Gordon Howald; sports thy Lewis, guessing contest on nvener, Bill Rader. : cap_cloy, ,bleuronBsuolliolck.re The picnic will be held next! l'1ost. d ss, Mrs, ar at Riverview Park, Exe-1Williarn Bullock; youngest b baby r, , seven -week-old, Glen, son of i Mr, and. Mrs, Fred. Bullock; coming farthest, Air. and Mrs. chwalm picnic Edward Darbey and family, To- ronto. The fourth annual reunion el Officers for the next year e Schwalm clan was held at I are: president, John Schnfie/c1; verview Park, Exeter, sal,.1 secretary treasurer, Nola Le - 'lay, n June from. 17 st, i gewerf, alir. and Mrs, Stuart wstrithatfmcdm, bees , %is; sports committee, Iva La. rys, London, Thedford, Exe. Bullock, Kenneth Lovie. a picnic supper. and Hensel]. Fifty sat downlitiPiicwniiee. is to be held next year same place, second Saturday Prize for the eldest present, int to Mrs. Violet Schwalm; ngest, Sherileen daughter Mr, and Mrs, ;Murray tMay Johns clan meets Byron; eldest married cou- Air, and Airs. Milton Pfaff, ter. held view 65 in 1 wish to extend iny sincere L thanks to all who remembered L me with cards, flowers, treats T and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since *re- CD turning home. Special thanks to Dr. M. C. Fletcher and Dr. Dyson.-4Mrs. Percy Stone, 22c te We would like to thank every- one who helped at the tine of Wayne's accident, also for all S cards, gifts and calls. They were all very much appreciat- ed. -Bob and Jean Simpson,nc Bi 1 wish to thank all ur. friends and .neighbors who so att •Ma ter to we you of of ple, Exe itanplilettlfttitte&IMMUSYSIMI.IMMI JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.13, Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 411 Departments 11 A.M.-MORNING SERVICE Duet: Linda W a 1 p e r and Sandi Morrow COMMUNION Sermon: "The Communion Of The Holy Spirit" THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m. -Worship and Sermon (English) BAYFIELD BAPTIST 3:30 p.m. -Sunday School and CHURCH Bible Study Pastor: Ivor Bodenham Vtlatir$Mtrdiaftt2=a1 THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bran de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist, Sunday, June 25 Fourth Sunday After Trinity 8:30 a.m.-Quiet Communion 11:00 a.m,-Morning Prayer Nursery and Sunday School CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday. June 25 9:00 a.m.-Siinday School There will be no morning service as Cromarty are hold- ing their anniversary services. Each Sunday morning - Re- formed Church Radio Pro- gram, Temple Time, CHML (900 Kc.) MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Ministers Rev. R. S. Hiltz .Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:15 a.m,-Morning Worship Communion Service Nursery NOTE: July services in James Street , Church at 11:00 a.m. Sunday School throughout the summer at 10:00 a.m. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ' DASHWOOD 1:80. p.m. -Sunday School 2:30 p,m,--Service , ZION CHURCH Eveneelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, June 18, 1961 t000 a.m.-Morning Worship 11:15 ante -Sunday School 2;30 p.m ,--Cein etery Memorial Service The Exeter Junior Band will be in attendance. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH kiv. A. 6, Van Eek, Minister 10:00 a,m. - English Worship Service ;t:15 p.m, Dutch Wrrship Service 6:15 prn,-.Back to C4Oti Hour- CHLO How to Trout an ACHING BACK 10:00 a.m.-Bible School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. -Evening Services Wed., 8 p.m. -Prayer Service PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street Rev. Mel, W. Holines, Pastor 9:00 ean.--CJCS Radio Strat- ford (1240 Kc) 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.--"Signs of Sonship" 7:30 p.m. -"Filled with the Ful- ness of God" June 30, 8 p.m, and July 2 - Evangelist and Mrs. L. Thirst A Welcome Awaits You at the Tabernacle THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH 5. M, Seeder, Pastor 10:30 a.m.-Worship Service 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School and Adult Bible Class All Are Welcome IN MEMORIAM STREETS -In loving memory of a dear husband and bro- ther, Cal Streets, who passed away two years ago, June 26, 1959, Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear; Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach, Sweet to remember him who once was here sin And who, though absent, is just sen as dear. egg -Lovingly remembered and vey sadly missed by wife, Ruth, an sisters and, brother. 22* dies men men Noah. Webster began writing !M the dictionary in 1807 and Gor finished in 1828, 'test, There were 95 present at the annual Johns family picnic held A :full line of sports was un. , in Riverview Park, Exeter, on r direction of Mrs. Harold !Saturday. The events of the ansen, Stratford, and Afre., afternoon. -are: .arles Harris, London, I Youngest child present, Mary Winners were: 5 and under, Margaret Johns; oldest person fixed race, Wendy Love, Deb. Present, Richard Johns; larg- hwalm, :Bobby and Sunni est distance, Mr. and Mrs. Art I Harris; 5 to 6 years, Jerry est family present, Howard wrence; 8 years, Marjorie johns; family coming the farth- rris; 9 years, Wayne Love, Vogt and family, Burlington; end under, girls, Barbara ; Ratcliffe; girls, 8 to 10, Elaine rbara Pfaff; 10 years, Char- Boys, 6 and under, Robert Schwalm, Susan Schwalm; Bray, Glenn Alarg,ison; girls, hoe race, Danny Lawrence; 16 to 8, Janice Johns, Barbara ft and Susan Schwalm; I Johns, Ava Elford; boys, Doug - s, Larry Pfaff, Charles 1 las Ratcliffe, Barry Marge. iwalm; single girl's race ' . "y . ebus, Barbara. Pfaff; gle boys' race, Gerald flan- , Wayne Love, Larry .Pfaff; tossing, 'Marjorie and Har - Pfaff; shoe scramble, Sus - Harris, Bobby Harris; la - kick slipper, Betty Debits; , Harvey Pfaff; been race, the winners; ost coins in men's pocket - don Schwalm; word con - Ross and Kathl Hod de 11 Ch tni bie La Sc Ha Ba les S 13 P1a boy Sel on; -girls, 10-12, Lynn Otis, Ave Elford; boys, Edwin. Kers- lake, Bruce cVagt„ and- cliffe, tie; young ladies, Mar- ilyn Johns, Margaret Johns; men, Edivin. Kerslake, David Vogt; 'man7ie4. ladies, Ruth Vogt, Jean Johns; married men racing backwards, Don Bray, Delmer Skinner: • Kicking the dipper,. children, Lind•a Vogt; young men, Ed- win Kerslake; ladies, Ruth We're proud of our Billion Dollar Company This month Manufacturers Life became the second Canadian life Insurance company to reach the one billion dollar mark in assets. But such a milestone in growth has meaning only in terms of human endeavour, of goals and accomplishments, of principles and dedication to them. The part played in this success story by our policy - owners is an excellent illustration. These are the men and women whose basic human desire for financial security for their families and themselves led to the purchase of life insurance in this Company. Our assets are their savings. We are deeply conscious of the trust placed in us to invest these funds soundly and profitably on their behalf and later to make them available in times of emergency or need. We are sure they share with us the pride of being associated with a billion dollar company. 11 4 A. E. Pym, et.u, Representative EXETER Tel: 671-M MALCOLM THE MILKMAN , ALL RIGHT... HOPE YOUVE BEEN DRINKiNG EKTEA MILK FOR ENERGY,. MILK IS ALSO TotterFic FOR POINNEN .1 WELDS OU Ilrr HARD TO WIN: MILK ALSO 15 GREAT MDR. HELPING LIMN= To ,REcOvERI r Serve a variety of dairy products to get all the goodness from wholesome milk. Enquire from your milkman today. EXETE DAIRY . Phone 331 S•'.1),!.; Mor The Times -Advocate, June 22, 1961 Pe ,JoAnne .Riley; 1/03/0, Keith liar-ISteffae.r longest marriedie ceele b 11 • our: girls 8 to 9 .,.. • eLindel, Farrl••Piel Mr/ aqd. Mr. Wm.. Riley': Iboys, Murray icellington; eYS, ate,st marriedcouple, i,Aire And I. Paul Farr; girle, 14 to I longest fingernails, Reta Flynn;/ 29 to 1,1, 133obby Kallingten; Mrs. Ross .„ Riley; Zenugest girls, 12 to , Susan Sterison; child, Dennis Near; girl with 16, Bonnie Neil, boys, Scott 1 boy with longest finger n ails, Harburn; young married ladies, Wayne Ailey; there was u pea - Mrs. Rosie Near; young mar- nut scramble for the little ones ried men, Ron _cuthilii married and 8, bell game t:ollowed by ladies over •1,_ Airs, Ernie Her: PiCnie lunch, burn; married men over gl. 1 lacItnwxats yveoartedaitothe,hosladmtehep4i:.; Frank ilarburn. Guessing candios In jar, Bob- i 3rd Saturday In June at 2 by Kcllington; throwing ball I O'clock. into waste nailer ,baSket, Mrs. President :for 1962 is Wm. Th.. iert biresIter plate, Y. 'PstsIttRileYig"cParr7 ing egg on spoon, Mrs. George SheDs; breaking balloon, Phyl- lis Riley; kicking balleon, Ril- ljyohlin a rabi juery.n.; banana race, Mrs. Oldest lady, Mrs, Mut. Riley; oldest matt, Air. Wm, Riley, yJr,; vice-president, I.+10,Yd Riley; secretary, Airs. Wm, Kellengtan; treasurer, Mrs. Bert Riley; sports, Mr, and Mrs, Ted Harburn; argt Mrs, Ernie liarburn. the Mother Fearlessness is of confidence. SPECIAL HURRY... QUANTITIES LIMIT 1...44,lf1iNat'aftWanarfAMMAI 1 SALE and CLEARING BUY NOW and SAVE ED - ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE • -44- SPACE SAVING FOLDING DOORS Enjoy more usable space In every room. IcItchen, bedroom. or any where old fashioned 55 wing doors nrnysta Itiakfeoldirui: - door.space. can solve many a pas- it sage way space problem. MAHOGANY SLAT *woven. Fits openings 36" x 80" IR' natural oval slats tightly and smaller. Rcg. 9,95 each 7.95 2 FOR 14,95 STEELITE Flexible full length strips of steel covered in plastic vinyl -long wearing easy to clean. Fits openings uo to 32" x 80". Reg. 9.95 each 95 2 FOR 17.50 NO. 1 QUALITY Good grade mahogany slab doors for stain or paint. Replace outmoded doors. Make your own table, desk, screens, room dividers, etc, inexpen- sive with slab doors. .95 EACH 2 ft. width and harrower LARGER SIZES $5.50 each , lf'&V&V:MM'3Vt:ME:IEMI'n.1UrA'NX:rtt:=Tata'Mr'1:r.'r.::. Aluminum D Winterseat Town & -Countri COMBINATION 000.tes. Rust -proof screening, eteei hirogex,, full 1" extended aluminum frame. pneumatic door closer, storm check. completely weather stripped. Best Value In Town! REG 32.99 WINTER SEAL' HOLIrAY DOOR DELUXE MODEL REG. 39.9536.95 INSTALLATION 510 A DOOR. 55Vl-IVOMMITIIIMBRIMLNV.MISMOIMal=1=',LV::: z,Fx.ramt4 Picture Panel • Combination Doors tLarge size Fiberglass screen, two picture panel stern% solid g pine construction, toxic treated reedy to paint. Reg. 19.40 to 21.50 ALL 5IZES 15 EntalanilteneeeettleeRetteMeeitMEMIY/Ektleeelieeee • • • • Spacemaster Top Hite Spacemastor and A Modernfold doors - attractive colours. PRESENT STOCK OaiNtdLy,exceptionally long wearing doors -selection of fabrics and Save 25 To mtti:t ARA GE G ! .: x tvs" or 6I-8" ;;, Reg. e24.95 $19.05 ee.6" x 6"6" ri Reg. 227.95 $20,95 x 6.60 or et.s'y eae.es $27.56 Hurryl-subject to prior Akio, - Order now for Good soreCtlaill DOORS REPLACE THAT SAGGING HARD.TO.OPEN DOOR NOW. t Ali steel, beittlerlied doors with Positive looking, ghdlig action tonstiotrott, Comnlete- ly Weatholi sealed, ptlint. apat ed ready to Paint. htntlY METROPOLITAN MOF. -SUN ROYAL S' V' -,--no Ince-Red, 08.95 Speela 1 249.96 8' k Hirt -414d- $4.95 Special 1234.95 9° 7' -no WAS t .>;'• 6Pecfai $67,96 x Iltes-Reg. #2,85 Special $1255 . .11#snry sueumnAKI 8,7 -Rem 0,64,-48 Special $54,25 8' * /4 --With 46a.et Special $5.5 '7x-410 iitestleg, M.96 Speelel 282.85 90 it r --with Special $67.05 PHONE 48 SCREEN DOORS oriONT RtAse DOORS: Special. Olearalide tif Cur coMplote steek Of Front and Rear Entrance poops. All first brads Ami Seine redueed drastitally because ALL, 31tE5 7 of slight arehousesurface Marks cattsott w. LittXMAINS111MtlItiZIMG.UIZainfin...ins,':M • ' n110 DEPEN BLE