HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-22, Page 4PAW
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rad Bend council discuss. ,
- Fort Dover and the officials
pd et :length the problem of plain 'to arrange .a denlonstra-
• dead fish on the beach, Mon- lion.
- .' .day night. i Councilgave first and sec -
The problem is general and readings- .to two by-laws to
throughout the Great Lakes reduce the speed limit in the
area, and is Causing Consider- i village and :create more stop
•.. able ,embarrassment to civic streets to make travel safer in
officials in many municipaliee the popular summer resort.
• ties. I lit a letter to the department
Westwood Gill, road superin- of transport, the council point.
tendent, was authorized to hire ed out that the ..roads were
-• additional help in an effort to'the in village andwith
isepp the beach elear of the l no sidewalks it wag a danger.
dead fish that are being wash- i ous condition, especially for
:ed lip on shore. children,
Reeve James Dalton, council-; They requested. that the
ors Stewart Webb and William speed limit be reduced to 25
Cochrane and C it amber •of nipli throughout the entire vil-
Connerce president Ory Wass,' loge.
. mann planned a trip to Bur- I The action followed the re-
a,nlington Beach this week to see i quest of several ratepayers
a beach clean-up machine in who complained about the fast
"� ; operation. ; driving that, was prevalent in
The machine has been used areas where children were
- successfully at Burlington and 'playing.
I To
:Cpl. Neil Charnlerlain of the
Ontario Provincial Pollee de-
tachmeet at Grand. Bend point-
: cd .out that this was the mini-;
mum speed allowed by tete,
department. I
` The .council also named seve-
i nal: streets as through stree+s,
in an effort to have stogy) sins
every two blocks, to slow trill-
The streets, .or portions of
streets, that were named as;
through streets were; Main.
Centre, Oak, Beach, Buren.
Woodward, Elmwood, Warwick!
and Queen. ;
Doth by-laws have been sent ;
to the department of transport
for approval, !
Set debenture term 1
Following' the request from
the Ontario Municipal Board,:
the council decided to set the;
terns of the debenture for the
addition to the public: school'
at 15 years.
They felt this t
could not
rd n the taxpayers too much,;
but a shorter term might, due
to the fact that the debt is i
still being paid off for the;
Municipa! board
town's 15 -year forecast
Town cpuneil has been re-
- ' quested to make a five-year
forecast of capital expendi-
, t fres for the Ontario Muni-
eipal Board in connection with
its application for approval to
proceed with construction of a
'sewerage system,
°`l. Clerk Pickard reported he
;diad written the various boards
'en the community for their
One reply from the public
school indicated the board did
not anticipate "any major con-
• 1struction in the next three
change is installed;
Decided to enquire of other
Municipalities how they handle
the licencing of out-of-town ,
tradesmen who accept jobs in
the community;
Discussed enlarging the door
at the town hall to provide for
the new fire equipment.
Granted building permits to
John Katz, Simooe St., for an
addition to his shop, and to
Mrs. Rosetta Laub, Andrew
St„ for repairs to roof;
Endorsed a request from
Exeter Industrial Development
,years" or in the forseeable Corporation to support Guen-
they Tuckey Transports Ltd. in
its opposition to an application
by another transport firm far
a licence to haul freight
through this district.
Referred to the 1lealthunit
a complaint regarding the odor
and noise from a henery.
In other business, council.:
' Indicated it did not plan to
apply for a supplementary
road budget approval this year;
Approved the action of W. G.
Cochrane in registering him-
self as the town solicitor in
connection with the hearing
• over distribution of costs for
the Parkhill dam;
Referred to committee the
problem of setting up an ade-
quate fire alarm system when
Two injured
new dial telephone ex-
{ i -crashes
Girls pass
ballet tests
Successful candidates in bal-
let examinations heldrecently
by the Western, Conservatory of
Music in Lucan are:
Grade 4 -- Sheryl Ailey, ger-
Grade 3 -- 'Peggy Cocker,
• :leis Marshall (equal); Maur-
een Elaine Smith, Gayle Hick-
Grade 2 -- Geordie Laughton;
Grade 1 Mary Wilson, Mar-
lene Butler, Lori Crudge;
Elementary Diane Barr,
Cathie ;Martell, Jeanne Donald,
_. Janet Ecker. Mamie Morrow'
Primary --- Elizabeth Reving-
ton, Susan Wooden (equal) Ca-
thy -Read; Melanie Ann Hack-
ney... . .
All obtained first class hon -
e ,x.. x :.fir•:
Town topics
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hunkins,.
Mrs. Edward Hunizins and.
Mrs. Paul Wilson of Newark,
Two persons were injured
and property damage exceeded
$3,000 in area traffic accidents
during the week.
AC 2 Dennis Amacher, 17,
son of Rev. A. M. Amacher
and Mrs, Amacher, Zurich, is
in Westminster Hospital, Lon-
don, suffering from severe
concussion and facial lacera-
tions received when his car
rolled over in the ditch beside
No. 21 highway, two miles
north of 83.
Amacher is stationed at
RCAF St. Jean, P.O.
• The car, a 1961 modelwhich
had been travelling north, left
the road on a curve, 'striking
a culvert in the ditch, Damage
totalled $1,800, according to
PC Harry Reid,
Needs 100 stitches
Mrs.. Donna Dunkin, RR '1
Brucefield, required 100 stit-
ches in her right arm to close
a gash she received Saturday
when the car in which she was
riding crashed into the ditch
three miles east of Varna. Her
husband, Charles, was driving.
The vehicle was demolished,
Damage totalled $225 in a
rear -end collision at the inter-
section of No. 4 and the St.
Marys road Saturday. Gerald
Prance, 18. RR 1 Woodham..
hadstopped en No. 4 to make
Ohio. Mr. Garnet Passmore, a turn when he was struck in
Sarnia, visited with Mrs. Cia- i the rear by a car driven by
ra Hackney and called on ether! Margaret Aim ;tau, 17, Sea -
relatives this week. 'I forth. Miss Rau said her vision
Mr, and Mre, Larry Balsil-, Was impaired by bright sun.
lie and daughter, RCAF Sta- PC D. M. Westover invest -
tion, Centralia, have returned gated.
to their home after spending "Groem” inured
the past two weeks visiting A 72 -year-old Windsor man,
Mrs. Balsillie's parents at Ginn- just recently married, suffered
B, Manitoba. lacerations to his forehead
Mr. and Mrs. John Malcolm, Thursday when his car was
Margaret and David of Mun- struck by a dep't of highways
roe, Mich., visitedMonday vehicle at the• intersection of
and. 'Tuesday with Mr. and Nes. 4 and 83.
;Mrs. B. W. Beavers enreute to The deo't station wagon,
Orillia where they will be va- driven by Peter John VanDyke,
rationing. 22, RR 3 Woodbridge, was
r"..n,..... .. iroceeding north on No. 4. when
"f ttri.Iliam IL Mills came through
the intersection ori 83. Chief
Minor sports C. 'II. Marl enzie and PC D.
M. Westover investigated.
Car staler from cottage
{''.. Police report a station w2 -
SENIOR SoccEst LEAGUE eon, veined at 51,500, was •sto-
Standings len Sunday morning; from in
AP front of a cottage in Windy
Liniment club 2 0 0 In 2 2 Hill, near Turnbull's Grove.
Goa2'Gettera . 1 1 n 5 3 2 The vehicle, owned by Davie]
Bormers n 1 1 3 s 1 Gowdy, Strathroy, has not been
Future games; recovered,
June 24—arlal-aetter,, vs. boom -
Os 10:30 a.m.): Liniment Club
vs, Lords (13:311
JUNioR cincutt, soGCER
wt,x x Ar
Night Hawks .. 'i 1 1,1n 7 2
silver 1ia,'ks .. 1 I 1 710 3
Future games:
June 24 :tiight fraO•ks vg. Silver
,narlt rim:36 a,.m,)
$ENiGR GIhLS seieteALL
this WeSk's *Sorest
Sluggers 12, Wildcats 'i
Whacleenut 211 R. Panthers
Final Standings
1,v. P
Wildcats , , 3 1 n K
Slufigers 3 1 0 -g.
Whaek'ems , 3 i rf 5
Black Panthers .. n S b ti
Ptayolfa iSudderi.beath)
'uesala.y's scores: (11.alnrd Out)
This week's Scores1
brevet 11, etteleme 10
Hsteks I1.. Mitts 4
rinai Standings
W t4 r P
t3aM1Ga Wt. ,,.,,3 2 1 42 5
3Sikkra n,,,..i .. .,...3 '. 2. 0 d
Indlithe • , 2 2 n 4
Bray. ea i a' 0 2
5urfden't5eath erttl3Finkls
titevea 15. 'Tool`s 15
in8I14,114 l0, 1333Srks 7
Fattire gambol
Indiana, . vs. tntvtit 'i evddeb ,
FUrQUJ, .NG ,v4ahRyS3
AUXILIARY PRESENTS AUTOCLAVE—A stainless steel autoclave, or sten lx steri
fixer, has been donated to South Huron, Hospital by the ladies auxiliary. The equip-
meat is valued at $3,600. Above, the machine is inspected by Mrs. J. G. Dunlop,
auxiliary president, and Miss Marjorie Doherty, obstetrical ward. supervisor, '
original building.
The addition is expected to
cost around $10,000.
Clerk 'Murray A. Des Jardins I
reported that the expenses .And 1
receipts on the operation of
the parking lot and bath house
were running about equal.
Council decided to open the
bath house at 9:00 a.m. during
the summer season to facilitate
early bathers at the "beach.
The facilities will be open
daily from now until the end
.of the summer season.
Two dspa)e _.,-.. car'
for lire
Tee) linen who, were operating Landry was involved In .31
the ,salve car on the santn minor :accident on the main,
street iia the surnmei res# is
night at (1•aud Bend were can- but drove fionl the rcene ba:
victed of iiJ. re;i rola ng lay fore Cpl Chamberlain ar.,
Magistrate ,1 , C. Dunlap,. is rived. However, the pair drove
Ira, magistrate's s •court, Sarnia, 'baci own the street later.
Wednesday, but this time tvrtli Benson
Ceerge W. Landry, Forest, :driving.
Was fined '.$100 and casts and I They were both apprehended
had his license suspended for and charged with impaired
six months, while Kenneth drivinb.
Denson, Stratton, WAS #landed
a similar fine and had his ,dr'v- AppearsGrand ,Bend
Rabort Watson)Eli a Ailsa
Craig, was fined $10 and wets
Inc easing a disturbance, in
Grand Bend court; Tuesd
The youth was involved ayi..n a
fracas on the .beach on Jona
ing privileges $0spende:l for
three months,
The charees were laid by
Cpl. Neil Chamberlainof the
Ontario rovineial Police de-
tacbinent, Grand Pend, on.
• ,Tune 12..
r„IIII,Mm@pain,„1„ omni mnnr„u„#11mm#m#n13,,1n#1n#uurmm OIMMOIMII rnn„u# 104;
*Sunday, Jure 25
Assembly at Cemetery, 2:30 p.m.
Those wishing rides should be at Legion Hall
at 2:00 .m.
.. pn
berets and Medals
'444,,14, ,41,,,#,,nun#3, ,,,,1#3#11#1,r.,,1,n3#,3rH1n,,,31p11,1/1,11,11110,,,11111l1n1m13,1Q131301V4
--just this Size.t—
Judy Cox and her graceful 109 lbs. swing through the air with ;the
greatest of ease and saiety en two tire cords like those in Canadian Tires
In every 750114 Super-Lastic Twin -Ply Nylon Tire there
are 2168 similar cords—sufficient to support, with absolute
safety, 1084 young ladies (59 tons of beauty at one time).
his is living proof that the DuPont Nylon cord in the NEW Super - Lastic TWIN - PLY ,tires
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RUDE on any road ... the COOLEST running Tire ever built !
• SO SAFE — that millions of miles of driving
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year have not produced' a single, solitary re-
ported case of a blowout. Bruise damage
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is shown to be a mere 1/100th of 1%.
contains by weight the same amount of finest
DuPont Nylon Tire Cord, but by being •twice
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pletely flexible and ready to respond instantly
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Strength Twin. -Ply NYLON.
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weight, flexi
boxer, the T
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every variati
heavy impact
outs in the ki
• LONGER LIFE -- Tire cards flex at every turn
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TWIN -PLY NYLON TIRES have successfully
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pervious to breaks, even from the most brutal
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1 equipment.
new, finer
but only at
Nylon could
year-old ptii
profit rnargi
end . r . at
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