HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-08, Page 12Page 12 The Times-AdXocate, June 8, 1961 Play urn \strike it Erich- when. • CLASSIEFIED RATES FOR SALE— FOR SALE— I FOR RENT — MISCELLANEOUS— •gAch Additional Word 3.0 (Minimum 850) 20c Off paid by Saturday following last insertion. Second Insertion 21/2 PR WciFp (Minimum 55e) Six Insertions 2c PER Wearer) Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per inch $1,40 Second Insertion—Per Inch $1,25 Minimum: ane inch, accepted ½only in multiples ofinch. (minimum 450) LOST— SUM OF MONEY, on Monday, June 5, in Exeter, location. near Chainway store, Anyone find- ,ing the money please call at The Times -Advocate, Reward. HELP WANTED (Male)— MALE, for summer months. Started Pollets15‘1\1111'pe,l'iriFtoTijiF4‘ii).'Z:i'e'irl)):Paleir hauled. Special low price fo HONEGGER PULLS !quick sale. Doe McGregor 8 - 10 weaka old, ready for ; phone 737, Exeter. 8:15c range; 4month old put- . a ae i N Q price. i GARDEN TRACTOR, Waterloo 1eswith scuffler, .only40. D lets. One pen ready -to -lay pttl-, ELZA R ,MOUSS EAL/ ;McGregor, Annie 737 4.xeter. ' 8:15e Ippen Phone Hensel]. 278W4 18:251:8c 4" H EM LOC K Full 1" thick, Suitable for 0" TABLE SAW, Beaver, tilt ' metal roof strapping, gates, arbour, aa h.p. heavy duty GE ' etc, motor, extension table, Dada 1 -31i10 Running Foot set, moulding cutter head with A. SPENCER & SON table inserts, Al Shape, $150.00. 'Jensen Phone Crediton 234-6368 or ' 8:16;22c Centralia AC 8-$611, Local 297. lc ;CABIN TRAILER, small. Ap- ply Mrs, G. Broderick, South CIIESTERFIELD suites, din- I Richmond St., Hensel], 8* ette sets, chrome table and chairs, bunk beds,. chests of !BICYCLE, man's size. Phone drawers, baby carria'ses cribs I164r8 Dashwood, 8* f cradles, high chairs, play pens, !NOW ON SALE ..— Galvanized baby walkers, strollers, lawn ; roofing, aluminum roofing, Call furniture, every ti ing in furni-; and inquire. Phone 83 Hensall, ture and appliances, Sandy Wayne smith, Elliot, 444 Main St. 1:8e 6:8-8:31c BEAGLE PUPS, 3 males. Ap- STATION WAGON, 1956 Dodge, i pie Roy Lampert, phone Cert V8 engine, in excellent condi- raja AC 8-6259. 8* tion Contact F/0 Patterson, 140 Columbia Dr., RCAF Cent- THRESHING MACHINE, White ralia, phone AC 8-6817, $c 24" steel, on steel, with shred- , der, used a short time, Apply HEREFORD STEERS, light -1 Wiliam Wilson, RR 1 Clande- weight. Apply Joe Van Dong,eralboye. Sc phone 47r1 Grand. Bend. 1:8*, STANDING HAY, 30 acres. Ap- SINGER electric sewing ina- 1 ply Wally Wein, phone 54 chine, like new, zig-zags, darns, Dashwood. 8:15c 'Apply Art Geiser, plant man- s' etc '' All attachments 3 CHESTS, 4 -drawer (junior); ager, Tuckey Beverages, Sc and under guarantee. Take up 2 junior beds; large crib and payments of $5 monthly or pay mattress; large tricycle; baby HELP WANTED (Female) full balance of $45, Also 1 used a- stroller. Phone AC 8-6894 Cent Electrolux vacuum cleaner, Sea, raiin. 8* STENOGRAPHER — Apply in excellent c diti A 1 B On on. pp y ox you hit' into r APARTMENT, 426 Main St„ WHY GROW wormy apples? I d r eold water, suitable for couple'be done quite soon, Phone your ! 4dtgliThsed, and 1114 =Y a 134frgefhtfr 6Sto.Ctialid , without children. ApplY at requests to 653, L. V. Hogarth, Times -Advocate, 3:30tthe i 324 Senior St. 8C writing to Box SPL, Exeter No. PEW, Exeter Times -Advo- 15 -FOOT BOAT and trailer, in Times Advocate 2:2afe. cote. 25.1. 8 good condition. Apply 371 Wit- ; liam St., Exeter. 8c APARTMENT, 3 -room, ground RELIABLE WOMAN, between 1958 EDSEL hardtop, auto- floor, private entrance; avail 40 and 60, to do housekeeping matic, power steering, brakes, B A B Y CARRIAGE, Thistle able June 15. Apply 512 Main for middle-aged widower. Phone windows, seats, aerial and re. make, all metal, two-tone beige St., Exeter. 8* 12r19 Kirkton after 9 p.m. 8* dio, Al shape. Will take older and cocoa brown, used six car on trade-in, Phone 93r1 months, like new. Call AC 8 - BE AN AVON representative, 1;8e 6361. Zurich.8e A pleasant way to earn, Start now, Openings in Stephen and SLAB WOOD, dry mixed, 10 FOR SALE OR RENT — Steel Hay townships. Write Mrs. E. cords delivered $30.00. Apply barn, 50' x 35', cement floor Bell, 84B Albert St,, Waterloo. in writing to Robert Eagleson, throughout, corner of Huron . „ I HELP WANTED— APARTMENT, completely re- modelled, enlarged and re- ciecerated thre , In, main neer, centrally located, heated, Private entrance and bath, kitchen oupboarda. Available May 1. Phone 17w or apply 365 4:13llne I SERVICES INVI5IBLE REwEAviNpl Cig. marns--,Moth Holes—Jeers i SAVE that ;Suit, Coat, Press, Pants, PHONE EXETER 95 ;A. L. Guilford 411 Albert St, 8* tfnc NOW RENTING ' Dead or Diseased OFFICE SPACE in the new Devon Buildings at Main and Huron Streets, Also space suitable for light mer- cantile such as barber shop, beauty- parlor, milliner, tailor shop, etc. Rents, are surpris- ingly reasonable, Contact: JOHN BURKE 534 Main Street EXETER, PHONE 863 4;20 tfnc TURNIP PLANTER, 2 -row, Contact Harold Dignan, 3 miles west of Hensall, on Highway 84, phone 91r3 Zurich. 4:27-6:15* 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished and heated, private 4- piece bath, separate entrance. No pets, please. Apply 169 Wil- liam St, or phone 400W. 5;25* tine OFFICE SPACE, quarters for- merly occupied by Ontario Pro- vincial Police. Apply Beaver Lumber, 25:1:8c c RR 1 Ailsa Craig, stating street ; and Albert streets, easy access !number in town or concession off Albert street. Especially in township, or phone Nairn good for storage purposes, .1'4:GENTS with f a r m back- tween 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. J., Hubert Jones. s 202-4450 before 8:00 am. or be- Early possession. Phone 51J, !ground to sell McIntyre Cattle , 8:15c 6:1llne !Oilers. Largest manufacturers! 10 WEANER PIGS — Apply of Battle oilers in Canada. ; BED; desk; chesterfield; kit- Rudy Zondag, RR 2 Dashwood, Good commission. For informa-, chen cabinet; bicycle. J, Gil- phone 165r18. 8c tion write: Jack Cooke, Mein- 'lings, Dashwood, 1:8a It r Cattl Oil Ltd F 11 y e e ers ., u ar- ' ton, Ont. 8:15c. ½TON TRUCK, '51 Chevrolet, i lacks, good mechanical condi- MEN OR WOMEN, start your tion and tires; 2 tires and .own Watkins Business—Full or tubes, 475x19, good condition; part-time. No experience neces-boat trailer, Earl Whiteford, sary. Write J. Gauthier, 350 St. ; phone 216 Grand Bend. 1:8* :Roch Street, Montreal 15, Que.; I I BOY, S BICYCLE, 28" wheel. 8:15:22:29c , RIFLE, Mossburg .22 repeater; ' pump gun .Daisy'. refrigerator 1.APPIY 89 Andrew St., Exeter, Sc i EMPLOYMENT WANTED 1 "Quick Freeze", used 3 mOnths,'t Phtlie 571W. ' I I sealed unit. Phone Credtion 234- !WEED KILL, all kinds, includ- STENOGRAPHER, experienc- ' 6317. 8c aing Premerge, Amine, Ester, I ed, wants position in either!ULK . MCP and Dowpon for twitch B1V1ILK COOLERSno !Exeter or Centralia. Phone • grass; also Atlacide, the per - 1460R Exeter, 8c , d , own payment, four years to .nianent weed kill, non selective. Pay, at low interest. New and . Phone 653, L. V. Hogartb, 324 P •‘. BABY CHICKS— keeration I used self serve store fixtures. Senior St,, Exeter. 8:15c Crocr Refrighone 5:11-6;15c FOR. RENT — NEW SUMMER price list, day., Dashwood 37r4. ar e . immediate ' MOTOR, transmission and , WINDOW UNIT, real good, size opening 44"wide x 621/2" high, all complete with storm win- dow and metal canopy; price $35.00. Wilson Morley, 322 An- drew St., phone 226. shipment RIRxCla RIRxLS . : diator for '47 International , UPPER , APARTMENT, 3-bed- NlixBR, Parks HP 7, Ames pickup A IRoland Gib Ann1' son, , room, private entrance and WANTED — Series 505, 424. 434. Order sum- ' e- hipka; — 1:8a : private bath. Available now. mer broiler chicks now; some ; John Burke, phone 863. GOOD HOME for 2 Eskimo for quick delivery. Bray Hatch- NEW AND USED refrigera- I 4:13111.1c Spits. Phone 703 Exeter. 8c ery, Eric Carscadden, Exeter, tors, ranges, washers and dry.' phone 246W, Sc . ers, television sets. We rent . altraaa'a.;•' I.1;.;:: ' :.YrY;,.:...:).MtlanYMEVR.:Mrn;,::. , TV and refrigerators. Sandy : FOR SALE— ;Elliot, phone 476 Exeter. 1:8c ' APARTMENT, furnished. Apply 317 William St., Exeter. 1:8* SMALL COTTAGE, suitable for 2 adults; immediate possession. Phone 276 Exeter. 8c APARTMENT, one bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, over store, Phone 974 days and 778 or 589 nights, 6:Stfnc BRICK HOUSE, 11/2 -storey, in the village of Staffa, on county road. Immediate possession. Apply to !Mrs. Ross Smale, Staffa, phone 48r16 Dublin. 8c WANTED TO BUY— HIGH CHAIR, in good condi- tion. Phone 276 Exeter, 8* OFFICE DESK, suitable space for typewriter and small work- ing area. Contact Exeter Times - Advocate. 8c WANTED TO RENT— HOUSE—Incoming field officer for Ausable River Conservation Authority requires 2 -bedroom house or lower 2 -bedroom apartment, in Exeter, oil heat- ing preferred, Phone 630 or 475W. 5: 25tfnc VIKING ELECTRIC SEPARATORS I MILKING MACHINES See your authorized dealer for repairs and sales. BASIL O'ROURKE Brucefield Phone 9131 Clinton 3:30tfnc eow THINNERS — 2 single unit mechanical beet and turnip thinners, to fit any standard scuffier. Phone 234-6410 Credi- tor'. 4 : 13tfnc GROW BIGGER CROPS! -4r' - Liquid Nitrate for greater yields of corn. See Cann's Mill Ltd., phone 735 Exeter. 1:8c Must mark explosive Ontario Transport Minister Rowntree has announced new regulations had been passed with reference to the carriage by road of 'dangerous mate- rials", While these were of an terim nattire, the minister said theywould be followed by reg- ulations which would define more clearly and specifically the requirements for the car- riage of dangerous materials. In the meantime, he said, the interim regulations would pro- tect the public. The' regulations provide for specific signs on commercial motor vehicles ,and tank trucks carrying dangerous ra a teri als. These signs must be of a sharply contrasting color so as to be clearly visible, and con. Jain the cowmen name of the commodity, or an applicable word as "Flammable", "Acid", "Corrosive Liquid", "Com. PreaSed Gat" or "F'oison Every eothmeteial Vehicle transporting radio -active m a te- 1 rial mist bear sips containing the Words "Radie-actiVe mate- rial". ; IGET THOSE WEEDSI—Chip- man chemicals for weed con- , trol in all crops. Atrazine for .,.. best control in corn. Cann's Mill Ltd., phone 735 Exeter. 1 G. A. WEBB, D.C. 1 1:8c DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC YOU LOOK YOUR BEST in ope of our full-length mirrors. DRUGLESS THERAPY Priced from $9.95 up. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St 1:8c n Ss Dir seis dory ,": ' . . . ............................................................................................................................................................................... W. G. COCHRANE N EW McCLARY 11 CU. FT , ZERO ZONE FREEZER REFRIGERATOR Speciai Automatic Defrost with Moisture Disposal System Freezer Capacity 50 Lbs. List Price $469,95 SALE PRICE $273.95 NEW ADMIRAL UPRIGHT FREEZER Holds 392 Lbs. Frozen Food Regular Price $359,95 SALE PRICE $229,95 NEW ADMIRAL 9.6 CU. FT. Freezer Capacity 38 Lbs. Litt Price $269,95 SALE PRICE $107.50 USED Several :Electric Stovea, Wash ing Machines, Refrigerators a.nd Television Sets at reduced prices, TRAQUAIR HARDWARE .8e 11 WEANER PIGS, 6 weeks old June D. Apply William 'Bender, Creditor', phone, 23- 6230. 8* HOLSTEIN HEWER, vaccinat- ed, due soon, blood tested herd, Apply John Berendsen, 83 lit way, phone 21r4 Kirkton, 8* GRAVEL PICK, bag truck, labc1 lawn mower. Phone 191J Exeter, Wesley Hackney. 8* SIDEWALK BICYCLE reniov. able cross bar, suitable for either girl or boy. Phone 514W, 8c • QUANTITY0F BEAMS, some 30 It long, Apply Albert WY- drit0e, RR 8 Parkhill, Pliotie AX .46528 Parkhijj. WIRE -BOUND BOXI.1g, 100 to 150, Baby Brute' 100 to 125 Weoderi trateS, Feed Markett phone 534.8e The Minister said that signs 'Must be dal -tied on the rear arid both. sides a all vehicles, and that the lettering had to be no is then three inches iti height, Mr Rowntree added that these new regulations did not apply to the transportation of MaterialS covered by '.The Gag, ohne Handling Act and The EX. 'p1dive At (Cd), c For Appointment Phone 606 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 707 EXETER ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times, "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 81 USI3ORN1 & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMANY Head Office — Exeter, Ontario, BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensall Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:30 PHONE 14 EXETER DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Closed All Day PHONE Exeter Saturdays 36 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS g, NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C„ LLB Zurich Office Tuesday Trees? ; We s,pecialize. cutting and ' removal of tree. M, MeINTYRE Phone Exeter 809-J 6:Dtfne atfne ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wet- . son, phone 3711-9 .Dashwood. SPRAYING -- Anyone wishing to have their barns sprayed for brucellosis or cattle spray- ed for lice, call Hubert Cooper, 599J3 Exeter, 10;13-11:24*tfnc SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, always available, Butler Bros., Lucan, phone BA 74254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 8:4tfne ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice, Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 8:15:22:29*tfc BELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE AND BATTERIES for all makes at Middleton's Drugs, Exeter Clinic — First Thursday, Monthly E. R. Thede, 88 Queen St. S., Kitchener 4:20tfne ILL HEALTH—First see your doctor..Bring your prescrip- tions to Middleton's Drugs, successors to Johnston Drugs, phone 447 Exeter. 4: 20tfne Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 224 GRAND BEND 12;17tfe McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS Formerly Operated by Ken Locke RR 1 CREDITON North of Mount Carmel Road behind Centralia Airport Cars and Trucks Bought for Wrecking Used and Rebuilt Parts — Guaranteed — Free Pickup and Delivery Phone AC 8-6214 3:30tfc GENERAL REPAIRS Roofing Siding - Remodelling MELVIN DESJARDINE Phone 73r11 Grand Bend 25:1:8:15* CARPENTER contractor, new in this area, will do any job of carpentry and roofing, ce- ment work, etc. Phone 234- 6459 Crediton. Call Vic. 5:11.6:15* FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, highest cash prices paid, according to size and condition, for dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed An. drews, 863W1 Seaforth, Truck licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 66C61. 3:30.6:29* FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum. cleaners. Used vacuum cleaners of all makes for sale. Bob Peck, phone Hen - sail 696r2. 11:24-12:29*tfc FOR TAXI SERVICE, phone Aftornoon Centralia AC 8.6812, Earl Diet. rich's Taxi, night and day ser. PHONE 4 EXETER vice. 5:11-6:15c ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVidE ETC. Ann St,, Exeter Phone 504 President No L. MARTIN Milton McCurdy, RR 1 Kirkton OPTOMETRIST Vice,Prosidont Main Street Exeter Timothy E. Toohey ,R Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 355 Directors E. Clayton Colquhotin 4.11 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Cromarty Alex J. Rohde RR 3 Mitchell Agents Harry Coate a RIZ 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Stanley Hoeking Mitchell Solicitor W. O. Ctiehtaxie Exeter totreilaYiNTieieUter Mint Fraser &eta ,.4 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 1$ Wellington, St., across from PUG ST, MARYS PHONE 1272 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 273 tireter Closed Wednesday Afternorma KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY— Expert re -upholstering, re -fin- ishing and repairing all types of furniture. Werk guaranteed. For free estimates and prompt service, phone 81, Exeter, 5:11-6:15ctinc ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK ser- vice; $1,00 per 100 lbs., plus bonus, for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. Please phone promptly to Atwood Zenith 34000 (no toll charge) or Atwood 356. 2622 tolled. Seven-day service, License No, 103C61. 5;18tind HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma- chirie dug 1 it, to ft, diameter up to 150 ft, deep; repairing and deepening, Ilighway 85, Elmira MO 9.3761, or Lucan 815;22* fine, BA 7-4680. DOGS BOARDED in large runs. For sale: Samoyed pup. pies for children's pet or sled dog; also adult male dogs. Brtalin Kennels, phone BA 7- 4201 Lucan. 25:1;8:150 PROMPT SERVICE tor dead and disabled herses, cattle, hogs, sheep, pigs, Naves, Dar. ling ',It Co., LtiCati, Licence NO. 97C61, phone Eketer 287, Lu. Can BA 7-4355, $ERVICES SEPTIC TANKS 'vacuum pump- ed. No MUSS, no .russ. Phone Grand Bend 62r4 or 63r15, 1:8:15:22:29c CUSTOM WORK — Planting beans, spraying for weed kill and hay baling. I have avail- able spray material and ele- er or lay baling. Contact Victor Knip, RR 1 Centralia, or phone Exeter 378J2. BABY-SITTING — Mother will, sit in her own home, Monday to Friday, Phone BA 7-4481, Main St., Lucan, 8c REAL ESTATE— For Sale EXETER, — 3 -bedroom dwell- ing, 1 block from school, oil heat, terms, EXETER --Well located brick home, '1 block from school, 3 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living room, dining room, oil heat. Lot 65 x 200. Terms can be ar- ranged, EXETER — Huron St„ large brick home, suitable for du- plex or 3 apartments -2 up and 1 down. Lot 104 x 125. 2 bath- rooms, oil heat, garage. Terms can be arranged. EXETER — 3 bedrooms, insul brick home, bath. living room, kitchen, reasonably priced for cash, CLANDEBOYE — Small 2 -bed- room insul brick home, living room, kitchen, kitchen cup- boards, insulated, aluminum windows and doors. Taxes $36, $2500 full price. Low down payment. EXETER — New*3 - bedroom home, west side of town, living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, well located. Terms can be arranged, EXETER — New 3. bedroom home. living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, oil hot water heat. Terms can be arranged. KETTLE POINT—Small frame cottage, 2 bedrooms, bath, taxes $25.00, propane heat, fully furnished, well and pressure pump. Full price $3,000,00 — $1,000.00 down. NO. 23 HWY. — Confectionery store—lunch counter, residence, garage attached, low down pay- ment. doing a good. business. GRAND BEND — Southcott Pines, on lakefront, large 2 - storey frame dwelling, 3 bed- rooms, lot 75' x 350', cash price $14,000. For the properties in Grand Bend, see W. C. Dace. agent, Grand Bend, phone 62r3. FARMS We have several 100, 150 and 200 acre farms .for sale. We invite your inquiries. W. H. Hodgson LIMITED REAL ESTATE Represented by M. J. GAISER G. E. DOW Phone Exeter 24 30c Harvest The See Heber DAVIS Phone Lucan BA 7-4532 REAL ESTATE— REAL ESTATE— ctiolcB BUILDING LOT • Mid way between downtown .and schools, .John 'St. west, 3,0' frontage,. ,good.sirairiege, Neigh- bor now building, We believe this is. one ,of the best. lots. available in Exeter. PHONE 974 or Va. EXETER 5.:18tfne NEW HOUSK, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, utility, living room. Mortgag,e arranged. Phone 386M Exeter, 4:20tfnc WILFRED MeINTEE Real Estate Broker WM, PERE',. REALTOR PA Anne Et., Exeter 3-bedroorn brick cottage, weniocatd, located, oil boated. 3 - bedroom, one - floor house, bargain for cash to settle estat,e. Farms—,50 to 300 Acres. Centralia—Brick house, 4 'bed- rooms, living room, diningroom,.kitchen, room, kitchen, bath, :drilled well, pressure pump, garage; geed terms, Lucan--Sinall house with fur- nace and bath, cheap tp settle estate, RUSS BRODERICK, Agent 24 Waterloo St., phone 1187W aac listings Wanted FOR SALE STEPHEN and Hay Township —50 - 150 .acre productive and well located farms, COTTAGE and duplex with building lot, central Grand Bend. GENERAL STORE with living quarters, large volume busi ness. SNACK BAR with living quar- ters, reasonable terms. For details on other busi- nesses and property Call Jack- Fulcher Agent 457 Edward St. S. Exeter, Ontario Phone 225, Box 225 Guaranty Trust IIENSALL One of our finer locations —, solid brick home — duplexecl -- two modern sell -'Contained apartments, two bedrooms down and one bedroom up (rented) — Newly decorated — s or single car garage —. Owner'', moving — Terms to respons- ible party. A rare opportunity to acquire a dwelling of this type. • • -KIPPEN Country home — cement block construction — three bedrooms and bath. Very reasonably priced — low taxes. Selling due to poor health. A real buy. Other listings upon request. Mortgage loans available on choice residential property, Guaranty Trust REALTOR R. B. Paterson — Phone 51 Hensall 1:8c COTTAGE, 11/2 - storey, Main St.,Hensel!, bulit-in cupboards, 3 -piece bath, newly decorated, taxes $56. Suit retired couple or small family. Must see to appreciate. Ross Jaques, Hen- sel. 8:15:224' CHANGE OILS ANP_GREASES CLEAN CAR BRAKES TUNEtt4E ALIGN WHEELS If you want to enjoy ("rats vacation — and we welead like to make sure you d' — bring your car in for a tip - Top Tune -Up. Our factory -trained me- chanic.s can spot any trouble quickly — and make repairs just as fast. We use only factory -engi- neered Cbryco parts and fac- tory approved equipment. So, for dependable service and repairs, at reasonable cost, let us help you enjoy your vaca- tion trip with a thorough check-up. COME IN TODAY FOR A CHECK-UP I (chry. is a trademark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited For Economy Buy and All.Round Service Get A 1961 Various ART models on hand to demonstrate. SEE THEM AND DRIVE THEM AT Exeter Motor Sales Fred Dobbs, Prop. NIGHTS 762W OR 763M PHONE 200 PICK YOUR WAY TO Crimp it et crush it Now Ifelland offers you a ChOice! Either' Way, you salt Save up {.650r. in curing time with New Holland conditioners, Humid area Or dry—it Makes no difference. Conditioning helps you eure hay faster, more evenly, You get better hay, too ...rieher in the proteins that Mean bigger prate' for a'ott. That'because NOW Holland tonditioners— "404" crusher (shown) and "401" 6iimper-, 'preserve precious had Vailfej give you dependable performance when every inethent cOunts! Ask us fax a free deingnetfation now! Exeter .Farm .Equipment PHONE 508,W • tifek OM*