HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-11-04, Page 4CHAIRS! CHAIRS!!
yr. flullwrolmit coestessi• hi** de
.11•1114 a waited Saar 10111, l of 13 ledger,
Restran,Rockmg see N•reing "Meek
be win oon cilium for caeh.
Aims« trib, 111.42. western*
no the First of !sly fatil, ha petiliah.
wheal, seder the title of °THE ANGLO.
&eh inieber 11.111 C41.161096 pages royal
octavo, with dooble columns, anal numerous
illostratioss. price hitt. per inmost, paid
is tufrasce, and swat by mail to any ram of
British Niel!' Ainslie& Of the United
It te profiteer! to publieh in each issue
eito or more 4.15,11.111 papers on subjects con-
n ected W11b Darnell AllelliCat carefully ex
ending catty politics or religious miselee
of • chinonateational character. Selection,
of Me best wrorag• in the leading Bennie
penodicals sill les copied, especially ouch its
hav• rennin, to the welfare and intemois
of then Coles es•
A caret. dieest of ffre Current Frees of
cial Neu", .$1witical Intelligence, sod all
M▪ oat recent infurtnatinn.
It is also ieteteled to publish a reties of
Riukrorkirs of Eminent Mee of Great
Britain end Ireland, from Alfred the Great
to the present time. This department will
be alestraied with Portraits front the best
As it te proposed to snake this publication
a nefiemel and not a local work, it sill un-
flinchinely advocate all qualities •fficting
tle Cowman interfere af stir Colortics as en
laegrel ;terrine of tie BritisA Empire.
1 years is supply.
An experience i.f
ing the treeing public of Canada with the
'serial reification, of the United Stater, en..
vines the peer -tor of this periodical, that
tloy are entirely 1130./t mere te the wants -of
the majority, and little calculated to form
or ItrIlf0TIO the diem!! taste of a people yr -
needle, ieffere el is their feelings sod prin.
,111 BLOIS.
Thi, too 611.e4erd erebeley errs rue. pre-orrere
oil of run. They oil. Swore Orr err ; are yr
VOA. War for err 5/11 ebr ewer re be air &OM oel
es wearer
eiplos frogs thew 10, the" 11-ert°41' Irl•Ielt ors re •ITOS•g late sity cs• .try sew
ter riot/ will meet with encouragement rererefdtos,
711. me MIL AM NM MEP
far /*THU/. At VTR am; ottewsm
nem 5/ Ia. INLADOSA 11(101.111 V&
o eeta awl ess. war Oro arms moor. lir ma
one ▪ MOO. Meawssos. err news orewouraw orient row
coseVialrilOn. Yrs 551 peat erre. 15 ter dram
o w, wood !Ye tine =sense. serwarole
mimeo/ dr..- • swat.. aro murmur w penosoeet-
ID template Bs& ware Hiesell.) Canny ot
Boodles sod Rollos of ovum dederiptien Luce -
ted oe ihe Premiere.
Ordem Amoy. t Breska, Dew the Trek
Levkas, Maieh 1851. 4•4
E. H. aletELTON,
VORWARDER Commutate. Mor-
a chest, blotchier.* Keeper, proms'
Ageot, for the tale of Wed Lands Cleared
Fiume, Household Fermium sod Produce
of emery determine.
011ee, 1051 doer. North of the Kisco, -
dine Aar cos, tkelerich.
Ild•tch 241b 1639. v5 -e9
asst. 11411/10 11117.11. INIL1114.1141111.411r 1111111VIIII
MK Mt's' MIA IlliSMA•111 S. -
/Meer Sub one•••• arra re aw or re of Newry ma
mOolf /mart tin. or mood stwolful
IOW Ir Leta. Ka IVOR ns..auirv sea t.,,tm
PAINS to t•Oltewl. WO. bor. brie, rm. ••• tosses
ft tr IlltaT14)11. Tiers Olio.; es• tan
Vir orates. el* a IL Ira. are Tarr...re rowelled We
PURIFY T111 91.000,
As.I thee renew* all diseese from the epees.
a lie inn mit the LIFE PILLS sad
MM. 09.11.11111•• II viery
Aka te • raw. of learloop how sot noon fte
from thou for *hese pleasere enkl informa-
tion it is riessenerl. truets that the expe-
beet Medina: for .92 •ertising yet offerer! to
the e7oloniel puhhe.: spd the terms sill be
maimed in Pilch a manner am to induce all
parties to nail themeeires of itsi pages.
(One door East of C. Cy -ebb'. Store.)
WOULD inform the inhabitants of Gods
" rich and neighborhood Met he is pre-
pared to make to order or otherwise, any
Fancy wink, in the neatest and niost
fashionable etyle. And will also furnish
heavy Boots •nd Shoes, to mutt the DO
Certifier t:f those that may favor him with
their cumin. Ile prices will be tnoderate.
Goderich, Joie 29. h. 1955. v5r2.9
bay It.. tank pollee ....rt... Wow If yr So. bo friar
Ire they sees itetwo hem so aor war Orr
reoparoi rid ref
DR. WILLIAlla D. amorrAtT„
Fur Sala to
Bele Ages..
irnE Snbeeriber begs to inform the Io.
eriened a New Boot and Shoe Store, in
Me Hared new Brick Ilona° Goderich.-
1Vliere he will constantly keep on hand
a loge and well serrated stock of
hado's and Gentlemen's Boot@ and Shoes
1Vhich be will sell at low prices, for cask
TA* ,Pabbe are Reepectfially relented to
call and for themeelves, before per--
65meg anew ee re.
No nomad pr.ce.
ALSO -Lasts and rye for Dale.
dederieb, March Ht. 1962. efi-o9-tha
Goderich. Jan. 29. 1848.
THZ seat Divisiee Coors por die Velma
Cessna* ol Home. Perth wed &see, VIII bi
Mid at the times sod places kalleiete2 :
war rivismel.
Colliers* las. (K. Lam) Gederich, Mons, im
N 'rant tied Wedseadoy
subecriber beg• to Worm dm Mita -
tants of Goderich and ite vicinity, that
h• has received • Large Supply ol the Lo -
mat Improved Pattnne of
winch he offers for Salu at very reduced
Prices for Cash. The subticriber oleo keeps
on hand as untual, at his Old Stand, a large
Anil Steam Engine Manufactory
THE Uodereigoed re sow parisparad 1, de
a all kiade of work the nem leation,
Wars. lest , Cita.
aaull.e alita: °I:al:se:Ica:: all mew and of the omit
Quick.. T 00074.cif.ont pry ifin..eird. , 26,1 Divfai. ii,tetsieztaTypebirl:',.ii....hierinial,,elitet.grali.ittoitfaiir8::111: „Elle ilialdifecorraiptirilal
bee George Carter, Clerk.
Robert Cook.' Ins. Hutu Rood. II o'clock. A .2lue.tirwetshinotertiothlrhilecyhhildei;:illiesetesuiellIsyiliTsunttenporwheEareemagdoiyashitieo:
Eig gabi...1.4z7::nkf." D.... Kees benne offer them oith gre•t coefideace to those
School Hoses, Selo' Mary's, 23rd December. -
James Cotenant, Ent. Clerk.
1 Wiles demon of purchasing Cap be etted
t, where boilers of th• best qual•
ea be mede to order, on
Doak's'', Tante, Hines Road, ....0th December-
I approved hied. Also, complete sets of tea.
Robert Deihl', Clerk. ;log, Shafting, kc. for Grist awl Haw Mille,
James Woods's Tanta, Stratfoid, 21st Deere. , -to stitch the atimatitt• MI the public is
TIMID 511•11140P •
bet, Raby Willman. Clerk.
1 el Enema, wikti all the other nerosmary IX •
iImproved stationary Fife Engineer COD-
The 8ittlags or the ...I'M! "ur " "at. A Boiler Yard la also attached to the Es,
Ireasonable term', and of the best materials
Aslificld--ft.r Sale. Mostly on band, ready for delivery.
fillIESE well nitrated Lott Nos. 39, 4011 Bras* Casting and Finiebieg, ke. dose te
2. 41, on the Fest side of Ci.lboromerreet, OOOO y numty•
and Noe. 39, 411, 41 and 42, on the West
now in viten of erection the largest Stove
lo constection with the above, there is
Foundre ,in the Province the Mauls:hag
field, North of Goderteh. For further in. 1100f of which will cover upwards of 10,,
formation, apply to J. Cad:, Feq. Crown 000 equate feeL
' h or the nroprietor, • There will be coestantly on hand a Stock
/0/1 Tr C171irs OF
Cowls, Colds, Illearsams, SpitHIM
of Wood, Eiglit kaiimil
Liver CaMploliata, aid
DEATH can be and has Lima pre -
this satere'e own remedy, Jetsam's Chem -
dm day IS Ilibe moult n carnal study sod tea -
The tem priotipal isgredients hav• lone bees
\sows sod celebrated. WILD CIISRIIT
Wheo the suitegth of this is properly extracted
IS the ben medicine known lor caviar ihe wont
Consh• and °the. Pulmonary dierates. it loosen
elep71.••,11., aod aloes will core the worst colder EAST INDIA HAIR DYE11..-;C:orratb.loorssa4...7„,,,b.k.,
mac." en• d the discoveries that are daily mode, relehisted Chemist. Dr• ▪ Ceensimk, autism of
the remedy designed by Datum for Cossentriture. • works. sod School Books, well kociern.
Its bents( propertiu are truly womerfal, mod Carren.-All of the above named artieleeare
eDEATNEal. -Use Dr. Lennie% Ames*
eg.,/se ger ewe of Dsalwees. Akan eg ono
„swops el appreeshieg deafens. Jimmy
baii• int. nee node well
RHFUIIIATIIIM.-Comehmell's lino, ma
1••• Liemerst, wernated le cafe ea, es" a
Mesmerism. Germ, Costrecen Cons, ead
ideachre, or miff rote«. streagthass utak Lomb..
aad ...awe thou ware are crippled 14 alai
fe• m. an nee gesso« mils« dials assie se
dr weeper.
TOOTHACHE. -Dr. Rhea's Diem eee db.
care el Me Teethearbe. It le !with emalbisees
that as tam tensatend lberita rue ta
.11 wilbost Amery is the teeth de
gam. Price 25 ets.
the sleet estrandisary remedy tor Weems seer
Oa: 'fireman, eradicates Worm* from both
Adele asd Cbrildtes. Deanna harm the Meet
warno, Th. cost. 25 els per bottle, cote jr
stele the reach of •ll. and all quests lire ere
without it are venom!, mauling the lives of
Met children to thou fell destroyers et youth.
Worn's," Look tor Ore name of Comma &
groan, preprietors, us the Wrappe: of mob
scriber S.W.. God opportunity of returning I the rapadity with which it cores Ms worst cams *aid sal, by Comstock & Brother, 2 St. Petet's
WARE of every deecription.' The sub- Land 0 ce.
ileitis* most approved Patterns, of English a Ulcerated Loots @noble and sondem( mace, directly i• rear of the Astor House, be.
his mincer. °mills le the Public for the very 1-
potronag• he has received sines he pLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. I
Wellesley, North 01 Bell's Carters. !
end Antenna Cooking Raeges. Stoves, iider.iipaik.1.06e.,,,ailsamet - Be la ated Vestry els., oe• door from
• &inlay. Sri 01I• Block from Broodersy. New
of Plain aad Ornamental Pat OOOOO of Cast certain t•e•re the woe comes of Conomptioe if is Goderieh , C. W., by -Robert P•rk. Marwood
kre. timed with Tin sad Copper Ware coo -
via CORDS of good Hemlock Bark,
LI‘stur which the highest market price
will he petd by the Subscriber.
Goderich, May Uhl 1852. v5 -o13.
'L‘ pun:lining the SAW MILL on Lo
No. 7, 4-11 Coact moon. Fmetern Divsion
of Aslifield, without eimmultatig toe, as I
Guderich, April 1,11152. abni0
• tO the Fitton* Hotel, Werat Street,
stock of Tinware, Coekitig and Box Nonni
Lc., which be will sell_at considerably re-
duced piece.
Tbe higbeet price paid in trade for old
copper, bram. pewter, sheepskins, calf sad
beef Ind....feathers and fifers. All kind. of
Merchantable produce taken is exchange at
Goilerich, Feb. 19, 1851. v5 -n4
has herrn in business in Goderich, 11. hopes le to inform the ' oleo. tb° boodowneat and newest Them two articles combised stub other pore-. York, te whoa. on orders must be directed.
token belhee inarefer to emirs!! prostrated. - , & Kees. C. Crebb. sod 11. a O'Coesee: is
Do not be discoareged, a trial es. do WO Ftolelrea be 11. C. Lee; is klt. Mary's by T• B.
harm. bat will convince the most 'eeriest ie Gent, is Woodwork by T. Scow la Ludes
its seal worth. Thenesde of Cooeumptive ar• by Mitchell; le Ennoodyillit hy J. Caner; ia
loose have bees &armed repeatedly Weise Remora,' by M. McDerrnid & Co.: in Mitchell
modecine which were said to be istallible emu. by 1' Fed & Co . asd Babb & Co.; i• Embryo
bet which have paved roily palhaiivee, bet es' J. D. De.t. is Dolmen* by Tirol. F.emere for
owned Isar. lo weasel.. so deleterious Drool erill be glum •Il gratis. la Beyfuld hy C.
inidici•• is sot cooly palliative hot • core fee el- 'Comstock Brother's Almasse for Ift53. wive%
and mu trial will peeve imeetontehing eScory Crete, sad Gasdaet; at Bell's Comers by 11.
belle, tha• way 11•111.711011 OT certificate' is CW• Brews.
tog mien •nd all diocese. of ihe Laags
and Liver, ouch as Spitting •1 Wood, Ceethe, c011eatiLliill GREAT PAIN KILL.LR
pei• in the side and c!,set. night -sweats. dte• iha'et) nierhcase has bees discovered that i• so
Cv•Tiott -To proteel OW sere seer( as the 1,11 Sapp0 adopted to use internally se Mem
interest of the coesentptivesefferef.we itre 0614- t. take•, •ed yet wham such 1•Q•der•
PA to cesium all to Red the restrike et COM• app:ied *eternally se a went or bath. by frieti•m.
STOCK dc BROTHER es the stopper. with- 25 cis. w all yo• have so 'IA to try it: and as
oet ibis it is a worthless coosterfeit. Remo- 'bit tem eon he n• *hen te ,the proprietor, it ia
' hoped that ouch a price can be e• obstacle to soy
bet this.
hoopitals. mad is the private fam,ly, and wid Per bPortetracee:rdtial. Th.
THE' piics,.23 to 50 cis
PILES, &c. -It i• Dow seed in the priseical! roe, emehle all to use it. If you doubt. M-
ime to ihe
praeliee mu' gie with • t:5 bent.. sod that will reining
et:entry by •• immenireaSTbef 01 iadt•idS11111bed door., god males yes buy. aee „.. sec,
Piles.eed also eatemitelv eff-elaa::1 Itt. certificates would. Who will fail to try it thee,
„a fele life and seilferisg for 25 cease. This
borne credulity melees where. its effec:s ore wit•
...Pam Mille" may be used with • success that
by •trict attention to buninese, and loader- Subscriber beg. ita 11171,11101 Hall and Pvlour Sieve., . Tam"! ly vegemble ragrediests, &ern • perbcise that jai , All of the St." mooed •f 6.4.0 • • Mild eel,
ate pricer, to contieue to receive a share
of public patronage.
N. R. -Graining, Painting. Glaring. Pa-
per end Bell Mangier. carried tin as hereto-
GoderIch, 8th Sept. 1849.
OT 27, let concession, fronting the
of which are cleared and Fenced, aod LOT
28, 2nd coneessien, containing 80 acres of
wild land.
These Lots ere situated about midway
of Hayfield. For partsculne •pply to
Crown Imed Agent, Goderreh.
4th 1351.
Quenee, 6th August, 10511.
NOTICE IS hereby given, that future
Sales of the Crown Lands will be •t
the peen, and on the terms specified in the
respective localities below.
Weit of the Conntres of Derham and
st Soren Shilling, and Six P•Dell
prime. payable in ten anneal nesteitnente,
with totems!, ono teeth at the time of
Rest ef County of Ontario, wtthin
primer Canada, Foer Shillings per ecre;
Inhabitant• of Goderieh and the sur-
rounding country, that be has commenced
businere in the above line, in the Store
formerly occupied by Mr. White, in the
lower part of West -street, and will have
constantiv on hand a full supply of BOOTS
and SHOES of every eine and deocriptem,
anti of a superior quality, which he w.11 sell
at moderam prices for Cash.
N. B. -Hides aod Wheel taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Godertcb, 916 Sept. 1951. 30
fitIFTY Atm@ of Land. being Lot No. 5,
• South Tows Plot, Lake Shore, Ash-
field. There is thirty scree cleared, and in
Om beet etnte of cultivation, and an orchard
containing 50 fruit ?felt/. Ther• MI a good
3tte, and newer failing aprinee of water
• Log House, 20 by 30, and a Barn 20 by
52: Terme--.E125 cash, or 4150, by pay•
ing half down. •nd the balance in three
annual lootalmente, with interesL
N. B. Further information can to (At-
tained from John Morrie, Colboroe, or Chafe
Carit, on the premises.
Ashfield, March, 23tk, 1852. v5 -09-6w
Ihtst me of the District ot Huron,
and the neighboring District', that lie ha. Dos Fence and Gates, all of which will be
Established himself ill Stratford, IA 1
' SO.0 at .ower prices tine' have Seer before
and is prepard to give Plane and apecibea• been nffered te the public, and'erhich, from
tiODI of Public cr Private Buildings, Brag- the positien of Chippewa. tas regards weer
es, Mill Dams, kc. Lc. Le., sad sill take corarmenication, can be forwarded to aay
the superintendence of such Etienne, on part of tbs Proviece. at a very light ex -
the most reannable term,. peon. OLIVER T. MAKLEM.
Ilia th•rouoti knowledge of his profession Chippewa, June 24, 1851. Spect.-22
and his practice as Ballder, qualities him for
any undertakisly in the Mee. Address poet , FRIZIT TREES!
Pik IIE SUBSCRIBER Sege leave to in-
A- form hie friends and the public gene-
rally, that be has now got the National
Hotel so far completed, as to sarr•nt him
in saying that be is prepared to furnish ac-
commodation for mon and horse. equal at
least, to anything that can be fotind be-
tween London and Goderich. The .Vation
al Hotel is mituned in the beautiful and
thriving •illage of Brocefield, PI miles
from Goderich aad 42 miles from London,
•nd from the eligibility of the situation, and
strict attention to ths comfort of hi• guests
and enstoenere, he hopes for share uf pub-.
lie patronage. •
Brucefield. let Jan. 1951. •3-n46
sebserrber bevies perchseed the inter-
est of Mr. C. J. Wileon the above Es-
tablishment, is about to continue the &ni-
nes on his own responsibility. In returning
thanks to the public fur the very Itheral en•
hoboes toustimat• that he will constnntly
keep on hand an anortment of Superior
Parlour, and Box Stoves; Amer-
ican, Scotch & Canadian Piollgils
of the most Improved Mothlils,-.AMET
ROLLERS, Turning, bathes, Smith's
of a @opener description to any hitherto
introilueed,and better adapted to this coun-
try from their lightness of draught, and
6610 thrice, S'n'th of lb. St • 1,11."*" " strength of coastructiun. A call front in -
the C'motY of 81191141111. *84 /3•1011 0110* tending purchasers se requested before par
St. Lawrence in the Demme% Q. •
',mit of the Chamber* River and Kennebec
Reed, One Shilltne and Six Pence cm
In the Dialect of Qiieboc. *est 01 the
ShOlorms per SM.; the DIOITICI• of
Three Amer., St . Fennel. and Montreal,
south of the Si. Lawreree. Them Shillnage
law tier,: In the District of Gaspe sno
the elenty of argot...lay, On• Shilling per
acre, in ail elves payable tri tem annual in -
time of lisle.
F lands enhanced le value by SITISCif 1
eimilmetaneee, tomb emirs pies may be 6x•
frIte it. sissy direct.
chatting eleevrhere. The oboes will be sold
it Low Hates for Cask or Trade, or at cor
reeponding rates on epproved credit.
Stratford, 20tb June. 1850.
THE Subscriber having purchseed from
(for -the Counties of Huron nid Broce) of a
for whmh he has •btained Lettere Patent
from the Goveronient. Would reepectfully
give notice that tiny person or persons in-
fringing upon paid right will t prosecuted
to the utmost rigour of Ole law.
TIIAT excellem Lot of Lame Lo: Ne. 7. 4tli
Alitifietd, will he mid rheap fer Caleb. Taro let
rometed is ore of the overt prosperints settle-
ment is the lino. Trivet. sod bee the best ma-
w peivilege i• the leestim A Ss. hlill of the
beet drecripiiine i• loll topenation cos tlest lot,
e nd the rester power is ersecieet m propel say
S mogs, saa.fitaery throes/Iasi the whole Tear.
The Let visitant' 5•Te 100 serer all the hem
*ohm of land, shoe' Gee of re servo el which
A'"*"I °P"'",01" 10 1" jeme14411te 1"11 •re clewed. seri bre • deed irsearreetisi
rote of 1170 Sere, arIntlias for 'Oaf, f,„ further parnooine apply to leo &ten
emit:minim, the I,•nJ in be cleared at ibit
tired acme dieing flee year., and a derellieg .4 op H.,. .„ 'a. prep, help
hens,. ereeted riot are then sigliteso heel Ider,ettes, on the premises
by twenty lieet. Ase.5.14. Dee. 24. 11351.
timhei dot, that any be impend. TA K E NI /TICE.
The Sao to become mall sod erotti ean
• eegleet or violation of soy of tb teed. vi.i. 0,40,14,4- If, tho throe sig.
The ermine to lea entitled t oessis by 16..1 of,our. tt,te
irrIlE subscriber to returning thank, to the
. generally tor this very liberal encourages
' men. he has met with in the Sale of Fruit
THE Staitseriber begs to Weave to the.
these United Counties that be is prepared
Treee. tie,,s to annouoce to the Farmers of
farmers and other inhabitants ofethe
to introduce this F•li, a large and well se -
Coded Commie.. nit be literal comp!eteil
it would be superflisous to enlarg• tepee
Nu,rsery frees, upon his nsual liberal term*.
lity,and on terms suited to the eircumetan•
the superior inertia of this Nursery, tied
met of the couatty, and the quality of the
the quartiles of Fruit brought from tt-but
article. . "` ..e, i the large quantity of Tree* that have been
He aka ineits° ell fttalefir" ea"1/•"';". 'distr.bUted over nearly all of Upper Canada,
1101111 his iseprond apeman of the Ifor the last 18 'nano has gained for this
CANADIAN SCOTCH PLOUGH. a super ority over most others.
which be flatters himself will -be found
l Nuir•ghtertYlubeeriber would beg to introduce to
supenor is many respects to any other:
the notice of all thon who wish to get good
Plough now in use in Om section of th
%Vinter Fruit. the celebrated Northern Spy
Province. Apple. its qualities are @opener to •11 otber•
of its kind, keeping esti! July, sod preeerv •
Goderich, Aeg. 21, 1851. . ,•41297 ing all its Meatiness and flavor, which is •
ITHE bubscriber begs to 'Anne Ms nu- Dwarf Pear m in great demand as a Garden
-a. moron* friends end customers, trod lb@ Fruit, bearing in two years after planting.
public generally, that his LARGE BRICK I Even variety of Fruit Trees, Ornamental
BUILDING is sow completed, and that and Evergreeo Trees surd Shrubs, Hardy
from Me great increase thus edded t3 hte Herbaceous Flowering Pleats, Deblois,
former premises, he is now *tabled to offer Bulbous Flowering:Roots, Le. Catalogues
accommodation to the travelling public at can be had of any local or travelling agerot,
lent equal to that afforded by any other , giving a full dem-0;0ton. Terme. when 50
!fount* Town. And without being an:- Tress are tsken. 4125 per boodred, or ls 3d
ious to monopolioe the entire tavern buoi• 'currency each. under 50 Trees. le 6d ey.
nese of Godericb, he et least hopes for a two years credit, some payable with inter -
continuance of the patrentge which he has est. Orden will be received. end tote it/ -
hitherto enjoyed, and will always end formation give@ by Mr. Horace Horton,
to secure the satisfaction of his guests and Market arsine*, Goderieh. aed Mr. Peter
customere, by attend:ng to their comforts'. Woods, Union Hotel, Stratford, local
N. 11. -The Stabling at the Colboree Old Rochester Nursery, N. Y.
Inn cxteoette and of the first quality. Goderich, 15th 'sly, 1251. 22 ,
Goderieh. lone it
N. B. -The Gederich Foundry, having
undergone pll necessity! repairs; the sub-
scriber flatters himself that he will be able
to give entire eatiefaction to •Il those who
may favour him with their costorn, He ba.
now on hand an excellent aetwirtment
Ploughs including Iloilo° • pattern
toget,er with Potash Kollin, milting, Box
and Parlour Stover, andThisehing Ma.
chines of venous horse power all of which
will be sold on the most liberal t• -ms.
Goderieh, 28th April, 1852. 15414.
tans. nal (Mee, hy Note oi hand or
Itralra. nine* two tottered *errs nhtata,ar a ,offfipf,,,o4 of the
te be sold to say ore irereole. sett,* troth Mr. lloysee Horton of Godertch.
*3-4/310 •t their ellearA Croat r n enc..
CONSFAUNNCN of eta it.smiver
m letters pooled t• Aeotratte, the Poet -
meet er Gowns! &ems it weeresesm to were
Partin writes, to their from& to the. so
loay, Met letters to Aerie -slut meet le•
perd re Casson fOr. they el100.1 bo 1.175•14.4
The flee W. • letter eingimeg aredevr bee
Ilvp A NI:FACTUREIttl of Hoe, Cape ewe
Dealers in Pore, Beffsle R.bee, Deer Skeen
Clove*, Mitten., Iv. ear
Cork Prod lot /Int.
Corte fie all •1••••rip41004 0( RbIllSatst
is C 19011
A 1..1. pertions indebted to THOMAS
rik MACQUEEN, late of tile Huron Sig
mil, ere hereby notified, that unlees their
notes and accounts ore paid ort or before
the let day of May next, limy will be tm
medrately handed to the Clerk of the let
Division Court for collection.
Persons residing in the Counts of Perth
wbo are indebted to the Horne Signal. will
fiod their note. with Dr. John Hyde, co
Stratford, who has been authorized to col
Farmer, Farrier L Stage Proprietor.
As the tont reemdtates Ixternal Applasatina IMO
Goderich, 2nd April, IS52.
rrIVO Late of Land, in the Ind and 3ril
▪ Coneemons of the township of Sten
ley, one mile from the village or Brucefield.
ant eighteen miles from Goderich.
Oe the lot in the 2nd Concession there ie
a Hooves, Ben, and *limy scree cleared.
On the lot in the 3rd Concession there is
The Farm is well watered be a never
failing stream, and the quality of the land
le of the beet deecroption.
The Inn, 'meld be dispond of separate•
T, if required.
AFARM containing t70 acre., six miles
and a hell from Godertch-b6 sores
cleared en it, with a good young orchard.
The above farm is well supplted with good
water -that fences are in rood order. A
good beer Hee es, Bate 10 by 61 feet, Mel
o leo Stehle. with outhouse., Ise.
Timer* Keeper, Iluron Rose, 4 miles from
Godsrieh, 101 on the premieres.
Cerhoree, May 91, 1862. v3ealltf
"They can't Keep Howe without it•
ohs fact that alerthaste Ceetrated or OM -
venal Finely Einaceosuee, cars Bela rem, rd wft
air MI rats r
sererd Externally is Me follow/lee complinets:-
Dropsy Swellings, Rbematern, Acute or Char -
MC (term immediate ease, Bore Throet, Brat -
sea. Sprain, Bums, &e. Sores and Ulcers.- aary. paia iho „d„ sed ow... ova
reducing MY...unlit liSre110Set e°014% Reese Bleed. Iloareensm. Quinsy, Is a
tightness of the chest by relexatios of the perm. few hours, Chilblains sad Frosted Feet, Spume,
has been surprising beyond cocceptioa. The pr eeeee • Blister from Bums, Broken Breast.,
conwnoe remark of thole ob° bete °•td " Henley Cramps. /Herne Sentare', or Tea
CIfIlfiC•If• la fill •
hie simile tilloatere Conn""b Dre"". sue too tomer. and seed ler articles a as Wr-
it; asd the 25 en. boon will de more thee
proprietors, oo the wria_ppir.
thorn netneen wares to esters:es the WM
RIL1,A EXTRACT. for Me care of endemism
eqvalled. Its positive qualities mre as fellows: aria,15 impe„ oat. .1 %h. Tu.
streellbetuiSirseparilla contains ten times as mach Imre
1st It frees the head irom dandruff,
the roots, imparts health and vigor to the cireo• 1 " .„ „b.f. 1. Fraei.
rellewhig: Cholera Norbert, Detraining Deus.
lotion, and prevents the hair dialoging colon or
genie, gray. 2.1. It causes the hair to coil
from the original Torkish Hakim (physician) of
Coustantioople. where it is oni tly used.- a. sarasparilic (ram win for.p....d be„
The Turks have always bete celebrated for their ! ontenals sad reanefectered vein the irtreeet
wonderful *kill in conspovothog Ile riche.; per. e„,, polled .1 ;b. asb.
fomes and ell other toilet articles. In Torkey I reted to the dtrietest Cheauca! tests, rued its
Nostrum. but • purely Vegetable Composed.
prepared on sciestific sod lati Imo
eut.46,deritihtelyps.sebie,ret. it in the but Illanneparilk seer
are *offering with the many ille that Weal@ 6fth
is heir to, no matter bow dispute yew eine
msy be, be not discouraged: resort to Gene's
You who desire a hessufal, clew *ie. free
from Pimples. Blotches, sad all imamate., es•
rely sport it se the best Ceernetie mu. We
briag this medicine before the pablie, mends«
that tbe good mammon seem of the people will
the pore !foodless Serempartfla sod the theeseed
which the country is filled, ooa einfidently
*ace tried will be always seed. We Wes pat
it op in large bottles, ono of which is equal is
virtue toot: et aoy other Sarsaparilla «yr sold.
Medmae bas become so great whee it hes ben
oar,:ri phi enliNdrr loWb 72r se rp. sp • e7tork.r, sorp:zyt:eber.1.1pisesill,fbevet. inevire7 vs;
ed. All orders most be sddrsesed to Ceimineek
All of the above earned artistes are fele
in Goderieh, C. W., by Robert Park, leartimisd
Gout.; at Hell's Comers by M. Beans; Is
anther's Alearom for 1853, wind *MM. el"
oil other Sereapenllas are peocipally composed
pan Ha, asd do pet ham the desired effect went •
anion has poured perhaps doses' .4 bottles ism
his seam. Oe the contrary...George'. Hude
dee of Januar!, 4°52. And ell preens in-
' James Donaldson, town. Godench, wag
diveolved by mutest contest as the 22sti ten than all the adfvuertmiseiymebectsabtibeant.c1•11e,
IS hereby give• that the partnership Sob- thin herd of heir is entirely naltiown in that
Fisting bet seen Alex. McIntyre, and country. We with but.'one trial to be mode of
long wide horns, •nd • sm•Il lump on the plyikaeliketerbe
right fore leg ; the other White, with light
red spots through the body, each four years acid is tg winless vslae to thorn witheat off -
...a for the hair. Hy....kee... i...1:b..ijoanerismico°,,,,1..
it. 'bet will do more to cao•ince you of um •ir.
published, mid that
Comstock & Brother oo the episode ',nipper.
ter cbeerfolly obeyed by the thildrea Mes.-
eases of Debility. frepotraer. Of Barfellirela.
all irugedarities of nature. all Met it pro-
fesses to be, vie: Nature's Grest Restorative, and
Elixir, prescribed as as effecnual restorative i•
remedy to those i• the married slate without
effseting• It is • certain curs for Sewell emis-
sive., General debility, Gleet, Weakness of the
Central Organ, Steven Affection, LeIleOr•
old. Alio, three Heifers, OD* dark red limit cae:11:-.
tEuvii...1,:deeteettot. s.dcraekeni,:eelrestminroL.makf all men Kleine ouch in fornastion •idebe.wbrodilAillyri'liertbsdPeireelltd1c:
kind°. Fresh Wounds. Sprains. Breen% FM- their recovery, will receive • Reward of 1113.
horwelittbhuowadhwyr,hteeitees. try:I:epee: ootelhedr_ougyetbah: oothte
years old -one White with red spots On neck & Brother ea the *flipper bed e.„, aaa
aviaries Sweeney, Rin W'
hereby reqnested to make immediate Pay -
meat, and save costs.
Goderieh, April, 211th 1852. ir5n14.
WANTED et the Croderich Foneery
• • as appreetices, three active yang
Goderieh, 254, 1869. vls-e5
t YING dining the pan two roma eel,
a eel la the capacity or prNERAL,
A17 r.ri T for the collection of &MIN dawns
it to be ponstly enderetens that he will
*inept the Apter, for the *Minims of
ens ie soy pert of I hit Upper Province, no-
r Cot...virgin the East and Imk• Ilene
•• th• Weer. In making this titmouse*
meal, he wootel beg te *sprees his thinks
to hos friends for peel favour., and afore 7a.
Ara 1;1104 wee 1
oundered Feet. Scratchy.. or Grum, Mange,
Rheumatism. Sites of Animals, External Poi.
sons. Painful Nervous Adenines. F:ont Beek
Chillheins. Chapped Hands. Cramps Con-
tractions of the Iftweke. Swellings. Radom
of the Joints, Caked Beventn, die de. An
C.21111011 TO
diet wee, wet se • cessersters, oteeerwl
wen Mew lerleeol them s• poke 01 WIMP
• prstrity 111.. ftry ono wore, reeli are Dim
woo oft cowrie III•ofIttloft. OMANI II IMO *crone by
✓ awly Wrier yews ••• in the Iourf aro. nal Croak
he Werra Amara mil lasehelat ...Sao is taw marl
of au. rm. sod Nouse yertratat. Were ewe
ger/ chl periate see nen ef dos Ma or /weeny
OST.t.T,OITTI Amur. 1115. Mr r re. Ur
res en, dr virre.... the error 5( Wee ensweissea;
tbee aa riot ai We nee tertiary le rerml le
any et all Aber at tree reenentlent
Township of Stanley, eh coo. lot 24,
.10th Nev. 1851
THE Seheeriber having RENTED the
WA M.:MOURN sad WHARF belong-
! to the Meson. Daveeport, of thie place
bee eetabliebed blame!, se a
Ally order. or commission from the Mer -
Omits of Gederich, will receive prompt
Windsor, March. 1849. .te-s7
rots or Oxtri Lovr.
ON the 97th June lest -see • black stag
with • rug is his sow, snare whine
Newt his Rask, • star os the
old. poen, giving Rey nhretio
that aree Iwo to the IiscoM7of On sad
eaor fa wen awl re aro of a. prorate. it as re DUna La GAM
rim ••• ele renew Tlie I. Sow taw tbe rebate Man
asi threw sway westey Ow • ~blow seal ceninse
Mt sown
eel.. rewind le the pownetor win b• preorpey
see. T••••/...I•4 of IS* Apr, oral ea. situ stiatisa
SW by mytnewbb tbelers rewray, Is the Core
err er Cori Aloe by,
Reberteese cha▪ ttiest: B. A. Mitchell, Lae
The follewmg Wkobtrale Arms, Tit.
Deo. k Co., Torsion; Boyd &Peel,
NO. 46, Coemland Street, New Yet*.
May 27, wry, es
elk Gee. Weeraearebe
111, 1862. vlie2b 61
$007`411AR ER
snowy or mere mintrat eessetortioes
profanes, '7, Kliag Rtempe Woee *est es the
Mora op.. where hie vieh and veriest
Steck consists ef 1.8.0oe' Peet% Is Rills.
Matte, Fresek sad bleat PremitrIl• sod
Coalmen. His fleirrimise'e Seem fee
Wattled. Rama ithrietieg. Ser -
Tombs., Joao OHM tam ve-sta
kaa F...,. W02.18, Braises la the Fleets, Galled
&e. oe bones. Carlon', liossilose Care. -
Foe the este of Risg-Bene, Blood tepees, Ben
Wrodralle end Spitat-a utters reme-
dy. Claims'. (:ereittros Penne for Horses tied
Cottle. The chasers of mother sad armee,
with the chimp of see sod feed, have • very
r "et effect epos the bird tad error Lei& a
hones. It is at these cheers they remote ee
flu▪ ids of the body that may have beim tabbed,
sad which, if set 'needed to, will Melt is Me
Yellow Water, Reaves, Worm. Brea,
el which will Ine peevested by giving ef
di.. „odor.. aid will at soy ume reteilleie••
517 evropuerne oftlowees appear. dosed is IMO.
They peril, the bleed, remove all isametios
and fewer, lessee the Mia, cleanse the err% sea
meliorate the whole bedy, enabling them aide
more mirk with the mime feed TM suites of
thew powders M direct spot all the wereen
sited... arid therefor* they her the awn effect
e pos the Hefts, the Os, the Ass, rod all lie -
Menne asimals--ell &genes arming ban or
predawn, • bed sane ef the bleed. ere opeedily
mired by them CArtbell.-Reflfoater arid mak
Ser Carltee's Ceedities Piow&rs. sod take se
ether. Cerium's Nerve ref err Lt•••••5 iere
floroes, sad for the can of all direr. a inas
« Mast that retrain ellarsal StypItet11.8. rid
for es. meted emits awl reerelas, siniegtheas
saddle galls. swelled lop, wove et GC kis& ••
homes. Carlisle. ankles fee Renee eel Cot..
tie are prepared hors the recipe • very «hem -
tad Leah«, farrier, sod inn etre l• 91 ewe
get of 100 say ef the sheer oemplesses 'hey
have bees son 1.7 knows. finer lees,
perprieven tied others, with the mem marbed
sea ikeidoi ~we.
Carralla -Newt me be parr Wren 7110
Ind the twee el 3 Carlin embroiled ea tbs
Wampum of sash artielo. Ressoninser Mee, se
H en ankles haws bone ••••••••17 seeelerteir-
ed of Issi sod Sad the p same 3.
Centel Cemetesk Ike . finer *Amt.
28th Pebroary, 1849.
THE Subeertber hereby intimately le bre
friends and the Traveling Public /TOP
rally, that he him removed from Now Abet;
deem to the Village of atrashorgh, sad on°
sow be felted is that well -knows hoses M-
iserly occopted by Mr . Jones, -where be
will be reedy and able to comities to tb°
comfort of those who may honor him WO
their patronage. And he Fenno
thanks for petit fevers, he bops*, bY
smuttier, te the weals and stele« er
their pat resage.
THE shove Mill sad Lot are simat•
the North side of Kisearitem St
Tor particulars apply to
Peeeteegene, 114th Nee. Htill.
sad of the Illoreth Pen, at thet
19. II. MARI
Awe« 21.:181111.