HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-11-04, Page 20
so.0 -'• — HURON SIGNX_
-• -- MR ftwt omwell ib dodoes M enol*./ to M. York. lie tiko l s follow. Alm&ti bse deell•t1 to save wub
t031111tial partianuat. I Gsvor ar 6 •moral fhr regeistitas M pts-' nd to Mat city. sal sit►our► tracing outs Malsse• V•wsand Ito•& spec t►. Coss
s coloured rowan to the usual b&ustd et the &,&.too tole% ess T.buaatepro eogtfsc% —
vs�P7 ooruMrlof flhe F.trcrotireCosa Afncas race to we great metrepolio, a Irks Sao.Antocae M-laWAan as &fapoute'l 1& has
et, —. ._ .
A$3EVIILY. Ird @e. nte,vute buy ro,ntataalua for rais- rateets*, a p.rtieuLr meow (roto •large stead.
'L ,, ,ISjjTffZ wig6 M• 1 N.,ck of those birds, he suco*edaJ after --
Ilo49bele was stopped b)) the arrival' lora, days■aue►,u trhsltag hot to the iWFFAL). BRAVTFOKD ANDGODE
Qelkoee "Ch t, tooth- of 6 o'clock, and the ureters o(tLe dry wFro i well kwea neagk►ourbood of Le:•nard and RICH RAILROAD.
L. - _ �--- h 1 - - -- Il abate�k• fru- a .otic. u
==.__ '--1.— -fir cilli wbcre Qrl
are serciratly brrgmr and "pe f wr Columb, ILat tee V1erc"ats of (;oder
l;ramsar 9e6ach are atImubeJ, the eo ri.6lure saaumkOu•!r rcwlvtd to clubs their
r y ployment of additional teachers and a dart- stores at 7 ii riork Ia the ereaing, than a as
--anus--„�- siun of labor would be proJueUy'e of the at bbvuW be, Sad will give the clerks an op-
,..----. happiest results, and would well repay the
TT [)/�+T aaeuta bail trusters an) additiuoal outlay portusity for mental and pbysical Improve -
IV i1,O SIGNAL• patci is of thsmfor anyL ddtiona It is seat of wlucb we doubt oat they will gtad-
TAI. I.*•.ter open Ike 10"It^e 'ler K d with I Cr,ureb street&, wSen site bell bees taken — usahe-- _--
op the alsia Tn:ck rsliw%y &'I' �M DRSDA,Y. X0V• 4s 1S"• ° cts of
+ rosrw*t of 'hilae house thea weal ante rnmmittst a i up Ler qu+rtere at • ►wardieg Aouw for ileo We ane much yl•a•ed to I,arc (r,>s the sans L to be rc reeled, but it a. a aotouow ►y and�e (ollowiu; despatch, dale) llse-
Mr, t.atct,we m,,veJ the per Po t tulareJ entry. MiKsaf. that the Mun+c,psl Cnune.l 'd the -_^_ {act elect for rcmuaeraLLoa and } ruspt
the d.baty t. K'edneddav : lean slated that' The Grand 1'runl Vailwar hall, tad passed ( Mr. T •Ile ld a visit to 1►e houw an,l United Cou„ties u! llurun, Peri•, "I'd 9ftsee - School leachers at present are Dot wall• � received at tilt• London• C. W .,
by rese'•a f •r li"f mrina wan bit rotoet%ea c tkrao, Ball the Clauscs tla:rrof, and Lasing I eaq aired for wotoomd wewran siting to aka passed the Br I,sw'"'It +•,n j %1't a mirCATIOV AND BCIVOOLS• cieutl iuvitn^ to reserve eseroruc band Lcr, was
so Soar• a set resulWt,M to tae (Jiluw+K t rejected a greet number , anuraJmeuts act ss chatubPrmaii no a host. By t!u& sue .f Mnesetpal 1)obeso.reb to the amour•, — ) a p h (l(}ic,•, ou Saluriea], 30th, lkt.,
eA:d fbaling Ler llwtr object lu Irave flat qurothus ,noting he obta,ard a Aeeenpi.uo of the torr ,,1 owe hundred a*d trerety fire toossund r for ,r. M. Juane&, Esq., Goderleb,
to,'t th. T,usk Railway 6696” le Cloak. f of Serif to ho. -vows lead diner ebaa M CHe clhirl end of eJueation is to Lying out talenleJ men hog io their ranks -some mis 1'r ;'rope
If o r� I s.,a Ae sourhl, neo aisUonsi A wort( within peeati ra aim ry. ,o stork to ahs . 'I' l ! ''
�,.., a , ilea •,ars fn m the WPder• t^ ,tete lull. and drrelope the facuUies and powers of I,rovrtmot labs already taken place in til” dot I,caJon. ltailwa] C'omwules re-
s,g+,l of 160 Moura, and •• pink ►o•ael,^ 6c ilnollud aeJ GuJenca R%tfruad. 'rbp
tb I.tsvrn fr nitrr,f termer:'as&daR W' -pns eveuiaj Mi. Stewart a,ain enured &&,ch he had bwatoab.ed to %rats the I'uuec.l slat ole TuerJay IAC 19 h tnat.,sou the below edutatedi slid in the education of respect,aad if teachers will auly fa►eerery �edBrantford and Guderich bill to-do],
sin= tb.aprb Itaw these. 7 or &tee oploortnmity to fit tlsmvlatd fur tlhrir self- boos to reed to esleed to Sarnia.
re embrn cf the M:xeeutive ('a&el from rc- •tree t. FuU•'wwg tM fwmvle tato lM held a ihn Ilsll ant ileo Bnu•a Fsehae,e tLildrea, the p'fsical; moral and intrlleelual re
i••B and a.tet, sl, lead rtwsea by tAt Ikl or a as adds r,•+ to Ilia J:xctllPocy to prtaral ! you ,r lade, tom,• •a4,ng gracefully up ,be w the camas ew*mrog • p,ilabe aeeenur was o
s'.nre o1 Korea 8t.' Llwrsta•s .%n [?nob m I house hall up to hes apartment, be guide■ llettl, sad was adJresesd br Messrs. Vole powers, all requue to be developed. la Jenvmg work, band will laithfully perfurm �, (A\I1 L.O\,
f+llonog the hire traced br a1 •l :• R,o ee,ving Culwlusswe• for d%rtiag loose. i •y cuntwnted b, r, and, aeco,nog her by bruektin and Clermont of Bet is 1, ole the ��—
GrasdTr, nk her a tie a tr rruol system of Common Stbool tits imlwrtaet duties -they will graduall] ( �
baro^e. That til ' I nam,-, tali her she had Savoie ham a Isng important• of the undertak,ez, and the P
c+rdwag to awrtyMets eswftf&Ily a;” cc- Qutis•c• Oct. 4>t1b. i •less*. 8" repltgd that abs bad Dot abs groat eovanlatres It would snag to Dude- Coloration, these are all provided for—lent Lrtome better apprectatr 1, cul orifi at uu t►•{•be I{os. �Ialeolm Cameron has
reoi W~I,re which ought cosacqutndy air Terri% left the uu „o Lal tN (ants & t I bd&ur of his Seg,uutenc,lupon which Tolls rich a•d it,* U ,rlwl Counties. me mean'- Ids numerous 1'athamtulary
to net;trvta wNb tM esweattesa• 3 u': luck, •nil died of Caolrra tate mor • fre.}'+eutly iron the prauliar aatualioD and in loci day w to the prominent 1 tin* s our tbaub
explain -d to her hu calling •sJ busuaeso.— hen cf the Cuuncal were Prraent, snJ ,o k School lluusc and ib society to w6icL their profras.u0 uurbl
That to resssu•w j^et fears end In guar scar at a o'c;oek. "Well," reylied Anne ••you have hed a lneg part in the praeewlinife. amt subrrgneut!s coustruttim of the dor amrals�--- _
antes all part IS• of the Province the f"!f A inevocnrPr of the flows* died of the chase that'* a fact.' sed ails anally pro- passed the By• Law for laking t 1sS,0u0 Grounds attached, •and the absence of am to advance them.
orlw&oh:w I•(,ao exults"" of a Trook sante d,re.s,: teat oigbt. I eeeJed to dike&t bane.f of the stolen ler- worth of stock. by a rote „f seventeen to --_ -- - - — - d o B11B
local roeisiuu for it—pfirsical eJucatiun 1l N I f Q � � 0 !l Q.
Line, the whole ought to ►e uoa6eed to i he lima@• a,j larded W1 la-roerrow at ticled of jewelry, all of which &be wure jour. Indeed n m Itht he enasWered nauni P — --»-.------ •------
Us atirms d,reetio i, by Iho same taw aid at 10 .A. lel, tiereral,aamkhars leave to-tngLt' eoespprunwly dupl•ced about key Penou, eww hs to four d,asegultnt Reeve• were is but poorly carried out; Lut in country SAC L'C z+T. AiAP►lE GA\:kL. i ^ _
-�+- P places the what is bot much felt, as ehil- i so ran w*o■ or rose bow ssagaa.
the same tiaoe thrnnlh gut lei! parts rf I%- sed to Aaod cher td tglt nutter. In her thee" from the towesba • of B'an.bsrd, The cdmlrocliob of a canal al the Ca1dt i Jkere ane certain seasons in the
Lias. Ile ststod tblt'e was tak`iar Mie Qostse. Oel, b0. trunk the •to!rn ,elorh,ag, brad hag•, ILC., Stephen, MCG I,vnv boil BJdnlph. The y
Courpe lee&00 ,15" the d,vtrnrn••nt had I The #1 nes rw ted a wutiw to •d uuru ire° Iherc arc oeeessarilr traieeJ b ileo P N oar Hate' whe' we seem to f ,-
J l oh&tluawa wseb Q)Mceluw ken bv,tnttu.- rnttof tkiewe a n ire 1 nehlro*rrlir%gtfurd latents to babils of early* and hralth:'ul in- St• \Ione has lone oetu ieJ the atteM{m course
ebsnted t!+r.reours*, be bad ehagsad late (.,r b,a week•, and a:1 uurued tall 'Tues- , P.,,y
of the ubSic, and +rill most like rery Sres asd act i0 sue a m tnuar an
pen thus tiuhj•ct, day. fueled'•t tae Lowe. The fair. or rather dark to G.)dench-tho vecoud id thirty mete- dustry. But where practicable, anti espe- ! got .kuru
Mr. \t ern d• n`rl that th+ ent i on of t1 r. Ilan• k. *hated in de'ri,fs. lAst itis Anse Jui tared wueL se:Glwsltes•aor, land a :rum Go,!er,ci,• .nil at bast siohteen or shortly, Ile uuJertaken by Go:enmcat.-- to lalke it almost impossible to recnir_de
the Gnverrmont .err eharfteii up^n the• I \I•.n,rP.l tied honk&ton Curnpaey bad w,lI, was Ohiy when the ghwmy ws14 of the i.esoy mil• -e fieru ti,e nearest part of the cillly in luwcs soaoe este ought to he moor- •ibis work bas oa!v to be aeeuro IiaLed to
tact rg Cuurh..n' pp. P 16esC coeloms With our gearral character.
qu.kl,ne anela.errted ,haws their o nation to ibe 1141° Trunk-rum'.,s frowned darkly upon her, that obs proposed lice, sad the anther t.o tnwnsh,P• ciseil it the n:nsagement of %Lit ue;irt render the inland nam tion of Cam&" lila
a,urp we•ild tl V'rro tAe Presiaee ant Rel Itlt. It is w d-,.tooJ %gal eke 11aie trpnk hurt key fu,ti,uJa and hater mlu teary.— raty°J leo withta ewelrt cntke of l.oadun, ,neat oCcdseatiun. j ktfe liarD t+iueh strock vritL LLe truth of
wsu su+gP,110. t:oap4ar to to ipcorporste with the let. All the mne•in ran rt use ton u d +nil es ct to be uatrd to the 1'„•,Sty ul most perfecl' end imi.ortaat is the world _ the above ehlefflo ion m t!u brliartour oC
Rt r. B•,nli�n 6Ad !,-aro that t"e Ilea• I„wirLC Cuui;n&y, a. J the Ihr*,P It"11 i watehr, w., n -cove cd, a:d to the where• \l,d'.• �1. 'role Reverses hake shown a 111ora1 Education, is the ce>t division of 1 i P oat worth]'Shrrlr in �he I+tr Ia,iroad
}llPmhrr h,d rr r 4- st"Ith :d,re c( Ibd N ,"veal tool Ile a ver' short lime, nuke it then nil roe
pts abouu of tAnss Ube oRieer poueaap • clew. toed Jral hf toJeprudraee im Ihit rotes for (his otpertut sttbjetf--cod is perhaps the tela of srtL'ameat in Ae receath store►-"
11 r. Morin h&,I b,d "sessioe to do*” King.,ou Coaopsay are to be &,!Jed to the '1'hp goal Is & haactSU ie Dtulitotd, •►•.ant we have no doubt I ,at there an •tronr in oil,• Commotio' a toady;bad eapeciai!] lei+ last letter is your
a+t.e papers to she tms"d Sent bell I!- tfaaaostso_ tLutr •four yeti■ uW, ezccrJrwgl (ruUi- ,utjudiePa to Hume sf the townships agai,u' moat dig, c t0 ttwgm ed land+ m the .jog of Ilcuct, that the
owtn-Foci re ulices ] N(umas, .js at i+, that nr all Sloe] is
, en 'oe,AeUld an Pease Pill •Y it lie Mw Its It volt alae Mated in debate, Ly Ate• rent and she camerly r^sided at Banvor this radr,ad, or sl -least •941"•1 "* most c -J, - g tslla�" P J +
1t give out that be wan "l to • char ryes of aaiG:ip�tiog aetttcn-must of •r- ahs fKeJwt s( ameba bad couxrenu,
h g 131wrt, that itn Ja•aiba by eh •1• rr, race JLo•e, blanch credo tie Jue tet officer T•Jle o/ It—tllS,0110 'a a large sen of vfna*) of the parents—but we rarely see a tPach-
Co+l- tte•systb Hoptd,uner were only I ss. fur the da'geat meaner in which 6e pr sy- and.ereg the lufereet of it ora! &,mount to 'holey Le turced iu the dirrcl:uu of 19r wbith sr! ta1o7 ant own loud land of
Dr• Ls'efnprs seppmtsd far. Caneeotes Taw roperts fur Th or•lty. Friday and eufrd the search, and the iosenm'y he Jis a heavy manual hal. Me• geseratly a►* er fail is %hid, whose own character i, such jauit. and to lite country adjacent to Lalr
lerodsae&t, lend ' r t• Ioll,w ti&lurdlty were re.yrrt,krlr 9, e, 1 pl■red a& the aecumPL•Amemt of lean d 16 aterw to tasanon. sed • lairs prdfaitt,.)n as would qualify him to teach morality', and Superior. '1 he eo,p kletion of this canal .l'brrt►, lent there ant tithes oleo Cron thus
Mr. (!boost,, ftl.iM) n noel No death to the Marine llu-pital ►epor- cult task. lie hu several article• found of ,hove an ittaspA►Ip of w'c:eg far rite int, who strictly avuiJ, recta: tan views --the I ip be ctrtird too far. l litberlo the
that g mtkman's Isad ibfrkta( bitoundaet law' ole Saterday. uImD the g,r!, which are ailpp lied w be future -they will tiers') look at ibis large will ape° a splendid nro,� ect ro the carer �heruTkas irons a�tb ibe majority m aa)
merelyf„etrt:ou•. -Va business tranwet:ogs ie the llsase. stulen and aur which owaera. are wasted• sum and desouncs alt sick eatranr&et ,rent Lane ofourl:ommon School4yatemn+ and enterprising emigrant, -at "':I corer °
Mr. Btnart It.ad Perirleivtd thatat a very - Ielproweiments• We have afoot tees sad eadesror for ileo good uC ibe place, and
short peened Ila• Gnvrnwrdnt iatsm-f-d to • often said that this popular dread ut t,xas them absurd cry for separat�aoJ aectarao the quern of Lakes with asurnrr„usAPet— the furttarrauce of its interests; but how he
gear+rt ,the North bbonL-ilm F►odlif AL'RIVAL OF T11E NVASI1LiG FATAL ROW AT BALTIMORE ties ua chief Barrier in the waw of prn•rren srhoola. And wr observed last week that will cause thriving farm, and villages (" can reccccile kis peruses' be'avour It is
a.at wt to W the cams ►u ePpoad Ne Tl)\. and •oriel co,I.foro, rrten.reafly subset to cat aRtearJlur6ly m quolin; Crmn the
Its,ieot pp•'Let. - B1LTIttO&a Ott, SS, 1859. belt a Lfu tuns c(d �eu.Uee nod aocoeve- spring un in places wive Scant toacce„i '.r. diJeultaoYT. for nooue bet himself would
• 1I r. Iiiif,: 9 atsip a very energetic Kew Toa[, OCL 27. About two o'ctuck thin a!tarnuon. a rtene,ra merely to av-3 a little Pltra el- Cay71'Ihnrtrn ndcocales f, r aepanit schooU and will open uP uu the shams of Ihis beaus artropt M maintain the proposterom idea
tq,rech in Molk-ent to the amendment dr- 'Che lVasbiwgtion arrived at half -pant halo„Jy affray aeeured on flag conker of ernoo fur file,true being. All taxes paid upon the pnnci}de u{ what ha calls tomo- Iamd-locked sea, an ettrnsire'fielJ of dx- Driu • !c, In oil oo luso stools al tfn
Charing tlwt (.tnebPe bad slregfry ant taw ern \ _d. wuh fuer da a later sew,, and l'ayeue bad Furth •treed. It aypears fur real ampravrments oro joist en much cruv,-hut 16at wLicb we know to hie con- mart wealth, which wilt be immedrate!I '
7 ileal G*urgs mmermge, the Boturwu• clock or l+hur 1+ail ua for t,e %ulnre-•n gam? liar. Ile is trymL• than game, Lut
gaasnatee f else prerince fa thus llarhmrsaJ t_ J pa+sengcr•. prize filrAter, •rd •o Irish hackman, naneJ Intal to the wishes oC "”' large majority' reads -ell available to the reepoltea cf t•,m
road, &nil that of she 4111 ant fai that that 'lite i,r,eryuol Cotton Market was a much raved and see ad c tie tnIM he-as•1 d B R ,t a„a:cdiy he will fill between lbem.
should form art of the l:ragd'1'runk m.aJ: Httgk litoan, ked agreed to must for the mel paid back m hard a+•L, w,ll Ae pail is of tLc people, and u a moose„wince to the tneree. 'flbe m.iweral rraMces of tk'se
P •uaJe Luber, +on the ISth. PurPuse of n1bt,o” w settle aa@icaltrss addilwoal comfort a•d to relief from labor. rind le of demucracr-would not be ef- df he n, as be says, the leffgrst landed pro -
they have deceived and hutnbul!l- lac ►lr.•adstuff, firm ConsolifinA an upward of iuug standing between them. I {Yore this se's of 1:115,0^0 to be co!ieeteJ' P P re ons, bad, st but a little d'atamca bar:
ublie. '1' at be would ra':,er cross Ihr peri .: t t .r is tl.tae CbitrJ Cuuattra, bad
p tend.•nrr. Trade at Maucbebteractive and At the appuu ted tire, both Pattie#,- se- from the inhab,tant, ,d 1luron, Pert% end (meted Lc liorrrnthe f ofoons 10 to ever] from the Lake--ibe vast extrul Of sod a!' an., tnarefo:e, Such a ;real iol.:re%t at
}louse abutl3reJ liraril6sn bole ni[ to the oilers 6' eompaard by numerous fr.sadg•as&embl.d B►eel. ad expesdedi■ war, or a eleetag bigoted sectarnn, tLc'measa to carry ole r
eopesc is whish etiwi gentlemen Lto the The 1'et,�(ie lead 1liagara ba arrived but owing to a dlfhcul:y in a rs,ogu,g de. I a In;,sument to a warrior, or,I” putt -9 s mirabl] adapted . to them purposes u. s;11 stake, bow i+ it that be jobs haimcl( with
cbey abrroll etrnise. `Chase the gpatrrn- ,air• Dl•.&n, r.ruaw tm fight. Z motorman Cheasw w>,il rou&d J6a lioitcd Co„eues,,or � system of proselytism -for than would culture, mal npitlly people this immea,r
out. than attaeleJ ham, wAee a.l 6ande dnv . a para ww� hate,aiaJ are still d"ins all in
went coul7 tint Iffbey would. R=rint¢e ti,. 1 }K �\ haste I'.us�iao armj'bad bryn or plat lr land knlrp. sow OtkOr en{lftaklag 1119% metre tmDL� apeCdd] CDCA� flat �CL�O!S, and unto++ Lhe lern(on', and betome a( ODce l!M +O rte ul iDCtr powef l0 ekKlrt the unusaimous wub
sswthshorc live, wifh,tt delg s0 for every A %Lis ,uelurq Jahn 3b&n, brotba of remnaerat:ys, Oretee were tAryedled lioyevassemt aid was gireti w liberally as corn,! .rcial adyantnge to the older setlled
meed in L' Canada tfrnd a go N mourw►ut;foe; aha lluke of r j. os to .pay tilts Marge .les in trio lir three to beeleassirel burdeesotrae to the country , f thio i;hiM:aWs sf 'the I)I,triet 1 la
tal7rrtad Crow pt* PPs► tA'tf m4line. High, drove up and Boeing the periloult �rey'w be iavtat'sd to the rwiroad, tbsP y oruofis of the I'iuraotc.. lin on c oeci-
andtbatto do tinswasltLdcatny the valse ENGI.A'ND• position of Hugh, jumped from hie' back, would be J•ut•fied ib putUeg.firth aflsasos+ -would reader them a coiaptete attltity; p t aowa ths,kt ane ash lit. �(ngaStd
of Provincial Ucbenteres, and utterly pre- all} ,oil} be places m a fill$ 'improved who w» R that seccaxdtd is potting a stop
Tore donor_ of ibe 1'u6t d»urfca have draw, a koue, ad l at.bbed Lha terrnan able slaw of S►nmblmS: Bat tbrr will and in many • seig6barbood+ firesat Ute. dr
vest mot holy the North shore road but leo] clmtlewgeJ tike Tacbt+nf all sations except to the heart, and also ler Acted a urnble sego• be called on .tan pby it -:b aL' probe posttiob by the hirearc; of 11n cetyl, and to oar tint raulroad sebernc•1 Nay, wbo
wo,ind in lho stomach upon a man samed bila the wul never n -PJ to ay s tenth yersttlof �enca, tt wedd beeofse able-
te"'goliag ora• - Amerka to sail for X500 or Al 1000' Mockleby. Jobe Slo&& then gods bat wan P upon the completion of the I;utfala, Bract- stat pail fir w doio;I 11'b, but 3Ir.
51r. Houlton noted is ataenjmeot thhat The London Obse'rrrr tfPnies that the partyof it ;' and stiro ihat, before one-half lately aseemary if .the abaardty of set' ford and Godirich Railroad, will not only
the debatebes j/roreed tn'Cuesday week• bon arrested. of vile Dc!reatures mature er become pay• tariaoschools.abodd prevail, to telex from \IeDolald's present friend, F. Kidder,
Irby cabinet would call Parliament toge- Z ms, oma" died almost in.tantl), and able, will be refunded t, them with interest. be in ileo highway of theem►grant In act d aeJ illi it not do this ole the
The dilate was proceeding wbeu the re- lbei before Ibe middle of Novemher. lluckeiby to said to bq to a dylog tosdt• The Gnderich railroad ae_ne+ of ,be.f�w I any public attempt 10 promotsW edfeaUom
porter left. • o 'Quern Victoria Lad left acotland, for ties. and woaI4 in ever is- iwg to t6aC seeliou f [he Province, -bat �
to a coa.idc a extrnp,ta t%elloi., hattWf m these beauties, 1 also,- to the States bordering upon the �16Y"'! thai grawcl %wads would be mora •d-
fhe +taGre Coswetl than day ptnieed The Curc nee s jury ;have repdemd a .
:Mtodsor Gestic. atattta re the lager sect an umdtl, ail- vantagrous. After wailtag politically to
the join In aut6mrise the Tows of lludsa 1'J;ANCL'. verdict Thai siZ nswrman atas&a le Ns Amerteaep, or a! least, Invu!v:err ta•¢e Soutbero'shores of Solverior, boil pfobabtt jl
to grant Security to the G IW R Compan]. Tapoleoa wan+ to return to Poria oo the ,:cath Ly a blow fro” a knife is the hands share of Amrican interest, a will ►c do*bl tamtaIz over the smaller sue, wLicb would set if k wcsld Cory out len se6esse,
os account oC eta 1)esjudiwwCttasl. with- of Jobs 13i� ” Msokleby is &td! alive, • nrofitahle : sot ant► am oro& ,encs o, to (hegon and ileo gold regions os lane i
16th, bad extrnvve preporatiubs were be- Iq' let iseapabk of sapporuog its schools, aeJ s . rare wainatk by ileo 1'mted Count%es to
get aws4ment, arA.the bills to setborise meek for lei+ rcceplwn. -- Y&nkPo o a Ieditireaera. but f•om tae in- eonta ot. the I aetfie. !
S wott�d bays eil6er to kelp its cbdJres Kesel:noel Roads. \I'M a6enld be the
flea \lontreal sad N. fork lL R Company -It is .apposed that the President will AwOTwra F.aaTnQc&tm rn Gaoasta.- Alienee that w.lt he used to: bring a large Is relation in this caeal we coat the (oft
to es(eoJ. thrir road, and to protide fon raced at. Dace to eke "1'ullierits. Ile bad A egrresp ondent of the Savanah Newt, share of the tntLc of ileo We+ters 3tstee at homebr cmrl'lLeat wixrI they would t privkipal e; pnleent here a6►in, lent Mr.
the aiotwoest of JusttcPs of the I'taee P wntiog from C',nt,n, to reorria, under across Lale )}stow.: And •sppa•ing th* crammed with the dogmas of another sect: lowing from fire :VtirtFa Afnertc. wbicb' 31cDoulif's fiicaol, \1 r. Widdery who laid
app alreaAy been proclaimed Emperor at the' date of October Iltb rive& the following payment.uf the D•beatarea to be &:a1oered was takes trod? the re t of thee SOrrec
u rcm..le parte of the Proviuts. Iowa of \myon bf ibe \laror• his true l6e Cat6alic is granted a separate IKK riot there was a theme wbeu Secret roads
toter+uagg account ur a supposed earth• nye► s period of twtrdtj yuan from tbedatt de tae at enactment where- made in July 155'3, atiJ oafs — miwl:t Le urDefuial to the C-ounney, that
QcistC,Oetober. At Bordeaux ►is reception was most ew gaak* : - of their toostie-the tallroad will lei toms school us r t prose ,
• l){a labile a .peeeh iudlrrcti) Oa last cveniee (the loth ig&t.,) about p!eted in teen years, call .111 awuredlr y;etd everone Cao ba swtaiaed,-tbe Bible being The River mar be tosiov& ed• is lou• :ape ties Fast, anti sow railrcaads should be
Lest micbt, after that de.pate6'left, bar• leg ileo title of l mpetw. eight u'ci^rk. we. bear.I is th s tillage iren,rn •+,ttic'eot to meet the ,n•N!maau
�seebss'a armtladued illi the mehols W and voice a tow rum,tieg soagd. raiem- n/atheet'ek as l6ey fat! due, w the,, m ell ,aeJ tm bar schools as a reading. bpok, may meaner at Gros Crtp, from wbicb phare to sot o`;tcr. end whew 4he Coutrliea acted
t was li»t ole a dirisisa- 1, r' Lave rendre a biaeh, a distiactioa wceessary tau Sault, etre JistaoeC. is tifte a m�,s.- u -.:o til; tGe sum rection, bad immediately
So isaoroeamtt me, TIDE CUURT AT:S"MORAL. lel ng Ju:uat sods rery bens. tbu:.dot- l sun es ate . t- reolirtu of rks •. ra,t- a rhe current -eotle, the chae.A broad and. ` o'
4i_u 2�, ht fist; th••so and Means genie audible wap 'Counces wail go req pro taps) tb•t rail. t didcreat verzion being used bj that a torik it u,. R hn ehoulJ we tint hp suns
_ Je ,and is s •okPe of let .sole• ena , . it !r, McUoaald*s c•/rtsist'v t friend
I mistaken by some fur the tsltter ef, form- toad tax kavit-f lhnn Leo oy at m•aet •IArrC' ps n n Lut
J irLt Blames Berl thea pssxfi (brought On Monday, ihi wr&ther was tear mine- rt til lice nate of rake cenrm- iia
CwnwaJU r: after a eery grm,eo*ysraatigo mer tt anernd std Wined sowstJfra',1 y tura, or utlhor Jlsturbaace about thyLouse Yars, eoJ i6aa tAe► wall hire ilea ratboid sect-TiulTb3t f'rottstant� wLe r lbs ;sTipa \Ir. 11 rrkr-perhaps 1 am wroq� +n say -
w Ales+n. Hineks and lirsiJloa. act &bait four i clack is 1N' aftttssoon. sad by otuen. for Cannan or tAJ4rder.- tai the gn-.r I-wbteh in haw thaw les )Cara i sate% wersioa of That• boaL•t aeJ care al- lording good beating gro,mnl ix satyns ani, 3(r \1-iddr: is oi:pa+rd id railr,ads
►et ems 1 But tfis potr&etsd emmow roar whtcA cat- will pay a .hands, nus d 1;!003 over an(] s mut SQJ aids he .ou'l says units,%you do as I
This esriin- the (011ewia, Lill was read plti!el+ clearwJ• Prince Albert went deer .limed tot sew*r&1 aeeoals, til• abssocs of sbore merfia the matured De>entnres.-!ready pruicbsedly joined barmoaiooaiy io craft if a dty in r -A two essal . ire.•
a third!line.g" 4.1r, to lebala,e, itsc aiumi- a,sibing in the forest of Balmoral a thus g is eo ditticult] in malcmn •cabal ca eiitier want you, s+ua shall have no roads at all.
afiern.nsn. Iter N■ coir aeeomp■sied bis everything like a cloud, and more 00me ally The Sigive cxleulsies en irerease ua the la the conslttutiom of a IIiWs soclel]- side of the river, but the• choice is rather in I.el the Wareen bad Treasurer any
aapalay of 'iorhuit re. l the peretpteb'e egrl•&Tnos of ills earth which value at the lend ten roll"• on each side o: abould be so anxious to establi* sectarian f: rot of the Canadine side, oo wLnk deet,
Tete House sgaia went into committee Rgyalflighnes•, followed is.affmck of sot instantaneous sue- the rosd,at five rl: iGag. an acre, which on sad is ISbrtrr tbtst are his wards or (sot.
The 1#wrl of her►y tent his dmfasrtese I schools evidences teat seitisigCaa; bars ant in, both above bbd below, with
f( t1.r whole w ire 4iranJ '1'rnok ilailway session, soon led every ore to refer it to fiff% m,lrs 'n leagth,wonld am•,unt ca X 154,- , + g P ifs� we test glsool rPasas to ask'hot► p
n '+ Bill: *oily ns Tueal.y morni*g, bad le •fstceeJ• haathet sed m to powtriol cause.• The u0o or 13�,000 more t4lis :hew*•ole Week ; ob.y of a piece with_the nefarious desirta i still water favoraWr for ibe, eatrraacn ; it-,fbiiit tar..NtC, ld arias joined bwaself
Comps j Pd by flit Jobe Tarkieg,os; Seermaty .Rola tainted (bane or five seeowJs, and no- taken hj the N an P vs'!tr. Bat tSa Jas of the Laugbty sects that would bttiW up I while os the amcncan shcxe aswilt Sorrent to tie ,r,,rwnte ane loom#p6 Compwy, is -
h fine (Yelnlher,27, of state for the Co'ionieP, &s Maauter io taletak noble indicatiorsa thst'•aa marthgoeke tanc. t':ruorh the V :lied C•nmties a ab ••,t roes eln•a by the paces r.;rrs the cats st••ad of Xr isg tnaJ .in Land with the us-
attendance on her 111af••s•v. The Carl of wan . the march ". sixty notice : aeJ w.i Is muck of t`ie iand th ' their own churches, and lsaigtain a system ' of the eat once I'irrs must let situated.-
Lal a shat, iii. %;amble repotted ole the Ahty'deM &i►itthi of %bus Castle in tho •tea-- Nn puueular dirsetiee tonal ot mites the iwa,r; :ate uc:nity of tt.c Un-, will b> of proscl; %ism let mcabs of the public � The icaglL of the raiial ! os mad to lad ref �i1D41a %nice of the inlabitanrs, where .
Pon to pi'orhir fir the care of habitual ffar. aha a visit In her M9jestl. to the whoti.wl me ebsnetar'sed br either or enhAncrd 1n makes torinty rhill:n,s an acre, i l Piers will bi alson'the same r° cite-rsrk, 'u� bat be is the Ingrst lan'Ied proprie
dteakards, ilei• 1 reading lo-rahrruw. Oa \\'cdn•rda .h r Majesty, aeeorpa reveuuc. But we assert vejtLoa, feu o!
>!• til ferias hmlttental, prrj rnuaenlar or w %Fere is ort an ben witAae tee+hey mars all tor. 1(we ado),% 1ht maxim, t6ala oat is
oily! anamen•1,. n! to t.w chits oild by his II.R.It. Prince Albert. drove levy, but all &grand in r!ferrtog the wonJ 'the n•aJ tuat wo°IJ no{ sell five o:,GAnrr coniradic%ioa, that toe la:oe majority of; a little ores mite• B] term aye the 'ksnsra b] the compaa] he Leeps, thea we
i he Bi!I to au!bari+e tuff un- omf by Cnth'e 8ridtfr is aw opss sh•Nes to the ssutb or'tontbc■+t aboatP rt• reaert s.l::e. T: a It iron Tuc. upper l iersai lice Milk or fine ha] ahoy'% '
t'aomc l to 1 rel n tfrw Bert' silo e/ ibe 71as. let D the peop:e do not re lure separate sc600b, will arrive at a conlia;kioa immediately, fur
Ira w4 P Abnl tbmy,Aw* oiwtee after %Lis, a t%e ben oil int ,e I'rnciece and, next I q h the lstar:l, else onE on the {'aaLsJasid eou:d
teed anti Ncw Yu: k l:ailrnad l',v,npagt lar t Ino, erogring at BriJre of Dee, and f, ! I -the want a sods cooled and clecefp syr ties we will find w 1!e company nl cer-
floezteed Ihcar road ora• aI,•r.•rJ• to. asotbiir satead 413411 sass• cbshctrt was to aha quality of boa t'.e-yahoo o land is ] g fa reduced to •errm-cighls n(a t. bei tai° who will be in the manger.
seed down the smooth sidn to Balmoral ('anile board bat it ,bas far less audible; and deterip+ned b► its sirn.aob-that is, its !tem of a iucatioa, eoJ this ca t only be felly for the sliahl daifit:rence of tspeese bad die ite all to the coutrar , these w6a op
'flee tollowing Iltsnlations, were Pa IIP. !Ns,}t••.ty ant ii.R•11- ee,jj�nredt s *satcompstsied ►y wy perct;.t.ble &gautid& proxi n+t f to pen: nlaf •' and s ma,ket, The Ile pe
iw Canmittee of flee wbok rn alae lith dficP, ,fi* day lteinR An • asd d a of ileousttb. As 1. the corseUon stf tete nilroad ora:ler ,t_' C;n!eceh' .ithis -three i broughticesesiatcmce by welting ileo tome- Cana it will are brllec r male a otct se ear ltua for they aLiit ^nod, of
inst..wrre%greedto. Thatilisex rest •oval{omit•err &mumu thewael" at Casal at once,an'J ii]ucptoe ,erntotkt which they are not thePauthors or in
Pes g tattoo all an &,+reed, rose sopPane; ,t to hours' varel sir Rrastlard, or witt.0 (vane girsLf toe w6ok gentile to cur] tot one syr P ' ' P
to tutF.orize the' Impoaitinn of s tariff of Ibeir front rerreatfows &base thin Castle' barn pruteeJeJ from the •^nth of%on from bean' vr•I of H•mal,on, end wai Cocos- opposite side of thc.l'ant &Lott the lalads, which ill" cannot take the lead.
ten that %6x11 be ue►rersally applicable.- where the deep Bay cones is from above;'
fralto ler paid b) Suitors in eerfaw o- (1• Thursdays !ter M%4"Yc dm►tng ileo .the north. Tisa fact of its etcoresee, q+testi) give to thego-4 peel of Huruo theI, , recent' enactmeol roridra that ileo Ur. 11t1)asnsld saps he has documents
fn►emnen waw etaal*ted eketehing is the l he P the same Bar In which Atreiieaa tes�ela
urdin , an ]'quity in Cownty COert+. ' ' qtr .,Iov Castle ; lse i• the' howera, a some dircetios, u u well es- tuenaseJ value of be(•� withi twenty P he up for sa(. tv ani tike wicker.- n v (a_. io his posse+own that will bear hon out--
fln L,ta to rxlewJ the elcetive ftabrhty aeimiry of A t tablas as that of ante firer Cuondenleg note• ant a maks t. fa short, we g,sy safe•' B;LIe mat bE read or not,a+ibe trustees bed why Jus he ant protiuct element it stems
em for there istiatioa of sPetnnon, gbs Mete oust d^ors the sseth toe difference +n tease, it a no't improbable ly avv.,me ibst. even asa teary usuJerwe, teacher may determine --the reading of sal will run w a straight fine nearly tbmuah to be a favorite maxim with him and his
and pmridcle s,tt 8 s,Ae .,I take Das,"past Alerreldie Castle.- that the first came from the worth. Its*, eA,!nlat,:.n, tb+ ra I, osd will (oily ru•irtm • the middle of !Le 1 land, for as the sdrfarc
user•, ors. read a secasd tome: ILRAI. 1'r ace .�Iltrt was in th^ Forr•'• ►t,e grtat auhtcraseas &ritatar m,y be at .the whole cost of it* eors'ructiuo .olein; aha Bible aeJ the sutdv of the moral la- of the island and t6,• rock• of uLich it i, toadfators to malere ba-,cle w ych are a•
fir Miff from the Legislative Council to Tt,e ^,her m, mbere rf the roc al family : inching h,. ,:tare', of iell and ' 19, which 10 ]Pala . a'nd I.at ibrou.-haat seventeen or! sow in the admirable aeries of SL'a91 composed are v,•ry re-ular and enifonn. barefaced as they arc Lascles•. hid not
&mead the two Acls, and to make fmrlher .-Preat obAre aceolktonsed reeressions in was (Ilan :l, w M%I,IJ, n ills Misaiserppr eIp iofe••n of ,hat o. mil, ,1;^ Foi,rners of Boots bow is nx ander the direction of the communication from Toronto ampl]
pmtnioe for for Irkanagement of the Post ,No wir•w'IT ..f Bales*►*1. no advanta •r vain ler t ainrJ by intro'. a in
On. Frihr, her blejetly &ad II.R.11. taller, aouah Uuony;a CrnVe s hen ea . lu fro",.t Perth and Bruer, Witt ha I— t1 ei s ' + ' veri(t ibis aeJ isles bot �lr. \\idler in all
LK-ee,we%read the second time. rt dhow* ent b BridSe s{ Car•cca• •gJ L•gu:. ra n, \er.ca-, a. from has to tweet) p rmootmore (-.r akar a pruJebt leathers will insure a coand tnrcat W I tom the .'bust re the hPviof ns w itio•rs and action+ in this matter,
pr'•due, thin they enatld tect:vo' a uhout Jerable attaismest o1 moral educaUna ; and Sugar I,IavJ. a ilia ancP nl three miles, th • e
The Bill to pro%ide for the better &organ- Isr•nee Albe T iiivcr i, broad and dee and Ryon tali a prorPd ibe same. We ask Nlr. NicUno-
Cnthie, dnwe the north sWw of the Det, Titov, Oct. 29. aha ►a.L.w,l. In epeskiee of pradare we I p' all if the Toronto people have the tole-
(zaties of .\gricultural Soetefies iw Lower ,n (neat of Gairn-tine* to Marra* Ledgw do mot r•,nfi :e amr meaning to wheat and if sectaries troyaifos ttligion io well as morals mile to mile a m i r in; : aur a lly fr m l-, P
Canada, was read a second time. tier Majesty sod the prince then started Gal .+T flmtr tr 'lobos'. --.\Lout 2 oiherJrnda of gram.. We mean toe wfio!e introduced let lite s have recoarse t, duo- ° rest hf Godench boil the Iy are Tract so
Tire Bill to aphorise in addition to the y y 7 r%Jree-btutrr e a a•I ehetPe oral bP an) the d, glia carym� g+ ncrally from ti(- nmch at tr art, haw is it tbPy arc so tardy
fnr the ICP of MOTTPm fall. wbeu the 'aA o'rinrk ested i aft•, noon, a tare broke P 11: ,any Schools bad nook elasaes, which the) teen to forty fret. At _the head of flat. i> .
aspital Stock of 16 Bank of alomtreal,to Nraeel'eut view of the g ,rgeoos srenP►) out ua like rbedia rear 1'u,lon street. II worth twenty per cent. mole teas a: to sLowis their ooJ ,ntPDU mol glow
tar extent of 1:,0,800, was roaaiikfsd is of tt,roth•len. Lord A1oer lePe left'Ba1.110 rapidly communicated to the line row n prew&t. Puta'oes will be worth thirty pet tow eoaduet at t6sir neon, iroleaJ of at the land some •,Sats occur +n mi(]•channel, di- n it that not a sib le move hall been made
C'.mmrnrr, ra Cseile nm Frfday for Ha?d^ No •se' biotins Street, known as the 1 mrna l'laee, want. Mere: ►ret:Icnrk, and pnnluy w%H rl Nie lei orae. Toe intellectual educe- ciding,t men ewe part•, on wiiirh •Inial, I 8
of iM jsm4d- ll death et I have found from Lice to eight feet water; ao ter right w&] 1 Het here 1 msy Le met
Phis mewing. lye Ilouse in Ctolmmittet lee tewrrgw*wte w*d to the large car-huuae nl l:atuah%ibert a,. *ell n:neh MR'e•. Grucer'ea, dry v,ods � of bar Common Self -11 has greaUl i with the assertion, has not a sooty bema
pa, sail a ft s'dolinn, to Sloe ler ss•es+chesl thw Deke of *Humtem ber Majrsty ,b* and lit Ca It thew cra,iu d Ino .Ile to toe oardwa-e and othol, k.wis of imneite,l ma bat as f the are �soJ dyne caannrla oo both
f „P Ivan mnursins chard la "'It M Clea. r a*. the ieersa•md rovaJ durin!< late yeah, and than is I silts nl them, it is onlf meeceisary to pal mad,•, ti'ta, Lut warn was at, was it bafnre
hnm tLr ('aiM,Ge inhabitant of '!hoof R^1Se h*r%meh.,dh*e* t^ s wooden dwrlhng. \u. �0, lcuitow� Street ♦'' !I tLP l'nuntiea made a mnseT Ni o, nt Rot
} p,r • wKk'-Baq/shtrs i s' mn: f•ed.t,00 a&9 come ,rt a" trarcl, rot give an o� pnI to the establishment of the down some two or three Buoys fn go,d, q
Player,, a s•oa+ of see&ry to aid `n the aHae- -- lewd rch, ce eoau:f si%ateJ a 1* $apNst lmP?Im. anti a logor to busts." wd i s �o�- c ti.Lith Mai not tml) seat tesselsiotn lLr \orth Chtoael, the broa.ler to 10 a Furry when it wan (hood tlei ; "d
iia, of a l attiolie Cathedral in that parish. - l;burob, corner of +it and 1'nitma .'trysts. ,w-as*:.t of maybe draeripuos, that cane - l ler. could Lr yarned os without %Lem; u
As add ess was ordered fur a return of 11611JISAI.R ROBBF.RiF,a AT BUF• •( Ire wlu,k ul t6e BailJmgswMetempkte- est al farthest be :alenlste4• ^ outa L.rbe number of tcaed avers bongo-lenSaullt Stte \ aren Canal. to unite Lal -e it wall set a•gotng rmwhatauthority no caste
the .atiain of the Tot and Loan Coo- J'FAI.O-AIIREST OF 1'11E TI IIEF. ly destroyed. Loss estimated let about F r.m the *i&"$"A essvu m o� the ualibcations, but has cats y C riot to Lake iloran and G,ie-Locks lnrms.except that JC100 bad Igen so,lasrnb-
ftli0U,0th).--Slircrator. truth .'f thaw views, we hrArsAw ron .`tan• q 1 e' tr tar Canada Cors AA ondrrful hber-
y g ficial emelation aaoong those teachers wbo to be suitable for Steamboats of the {.are I I
�l'n westing of \h. R:esltl, ileo hill to •A lar*e nnml`f of r.•►Leries b*viwt beet^ - I&,t our 11*tem fnrn4a on tan. fel► sb ! ! y
enn,rmroted a, y'er,os4 f*.%10"eas in this bite ',. rl w boil want Iter a.b alley Aod whence did this geotrm,f
leo hlv else at: of wear statim h( fhe Se- , alt few werka, infor.nattos wag Mt iw fan:h i Pana i could not avail lhemaclsr+ of til• adfaif the t &nil better class% a iw plrin3 on these take its rise ! ! W e call upon Nr. X% Id -
P' - dunnv hs p Mesta -s. -Ws haw* sdf,ce. rrom Mast- e d sed wren+s iu t6e a^*etrsetew • CL' t),UW
tw;Iiu) of : L Il]caia was read a Second („rnished to Pv-O R er it s}' gni laic an fa*s hof a Normal School preparation, and if the •apes der to tell bow M has rtptYaenteti matVn
.uranre in terrrti -11-of he tw".I %, oaf mob wet n( Hsy'ana rP•cA�ng to %Dat• 1, t B4A'91's,B,.Offerd,SL 0ActrlehlRalf and ro_ improfeoeetnftbeFbapidsh{l6P
Wit' %As' •els (rnrm wbrela rso&ry elan• w 19T& Ist?P Chao ourpetfsu+ lead.•-Cweedtwe. present system ,s persevered in, P St. Lawrence, for the down- to ibe Mord at hmme. ills he told that
r �nta,t moved an add •a to iii+ rerfor•tt•d. Armon. Pl I date*. ( - ----- ! perly snppertrd by pareats and trustees w ll passage of vessels draw. I bf►as all along holes fighttmgg against the
TAw rnannenehPnto i Geadel stip GOLD, -1f all r rra:l in the Qtttbee abort time we {eterests of tar stn le of the I►uron Tnett
,` ala! r riir of s•*foot( to a !•rrP a,q^tlnt, a a• *e-. nt ���III_�I,,.,, in Ito feet of water t P
F.tn'lrnrr Jrrl Pl' j-st'Isy, ehn,`'mg anI fa-er arue'P•, hesI P Ihrnu hhutibe country--im - - �Q00
ant r,:,O rr of tiw e t reerivine 1 e^e t„d o,n,•il. a•s lAe Frmalr item, aty I oeeoPlsd yenenl anent tie. Dot Aad peepers sow, rrhtivo to tl:e discover] rf � • of its results Mar n Il{ Ilea ler told that he kleows nnlhm� hf iia
retained �,. pest bot a few day• why° a R„!d in the /:Leu.hrt)t mines, be trac,it., re ,shall not fear the compmrisbm ontiment% of the inhabilaotil Nay, tint
-In•,n,rauutl of Int •* islioa of loan•. at johneP� P Pak, tA► ItadenrP• nt Ald. i opus ess.• t,t„ n uccurrd• Soil, nt meow, • ,s a roLa6iul nkat mere SIJ-xtlrn will 1 _ _ t�
al r. LI too os ttwted 1>es pvetiout goes- Fvanr sod tq w. lerPttH, re Allen ••rent ' f 1 R with tinne of any other s stem tan tbP face Trent and Inlamd waters 1M Irk nde s drsrI ►is almost to fret to
frw*A Ptlt&�wuat nscsanea+ncPd. r* wA,ck he 11•,clin� t, Ilial nei hbourhord, sonn,� Li ht llofxa 7.bpp y
tins. anA lush hna&r• hn J1o►rAd^a•ina a r*et.- ran issi n' d'sctrus ora• rreuentd, amt d of the };robe. Toe extewt to wlnrb Intel- li tittle easdeavors 1 We ehalleege h1r.
A'tor mi*wt* revemUgaas*, rnnJacted vert Naaath Ana& ,avuked to esau:ne *npprrnss than ema�talc•I tither to r;alifurnta hr .1 e• Ire%tsl Pdneatimn of fit to be carried in i15i7S0 Iliehoeald to prndoee this eotresell knee
\n ilriwon tak^s plare up to the lime prirNrt] Mr. (Yet eatteerArd In r-tt-r aulA•.rft Bt tM• d.xamest Jnes MIS& friths. It seem, the discovery of g,,IJ io with st. lieki . Insce. \i a well Ims'w
whew ibe ,cpnrter loves. tnrR nI - ,hoar end diee^werwd t%%t ales y the ehao,l ere mines to now placed beyond a nor Commns ce"s a of enut•P fnhmrtcJ' Thi. mono] is to M strptelrPd see► & pe• I be dare Sat. Roe ebaRemgp 11r. 1NeD•
tr& MA Mp* e*a,rmieLA by s mallste Blent►r•e wee p'teed ,n tommanA of %bP
t n tAe lett f^► troops' Genor&, Arista. since the office doubt. Thr 11taclare Clir..,rirle says: sed it would let deriMdly ado&at9rfstcrus rend •f three ytsn, as (allows:- to prndnce his own eorrespa►dnec with
d that they 1828,im will be rPqu,rrd in 1852;' T t ' fnr atter and here he
Recast, Oct. 29. wnw,sa..P^: bow*vP . bid w ape +red has n,spendrd eomenunitalies •, bold isceris'uly to be fnond at firr t hang where Gramsar �rbools ea or, oro a m age a
1.rt na.hl a sPlPet Commith a was np Troy before an Arr• •t enol l he ms'IP• Mr with jaA•to, and ordered the atn,y to ail (]acre m eater , uhtitica than as rnerall this means 1E114,2 r0 is 1813; and ! 1:>,:vt10 is 1854. dare not, for he well knows he has mil'
Beet ,wtrwPd'a•►1v ro.,am, n ot,ted the twfer y auppoom-4.. We veslrrdlk] saw aSpiece of should be. united with tilt• -b7
pointed In twiloire into the rspedcenry of swali^n Ae talk 1 r*a *.ol in 4"lost&We T.11a• tame* apo° lht refne,ar Stetlt. Rumour a diviaios of labor could M effected, w'sc1 may the lea toe i ttare of tl, at wham, M
irat errs in shat 'butlJing. The linage M had bees e+re"ist'"g at ante Ctipt ■1 that ro1J brarin 'sarix brinwraa+ to the f Com- Ny taw Ira% of ,t, are to than matter aetiK
j S P vAw ort rS wn.R to arae•, cAe ,halo(. Mr. s"alaaned by General I7i•tiga. IM Prp•etent 1 q ° t* an sus TO COmtimytM vltttT/ -A melte( o{ TO I
l:emmrttpe passed a rt+^luttoe declaring Telf. tooletrs;+h 1+ the Polite &t Trey, end Aosta was ebsat le sssomo the Dteu'Or - Pany• and the weight hf which is 3y i lbs., would be higbl) hpeefieisl � rests n mistaken in his allusions to toe wreck' beferw*tieoaly, alai m ununo wrtb that pole
h ,roll studded with the ore metal. Eve- l les foal
aka a&ywdwwt) of nrsinr by aswswrewt ,hnr.ly sllerwardw ►stept0o p &newer, sA, Tben .leo leo co*ldeots plate/ 'e 7 inttreetrd. '
(ter the 1'sd*bc ishsMust• of 'rbree •ns•,i'S that the enl a od.emo# Led less" i . storm Arista to "ati) wltAnoi eke w track one n pul gold. lndhei, .EIS ed of, 6eww ctN] of tbp F:mma• ne sorb pengnpb a 1,e As d t \(rnnnahl hes thntet MIa�
Riv►r+, Ilse loo" of RX") efrrenew. p)- erre ot"f arrntat" t* ►w •relnret, f. w se y
liar i he great evil esmplain tits- associative appeared is nor paper, the one wt iersesrd rn Ile wk■ttpy', tarp gable kart fsA
tm ill Ile ,he»l+•e bobs (most tow': t�. Ths dhoti t'*e at Mu- Art Amed ►Pen pulled met w;th the d e , is lar Cohost*- -:& here ileo ttrif a jeweled stated that the vesaPl wire about' librrh to rant■leg len tnfd*If, at til
elle w vx years st tM nip n( 1 -6th per p,enrply'Indt•al wd' the r&Pee,Nion of glom ltsd Ile wbasesm rs wnappe&sed.- An A,werresn resUtmao akn ahnweJ es ■ �
alma 'A u let pend to the to Or of Torte lot Ftrwk toosiltt The oathst,taee of Very Crus Daws bare" small quantity wbrch he had waahrd in a dies, &ail the diver I n( Rif, f ro aiwe, o neebsR Irld m the liratie► F:sebss
Rn1 nr Ma e*etarw.r at Troy. but nn ler• As ea raw from Or1aav& w1r0 for {erw&fiea 16 mill,% (yetis Geretn p"1 about bed wNI g
Ltsen, to ted in the wreetins arm Cathedral r r,nr tM•s M do•eow*rtA that the wreeg wpert•dcd. ♦ very ebrxt tiw. 'flus quartz inn r, we ree�,,saay'oiAslal] req tel, what wast a appplkrs y motile ,, r.
Cbrrb. try*d. w.rlw tAe rSht etstse that 0 boat 04 ""'woo Iwytag Paste uadenland, bit lett wide." Tics ie(rwce&- arcPl Ire wrecked chaste ♦males (mm that pl&re aoci Mr h. there, fres it ilrrrrtby of tbg "loilwt
►ieekb•ra had Met' hr chat wacy, am the lath sit, wen at. &wrprisss clauses -sorb etc sP 1 1•
the *bolo sof Mr. !►la.ks1lail elw (;!tilt ^n. bsA brew* ..I b•e4 to rty awes. After taelM b r %be insurgents, a"d duarvned tire, is emporia"t if trot, which o rr prorlktt dol lktttndtd is m the kw hoer^ eNortpd n tseataoepd wtbing ■blot ■ pka"*re ( tsamel ppen t be Nmy did a "M Z
e` tcA t^ agger to ileo 1'Lpc( 6;as*.10 + m .nee •spein Me T,•he */east(" t• A ad►iets from t fAelkve load ss to b"11eve 7 kretxl(nppn fo be laf6td by strMgwr�/rS
^r Ike wermws after" ■rp esaA,et. Three of the nor. • the tebeel sag.
.a t'�" luor a fitews N fb,r•B a efwe to the e^nrw bet were killed **a "twit "waded'- that it is.-(Waufa. dad) is t*•chiwr- -lent where
jM oat sflet. tad Mmol that ohs W gra•
f„ •' "aaawa - ..
+ .,,. r•'
..y -� .
i a •`
w r. ''' _�
-••' r-,` ..fit.. . , - ...' dA-,h..t_-- �� Iii". 1' .*�- 4AI ': _. _ _ - _ -