HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-08, Page 16Page 14 Jugal 8, 1961
and district news
LUCAN BOWLING CHAMPS -The Lucan Ladies' Bowling League capped its season
at Grand Bend,Wednesday, when team trophies and individual
with a banquet , yf
• .were presented. Shown in the front row are the grand champion Dairy-
maids. Members include, from left, Marg Young, Betty Ankers, Kit Hearn, Kaye
Haskett and Eileen Haskett. Edyth Watson, another member of the team, was ab-
' y " " Ramblers, The team is
sent, Standingat the rear are the A league champion Ran
Scott, Marie Lewis,lice McFalls, Frances Bell and
made up of Sue Ready, Liz Sco , r
Isobel Haskett,
—T -A photo
COP LUCAN HONORS—Shown in the back row are the ladies who copped in-
dividual awards in the Lucan Ladies' Bowling league this year. They include,
from left, Eileen McIntosh, high average; Muriel Carling, top spare bowler; Doreen
Crudge, high single, and Isobel Haskett, high triple. The "B" league champion
Clandeboye Cuties, shown seated, include: from left to right, Mary Scott, Jeanette
Simpson, Eleanor Kestle, Lucille Blake, Mary Lou Morgan and Hazel Williams.
Present ieague awards
to top women bowlers
• The Green Forest Motor
Hotel, Grand Bend was the
setting last Wednesday eve-,
Hing for the Women's Bowling
League banquet.
Donna Freeman presented!
the league winner trophy to the
Ramblers: Marie Lewis, Alice
McFalls, Liz Scott, Frances
Bell, Sue Ready and Isobel
Lucille Blake presented tro-
Lucan personal items
Lou Ann Shipway, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William Ship-
way of Alice St., celebrated
her seventh birthday last Fri-
day by entertaining 10 of her
girl friends who enjoyed a hunt
for hidden presents and a
weiner roast in the back yard.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hunter
of Detroit have returned home
after spending a few days with
the former's mother, Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. George Mc.
Knight of Cayuga were week-
end guests of Mrs. Warner Mc-
Roberts, who spent the week-
end at her home here.
Wednesday guests with Mr,
and Mrs. M. 0. Smith included
Mrs. George Lacki.e, Mrs. C,
S. Roberts, Mrs, 0. McAllister,
and Mrs, Don Klachn, all of I
rMr. Harvey Downing, who
has been staying with his
father since Mrs. Downing's
death, left last Thursday for
his home in Ashburn, Georgia.
Unable to get help he had to
leave his father alone,
Prior to his taking up his
new duties in St. Thomas the
Rev, J. F. Wagland of Oak
rdige Acres was presented
with a gift Saturday night at a
congregational meeting.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Abbott included
Mr. Clayton Abbott, Colleen,
Beverley and Brenda of Paris
(on their way to pick up Mrs.
Abbott at West Lorne), Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Maguire and
boys of Biddulph and Mr. and
Mrs. • Mervin Elston of • Cen-
Mr, Elmer Darling and Mrs.
Jean Patton, of, London, were
Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs,
Cecil Armitage,
Rev, and Mrs:. 0, A. Moore
and family of Port Dover and.
Mrs. Alex Colvin and babe of
Windsor were Weekend guests
of Mr, and Mrs. U. F. Stanley.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert E,
Stanley, of St. Catharines,
were weekend guests of Met.
T. C, McFarlane.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mohr
of Mt. Elgin have taken up
residence in Mr. Erwin Scott's
new heuse on the county road
just west of the CNR station,
Mrs. W, C. Shepherd, of To.
ronto has returned!, borne after
spending atveek with her sis-
ter, Mrs, R, K. Montgomery
and family.
Mr. and. Mrs. Art Haskett of
Toronto, spent a few days last
wee With
r er
'�g loaner's par-
t the
k 's
ents, Mir and Mrs. Will Has-
RectoryvisltoY$, lost week fri-
ciuded Mr„ and Mrs, Dorn .Rug.
gles of New Hamburg, On
Thurtsday, Rev, and intra,H.
C. Ward aridX!lizabetli of their.
coe on Friday, Mr. and Mrs.
A. McMillan of Woodstock on
Saturday and Mr, and Mrs. S.
E. Boyer of Woodstock on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lockyer
and family were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fisher
of Camlache.
Mrs. Cecil Robb has return -
home after spending the past
several days in Sarnia with
her daughter, Mrs. Jim Bawt-
enheimer, who has been i11
for over three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ritchie, of
London, were Sunday guests
of Mr, and. Mrs. C; lvin Has-
Darlene Sceli, nine-year-old
daughter of Mr, and .Mrs. Stu-
art Sceli, is a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital with pneu-
Miss yn Brownlee spent
the weekend in St, Thomas
with a friend,
After two weeks with Mr,
and Mrs. Ernie Ross, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Simpson and family
left by plane on Saturday for
Neepawa, Manitoba,
phies to A and B group win-
ners: "A", Kit Hearn, Bette
I Ankers, Edythe Watson, Marg
Young, Eileen Haskett and Kae
Haskett; "B", Lucille Blake,
Eleanor Kestle, Mary Lou Mor-
gan, Hazel Williams, (Mary
Scott and Jeanette Simpson.
Crying towels went to the
Dumbells, Donna Freeman,
June Weller, Irene Bridger,
Helen Ewen, Dolly Hodgins
and Muriel Carling.
Onbehalf of the Legion
Auxiliary Gladys Reilly pre-
sented the high single trophy
to Doreen Crudge 327.
Kae Haskett presented the
high average trophy to Eileen
McIntosh 168, the high triple
trophy to Isobel Haskett 680,
the high single, triple and av-
rage for spares to Muriel Car-
' ling and also the gifts to
1 High Hopes, highest game in
the play-offs S00, Betty Leach,
Iglasses; Leprechauns, lowest
game call season, Reta Tlaul,
Ih a n k i 'e s: Marionettes, high
average, 18b0 May Murphy,
1 purse; Dumbelhs, lowest aver-
age on team, 107, June Weller,
i a purse; Sputniks, most color-
I fur bowler, Irene Anderson,
l Satellites, highest average on
1 the team, Lib Calcott, cup and
saucer; Clowns, lowest average
on the team, 124, Florence
1 Millson, cup and saucer; Sham-
rocks, hardest working bowler,
Holy Saulnier, jewellery; Lep-
rec auns, howler with most ex-
pressions, Loretta Dickson,
towel; Marionettes, 1 o w, a s9
game and average on the team
57-108, Marg Prout. dish; Dum-
bells, most blows in one night,
14, Donna Freeman, jewelry,
A beautiful plaque has been
Purchased by the leaeue to be
left at the bowling alley. The
names of the two top teams
each year will be placed on
this plaque,
The Clandeboye 'playas pre•
sented a trophy to Lucille
Blake as the top Clandeboye
bowler in the llay•offs.
Officers for nextear
n are
Kae Haskett, president; 'Mur-
iel, Kennedy, secretary, and
Edythe Watson, treasurer, all
1 of whom were presented with
gifts in appreciation of their
srvices during the past year,
Mixed Bowling Banquet
The Ladies' Arena Commit•
tee catered for a turkey din -
her to the Mixed I;owling
League at the Community n•
n y C e
tre last Friday night when
awards end trophies were pre•
Stanley reunion
Between 60 and 70 descend•
ants a the lete Mr, and Mrs.
James Stanley held an all -day
Hetete ether at the Legion
a11. g g
Guests were presen•f, frdirl To-.
ionto, St, nomas, St, Cather.
Ines, NeBay, Windsor, Port
and London, A, nuniber
of the guests were able te et.
tend the 11. o'clock service in
the Anglican church
The grass in .front of the
Legion fail proved Oil ideal
Split. rola the Childttiti i' spine
which Were ht charge of Mr,
Clare Statile r,
Guests with Mr, and Mrs.
Harold McFalls last Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Art Ford
of Exeter, Mr. Grant Ford of
London a n d Mrs. Thomas
Brooke of Lucan.
Mrs. J. Davey, of Woodstock,
was a weekend guest of Mr,
Mitchell Haskett.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Elson,
who spent the winter in Lon-
don, have returned to their
apartment in.1141rs. Bison's par-
ents' home (Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam Brownlee) at Lucan.
A family gathering Was held
Sunday at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Coughlin to
celebrate their son, Don's 15th
birthday and also the fifth
birthday of their niece, Serten
Young, daughter Of Mr. and
Mrs. George 'Voting.
After four weeks in St. .Tos-
epti's 1 -Hospital, Luean's post
master, Mr. Charlie Ifaggar,
was able to be brought borne
last Saturday feeling much
Mr, and Mrs Ralph Rum.
Melt spent Saturday in Sarnia
and Pctr,olia visiting a number
of their relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry' VOtIgins
and Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Abbott
WOO among those who 'attended
the 25th wedding anniversary
o1~ Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Need-
ham of Ballyinote last Satitr•
Miss Alice Mains, Of Wal:
ford, is visiting her sister,
Mil. William Dickins,
Mee and Mrs,. , Don bowns
grid 'family' were; tinday guests
Pt Mr. ,arid litre, hetes Downs
of Lenders.
Phone BA '7.42;65 - Gorrospondentt Miss Line Abbott
Kids enjoy
bowling fete
Last Friday night 43 hien•
bers of the Children as Bgwiing
League and two adults, Mrs,
Calvin Haskett And Miss Mur.
iel Carling enjoyed a hot din-
ner banquet at the Koffee Kup
restaurant at Lucan.
Thanks to the $15 donation
each from the Men's League
and the Women's League, as
well as many other donations
the children received 'trophies
and aards,
The wcaptain of the Dumbells
received Dr. T. A. Watson's
trophy and members of the
team, Bob Arnold, Ann George,
Cheryl Thompson, F'aul Steacy,
Kirk Montgomery ont n Wayne
gomer y i d
Hodgins received individual
small trophies while the mem-
bers of the Pinpoppers re-
ceived consolation trophies.
Trophy for girls' high double
was presented to Ruth Frost;
high average, Lynn Arnold;
high single, Jo -Ann Screaton;
boys' high double, Ken Ready;
high average, Kirk Montgom-
ery; high single, Ward Hod-
Nancy Weller received plush
dog for most improved bowler;
Susan Kennedy, sweater guard,
second highest single; Nancy
Watson, pin set, girls' highest
average on her team.
Mrs. R. Hayward SS marks
dies in Detroit
Mrs. Roy. Hayward of Dear. a n n v e f s
News of ClandeboYe
By MRS. ,4 H. PA-TON
Personal Items
Mrs. Mary Stewart and her
daughter, Miss Veda btewart,
of Toronto, spent a few days,
with Mrs, Hiram Thonipsen at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wii-,
fred Dixon last week,
Miss Minnie Lynn is improv-
ing in $outh ,Huron Hospital,
Mrs, Maud Wainwright is a
patient in .South Huron Hos.
WS. Ernie Lewis :spent Wed-
• nesday with Mrs. Rtthy trea-
son in Clinton,
Airs, Bill Downing 'spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Almer 'Hendrie, On
Saturday they visited Mrs,
William Walkoin and Rev, and
Mrs, L, C, Harrisen in •London,
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Mains
of Dorchester have sold !their
store there and are taking up
residence in Mr, Muriess' house
next to Mrs, Mains old home,
the general store here,
Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Carter
and Ian and Mr, and Mrs,
Carlyle Carter and Jimmie of
London spent Sunday with Mr,
and itfrs. Bill Walden at their
cottage at Grand Bend.
Mrs. Maurice Campbell, of
Sarnia, visited ]ter aunt, Mrs.
Andy Carter, also her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Lewis,
London township, on Sunday,
Miss Marilyn Burchall of
Kenora finished her course et
the London Teachers' College
and left for home on Monday,
planning to !return .o teach in
Toronto in September.
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Simpson,
John and Charlene, and 114tss
Burchall motored to Toronto
on Monday,
Funeral of H, Thompson
born died in, Algoma Nursing Flowers and singing birds
Home on Monday, May 29 again formed the setting for
where funeral services were the SS 'anniversary and Flower
held on Thursday, June 1 with
interment in Green Lawn cern-
etery, Detroit on Friday, June
Winning draw prizes were
Gayle Hickson and Barbara
Ready, toy dogs; Nancy Park,
purse; David Weller, Terry
Thomson, Gary Revington and
Jimmy Hickson, aeroplane or
boat; Harold Herbert, belt, and
Russell Kennedy, a desk calen-
dar. The Colleen League gave
the consolation prizes and the
Olandeboye Women's League,
the sweater guard.
In appreciation of Mrs. Cal-
vin Haskett's faithful service
each Saturday in taking charge
of the Children's League, Linda
Anker, on behalf of the chil-
dren, presented Mrs. Haskett
with a lawn chair and some
Legion Auxiliary bingo
There was another splendid
crowd at •the Legion Auxiliary
bingo Thursday night but still
no one won the jack pot.
Mr. Benny Kelly of Lucan
won the $5 consolation prize,
Laura French of Whalen, who
shared the first bingo with
Mrs, Roy Pepper of Exeter
won the first line of "Share
the Wealth", Mrs. Ed Wurm
of Exeter, who won the second
part of the consecutive bingo,
won the last line of "Share
the Wealth" and Mrs. R. Pin-
combe of Parkhill won the full
card prize. Carl Neil of Lucan
and Mrs. Pfacuzzo of Exeter
shared the first part of the
consecutive and Mrs. W. Johns-
ton of Lucan won the third
There were a number of split
bingos. Mrs. Pat Grudge of Lu-
can and Mrs. Roy Pepper of
Exeter :shared the second, Mrs.
Jim Avery of Lucan and Mrs.
Jean Lightfoot, London, shared
the third and !Mrs. Mary Young
of Birr and Mrs. B. McDowell
of Denfield shared the sixth.
The latter also shared the
seventh with Mr.' H, Lightfoot
of Centralia.
Other winners included Mrs.
Bernard Avery of Lucan, Mrs,
Walter Dobbs of Exeter and
Mrs. Dieter Geissler of Lucan.
Committee meet
On Monday night eight mem-
bers of the centennial com-
mittee met in the church room
to review the mailing list.
Victoria Park program
Lucan members of Medway's
"Sixteen" choir who took part
in the program presented by
the school at the band shell et
Victoria F'ark last Tuesday
were Carole Davis, Judy Has-
kett, Ilene Donaldson, Gary
Revington and Frank Egan.
The Medway band was also on
the program.
A large number of Lucan
parents and friends attended
the program,
Scott picnic
Some 90 descendants of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Scott held a family geko-
gether at the Community Me-
morial Centre Sunday.
Guests were present from
Niagara, Paris, Thedford, Ailsa
Craig, Granton and Parkhill.
Hockey banquet
Last Sunday evening 31
members of. the Lucan hockey
team and the executive held a
banquet at the Green Forest
Motel at Grand Bend,
Birthday party •
Mrs. Ira Carling and (Mies
Muriel Carling last Saturday
entertained Jane Crozier, ozier, Judy
Coughlin, ;Brian Ankers, Mich-
ael Culbert and Rudy Ankers
at a birthday party for the
former's granddaughter, 10 -
year -old Leslie Carling of Lon -
Unfavorable weather condi-
tions necessitated the cancel-
ling of a nook -out and swim at
Fish Creek but the children
did have a cookout in the back
yard,, .after returning from a
bowling party at the Lucan
Lanes, The children also en.'
joyed a game of cricket.
Personal items
Last Saturday Mrs, Don Rev.
entertained ing.ton a t$ school..
friends of her daughter in hon-
or of Elizabeth's 7th birthday,
A large number from Lectin',
attended. the Guy Lombardo i
.1iow in Stratford last Thurs.'
1fo'w', f
She is survived by her hus-
band, Dr. Roy Hayward, of
Dearborn and .one son, Clarke
of Detroit,
Z s'Hayward, the former
Delia Clarke, was married
twice. Her first husband wars
Mr, Bert Porte with many rel-
atives in the Lucan-Clandeboye
Mr. Murray Hodgson of Clan-
deboye and his sister Mrs. Roy
McEllister of London attended
the funeral,
Sunday. The junior choir led
in the music and sang two an-
Superintendent Cliff Culbert
presided for the service. He
was assisted by Ruth. Frost
who led in the responsive
psalm, Bruce Screaton who
read the lesson, Gary Reving-
ton, Gordon Young, Don Cough-
lin and Ward Hodgins• were
ushers. Rev, G, W. Sach
preached a sermon on "The
Challenge of Life' using il-
lustrated posters held by Mar-
lene Butler, Donna Walker,
Rose Coursey, Jimmy Hearn,
David Revington and Billy
Home & school group
instals new executive
At the June meeting of the
Lucan Home and School As-
sociation, held in the kinder-
garten, last Tuesday night,
Mrs. J. E. Gernaey of London,
vice-president of Area H 1 for
Home and School Associations
installed the officers.
President is Mrs. Rudy Eng-
el; vice-presidents, Mrs. Jas,
Freeman and Mrs. Russell
Goddard; t r e a s u. r e r, Mrs.
Ralph Smith; executive, Mrs,
Keith Dickson, Mrs. Bernard
Bend, Mrs. Bob Drennan, Mrs.
Royden Herbert and Mrs. Jack
As one of the guest speakers,
Mrs. Gernaey, who is the for-
mer Minnie McTavish, Lucan,
was introduced by past presi-
dent Mrs. Calvin Haskett and
gave an interesting report on
the annual conference held in
the Royal York Hotel in April.
Her talk was followed by a
question andanswer period,
Prior to the meeting •a bake
At a staff meeting on Sun-
iay, it was decided to close
the Sunday School until Sep-
On Wednesday evening two
new confirmation . candidates
were added, bringing the total
now to 10.
A bee to clean up the back
grounds of the rectory Is plan-
ned for Wednesday evening.
Pentecostal Holiness Church
A Bible quiz (completing
Bible verses) was held at the
Friday evening 'Young People's
meeting. Paul Graham sang a
solo and the Rev. Roland Har-
rell conducted a contest on
"The Word of God" which was
won by Miss Lorraine Graham,
United Church
Vice-president Alden Walker
presided for the May meeting
of the Couples' Club in the
church schoolroom. Mr. and
Mrs. Walker and 'Mr. and Mrs.
Benny Saulnier were in charge
of the meeting.
The winners in an elimina-
tion game were Mr. Jim Lock-
yer, Mr. Benny Saulnier and
Mrs. Stuart McLellan. Mr,
Saulnier and Mr. Ernie Ross
were named !a committee to
see if Lucan's new conserva-
tion park is available for a
picnic. It was votedthat the
club purchase cookies for the
SS kindergarten class.
The June meeting will take
the form of a pot luck supper.
The club's project of a lighted
church sign is to be put before
the steward board.
sale was held in the hall to
raise money to help defray the
cost of graduation pins.
The president opened the
meeting with the reading of
the H & S 10 commandments.
This was followed by a musical
program by the school choir
and piano, duets and solo num-
bers by winners at the music
The principal, Robert Jenk-
ins, whose London teaching
prevented him attending meet-
ings during the year, was pres-
ent Tuesday evening and spoke
briefly on the progress of the
school, the Grade 8 trip, field
day and the graduation ban-
quet June 23.
Mr. Sam Screaton, recrea-
tional director, spoke on recre-
ation and its place in the life
of the child and community.
"Recreation," he said, "is all
those things which a person or
group chooses to do inorder
to make leisure time more in-
teresting, more enjoyable,
more worth while and more
personally satisfying."
The kindergarten room won
the attendance cup.
Sectional Rally
On Friday, 14 WMS members
and two from " •the Evening
Auxiliary attended the WMS
Sectional Rally in the P'ark-
hill 'United Church.
In the morning the Presbyte-
rial President, Mrs. J. D. Mur-
ray of Lambeth was the guest
speaker. She spoke on the
change - over to the United.
Church Women. Mrs. Garnet
Hodgins gave 'a report on the
Conference Branch meeting,
held in London.
In the afternoon Mrs. A. E,
Reilly of Lucan read the WA
report compiled by Mrs. Mur-
ray Hodgins. 'Mrs, Wilson of
London, the Presbyterial Treas-
urer, spoke on how the funds
will be 'used after the change-
over. The..y guest speaker was
Mrs. A. C. Dixon of London,
a retired missionary from In-
dian, who spoke on her work
in India.
Local students
at' grad b lrwquet
Flower bearers for iMr, Hir-
am Thompson's funeral were
Messrs. William and Hiram
Dixon, Gerald Hodgins, Bob
Watson, Billie and, Jim Thomp-
son, all great nephews of the
Pallbearers were Messrs.
Tom and Jack, Gilmour,. Orville
and Earl Dixon, Murray Carter
and Joe Conlin.
Relatives and friends gather-
ed at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Dixon following
the interment and were served
United church
At the United church on Sun-
day, June 4 the Rev. G. W.
Sach announced that the serv-
ice here for Sunday, June 11
will be withdrawn due to the
anniversary service at the Lu -
can United church at 11 a.m.
with the Rev. E. A, Currie,
1 BA, BD, of Wellington. United
Church, London, being the
guest minister, Mr. Sacb, will
be the minister at the Welling-
ton United Church,
For the first early 9.45 am,
service here on Sunday a large
attendance was noted. Miss
Julia Crozier and Keith
O'Neil of Lucan weep two of
the 75 !Medway stud' is who
attended the graduati n ban-
quet last Friday night
The guest speaker Was W.
H. Fox QC, who spoke on the
brotherhood of man.
Others on the programa in-
cluded W. E. Kieser, principal,
Edward Hamilton who spoke
on behalf of the board, Gail
Davis, valedictorian, Rosalind
De Luca, co -president of the
student council, and David
Stewart, co-chairman of the
student council.
u11slim 1111Y1.Nntind .Imo do It 111.1...1... te.. Immo' 111 in111111,1,11111111111)titm 1i Ili Il iimiII II Ili IIIIIi!Ili
Get The
For Your
Quick Returns !
IAC: Groin
See our Special contract on Malting Barley before
you sign. Fertilizer supplied with contract.
Different Varieties— Also L'arley, Peas, etc,
Drop In Aral See Vs ` edayl
HON A i`�4479
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Sach played for the service.
on Sunday, June 18, the sere
ice will be at 9,45 a,m,
St James.
The rector, the Rev. E. 0,
Lancaster, taking bis text from
the gospel for first Sunday aft-
er Trinity stressed the prac•
tise of Christian living, "Our
LoLd in his parables' drives
hanod w
ne great
ewish spiritualtogetthe truthsfult,
spirit 1 benefit of this teach-
ing saidwe, must think ourselves
back in his very presence",
On Sunday afternoon a bap.
tismal service was held at St,
James rch whthe rector•
the Rev, E, 0- Lancaster ad
ministeredChu:the ritesen o£ bap-
tisni for Peggy Charlene,.
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ray
Simpson, with Mr. and 'Mrs.
Joe Lucemore of Langton and
Miss Barbara Simpson, Wind-
sor, as godparents.
Later Mr. and Mrs. Ra7
Simpson entertained relatives
and friends. Guests were Mr,
and .Mrs. John Simpson, Mr,
and Mrs, Russell Simpson and
fam, 'Mr- M, rt
Simpsonilyandand famrsily, Robe
, Miss
Barbara Simpson. of Windsor,
Mr. and !Mrs. Joe Lucemore
and family, Langton, Rev. and
Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster, Miss
Marolyn Burchall, 'Mrs, E.
Tomes, Mrs. J. H, Paton. and
Mr,Londonand Mrs, Bud 'Measor oi-
William A. Walker
William Andrew Walker, 52,
died in Harper Hospital, De-
troit, on Saturday, June 3 after
a .lengthy illness.
He was a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Walker, Athens.
Ontario and married Edna
Simpson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Simpson.
Besides his wife he is sur-
vived by five sisters and twa
brothers: Mrs. Mary Beamis,
Detroit; Mrs. Margaret Sto-
rie, Florida; Mrs. Mary Reid,
Arizona; Mrs. Dorothy Mahaf-
fey, Columbus, Ohio; Mrs. He-
len Swartz, Cleveland; James
and Robert, Detroit.
The body arrived at the Mur-
dy funeral home, Lucan on
Tuesday where funeral services
were held on Wednesday, June
6 conducted by Rev. E. 0, Lan-
caster with interment in St,
James cemetery.
Pallbearers were nephews of
Mrs. Walker: Donald, Harvey,
Fred and Leroy Revington, Har-
ry McNaughton and Tom Hep -
Murnrs, Milton Henry
Mr. Maurice Simpson re-
ceived word of the death of his
sister, Mrs. Laura. Henry, 63,
in. Calgary General Hospital on
June 6.
She is the widow of Milton
Henry* and they were former
—Please turn to page 17
11111111111111,11111,11111111,11111111111111,III1111,111,1111111,111,1111,1,111111111,.1111111.1.1111111111111111 Itlllllllll I/11(M
Lions' Club Annual
ummage Sale
Saturday, June 24
2 to 5 p.m.
Phone Bank of Montreal, BA 7-4451, or Clare
Stanley, BA 7-4566, for pickup.
I'tumlullllll 1111 tumuli ll l l llili 1101111 mut; muumuu, mit111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mum
Three. Bedrooms. Bath
Kitchen and Living Room
This beautiful home offered at .a
package price includes heavy shin-
gles, roof trusses, complete interior
finish and advanced design Hanover
Now! The home of your dreams
and you can own it.
is '♦ 3Y J' � a l . 444-r ..,
$100 Down Payment .,
YES, it's true! We will actually erect FREE the four
walls, roof trusses and roof sheathing on your foundation.
Just imagine --- your home completely enclosed and
quickly made livable -- ready to finish the odds and ends.
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