HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-11-04, Page 3wile to b ii• (rigida. Why did M Ng then Kedge• his ertdence-he could Mk bat ,t sails his purpose lu )out with soother willing tool in Stratford in making` allertio0e which canuot Ire substantiated. 11 it aot well kaowi1 that it is an moons - Raaf in Mr. !hie Donald's charac- ter, that ht oust always have some cud in 'iew, and perhaps www censorious person °uely•a!e lira Le not property ala i0 phi se 11y favour's; the Toronto tektite would he 'tot be euliancing the 'aloe of Ins own proaerty at Guelph, hi.to tilde Luhr,tot tr,'' or Mr. Metre mCa•u1es fur Wing bo Rectos for both roads. Some time age Mr. \tel)onttld wrote a letter cballam,ine Mr. KyJJ to a discus- uou, 11,• tiyJd with mild forliearauce did out amenia., because he could not do so without "-seeming Lis frier' I the Sheriff; not- withstanding Niro 31cIor.ald routes out agave its such a straits as to make himself the laughing *trick of eters one. This time we boot .Ir. lipid will answer him ac- cording as he deserves, and not spare hiro. We dU,I.iuk- that Veritas ought to offer the largest landed pruprietor some such wet• advice as he lately gave to 'he individual who has the aLrirealy of Perth in prospec- tive. On.. Or TOE SMALLEST LANDID PROPMETnna. s. Eastl►ope, Nov. 1st, 1S/r. TO THE t F.011-1NRV AND RATE PAVERS OF TIIE LTNITKU t: H N'TIESOF IIL'LtON, PERTII AND BRUCE. Gsrrte>tr.s,-�lotwitlataidin tlte ••me•ehM peronismo, and what some may •eensider officio's part which 1 bare taken - ii the Raduay demonstrations in these coraties dunce Ile last four intonate. 1 cannot allow th.: letter whirl. has appeared to -day iu both our Newspapers, over the signature "John McDonald, Stock -holder HURON SIGNAL. certainly is that favorable aasurare. appy- the reality of the eacertaiety and certataty, cable to it. 1s (ashlar prow( of this opts- he refers to -aged as he appears out to ism, 1 WO Jest state, that it was peed by Lav* much confidence is the statements of one of our most able oppOOents, as t feasor a "Stockholder and Ratepayer," la the that the l:ureruweut would atter great us Culonut of the 22nd tush.; 1 beg his at- a ebarter, that • tbe prosperity o1' the $wf- teatioo to the letter signed "J. ('.;' which falo and l:oderich Imre would be web, as to appears in the Guelph ArlrrrtLxr of the serionely injure or ruin the Great Wester.. 2htI mat., where be will perceive WNW era - It we miasmas that tie Railroad will be dente ta Eramoaa, (oa the hoe of the To - (wished it 1!S mouths, the farmers and rate- routes road,) of route uncer'uanty from payers would not, in all probabJity,hare to another part, as to the I:uelph laws, That pay much more than oue years rate; and there is, at kart some certai.ty to the Buf- lima, if the property of the farmer were filo line, the tact of nearly the whole dis- assesserd at the mine of Je1O0, he would tante from that city to Brantford beteg Imre to ney 1501 41. say three Dollars- graded, the emir -store regularly paid, aid sort if at Use sable of £20.1 he would have funds on hood to carry oo the work, should to pay 30s Sid., ur bis Dollars.. -amid, as remove the akeplicism of the Sheriff and we may assert, without any probability of others. contradiction, that fid. more per bushel on As Taxpayers have u much interest his wheat would be obtoiuei, through the Stockholders, great or small, iu tlx dose means of the l:ailroad, over and above the .ion and obtaining true iofortaatiou it cost of Transport on the sale of Lis wheat. to be buped now that the Taxpayers It moot at the same time he bourne in 'Mod come forth and view tbe eomparat that an equal ratio of increase would also merits of the two proposed line Le secured ou the prices obtained ou and in the advocacy of oue of them - the sale of all the other productions of bis Toronto line -there is us much dew farm. hope, and eapectatiuo, to obtain our to The farmer, therefore, who is assessed or municipal securities, as is the :Abet. at J:1OJ would, by the tucrcased price oh- 1 am, Sir, tained on the sale of merely 31 bushels of Your obedient servant, Lis wheat, be enabled to pav the rate of tax imposed on bim through the construc- tion of the Railroad ! or,if assessed at £'20t) be would by the sale of (i'2 bushels of wheat. be relieved of Ibis mighty Bug- bear, ' Ruinous Taxation' as some <slow Coaches' profess to look upon it to be -be- sides having the increased value of all bis other produce oven AND Asoot !! The effect of Itailroads on property has been found to be, the raising of its value from 100 to 600 per cent. I would, therefore, respectfully entreat our farmers and ratepayer. generally, to weigh well these important ('acts in their minds ; and to discard the sophistries of those parties who are endeavoring, for and 1: ete-pater in ibe Toronto and l:uelpb sinister purposes, to prejudice them against • Railway, and lamest tesideat land owner • work- wbicb is calculated to raise there ID the I�'ailed ('.ouatiesof Iluron, Perth and feinted Counties to a state of prosperity lknice,' to rasa unnoticed; were it far no- ' thing clic than on account of the unmerited attack mnwthe Ilees esIn general, arid wise one •• prominent teatime individual emote, them" in panic:dor; an attack which. with MOM -teelene'vel"MellefftelfteMeM. -•err- •'- -ate- -r , ,... r_.,--essres sights .�_ - - - _. - _ _....-..�..__ Z�r 1TE3*7 C7.101:3 C7^1 3 i 1 I �AY6iste tb'member. of the N(Y[ti�i, w - .e i au►eer,ner Lou' No. 6, 1 d HEREBY giro suttp tout Mr. W(Nlaar (.ea. o.T• da ap u( krona all k aboSi 1 l.'beo" TIpp.tt, of B.ys.w. a net se - Il 11.LIA 11 M,-L(.OL%1. the Lit ,1f, May, a dark brows alley about ibonaed b) ewe eo collset i►o debt• or re - BPUS lett• to segna.wt the rs►abust* of 13 +ease ad, w,ab a 0151011 akar. spot *ra caro Iba.a,wsy dee t0 btu C+tate--Ao b the United Counties of Iluron, Perth I he' oeehea,. TI'. uwYr wtU plasia per rag uasak.rrd sed oe.lga.d •..wee qw.. tn4 finite thae he h row opes'ng os 'hoe" Iaspeue'e sol 1.ke iter sash. .,taw ss appeared i. the Public Prmts'e! lVv. DLAIR- Guderich, all his Mikis and *shier property peeves, on Neat Street, nearly opposite Township( Goderie Sweeten' fw Drutbers Law office, a splendid' October 97�11s. 1862. rb 0140-31 to ate /or the bench' of er Creditors - at of � wbacb Cobra I have once placed in lbs ►a ado of D. 11. Ritchie, I:.q . ('lurk of the aevosth U,v,uun Cosine lia)weld, for cuff lecuun, and ("ROCKER le wh•ch he Las purrleued I HEAP GOODS at Purl Albert, wbo, with ore (he uoJer.gmsmd is ,Itis au - at the be.t markets, (111, .n 1 on the most favor- ti Th wb.' call* there will the 'homed lu grist P eetpta upon pU meat of able te•ime, any w tech he a dncrmiaail to i Tb. Goods suet the ('.otos, the prices, set the same. J'op'.e • (it eoeh prices Si l omtr fail to y- 1b. 115104, K JOAN STRACHAN, secure the sucpert tied 1'at:image of • din Who whites to pnrehase, will pleas' .1ua:gsrr fe /lea K."lelt of enmre..ttog Public. O, call any see W.:7. Tll'l'E'l1'. Godenc, Oct. 971b', 1851. v5..40. M His /.tuck, well selected, will wit Cap- i Gudeneh, Sept.'weir 16.1' i ■36 '� "7'• Q Bowe ata STATIeaaaT,-Dates asn Paa►ur►a v. Pitmen- lo tar e f /lurk t,, srtiliwr, monthly THOMAS LOUGH I:EA. for J'uet l'hillipand Sydney. reit Albert. Boot. 1, 1862. s5n33 "HOUSE AND IAT FOR SALE. 11.14 "III" 'totes. Most, 0 16 0 1.dbpt 'stub Yex•god:er, 0 10 • 3rd best Jacob Seernnuer, 0 7 6 Ben Bull Alex A«amJ, • 15 0 and Nat %Vru Terhberu, 0 12 0 3rd beet John MCDaoalJ, 0 10 0 Beal parr 3 yeers old totters Alex 'Armond. 0 15 0 end beat Wes Jenkins, 0 10 0 3rd beat Alex Vatter bete 0 7 • Beat pair 2 years old Steers Alex Young Set. 0 10 0 Beat fatted Os Wen Jealous, 1 0 0 2nd beet Win Jenkins, 0 15 0 3rd boss h1 r." Dur•lop, 0 7 • Beat fatted Cow or Metter Atex Young Sen. 1 0 0 2nd best Alcx Young ten. 0 15 0 3rd h..t Alex Yount! See. 0 7 6 as Beat \Vurking ()Ate ma- Th., Elliot, 1 6 is 2nd best Alex Unsaid, 1 0 will 9rd het J..meg Andrews, 0 15 ire Best Ram John Sarre, 1 0 2nd beat 'Phonies Elliot, 0 13 in Iesa than IS months, which, without tbe Railroad, would requiro half a century to effect. 1' shali leave the two "Stockholders and Ratepayers" to light it out between them - ad d ferrate to our worthy friend the selves, so. tot he proceedings of their owu h: Letie, Pinot pro5ounce to ire tansented i Company, so 1151'4 as 1,o attempt is made sad utterly at tarianre with fact. And al -1 or calculated to mislead the settlers of though, I could not, for one moment, doubt 1 Hurcn, as to what is really their best inter- 'Jlr. Jlellona! r.a rcoe51, I most lake the liberty of differino widely from his opiniau of the' merits of 'the two- lives of Itadway; nor, can I ore that the bare • fact • nbieb be bas tbus complacently and happily for Mot- , self -twice brought ander our notice; as to the broad extent of his possessions, ens in any way gire greater force to that opinion, 11 1311 would pertain to the opinion of the poorest 'settler within. wide Burma,' who might not. perchance, own one foot of land. Nay, en the contrary, bad Mr. 11. told us the '• whole truth" and informed " all whom it may concerto." that be Malsoa very coo- siderable " lead owner" along the iatende 1 line of his favorite Railway, and especially In the mean tone, I would respectfully in and about the town of Guelph, a. well as her. of "all to whom these presents shall being a Stockholder IR the same, and a , come"; to believe, that I have the best subseriber the sum of ..C.7)0 to the prerrpi• ; interests of the "[furor' Tract" as consc'- lo('survey thereof; the redemptioe of which j encionsly, sincerely, and truly at heart, as t::i0 Is cngDo•ent on the said line beiv c if 1 could, with truth, bare had the happi- earried into ei�'eet; then rooked, way might I nese to subscribe myself, , hare been found to believe thtgt the prior 'Fbeir obi- guard., roan whose an. exists in llur:,n, was wont i THOMAS KY DD, likcl,(,,andequally, comtetent, to give an ,Stockholder and Ratepayer in said unprejudiced sad faithful ,ppiaioo as t) Railwa?and largest Resident Land - which of the two lines would best serve the bolder in the i -silted Counties of Ilu- intrrests of the settlers in general. ron, Perth and Bruce." The Sheriff, however, Like deere ooe, Godeneh. Oct* :S1h,1S52. else who has yet attempted to advocate the ' -'- 'Torosto beet slylyeoppres'.es the fact that T11S 'TORONTO ANI) GUELM - n o Recipro,,ity Act is required to ensure we A..N1) BSANTFOPsD AND (-:ODE- the pririkges of Lake ()uteri° and the St. RIC"! P.A1L\VA Y. Lawresce, by a direct line to liamiltos; a saving of 32 peke of road, and of the coo- STRATVORD, 30th Oct. 1S:)2.request expense of coastraetio.. and also To cru sorrow eye own NOlwa mesas- of esasof perpetually increased earn*Se of. pro- St*, -I do 'not believe that there are dere. any in this County (Perth) who woedd And whence arisen this systemstie shirk- gainsay Shenif McDonald:A word. He too ot the full arenimcnt oa tbe part of,the is esteemed as a roan of integrity. \Vith. Toronto party! but because they know that this admission, I advert to. his letter of the if forced to a,Lnit thio " great fact," they 15th inst., published in the Signal, Loyal - have not a'• leg to stand upon!" and that, ist and Perth News, in which there is not as has been already stated .by one of our any further assertion than that of J1r. Gnomon'sMerchant,, we have also both the etport Gwynos in his lengthy letter of tbe 1 lth and import Americas Irak "throws mato October. namely, that the Canada Com - the bar„ r ain." .• , psey's ability to act for the furtberaseeef 51r. McDonald's as.ertinn that tbe ae- the Toronto and Guelph railroad, and the tion of the Rees es In this matter is'•ille,-aI, etlession of the same, is engnestiooabk.- null, axil cold.' is. O say the: least of it booty and ill considered; for, the By-law, and their act' ,n on it, has been pronounced to be perfectly in accordance with the otatutes by very Welt legal authority, UM Canada e:ompany ar.current has beea'so much before us of late, and thanks to the Consolidated fun 1 11111' about becoming law-geoerafly considered 10 be of little importance, i shall therefore take ao notice of it at present, but. why does he not pub- first instance, to any third parties, or bah the • documents' connected therewith, 1. Is the interference and wish of the to whirl, be has refereed, if they aro so im- Canada Company: only confined toade- portant! 11e may rest essurred, however. sire in favor of the Toronto and Guelph that the Buffalo, Brantford, Stratford and route and its extension, and that they will (;oderich Railnay, is anything but the' un- set as agents merely. (allowi.o, their uo- certainty' which he would taiu betters it to doubted ability and willingness.) in obtain - be !Mg tog monied mcg or third parties in Eng.: As unremitting efforts are being made by land, to advasee the money required on the certain inkres:rl rand .1,eti-Rnilro1d security of stook, or otherwise, of the rail - parties to raise as alarm in thej minds of the road i ratepayers of these Counties, as to the 3. Do the Directors of that road intend heavy amount of taxes which theyrrill hart to depend sofel# os the private Canadian to bear oo the issue alio, proposed am tont atnekbnlder purchases of. or subscriptions of debuntores,for the construction of the fur stock, with (Le said advance throus6 Eau•, llran/J:,rd, S(raatfi.:a1 n:,d G0rlerork the Canada Company, or Roo/rood, 1 would call the attentina of the E. Do they expect the assistance of the f••nentera and Rrrtepnyers generally to the various !Municipalities, to take stock also, tollssiag facts. and thereby tar their constituents, or to Is t The amnimt of amurrd property i lend tbeir 'leni.ipal manse only as a gum.- tbese -noted Cour-awe, as given in be t antee, all is the same way. as Las Lehr mummers for, the present year is .C1,..10'2,- openly end fairly expected and proposed 055. by the Directors and sappnrters of the And under'•the Statute which is now be- Belisle. Brantford and t:uderich line 1 fore the Legislature; for the payment of 5. Will a fell avid fine ,bare of the prof- tha sum and the 'merest thereon, !s per its len the whole of that line from Toronto, cost has to be annually raised by rat* un- be extended also to the taken of stock in td the receipts of the lt: t road are adequate the extension from Guelph, in the same le meet it. 'The a; sunt thtr` required is way as is guaranteed in the etteo#en of ,l°1)(1i). And 114. in the pound nn the the BOfhal° Inc'from Ilraotford via ...trot - amount of the a•sesse.l property,'crnrding ford to I:nleach! t• the above a++e'sment would produce It is not generally considered that any 01.09. \\-blit 2d. in tbe pound would railroad in this part of Western Caritas. realize £I9$)0. ran well be set aiming, without pledges We may ther•efnrr ay Ilat tit. rete to (11 nothing more) trent :Municipal bodies; be imposed will nit exceed l id.in the mind and the almost uoanimons vote on the 20th hod. it will he remembered that Mr. lost., of the County Canoed at t.od.rieh (:.yore admitted, that on the completion in favor of the Brantford line. is only .p- ari. favorite line, the r•eesnpts upon it pareatly, a vote against the wishes of the wesld hare drseb.rged ill :'s annual Isabel'- Causde Company;and mach Council shosM toes! ILssdes, you are well aware how be rwlsposed to know. what se hest few the yootko supenor the prospects of the lore ('oamtea,--WM their ante se es mores for odaptcd by pow Comity Council is to the (:ana4. Company'• tntereat* is proper - the former, as a P*O. TA ■LC React; - One, as for the (amen is. tieir loada tyt)too; sod titr.fnre, how much store But Sheriff McDonald lest ttOt shows est ; but, 1 am induced to re -publish the leiter of the Toronto "Stockholders" and the Cdonist quotations, from the Toronto Railroad Bill, nowbefore tbe Legislature, in reply thereto, together with. the Lorgrl- irt's remarks thereon; as all eminently calculated to stew the Very pretty sort of "Straight Jacket" which the Torosto and Gueli,h Company se ent no industnqusly wecvieg for themselves; but whether the Toronto '•Stockholder and I:atepayer" hal "sanity and patrioti-m•' enough, or suf- ficient ability, to prevent the Canada Com- pany from putting it on them, rtmains to be seen. 0 0 0 0 0 3rd beet Thomas Sourby, 0 10 0 the Best parr of 2 Ewe. ore, John Salk -!d, 0 10 0 tea tad lest Tho*1.f , ut, 0 7 6 3rd best Jnhn 5 11.94. 0 b 0 Beet It.,,, Lamh J .ho N,lke!J, 0 10 0 Ind beat 'Tito. Elie", 0 7 6 3rd beet Thus ' 0 5 0 0 6 JOHN J. E. LIN'FON, A Taxpayer. C 1- Lp to time of going to Pre» Easters Mail. Best Ewe Lamb John :S.Ikel t, 0 10 2nd best Tahoe Nourbr, 0 7 3rd beet J.,sep', W1111011, 0 5 se Best (at Welber." or Ewes Too.lo.,rhy, 0 15 214 beet Thos Ei,,site 0 to Set best Jo',n Ssikel•t, 0 7 s- Beat Boar Alex Y.•ung Nen. 0 15 at Ind beat Jaceh Serge'dier, 0 10 bt 3rd b..t Alex Young nen 0 7 oo- Beet Soo and Pare Atex You._ Sen. 0 15 2nd best Alex Yu•ine San. 0 12 Pts 3r4 be.t T F Bntla,e, 0 10 re Best Lumber Waggon be Georre Brown, 1 10 0 he 2nd best Andrew D,pogh, 1 5 0 the Best r'ultiratnr Ge•rge Brown, 1 0 0 a_ Beet P:u•'git ' Join Salkeld, I 0 Jut►ors-Robert B^!!, Geo Moults and Ross R ,bert.on, Egui rs. GRAIN. Best 4 bush Spring Wheat John Salkold, £I 0 0 2nd bast Wm EJvanL 0 (3 0 !rd beat Christopher Sturdy 0.10 0 Best 2 bu.bcia Bariey Jahn SfcDnngal, 0 15 0 end hero Professor Merry, 0 l0 0 301 hest John Salkeld, 0 7 6 Rests bunt- Oats Partriek Carrel, 0 15 0 3.14 best John R.'kekl, 0 l0 0 3rd hest -Theo Elliot. 0 .7 6 Rest bush Pease Alex Gardner, 0 15 0 214 best Tuns Mot. 0 10 0 3rd beat Patrick Carrot, 0 . 7 6 Bast bushel Timothy Seed' Cbri,tnnb-rStnrdy,915 0 tad best Mex Gardner, 0 10 0 3rd hest John Ellf,t, - 0 '7 6 Second beet bushel Closer Seed John Elliot, 0 15 0 Best 50 lbs Salt Botta • Jelin & nkeed,' 0 13 0 2nd boat 'Thus Elliot, 0 10 Q Ird heat Alex Young Son. 0 7 6 Best 40 lbs Cheese Sire. Dunlop. 0 15 0 2nd be.t • Ake 'Vomit! Sen. 0 10 - 3rd ben Alex Gardner, 0 7 - 6 Best 20 'be staple Sugar George Dobie, 0 10 0 2nd beat Jam Stonehenge, 0 .7 6 CLOTH. Best Fulled Cloth Peter Robertson, 0 15 0 2sd beet Alex 'Gardner, 0 10 0 3rd best George Wilson, 0 7 6 Best pair Blankets Time E:►iet, 0 15 0 !riff beat Patrick Carrel. 0 10 0 Srd best Robert Johnston, 0 7 6 Beet 10 yard Flamed Atex Gardner 0 15_ 0 Beet pair Stockings Alex Gardner, 0 5 0 ON Acceont of a nun completion of the Boat pair Gloves Alex Gardner, 0 6 0 Subscriber,' Store they beer been .n - Best pair Mitts '0 0 5 .0 able to open at the time epeci6eI in their Best bush Onions J Sceemitler, • 0 7 6 advertisement, but will open early .ext week. GORDON It AlACK AY. Gnderieb, October 25:b, 1852. ,4n40 PROPELLER BuRNT.--Early on Tue day morning, the l irwr.rrt ten Tying Port M,pitlasd, which site reached the wg before, was di • eJ to be on fire tweep decks: eck+ near the cone .anion way. The men were soon up, but thew attem to save the vessel 'was toeless, as in fi minutes from the discovery of the bre'I fames had completely enveloped Ler. T Captain got ou: the safe containing books, and the taro saved their tbines, e cept ooe. who lost alma 6t2U. Her cargo consisted of about 115) tons of off -r ake, 1,- 4011 obis of goer, 100 bales of feathers, 2 of wool,.15 to 21) tuns of butter, 4 of leath- er. The Lull Ties in 9 feet of water and bcr machinery will probably be got out. About lid) cords of woo), brlooeing to \ Iiichard,nn, was burnt on shore, and surge other damage done. -fit. Catharines ,Journal. hashes. --IVs are extremely tarry to learn • that the Sargam \1 ,nireal, ot this Port, wee wrecked oo 8 andsv evea.ng, the 24th irest • it on sows of a sluee t r e( ems II Island..call-4 the "Suter,,•• sear Pu,ot 'au Pelle, Lake Erte. 11 is said That Captain Patten, had given directions to his first mate which were not exactly followed. and turned It before the ace Went happened. The Mostreel had on board about 10,000 boels of wheat, he- s'h longiui` to' Eberle. Robotism ik Co, -(oily 'opera, The rematnine past 61 the cargo was composted principally of potash ani to- baecn-partly ewe -ed. Upon the vessel there was en ireuranee of .O5000. which may cover one half the Inas. Fortlleate y no liver loot. -Kant .9drerti,er. Negate'. 'moot. BCttn,.ot.-'.Vo bus from the Journal of Ei.cetioa for Sep• !ember, tbat the new Norma! School Buil- dings w.Il be completed Jurtns+ thus month. The exercises of the Winter Sesotua of tbe Normal Seboo, (which will commune• on the 15th -of November and close on the 15th April,) will :ake pace to the new bui!di5gs, whore .vary facility will bei provided foe the improvement of the stu- dwt-teacher in tra:m,og • Any iofermation as to the terms of adar,a.ioo to the Normal School, and form of apphcatsoe can be ob- tained by addreseng the Chief Superiot.ne dent of Schools, Elueati.00 Office. Tarots. to. 0 0 1) DRY GOOpo, GROCERIES AUSTRALIA. GOOD NEWS. T7.e ma_ ri/icon! new clipper Slap SCA .GO." 11.50 Tons Burtbes. ALANSON BOWE- S, Coesla,osa. , succeed t'•e - "()roe," as 6(th j Shap of rhos I ne, and rail from New York PenetOrlly on the lith November The c''Araeaet of the ships of this Line Is now en w.II enabhehedy that it to merely Tut: Rub eriber offers ter .a!e that coo- mediuu, Beek Dwelling Ilonee, epee. site the residence of Ire Lewis, Erg. rhe Lot Lae two frosts. The above proper's will be sold Cheap for cash. For further particulars apply to Angara Dower', or to the proprietor JOHN PEEL. Port Albert, Sept. 13'11, 185e. n34.3 Co/tench, 14t September, 1852. 6 FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, O g' 'RATES of Confines Crockery, wbleh e, nece•e.ary to Fry that the proprietors will will be disposed of at ware low Rees. eoenne to make them enperiaw-to All others, M. B. SEYMOUR Ilt l0. A. usual, a well q•,a! 6.•d /torero's and 1'5°34 ° •'got.Ite atsendan'a provided. 6 For ire ght or paaenps anp!v to o T. A • AMBKIDGF Goerichs 14th September, 1852. Arent 11+miltos. Or R. W. CAMERON, 7 OTICE. 116 Wait Street New York. THE Subscribers will Sue, without any O Ilamiltow, Oct. 20th 1939. sS w40 1 desiaetigmell, Long Overdue Notes, aid open Areouots, if eel shortly paid, or satisfactorily Airspeed for. • M. B. SEYMOUR to CO. siulti 0 Ir The expeeto of Lbktitg Wee recent venni, of Upper and Lower Caoada is estimated 51 ' 32,0e0.- -- _- GOLD iN CANADA. From the Pa►atraphe which we have cob - Moved to tbedif'arent Q sebec papers with - miles peat few does,'1 would seem that the Chamber Maes ate anon likely to n- od both -Australia end C.I forma, in the discovery o(Gold. Vader the heading of "Geldtersest," the Q ieb.e Mercury or the Sol jeer', contains the fullnwing rather startling but of coureo graufyto` Ioteligenee :- We had some misgivings when we read in Tues.lar's Csra ic'n. Ihat • lu-n,) of gold hod been L'und Iasi week nn the other This ability was never doubted. Het wilt side of the river weighing 14 lea ! ! and sail to be worth not less than 0200, But Mr. McDonald, or soy one else connected! we vo r'a'ce told treat another tum;, has with the Toronto line, auswcr explicitly i been lovad in the earns neoghborhaod. titre these questions, for the informatics. of the in- week, wc:ge nL 4l Ihs soy worth about habitants of these United Counties. 1 £2.000 e•nresey ' , Toe rea)y aoriferor, 1. Will the Directors pf ire Canada c runt:y seem. newer Q shut thao'..,has Company advance cash, as stock, or on the hecn eoo:•oseJ." Oar contemporary gives the f.a;o.-trg, as rearing while these rte bonds and \lorlgage of the Directorsefthe becovenee were not sooner made : ••Whit Toronto and Guelph Railway, the sum of i for a 'me time past we have known parte ):37:1,1)00, without Intim, reference in the ! to he aware of thee: tense of gold 1n the le front hest to cold, prances an inAtmens- • 'von, and in • few data or wracks, it to .s' I, • he or she died of . ('oneu•nprion. For all troubled with c0•,_h or inn_ c dant, we would refer to tee ad'nrtiseeuent on the net.. le of this inner of Unison's Chemical Extract r•1 "Cherry and l.un; wort," why', t Ia Gael to be a cet tam euro for this awful • disease. n• FOR ea.►LG. • A N Excellent Brack Mese with 1 of an " aerie n( Land Inc sole nn Eva Street, within ICO yarie of tee Market Square. - For particulars apply at this odt'e. Gude.rich• Nov. 3rd 1852. v5 -n41 AUSTRALIA. PIONEER LINE OF CLIPPER SUMPS. THE Subeen''er will art et Strwtfbrd E. TNOR\HILL, ns Agent, to dote -ting pas.oagers who • int -rid eo'ag by Ihoe Lone, wlech mole from WOULD retina his theeke to the New Year- Ile is prepared 14 IOWA iofore public for rhe liberal support he has net *soon as to the pelisse mnner, lie., aid from them d.iring hla reeedeeme ie God.ne ,, will Five 1, -iters of Inir..dnet,ue te'the and hopes by strict totemic.* to bun.ess, owners at New York, 31 . R. W. to sttH merit a elate of their pslrosego. Cameron ao•l Jolla ()pies, 116 Wall Street, At his rild stand, erre door East of 11. and to the Agent at Ilemiltun,•3lr. F. A. Cooed. Cowpony's Qfee. Ambridge. Goderich, Sept. 6th, 1852. v5n33 eels eoc i Hee 6 entl♦ r reommss too thrive 'pari Line, a Inciby which hie .on, w.th- many ether Lanadieee, psiled in lone last, in the STRAYED. Ship Revenue to Port Pbtlip. The flip SCARGO, a the next • ship which sails oh the 20th November. A Sur- geon sed attendant. provided. , JOHN 1. E. LINTON. 81ratford, County Perth t Sikh' October, 1331. s *1.40 POCKET BOOK LOST. • ••-• 8atordaye the 23rd tenet., betweeto Goderich and Mr. D. Munro's lou, Huron Road. eoatainieg foul,notes of •bald 'given by M r. Merges Hamilton, in favor of the Subscriber, and five dollars in nab.. The public are hereby cautioned against buying or setting said toter. A liberal reward will be glue to any. person returning said notes to • JOSEPH WILSON. Godericb, Oct. 97th. 1852. ,. s5o40 A OTICE: 2n4 best %V;l!nm E'wards, 0 5 0 JQDORr-Jn. \Vat.n•i, Robert Park and Chrietoptr.r Crabb, I:,grs. PLOUGHING MATCH, 22nd OCT. Best Plnugbing Joseph Salkeld, £1 5 0 end best J3mee Clark, 1 0 0 3rd beet Robert McCartney, 0 15 0 Burs UNDER 21 TRaIS PE sett. FltOld its first settlement (apemen and r Beet Piougbtog \Vm Elliot (Leg) 1 6 0 real.) of rho fuundauun stone of the NOTICE is HEREBY GIVtN PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION - HISTORY OF, THE COUNTY OF PERTH [j`ROy the enbeenber abont the "last of Angst *black cx, turned up horns, e little white under the belly, Six year. old. Any persue gldig web.intormation as will lead to his recovery will be rewerde.l f.cr tbatr.trouble at 1st concession Lot No. 19, Teekentaith, Loadbn Reed. •ROBEIIT SIeMORDIE. Rep. 1832. - v5-' 36 GOEDRICH•FOUNDRY WILL be hereafter conducted by 1Vm. J. Keay., an his own aceouat, who will 'apply every deecripuon of castings at lower prices than they can he imported. The new " BURR STOVE:" to unser- pa.sed in Canada, and will bo.a•14Ior. Cash, $4 lower than heretofore, • corresponding reduction on all other articles. Godericb, 9th Feb., 163i. r5g3 FARM FOR SALE. Tho subscriber effete for rale one hundred acres of excellent land, 45 acres clear, JAMES DON ed and well ,leered, with a grind lop baro, Goderieh, Oct. 13, 1552, •5-e38-30 an orchard beartne fruit. Tne above land - ,s ertuttedon-3rd Cooceestnn, lot 14,Too n- shrp of \Vawanes's, and one ball mile from a School hoose -ail the money will be re. 'pored down. Fur particulate seply to the proprietor oo the prumacs. Wawano.h, 4th Aug , 1852- n18 N0'1'1CI1 9 heroby jou that the Pareteerehin lately rubasting between EDtt ARD Tilt lltN131LL and ROBERT KEM11', both of the Town of Goderirb, under the firm of '1'l1ORNHIII.1. k KEMP, was this day dissolved by mutual commit. All debt• owing to the end Partnership are to be re- ceived by rail Ede and Thornhill, and all demand. ria the rat) l'art.er.h,p are to be presented to him for payment. EDWARD TIIORNHILL, ROBERT K6.51?. Oodsrieb, Sept. 6th, 1859. •51133 GOVEI;ICII CABINET ANi) CHAIR ALAN cTl'•.ACTORY. HV HAIRY A: M.I17TIN. ►rHE subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public generally, 'hat they Aare commenced humours' ,n the neon formerly occupied by Saint Lamoaute, where they veil keep en.nantly en hand a good supply of CABINET WARE:- A'ao a grind supply of WINDSOR. CHAIRS. ke. All 'rdere promptly atteadnl In. T. BARRY. 1 MAKTIN. Godereh, Oct- 11th. 1832. vbo38tf LIS'' OF LETTERS (jENAININI, in 'b. Be1Cs Comers up to at• 6tk October, 1932. Beeeeham! Michael McMne■ Alex itnchanar. Junes McWbu.y James 1'ap're Thomas McGormae Jas C• arJ James . Nicholson Runals C.mbpeil Archibald Porter John Dale Young Rankm Georre Tow. Deckle James Reeve N Eathope Freeborn John True es school Sete. Greet Hoary No 1 ti. L. Gordon Christian do o 4 do Ilse .•r.o \t' d s m do db .F. 7N !hemline Robertaor- do de 41 de Kipp* Jaaime Stewart Mae , • WM. CODSEY, P.•M, . NOTES LOST OR 'STOLEN. x OTICF, is I'ereby given thee f haw feet 1• the following notes of hand, sigwed 1.d tires to me e• lollowtt-A sole drsww in favor of Benjamin Miller by Jams Gentles and papst'le et the Bank .t Upper (:ana.Ia Aeene1 at Gude, on or before the first 4.e- of Janbary 1.83, for £si 10. Tree Nolo. flee drawn ,. my favor by Thomas Snaith, for £5 odd ettti.eg.. A note drawn in my favor by P Woodcock, for £5; not ann. heefrawn on favor of Thomas Daley bj.Berj,min Miller for 10e. I therefore camuns all pereena from le- rewing .114 notes, and said drawers from paying the same w any other person than myself. Any person having found the above men- tioned notes, will receive a suitable reward by returning thea' to the ewer,. District Groton Lands Office. 2nd ben Cherie. Blake, 1 0 0 County Boildinee, with ad1ttein. ktc. THAT the remahlee CROWN LANDS 3rd best Wm Edward,, 0 15 0 And Vot'a on the town of Stratford, the 1 fa ABHFIELD and WAWA\OSII, are Jeoce•-Thos Iamb, Win Fairservice county Town• now epee FOR SALE. Allntcessaryinform*. and James laevo, F..q•s. By J. J. E. LINTON, Stretford. 'fns respeeri.g those Laadc may tie obained by R. MODERWELI„ See' y. The Pebhshe•wdl avail himself or re - 3011N to • forme to many pnbhc dneumen'n in hie )011N CLARK. Moeda Crowe Lased Agest. of 1838, 3o, 1 4U, Lc. Stratiord,Oct. 97th, 1852. sL-r.40 fICTrirD,. w pnswss'on, res.•Iitions of Icon Sle mgs ,,:n the tS•h alt..by. tha Rev Al.xseder McKid. Mr• tlugb Davidson, to M:.. Eliza both Jobason, both of the Township of G•sderich. (3ONSUJIPTION.-Every Lala knows ie a lettering donee. it c ince* and progres•es eo iwaMine.ly, tbat Lek,re one in aware of it, the lungs are a ma.. of nicer', then a sodden expe..ure or change St. Francais district, it war stated that owing appsrenll: is some cnnrulsron of the earth'e surface/, the track had bees derange] to *etch an extent as to pn•ren the tracing nfthe oiseral by aid of tai usual .e:ent6c ealcolaltene ei i censrq ,o Sy it !us been hitherto doubted whether th working of the hiders would he ramooerr t.5e. The Qoebse Telegraphic r port o las ght, speak. dstill mare Ji.covcna. �� s d - w 'MARKETS. Guu):mco, Nov. lth. 1952. Taal Wbest, 'Os 9d to 4s, per bush. -- Spring. •2s 61.. rev birdie!. 1 lit.., 1s iJ to 1s 33., per 33 lbs. Pork $ l• to ;tale per hundred, but liar lir lay in tnarket. nutter, hu11%per Ib. I.18T OF rRI1,!:9 Awarded on the 22autof Sep ember, 1852. by the County Agrlen:ural Society, Godes rich. Ben Mere awl/feel Jas Snneehone-, 21d beat Jas 8tonehsuse, B -. i S years o!d Fitly. • 3 is. Blake. ted beet T('1, Ginn. 3rd heat J •hn Savage, [soda 3 Teary old Coit., e 'rix Armand. t -el best James Andrew., 3rd hest 3.m-. Andrew., Beet Sue of Werk 'g Hernia, Rabat Gibbers', lend hest Andrew Doanrb, 3 beat Jeers/ Sestm'ller. Boo Mikb C.w Rreb.rd Wietcc, tad beet Thomas 3rd *wet Richard Buttes, Beet yarlieg heifer 'f F Itrltta,e, tad beet Jame' Young, Ord boot TDi.« eee.►r. r. 10 0 1 0 O 15 O IO 1 0 O 13 n In 1 10 1 0 O 10 1 5 1 0 o 15 O to O 7 s 11 d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 6 0 REWARD. A8UITABLF, reward veil; be iven In tel rine who will rite ouch Int .erna,,00 an will lead to the convection of Ibo peroun or psrsons, who oa the night I'f the Int inn.. mal ie,enmle *mashed the glair, in front o! the Hall of the Some of Temperance. By order R. R RE:)'NOt.D.), R. 8. iferoo D v,.'yn No. 113 Sons sof 74140.1 O ode rich. Nev. 3rd 1 tt52. v5•4141 EARLY CLOSINU. • W F. the understin•d Marsham. of t':e • Town of liaJertsh, do hereby agree, to c ia, nor reap -erre pl.e•a of business. on gel 11.,''aursday the 4th inn ., at 7 o'clock P• M. neral further trolley. JAaas 9Varene. BR., sirs I'Ase.o.s. By K. B. R.r.soi.ns. H.H. O'Co.ovi. M. B. Mgrr',tnt, kCo. W E. ()wase. A a. Rx . 1..,. By R. 4nneasr%u,, W. .k Mime... Gonave k hIcKee. CInuT. Cason Muwowp k Ksan Roar. Paseo. Googol* lee. !Yore 105/. tad -.041.1 w HGLLETT. STEAM SAW MILL. '23rd it erember, 1650. 3rn41 tf • • ONTARIO MARI:SID AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, - Iwterparelydby,rct of Prori•i 1 rrrlisauat. 111/1E sedersigned barn Ibis day metered ' L:1)tjlal-J;10t),3)00. o Into co partnerakrp for lite woo* -ef HEAP) OFFICE AT .HAMILTON. carrying on the Saw 111.11 busmen... under HEAD the above title In the Towneb,p of Hellen, sigh C. Raker. E.g. M. Merritt' Esq. and will be mewed to Irnn.aetall beelines M. IV, 1lrowoc, " • J. to Moore, w in that One on mndeaoetemp.Peter Carrot., " Jame* °sterno, " 1ORI:RT ANDERSON. D. C- Gunn, " Char A. Ssdher, 1r1NIEL McGlt OR• Jambe, eielnt re " E: U.'bomas, E,, q.JOHN TIOMPS)N. James klathnwn, " J I11Wilson, " SfiAtltr. N. B. -All bonne.. Ir.rEssctiosn to be i'1'HSub•rrebtr haring been appointed carnwd on unJ+r the name of Robert hider- i Atom at GoJa.ch, for the above high ono. who le alone authorised, by sad wilts ! ly re•Ps'etable Company, 1e prcPercd to hi. own nitre, r �n a;l tori ne -, neer,, ; els et hoeuraace at the most reasonable any py .;1 .aisni.p, sed grant•altd giveau i rates epee: Ilouses, Shq•ping sod Geed,. receipts ug bel'ett ortt.e ea•d Ron, 1 7 HOMAS NICIIu1.LS, Agee,. (ROBERT ANDERSON. ' Gidrricai„ibtb Sept., Refit, vAa,34 DANIEL. tie';REoOR- Jt)HN Ttlr►WPNOrmI' NE%%' IRARI)I1-AfE STORE. I":\ ST(WAk '. sl II JIOLC4ALT: `� RETAIL! Moffett, lSih hely, labii. ti •{0.3t -�_ ___. . " WAdases 11etaM.Yr"':Ala St., GALT. NEW 'TA I I.() Ri N G ', rim 11: Snjgtenbcr •.+unetrol y iaferrms the E S T A 6 L 1 S H Ni E N T. taban'an's Goloh osed Its 1'gcin:tjr that b• leu op•+wd itis m.w a•-0 E:atese•v,• 8r,ak *.Boo-root...f l+a.lf wd Iexry H.1K1)ttAltf:! ! in • ■ .ecy ofol-rchsnt To'er. w'ou''I hitt allots I'rwm ver, a mpnnng •complete n slw.ellu l.y Instars, an:.aM: ip rf ,�aaoI Ssi1 uf- G ',epoch and eerround,rg enemthqt a• st he 1-,.l opus i e new ?'eilneing 1'rfrk- , firdweeN nue deur non't romp. r, !(a,,,.. %'jh,e, f,r►r�'e, ts!f. new Bnrk lon•p, •ked Dgealbre Getter ch, whe. a he hie nn ha•i.1 a . ttemin � d II2n33C'Q, •tit vires, aea.rfm.nt of He',.4 ('l abs• ('.n.ImsTeO . Ur,r,+t•'�'41II1URt u,oL 'Prada, Aartlterro, N'hnrnr ('turn•. '.tt (I •I/. 1[ ry ditvN d'Terf.t anM,.rs I'or Ornr r;..a(.. A 'a �t !1!t Iliac([/:,' i.iy ..f kVisswr Vw(mgs. k^. kc Ile ' • �1 ¢ """'► Ise c1.0 flrepa►.A rn stet alt O-d•ra ie 'kir till i.^ ' Ju' 1 %(en %r i t 'he Tarlering 1,'n,., sn tit. most F..b.un • S n s,►", C isSilk'. .,sd Ii(isI•rr'd . ',cr'I, able .tyle, •n•1 et mn4srtre ebsreee.g• Catling iS.'ne on the Vhr.r'rrt N-''tr.. ' lit 9 GUilrfddan !'laf..(', t%?sits a)j" i.nadon. Perim end New Yet Fa.htone ' si,ihro,, ljafoor. P -roe, (ono, rtcelrw quarterly' 044./ t",fan (Y,upA4, %tai, FIE:R11;.%.L (tTI'R G-.J.rirh, 0c'. )lib, tSN:11' sS,.'J ti11Clle .1�)It(�:e,. 5491'.111 -- !'rite! -.(►In t, Glow, /1.U1q, 1 nrniah, - C' 0 .1/ P .9 1' , ! 0., laainIct) T1111 Seh.riMr1 baring hecn appointed �5- p, A gl nt of t h. f . s1,n V. TrlrpCf)li1at, 4 c., etas,, t'.\NAO.\ LIFT: ASS1 RtNCE C0.," Who hbeing perchat'NoeMeet .drantage- ma prepared to ree.:eve prnpn,a;, h.► Aapo- on• T.nm wn) t.er•.fl•raA ar the ILOWESI' room., and wail he happy to aRorA to am bi t\IIU'1'(01 PRIC1St i ForCaeh. - oerino the n.eeessry '.rnrmelton, ,. to the l b- Y,. ba r, be:f Sol ,,. t. Io '.• tin. nI priaciplee of the In,t,tirenn. hie Stock, be'ore Par leesuvii OA se re her o. JAME;ti IVATRON ( 1'. I. O. BUSIfiY. Gederteh, 3tbJoe., 1849. el. 9 Wet,; lit►(. 12,4, 1001. r3 •118-2m CANADA i,top ASS1 1i,1:WE ' LOST twn Notes of Head in farmer e( LOW FAA. A1.VOR!) or hearer, dated in 1(51, nn. glren by Elijah Moore and the other by Daniel Ilaotey. This is to forbid all persons from passing or receiving and n0in. Guderich. Sept. 22nd, 1852. 035 NOTICE w ALL'prreo0s haying claim. utmost the late A F. Morgan, as Clerk of the First Division Court, at Ondrr:eh, and ell persons having claims against Tbomes (3. Morgan. hie eon, who wan also, for same 11111e Clerk of the Pard Court, mel please pend them to the oMee of Meyers-MI:schen and Brother, BuriH.r. and Ationnee, Gods - rids, slated oo/ in fell with the dates of when "Tne kir., to order that the amount of their babi:oleo as such C.erke may be clear- ly a.eer'ained, awl arrangements made for t e nppOraunn et the practices of the late A. -F'. Moretn'a E.tate not disposed uf, to the 1 geuJa'luo of such Nanus. MARY MORGAN. Goderich, lord August. 185i. .5 231.41 FAIL, FOR SALE. t% VAI.t'ABI.E E'reehnld Estate, Lot No. Iso, the 66 Cow. 11 the Tow" .hip,.fl)o.lerich, conraimng 1d scree, 43 of wheel. ore cleared. 35 free .11 et pe, at to well watered, w11h• tomer fnhnu vires n through ,t -e coo.. or the lul, • hood gee. den, • Yarng Orchard sow beerier Rua, eitnsted w -thin too Town of Guderich, and 3 of the 'dingo of Beyfleld. A r"n'f Log 11•,,,., lathed and elaeter.wl: a Barn 41 be 24 Sher".0 d S•able.. For perimeters cls• my to Awdrew iMoough is the ''owu of Gimlets:1e or to the proprietor en the , r, moue. 8.IMUEL •PLAN. P. A. Term. easy Gederlcb, J.ely Irih, 1612. . eloe;le A'r'rAClI ll'.N K C.1.VJD.1 )rt.rirtie of (:onmly .f Il..oR one Jfbe •Wilt of Limited Lenanri., of //"'try., Alt•ehmea', i'e,a. and Brace. 3a.ned nit of T•' WIT the (,nun's Cn,rt, for the Iin,Irl Couriers of Ilur Pertb and 13 'c', and to ois,lerert•d, arnln t lle •.este, real as 14.11 • s pore -nal, f 8...51. 1 1)at. the yo»' e►, an abscond -ng 01am a.•f . rat , e • 1 , ea rive w Il.r poll of 1,.1 •. Donee. 1.; to - .int (vu.rty.(treep. J•. Eloise se.s•-d end taken all the estate. real eta 1.11 av perrntsal, n( the said Samuel Doak, and' lost sees• the sari] Snrwoet Donk MOM ttit', a the a-.n,drrt. -a of the said Cott. aW pot in I,ul to the action. ,.r COMM iM panre to bo du•el,a.ged woe's' three esiei,)er month,., CI the ntn.p real e• well as persnn.i of the ra 4 ttst o1 1).at, or so meek thereof. as oav 3. mreamer., etilbe held liable ter the psyu.ent, bean E , or astiefeetn• of the Ned elann,nr steam. ,..r mien other Platate& Of Plow if'.. id Arad or may take preeeed,nge against w. prnpe. - ty sail elkete el'I a wed 8.'.w••i moot., wake gds aloeth■ of the re ..tag a tae .boy* Kut. )OLIN klrnuN,Lnie SIMP114 H. P. k Y. Fsmaar,' Hiner (( s a.derteo, IJet ti. Ilil.1