HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-08, Page 3Ikt.r441;M*411(.140.4*st.t0-ealtettr'= .,/,I'er$;11.'ttM4tZV'V,d)htlj'ffltrr4e.A;fe'Xetrege''')el'aeXee. Cromarty -84a4i, KE,t4 Itigitcf14AR ,tee,;:tegeevetelefflit=e9=MOSIMMitetnEciatlfreetarneie4e. Personal 5 - Mr, and Mrs. Elden Janet, Nancy and Prank at tended anniversary service at fly' s Church and Waited with 14r, and Mrs, Murray Christie rn Seeday, Mre, M. ',Houghton visited on •Sunday with Mr. And Mrs. ANS Soeghten, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs, Dong. Gale, IJIitchell, were Senday visitors eeith Mr. ,and . Mrs, Gorden Laing. Miss Janice Christie of Kit - Owner spent the weekend with her parents, Air. and Mrs, Mur - ;'iv Christie, Mr, Andrew McLachlan vis- ited At the home of his •daugh- ter and sorein-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake en Sun. day. Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing visited on Eunday with lhfr, and Mrs, Wm. Caldwell' of Brecefield. • Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sillery of EXeter visited on Sunday at the home a Me: and IVIrs, Will , Hamilton. •• Mr, andMrs. (Mervin Dow, Carol Ann and Brien attended Roy's Church anniversary ser - Vice on Suhday and visited r4 Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christie, Rev. and Mrs, Moore of Oneida and Rev. A, It DO'. paid and daughter, }feather of Staffa were guests at the same home. Mr, and ;Mrs. Jahn. Wallace and Debbie and Mrs. Grace Scott visited on Sunday with lfr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick and family at Sarnia. Misses Ruth and Susan Has- kett of Stratford spent the weekend with their grandper- ents, Mr. and Mrs, •Robert Boyce. M. and ,Airs. Robert Dodds •'merit the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glazier of Clinton And were ie attendance at the sttring show on Saturday, Mr. and lakfrs. Erie Dow, Shirley and Carrie attended the 0DGS Field Day held at the Agricultural' College, Guelph, en. Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs, A, 3.Gordon' Dow, )1fr. John Dow and Mr. Elwin 'McLaren attended the Spring Fair at Clinton on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs, 'Watson Garbutt of 'Mitchell , visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. „Gor- don Dow:' Mrs. C. Hackney and. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Baird of (Mitchell Were Sunday visitors with Mr. •And Mrs. Donald Hocking. Stinday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Erle Dow were, Mr. and :Mrs. Kenneth Gethke and Wee - ten af Mitchell, Misses Shirley and Maxine Dow, London and Mr. Thomas Lucas of Toronto. • 'Rev. Dr, Barcley of London eonducted the chureh service tiefeletieMemetteereeereMitintelie Topics from - Elimville .y msts, Ross skiNNER tatklit7MIVAWMfteatleinettOWIN Mother and daughter banquet The Eiimville CGIT mother and daughter banquet was held en Thursday evening, Jute 1. A toast to the Queen was grgiven and each girl presented mother with a blue car - sage and then everyone sat down to a table decorated with blue and white. centred with blue tinted narcissus and blue candles. After the meal the re -affilia- tion eervice was held with the COLT leader, Mrs. Ross Skin- ner, CGT president, .Miss Joanne !Miners, CGIT treasur- er, Miss Marilyn Johns, WMS president, Mrs. Charles Steph- en, representative for presby- terial, Mrs. Pranklin Skinner, taking part. Misses Kathy Rern and Margaret Brock received their affiliation. badges. Mrs. Ross Skinner introduced the speaker, Mrs. M. C. *Fleteh- eet Exeter, who gave an in- spiring message referring the girls to a tall, straight, Un- harmed candle arid the mothers to a candle that was much Shorter. Miss Margaret Johns pre- sented Mrs. Fletcher with a xt on. behalf Of the CG/T. rs. Delmer Skinner thanked the leaders and girls for the enjoyable evening, _Mrs. Floyd Cooper, Mrs,• AI - Vin Fulton, Mrs, Harold Bell and Mrs. Alvin Cooper served the dinner. Personal items Sunday evening guests of Me. And airs, Delmer Skinner and Prances were Mies Gail Mc- 13ride of Zurich, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Mrand iMra. newt Cooper and •Kathy. —Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rennie et Toronto, Miss Anna Routly of Sit/idea spent the Weekend with Mr. and Mas, William Rowdy.. Mr, and Mrt, Harry Wolfe Valleystream, NOW York Visited a few days With Mrs. Thos. Bell who returned home With them fee a visit. WM5 and WA M the meeting of •Elimville WMS end IVA last Wednesday afternoon hies, Arthur Rundle a Mete/gave a talk on -Five Oaks and the program 'Carried Otit there, Mr, in It s, Howard PYtsOnil te the. study and. Mrs., Artice Cann, ,Exeter, contributed tun soles, Mrs, Franklim SIdniicr arid Mrs. Alvin Cooper were in charge of the pregeane Mr.S. William Roil* gave report of ,the WMS Branch Vention held in Lehdon an Arts, V,• Hoene reported <el the WA. Convention held at Win, tistele, MTS. Charles StePlien eon. dueled the WMS busiess and Mite Ruth Skinner presided ter Ui *TA btisineee. Semen when tj Was reported new piano id been Piireheed ler the Sunday Seheol and also the iber had been refinished, lw&w mbets have been Med to the CCM at Cromarty, .o Srndat read the ,edlet cleciarutg Pulpit' vacant. Edgar ElPfson - former reeve . . .Edgar Butaell, 73, Hibbert Teweship, died Sunday at Scott Memorial Hospital, Scaforth. He had farmed most of his life and had been a former T C rwpCsi I iitt T. and /*eye ee gibbed He is survived by his wife, the former Rita Wood; twa daughters, Mrs. Gordon •ifila.- .dys) Coulson, Rodney; Mes, 3. T. (Ina) Atkinson, Seaforth, one son William of Hibbert, two brothers Earl, of Lonebeee, Sask.; and Leslie of Hibbert; one sister, Mrs, Eva Ttiffile, Staffa, The funeral took 1:ilace from the q, A. Whitney funeral home Seaferth, on Tuesday with in- terment in Staffa cemetery. WMS The meetieg.of the Woma.n.'s Missionary Society was held at the hone of Mrs. E. Moore with Mrs. L Lamond pre- siding. The roll cail was ans- wered by 14 members with the name of a missionary. Miss Olive Spare had charge of the study beak with. Mrs, T. Laing assisting, Mrs, LSorsdahl led in the Glad Tidings prayer. The president Mrs. C. McKaig conducted the business period, The topic was given by Mrs. W, and. Ilifrs. T, L. Scott gave a detailed report of the synodical which was held in Sarnia in April. Some of the members who attended the meeting of council in Stratford brought some interesting im- Pressions gathered there, Mrs. T. L. Scott conducted a Bible quiz,Lultch was served by Mrs. C. McKaig and. Mrs, W. Harper as committee in charge. And iii WiJIiarn Patrick dies in Wyoming Mr. William Patrick, a fer- nier Hibbert township farmer, died on Thursday, May 25 at the home of his son-in-law, Dr, R. L. Norris of Wyoming, in his eighty-fifth year. He is survived by a daughter (Agnes) Mrs. R. L, Norris and two grandchildren, Ronald and Barbara Norris. He was prede- ceased by his wife, the former Jean Hyslop of Tuekersmith, and a daughter, Janet, also, three sisters and. two brothers. A memorial service was held at the McKay -White funeral home at Wyoming, Friday eve- ning. The funeral service was. held at the G. A. Whitney fun- eral home, Seaforth, on Satur- day, with the Rev. Pritchard of Wyoming in charge, • Interment was made in Staffa cemetery. Pallbearers were Robert Pa- trick, Jack Patrick, Roy Pa- trick, Harvey Moore, Stewart O'Brien and Cliff 'Thompson; flower bearers were Tom Laing, Robert Laing, Davis Moore, Kenneth Moore, Neil Patrick and Charles P. Westaway, Despite serious 'unemploy- ment. in the period, labour in- come in Canada rose front $16,524 million in 1958 to s18,s14 million in 1960. This' tWeekin Thames Road By MR4. ItV11-14AM R.PHP..g ... . . _ , . ... ... Mr. and Mrs. Melvin, •r1 - Tiler and Marilyn attended the 25t1i wedding anniversary af their cousins, Ale. grid, Mrs. 'yea Needham whteh WAS beld in Bryansteu hall on aSaturd evening, Many attended the reception at Russeldele Hall on Satur- day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 14center (nee ¥a aret Webber) who were in end on Saturday in the Thames Road eterch, Mrs, Henry Rohde. of Exeter spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. William Rohde. Quite a number from this community attended the Gun- ning piceic M Queen's Park, Stratford, en Saturday, Mr. and Ms, Ross Hodge entertained Afe, end Mrs. He ley May, Mr. and Mrs< Den las May .and family of Exete Miss [Marian May, Mr. Dway Tinney, of Londe, Mr- a Mrs. Murray May, Rieha and Sherileen of Byron on Su clay to a turkey dinner in to or of ale and Mrs, Hedl May's 35th wedding annive sary which was a few da previous. „,„ p•7714.4g. 0, , „ 4t4, *v.*” ,r„; -„ t 4,• .0 4 , "?. • tz 4,4 v,,,,00t.144,44,,,,....:04•45A;414,4V;,,,A4014404,4:; qkt; •t; 4:4 Ar..,!**1;41'4,r,:c',04,17,44,1t,,,PptrAirr.4",4):,*41.4**".1.4•40..V.4.4.4.•4;i*PAr 16).71.:1"4•4,1,1'f " • Hospitals declare war on nuisance visitors Beneath a 'banner bearin it)hee S.eangjoeyaeddllif, 1;0' rsietaScivalrieoctid,, South. Huron „Hospital :and the other public hospitals aof On - tam are Moving into ceneert- ay ed action against their -com- mon enemy -- the bad hospital visitor. Hospital ad to istra tors, lortg plagued with ,tins problem, rg- agree that only a small per. Centa,ge of :visitors are involv. .ed, but, they also agree that this a ggra va ting minority have a nuisance value out or alt proportion to their numbers. Previous a lie m p ts to on. vice ,the thoughtless few that visiting rules exist for •the benefit of the patients have not g been conspicuously successful, cl Now, backed by their.previne- piaitlaIrsacirtedaatinent,heOwM:rrploa'ts4 haonso. they hope that an eye-catebing combination api humour , and horse sense will do the trick. The opening shots will be fired shortly with ammunition supplied by the Ontarie Hos- fPoltlaourfui lAssilocisatetirasn—alame s de r ai twP " t. of - mg out leer choice targets. "Two side to every StegY" lamooOns the character who insistnpater:re shi,h his a111% a iteg sl:11k; g host, and others under fire are the folk who turn a bedside visit into a neighbourhood re - Union; the chummy 4bcd-sit- ler' who carries togetherness dtoel3reir°41.'ivhaoncitrge 'happyeverylva privateri- room before the right one. SHFL sup't Miss Alice Clay - pole emphasizes that although hospitals are using humour as their weapon, this in no way lessens the seriousness of the problem. "Hospitals are deePlY concerned about the visiting situation," says Miss Claypoie, "because of its very real ef- fect on the provision of good patient care. Visiting hours and regulations may vary from hospital to hospital, but in every ease they are designed to suit, the facilities of tbe hospital concerned and the best interests of its patients," Miss Claypole, on the other hand, makes it clear that hos- pitals have no wish to discour- age hospital visiting as such. "Most visitors," s a y $ Miss Claypole, "are considerate and well-behaved, and from exper- ience we know that a good visit acts as a tonic to the patient. Even those who do not always follow the rules probably mean well, and we hope that it they can recognize themselves in these posters they will quickly see the error of their ways," .................. ............................................... rt d- Town topics , • • ..... nd Mr, and -Mrs, Whitney Coates rd were guests ,at, the Geard-Afe- n. Cliffin wedding at Colborne n. St. United Church, =London, ey and the reception which fol. r.lowed. at the Carousel Motel. ys Miss Wilma Coates was an at- tendant of the bride, Sunday visitors with Mr, an Mrs, ,Melvin Gardiner an Marilyn were Mr, and Mr Rollie Powell and Donna London, Ronnie, Barry an Karen Costain. of Dorcheste Mr. and Mrs, Afurray Gibson Margaret Jean and 'Marion an Nancy May of Eryanston, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, Brian, Barry and Barbara at- tended the Brock reunion held at Riverview Park, Exeter, on Sunday afternoon. Some 50 people attended Roy's United Church. Sunday Salo& 'anniversary ,services on Sunday when Rev. W. J. Moores of near Ragersville was the guest speaker for the day, Rev, Moores was a for- mer minister at Thames Road. Mrs, Morrison Caswell and infant son William, of London, are visiting with her parents, MT. and Mrs. Alvin .F'assmore. A fathily get-to-gether was held on Sunday at the hoe of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moir of near Herisall to honor Miss Nancy Passinore ,before her approaching marriage. Mrs. lMark &Tapp, Laurie and Michaei of near London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bray, Mr. and Afrs. Barry Miller were Sunday guests with Mr. and ,Mte. Fred Johns of Roy's and also attended the anniver- sary services there. Mr, and Mrs. Clarenee Thom- son, Janice. Earl, Vernon and Brian of Woodham visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and t111rs. Manford Luther of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hern, Uncle and Fred of Jarvis spent the weekend with 'Mr. and Mrs John, Selves. Mr. and Mrs. Hern were guests at the Mc- Carter -Webber wedding in the church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stauffer of .Bright were Sunday after- noon visitors at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. Stauffer are old friends of Mrs. Wilson. On Monday afternoon Mr. Ray Hancock, electronics ex- pert of the London 'air division DOT was a visitor at the manse. Mr. Hancock was sta- tioned for a term with John 'Wilson at Great Whale River, d Mr, and Mrs. Bart DeVries d of Joure, Rolland are visiting s, with itheir son Mr. Harry De - of Vries, Mrs. DeVries and fam- d ily, Barry and his brother -M- r, law, Bab Dykstra met Mem An , Montreal Thursday morning. d They will also visit with a daughter in Hamilton, They ex. pea to spend about five months in Canada. Mr. and. Mrs. Pert,. Camp- bell, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mc - Falls, Mr. and Abs. Garnet Hicks, Mr. Lloyd Hodgins and Miss Helen Taylor, ,Kitchener, who was visiting at her home for the weekend, attended the TOO? and Rebekah "Interna- tional March to Worship" at the Stark Club, Port Stanley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Doher. ty and girls of Mt. Clemens, Mich, were guests with Mr. and Mrs, Keith Coates, Exeter on Saturday end spent the weekend with and Mrs, Whitney Coates, Mrs. Wililam Welsh, who has been visiting with her daugh- ters, Mrs. Fred Nixon, and family, Defiance, Ohio, and Mrs. William Hurst and fain - Sarnia, has returned haine. Erin Eagleson, Sarnia, spent the past tsvo weeks holidaying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Losteli, Alexia and Maryanne and with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagleson end Grace returning home Thursday with his parents, 'Mr, and IMr,s, Ger. don Eagleson, Sarnia, who have been on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Don MaeGre- ger attended the MacGregor. Thompson wedding in Lieury United Church en Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Frost and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz spent 'several days la Toronto the past week, There is Sunday School Choir praotice on Thursday and Fri- day evening of this week, 14444.4.44Th • let11••••••.11* /..0%*•••••••1(0.4 Mitif0 buoy restoring au antique.* 42Toe alley fear roller istaattag, Isiah?" You get a royal welcome every time you stop Seconds after you pull into out Shell Station We're out there filling your tank with Super Shell, gasoline, theck-, ing oil, battery, water and putting the Sparkle on your windshield. We'll make you feel like a king. Come in. Let us Drove it! doing gilt picking We'll help you pick something for him to wear that is sur�flr, poppa, pleaser. Grandpa!), tool wild & Jory OW*4 3/4 EXETElt '6b VALIANT, a black beauty with white walls '58 BUICK 2 -DOOR HARDTOP, see this one '67 DODGE ROYAL 4.DOOR SEDAN, two -tont )61 PLYMOUTH 4. -DOOR, SEDAN", aUtoniatie 'SS CHEVROLET 4 -DOOR SEDAN, A good ear Mothers Bros YOUR CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH. VALIANT DEALER Where yeti an buy GoOd year Tires On your Shell Credit Card PitiM EXVItEt 0.1f.V.,==tte=reee-i'etie.e..ee , 'Topics from oodhorn By MR. ARTI-4IJR RUND.E The TiminAcivocate, 4o.rkft L 1261 •le 3 3fr. and Mrs. Lloyd aguea and family visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Hodgson of _Brinaley. Donald Morphy -attended a .. . packaging meeting rn Montreal Mrs. Frank 'Robinson. Gede• SitArltdre.ritnnli,M4SsiteAdiffeArrgauee, at! rich, Mr, Albert Vedden of pie of days ivith tile lois of Clinton were SundaY,.Onests 011°3, Mr. `and Mr5.. VC1" InelYfrek, and All‘illterb_8.0.1,Pewr°eYre Hoff- with Atm Lloyd ii.aquea. degyor;itsocrrisieewlietrii. Mr. and Mrs, attended the wedding reception Mr. and Mrs. ltoy Brock.i m Resseidale .on Satur. ,And ars. J., Biatchford on MendaY. Blyth and Mrs; /.4314abeth Scott ,n1.0,ther mrs. (Amami, Sunday rorraig by anotor for a three weeks' trip to Western Canada. Mrs. M.. Jacques and Xra$,, RqberL o , t. zlarys,, at tended the AlteCarter -Webber wedding in Thames ROS4 Unit., 1 ed Church on -SallirdaY after. noon and spen,t: the Weekend with Mr. arid Mrs. John goehTso i Thames Road. 1 Mrs. Roy ,flawitins and Mrs. Robert Carroll of,, soier1.4 Hill 1 were Tuesday afternoon tors with Mrs. Arthur Hepitins, WhIS pack bele The meeting of the WMS was held. In the church base - rant on Thursday 'afternoon with Mrs. Olive Haziewopd, in charge of the Progrant: daY eventhg for .14t, aPd Mrs, of Detroit, spent StilideV With, Cordon McCarter. Mr. and isirs Mr. and Mrs. M . Lloyd Seafth end', CI Latch, of family. Hamilton, called on Mrs, W. Miss Dorothy Spearin o Swif L. Switzer on day. Windsor and Donna Copeland; o Canada's first; first royal totirist., in 156P, was the 10-year-old3.0 Prince of Wales, who later be- came Edward VII, I A Londen were weekend guestSi with Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence! opeland and Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller and; Ir. and Mrs. ',Oscar Brine left, Report on the bale which was packed earlier an the 'week was given by Mrs. E. Vt4dden after which lunch 'WAS Served by comalittee in charge. - With LEAF MULCHING ATTACHMENT e.- . 4 Our Lowest.Pric " rotary italrea Smooth ig Clean Cuttihi Never before so much /newer offered for so littler Easy operating dependable performance is youre, at a budget price: Heavy-duty 1 -pc., blade cuts. a full 20" . trans close to paths, flower beds,' too! Staggered wheels for easier handling, pie - vent "scalping"; Front side clipping ejector; Runs „ smoothly ori semi -pneumatic rubber tires; Dust - proof ignition on Clinton engine that has a new dry -type air cleaner. All steel chassis with baked-, ; on enamel finish: Chrome plated handles . detachable for easy storing. Alave Safely. • RECOIL START 20" Rotary d etIVOr Has all the features ail the above mower, plus the extra convenience of Recoil Start. Priced •for savings - .121:E•6 1.11E11,1 METNIE.4 mummers axiom ttmatem Recoil Start 20" 4 -CYCLE 5Z975i-,' LAWN MASTER .95 c•=1.3 ca=tam cfl=ts 95 1 With Mulching Machete/it I 41. le‘ Nkt.„t1 r -Or ellOrtle-SS .<= With r teef Mulching Attachment With Touchin Maw Fingertip Throttle Control . . . Our /nest popular, lowest 'priced 4-CI ycle gine with auto-tepe oil puntfull-float mower that elinibia.tes mixing of gas awl 1 carburetor and new dry type air Biter; Sue- ; oil, provides smoother, q u i e t e r power. tion,eift 1 -pc. blade for maxintun cutting Loaded with eturs: Reinforced heavy efficiency, Reinforced steel deck: Fingertip duty 14 gauge steel deckReeit staet 21e I . I I throtle tontrol stops, starts, runs ainnhokes i .. fae: d hp. Clinton engine with .unproved as type air 1 filter: 4 cutting heights; Easy rolling 7» 1 New:sni desire: Bight front clipping ejector; designed independent wheel adjust- I staggered wheels: Trims tight to flower merit for instant change ef the 4 cutting t- ` Chrome plated handles with two-tone en - ",l: 1 1 heights. Chrome plated handles. metallic beds, paths; New Vacu-Mow"1.pc, bade brew% red enamel finish plus a hest et t ainel finish on body. Other features. AS ABOVE—but with Briggs -Az g- Stratton 4 -cycle, 21/2-11.p. etgine. 4 %V Stratton 4 -cycle, 2,1e-lep. engine. AS ABOVEe-but 22" with C .951 ABOVE—but 2,7." with Ctn. 744" ' Impulse Starter 1 20" 4-01fOLE I 1 IDELIIXE POWER MOVER - Takes the work out of starting ....the easy Iway te immaculate lawn cave Powerful, yet lightweight Clinton 4 -cycle, 2-lep, en - AS ABOVE—but with Briggs & 5 495 lin- 65 AS ton 4,cycle, 3 hp, engine 1,2n 4 -cycle, 3 engine Amami iimeAm IIMMWERG, max* groom .aseesi grea=so etnensta ftemai memo. tens= CANADIAN TIRE GUARANTEES ARTS mid SERVICE artnri.n. me.* C,anadiari The Maintains Expert Repair Service and Ports Depot to erisure of. dependable perforrnunce froth your Lawn.Master Power Mower,. year .1fter year . a a rind to protect your Power Mower Purchase. Sava Sdfely. MOWER AND ENGINE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAtt I AFTER PURCHASE', AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEWS'S See Cittitidtist L "itett Seiettitati of Ott wor Olt CONC. • It Phone 451 Mitten Robbins tt- LftL