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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-08, Page 9
e nt MtaicIof getting ever -weight? Ay away from sweet thinga Pat? YPU're jotaione, areerd- kg le Mr,. and Mrs, Cliff Ers-. pan, 100 celebrate their .tenth anniversary in the bakery bm Odess nest Iveek, "The treed is away trent er nne sweet goods," according tQ 4smao W us i. bake 10 cakes a Week When we started our business in 1051. Now we wily make about AO," The popularity of buns and rolls, however, has more than offset this •decline in the busi- nos, Se has the •sale of the OUR VERY BEST WISHES TO. CLIFF AND BEA ERSMAN QN THEM TENTH ANNIVERSARY M-m•m-rn Good! You can buy baking with confidence at Ersman's because it always has, that fresh, good flavor. One of the iinportant reasons is that Ersman's uses fine quality Lallemand's Yeast and Baking Powder, plus nuts,' jams and fillings that tempt the palate! Lallemandis Yeast LONDON CONGRATULATIONS TO CLIFF and: BEA ERSMAN ere Highly Honored To have 'provided comprehensive insurance protection for Ersman's Bakery since it was established in Exeter 10 years ago. PHONE 24 EXETER W. H. Hodgson M. J. Geiser bakery's borne -Made bread, distinelive -flavorof which tea been responsible for the limes large increase in sales during the past 10 years, The ,Ersmans find people with freezers are .intying,., 15 'to 20 leaves at .4 time, just as they used to in the old days when the mother shopped once a week .for her big family. To- day's freezer, however, keeps it fresh .before it's .eaten. Ersman's bk1,54105.i has grown during the past decade despite the tremendous competition from the large .companies who nperate door-to,cloor May ,otier srna11.towj baker. ies have been forged to .close by the pressure, Zrsnian's have met the ehal- lenge by taking painto pro- vide a good -tasting, carefully bakedproduct which has the individual flavor of the kind "mother used to make," This pride in their product has helped :them attraet more and more customers who go out of their way to buy their baking from Ersman's. In 1061 the bakery is selling over 6,000 units a week to a large clien- tele, The story in Zion Sy MISS mviaig.r, HERN Personal. items Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald Hera, Larry. and Gordon, attended Whalen anniversary and were Sunday visitors with. Mr. and Mrs, .Mac Mil1s and &amity. Mr.. and Mrs. John Rodd and family, of Woodham, were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Jcihos and family. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hern, Linda and Freddie, of Jarvis, were weekend guests with :Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Hern and family visited Sunday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs, Ross , Ballantyne, Brian and Janies,. of Thames Road, Mr. and iVirs. Alien Jaques and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques. and Steven were Sunday guests with Mr. and. Mrs. Melville Gunning and Muriel of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. Norman, Jaques and family were Sunday eve- ning visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. William Bender at Cred- iton.. Mr. and Ws. Harry Hern, Mr. and Mrs, 'Harold Henn, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl, Mr, and Mrs, Keith Hern, Mr. and Mrs. RCM Herm Mr. and .Mrs,.. Nor- man Brock and Bill an1-'411iss Doreen Brock were guests at the Pullen -McCully wedding Saturday at Avonbank United Church. ni'vrebresabrAYkein'yexl,leieb)iraetay edsi'ts Anti Wednesday by serving Coffee and refreshments to its .cgsto- it moor:: The Ersmans invite ,.the I public to visit with them in the dooP prIzos to :those who. et. bakeshop and plan to. .award i Mr. and Mrs. Brsinan. Inoved !to Fixeter in 1051 from.. '1.1dora, Ontario, where they operated a general store. Mr. Brsman s father li,ad, been a baker In P4I- inerston for many years and be .knew the 'business.. 'well. Mrs. Brunei), a registered nurse who graduated from the Kitchener - Waterloo hospital, has ehanged her profession and :she -obviously enjoys giving people "a treat instead of• a treatment," to. We a. recent slogan. dren — Donna, 16, who helps The grsmans have two .chil- A toast fo at the bakeshop on weekends and, holidays, and Pamela, 12, active in the communitY Since. E,,,„,„ l Both parents have become they moved here. Cliff has been a :Kinsmen. for many years and is a member of the TO Ersman's Bakery 014 THEIR TENTH ANNIVERSARY W. J. Bell Paper Co. TORONTO LTD. . Cavell Presbyterian church 011 tneir board of managers. Bea be- longs to the Kinettes, a num. ber ot Cavert ladies' groups and the figure skating club. Members of the staff are Mrs, Mose Beekler and Mrs. Norman Ferguson. The firm's products include a long list, including cookies, tarts, doughnuts, muffins, puff -paste, squares of all idnds, pies, cakes, buns, rolls, etc, In addition, they enjoy a largo business in specialty cakes for weddings, anniversaries, birth- days and other special occa- sions. 10th ANNIVERSARY Exeter Dairy Phone 331 Many Happy Returns To Cliff & Bea Ersman I Middleton & Genttner Phone 40 SUPPLIERS OF BA FUELS Exeter ).be. Titnq-AelvocOte„ 4.4.neli.190.1 • Pg t • • HAPPY V to Ersman's Bakery from Seal... rooksHarris Paper sCo LONDON ...01.1!!••••.,T0.•1!".* Our Best to BAKERY Vire take pride that Ersman's chooses Five Roses Flour for its quality to produce its quality baking. Our sincere congratulations to Ersman's Bakery on the occasion of its tenth anniversary. ;1;!3. RO , . • Ogilvie -Five Roses SALES LIMITED London, Ontario alt\ 117"'W*. • • ,,k,,Rogo' ERSMAN'S BAKERY STAFF—Over 6,000 articles of baking are handled by this group every Week. They are, from left, Mrs. M. Beckler, Cliff Ersman, Mrs. Ersman, Norman Ferguson; back row, Carolyn Simpson, Donna Erman, P AI rating! Join Lis! and Wed., June 13 and 14 ALL BOTH DAYS INCLUDING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON In June, 1951, we opened our bakery in Exeter with the hope that local. tieople would enjoy quality baking with a distinctive flavor. NOW, 10 years later, we're happy to find that our business has grown far larger than we had expected and that we have a wonderful group of loyal patrons.who appreciate our baking we're most grateful and extend to you our heartfelt thank s for your patronage We hope WO May serve you for many More yoars4 AN'S B We invite. you to visit us at the bakery on either day to aII©r us to serve you COFFEE AND REFRESHMENTS 1040 11:30 col. DOOi Y00 5:00 os.n`h CLIFF' at BEA ERSMAN Phone 588 Exeter