The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-15, Page 16:14 June -15, 1961 8111.88 R.M4,r.i\!... MY Y ••., ? NH n.A..,:er. 4 „ L Denfield churcl. 127 years ol;d C,ne of We.Stern Ontarje',s alder .ch>.!rehes, the Denfield Repast Cliureh, is .celelireting, Its 137th anniversary .on Sun.' day, Jiure 1.8 with services at 11 ani .anis 7,30, p.m. 1 1.10V. ,A, G. McDpWeil, prin-, Opal of the Baptist Trainjgg Institute, Brantford, will be the special preacher for the day hand Miss Gayle Atwell, ef :z ; ton, will sing .at both services, -"" Denfield Baptist Church was organized in 1834 by the early settlers frons Wales. Rey, 0. R, Maude is the present pas- ' Name delegates .ions elect Area drivers to UC committee'endrick At the in main race i At a meeting in the Anglican Church WA last Wednesday! Holy Trinity Church basement evening a recording on the new i Of the. six .of Canada's lead last Monday evening, Lionel church group° Tlie United ing harness horse race drivers Kendrick was elected. press. Church Women" was heard, currently campaigning on Unit -dent of the Lucan Lions fprt Nominated to a provisional ed States tracks, who drove 1961-62. committee to organize for this ; in the feature event at the Other officers included: vice• iiew group to be inaugurated! Western Fair Raceway las president s, Elmer Mosurin• January 1, 1962 were Mrs,' Thursday night were three John and Roscoe Hodgins; sec- 1 Sheridan Revingto.n, Mrs. :ll. l locals, Joe and Clint Hodgin. retary-treasurer, Don Hodgins; Langford,Dave of Clandeboye and Bud Gil tail twister, Gary McFalls; MrAEMrs. and _Mrs., mour of Ridgeway, Erle Young. The others ' were Johnnie ,Lion tamer, Jack Atkinson; g # C e one year directors, Benny Saul- A report from the executive ; Chapman of Toronto, Morley "Hier and A. W. Bromwick; . meeting finalizing plans for the; MacDonald of Strathroy and .two years, Ken 11loore and s t r a w b e'er y supper in the l Harold We.11wood of Stratford. :George Young. church rooms Thursday, June ' H 8, S at St. Thomas Assistant Huron District Cub 22 was presented. tor. Trousseau tea The trousseau tea for Miss Joyce MiaeDonald scheduled • for Wedeesday., June 7 had to be postponed until Friday ow- ing to the sudden death of the bride -elect's grandmother, Mrs, t' William Dickins. ' Airs 'Maurice MacDonald and s' her daughter, received at the door. great Twoa is, Mrs. lin , r5 Exchange . vows here Albert Carroll. and,Miss Alice -•••-Phatu. by Jack Doerr MR, AND !AIRS, PETER ROSS SOVE E GN Mrs. C.George! Mrs. Calvin Haskett, past Commissioner Harold Sissons H. led in the president of thea Luc. n Home of Exeter.spoke on the aims worship service and president P and School Association,. at:- :and purposes of Scouting at Mrs. H. B. Langford was in the tended a meeting on Monday this father and son (or (laugh- chair. Five dollars was voted ; at the home of Mrs. J. E. „Gen ,,,ter) tothe John Milton Society on o o et and nd er. banquet, catered to ? byJ nae of London, who is viee- ~Mrs, Allan nail's group of the $10 to the junior choir. president fo AreIll, to make -Ladies' Guild. plans for, the fall conference, • Scout Master Earl Carling, Though the Lucan • branch !assistant Cub Leader Ivied had hoped to have the • confer - 'guests, Cubs and Scouts were Church enee come to Lucan this year, 'guests, it was finally decided to hold During the business session a tent barge enough to accom- Activities in St, Thomas. I tI es modate eight, was donated to `the Scouts. United Church It was decided to celebrate r Rev. E. A. Currey,BA BD Lucan e 'Ladies Night at the'Village R , p Inn, Grand Bend, Wednesday of the W e 11 i n g ton United evening, June 14. Church, London, was the guest Miss Mary Ann Venton of The president remined those speaker at the 99th anniversary • Centralia is now assisting in -present that June 15 was the of Lucan United Church. the Joyce Beauty Salon, deadline for submitting en: The choir sang two special Mr. and Mrs, Jack Young. -tries for the "Lucan Sign" con- anthems and Miss Ilene Don- and family, of London, were test. The lucky winner will be aldson sang a solo. Saturday guests of Mrs. J. R. $15 richer. Rev. G. W, Sach took the Murray, morning service in the Wel- Weekend visitors with Mr. . lington United Church, London and Mrs. William Aylestock and assisted the Rev. William were Mrs. James Harding, -Mrs, W. Dickins.Moore at the Mount Pleasant' daughter Jessie and Mrs. Harry Memorial service near Lieury t James of Lansing, Mich., also :native of Watford in the afternoon, , Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Ross and Junior choir picnic daughter, Virgy, of Toronto. 1 Mrs. William Dickins, 79, On Saturday Mr. and Mrs, 'died suddenly at her home On Saturday afternoon 18 3 Aylestock accompanied by their l Princess St, Lucan, on Tues• members of the junior choir, Lansing guests visited their •day, June 6. their leader Mrs, Dave Park, {son Donald in London. Mrs, Dickins was the former assisted by Mrs. Ivan Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Weir Elizabeth Ann Mains, daugh- held a choir picnic at the and family were Friday guests I ter of the late 'Mr. and Mrs,gravel pit near the Ausable of Mr. Edgar McFalls, 1 Tom Mains, and was born at river' Mr. and Mrs. Will Doyle, of ' Watford. After her marriage A rousing ball game with i g Toronto, were Saturday visitors! she and her husband farmed Margaret Cobleigh and Louise ! of Mr, and Mrs. Irving Gib -1 near Saintsbury until retiring Cochrane as captains, ended i son, 1 to Lucan. 15 years ago. Mr, in a tie. A number of games I ' Mr. and Mrs, Murray Ab- Diekins died 12 years ago, were played with small prizes bott, of Centralia, were Sunday She had been living alone; for winners. Some tried fishing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clay - hut her sister, Miss Alice but the catch was small. ton Abbott. Mains happened to be with her Anglican Church Mrs. Murray Hodgins spent when her death occurred.Flowers in the chancel were the weekend in London with 1 She had been a member of in memory of Mrs. William his sister.Miss Merle Law and St. Patrick's church, Saints- Dickins and Mr. William Walk- while there attended an timer- , bury but had •attended Holy ere gency meeting of the directors ' Trinity Church since living in Mrs. M. 0. Smith, Mrs. Ros- of summer camps. ,Lucan. eoe Hodgins, MTs. Kay Egan, ,Mr.,, M_, 0. Smith left on Sat - She is survived by two sons {Mrs. Clarence Haskett, Airs. urday for.the east coast where and three daughters: Albert,. Jack Hardy and"Rev, and Mrs. he will be erecting towers for Lambeth; Jack, Lucan; Mrs, E. 0. Lancaster attended the ; "ship to shore communica- 1Vfaurice (Helen) McDonald, annual Diocesan Chancel Guild i tions." Lucan; Mrs. Harry (Marion). at St. Paul's Cathedral last' Mrs. George Kennedy of Ay.l- Noel, Aylmer; Mrs. Peter (Bes- Wednesday. 1mer is convalescing at the Holiness sie) Caldwell, Shedden; also Pentecostal HoliChurch 1 home of her son and daughter - one . brother; Gordon Mains,1,in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dorchester, and three sittersd In the absence of the Press"; Kennedy. Miss Alice Mains, Watford, { dent Paul Graham was in i Mrs. Irene Hicks and son Mrs. Martha Carroll, Windsor„ charge of the Friday night, gill of Flint are visiting the and Mrs. Jack (Sarah) McKin- Young People's meeting, The. former's sister, Isis. Thomas lay, St, Clair, Mich. ' Rev. Roland Harrell presented Brooke. All, together with Mrs. Funeral services were con-, a Biblical skit. W. J. McFalls, were Sunday ducted by Rev. E, 0. Lances-' WA honors deceased guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold. ter at the C. Haskett and Son 1 Thi meeting of the Anglican McFalls, funeral home, Lucan, on Thurs-Woman's Auxiliary held at the Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Cross of day, June 8 withinterment ail home of .Mrs. William Brown- Galt, Miss Beryl Cross and her St. James cemetery, Clande lee last Wednesday afternoon mother, Mts. Cross of •Cobourg, boye. • was opened with a minute's and Miss Nellie Foreman of Pallbearers were Bert Car silence in remembrance of two' London were Sunday guests of roll, Howard McDonald, Wayne more members, who have died Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Corbett. Dickins, Gerald Caldwell, Go.r i since the last meeting, Mrs.! Mr, and Mrs. Alonzo Ford don Noel and Robert Caldwell. .. Mitchell Haskett and Mrs, Wil- of London were Tuesday guests liain Dickins. 1 of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden. PP The president Mrs. T. C. prior to Mrs. Ford entering MrS, �.7. Stewart i The led in the devotion Victoria Hospital for surgery. L ' al and was assisted by Miss I Mrs. Bob Coleman. Mrs. dies at local home Lina Abbott, An invitation was • Irving Gibson, Mrs. Earl At read from St. Patrick's church,' kinson, Mrs. W. W. Garrett' Mrs, George C. Stewart, 74, Saintsbury, to attend the an.' and Miss Doreen Garrett were (the former Margaret Isabelle nual blossom tea, Wed., June' Saturday guests of •Mrs. Rich - Barnard) of London, formerly! 14• 1 and Dickins of Exeter and all of Lucan and Ailsa Craig, died i Mrs, Harold. Corbett read a attended, the SovereignaMac- suddenly Thursday, June 8 at' report on the Deanery meet- Donald wedding in Holy Trin- the Thome of Mrs. J. R. Murray, ' ing held at Newbury, May 19.' ity Church, Lucan, in the after- William St,, Lucan. I As Mrs. Bert Jackson, a noon. The body lay at rest at • the , member of the WA, expects; Mr, and Mrs. Clifford, Abbott T. Stephenson and Son Funeral to leave for England in Aug- and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Horne, Ailsa Craig, until 2.20 ust the branch presented her Davis were Sunday guests of p.m. Saturday, June 10, when with a small gift. i Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tindall of the Rev. James Gilchrist of : It was decided to hold no; Wiarton, On the way home the Presbyterian church, Ailsa July meeting, It isexpected!e they called on Mr• and Mrs. Craig, conducted funeral serv- the August meeting will be 1 H. A. , Mullins and family of ices. Interment was in Nairn held some time during the : Goderich, cemetery, month at the Corbett farm, `' Mrs. John Casey returned Pallbearers were Messrs.his Graduation of junior groups f home on Saturday after spend- Bob Murray of Lucan, his 1 ing a - week with her daughter brother, Jack Murray of Lon- Friday night Mrs. Mel Cul-' and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. 'dbn, Jack Adair, Arthur Lyon, hert as secretary of all junior C.F. Lan • ord of. Toronto. John Leslie and John Stewart, church groups presided at theMr. Thos, Emery of Alice • She is survived by two broth. ' graduation exercises in the Unit- St. who underwent surgery in ers and three sisters, John D. ed Church. i Victoria Hospital two weeks -Barnard of Nairn, George An- , Mrs. Tom Barr, assisted by , ago, was able to be brought Berson Barnard of Windsor, 1 Mrs. J. W. Lockyer was in' g Mrs. Ed. Bissett (Annie), Mrs.' charge of the promotion of the! home on Sunday. Hugh Adair (Merle) and Mrs, i following Baby Band members, Mh• Louis for or has been Newton Barnard, all of Lon- to Mission Band; Steve Reving- ` on the sick visitors rwith a week, don. 1 ton, Carol Mason, Jeffery Park, 1 Sunday with Air, and Culbert and family Mrs. Stewart was the daugh-1 Ruth Coursey, Debbe Stanley,' Mrs,otheir daughter Margaret ter of +Mr and Mrs. John Bar- Jack Lockyer, Sharon Young of London and Mts. Culhert'S hard. She came to Lucan as and Jo -Ann Drennan. a child and lived on Alice and Mrs. Ivan Hearn presided for Main Streets here. She attended the promotion of Betty Park,, Jack pot Boas up again the Lucan Public and high ' Marlene Butler, Rose Coursey, I With no one winning the. Le - Schools before moving to St, Sherry Fisher, Jim Zeigler, gion Auxiliary jack pot Thurs• Marys and London, After her David R.evington and Jimmie day night it goes up to $175 in mnarriage, she lived on a farm (learn from MiSSion Hand to 57 calls. at Nairn until her husband's: Explorers. During this promo•+ Mr. Benny Kelly of Lucan death then returned to LonMarilyn I -learn and Nancy won the he $5 consolation prize.d sang etThe top and aline S'She came out to visit her DorisCulbert Judy Lottgh•$ wthe Werth's by Miss Weil friend, Mrs, J, R. Murray last' lin, Daisy Cobleigh, Cathy, Muriel Carling, who and_ n _Verne Wednesday and also to consult Mathers and Bobby Cochrane et Mrs Dr: E. R, Patterson, as she were promoted from Lxplorers 1 won the full card prize, shared tack recuperating fuf u, Early iThursday area Sachin charge, Marg..' Smibert bingo oJackiS eacyland Morning She died sttddeinly. i Refreshments were provided• Miss Carole Davis, all of. I.0 Personal items 1 by the Evening Auxiliary with can, - `Weekend. guests with Mr, and , the president, , llirs. George Mit, Ira Carling and MrS, Mrs, E. W. Pepper of Frances • Thompson, aSsiSted by itis, Pat Grudge shared the first St. were Mrs. Leslie Davidson ! Dave Pari, Mrs. Maurice Cob- Hart; of the consecutive bingo, of Stratford and Miss Margaret 1 Ieigli and I. VVR J, lioekyet Me Sccondr, Tem Smith hart and. Exeter won Mess Pepper nia, O aSe1 in the kitchen, g Pepper of Sarnia, On SaturdayEwen, of Lucan, the full card., p her Personal items, Other winners included Miss ,parents whets they viaifed M,'Improvements continue in Mary Young of Rim Mrs, Art; add Mrs', John Pepper of Dash.; the Wraith -Storey 7-lardteare }Tarlton of Granton,, Bobby :wood, 1 store This week a tiled floor Taylor or Exeter, Mrs Henry ' Mi', and Mrs, Leslie Austen r is being installed. The plot of Bieber of Clandeboye and Mr's. Uri family of Bothwell Were grass outlined with flowery in Italpit Sniith, Mrs, Jim Avery "Sunday gtaests of Mr, and Mrs,' front of the store is an added Mrs, A. E. Reilly. and Mt, W. ;pwight •ilenderson,I a(traction. Johnstorfr All of Ltteari, . , Mains poured tea. Mrs, Bob Tindall and Mrs. Ronald Car- roll assisted in the tea-room, Mrs. Earl Greenlee and'Mrs, M s. Jack Dickins displayed the !trousseau, wedding and shower gifts. 1 Prior to the trousseau tea the bride -elect was honored at two miscellaneous showers, The first was at St. Patrick's Church, Saintsbury, where 'Mrs. 1 Tom Hooy, 'Mrs. Jack Dickins and Mrs. Hugh Davis were joint hostesses and the second 1 at Lieury with Mrs. Bruce Mor. ley and Miss Marjorie Save - 1 reign as joint hostesses. conal items , .. 80. .. v..:,. .., :sr ,o, mother, Mrs, Ethel Kerr of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson 1 of Lucan and. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Morley of West McGilliv. ray attended the llth birthday party of their grandson, Jack Hodgson, son of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Hodgson. Mr, Ken Culbert of Granby, Que. spent a few days last week with his father, Mr. My- ron Culbert. Mr. Terry Culbert spent . the weekend in Toronto with Mrs. John Bigham and his cousin Mr. Larry Glover who is re- turning home to Manitoulin after attending school in To- ronto. Mrs. Murray, Bob and Jack and Mrs. Erwin Scott attend- ed the funeral on -Saturday but a large number from- the vil- lage visited the funeral home Friday evening. Lighted candelabra, baskets of snapdragon, tinted mums and carnations a n d ferns formed the setting in Moly Trinity Anglican Church at 3 p,m. Saturday, June 10 for the double -ring marriage ceremony of Joyce Elizabeth 'MacDonald of Lucan and. Peter Ross Sove- reign of London, The rector, the , E Rev.0, Lancaster, n aster, of- ficiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mac- Donald of Luean and the groom is the son of Lorna E, Sove- reign, London. Given in marriage by her father the bride was gowned in a miramist ensemble, fash-1 ioned on princess` lines, featur- ing a draped sweetheart neck -,line and shirred three-quarter- length sleeves, The empire bust line was outlined with Swiss daisy applique. A petite waist. line was emphasized by a very full bouffant skirt which ex- tended to a brush train.. A veil of French illusion was held in place by a double pearl crown, She carried a cascade of white and blue tinted carna- tions and white stephanotis, Mrs. Howard MacDonald of Lucan as matron of honor, Mrs. Beverly BritneU of Hamil- ton, Mrs. Bruce Morley, RR 8 Parkhill and Miss Nancy Cald- well ld well . of Shedden as bridesmaids 1 were dressed alike in corn flower blue crystal charm cov- ered with white organza, fash- ioned with scoop neckline and V back with matching hats and accessories. They ell carried cascades of white and blue shasta daisies. Evening Auxiliary meeting The Evening Branch of Holy Trinity Church Auxiliary was held at the rectory last Wed- nesday evening with Mrs. Pat Crudge, Mrs, Jack Atkinson and Mrs. Dwight Hendcson ars assistant hostesses. The president, Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins, was assistedin the worship service by Mrs, Pat Crudge and Mrs, Charles Cor- bett took the study book. A tentative date of July 19 was set for the picnic meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Has- kett's cottage at the High- lands. The best; pian was Mr. Rob- ert Kinch, cousin of the groom, from Saginaw, Mich, Ushers were Mr. Howard MacDonald, LbrothereoBlailofr of theLondon. bride, and Mr. Mr. Ken Clarke, church or- ganist, provided traditional wedding music and accompa- nied Mrs. Gordon. Mains, of Dorchester who sang "0 Per- fect Love". At a dinner and reception held in the Legion. Hall, the bride's mother received in a blue organza lace over taffeta gown with red rose corsage, She was assisted by the groom's mother who chose a turquoise linen sheath with a yellow rose corsage. For a honeymoon trip to North Carolina the bride changed to a blue linen •sheath. with matching duster coat and pink carnation corsage. The young couple will make their home at 25 Kensington Ave,, London. News of Ianceboy BX. MRS. J, H.PATN n�:.. ., ...... ";., ,r.�.hN•rc,a.., .. ..•.•.,.w.•.::v�`�?rs.•,'ii,..r;;.,.5 Attend Presbyterial new wall, yhcn the 36th annual nicer -l:. MIr. and ,Mrs. Earl Paton, of London, called on the Paton ing of ';lie north -West :section! #amity .:Sunday evening.. of the Middlesex Presbyterial lllrs, Elva Dobbs of Tpronto, of the Woman's 'Missionary So• formerly of Clandeboye, is eiety was held in Parkluil 1 leaving by plane for Ontario, United. •;Church recently 103' California on the west coast registered, Mfrs, Rea Neil, visiting friends in Moose Jaw, President of the Olandeboye Regina and Disley, Saskatch- Ulinisteted Md Crshu,rchGeorge FederationPaul ,asof - epc'an bineforeTorontqreturning to her h nne Lucan in the dedication ,(if the I lir, and Airs. David Butler offering of the day, Mis and sons, Tommy and Ricky, Ptlei. Macintosh and of Guelph visited !Mrs. Butler's Mrs, David Kestle also atten. father, Mr. Austin Bice, and Personal, :items ed" sister and family, Mr, and: A1rs .Charles Coughlin on Stine Mr. Boy Cunningham had day. Mr Arpold Lewis, contractor Mr. and Mrs, Lynn #�', Saw - of Lucan, move his barn 10 yet and family spent the week - feet south and 10 feet ,east last end with 'Mr, and Airs, Ralph week, It is 40 be :put on a Lynn and family. three-foot cement wall to stable Rey, and Mrs. Stanley G. 'pose cattle. Tomes were guests Monday On Friday Mfr. Russell Par .evening with the for mer' s sons, Staffs, and h e 1 p e Pr s, mother, "Airs, Emily Tomes. moved a barn 305:50' 47 feet for They had spent the weekend J, H. Paton. When a cement with Mrs. Tomes' parents, Mr. wall is built it will make an and Mrs. William R. ,T, Lloyd Lb -shaped barn with the other of London at 'their "Rest a barn, Mfr, Parsons will return• while Lodge" at Kincardine. and lift the barn up on the —Please turn to page 17 .1.. ...... s...q..,,A.n..,,.,.0.4.,.,1,i,..... n.n111,.1,.,,,..o....,.n..n obbsFORDodge '58 PONTIAC TWO DOOR, custom radio '58 DODGE REGENT SEDAN, push button auto- matic, attractive 2 -tone '57 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN, power steer- ing, power brakes, push-button transmission '57 DODGE, REGENT SEDAN, 6-cyl., 2 -tone blue W and white y ' (6) '56 DODGES, PLYMOUTHS, FORDS, Sedans and Coaches. Every one a gem. '55 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL SEDAN, V-8 auto- matic, sharp 2 -tone. '55 PONTIAC SEDAN, 6-cyl,, custom radio, 2 -tome (2) '53 DODGE SEDANS, custom radios, 2 -tone OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Exeter Motor Sales PHONE 200 Fred Dobbs, Prop. NIGHTS 762W. OR 763M IIININI i A COURSE FOR FATHER'S AY The wind freshens ... whitecaps form the canvas fills and you are under way. .You have charted the course, noted reefs and shoals, compensated for drift and current. The boy at the helm can steer a true course if you have'chosen it well. Any father must feel the magnitude of the task.of guiding his son through isle's uncertain waters. What responsible man could&feel any other Way? This is Fatherhood ... the realization that nothing is so important as guiding your own tort along a course that has maturity of outlook and responsibility as its destination. Such guidance requires a delicate touch, the mature understanding of 'a man who has sailed these waters before. And nowhere is this understanding more important than in the practice of Moderation in all things, including the use of whisky. It is this thought which The House of Seagram wishes to leave with you on Father's Day, 1961. THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAMM LTD. • 7,40 i ::i' ♦1111. x NI' ?I :.,.:�...,,..