HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-10-28, Page 4• AT4 44r; • HURON SIGNAL. CHAIRS! CHAIRS I rrtia &Maribor esssiestly bilers 'A bead* wiled asesetalest el WW•es, issteroirsthitsgyead Nermag Chairs, sellith be Vie sail Amp ler casb. DA NIEL 00.110M• ,,f/Offahrbo Upset Mb, IN& ells01•11 PROSPECTUS. OP TINE ANGLO- A ER ICA N M AGA- ZINN. the rivet et laisi seat, will be sublet). of the lam somber M a Mosittle Per,. Wiest swim. the tele of "THE ANGLO. ANEJUCAN MAGAZINE" Peels member will costal. WI pages motel setays, with tkoble milimatt, sad semerates itheetratiems. Prim peru..., paid lir Mosses, sled met by mail tri owy pert et British North Assent* or the Hotted 11437 propmesof to patella in such Imes Mei sir wore engistal omen to whims' sew meted with Dumas Ausareit. eamtelly ex cledieg party podelse or religious artist** of • tioomertiatimol chamfer . Bertram of the beet withers la I be lea/hog &lush pear/kale .1 11 beamed, **Festally sack as have refereme to the welfare sad Mienats 61 times Celestes. A eagetul Meat of tie Awned Frosts of tie World, Seiral* Disseeririss, Criaisser, • Mets, Nitaicsi losda&gatcs, and •Il matters a gemral lemma, Wrenn ingot's moot tweet lefermatme. It is ale, istimilsd to melded' • series of MIK raPkitle Enranost Mee tit Greed Britain Arad behead, from Allred the Greet 10 115 preeeett time. This departmest will be Illiudreled with Pertraiis from tee hest Mestere. Air it is proposed to make this publicaties • asthma, and not a lona work, It rill es - drearily shuns ail questions sfectiog the Conweion interests ef Ger Colonies as an Integral portion of Ms British Empire. As experience of mows' years in supply- ing the reading pettlic ol Cased' with dr serial reibIttations of Ow !Jetted States, cre- amed the propactor a thee periodical, that A eargle will _goo LIFE P11,13 they are antra, inetimesie to the wants of HOE RIX BITTERS armour ram mama. Ib. majority, sad hula calculated to forte Mem tee eetiomem every maim& " Ties gewobrat ef Mos emilialwee ere law pal op Ile ghee or improve threliterary taste of a people ea. Mapper. wed Wbele, together Orig• • pomplaoi. mita. bestially differest te their feellys sod prin. e. 11146C • Creed Pemeritore." wiesalMen Ore direct MM, ae, calve from those for where these Perindi, iir• booing Ilarahrey anew W41 soma re ear ttfeer 56644 0.4444,4 U. 4464 .44 .4,1 eine cats ore prepared; NW believing that dm MA ea TM wrappers Paretarierea woreeems, enterprise will meet with smoursgeineet Marefore Mee* wee proems mbhe wompemesa be mowed alai trey ere sessials emolial, sad de set from those for whoa pleasure awl isforma- My stem woe yam wreppent: hot lif ye. de, be rdelled tion it is designed, Its trusts that the expo- list they come direct Dan Ino, Om wash Om. riment will realise hie expeciatiose. Prepared awl earl by The Magnin* may be made one ef the hest Medians fee Alrertising yet offered to the Colonial public; mad the terse will be regulated ie tech a manner as to induce •Il parties to avail therneelm of its pages. THOMAS MACLEAR. 45, Yonen-rraarr, Doreen Ilpril.185t. resift tin 111469. h14/ F F A T'S VESETABLE UFE FILLS &RD PHCENIX BITTERS alielicam base seedied as ibrar 'be Ideb ael mid adeaser =mob ii=oleses Wee abs &Mem obi& may main mem. maired ee slig of arm ore emu be Ore Wan; onsnl peassias ruLdbrs eat weel ssessoopyge hal mom seen arta, be wa See OOPS PO* ▪ mallablam WPM 4W Mar. 4040..mlitallette= 610411116 ocsra em comma eresassrama sorsovesasursa, PLI•0114 and 11.0141114. 11184008 MAN a Lived 001WelaMe11- ao anot easse wee Memo mead. SwF WS OIS lemid wouln nom Meow to• Wm. ohe WW1 WS lbws bleibifts. Mimeo sewn= to mas •Magge osedes. ma seams Seam= all& eddIrerdninee. GOLDIN Ss C /7411140. ease% ouresuarrnus. wes memo ams • &&&&& SIM 1111111PRIPIEL/b. ems ma lie reseese me ram semi see soessmareassm_Mmermer. IlaYPTkaree Me Ilan SaIneftdala. ?SAM (.11•C VOUS la anal MUM. Perahigooeees ate we ▪ ~dee dee erilistoe oil be ewe rah. worn. sol area. weedy Other mato.. Mee ate ember adore+ le• erre .411. -. moo lo .••• m8,4E/we. Is P' - 105 TOM art 1ATS•11541. 51.0 OS MUM fro auffeL/IXIOAl •1131211111A 19MMILITIP, nay. stoonsasts. owns. 5540.01110. Oren era. Ix Wean nanletne MIL 11111111 SA01& 14101.01C111. LOOP si 41111 2.2•112 OOMPEe&ENRS. 1.11105 LuerlaSan. 11111111ACIL'515•5. DILIDW•111g2.- Mew Sae .0 •104101101, Mi.* all ad AVM* fai 51, 115 ▪ d•••••••• .11.5 Ole O., ...Ad irwenr teermanaa MOIST areirITS, SAY/SUTT. 11111ritVa ..INIFLAINTS 415 nee.. lanaid.NIC 4111Su1-'Was ostsferemoet flew rust PASPITSYS G5OL10. Woloiroor Mew 1•0110,11. ,11..1 a ea. 451 rem etmatona br the we 4 sir Leh Mallems ehm. taw, tat art, nen Irk Seem *we tee 99••••• Thee ellea4 elm di tenrieh Oman Mese 4 4 • O. Llia Okotooro 111111111111 11411.0014 So Mho Al1450. &cat VV. :55* • MILILLwara. itelloPULA. XIIMI81911 ZPIlm leo weer Imen PLO CAI 4 .V.5r 66.6466 V1 0 SI MCC .t; took. *I5.p.5.45 Moe leediewen mom. .11 4. aniamara i Mem am tem emeanse oe meseerea *Me ler mom 118 L1FK PILLS re 1I71313 PURIFY TOE BLOOD, Aed dm remove an disease from the system. ROBERT SNODGRASS. FASHIONABLY: BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTURER. (One door East ef 1 Crebra &ore.) WOULD inform the =whitest' titGode•- v v rich and neighborhood that he is pre- pared to make to order Of OtbefW1441, sly hied of Ladre's and Gentlemen's Fine or Fancy work, in the seated sed mon radial:table style. And will aloe furnish heavy Boots in Shoes, to oilit thil is condi.* of thooe that ray favor him with their custom. His prices will be moderate. Goderich, July 291b, 1852. " ir5e29 HAMILTON BOOT AND SHOE STORE. TIIP: Subscriber begs to inform the 1e. A. habitants of Goderieh, aod the sun needing Coustry, that he has Joe incited a New Boot aed Shoe Store, in Mr. Hare', r.iew Brick House. Goderich.- Where he will constantly keep on band a lags sod well solorted stock of Lacla's and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes Which he will sell at low prices, for cash The hiblic a» Respectfully requested to call and exams* for themselves, before our. dame elsewhere No ercona price. ALSO -Lads sod pees for sale. JAMES THOMPSON. Galeria, March 18. 1862- •6-68-6ea IONS RAIZ% TIN AND COPPER SMITH, seat door to tne Victoria Hotel, West Street, Goderiett. haa contently os hand, • tholes stock of Tomato, Cooking and Box Stoves, re., whole be will sell at considerably re- duced woes. Tbe bigbeet price paid in trade for old copper. brass, pewter, sbeepskine, calf sad beef Man. feathers and rages. All kende of Merthantable produce taken is excitant, at CiliA emcee. Goblet*, Feb. 19, 111511. •15-84 CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT. Qoasec, 6t1 Augest, 1051. NOTICE is hereby gives, that future Sales of the Crown Leeds well be at the preen. teed on the teems epecified Is the remetive below. West of the Comities of Durham end Victoria, at Seven Shake's sad Six Peace per acre, payable la ten mutual testalmeste, with =crest, one teeth at the time a Sale. 4 East of the County of Ontario, within Upper Coosa, Four SMIlings per acre; from 'beet., North of the St. Lawrence te the County of Saguenay. and South .4 115 St. Lawrence is tbe District of Qubee. teat of the Chaudiere River and Kernebee Itse6, One Slitheng .04Sex Poore per sere; Is the bonnet 01 Quebec, weot 14 tke River Clesudiere sad Kaaba Road, Two Slialain per acre; In the Dulness of Three Rivera, St. Freon. sea M••treel„, wall 14*1.. St. Lawrerce, Three Mollies" per OM; 3. 115 Dietnct of Gene awl the county et Saguenay, Oee Mulles, par sae, ie ihnew nub's in tes & I Is. stekeetle, with rarest, one fiftle at tbe Mu of Rata ?Jr 11104• @shamed le alive by elialhal circoratanea, "vets ea= pries may be ax- ed at lin EICIILLIINCT Gmrsaria 01- . u.i. easy Wen. Actual monsimits to be issamileste sad soeterree, the 1.sa4 te be cleared et she rata of la scree ley for merry am dred aerie dense fine year., sod a d seethes beau nested sot des t bee (lame ' feet by tweety es Om. Tlestembeelio be seliket *4 soy rase& ll.bsrMay Met may be tem val. ilaa SAW I • become "ell ased wad is ewer • reacilett of moieties sey of ib. eoedi. mous. The awl*, le be entitled to ostat• s Poem PM* toesbolyn* with all 11. 5041. Mesa- Not mom I hes two Mendred eels* to las seld ne say otte perses. - - notice To TUE PUBLIC. CONsimbeimiecis co &b. Immo- of tenors mood Asorefie, the Pal- ermo, Gliered deems eneeseary to were :r1111111 learn - mewl te thew Meek th ta at ite- so Aisetrales west be pre ItlaCmaillerie they mesa be lorgnettes,. se I kilo, worrloog seder MK ea thealleAr teeeposey. 8811 &we, ta&L eh adt&I orroram. DR. WILLIAM B. 110319PAT, 534 Ilreedway. mom el nem, 1515, 55. Vet. ew Sat Om BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agent. Godorieh.Jan. 98. 18411. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. 2nra CORDS of good Ileinlock Bark, `-•".7for which the highest market priee will be paid ay the Subscriber. W. 0. SMITH. Goderich, May 56, 1852. y5 -a15. NoTtcg.-Thia is to forbid aey penes 4.• perebasing tbe SAW MILL on Lo No. 7, etili CODCIOSIUD. Kasten' Duane of At/broad, without eineultiog me, as I hold • claim against it. WILLIAM M'CARRON. Godericb, April 1. 1352. ebell) VALUABLEFARM LOTS IN THETOWN- 13111P OF GODF.EICH FOR BALE, VIE.: AOT 27, 1s1 conemeioo, frontier the Lake, C0011110101 82 Acres, about 40 of which are cleared and reseed, and LOT 26, 2nd concession, contalang 80 acres of wild land. These Lots are situated about tnidway betatron the Town of Goderich aud Village of Bay field. For particulars apply to JOHN CLARK, Crow. 1.01111d Agent, Goderich, 41h Jame, WI. FOR SALE, FIFTY Acne*( Land. beteg Lot No. 5, South Town Plot, Lake Shore, Ash- fielel- There is thirty acres cleared, and in the beet .1.1. 01 cultivation, and am orchard oontaiseing ao fruit trees. There is • good Mill Site, "ad never Nasty sprints of .wa lee Log Hoene, 20 by 10, sad a Baru 20 by 62. Torms-L126 cash, or 4130, by pay• tog half down. and the balance in three I issialasente, with istirest. N. B. Further information can he ob- tained from Join) Morrie, Colborne, or Clue. Cary. on the premise*. Ashtleld, March, SIStb. 1662. e5-.9-11er SRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. -Th sebeeriber hales pershatied the later - est of Mr. C. J. Wilson in the above Es- tablishment, is about to continue tbe Bost- o n, on his ewe responitholity. le returning thanks t. tbe public for the very liberal en- coureement received by Osa k %Vicsoe, be begs taintimate that he will conatnatly keep on heed as assortment of Superior Cunene, consisting of C 0 OK INC, Parlour, and Box StnveN; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Holm:11s of is. mut Ireorwred if °alas, -.MA 1. T ROLLER S, Timing bathes, Son i IA' • Rollers, 4-e. RASHING MACHINES of • superior douription to any hitherto istroduced,and better adapted to this coun- try from their lightness of draught, and "tree's'. emetroctios. A cell from in - nodal/ ourchaure to requested before pur ebaseng elsewhere. Tbe abore will be •old at Lew Reim fur c.,a; or Trade. 01 •3 cor- reepondiag rates on approved credit. A. B. ORR. Stratford, 20t3* Jose, 1850. FAIN AND BA W MILL FOR SALE. THAT aseriker Lot of Lard, La No. 7, 40" COSI0..00, E0/8401. Dreareo. Toweellip Addled. oil! be end cheep for Cub. Tem let eiteated is see et the swot prosperose ..,ib.- ..,,. ,. •Ise Hems Tan, sos hos the hese wa- ter priviloao is Ow looslirr. A Sow Mai ebe hest *reentries ie re ler effereriee es dm In, G od the ware, plawee • Manus to pared say smosei machisary throne/tut the wade year. Lot r••1•1011 OTOL 1011 alletio 01 di, ,...••• firs .4 1.04, oboe, ei eit nem of rehab Neared. roel Isa. good setretastial devilri- es tr. rer towhee pernieslare spray tit th• tefiter d tine w 51 is* proproon. Jells bleCterreek as the premien& A514,44, Dee. 94.31.63. 94•411 TAKE NOTICE. ALI, Mom indebted to the Heron Sig, nal 011**, alba by Nos. int heed er by Book acemmes at tam Mato, will *bhp oho Sobecriteer ke acknowledging them labiletees, mid obtain's* • eniliereciat el the mu with Mr. florae* Hamm of tiludersok at them eerbeot team THOMAS MCQUEEN. Gerkethi, Jos, fa 18)e. was - -- V. lk C. IL BUHL. art A NU/AC:TUMMIES a 31.1.. cue. mpg nosy. . Fere. Wkiheele age Reuel Deploy is rem. Seal* Itellea, Den Staab 046•06,111ittems, Owl Arial fee for.. rue biebeet prise peal, et 04 1,••11, ler ell teseriptiose el IthteNeg rare bY - Saved, M(.18111. 9111111$ r. Ala O. WIEL. noon-antritat STATIONER, T BP* BLittlee"Wer 1.6.7are u'aLta..crIg. illebest Ifeekr, Cammes sod Chiseasel loolt- Ireellog sad kale, of *eery desseepere Esser urd ea lie Ihmeisse. 417 0.4.5 15 Agee." t anan, firm the Tule og Colalst1 Monabergam pee15ee337 atteserd lee sod • Worst diseeeet allowed. tralesemi, Watch 1851. 4,4 E. H. MARLTON, FORWARDF:11. sad COIN11.011.1111 Mor - chain. Stealmotie &rpm parr& Arai, for Me male a Weld Ludo CIO•fell Fares, Hoesishad lerateme sad Priam* el entry deecriptisa. Office, Dell door, North a the Laser- ilme Anise, Garrick Mesa 111414 1862.al-6111 - • suricriber bep to inform the tart - tants of Goderich and its acieity, that he ha received a Large Sepply .1 14. La- test Improved Pattern* of COOKING, BOX, AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he offer. for Sole at eery redneri Prices fey Cash. The subeenber •Igo keeps on haati se usual, at his Old Stand, a tares and vory superior assertmest of TIN- WARE of every dearipties. The sub- scriber takes this oppernisity of returns' los sneers thanks to the Public for the •ery liberal patrosag• he has received eines be has bees ett Wastes. in Godench, k hopes by strict attestiosio business, and moder- ate preen, to costume to receive a share of public warns. N. B. -Graining, Painting, Glasieo. Pa- per and Bell Hasghig, tamed ron se hereto - WILLIAM STORY. Goderich. 8th &pt. 1849- •9n31 BOOTS AND SHOES. l'fllE hereby estimates to the Inhabitants of Goderieh and the @or- rotioding country, that be has commuted Moues in the above liae, in the Store formerly occepied by Mr. White, in th• lower pert of West -street, and mill have constantly os head a lull supply a BOOTS and SHOES of airy nu sad tleetnotton, and of a roperotaquality, which be will sell st Moderate precis fur Cash. and Wheat takes lo ex thane at the highest market price. B. GREEN. Goderieh, lith Sept. 1831. 81) NATIONAL HOTEL BRUCEFIELD. THE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to 4n- -61- form hie Glenda and the public gene- rally, !ha b• has now gut the Senegal Hotel 50 far completed, tes to warrant hino ni saying that b• is prepared to furnish ac- commodation for least aad horse, equal at least, to anything that can be fonnd be- tween Lowden mad Goderich. The Norio.. cd Hotel is situated in the beautiful and thriving village of Brocefield, 18 mass from Goilerich and 42 miles from London, and from the eligibility oldie ettueleon, and strict attention to the comfort of his gueote and customers, be hopeslor • share of mob, lic patronage. JOHN licKENZIE. Brueelleld. 1s1 Jan. 1/151. •3-046 NOTICE THE flebeember haying peirehand (rem -m• %V Wiens Halt oor hie exenoive Mehl (for the Canna* of Horne and Bence) of • NEW KIND OF PLOUGH, for which •btageed Lettere Patest from the GovernoweL Would reopen fully give notice that say puns or persons m- iring's( Uwe awl right well he promoted to the utmost rigout of tbe Wm. .1. KEAYS. N. B. -The Gradorich Feesdry, baying undergone all necessary repairs; the sub• scriber falters himself that he will be able to gine entire satoefteetioe to all thou when may favour him with their custom. 11. 3*.. n ow on hand an exeellent assortment of Ploughs manila, lieltee's clew pattern torel', et with Potash Ka ties, Cookieg, Box • nd Parlour Sioyee,"andThrasking Ma- chines of various bores power all of which will lee sold on the moot liberal teem, Wu J. KEAYS. Goderieb, 2811 April, 1832. „ •6•14. NOTICE. ALT. ranee indebted to THOMAS ACQUEEN, late of the Hunt Sig sal, are hereby 'MAW, that unless their notes aod accounts are paid on or before the 1s1 day of May next, teey twill be im =whitely handed to the Clerk of the 1s1 D111111011 Court for collection. Persons resideng in thn Collate of Forth who are indebted to the Huron ',Agar/. wilt fiod their notes with Pr. John HyJe, 01 Stratford, alto has Wee authorised to col- lect ianutedtately. HORACE HORTON. Goderieh, 13t3* A pnl, 1 1'.' 2. 12 Goderich, 2nd April, 1852. FOR SALE BY TIIE SUBSCRIBERS. TWO Lots of Land, ie the Ind and 304 Contoestoes of the township of Stu - ley, nee mile from th• village of Bruceleld, "mel eighteen =leo from (;oder,.-h. On the lot in the 2o4 Concergion there is a House, Barn, and city acroa cleared. On the lot in the 3r4 Coseeseton there le a Monaand thirty . clenred. The 011f151 le 11,111 water.by a sever falling intuits, and th• qualtty of the land is or 'he best eloreeription. The lots, aould be dapooed of separate - r, if remeired. S. n11 91. B. SEYMOUR, k CO. FARM Fort SALE. A FARM testators. 1.70 sera, as mils. irw and a half from Goderech-36 acre* Heated na it, witb • good rause 'reltird• The nave km well sepplied with good wateir-the furore ere in ,raa order. A good Loe House, a Bars SO by 414 tea. and sliee Hades irith uthoosee. kc. Foe pertimelare apply to Geo -re Feline, Tatters Eloper, Heron Road, 4 =lee from Geoottei, or. me Me powwow. C1I&E3TAEN P REM M ER. Calsemee, May 21, 1852. •55.1110 3ICT1A MOOR Ii ta APING derieg the poet two veers eet,, ▪ od le the espied y sof GENERAL AGENT for the eelleetion Was, deem ke bee gegoully woderoloon Wm he will memo ;he itopme for the rellsolion 14 erne ie say part et the Upper Priam*, be - memo rehear ie dm EDO* DOA Lake Harm to Mho Wart. In awns, thee •111TDUOto- 0410,0 lie wirer beg se espreee hie theatre le Me bleeds for pest femers. eel emir re - * petite!, imbeds 5 essetemees tbe e resso. All msessoollottiesie as beedwom *Mow el (pool pad) tar Ayr P. 0.. Rooth Dam Wm, 0, W.. well be promptly ettmeded te. hpoi „ Wats a4rt4 '-- ra' af".." • Nit" '; , 4 3111131031 • COURTIL THE arum Dahlia Carr her Me Vetted Coseties .1 31..,., Penh sod Issee, mil be held es the Smelt sed pleas 3.wl.g: mu mum- Celberme tee.ta. toe.] firdeala. Mets&Y 11• Deorearm, sof Welleerkp 1St Ditassibol. Dom LAM" Eige. CM& 0.00 5150.' De akee's Tames. Meese Reek 11014 Dumber Robert Deer*, Clerk. sense goiriere. Jams Wade'. TIMMS. 1111. MOW Ws, Ratry WtIIs.. Carlt Malls limermos gawk% Tours, Lembo Rea, ISA Draw bes. Oars* Cana, Clerk. arm invinea. • Keane Ceek•te lea. Harm Reed. 31.4.3051. A M•, Slairday. Deember. Sew Rebore& Esq., Clerk. Sawn senesos. BM= Huse. &est Mazy* Deoeseher.- James Colima Esq. Clerk. SSSUTUMehletelL Himenne Toms, Vire* et Berfloid, Ilkh December. Dowd Head Lune, Este. Cierk. The Bother .1the newel Cants will caw mace peutually at 11 o'clock. A. SE ARTHUR ACLAND, J. C. C. Gerleriek, 4411" Oet. IPSL e3e37 Village Lots in Port Albert, - Ashfield -for Sale. rpnenz welt situated Lots Noe. 39,4001 A 41, os the Let side of Collaorse-si root, aid Noe. 39, 40, 41 and 42, 05 (3*. West side of said street, as the =proving Village of Port Albert, is the Township of Ash - held, North of Gotierich. For further i• - formative, apply to J. Clark, E•cl• Cr". Land Oce. Goderich, or *be proprietor, ROBERT MOORE. Wellesley, North of Bell's Corners. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the lobabitant• of the District of norm', and the neighboring Districts, that be bss Established himself in Stratford, and is prepaid torte* Plans and Specifica- tion. of Public -or Private Buildings, &Wr- ite, Mill Dams, ke . re. re., and will take the supenatemlence of such &tames, on the most reasonable terms. His thorough knowledge of his profession and his practice as Builder, qualifies hini for ;my undertaking in the line. Address poet paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder Ste. Ire. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, lamb 814, 1849. 2v-s7t AXE FACTORY, 4-c. 8c. • Subscriber begs to intimate to the farmers and other inhabitants of Me Ueitod Casettes, that he hasp= sorop'sted arraegernents, and is sow prepared to furaisti Axes, warranted, of a supertor qua. lity,and on terms suited to the circumstan- ces of tbe country, and the quality of the article. He also invites all farmere to eall Ind.': • amine his imoroved specimen of the CANADIAN SCOTCH PLOUGH, which he flatters himself will ba fated superior in many respects to aey other Plough now in use in thie section of the Province. HARVEY BRACE. doderich, Aug. 91, 1861. n4n27 (1D 11.3 DB IFI 1114 14 THE subscriber begs to Worse ate an - menu frotode and customers, and tho Public seserally, tbat his LARGE BRICK BUILDING is Dow completed, and that from the great increase thus added to his former premises, he is sow enabled to offer acconsmodatios to the traveling public at least equal to that afforded by my other House in Town. And withoet beiag ••.e- iciue to gureopolas us. tistir0 tavern boss - mess of Goderich, he at least hopes for a egetirmance of the pitman, which Ito has balipsto esjoyed, and will always eademor to weer* the sat adult= of ins gusts awl caiterners, by Weeding to them contforta- hie accommodation. ROBERT ELLIS. N. B. -The Stablieg at the Colberae ie extessive sad of the firm quality. Gederich, June 11. l@SI. n1s117 CH1PPAW4 FOUNDRY, And Steam Bagine Manufactory. piss Usieraigesil is sew propsesg re 40 "it .11 1.354. ref work ia the both isommr, sad at 'hart sotise. Tire Patters, fa Steam Regime for Grist ited Sew Mille, see ell me ewe tif the meet approved lied. complete eels ef per- Shaftiag, ke. for Ors* and ilkaw MIlI -44, which the seemliest el the peldle is particularly demoted. Having Muted ceeeldenbie time lad expowe1 gettteg op the beet Isseriptlee pi &Dime, wine all tbe other rosemary Its• tures for Maley flaw Mills, is ao• ready to ear them with peat 51.14.... te them in wan of emit miebisery. Them Ithglem, ke, costa. an the reertat inapeemeriehe, ass are very complete. Devoe of *beep are mar flashed, med the dessesd is Nob that portion destines ft poirshasisg sas be fitted e p is a few meths, with merythisi seem - e asy . A Boiler Yard is elm attached t• the Ere. tablishment, where hollers .1*1. best qual- ity will at all Mies be mode to eider, •• reseosable term., sal of the beet materiale end worknaaaship. Improved stamenary Fire regime cos - 'tautly oe hand, ready for delivery. lies Please, Tarsier, Strew Cuttiag, Brass Casting gad Fiaiehiag, 4.. dee, in every variety. In coaseetien with the ahove, there is n ow to course of erection the largest Stove Foundry in the Promote tb• Mouldier Floor 14 .1,51 will eover opwerde of 10,. ; 000 square feet. There will be tionstaally on hand a Stoat *1 13*. moat approved Pottern• of English and Alumina Cooking Ranges. Stoves, 1 ke. fitted with Ti. sad Copper Ware cont. ; ague, also, the harolsomeet aid newest ' styles of Hall mid Parlour Stoves, • varally of Plain earl Ornamental Patsies of Cast Iron Fame earl Gates, all of whale .111 4. sold at lower prices tban have ever before been offered to the public, asel whish, from the ocotillo* of Chippewa, se regards water communication, men be forwarded to any part of the Provieee, at a very light ex- pense. OLIVER T. MAKLEM. Chippewa, June 94, 1851. Spect.-22 FRUIT TREES! THE seheeriber in retareing thanks to the inhabitants of the Comity of Hure: 'morally for the very liberal encourages 'neat he hes met with in the Sal• of Fruit Trees. bep to monomial to the Farmers of thetas United Counties that he fa prepared to istrodnee this Fall, • large aed well se - Imbed sloth, comprisieg every variety ra Nursery 'Frees, epos hts usual liberal terms. It would 15 eepertlitoos to enlarge upon the sopenor ments of this Nursery, and tbe qualities of Frail brought front it -but the large quality of Tree* that have been distnbaled ever Dearly all of Upper Canada, for the lut 18 years has gained for this Nursery • super.enty over most others. The subscriber would beg to introduee to . the soiree elan thus who win to get good Winter Fruit. the celebrated Northern Spy • Apple, its quolitas are either:or tont others oI if@ kind, keeping until July, and premiere • ins all its ireslatese end norm., which 4 a ! great denderatirm =tit that per:oil. The subscriber would SW intimate that bis Dwarf hear s in great duetted as a Gerdes' Fruit, bearing la two years after planting. Every variety of Fruit Trees. Ornamental and Evergreen Trees and Shrubs, Hardy Herbaceous Flowering Plants, Dahlias, Bulbous Flowering:Roots, ke. Catalogues ! eas be bed of any local or travelling agent, • riving a full description. Terms. when 50 Tress are taken, 111125 per huadred, or lir 3d eurreaey each, under 30 Trees. is 64 cy. two mein credit, notes pun= with inter- est. Orders 'yeti be waved, and any in- formants run by Mr. Horses Hort**, Market Square, Godorieh. and Mr. Peter Woods, Union Hotel, Stratford, local siesta far ta• N SAMUEL MOULSON, Old Rochester Nureery, N. Y. Garrick 1514 July, 1231. 22 IMPORT/MT NOTICE. To TO1 Forgoer, Farrier stage Proprietor. GEO. W. MERCHANT'S CIELIEBRATED GARGLING GII. IIIITADDALLBLZ151 TIM WORT or IttWOo• 4. 01. 11 10.8.435 &wad Appliestlen sae Mersewel. "They can't Kertp Roam without it." Lsorrienor of room then Pima year, estattalled the fait Iderclase.Colstresiof %Vag 041, Mk Ow =est enemy Itioancaucs, win were weft enese, 0. 0. lime ell awe me S pin= Sweeney, Bing15,no, WindpBs. Pell Brit, Canoga, Creeit Galls of 14 kinds, Path Wounds. Sprains, Bruises, lb. tide. Ware, Send Crocks, Strains, 1-matrwals Found -red Fat. Scratches or Grease, Mango. Rheumatism. 1311,. 14 Anneals, External Pole eons, Painful Nemo. Affections. nom Bites. Boils, Corna. Whitlows. %MI and Scald% Chillhains, Clopped Rand% Cramps. Osao tractioas id *8. 31.11.., Smother. Roams of the Joints. Caked Breeds. W. die. &a OB -EAT IMPOSITION AND FR,AUDI CA1:177911 115 esaezmaa 1.5 .41 boo Comm. mosishruad 15 de treamool 4/ Aliremee, awl se raireememe, Oa Amami beersolest irms tharsoterm eas useary-as cirptiky 45.4q545� .."• 6:" httmbi.o"eaer".5 1"=om". e41 osaoehbha04 oe eree esmwo~be4"bey reakleohhsew 51 51'1515 erer, wa& ft ,Mum= aspnpaldarrR ROW.8. OtIeie eseeshhs so *1.1 mu. see wenn w yerteelow, Woes/ esses meow te mime imeades la meteor was% Wane 411 e.ffie1ee1sne.e..eee, ee iu.o..vr.l=7"z weeepaley eonmhOw*a91ee•rmohie hr the me fete401. TM orate imslies of do lat of a 4115 .5 No • measiom ermaidassam 0111 1114 fra.1" 51 74"1"y.W*mr55:62:1"r"aeea""a"" y r asri.omopayp"li54 earl er Weer seaMllose of earn% reparbs 1 WIN &iv W. Illsminnt,11. er• y 15 Ms este usammats mosiiamoros. aim ea. 5. 511155 Tbh her line •i• pea= OR thaw away ebeir messy elweeksaso ass "Irte5 i"0 45 Mol6 4' of OW 10o 50 weer moan m ms preaeseet um be priseper stobbre,.....er saie galarrosi.dp.•• 4. Dow 11118.84r:111. PAR:I:NW; Geolorteh Gina 01 Cev., Port Sams : Meets sod dRebeser; Plt.";teek,. (AsItthelpiebeseod: LAM. Ramtford. The foi I ameg are Melsergb Apnea, Ws, Om. 44,33, Detrott Rooth la Dave**, Pert Sieefey ; T. Melee hi See, Iferearos 140., Co , Tomato: Royd k Peol, Na. 40, Ceerellesel Illeset, New Yeet. Mey ff. 111111. *WO IS hereby given that the pertnerthip Sub - A sooting between Alex. McIntyre, air Jame. Donaldson, tow• Godemeh, was dirsolered by mutual content on the 22a4 day of January, 1851. Aid all peruse in- debted either by Note or Book- account ars hereby requested to make =mediate Pal- triest, and Dave costa. ALEX. licTNTY'RE. JAMES DONALDSON. Goderich, April, lath 1862. 53014. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MEN. WANTED at tbe °Maria nook,. as apprentices, three active yoga/ men. Goderich, 7.4. 9513*, 1552. 55-65 STRA TED from the evbeeriber on or o - bout tbe 5t3* day of May last, a Largo Yoke of Steers-ose • Dark Red, with lono wide horns, sod a sm•II lump on the right fore leg ; the other W bite, tenth light red spots through the body, each four years old. Alto, three titterers, one dark red with while stripes through the body, three years old -one White wilt red sun on her body, one year old -the otber Briadled, with a white face, rise yesr old. Any per - *on giving such information se will lead to their recovery, will receive a Reward of $3. DUNL'AN McKENZIE. Township of Stanley, 414 con. lot 24, 1013* Nov. 1851 NOTICE. ITIHE Subeeriber having RENTED the m. WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong- iag to the Messrs. Davenport, *1 13*.. place has establiebed Itteseelf •• • POO W aaaaa 514111 03.1111•4111014 Any adore or ergmatiesion from the Sler- chants of Geehertek will receive prompt attentin•. JOHN MeEWAN. Wieder?, March. 1949. .11•-•7 YOKE OF OXILII LOST. col 1. 1114 Jam lest -me • Meek eta( web a rise te boo nwee, ume wbits abost hie leek. a star on the fiereleamd, ewe eld-the other • (kirk ree-4/ years 644. Any perm" gulag •ey isformame *bat may Ind to the drecoury et Mee end •111•111 Will be su:tablv rewarded he Dena t.t.) CAT/Motu.. Sth Cm. Weessioeb, July ;A wee .somitit REMOVAL. er JO1IN KlISSIELL. BOOT-MAKBIt• armee eseur me seer ewes aseems.) AO hem gestefeley areeteraged to re, MOMS 40 more own4 end eelliemehree pargrees. 7, Kh ist Sort W0.*, met tetbe Cheese Opse, tere his $ob mil Wird Sleet eesseres of Wks' BllotRa 31 NA, Ent* Press& esd Plegliab Permits sad Costioeso. Ike Otelefsiestre 111•••• fet Wellesg, Litho Plebe*, Illitnetieg, Sm. tomer, Ise, wilt be Isom, teastgarited fee eaDDO 14443.8000 3.141310.0113 111.0.07. TOWPIDL., hoe ON 303, 4.411 , ' ' **ii. ordstedthietellolth JUDSON'S CKEILIOAL IT CI MIRY AM LIIIIIMRT) FOIL TUB MU. OD tosibs, We, isonssis, 10101 et Mod. Storlot Wools, laws, Liver complaislo, and Nar. 0EAOTH...11/17P , boDtd. I 0N. .. 14.5 vested is themes& ef by seam sal alma eif Camay wed Lesowear. Tleia n eediere relike Neer of the poem remain el the day is tbe reeds et carded study sod ripe - clams% Moscissullt mad expeitimeed Ph, stoma - The tere priacipal agreduroul have loss bees \sows sad celebrated. WILD Cruse Baas. Whoa the afrinerth a this is properly enacted to *4.15,t =dicier line. for elms' the wan Creasbe sod ether r.Inowary diumeres. 11Iowans the phloem sad enable. the safkrer to cameo Ntti.• omit. 1.7. aed e•re the wont cold or • .13.3..13.3.if erglecial always keds Co.- inaLonsweer.-Tbis is • plast the virtues *I wain we totes to bat kw, it Wu bere said by the man leaned mes dell times, teat eaten has 'caviare, • remedy for red and every de- ge7"perivat'irts""ustbLnagwer ". 6.ithe.amt dammed, draped by satiere Coasempties. Its beaky properties are truly wade:fel, gal the rapidity Web which it egret' the worst sew* M Urania Luna mothing aod 'abasing all Ottawas, almost insinetbauly„ is as proof of its adeptatioa to this diocese, Tim two article" coarbised with other pete- r amiable isgrediesup, form • seedier's that is rends wens the weal oases of Cesemoptiew if tithes beim the *offerer is eatirely prentrated Ds sot be discouraged, a Itiol cos do So Wt. bat till coftwiacs dim met ocepereal of its real worth. Timms& el Coassmpti ve per- use nue bees deceived repeatedly is bens, =dictates winch were said to be ensiled' cern, bet which have pawed wily palleativire, hot this reicticine is mot mil, palliative bun a ewe for .1. 5105103 lee" It state's' deleterious Drum sod eae trial .111 7.... up astonishing fakeer Wow Ma say martin or certificaies is enr- isi cessentwees •nil all 41..'.'.. of the Laois sad Liver each as Splitiag •f blood, Coelho, pais ia *8. Me sad seat, sight -swam, dte• CPATMO. -Ts pretest ear •wa as well as the iateraMsf OitssoMptiee esffroer,lre are oblig- ed to casein all to fied sigaseare *MOM - S TOCK & BROTHER on tbe wrapper, Wilt- on this it is • worthless esesterisit. ROIDIK11- ber CARLTON'S LINIMENT FOR THE PILES, &c. -It i.... nerd is the principal beepitals, sad i• the priests practice is oar coon try by s.,51.'. umber et eadi ned families, first & eenaisly for the cure of the Piles, nod else es toilettes', sad effectesily to UM* credulity unless where its effee4 we wit - w ren Entreat?, is Ore followise compleate:- Drew Swellings, Rhentatirms, Anew or Clim- ate. meing immediam ease, Sere Threat. her - see, Sprites, Berns. &c. Sores mid Ulcers. - Whether freeh or a lug 'landing. sad fever sores. Its operatine upon Welts aad child= ia =hates thesseinie 'wham loosesi•g coughs, owe= of the Met by relasatios of the parte harg brea serpriseag beyeed rucepties. CONIMNII remark ot those vehe have seed it is the Piles, is it acts like • charm." 11 4. war - tented to please soy perms that will try it. Carrion. -Never bey it nano yea 8.4 18. isc simile signature of Comstock & Brother, proprietom, se the wropper. -- AZOR'S TURKISH BALM. -The *sly certain reined.. fin Beldam, lead ler provesti•g &Nappies tee eiet ed the As•Toi- let article, for bersatifyiag sod keeping the Hatr soft, glesay, tad a abestiby coodition,it is sa- nulled. Its positive entities are as follow': let It frees dee bend from deadraff, strengthen • a roots, imparts health sad vigor a the laeroo, mid meows the hair dosages/ colour or genes grey. 24. It came the hair to coil beastefelly thee Mime op in it over sight. nos Balm le made from the original receipt matired from the oregisal Turkish Fiskein (physeeisa)ef Ceinuatilisople, where it is universally seed. - Tb. Turks have away@ bees celebrated for their weaderfel skill 4. emposediag ibe riches, per - feats aid all ethor teal snake Is Tarn', the 1.01.1114 herbs, ditc, a which 'bre Bias is composed, aro airsost saiworsally knows sad ssed for the Mar. Hues • case of baldness or thin treed d hair is "wifely 'unknown in that coestrys We wish bet one trial 4 be maccof it. that will do more to cos•isee you of les nr- tees thee all the sdentoretnents thao cas be published, tad that all may be able to ten its virtue', it 4 pet up is Large Bottles .*ib. low Prie.ate°ePticB.• itt Relarbeeh'tittle= has the sigesione of Comstock dr. Brother we the apleada wrapper. FOR THE MARRIED.-" Be ra FICIT- WM AND MOLTIPLT."-I• • C0.1111104 that Mend be cheerfully obeyed by the children of Mee. - De. LoalltrTeri 101,0 COIKIMAL, Proerestore Elixir, prescribed se as eSeetesal restorative i• mes of Deleilor. Jcwoonficy. et Barre . .14 all irregelansies of waters. It is ell tat it mo- hair, a be, via: Nature's Great 13,100.11iTT, sed remedy te these is the Nomad stat• within offopriag. It la • notai• ears for Semi sal Mee Gems! debility, Glees. Weakness el int Glottal Orans, Nereus Mimeses. Loewe - Mon or Whiles, A... is•istaratiag metherise it is aseenaled. Also. a certain remedy fer tiptoe! CeresemSeies, laligatios. hies a Mao. "Wirakaraptile:"De.todfti,yrei. is"Phers.tresrtelmed*Ite • tbe seer is asy of the above torriplaistli, peados@ Mee to dross wittiest off - 57▪ .105. Cerreoe Erraa.-Fered the IMMO el Com- stock a Brother oce the wrapper an Deolt buy it Salem you hod the shone same: as it has bees extensively coesterfeited of late. Avoid the cunterfert as yew maid pease. aiis To 00.15.01 Lev Di is m -Cease-enre s F000ta Ourrente. For the em of Touseler. Split Hoof, Hos- tler -Mend doom sad Comseted and hero ish Feet, Wooed*, Bruises i• tbe Flesh, Galled Beelm, Crocked Heels. Seratehes. Clue, caul, Ito se Mon Caritene Reog-B... Core. - Fee the um of Risg-Beee. Blood Beene, ame Spans. Weeigallei sea Spiest-a =Ins tem - d, . Careen'. Coeditors Feeders for HOMO. aod Cade. The chews d woollen sea seam, with de• dregs el use sod feed, Me a my 1140 yaw' um the bleed sad deem Wide of hones. It is at these changes tine retain as rowan en noire to threw off soy tender of @side d the body diet rnsr here bee. imbibed. rf Sot atteorted ts, emu remelt tbe Y▪ ellow Water. Haas, Warms. Bats. &a. All ▪ whkh witi be preemited by gine( ef awe powders, sad will at gay tim swejethes eery oresperas (mese sperne, if esed la tan They purify the bleed, reams all ieemeadee .53 4.0.,, Weer the ais. Mime the water. nal angoeste the sad* body. essailisg dem to de rIfts witb the same fed The reties et Mee powders le dhoti epee all the cumin Moak, sied 'Wieder* day 15'. the wee DIM e a.:mho illono, the Os. the Ase, sad all Hen dresess eamag from or e rederieg•bed state el the dud are speedily 514 3*, Nam Cannes. -Romeitm and sok air Conon* Cuddles Pewhine, sod take so Wow. Carrier Seem mid Noe Linumer for filerme, sof kg *4s.5. sf ail disseste el alas re beam that ream niers& septicemse. seal • metnered earth sad meselos, ernegthees weak reek sad is also geed for 'prem. broom orplas yak revere tree, sem, et al kirk es bosom Ceelose," ardeles Hamm Got• tie ore pramend feem she rape et • ary aerate - sed Fereism 154 1541 sere is 99 eases eel NM my et the ahem eseepleissa They beee Mee used W beemes, leery see. raw =dri=pee *thew web the mew embed ••••••• Cernms.-ferwrome be isseiss mires roe lloWl lhe eras of J Oneleme Demsesigh us she W ed web weer. Resergeor ihr, se Mrs adore beer -bore asseesirly eeeeepteit- eass eedritzeurire• woe 'Oben -'111:=;===epoppu IEDWIEZINL-U. Pe. Lersiaw' • Aleut* co. Ar earaisismal raellabs ismileffaltellhumiwibeee =ilaremert, Wiles et =teat: :r ,uiaistW SIS theomostisia, OM, emereesed Cosh. awl arid ears' Ikea who are mord tai walk "pus. Comsiock & Bather, hoodlum. New York, ad sees gums wiliest Mak same se d"4721AVACHF..-De. Klisit's Drops, lar the ewe older Teedeseler b hwish eseldsees don eve can tereemeesed1 aa as inallable sere in sll men =these say isjary 1U la• teeth er :70.141:11Pd" 7.11ary• nreeedy Mr Warms ever COMBTOCK'S VIRMIIUGE.-Tkis de.sed1A:11,0isestorupk7i27:fas.Cantylt "letrooldssi:iirol:ragir lecernewwillULIA4..tdaaW.Iti; 7hanaandaseft: fieelilf?thaloc Worm.. The coot, IS eta pet irettle, pats it loins the =eh M all. .4J1 meets who ere mochas' tt aro weateely ouresies the h....( ".heirchilareatotbtr11 esledestrojerscouieusof took el. wma..„Lo.ki.fib. .... Brother, proprietors, oa the Wimps/ d each Bottle. F -ABT INDIA HAIR DYL-Cern the Hair, asel an the Erie. Tbis dye my be sp- ina to the hair over night. the first sight ma- ims the kenos' Red or fhey Hair to • dark brews, sad b reprating a mead nigh". se a bright jet black. 'home facts are weessin by the mantas who mandacteres it, who is the celebrated amidst, I. Opmessok. anise, of Comstock'. Chemistry, Plealesepby, sad other w ake, asd School Books, well nava. Cairreom.-All et the above owned solderers geld oat, by Comstock & Bretber, 2 Si. Petter's Place, directly is rear of the Astor Hesse, be - ewes Barcley sad Vevey els., earl dam fru@ Batelle,. sad 0•40 Block fram Broadway, New York, to +bus all Men must be directed. All et the above Mama artistes • • sod only in Godench C. W., by Robert Park. blerwood tilituvIlLesi.dyle.b.HCraclat...:, math g•C..tratziosor; tin Gent, in Wooden\ by T. Seam is by Mitchell: in Eaneedyine by J. Cana; is Harmer, by IA. MeDersoril & Ce: is Misebell by T. Ford & Co.. sad Barr & Co.; is Eiden J. D. Deist: ia Drawers by Tirol. Emaire for Comstock & Bather's Ageism r1863. which will he gives te all gra= la Bayfield by C. Coen aad Garden; at Bell's Corms by 11. Brows. , COMI1TOCK'11 GREAT PAIN KILLER MO median 15. 4'.. discovered that is 11 happily adapted to sea latersally as deeps to be tales, aed yet perform each weeders inn appleed enemata ea a wash a beta. by foci, --a. 23.1.. is all ye* han to risk to try it: sad se that Deo rem be oo object to the promotes, it is hoped the; seek • pries taa be so obstacle to aay lamely. sod will never proves' its trial. Tlie price. 25 te so eta per bottle, seeernag tie the silo, will foible. 511 te um it. If yala deaths. bo- na s 25 cut Utile, sod that will ammo yaz dune, aad meek* yes hey, sad ses sad re- comrnead it to year Weeds, more than a isadred certificates meld. Who will to try it thee. sod save lite sad seffgrisg kr 25 wool& This "-Pais Kale:" may be used Intl a mem that will umiak the beholder. is @sett te. following: Cinders Mabee, Disterseim Dysen- tery, Psis is the aad Stomach. Cons, Cate and 1554505, Cheiera labeation. annehide, Idealise Some se Mao ter Boos, Chilies Teeth- iee, tiaras Bleed, Hearseseen Quinsy, i• • few Wan, Childs= sad Frosted relti. Speeees. /revisit 5 Blister hens Berea, Bakes BMWS, Mroolto.'"Cfarolfo. Marto, elentebso, or Tors hese, Bites se Wings. Certificates to 611 volszne migbt he pabteda4, ehowieg the nos - &On effects d Clouted's Pais Killer, but thee we toe comanoe, ant 04 tor articles dee awn. it; and lb* 23 real beetle welt 4s51n, tees • dimmed tusk news salon to wanton the seer. Beware of worthless articles called Para Killen. sad bey any bet Consume& GEORGE'S HONDURAS SARSAPA- RILLA EXTRACT, for the tare .1 14* diatom , arises' from =pore stale d the blood. Thi• Sanspantla cuisine tee times as much pm flasekeraa Elarsaparilla as way other. la fact, all other Seresperillas are priseipally composed of so retract hern thes worthless comma penile, dd. not now, the desired egret satil • person has poured perhaps deans elbow= isle 11. WWWID. Os the sostrary. 0..rgVI Heeda• bar Seresparills, from bang ceps..d dies hut materials awl smsfeetared with the greaten eare, (envy weed et the sarsaparilla 15sg ads - jetted to the "tricorn Cheesseel mu, .54 434 geesisesess sessertaised beau it is ueed.) awe inemeni•tely sad powerfully. This aro Illieeml Neetran, bat • purely VoWsable Composed, papered on sciestific prisciples, sad "WO nen cafideotly Men ihri bra fieraparilla ear hefon the public. Ler TNT L•DITA TAZZ NOT1C11. -Yoe ertarr are irefferisg wiih the isitay ins that 15.3. 814* up heir se, se matter heir desperate yam cam my be, b55.( dienteraged: neon so Georges Hosanna Saresperells, and y,. will fied if • delightful an effectual remedy. Yoe who desire • beestifid, clear skin, free from Pimples. Blotches, and all imperil/ea rely spoa it as the best Cosmetic is nee. We bring thee medicese before ter 'abbe, arefidest that the good commes arose a ills people will elesermieste between • =dime papered rm.% the pure Hoedowns Suseparala sod the *1,1.014worthless eittftler of • wortbiers plan wok when the causer, is felled. and confident, be- lieves( that orrecr's Heiden* Berimperat serea w54 ail, be slam seed. We bate pet % op en large bottles. d which ionised re tee 4 as of say egbot Sarsapartits me Md. C•criox Erni* -Tim rennet ecie Of Mir Medeciser baa Warm se meat whwe bes bees seta, ast aspreacided mes we already segeged io coeoleefeittag it; theverfore 0111•110110. Pled the 1140/* Ceesetock & Brotirr. Propriewes, .l the spleedid Weeper", or yoe wail be 13,01411- r4. All orders moat be addreseed 1 Cowisteek & Brothel, No. 9, St. Peter's Pau, rear of Aeon Huse, Now York Priee 41p15 beide or Six betties fee $5. *11 .1 this above ;lamed articles are sold Daly ie Godwin, C. Wo hi Robert Park. Marweed & Kesys, C. Crsbb, sed H. B, O'Comen is Straiten by 11. C. Lee: is Bt. Marys by T. B. Gra; at Berne Ceram by M. Brows: he Woodstock by T. 3511; UMW. by Metendl: Is Egmoodville by J. Carter: in Harperbey by M. McDermid & Co.: is Mitchell by T. Feed & Co., and Babb & Co.: ia Enders by J. D. Deal; is Delewrre by Tirol: is &yield by C. Crabb, sod Gordeer. Famine fee Comm* & 131041DIT'll A101.11•C foe 1853, which willbe OMB g rata. On. 15, 1839. 75.39 TRAVELLER'S HOME. • STRASBURG, W•ynatoo, p 2311 February, 1842. S THE Subsertber hereby !ntimates to hie A. fronds and the Travelltag Poblie gene- rally, that he Om removed frees New Aber - dem to the VIII ..e• ollitrashergb, eat will sow be toned is that well-ksown boos, for occupied by Mr. Joeits,-where he will Imp reedy sad able te coeds** to Gle cameral of those who my hour It. elitb their atavisms. And while he totems lemmike ter past favors, Iso hems. Ity send ntontine to the waster and wishes of his eso, still te merit • cattleman** of t Ir patreelge. JOHN A SRL. Id. 1. -Good STABLES aed attitetteo th6OISS. •1-61111 SAW MILL & PARK LOT FOR SALE. THE Mom 11111 sad Lot are ;dhoti 841 the North ekle of Kinesediwo Street, 15 tho fast improver Villas* of Peeditaactire. Per partrealare apply to WM. RASTA LL. Pestitsugers, 9411Nnv. 1811. 1401 Nelms To KARtN101/1. A KM LIOITT le Owed '11"vSIP" '4,14414' LA mid ef See* Pam, ee tb• Mei* . 3 .4. beebese. Goderkfti Anent nia. E. H. stwaurom, a e • 02.13 • .1. • el" r. ,1,